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The purH and purD genes coding for the 5'-phosphoribosyl 5-amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide (AICAR) transformylase and 5'-phosphoribosyl-glycinamide (GAR) synthetase, respectively, were identified on a 4.8 kb Eco RI fragment of chromosomal DNA from Salmonella typhimurium. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned fragment revealed the presence of two large open reading frames (O.R.F.), which were separated by 11 base pairs (bp). Substantial DNA and amino acid sequence homology was noted between the purH and purD genes of S. typhimurium and Escherichia coli. Expression of the Salmonella purD gene in a T7 polymerase/promoter system revealed the presence of a 49 kDa protein band by SDS-PAGE and subsequent autoradiography. The purH gene of Salmonella was not expressed since the 5' end of this gene was not cloned.  相似文献   

Six epidemiologically distinct ancestral strains of Salmonella enteritidis and 5 of S. typhimurium from the pre-antibiotic era were examined for plasmid content, and for presence of plasmid genes implicated in mouse-virulence. Five sizes of plasmid were detected in S. enteritidis varying from 1 to 60 MDa. Two sizes of plasmid were found in S. typhimurium, 28 and 60 MDa. Plasmids of the same size were not common to both serovars. The HindIII restriction patterns of 3 of the ancestral S. enteritidis plasmids were identical to the modern 38 MDa plasmid, while all contained identical bands of 3.5, 2.7 and 1.9 kb. All the 60-MDa S. typhimurium plasmids, ancestral and contemporary, had an identical restriction pattern. Three different sized S. enteritidis plasmids and one size S. typhimurium plasmid contained a 3.5-kb DNA fragment carrying the virulence locus VirA. The VirB virulence locus was located on a 2.7-kb DNA fragment in S. enteritidis and on a 2.5-kb fragment in S. typhimurium. Both loci were precisely conserved between the ancestral strains and the modern representatives of both serovars.  相似文献   

The 90-kilobase (kb) virulence plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium is responsible for invasion from the intestines to mesenteric lymph nodes and spleens of orally inoculated mice. We used Tn5 and aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (aph) gene insertion mutagenesis and deletion mutagenesis of a previously identified 14-kb virulence region to reduce this virulence region to 7.8kb. The 7.8-kb virulence region subcloned into a low copy-number vector conferred a wild-type level of splenic infection to virulence plasmid-cured S. typhimurium and conferred essentially a wild-type oral LD50. Insertion mutagenesis identified five loci essential for virulence, and DNA sequence analysis of the virulence region identified six open reading frames. Expected protein products were identified from four of the six genes, with three of the proteins identified as doublet bands in Escherichia coli minicells. Three of the five mutated genes were able to be complemented by clones containing only the corresponding wild-type gene. Only one of the five deduced amino acid sequences, that of the positive regulatory element, SpvR, possessed significant homology to other proteins. The codon usage for the virulence genes showed no codon bias, which is consistent with the low levels of expression observed for the corresponding proteins. Consensus promoters for several different sigma factors were identified upstream of several of the genes, whereas only consensus Rho-dependent termination sequences were observed between certain of the genes. The operon structure of this virulence region therefore appears to be complex. The construction of the cloned 7.8-kb virulence region and the determination of the DNA sequence will aid in the further genetic analysis of the five plasmid-encoded virulence genes of S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the Salmonella typhimurium himA gene.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

