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The termini of the mature DNA of phage HP1c1 of Haemophilus influenzae Rd have been characterized by DNA ligation, nucleotide sequencing, and deoxynucleotide incorporation experiments. A hybrid plasmid containing the joined phage termini (the cos site) inserted into pBR322 has been constructed. The phage DNA has cohesive termini composed of complementary 5' single-stranded extensions which are seven residues long. The left cohesive terminal extension consists only of pyrimidines and the right only of purines. When the ends of the phage are joined, the terminal sequences constitute the central 7 bp of an 11 bp sequence containing only purines on one strand and pyrimidines on the other strand. This oligopyrimidine/oligopurine sequence does not possess rotational symmetry. A 10-bp sequence and its inverted repeat are located approx. 20 bp to the left and right of the fused ends.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the leftmost 2,363 base pairs of the HP1 genome, which includes the attachment site (attP) and the integration region, was determined. This sequence contained an open reading frame encoding a 337-residue polypeptide, which is a member of the integrase family of site-specific recombination proteins as judged by sequence comparison. The open reading frame was located immediately adjacent to the att site and was oriented so that initiation of translation would begin distal to the att site and end in its immediate vicinity. Expression of this DNA segment in Escherichia coli provided extracts which promoted site-specific recombination between plasmids containing cloned HP1 attP and Haemophilus influenzae attB sites. This recombination was directional, since no reaction was observed between plasmids containing attR and attL sites. The reaction was stimulated by the accessory protein integration host factor of E. coli. Evidence was also obtained that the integration host factor influenced the levels of HP1 integrase expression. The deduced amino acid sequence of HP1 integrase has remarkable similarity to that deduced for the integrase of coliphage 186.  相似文献   

The 32.4-kb genome of the Haemophilus influenzae bacteriophage HP1c1 contains at least twelve sites, each conferring high affinity for the DNA uptake system of transformable H. influenzae Rd. Five of these high-affinity sites have been located and their nucleotide sequences determined. Three sites contained a contiguous 9-bp sequence identical to the first nine residues of the 11-bp site previously identified as conferring high affinity for the H. influenzae transformation receptor to DNA fragments. The remaining two sites contained complete 11-bp sequences. In contrast, an HP1c1 restriction fragment containing a sequence identical to the final nine residues of the 11-bp uptake site exhibits only a low affinity for the DNA uptake system. An 8-bp sequence consisting of the first eight residues of the 11-bp site was 1% as active as the longer, high-affinity sites. Thus the first 9-bp of the 11-bp site are sufficient to direct high-affinity uptake, while the first 8-bp or the distal 9-bp are not. These results provide an initial assessment of the relative contributions of the individual residues constituting the 11-bp site to the apparent affinity of DNA fragments for the receptor of Haemophilus transformation.  相似文献   

The biological fate of temperate phage HP1 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was followed after uptake by defectively lysogenic competent Haemophilus influenzae cultures. The similar inactivation kinetics of three single phage genetic markers and of their triple combination indicated a complete rather than partial destruction of about half of the adsorbed DNA molecules. Intracellular DNA breakdown products were tentatively identified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography as short single strands and extensively damaged short double strands. Integrated donor DNA (after single-strand insertion?) was still highly efficient for triple-marker co-transformation. This suggests that whole or nearly whole donor DNA molecules were integrated. Some donor DNA was never integrated but remained largely unaltered. This DNA fraction did not contain significant amounts of recipient prophage marker activity. It is concluded that it had not participated in some kind of reciprocal recombination event involving the recipient chromosome. Since very similar phage DNA marker inactivation rates were observed after adsorption by competent nonlysogenic recipients (transfection), the relationship between biological inactivation of adsorbed donor phage DNA and its integration in lysogenic recipients is not clear.  相似文献   

