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Summary Wound repair and proliferation were examined in the injured newt atrium with light- and electron-microscopic techniques including autoradiography. Hearts were injured by removing a piece approximately 0.5 mm2 of the atrial wall. The five-day wound was an endothelial and mesothelial-lined blood clot bordered by a 150-m necrotic zone. Repair progressed from the periphery inward with areas of macrophage activity replaced by fibroblasts and connective tissue. The wound at 25 days consisted of a scar with few myocytes. There was no difference in the proliferative behavior between the right and left atria. Proliferative cells were localized to a 500-m reactive zone surrounding the wound. The maximum mesothelial cell thymidine-labeling index of 20.5% and mitotic index of 1.4% were seen 5 days after injury. The peak connective tissue cell thymidine-labeling index of 10.2% and mitotic index of 0.4% were seen 10 days after wounding. The peak thymidine-labeling index of 9.8% for myocardial cells was recorded 10 days after injury with a mitotic index of 0.2%. Proliferation returned to control levels by 25 days post-injury. Electron microscopy demonstrated that myocytes engaged in DNA synthesis were indistinguishable from control myocytes. Z-band material was not observed in mitotic myocytes, but myofilaments and junctions were present.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms governing the proliferation of cardiac myocytes it is important to identify the factors controlling this phenomenon, and to characterize their actions. DNA synthesis was quantified in vitro in ventricular myocytes from the adult redspotted newt, Notophthalmus viridescens. Ventricles were enzymatically separated and plated onto laminin. Myocytes were fed modified L-15 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, and were variously treated with transforming growth factor-beta, transforming growth factor-beta combined with platelet-derived growth factor, acidic fibroblast growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, heparin, or conditioned medium from ventricular myocytes or non-myocytes (primarily endothelial cells). With their final feeding the cells were given 1 Ci/ml of tritiated thymidine, and 24 hours later were fixed and stained. Dishes were coated with photographic emulsion, exposed, and developed. The percent of cells with labeled nuclei was determined. Experimental media that significantly increased DNA synthesis included those containing acidic fibroblast growth factor (121% of control), basic fibroblast growth factor (119% of control), 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (233% of control) and conditioned medium from ventricular myocytes (230% of control) or non-myocytes (128% of control). Media significantly inhibiting DNA synthesis were those containing heparin (31% of control), transforming growth factor-beta (38% of control), non-myocyte conditioned medium and heparin (75% of control), or transforming growth factor-beta and platelet-derived growth factor (63% of control).  相似文献   

Summary Myeloid bodies are believed to be differentiated areas of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membranes, and they are found within the retinal pigment epithelium in a number of lower vertebrates. Previous studies demonstrated a correlation between phagocytosis of outer segment disc membranes and myeloid body numbers in the retinal pigment epithelium of the newt. To test the hypothesis that myeloid bodies are directly involved in outer segment lipid metabolism and to further characterize the origin and functional significance of these organelles, we examined the effects on myeloid bodies of eliminating the source of outer segment membrane lipids (neural retina removal) and of the subsequent return of outer segments (retinal regeneration) in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Light- and electron-microscopic analysis demonstrated that myeloid bodies disappeared from the pigment epithelium within six days of neural retina removal. By week 6 of regeneration, rudimentary photoreceptor outer segments were present but myeloid bodies were still absent. However, at this time, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in some areas of the retinal pigment epithelial cells had become flattened, giving rise to small (0.5 m long), two-to-four layer-thick lamellar units, which are myeloid body precursors. Small myeloid bodies were first observed one week later at week 7 of retinal regeneration. This study revealed that newt myeloid bodies are specialized areas of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It also showed that a contact between functional photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium is essential to the presence of myeloid bodies in the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the immune system might figure prominently in the regulation of forelimb regeneration. However, neither the nature of this influence nor the aspect(s) of regeneration influenced are clearly known. The determination of which components of the immune system are indispensable for regeneration would be a logical first step in attempting to address such questions. This investigation, therefore, examined the effects of removing the spleen, a major lymphoid organ in the newt, upon the progress of regeneration. Splenectomies performed concomitantly with or after forelimb amputation failed to alter the time course of regeneration. Splenectomies, but not sham-splenectomies, performed prior to amputation reduced the time required to achieve successive stages of regeneration under some, but not all conditions, i.e., when performed 10–20 days before amputation, during the late fall and winter. Up until 35 days after amputation, no gross morphological distortions were observed as a result of splenectomy. It was concluded that the spleen is not required for regeneration to occur.Portions of this work constitute part of the thesis submitted by M.E. Fini in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree in Biology at Boston College  相似文献   