S Taira  M Rhen 《FEBS letters》1989,257(2):274-278
The ability of intracellular growth is plasmid-dependent in Salmonella typhimurium. Only a small portion of this 96 kilobase pair plasmid appears essential for intracellular growth. The genetic organization of this region (the essential virulence determinant) was resolved. Fragments of the virulence determinant were cloned from the 96-kb plasmid pEX102 and transformed into minicell-producing E. coli. Plasmid-directed protein synthesis was investigated in metabolically labeled minicells. This analysis indicated the presence of at least four genes, mkaA, mkaB, mkaC and mkaD, within the virulence determinant encoding proteins of 70, 31, 30 and 29 kDa, respectively. The genes were positioned on the restriction map of the 96-kb virulence plasmid and the map locations confirmed by nucleotide sequence analysis of two new virulence genes (mkaB and mkaC).  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of conjugative plasmid pUM505 isolated from a clinical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The plasmid had a length of 123,322 bp and contained 138 complete coding regions, including 46% open reading frames encoding hypothetical proteins. pUM505 can be considered a hybrid plasmid because it presents two well-defined regions. The first region corresponded to a larger DNA segment with homology to a pathogenicity island from virulent Pseudomonas strains; this island in pUM505 was comprised of genes probably involved in virulence and genes encoding proteins implicated in replication, maintenance and plasmid transfer. Sequence analysis identified pil genes encoding a type IV secretion system, establishing pUM505 as a member of the family of IncI1 plasmids. Plasmid pUM505 also contained virB4/virD4 homologues, which are linked to virulence in other plasmids. The second region, smaller in length, contains inorganic mercury and chromate resistance gene clusters both flanked by putative mobile elements. Although no genes for antibiotic resistance were identified, when pUM505 was transferred to a recipient strain of P. aeruginosa it conferred resistance to the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin. pUM505 also conferred resistance to the superoxide radical generator paraquat. pUM505 could provide Pseudomonas strains with a wide variety of adaptive traits such as virulence, heavy-metal and antibiotic resistance and oxidative stress tolerance which can be selective factors for the distribution and prevalence of this plasmid in diverse environments, including hospitals and heavy metal contaminated soils.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a DNA segment that contains the Salmonella typhimurium trpC-trpB junction. A series of 11 amino acids predicted from the sequence are identical to the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of Escherichia coli tryptophan synthetase β (Crawford et al., 1979). Carboxypeptidase A digestion of phosphoribosyl-anthranilate isomerase-indoleglycerolphosphate synthetase identified its carboxy-terminal amino acids allowing us to specify the end of trpC. Nine nucleotides separate the terminator codon of trpC from the initiator codon of trpB. The messenger RNA around the trpB initiation site, as well as around many other prokaryotic ribosome binding sites, has the potential to form stable stem and loop structures. These secondary structures share the property of having most, if not all, of the sequences complementary to the 3′ end of 16 S ribosomal RNA, as well as the initiator codon, included in single-stranded regions.  相似文献   

A cloned fragment of Salmonella typhimurium DNA complemented the defect in cobalamin uptake of Escherichia coli or S. typhimurium btuB mutants, which lack the outer membrane high-affinity transport protein. This DNA fragment did not carry btuB and was derived from the 90-kb plasmid resident in S. typhimurium strains. The cobalamin transport activity engendered by this plasmid had substantially lower affinity and activity than that conferred by btuB. Complementation behavior and maxicell analyses of transposon insertions showed that the cloned fragment encoded five polypeptides, at least two of which were required for complementation activity. The nucleotide sequence of the coding region for one of these polypeptides, an outer membrane protein of about 84,000 Da, was determined. The deduced polypeptide had properties typical of outer membrane proteins, with an N-terminal signal sequence and a predicted preponderance of beta structure. This outer membrane protein had extensive amino acid sequence homology with PapC and FaeD, two E. coli outer membrane proteins involved in the export and assembly of pilus and fimbria subunits on the cell surface. This homology raises the likelihood that the observed cobalamin transport did not result from the production of an authentic transport system but that overexpression of one or more outer membrane proteins allowed leakage of cobalamins through the perturbed outer membrane. These results also suggest that the 90-kb plasmid carries genes encoding an adherence mechanism.  相似文献   

We have obtained the entire nucleotide sequence of the penultimate gene of the tryptophan operon, trpB, in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. The amino acid sequence deduced for the E. coli gene product is in agreement with earlier, fragmentary protein sequence results. The trpB nucleotide sequences for the two bacterial species are perfectly colinear and show 85% identity. Most of the nucleotide differences found are without consequence for the amino acid sequence, which shows greater than 96% identity. The degree of conservation of both the nucleotide and amino acid sequences is significantly greater than for trpA, the adjacent gene encoding the other subunit of the same enzyme. When synonymous third codon position nucleotide differences are examined, they seem to be distributed at random throughout trpB and trpA, except for one completely conserved 66 basepair long region within trpB.  相似文献   

Many Salmonella Enteritidis virulence factors are encoded by genes localized on plasmids, especially large virulence plasmid, in highly conserved fragment, they create spv plasmid gene group. The aims of realized researches were spv genes occurrence evaluation and composition analysis among Salmonella Enteritidis strains caused infection in chickens. Researches were realized on 107 isolates, where in every cases large virulence plasmid 59 kbp size were detected. Specific nucleotides sequences of spv genes (spvRABCD) were detected in 47.7% of isolates. In the rest of examined bacteria spv genes occurred variably. Most often extreme genes of spv group, like spvR and spvD were absent, what could indicate that factors encoded by them are not most important for Salmonella Enteritidis live and their expressed virulence.  相似文献   

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