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In the present report, we demonstrated that modulation of CD26 from T cell surface induced by antiCD26 (1F7) led to enhanced phosphorylation of CD3 zeta tyrosine residues and increased CD4 associated p56lck tyrosine kinase activity. We further showed that CD26 was comodulated on the T cell surface with CD45, a known membrane-linked protein tyrosine phosphatase and that anti-CD26 was capable of precipitating CD45 from T cell lysates. These findings strongly suggest that CD26 may be closely associated with the CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase on T cell surface and further support the notion that the interaction of CD26 with CD45 results in enhanced tyrosine kinase activity, zeta chain phosphorylation, and T cell activation.  相似文献   

Glucagon is a 29-amino acid polypeptide released from pancreatic islet alpha-cells that acts to maintain euglycemia by stimulating hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Despite its importance, there remains controversy about the mechanisms responsible for glucagon clearance in the body. In the current study, enzymatic metabolism of glucagon was assessed using sensitive mass spectrometric techniques to identify the molecular products. Incubation of glucagon with purified porcine dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) yielded sequential production of glucagon(3-29) and glucagon(5-29). In human serum, degradation to glucagon(3-29) was rapidly followed by N-terminal cyclization of glucagon, preventing further DP IV-mediated hydrolysis. Bioassay of glucagon, following incubation with purified DP IV or normal rat serum demonstrated a significant loss of hyperglycemic activity, while a similar incubation in DP IV-deficient rat serum did not show any loss of glucagon bioactivity. Degradation, monitored by mass spectrometry and bioassay, was blocked by the specific DP IV inhibitor, isoleucyl thiazolidine. These results identify DP IV as a primary enzyme involved in the degradation and inactivation of glucagon. These findings have important implications for the determination of glucagon levels in human plasma.  相似文献   

CD26 (Ta1, dipeptidyl peptidase IV) is a Mr 105,000 protein expressed at high levels on activated T lymphocytes and is a potential marker of memory T cells. Reciprocal immunodepletion and solid phase double determinant binding studies showed that mAb AC7 and the CD26-specific mAb anti-Ta1 reacted with spatially distinct sites on the same molecule. The proteinase dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) was immunoprecipitated with mAb AC7 and its enzymatic activity directly assayed using an enzyme overlay membrane system. High levels of DPP IV activity were detected on the T cell tumor line CCRF-HSB-2 and on PBMC stimulated by a variety of methods. By itself, soluble mAb AC7 was not mitogenic for T cells but enhanced T cell proliferation that resulted from treatment with phorbol myristic acetate (PMA) in the presence of accessory cells. T cell proliferation was also induced by co-immobilized mAb AC7 and mAb OKT3 (anti-CD3). Cultures of T cells growing in the presence of IL-2 responded with accelerated growth when exposed to a combination of immobilized mAb AC7 and soluble mAb OKT3, a result not seen with freshly isolated T cells.  相似文献   

We previously described a developmentally regulated, Mr 115,000 (reduced) and 110,000/128,000 (nonreduced) mouse T cell-activating molecule (THAM) also expressed on a variety of epithelial cell surfaces, and associated with neutral exoaminopeptidase activity. In the present study, we show that THAM is the mouse counterpart of the human T cell-activating ectoenzyme CD26 (dipeptidyl peptidase IV, DPP IV) and that highly purified THAM lacks neutral exoaminopeptidase activity. This conclusion is based on the following: 1) the N-terminal segments of the THAM Mr 110,000 and 128,000 components shared the same amino acid sequence with the rat DPP IV. These N-termini comprised a short intracytoplasmic tail of six residues followed by a downstream hydrophobic transmembrane segment. 2) THAM-specific mAb H194-112-Affi-Gel immunoadsorbent was capable of removing DPP IV enzymatic activity from mouse thymoma cell detergent extracts. 3) H194-112 reactivity pattern on developing thymocytes was found to parallel that previously reported for membrane-bound DPP IV enzymatic activity. The extent of THAM N-glycosylation, as measured by N-glycanase treatment of H194-112 immunoprecipitates, was found to be similar to that of human and rat DPP IV (i.e., approximately 20 kDa). Cross-linking experiments indicated that THAM was expressed at the cell surface as a dimer of approximately 220 kDa. Its two subunits were found to be structurally related but not identical as shown by their different Mr under nonreducing conditions and by their slightly distinct peptide profiles after proteolytic cleavage. We conclude from these data that DPP IV, in addition to its extracellular matrix receptor and ectoenzymatic functions, is a T cell-activating structure in both human and mouse species.  相似文献   