Summary Previous work has shown that the monoclonal antibody 22/18 identifies progenitor cells (blastemal cells) which depend on the nerve for their division in the early stages of limb regeneration in the newt,Notophthalmus viridescens. This antibody also reacts with cultured cells derived from the newt limb, and the intensity of immunoreactivity appears related to cell density and differentiation into myotubes. We report here that the monoclonal antibody 22/18 recognizes a polypeptide (22/18 antigen) which is intracellular and filamentous. Double staining of cells with 22/18 monoclonal antibody and antibodies against various cytoskeletal components indicates that the epitope is expressed on an intermediate filament component. Although this antibody is specific for blastemal cells in cryostat sections of the regenerating limb, its reactivity on immunoblots is not confined to this tissue. The 22/18 antigen is differentially affected by aldehyde fixatives distinguished by the spacing of their reactive groups. While formaldehyde fixation impairs detection of the antigen, ethylene glycol-bis[succinic acid n-hydroxysuccinimide ester] reveals the antigen in sections of normal and regenerating limbs in a distribution that is consistent with the one obtained from immunoblots. We suggest that the 22/18 monoclonal antibody detects a change in protein conformation, probably related to changes in the physiological state of the cell, that occurs transiently during regeneration and possibly during development.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of prolactin has been examined in regenerating forelimbs from the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Specific prolactin binding was demonstrated in homogenates of unamputated tissue, and of regenerating limbs at from 3 to 21 days postamputation. Labeled prolactin that was injected intraperitoneally into animals with one regenerating limb accumulated in the most distal portion of the regenerate at 7 and 14 days postamputation. Light microscopic autoradiography demonstrated that labeled prolactin was localized most heavily in the apical, outer layer of the wound epithelium. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that, in addition to changes in prolactin affinity following amputation, morphological changes occurred in the apical wound epithelium as well. Cell surfaces of the stump epidermis were characterized by periodic dispersion of papillae among a network of interconnecting structures 1–2 m across. By contrast, the surfaces of cells from the area in which labeled prolactin was found to localize most intensely were characterized by lack of papillae and, depending on the stage of regeneration, a pattern of microvilli and microplicae. These morphological alterations appear to reflect functional and biochemical differences between stump epidermis and wound epithelium.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the predatory aquatic salamanderNotophthalmus, N. viridescens viridescens andN. v. dorsalis, differ in adult body size and geographic distribution. We tested whether experimental populations of the two predator subspecies differed in their effects on prey populations ofB. americanus, and whether observed differences in predator body size were genetic and/or environmentally induced. We compared the effects of predation by bothNotophthalmus subspecies on larvalBufo americanus by experimentally manipulating the densities (0, 2, or 4 newts/m3) and subspecies ofNotophthalmus (N. v. viridescens orN. v. dorsalis) added to artificial ponds. BothNotophthalmus subspecies significantly reducedB. americanus survival, but differed significantly in this effect. FewerBufo survived with the larger subspecies,N. v. viridescens, than with the smallerNotophthalmus subspecies,N. v. dorsalis. TheNotophthalmus subspecies differed in their patterns of adult and larval growth. Adults of the smaller subspecies,N. v. dorsalis, had a significantly higher growth rate than the larger subspecies,N. v. viridescens, under common environmental conditions, suggesting that differences in predator size were partly genetic, rather than entirely environmentally induced. LarvalN. v. dorsalis metamorphosed significantly later in the season than larvae ofN. v. viridescens, suggesting that larvalN. v. dorsalis had a lower growth rate than larvalN. v. viridescens. Differences in adult and larval growth, together with differences in the minimum adult size observed in natural populations, suggest that differences in the rate or duration of pre-adult growth may contribute substantially to observed differences in size.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteases and their inhibitors may regulate a number of important processes involved in forelimb regeneration in the adult newt, including epithelial remodeling, breakdown of extracellular matrix, and dedifferentiation. We have identified a newt homologue of human ElastaseI (NvElastaseI) and its potential inhibitor, SLPI (NvSLPI), and evaluated their spatial and temporal expression during limb regeneration. NvElastaseI is upregulated early in regeneration and is associated with subdermal and wound epithelial cells, suggesting an involvement in wound healing and the generation of the wound epithelium. Up until 15 days post-amputation, NvElastaseI is also scattered throughout the developing blastema and may have a role in the dedifferentiation of stump tissues. NvSLPI is found at the interface between the intact skin and the wound epithelium, and may limit NvElastaseI activity. NvSLPI is also expressed in dermal glands, and is likely involved in anti-microbial activity or function. Quite apart from regeneration, complementary patterns of expression of NvElastaseI and NvSLPI are associated with newt epithelial sloughing.  相似文献   

