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The chromosomal location of the IgH locus has been analyzed in several bony fish of the Antarctic perciform group Notothenioidei. Two IgH probes were prepared from the species Trematomus bernacchii (family Nototheniidae, tribe Trematominae) and mapped onto the chromosomes of ten species belonging to the same genus (Trematomus) and in two outgroups, through one-color and two-color FISH. A single location of the IgH locus was found in the majority of the species examined, including the outgroups, whereas in four of them the IgH genes splited to two chromosomal loci. RT-PCR experiments revealed the presence of three allelic sequences in T. newnesi, a species in which the IgH genes were organized in two chromosomal loci. Possible pathways leading to IgH genes duplication during the diversification of trematomine fishes were inferred from the analysis of the FISH patterns in a phylogenetic context. The present work provides the first comprehensive picture of IgH genes organization at chromosomal level in a bony fish group.  相似文献   

Maximum-likelihood models of codon substitution were used to test for positive Darwinian selection at the vesicle protein pantophysin in two allelic lineages segregating in the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and in 18 related species of marine gadid fishes. Positive selection was detected in the two intravesicular loops of the integral membrane protein but not in four membrane-spanning regions or the 3' cytoplasmic tail. The proportion of positively selected sites (24.9%) and the mean nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratio (omega = d(N)/d(S) = 5.35) were both greater in the first intravesicular (IV1) domain compared with the second intravesicular (IV2) domain (11.0% positively selected sites with mean omega = 3.76). Likelihood ratio tests comparing models that assume identical omega ratios along all branches of the phylogeny to those that allow omega ratios to vary among lineages were not significant for either the IV1 or IV2 domains, indicating that the selective pressures favoring amino acid replacements have operated consistently in both regions during the diversification of the group. Positive selection was observed in the IV1 domain in both G. morhua allelic lineages, and, although three of the four codons that differ between alleles were targets of positive selection in the broader group, no similar polymorphisms were detected in other taxa. The two G. morhua Pan I alleles appeared to have evolved before the speciation event separating it from its sister taxon, Theragra chalcogramma, and on the basis of a standard mtDNA clock are estimated to be at least 2 Myr old. Although the function of pantophysin remains unknown, the strong signal of positive selection at specific sites in the IV1 and IV2 domains may help clarify its role in cellular trafficking pathways.  相似文献   

A spleen cDNA library was constructed from the Antarctic teleost Trematomus bernacchii and immunoscreened with rabbit IgG specific for T. bernacchii Ig heavy chain. Eleven cDNA clones, varying in size and encoding the entire heavy chain or parts of it, were isolated. Here the complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of clone 2C2 encoding the secretory IgH chain form are reported. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the entire constant region of the T. bernacchii Ig heavy chain with those from other teleosts and two holostean fish showed percent identity ranging 53.6-60.6%, with the highest values found for Salmoniformes. The multiple sequence alignment revealed the presence of two remarkable insertions: one at the VH-CH1 boundary and a second one, not found in any other IgM heavy chain, localised at the CH2-CH3 boundary. The latter occurred in the region proposed to act as a 'hinge', and resulted in a CH2-CH3 hinge peptide longer than any other IgM hinge. Differences were also found in the number and position of putative N-glycosylation sites of the compared sequences. It is suggested that the unusual features found in the T. bernacchii Ig heavy chain might contribute to the flexibility of the Ig molecule and help understand more about the adaptation of Ig molecules to the polar sea environment.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin heavy chain genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Summary Using computer programs that analyze the evolutionary history and probability of relationship of protein sequences, we have investigated the gene duplication events that led to the present configuration of immunoglobulin C regions, with particular attention to the origins of the homology regions (domains) of the heavy chains. We conclude that all of the sequenced heavy chains share a common ancestor consisting of four domains and that the two shorter heavy chains, alpha and gamma, have independently lost most of the second domain. These conclusions allow us to align corresponding regions of these sequences for the purpose of deriving evolutionary trees. Three independent internal gene duplications are postulated to explain the observed pattern of relationships among the four domains: first a duplication of the ancestral single domain C region, followed by independent duplications of the resulting first and last domains. In these studies there was no evidence of crossing-over and recombination between ancestral chains of different classes; however, certain types of recombinations would not be detectable from the available sequence data.  相似文献   