CD26/Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a 110-kDa glycoprotein that is expressed on numerous cell types and has multiple biological functions. A key facet of CD26/DPPIV biology is its enzymatic activity and its physical and functional interaction with other molecules. The substrates of CD26/DPPIV are proline-containing peptides and include growth factors, chemokines, neuropeptides, and vasoactive peptides. DPPIV plays an important role in immune regulation, signal transduction, and apoptosis. Furthermore, CD26 appears to play an important role in tumor progression. In the present review, we summarize key aspects of CD26/DPPIV involvement in tumor biology and its potential role in cancer development and behavior.  相似文献   

The multifunctional type II transmembrane glycoprotein, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV, EC, is expressed by almost all mammalian cells and is identical to the adenosine deaminase binding protein CD26 on lymphocytes. The extracellular part of rat DPPIV can be divided into three domains the middle part of which harbors 10 of the 12 highly conserved cysteine residues. The cysteine-rich domain is responsible for DPPIV-binding to collagen I and to extracellular ADA. The participation of distinct cysteines in disulfide bridges is not yet known. Titration experiments have shown the presence of six free cysteines and three disulfide bridges in native rat DPPIV. To investigate the role of distinct cysteines in the structure-function relationships of rat DPPIV we constructed 12 different cysteine point mutations (C299, C326, C383, C455, C650 mutated to G; C337, C395, C445, C448, C473, C552, C763 mutated to S). Intracellular translocation to the cell surface of stable transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells was examined with antibodies against different epitopes of DPPIV. Surface expression of mutants C326G, C445S and C448S is inhibited totally; mutants C337S, C455G, C473S and C552S show weak expression only. In parallel, the half-life of these mutants is reduced to < 10% compared with wild-type enzyme. We were able to show that the specific peptidase activity of the mutant protein depends on cell-surface expression, dimerization and the existence of a 150-kDa form demonstrable by nondenaturing SDS/PAGE. We conclude that cysteine residues 326, 337, 445, 448, 455, 473 and 552 in rat DPPIV are essential for the correct folding and intracellular trafficking of this glycoprotein, and therefore for its normal biological properties.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes contribute to the regulation of cellular functions such as cell proliferation and death, cytokine production, and matrix remodeling. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) catalyzes the cleavage of several cytokines and thereby contributes to the regulation of cytokine production and the proliferation of immune cells. Here we show for the first time that cell surface-bound DP IV catalyzes the cleavage of specific substrates that are associated with the cellular surface of neighboring cells. Rhodamine 110 (R110), a highly fluorescent xanthene dye, was used to synthesize dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV/CD26) substrates Gly(Ala)-Pro-R110-R, thus facilitating a stable binding of the fluorescent moiety on the cell surface. The fixation resulted from the interaction with the reactive anchor rhodamine and allowed the quantification of cellular DP IV activity on single cells. The reactivity, length, and hydrophobicity of rhodamine was characterized as the decisive factor that facilitated the determination of cellular DP IV activity. Using fluorescence microscopy, it was possible to differentiate between different DP IV activities. The hydrolysis of cell-bound substrates Xaa-Pro-R110-R by DP IV of neighboring cells and by soluble DP IV was shown using flow cytometry. These data demonstrate that ectopeptidases such as DP IV may be involved in communication between blood cells via proteolysis of cell-associated substrates.  相似文献   

The cellular dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPIV, E.C., CD26) is a type II membrane peptidase with various physio-logical functions. Our main knowledge on DPIV comes from studies of soluble DPIV which plays a role in regulation of glucose homeostasis by inactivation of the incretins glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic poly-peptide. It has been reported that membrane-bound DPIV plays a crucial role in the immune system and in other tissues and cells, but the knowledge on the action of cellular DPIV and its regulation is limited. In this study, we show particularly for immune cells that DPIV and not DP8 or DP9 is the most potent member of the DPIV family in regulating cellular immune functions. Moreover, we provide evidence that soluble and cellular DPIV differ in functions and hand-ling of substrates and inhibitors owing to the different accessibility of peptide substrates to the two access paths of DPIV. The different functions are based on the favored access path of the central pore of cellular DPIV and a special central pore binding site which assists substrate access to the active site of the enzyme. The newly discovered central pore binding site mediates an autosterical regulation of cellular DPIV and is its most crucial target site to regulate cellular functions such as growth and cytokine production. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) processing by cellular DPIV was found to be inhibited by ligands which interact with the central pore binding site. This finding suggests a crucial role of the immunosuppressive cytokine NPY in the function of DPIV in growth regulation.  相似文献   