Summary In the newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, hypophysectomy results in progressive atrophy of the thyroid cells to the point of irreversible degeneration. After exclusive TSH-stimulation of hypophysectomized newts, increased endocytotic activity of the follicular epithelium is observed. Prolactin stimulation under the same conditions prevents atrophy but does not result in increased cell activity, as expressed by the reduced amount of microvilli and the lack of endocytotic activity. Combined TSH- and prolactin stimulation also results in cell activation, but the activation level of exclusively TSH-stimulated cells is not reached. Although prolactin prevents cellular atrophy and degeneration of the follicular epithelium, it reduces the TSH-induced activation of the thyroid epithelium.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is described at 15 loci in 2 neotenic and 12 nonneotenic populations of red-spotted newts. Though high levels of genetic similarity (I=0.990) were found among all populations, allele frequencies at six of the eight most polymorphic loci show significant heterogeneity across populations. Change in allele frequencies at two of these loci (Pep-2 and Ldh-1) is significantly correlated with latitude. Interspecific homologies are established for newt peptidases based on substrate specificities and lactate dehydrogenases based on tissue distribution, thermal stability, and kinetic properties. Nonneotenic populations are highly variable (H=0.157) and neotenic populations are only slightly, but significantly, less variable (H=0.120). The high levels of heterozygosity detected in nonneotenic populations may result from large effective population size and/or environmental heterogeneity. The unexpectedly high heterozygosity values obtained for the neotenic populations may indicate adult dispersal or the presence of some previously undetected red efts at these localities. In any case, a major change in life history has apparently had little effect on the genetic structure of these populations.This research was supported by grants from the Blakeslee Fund of Smith College.  相似文献   

The distribution of immunoreactivity for histamine was studied in the brain of the urodele Triturus carnifex using the indirect immunofluorescence method. Histamine-immunoreactive cell bodies were localized in the caudal hypothalamus within the dorsolateral walls of the infundibular recesses. These immunoreactive cell bodies were pear-shaped, bipolar and frequently of the cerebrospinal-fluid-contacting type. Histaminergic nerve fibers were detected in almost all parts of the brain. Dense innervation was seen in the telencephalic medial pallium and ventral striatum, the neuropil of the preoptic area, the septum, the paraventricular organ, the posterior commissure, the caudal hypothalamus, the ventral and lateral mesencephalic tegmentum. Medium density innervation was observed in the lateral mesencephalic tegmentum and optic tectum. Poor innervation was present in the telencephalic dorsal pallium and in the central gray of the medulla oblongata. Few fibers occurred in the olfactory bulbs and in the telencephalic lateral pallium. Double immunofluorescence staining, using an antibody against tyrosine hydroxylase, showed that histamine-immunostained somata and those containing tyrosine-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity were co-distributed in the tuberal hypothalamus. No co-occurrence of histamine-like and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunostaining was seen in the same neuron. The pattern of histamine-immunoreactive neurons in the newt was similar to that described in other vertebrates. Our observations, carried out on the apparently simplified brain of the newt confirm that the basic histaminergic system is well conserved throughout vertebrates.  相似文献   