The putative product of orf13 from the genome of Haemophilus influenzae HP1 bacteriophage shows homology only to bacteriophage T1 Dam methyltransferase, and a weak similarity to the conserved amino acids sequence motifs characteristic of m6A-methyltransferases. Especially interesting is lack of characteristic motif I responsible for binding of S-adenosylmethionine. Despite this fact, a DNA sequence of HP1 bacteriophage of Haemophilus influenzae encoding methyltransferase activity was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli using pMPMT4 omega expression vector. The cloned methyltransferase recognizes the sequence 5'-GATC-3' and methylates an adenine residue. The enzyme methylates both double- and single-stranded DNA substrates.  相似文献   

The resolution of high molecular weight DNA fragments by field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) demonstrate the presence of two phage (S2 and HP1c1) integration sites (attB) in the Haemophilus influenzae Rd chromosome. In a population of wild-type cells either prophage site appears to be occupied in a single cell by one to at least three, tandemly repeated, amplified phage DNA molecules. The attL of the second bacterial attachment site present in the host SmaI fragment 7 and the leftmost part of phage S2 type B DNA of its genome organization (Piekarowicz et. al., 1986) have been sequenced. A comparison of the two bacterial att sites demonstrated that their homology is limited to the core region. A comparison of the DNA sequences of phage S2 type B and HP1c1 type C revealed a 530-bp insertion in the HP1c1 type C (not present in S2 type B) in addition to DNA variants due mostly to single-base mismatches. We postulate that phage S2 and HP1c1 genome variants (A, B, and C) evolved from a single phage origin and might stem from passage history arisen through accumulation of mutations.  相似文献   

Plasmids were constructed which contain both attP and attB DNA segments derived from the insertion sites of the lysogenic bacteriophage HP1 and its host, Haemophilus influenzae. Similar plasmids containing the two junction segments (attL and attR regions) between the phage genome and the lysogenic host chromosome were also prepared. The formation of recombinant dimer plasmids was observed when attP-attB plasmids were propagated in Escherichia coli HB101 (recA), while plasmids containing the junction segments did not form recombinant dimers. Deletion of the phage DNA segment adjacent to the attP site from the attP-attB constructions eliminated detectable recombination, suggesting that this sequence contains the gene encoding the HP1 integrase. No plasmid recombination was observed in strains of E. coli defective in integration host factor. This suggests that integration host factor is important in the expression or activity of the system which produces the site-specific recombination of sequences derived from HP1 and H. influenzae. Further, it suggests that a protein functionally analogous to E. coli integration host factor may be present in H. influenzae.  相似文献   

A physical map of the 32.4-kb chromosome of the Haemophilus influenzae bacteriophage Hp1c1 has been constructed, using the cleavage sites of eight restriction endonucleases. Two temperature-sensitive mutations have also been localized on the phage chromosome. The phage DNA exhibited an affinity for the specific DNA receptor of Haemophilus transformation approx. 1.5-fold higher than that obtained with bulk chromosomal DNA of H. influenzae.  相似文献   

Comparison of HP1c1 and S2 phages of Haemophilus influenzae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical maps constructed by localization of the cleavage sites of several restriction endonucleases have shown that the chromosome of Haemophilus influenzae bacteriophage S2 and HP1c1 can possess different types of molecular organization (Piekarowicz, Brzezinski, Smorawinska, Kauc, Skowronek, Lenarczyk & Go?embiewska, 1986). We have compared the physical maps of the HP1c1 and S2 phage DNAs of type B and the results led us to conclude that there are no differences between these two phages of the same type of molecular organization of the genomes, i.e. S2 and HP1c1 is the same phage. We also suggest that some of the fine differences between these two phages noted in some laboratories were induced only by different type of genome of the same phage.  相似文献   

Physical maps constructed by the localization of the cleavage site of several restriction endonucleases have shown that the genomes of the Haemophilus bacteriophages S2 and HP1c1 exist in variant forms which differ in the molecular organization of the genomes. At least three regions of different organization of the bacteriophage chromosomes have been identified. The different types of molecular organization can be detected both in the DNA isolated from the mature phage particles and after integration of the phage DNA into the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing DNA segments from the attachment region of phage HP1 were constructed and tested for the ability to replace the phage attachment site substrate in site-specific recombination reactions. The distance separating the boundaries of the functional site was 418 bp. Replacements within the 11-residue segment 5'-GGCGGTTATCG at the left boundary or within the 12-residue segment 5'-GGATTTTTTGAA at the right boundary abolished substrate activity. A segment of the 418-residue sequence preserves the integrity of an operon of three Haemophilus influenzae tRNA genes after HP1 insertion within the coding sequence.  相似文献   