CD26 is a T cell costimulatory molecule with dipeptidyl peptidase IV enzyme activity in its extracellular region. We have previously reported that the addition of soluble CD26 (sCD26) resulted in enhanced proliferation of peripheral blood T lymphocytes induced by the recall Ag, tetanus toxoid (TT). However, the mechanism involved in this immune enhancement has not yet been elucidated. In this paper, we demonstrate that the enhancing effect of sCD26 on TT-induced T cell proliferation occurred in the early stages of immune response. The cells directly affected by exogenously added sCD26 are the CD14-positive monocytes in the peripheral blood. Mannose-6 phosphate interfered with the uptake of sCD26 into monocytes, suggesting that mannose-6 phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor plays a role in the transportation of sCD26 into monocytes. When sCD26 was added after Ag presentation had taken place, enhancement in TT-induced T cell proliferation was not observed. In addition, enhancement of TT-mediated T cell proliferation by sCD26 does not result from trimming of the MHC-bound peptide on the surface of monocytes. Importantly, we also showed that exogenously added sCD26 up-regulated the expression of the costimulatory molecule CD86 on monocytes through its dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity, and that this increased expression of CD86 was observed at both protein and mRNA level. Therefore, our findings suggest that sCD26 enhances T cell immune response to recall Ag via its direct effect on APCs.  相似文献   

CD26 or dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) is a cell surface protease involved in T cell activation. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the CD26 molecule are able to stimulate CD26-expressing T cells. Although many different CD26-specific mAbs exist which are able to provide a triggering signal in T cells, little is known about their specific epitopes on the CD26 molecule. Whereas some mAbs were shown to compete with each other and to inhibit the association of adenosine deaminase (ADA) and human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1)-derived Tat protein with CD26, other CD26-specific mAbs obviously bind to distinct regions on DPP-IV. In the present study we have generated truncated versions of the human CD26 molecule and expressed them in COS-1 cells to study the binding pattern of a panel of 14 CD26-specific mAbs in confocal microscopy and, thus, correlated the CD26-specific mAbs epitopes with the binding region of ADA. We show that the majority of anti-CD26 mAbs is directed against the glycosylation-rich region of the molecule whereas the ADA-binding site could be located in the cysteine-rich region of DPP-IV. In contrast to binding experiments with purified ADA, which revealed a specific association with CD26 on CD26-positive Jurkat cells, HIV-derived Tat protein did not interact specifically with CD26 on transfected Jurkat cells, nor could Tat binding be competed by anti-CD26-specific mAbs.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV, EC is a serine type protease with an important modulatory activity on a number of chemokines, neuropeptides and peptide hormones. It is also known as CD26 or adenosine deaminase (ADA; EC binding protein. DPPIV has been demonstrated on the plasmamembranes of T cells and activated natural killer or B cells as well as on a number of endothelial and differentiated epithelial cells. A soluble form of CD26/DPPIV has been described in serum. Over the past few years, several related enzymes with similar dipeptidyl peptidase activity have been discovered, raising questions on the molecular origin(s) of serum dipeptidyl peptidase activity. Among them attractin, the human orthologue of the mouse mahogany protein, was postulated to be responsible for the majority of the DPPIV-like activity in serum. Using ADA-affinity chromatography, it is shown here that 95% of the serum dipeptidyl peptidase activity is associated with a protein with ADA-binding properties. The natural protein was purified in milligram quantities, allowing molecular characterization (N-terminal sequence, glycosylation type, CD-spectrum, pH and thermal stability) and comparison with CD26/DPPIV from other sources. The purified serum enzyme was confirmed as CD26.  相似文献   