Eastern red spotted newts, as aquatic adults, are active year round. They are small and easy to handle, and thus lent themselves to a laboratory study of seasonal changes in preferred body temperature and biochemical acclimatization. We collected newts in summer (n=20), late fall (n=10) and winter (n=5). Ten each of the summer and late fall newts were subjected to an aquatic thermal gradient. Summer newts maintained higher cloacal temperatures than late fall newts (26.8+/-0.5 degrees C and 17.2+/-0.4 degrees C, respectively). In addition, the activity of three muscle metabolic enzymes (cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), citrate synthase (CS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)) was studied in all newts collected. Newts compensated for lower late fall and winter temperatures by increasing the activity of CCO during those seasons over that in summer newts at all assay temperatures (8, 16 and 26 degrees C). The activity of CS was greater in winter over summer newts at 8 and 16 degrees C. No seasonal differences in LDH activity were demonstrated. These data in newts indicate that this amphibian modifies some muscle metabolic enzymes in relation to seasonal changes and can modify its behavioral in a way that correlates with those biochemical changes.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural distibution and histochemical properties of sulfated glycoconjugates were investigated in the developing enamel of the adult newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster, by use of the high-iron diamine thiocarbohydrazide silver proteinate (HID-TCH-SP) staining and enzymatic digestion methods. Development and ultrastructure of the enamel were also studied. After deposition of the mantle dentin matrix to a certain thickness, the first enamel matrix, globular in shape, appeared in juxtaposition to the dental basement membrane and tended to be intermixed with the previously deposited dentin matrix. Subsequently, enamel matrix was deposited outside (ameloblastic side) of the dental basal lamina and formed a true enamel layer. Thus, developing enamel of the newt consists of two layers: (1) an inner layer made up of a dentin-enamel mixed matrix and (2) an outer layer composed of only true enamel matrix. HID-TCH-SP precipitates resulting from the abovementioned studies were found in the mixed matrix and were identified as chondroitin sulfates; in contrast, the true enamel matrix contained no sulfated glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

In the male newt Cynops pyrrhogaster, prolactin (PRL) acts directly on the central nervous system and induces courtship behavior. As a step to elucidate the localization of neurons on which PRL acts, we developed a polyclonal antibody against an oligopeptide having a sequence completely identical with a part of the sequence of PRL receptors (PRLRs) of two species of newts, C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda, and performed an immunohistochemical study with this antibody. PRLR-immunoreactive cells were observed in the medial amygdala, anterior preoptic area, magnocellular preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, nucleus of the periventricular organ, ventral hypothalamic nucleus, and choroid plexus. We also performed in situ hybridization with a 35S-labeled newt PRLR antisense RNA probe and detected signals in the preoptic area and choroid plexus. Colocalization of both PRLR-like immunoreactivity and arginine vasotocin-like or mesotocin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus. This is the first report of PRLR localization in the amphibian brain.This study was supported by a research grant from Waseda University to S.K. and by a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture of Japan to I.H., F.T., and S.K.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of -aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity was studied in the brain of two amphibian species (Triturus cristatus carnifex, Urodela; Rana esculenta, Anura) by employing a specific GABA antiserum. A noteworthy immunoreactive neuronal system was found in the telencephalic dorsal and medial pallium (primordium pallii dorsalis and primordium hippocampi) and in the olfactory bulbs. In the diencephalic habenular nuclei there was a rich GABAergic innervation, and immunoreactive neurons were observed in the dorsal thalamus. In the hypothalamus the GABA immunoreactivity was found in the preoptic area, the paraventricular organ and in the hypothalamo-hypophysial complex. In the preoptic area of the frog some GABA-immunoreactive CSF-contacting cells were shown. In the optic tectum immunolabeled neurons were present in all the cellular layers. A rich GABAergic innervation characterized both the fibrous layers of the tectum and the neuropil of the tegmentum and interpeduncular nucleus. In the cerebellum, in addition to the Purkinje cells showing a variable immunopositivity, some immunoreactive cell bodies appeared in the central grey. Abundant immunolabeled nerve fibers in the acoustico-lateral area and some immunopositive neurons in the region of the raphe nucleus were observed. In conclusion, the GABAergic central systems, well-developed in the amphibian species studied, were generally characterized by close similarities to the pattern described in mammals.Dedicated to Professor Valdo Mazzi (Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Università di Torino), in honor of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