The specific DNA-binding protein integration host factor (IHF) of Escherichia coli stimulates the site-specific recombination reaction between the attP site of bacteriophage HP1 and the attB site of its host, Haemophilus influenzae, in vitro and also appears to regulate the expression of HP1 integrase. IHF interacts specifically with DNA segments containing the att sites and the integrase regulatory region, as judged by IHF-dependent retardation of relevant DNA fragments during gel electrophoresis. The locations of the protein-binding sites were identified by DNase I protection experiments. Three sites in the HP1 attP region bound IHF, two binding sites were present in the vicinity of the attB region, and one region containing three partially overlapping sites was present in the HP1 integrase regulatory segment. The binding sites defined in these experiments all contained sequences which matched the consensus IHF binding sequences first identified in the lambda attP region. An activity which stimulated the HP1 site-specific integration reaction was found in extracts of H. influenzae, suggesting that an IHF-like protein is present in this organism.  相似文献   

Organization of the Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome.   总被引:31,自引:23,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Temperate phage HP1c1 produces large quantities of incomplete phage-like particles when grown on Haemophilus influenzae BC200, a strain apparently cured of a common defective prophage.  相似文献   

Isotopic transfer experiments and boundary replacement studies were used to define the size and cleavage points of the Haemophilus influenzae attB site for phage HP1 integration. The points of strand cleavage and transfer were separated by 5' extensions with a spacing or overlap region most probably 7 residues long. The complete HP1 attB site is included within an 18-base pair (bp) sequence surrounding the cleavage sites. The sequence of HP1 attB is remarkably symmetric. Two 8-bp inverted repeats surround the central residue of the 7-bp overlap sequence; this central residue is the second residue of the anticodon sequence of the H. influenzae tRNA(leu)(UUR) gene which contains attB, and this symmetric segment encodes the anticodon stem and loop.  相似文献   

Labelled oligonucleotides have been fractionated from DNAase digests of phage λ DNA that had been methylated with the phage P1 modification enzyme and S-[methyl-14C]adenosyl-l-methionine. The longest sequences established are the tetranucleotides pG-ǎ?-T-C4 and p?-T-C-T, which, together with the other sequences determined, particularly pA-G-?, show that the modification enzyme, M.EcoP1, methylates adenine residues within defined sequences and suggest that the oligonucleotide sequence recognized by this enzyme is the hexanucleotide pA-G-A-T-C-T. The duplex formed by base-pairing this hexanucleotide with its complementary sequence resembles the recognition sequence for several restriction enzymes in being bisected by an axis of 2-fold rotational symmetry.  相似文献   

Size and physical map of the chromosome of Haemophilus influenzae.   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A variation of pulse-field electrophoresis, field-inversion gel electrophoresis, was used to determine the size and physical map of the chromosome of Haemophilus influenzae. The DNA of H. influenzae had a low G + C content (39%) and no restriction sites for the enzymes NotI or SfiI. However, a number of restriction enzymes (SmaI, ApaI, NaeI, and SacII) that recognized 6-base-pair sequences containing only G and C nucleotides were found to generate a reasonable number of DNA fragments that were separable in agarose gels by field-inversion gel electrophoresis. The sizes of the DNA fragments were calibrated with a lambda DNA ladder and lambda DNA restriction fragments. The sum of fragment sizes obtained with restriction digests yielded a value for the chromosome of 1,980 kilobase pairs. Hybridization of a labeled fragment with two or more fragments from a digest with a different restriction enzyme provided the information needed to construct a circular map of the H. influenzae chromosome.  相似文献   

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