CD26 or dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) is expressed on various cell types, including T cells. Although T cells can receive activating signals via CD26, the physiological role of CD26/DP IV is largely unknown. We used the reversible DP IV inhibitor Lys[Z(NO(2))]-pyrrolidide (I40) to dissect the role of DP IV in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and to explore the therapeutic potential of DP IV inhibition for autoimmunity. I40 administration in vivo decreased and delayed clinical and neuropathological signs of adoptive transfer EAE. I40 blocked DP IV activity in vivo and increased the secretion of the immunosuppressive cytokine TGF-beta1 in spinal cord tissue and plasma during acute EAE. In vitro, while suppressing autoreactive T cell proliferation and TNF-alpha production, I40 consistently up-regulated TGF-beta1 secretion. A neutralizing anti-TGF-beta1 Ab blocked the inhibitory effect of I40 on T cell proliferation to myelin Ag. DP IV inhibition in vivo was not generally immunosuppressive, neither eliminating encephalitogenic T cells nor inhibiting T cell priming. These data suggest that DP IV inhibition represents a novel and specific therapeutic approach protecting from autoimmune disease by a mechanism that includes an active TGF-beta1-mediated antiinflammatory effect at the site of pathology.  相似文献   

The human dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26 (DPPIV/CD26) is a multifunctional type-II membrane bound glycoprotein. As a receptor of collagen I and fibronectin it mediates cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, and by interacting with extracellular adenosine deaminase and CD45 it is involved in regulatory and costimulatory events in the immune system. DPPIV/CD26 has a very distinct substrate specificity, and is potentially capable of truncating many cytokines, chemokines, and peptide hormones. In this study, we describe the overexpression, purification, and characterization of human DPPIV/CD26 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells, using the baculovirus system. Overexpression of DPPIV/CD26 was confirmed by measurement of its peptidase specificity, SDS-PAGE, and Western blot analyses. Expression rates were between 6.4 and 17.6 mg protein per liter suspension culture (1.5 x 10(9)cells). The N-linked oligosaccharide composition was examined and compared with that of mammalian cell-expressed DPPIV/CD26. Two-step purification by immunoaffinity chromatography and size-exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography (SE-FPLC) led to highly stable protein with significant peptidase activity. A subsequent gel filtration step on a Superdex 200 column yielded 2mg homogeneous dimeric DPPIV/CD26 (per liter insect cell culture) for crystallographic studies. Protein homogeneity was confirmed by silver staining of non-denaturating PAGE gels and by MALDI-TOF analysis of tryptic peptides.  相似文献   