This investigation characterizes the atrial proliferative response following partial ventricular amputation in adult newts. Newts processed for light microscopic autoradiography were given either a single injection (SI) of 3H-thymidine 1 hr before fixation and killed at intervals up to 25 days after ventricular wounding or were given six injections (MU), one every 12 hr, and fixed at intervals up to 21 days. Atria processed for EM autoradiography (EMA) were removed 1 hr after injection and 15 days after wounding. Mitotic (MI) and thymidine-labeling indices (TI) were calculated for the epicardium, subepicardial CT and myocardium of both atria. Sham-operated and unoperated animals served as controls. There was no localization of labeled or mitotic cells within the atria of SI or MU animals (P > 0.16) for any cell type. MI and TI for the epicardial and CT cells did not differ from sham-operated controls (P > 0.35). A maximum TI of 6.4% and MI of 0.4% was observed in the atrial myocardium of SI animals on day 15. A maximum TI of 13.8 and 5.9% was observed for the left and right atrial myocardium, respectively, of MI animals on day 12. EMA confirmed that atrial myocytes were engaging in mitosis and DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Dopaminergic and peptidergic nerve fibers were simultaneously demonstrated with a double-labeling technique at the ultrastructural level. The first antibody, raised against tyrosine hydroxylase, was applied during the preembedding phase and visualized with the peroxidase method. The second antibody, raised against one of the peptides met-enkephalin, somatostatin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), was applied to the ultrathin sections and visualized with gold-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. The fibers of both categories were present in the zona externa of the median eminence, frequently contacting the basal lamina of the portal vessels. In addition, topographical relationships between different types of nerve fibers were observed in the perivascular areas, although there were no morphological signs of synaptic specializations. Using serial sections, it could be established that one GnRH-fiber contacted both a dopaminergic fiber and a fiber immunoreactive for met-enkephalin. The observations support earlier physiological data concerning the regulation of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis, with special emphasis on the release of neurohormones in the median eminence of the newt.  相似文献   

