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In an investigation carried out in the allergological clinic of the Tbilisi State Medical Institute in the period between two outbreaks of influenza, the presence of influenza antigen was determined in nasal washings taken from 127 patients with different allergoses and bronchial asthma by means of the enzyme immuno-assay with the use of the type-specific virion antigen of M1-protein. This method was found to be highly sensitive and to have some advantages over traditional methods used for the diagnosis of influenza. In patients with preasthma and different forms of bronchial asthma elevated susceptibility to influenza infection and its unfavorable influence on the clinical course of these pathological conditions were established.  相似文献   

A fluorescent probe was used to study hydrocortisone (10 microM) action on mitogen-stimulated free cytoplasmic calcium level in lymphocytes of patients with bronchial asthma. The patients were divided into two groups according to their sensitivity to glucocorticoid therapy. Hydrocortisone-specific calcium-blocking effect was absent in hormone-resistant patients. Lymphocytes of hormone-sensitive patients responded to hydrocortisone administration by a decline of mitogen-induced calcium level.  相似文献   

In this study, serum copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium concentrations were investigated in 40 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and in 43 healthy subjects. Copper and calcium levels were found to be increased in patients with BA compared to the control group (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001 respectively). On the other hand, the serum zinc level was significantly lower in healthy subjects (p < 0.01). No changes were found in serum magnesium and iron levels in patients with BA compared to controls. In addition to various elements, certain serum proteins such as albumin, transferrin and ferritin were also assessed to determine whether there was a relationship between the elements and proteins in patients with BA. There was only a significant decrease in albumin concentration in patients with BA (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Patients with infectious allergic bronchial asthma have been shown to have a defect in the chemotaxis of neutrophils. This defect is more pronounced in corticosteroid-dependent patients.  相似文献   

Antibodies to calcitonin, parathyroid hormone and cortisol are detected in acute stage of infection-caused bronchial asthma. The appearance of antibodies is paralleled by marked hypercalcaemia. The antibodies may bind excessive hormones in the blood, preventing further hormonal imbalance. Ten-day treatment with glucocorticoids decreased the amount of antibodies possibly due to normalization of hormonal secretion and restoration of their balance. As a result, calcium blood levels returned to normal.  相似文献   

An effect of beclomethasone dipropionate (Beclocort-Polfa) was investigated in the group of 24 patients with atopic and non-atopic bronchial asthma who have shown unspecific bronchial hyperreactivity to histamine during the periods of remission. The drug was administered in the form of aerosol in a daily dose of 1.0 mg for 4 weeks. Provocative histamine dose was established with Bronchoscreen device (Jaeger) thrice:prior to the treatment, after 1 week of placebo therapy, and after 1 month of beclomethasone administration. Statistically significant increase in histamine dose for provocation of bronchospasm (p < 0.01) being nearly twice higher than the baseline value has been noted in patients treated with beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol. It advocates such a treatment in unspecific bronchial hyperreactivity independently of the type of the bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Level of circulating immunological complexes and their immunoglobulin content have been determined in 36 asthmatic patients, including 15 patients with atopic asthma and 21 patients with infectious asthma. A technique of staphylococcal protein A binding has shown, that the level of the circulating immunological complexes is increased in patients with infectious bronchial asthma. An amount of IgE in these complexes has been increased in both atopic and infectious bronchial asthma. However, a level of IgE-containing immunological complexes has been higher in the atopic asthma, then that in infectious form of the disease. An increased IgA content in the immunological complexes has been noted in the infectious asthma.  相似文献   

The analysis of the efficacy of various methods of antibacterial therapy in 1382 patients with obliterated, light and moderately severe forms of dysentery as compared to the patients subjected only to patholgenic therapy showed that broad spectrum antibiotics lost their role in treatment of such patients. Furazolidon proved to be one of the most active drugs. The authors suppose that treatment of patients with obliterated forms of dysentery with antibacterial drugs is not obligatory and is indicated only in cases with repeated isolation of the causative agent.  相似文献   

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