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In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the gonad is a complex epithelial tube that consists of long arms composed predominantly of germline tissue as well as somatic structures specialized for particular reproductive functions. In gon-1 mutants, the adult gonad is severely disorganized with essentially no arm extension and no recognizable somatic structure. The developmental defects in gon-1 mutants are limited to the gonad; other cells, tissues, and organs appear to develop normally. Previous work defined the regulatory "leader" cells as crucial for extension of the gonadal arms (J. E. Kimble and J. G. White, 1981, Dev. Biol. 81, 208-219). In gon-1 mutants, the leader cells are specified correctly, but they fail to migrate and gonadal arms are not generated. In addition, gon-1 is required for morphogenesis of the gonadal somatic structures. This second role appears to be independent of that required for leader migration. Parallel studies have shown that gon-1 encodes a secreted metalloprotease (R. Blelloch and J. Kimble, 1999, Nature 399, 586-590). We discuss how a metalloprotease may control two aspects of gonadal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans vulva provides a simple model for the genetic analysis of pattern formation and organ morphogenesis during metazoan development. We have discovered an essential role for the polarity protein PAR-1 in the development of the vulva. Postembryonic RNA interference of PAR-1 causes a protruding vulva phenotype. We found that depleting PAR-1 during the development of the vulva has no detectable effect on fate specification or precursor proliferation, but instead seems to specifically alter morphogenesis. Using an apical junction-associated GFP marker, we discovered that PAR-1 depletion causes a failure of the two mirror-symmetric halves of the vulva to join into a single, coherent organ. The cells that normally form the ventral vulval rings fail to make contact or adhere and consequently form incomplete toroids, and dorsal rings adopt variably abnormal morphologies. We also found that PAR-1 undergoes a redistribution from apical junctions to basolateral domains during morphogenesis. Despite a known role for PAR-1 in cell polarity, we have observed no detectable differences in the distribution of various markers of epithelial cell polarity. We propose that PAR-1 activity at the cell cortex is critical for mediating cell shape changes, cell surface composition, or cell signaling during vulval morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Vulval induction in Caenorhabditis elegans has helped define an evolutionarily conserved signal transduction pathway from receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) through the adaptor protein SEM-5 to RAS. One component present in other organisms, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras, has been missing in C.ELEGANS: To understand the regulation of this pathway it is crucial to have all positive-acting components in hand. Here we describe the identification, cloning and genetic characterization of C.ELEGANS: SOS-1, a putative guanine nucleotide exchanger for LET-60 RAS. RNA interference experiments suggest that SOS-1 participates in RAS-dependent signaling events downstream of LET-23 EGFR, EGL-15 FGFR and an unknown RTK. We demonstrate that the previously identified let-341 gene encodes SOS-1. Analyzing vulval development in a let-341 null mutant, we find an SOS-1-independent pathway involved in the activation of RAS signaling. This SOS-1-independent signaling is not inhibited by SLI-1/Cbl and is not mediated by PTP-2/SHP, raising the possibility that there could be another RasGEF.  相似文献   

In a search for molecular markers of male tail morphogenesis in C. elegans, we have detected two surface markers that are specifically observed in the copulatory bursa of adult males and the vulva of adult hermaphrodites. These markers are defined by binding of a monoclonal antibody (Ab117) and the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) to live intact animals. Expression of these markers is dependent on sex, stage and anterior-posterior position in the animal. Four of ten mutants with specific defects in bursal development show altered expression of one or both markers. Because the WGA marker can be expressed in intersexual animals with very little bursal development, posterior surface expression of this marker can serve as an indication of subtle masculinization of hermaphrodites. The timing of expression of these markers is not affected by heterochronic mutations that cause larval animals to express adult cuticles or adult animals to express larval cuticles, indicating that marker expression can be uncoupled from general cuticle development. Mutant lin-22 males, which have an anterior-to-posterior transformation of cell fates in the lateral hypodermis, ectopically express both markers in a manner consistent with a 'posteriorization' of positional information in these animals. These markers should be useful for the isolation and characterization of mutants defective in bursal and vulval development, sex determination and expression of anterior-posterior positional information.  相似文献   