Pujolar JM  Pogson GH 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4968-4982
Gamete recognition proteins commonly experience positive Darwinian selection and evolve more rapidly than nonreproductive proteins, but the selective forces responsible for their adaptive diversification remain unclear. We examined the patterns of positive selection in the cognate interacting pair of proteins formed by sperm bindin and its egg receptor (EBR1) and in two regions of the sea urchin sperm receptor for egg jelly suREJ3 gene (exons 22 and 26) among four species of Strongylocentrotus sea urchins (S. purpuratus, S. droebachiensis, S. pallidus and S. franciscanus). The signatures of selection differed at each reproductive protein. A strong signal of positive selection was detected at bindin in all lineages even though the species compared had highly variable gamete traits and experience different intensities and forms of sexual selection and sexual conflict in nature. Weaker selection was observed at EBR1 but the small region studied precluded a clear understanding of the extent of sexual conflict between bindin and the EBR1 protein. At the suREJ3 locus, diversifying selection was observed in exon 22 but not exon 26, suggesting that these regions experience different selective pressures and evolutionary constraints. Positive selection was also detected within S. pallidus at suREJ‐22 because of the presence of 12 amino acid replacement mutations segregating at frequencies >0.10. Our results suggest that sexual conflict may be the predominant evolutionary mechanism driving the rapid diversification of reproductive proteins between, and polymorphism within, strongylocentrotid sea urchins.  相似文献   

Conclusions While much has been learned concerning the molecular structural basis for the heavy chain class switch, many questions relating to the regulation of the switch remain unanswered, or at least controversial. Identification of the enzyme system which mediates the class switch, as well as other regulatory, possibly X-linked, genes should provide the necessary key to our understanding of this unique process.AbbreviationsB cell lymphocyte derived from the bone marrow in adult mammals or the bursa of Fabricius in chickens - bp base pair - C immunoglobulin constant region - CDR complementarity-determining region of the immunoglobulin variable region - D diversity gene segment of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region gene - H immunoglobulin heavy chain - Ig immunoglobulin - J joining region gene segment of the immunoglobulin variable region gene - kb kilobase - L immunoglobulin light chain - LPS lipopolysaccharide - Pyr pyrimidine - S-, s-site, s-region switch rearrangement site - SCE sister chromatid exchange - sIg surface immunoglobulin - T cell lymphocyte derived from the thymus - USCE unequal sister chromatid exchange - V immunoglobulin variable region  相似文献   

Rat immunoglobulin E heavy chain locus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A 2100 base-pair long sequence has been established which covers all four constant domains of the rat epsilon-chain. An analysis of messenger RNA from an immunoglobulin E producing rat immunocytoma revealed two separate epsilon-chain mRNA species, 2.3 X 10(3) and 2.8 X 10(3) base-pairs long. The latter mRNA encodes the membrane binding form of the epsilon-chain. The membrane exons which are located approximately 2 X 10(3) base-pairs away from the 3'-side of the CH4 exon were also sequenced. A comparison between the rat and mouse epsilon-chains at the protein sequence level revealed an overall homology of 80% which, as expected, is considerably higher than the homology found between rat and human epsilon-chains. The fourth constant domain together with the two membrane exons exhibited the highest degree of homology, 81 to 89%. Only two differences were found when the epsilon-chains from LOU and Sprague Dawley rats were compared. The most striking difference at the nucleotide sequence level between the rat, mouse, and human epsilon genes was found within the first intron. The mouse genome contains a unique 366 base-pair long sequence in this region. The inserted sequence is repetitive and present in approximately 100 copies in the mouse genome. It is flanked by 22 base-pair long direct repeats and contains also 14 base-pair long inverted repeats, thus having properties in common with transposable elements.  相似文献   

The truncated/V(H)-less mouse H chain Dmu forms precursor B cell receptors with the surrogate L chain complex that promotes allelic exclusion but not other aspects of pre-B cell development, causing most progenitor B cells expressing this H chain to be eliminated at the pre-B cell checkpoint. However, there is evidence that Dmu-lambda1 complexes can be made and are positively selected during fetal life but cannot sustain adult B lymphopoiesis. How surrogate and conventional L chains interpret Dmu's unusual structure and how that affects signaling outcome are unclear. Using nonlymphoid and primary mouse B cells, we show that secretion-competent lambda1 L chains could associate with both full-length H chains and Dmu, whereas secretion-incompetent lambda1 L chains could only do so with full-length H chains. In contrast, Dmu could not form receptors with a panel of kappa L chains irrespective of their secretion properties. This was due to an incompatibility of Dmu with the kappa-joining and constant regions. Finally, the Dmu-lambda1 receptor was less active than the full-length mouse mu-lambda1 receptor in promoting growth under conditions of limiting IL-7. Thus, multiple receptor-dependent mechanisms operating at all stages of B cell development limit the contribution of B cells with Dmu H chain alleles to the repertoire.  相似文献   