We investigated ultrastructural localization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) [EC3.4.14 5] in rat liver cells quantitatively by post embedding protein A-gold technique. In the hepatocyte, DPP IV was mainly localized on the bile canalicular surface and the lysosomal membranes, but were scarcely detectable on the sinusoid-lateral surface. A small number of DPP IV was also detected in the trans region of the Golgi apparatus, suggesting that this part may play important roles in intracellular transport or recycling of this enzyme. In the endothelial cell, DPP IV existed on the whole surface of the plasma membrane and the lysosomes. In the Kupffer cell DPP IV was mainly localized in lysosomes and a few were detected on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of dipeptidyl(amino)peptidase IV (DAP IV, glycylproline naphthylamidase) was discovered in the endothelial cells of the venous part of capillary bed and of small venules of many organs of the rat, mini-pig, rabbit, cock as well as man. In aortae, large arteries and veins only a portion of vase vasorum displays a positive reaction. Glycyl-proline-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (Gly-Pro-MNA) is the substrate of choice both from the viewpoint of enzyme kinetics as well as localization. Phenylalanyl-proline-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (Phe-Pro-MNA) is cleaved less easily, however, it enables a good localization. 1- and 2-naphthylamine derivatives of glycylproline display better kinetic properties than Phe-Pro-MNA, however they enable a satisfactory localization under special conditions only.The recommended diazonium salt for the routine is Fast Blue B. The enzyme is quite firmly associated with the structure and chloroform-acetone preextraction of cryostat sections does not influence its activity significantly while improving the localization. Block fixation in aldehydes inhibits the enzyme activity (glutaraldehyde more than formaldehyde). The osmificated azo-dye originated of 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine and Fast Blue B or hexazonium-p-rosaniline is still partially soluble in solvents used for the usual embedding in epoxyresins for electron microscopical examination. This is a drawback for a reliable demonstration of DAP IV in endothelial cells on the electronmicroscopical level using the epoxy-resin technique. DAP IV of the endothelium is inhibited totally by DFP (10–3M), partially by E 600 (10–3); and slightly by phenanthroline (10–3M). It is unaffected by EDTA (10–3M) and N-ethyl maleimide (10–3M).The combined demonstration of alkaline phosphatase and DAP IV in the same section renders a reliable demonstration of the capillary bed in many organs.The contribution of DAP IV activity of the capillary endothelium to the total DAP IV activity in a particular organ is decisive in the myocardium, striated muscle, aorta and lung; it represents about one half of the total activity in spleen and pancreas and is less expressed in the liver, intestine and particularly in the kidney.In the jejunum of patients sufferring coeliac sprue the activity of capillary endothelium in the propria is decreased or not demonstrable in the acute stage. After a gluten-free diet it is restituted. The activity of DAP IV does not change significantly in aortae of the rabbit and man with atherosclerosis. In plaques of human aortae the capillary endothelium reacts at the most. Vasa vasorum in the adventitia overlying large plaques, which penetrate into the media, display a high DAP IV activity and their number can be increased. In plaques of arteries of cocks there is a positive DAP IV reaction in foam cells. DAP IV does not belong to the enzymes indicating early changes in atherogenesis.The function of DAP IV in the endothelium is not known. It may be a part of the machinery influeneing the protein part of the endothelial coat or may participate in the degradation of some vasoactive peptides.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV/CD26) is a multifunctional type II transmembrane serine peptidase. This enzyme contributes to the regulation of various physiological processes, including blood sugar homeostasis, by cleaving peptide hormones, chemokines and neuropeptides. We have determined the 2.5 A structure of the extracellular region of DPP-IV in complex with the inhibitor valine-pyrrolidide. The catalytic site is located in a large cavity formed between the alpha/beta-hydrolase domain and an eight-bladed beta-propeller domain. Both domains participate in inhibitor binding. The structure indicates how substrate specificity is achieved and reveals a new and unexpected opening to the active site.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV was purified from pig kidney by ammonium sulfate fractionation, gel filtration, QAE-cellulose chromatography and affinity columns with Gly-Pro- and Concanavalin A-Sepharose. The specific activity of the purified enzyme is 41.8 units/mg. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining show a single band. The enzyme preparation is free of aminopeptidase and dipeptidase activity, proved fluorimetrically and by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The most important procedure for removal of contaminating enzyme activities is a stepwise NaCl-gradient on a QAE-ZetaPrep ion exchange disk.  相似文献   

GPG-NH2 and G-NH2 are highly selective antiretroviral agents in cell culture, and both compounds inhibit HIV replication in CEM cell cultures to an equal extent (50% effective concentration: approximately 30 microM). The lymphocyte surface glycoprotein marker CD26, which is identical to dipeptidyl peptidase IV, efficiently converted GPG-NH2 to G-NH2 releasing the dipeptide GP-OH. The closely related QPG-NH2 derivative was also inhibitory to HIV, presumably by the dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV)-catalyzed release of G-NH2. In contrast, the cyclic pQPG-NH2 derivative in which the glutamine at the amino terminal position of QPG-NH2 was replaced by pyroglutamine and which is resistant to cleavage by purified CD26, was devoid of antiviral activity. CD26 is abundantly expressed on a variety of HIV target cells and is also present in serum of bovine, murine and human origin. The CD26/DPP IV enzymatic activity in serum and in cell suspensions could be efficiently inhibited by the CD26/DPP IV inhibitor L-isoleucinepyrrolidine (IlePyr) with 50% inhibitory concentrations ranging between 20 and 100 microM. When combined in HIV-1-infected cell cultures, IlePyr and Diprotin A (DP-A), another CD26/DPP IV inhibitor, abrogated the antiviral activity of GPG-NH2 but not of G-NH2. Therefore, it was concluded that the anti-HIV drug GPG-NH2 is not active as such, but rather behaves as a prodrug that must be obligatorily cleaved by CD26/DPP IV to G-NH2 to exert its antiretroviral activity. This is the first demonstration of a lymphocyte activation/differentiation marker (i.e. CD26) that plays a direct regulatory and indispensable role in the eventual antiretroviral activity of small synthetic molecules such as the antiretroviral (pro)drug GPG-NH2.  相似文献   

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