Actin gene family of Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Four actin genes have been isolated from Caenorhabditis elegans that account for all of the major actin hybridization to total genomic DNA. Actin genes I, II and III are clustered within a 12 X 10(3) base region; gene IV is unlinked to the others. All four genes have been sequenced from at least nucleotide -109 to +250. Genes I and III are identical for the first 307 coding nucleotides. Genes I and II differ in 14 positions within the first 250 coding nucleotides; one difference substitutes an aspartic acid for a glutamic acid at codon 5. Genes I and IV differ in 18 positions within the first 259 coding nucleotides without causing any amino acid differences. Genes I, II and III have introns after the first nucleotide of codon 64 and gene IV has an intron between codons 19 and 20. The four nucleotide sequences thus far define two different amino acid sequences. Both of the amino acid sequences resemble vertebrate cytoplasmic actin more than vertebrate muscle actin. A DNA polymorphism between the Bristol and Bergerac strains has been used as a phenotypic marker in genetic crosses to map the cluster of actin genes within a 2% recombination interval on linkage group V between unc-23 and sma-1 in order to begin a molecular genetic analysis of the actin loci.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The SCF ubiquitin-ligase complex targets the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of proteins in multiple dynamic cellular processes. A key SCF component is the Skp1 protein that functions within the complex to link the substrate-recognition subunit to a cullin that in turn binds the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. In contrast to yeast and humans, Caenorhabditis elegans contains multiple expressed Skp1-related (skr) genes. RESULTS: The 21 Skp1-related (skr) genes in C. elegans form one phylogenetic clade, suggesting that a single ancestral Skp1 gene underwent independent expansion in C. elegans. The cellular and developmental functions of the 21 C. elegans skr genes were probed by dsRNA-mediated gene inactivation (RNAi). The RNAi phenotypes of the skr genes fall into two classes. First, the highly similar skr-7, -8, -9, and -10 genes are required for posterior body morphogenesis, embryonic and larval development, and cell proliferation. Second, the related skr-1 and -2 genes are required for the restraint of cell proliferation, progression through the pachytene stage of meiosis, and the formation of bivalent chromosomes at diakinesis. CUL-1 was found to interact with SKR-1, -2, -3, -7, -8, and -10 in the yeast two-hybrid system. Interestingly, SKR-3 could interact with both CUL-1 and its close paralog CUL-6. CONCLUSIONS: Members of the expanded skr gene family in C. elegans perform critical functions in regulating cell proliferation, meiosis, and morphogenesis. The finding that multiple SKRs are able to bind cullins suggests an extensive set of combinatorial SCF complexes.  相似文献   

Repulsion plays a fundamental role in the establishment of a topographic map of the chick retinotectal projections. This has been highlighted by studies demonstrating the role of opposing gradients of the EphA3 receptor tyrosine kinase on retinal axons and two of its ligands, ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A5, in the tectum. We have analyzed the distribution of these two ephrins in other retinorecipient structures in the chick diencephalon and mesencephalon during the period when visual connections are being established. We have found that both ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A5 and their receptors EphA4 and EphA7 are expressed in gradients whose orientation is consistent with the topography of the nasotemporal axis of the respective retinofugal projections. In addition, their distribution suggests that receptor-ligand interactions may be involved in the organization of connections between the different primary visual centers and, thus, in the topographic organization of secondary visual projections. Interestingly, where projections lack a clear topographic representation, a uniform expression of the Eph-ephrin molecules was observed. Finally, we also show that a similar patterning mechanism may be implicated in the transfer of visual information to the telencephalon. These results suggest a conserved function for EphA receptors and their ligands in the elaboration of topographic maps at multiple levels of the visual pathway.  相似文献   

The gene nhr-6 encodes the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of the NR4A nuclear receptor. We determined the biological functions of NHR-6 through the isolation and characterization of a deletion allele of nhr-6, lg6001. We demonstrate that nhr-6 has an essential role in the development of the C. elegans somatic gonad. Specifically, nhr-6 is required for the development of the hermaphrodite spermatheca, a somatic gonad organ that serves as the site of sperm storage and oocyte fertilization. Using a variety of spermatheca cell markers, we have determined that loss of nhr-6 function causes severe morphological defects in the spermatheca and associated spermathecal valves. This appears to be due to specific requirements for nhr-6 in regulating cell proliferation and cell differentiation during development of these structures. The improper development of these structures in nhr-6(lg6001) mutants leads to defects in ovulation and significantly reduced fecundity of C. elegans hermaphrodites. The phenotypes of nhr-6(lg6001) mutants are consistent with a role for nhr-6 in organogenesis, similar to the functions of its mammalian homologs.  相似文献   

Yu RY  Nguyen CQ  Hall DH  Chow KL 《The EMBO journal》2000,19(14):3542-3555
Tissue morphogenesis requires complex cellular interaction and communication. The sensory ray in the Caenorhabditis elegans male tail has a simple cellular make-up and a non-essential function, thus providing an ideal model for studying the mechanisms guiding morphogenesis. We present here the analysis of a novel gene, ram-5, mutations of which are characterized by abnormal lumpy rays in the male tail. Microscopic analysis and behavioral studies revealed that lumpy rays contain operational sensory neurons. However, abnormalities were observed in the hypodermis and structural cells as well as in appositions between these two cell types. Molecular cloning and expression studies revealed that the ram-5 gene encodes a transmembrane protein localized in sensory ray support cells, the structural cells. Expression of ram-5 in these cells is required for normal ray morphogenesis. ram-5-dependent cell-cell communication is implicated in organizing the structural cell and the hypodermis, potentially through adhesion at the structural cell-hypodermal cell border.  相似文献   