Summary Mapping of monoaminergic systems in the brain of the newt Triturus alpestris was achieved with antisera against (1) thyrosine hydroxylase (TH), (2) formaldehyde-conjugated dopamine (DA), and (3) formaldehyde-conjugated serotonin (5-HT). In the telencephalon, the striatum was densely innervated by a large number of 5-HT-, DA-and TH-immunoreactive (IR) fibers; IR fibers were more scattered in the amygdala, the medial and lateral forebrain bundles, and the anterior commissure. In the anterior and medial diencephalon, TH-IR perikarya contacting the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-C perikarya) were located in the preoptic recess organ (PRO), the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Numerous TH-IR perikarya, not contacting the CSF, were present in the posterior preoptic nucleus and the ventral thalamus. At this level, DA-IR CSF-C neurons were only located in the PRO. In the posterior diencephalon, large populations of 5-HT-IR and DA-IR CSF-C perikarya were found in the paraventricular organ (PVO) and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis (NID); the dorsal part of the NID additionally presented TH-IR CSF-C perikarya. Most regions of the diencephalon showed an intense monoaminergic innervation. In addition, numerous TH-IR, DA-IR and 5-HT-IR fibers, orginating from the anterior and posterior hypothalamic nuclei, extended ventrally and reached the median eminence and the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland. In the midbrain, TH-IR perikarya were located dorsally in the pretectal area. Ventrally, a large group of TH-IR cell bodies and some weakly stained DA-IR and 5-HT-IR neurons were observed in the posterior tuberculum. No dopaminergic system equivalent to the substantia nigra was revealed. The possible significance of the differences in the distribution of TH-IR and DA-IR neurons is discussed, with special reference to the CSF-C neurons.Abbreviations AM amygdala - CAnt commissura anterior - CH commissura hippocampi - CP commissura posterior - Ctm commissura tecti mesencephali - DH dorsal hypothalamus - DTh dorsal thalamus - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - Fsol fasciculus solitarius - H habenula - LFB lateral forebrain bundle - ME median eminence - MFB medial forebrain bundle - NID nucleus infundibularis dorsalis - nIP neuropil of nucleus interpeduncularis - NPOP nucleus preopticus posterior - NS nucleus septi - OVLT organum vasculosum laminae terminalis - PD pars distalis - Pdo dorsal pallium - PHi primordium hippocampi - PI pars intermedia - Pl lateral pallium - PN pars nervosa - PRO preoptic recess organ - Ptec pretectal area - PVO paraventricular organ - Ra nucleus raphe - Rm nucleus reticularis medius - SCO subcommisural organ - ST striatum; strm stria medullaris thalami - strt stria terminalis thalami - TM tegmentum mesencephali - TO tectum opticum - TP tuberculum posterius - trch tractus cortico-habenularis - trmp tractus mamillopeduncularis - VH ventral hypothalamus - Vm nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - VTh ventral thalamus - II optic nerve  相似文献   

R. N. Harris 《Oecologia》1987,71(2):280-285
Summary The roles of density-dependent larval survival and cannibalism of larvae as potential mechanisms of population regulation in the newt (Notophthalmus viridescens dorsalis) were evaluated in laboratory and field experiments. In laboratory containers, adults cannibalized larvae and large larvae cannibalized smaller larvae. In artificial ponds, larval survival did not depend on initial larval density. No cannibalism could be demonstrated in the complex environment, although the experiment was powerful enough to detect an ecologically relevant difference in survival. Adult growth was negatively correlated with the final biomass of larval newts, suggesting that the two life stages competed for resources. Larval growth rates were negatively correlated with final larval density, suggesting that larvae competed with each other. The proportion of larvae that became sexually mature at age 7 months (paedomorphs and adults that skipped the eft stage) varied inversely with larval density. Therefore, the potential regulatory mechanisms identified in this study are competition within and between life stages.  相似文献   

Of the several proteins located within sarcomeric A-bands, C-protein, a myosin binding protein (MyBP) is thought to regulate and stabilize thick filaments during assembly. This paper reports the characterization of C-protein isoforms in juvenile and adult axolotls, Ambystoma mexicanum, by means of immunofluorescent microscopy and Western blot analyses. C-protein and myosin are found specifically within the A-bands, whereas tropomyosin and -actin are detected in the I-bands of axolotl myofibrils. The MF1 antibody prepared against the fast skeletal muscle isoform of chicken C-protein specifically recognizes a cardiac isoform (Axcard1) in juvenile and adult axolotls but does not label axolotl skeletal muscle. The ALD66 antibody, which reacts with the C-protein slow isoform in chicken, localizes only in skeletal muscle of the axolotl. This slow axolotl isoform (Axslow) displays a heterogeneous distribution in fibers of dorsalis trunci skeletal muscle. The C315 antibody against the chicken C-protein cardiac isoform identifies a second axolotl cardiac isoform (Axcard2), which is present also in axolotl skeletal muscle. No C-protein was detected in smooth muscle of the juvenile and adult axolotl with these antibodies.This work was supported by NIH grants HL-32184 and HL-37702 and a grant-in-aid from the American Heart Association to L.F.L.  相似文献   

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