Gene transfer of immunoglobulin light chain restores heavy chain secretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several lines of evidence suggest that immunoglobulin (Ig) light (L) chain plays a role in the secretion of heavy (H) chain. For example, myeloma variant lines, which synthesize the Ig H chain but not the L chain, fail to secrete H chain protein. Here we have tested directly the role of chain assembly in the control of Ig secretion by the transfer of functional L chain genes into two such L chain-defective myeloma mutants. A lambda 2 or kappa L chain gene was introduced into variant lines of the mouse myelomas MOPC 315 (IgA, lambda 2) or PC7 (IgM, kappa), respectively. Although the two mutant lines are unable to secrete the H chain they produce, rescue of secretion of complete Ig protein molecules (IgA or IgM) was observed after transfection. These results imply that the secretory apparatus of these cells is intact and that the failure to secrete free H chain reflects a structural feature intrinsic to that protein. The implications of these results with respect to control of secretion of multi-subunit proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Allelic forms of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete variable region sequence of the heavy chain from a phosphorylcholine-binding myeloma protein of C57/BL allotype has been determined. When this sequence was compared with the germ line-coded heavy chain variable region sequence of BALB/c phosphorylcholine-binding proteins, five differences were observed. Four of the substitutions were located in the framework portion of the variable region and the fifth in the "J" or joining segment. Two of the framework substitutions were found at positions 14 and 16. Previous studies have shown that heavy chains from all anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies induced in C57/BL mice have the same amino acids at positions 14 and 16 as the C57/BL myeloma protein described in this communication. It has therefore been concluded that these residues are encoded in the C57/BL germ line in contrast to two alternatives in the BALB/c genome. This finding, in addition to the 96% homology found between the C57/BL and BALB/c sequences, suggests that these structures represent allelic forms of an entire variable region.  相似文献   

The VK1GAC light chain represents the dominant V kappa structure employed in the antibody response of A/J mice to streptococcal group A carbohydrate ( GAC ). Two anti-idiotypic antisera, anti- Id5 and anti- Id20 , with specificity for the VK1GAC light chain were used to examine anti- GAC antibody responses in a series of inbred mouse strains that differ at the heavy chain constant region ( IgCH ) allotype locus. Both idiotypes were expressed in normal and immune sera from mice of most IgCH allotypes, except IgCHb (C57BL/6J) and IgCHf (CE/J). C57BL/6J mice expressed Id5 , but not Id20 , whereas CE/J mice did not express either idiotype. Testing of recombinant inbred strains between BALB/c and C57BL/6 indicated that the pattern of idiotype expression did not correlate with IgCH allotype. The C X B recombinants expressed all three idiotype patterns that were observed in the panel of inbred strains. Testing of allotype congenic mice between BALB/c and C57BL/6 showed that CB.20 and BC.8 mice were Id20 -, whereas BAB-14 mice were Id20 +, indicating that both VH and background (V kappa or regulatory) loci must be derived from BALB/c to obtain Id20 expression. The difference in the frequency of idiotype expression observed between BALB/c and BAB-14 mice indicates that the IgCH locus may exert a quantitative influence on the expression of this light chain. To examine the Id20 -, Id5 + antibodies of C57BL/6 mice, anti- GAC hybridomas were prepared. Of 16 C57BL/6-derived anti- GAC monoclonal antibodies, six were reactive with anti- Id5 and not with anti- Id20 . Isoelectric focusing of the purified kappa light chains from three of these antibodies revealed two distinct spectrotypes that co-migrated with the two known VK1GAC spectrotypes observed with A/J anti- GAC light chains. Idiotypic analysis of in vitro recombinants between the heavy and light chains of A/J and C57BL/6 monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that the C57BL/6 light chains were idiotypically similar to A/J light chains when they were free in solution or paired with A/J heavy chains. These results demonstrate that C57BL/6 mice can express a light chain that is very similar, if not identical, to the VK1GAC light chain, although the light chain is expressed in lower frequency and is paired with a distinct VH structure, which can mask expression of one of the VK1GAC idiotypes. These effects on V kappa expression map to at least three genetic loci: VH, CH, and an unlinked locus.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Cichlid fishes use their vision for recognition of other fishes, feeding, and in habitat selection. Neotropical cichlids can be found in a range of different habitats differing in...  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region is encoded as three separate libraries of elements in germ-line DNA: VH, D and JH. To examine the order and regulation of their joining, we have developed assays that distinguish their various combinations and have used the assays to study tumor cell analogs of B-lymphoid cells as well as normal B-lymphoid cells. Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) transformed fetal liver cells - the most primitive B-lymphoid cell analog available for analysis - generally had DJH rearrangements at both JH loci. These lines continued DNA rearrangement in culture, in most cases by joining a VH gene segment to an existing DJH complex with the concomitant deletion of intervening DNA sequences. None of these lines or their progeny showed evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. Heavy chain-producing tumor lines, representing more mature stages of the B-cell pathway, and normal B-lymphocytes had either two VHDJH rearrangements or a VHDJH plus a DJH rearrangement at their two heavy chain loci; they also showed no evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. These results support an ordered mechanism of variable gene assembly during B-cell differentiation in which D-to-JH rearrangements generally occur first and on both chromosomes followed by VH-to-DJH rearrangements, with both types of joining processes occurring by intrachromosomal deletion. The high percentage of JH alleles remaining in the DJH configuration in heavy chain-producing lines and, especially, in normal B-lymphocytes supports a regulated mechanism of heavy chain allelic exclusion in which a VHDJH rearrangement, if productive, prevents an additional VH-to-DJH rearrangement.  相似文献   

Organization and polymorphism of rabbit immunoglobulin heavy chain genes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Germline genes encoding C mu, C gamma, C alpha, and C epsilon heavy chains of rabbit immunoglobulins have been isolated from recombinant phage and cosmid libraries. The JH, C mu, C gamma, and C epsilon are found in a 5'-JH-C mu-C gamma-C epsilon-3' orientation on a 90kb stretch of DNA. Four C alpha genes have been cloned and presumably reside 3' to the other CH genes. Southern blot analysis of rabbit sperm DNA indicates that the rabbit genome contains a single C gamma gene, one C mu gene, and as many as 10 C alpha genes. Restriction site polymorphism is found for C mu, C gamma, and C alpha genes of rabbits of various heavy chain haplotypes. The organization of the rabbit CH genes differs from that of mouse and human CH genes in that the rabbit has multiple C alpha genes, whereas mouse and human have one or two C alpha genes, respectively. In addition, mouse and human have four C gamma genes, whereas rabbit has only one C gamma gene. The presence of a single C gamma gene indicates that at least in the rabbits examined, no germline gene encoding latent or unexpected, C gamma allotypes is present. The genetic control of the expression of latent C gamma allotypes is discussed.  相似文献   

Organization of human immunoglobulin heavy chain diversity gene loci   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:40       下载免费PDF全文
The variable region of immunoglobulin heavy chain is encoded by three separate genes on the germline genome: variable (VH), diversity (DH) and joining (JH) genes. Most human DH genes are encoded in 9-kb repeating sequences. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 15-kb DNA fragment containing more than one and a half of these repeating units, and identified 12 different DH genes. Based on the sequence similarities of DH coding and the surrounding regions, they can be classified into six different DH gene families (DXP, DA, DK, DN, DM and DLR). Nucleotide sequences of DH genes belonging to different families diverge greatly, while those belonging to the same families are well conserved. Since the 9-kb DNA containing the six DH genes are multiplied at least five times, the total number of DH genes must be approximately 30. These DH genes are sandwiched by 12-nucleotide spacer signals. Most of the somatic DH sequences found in the published VH-DH-JH structures (the somatic DH segment being defined as the region which is not encoded either by germline VH or JH gene) were assigned to one of the germline DH genes. Other than these typical DH genes, however, we found a new kind of DH gene (which we termed DIR) the spacer lengths of whose neighbouring signals were irregular. The DIR gene appears to be involved in DIR-DH or DH-DIR joining by inversion or deletion. Two of the somatic DH sequences were assigned to the DIR genes. Long N segments might, therefore, originate from DIR genes.  相似文献   

Disulphide bridges of the heavy chain of human immunoglobulin G2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amino acid sequences around the disulphide bridges of the heavy chain of an immunoglobulin of the gamma2 subclass have been studied. The protein was digested with pepsin and the digest fractionated by Sephadex. Screening of the eluate by one-dimensional electrophoresis of oxidized and unoxidized samples was used as an assay and pools of fractions were prepared. Identification by diagonal electrophoresis of several inter- and intra-chain disulphide bridges was done on the pooled fractions. The inter-heavy-chain bridged peptide included four cystine residues. Comparison with proteins of other human subclasses indicated that the intrachain bridges identified are the bridges of the invariable section of gamma2 heavy chains. The amino acid sequence of one cysteic acid peptide that may have been derived from the variable part of the molecule was determined. Partial reduction followed by carboxymethylation with radioactive iodoacetate of two proteins of the gamma2 class showed a number of labelled peptides that could be identified as being related to the inter-chain bonded cystine residues.  相似文献   

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