LeBoeuf B  Garcia LR 《Genetics》2012,190(3):1025-1041
Variations in K(+) channel composition allow for differences in cell excitability and, at an organismal level, provide flexibility to behavioral regulation. When the function of a K(+) channel is disrupted, the remaining K(+) channels might incompletely compensate, manifesting as abnormal organismal behavior. In this study, we explored how different K(+) channels interact to regulate the neuromuscular circuitry used by Caenorhabditis elegans males to protract their copulatory spicules from their tail and insert them into the hermaphrodite's vulva during mating. We determined that the big current K(+) channel (BK)/SLO-1 genetically interacts with ether-a-go-go (EAG)/EGL-2 and EAG-related gene/UNC-103 K(+) channels to control spicule protraction. Through rescue experiments, we show that specific slo-1 isoforms affect spicule protraction. Gene expression studies show that slo-1 and egl-2 expression can be upregulated in a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-dependent manner to compensate for the loss of unc-103 and conversely, unc-103 can partially compensate for the loss of SLO-1 function. In conclusion, an interaction between BK and EAG family K(+) channels produces the muscle excitability levels that regulate the timing of spicule protraction and the success of male mating behavior.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, 40 genes code for astacin-like proteins (nematode astacins, NAS). The astacins are metalloproteases present in bacteria, invertebrates and vertebrates and serve a variety of physiological functions like digestion, hatching, peptide processing, morphogenesis and pattern formation. With the exception of one distorted pseudogene, all the other C. elegans astacins are expressed and are evidently functional. For 13 genes we found splicing patterns differing from the Genefinder predictions in WormBase, sometimes markedly. The GFP expression pattern for NAS-4 shows a specific localization in anterior pharynx cells and in the whole digestive tract (as the secreted form). In contrast, NAS-7 is found in the head of adult hermaphrodites, but not in pharynx cells or in the lumen of the digestive tract. In embryos, NAS-7 fluorescence becomes detectable just before hatching. In C. elegans astacins, three basic structural and functional moieties can be discerned: a prepro portion, the central catalytic chain and long C-terminal extensions with presumably regulatory functions. Within the regulatory moiety, EFG-like, CUB, SXC, and TSP-1 domains can be distinguished. Based on structural differences of the regulatory unit we established six NAS subgroups, which seemingly represented different functional and evolutionary clusters. This pattern deduced exclusively from the domain arrangement in the regulatory moiety is perfectly reflected in an evolutionary tree constructed solely from amino acid sequence information of the catalytic chain. Related catalytic chains tend to have related regulatory extensions. The notable gene, NAS-39 shows a striking resemblance to human BMP-1 and the tolloids.  相似文献   

While the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is more primitive than most egg-laying organisms, it's vitellogenins, or yolk protein precursors, appear to be more complex. C. elegans oocytes accumulate two major classes of yolk proteins. The first consists of two polypeptides with an Mr of about 170,000 (yp170A and yp170B) encoded by a family of five closely related genes called vit-1 through vit-5. The second class consists of two smaller proteins with Mr values of 115,000 (yp115) and 88,000 (yp88) which are cut from a single precursor. Here we report the cloning and analysis of a single-copy gene (vit-6) that encodes this precursor. The lengths of the gene and its mRNA are about 5 X 10(3) base pairs. Like vit-1 through vit-5, vit-6 is expressed exclusively in adult hermaphrodites. Comparison of portions of the coding sequence indicates that vit-6 is distantly related to the vit-1 through vit-5 gene family. Thus, even though the two classes of yolk proteins are antigenically and physically distinct, they are encoded by a single highly diverged gene family.  相似文献   

In screens for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants defective in vulval morphogenesis, we isolated multiple mutants in which the uterus and the vulva fail to make a functional connection, resulting in an egg-laying defective phenotype. Two of these connection of gonad defective (Cog) mutants carry alleles of the egl-26 gene. We demonstrate that vulval lineages in egl-26 mutant animals are normal, but one vulval cell, vulF, adopts an abnormal morphology. This results in formation of an abnormally thick layer of vulval tissue at the apex of the vulva and a physical blockage of the exit to the vulva from the uterus. egl-26 was cloned and is predicted to encode a novel protein. Mosaic analysis indicates that egl-26 activity is required in the primary vulval lineage for vulF morphogenesis. Expression of a functional translational fusion of EGL-26 to GFP was observed within the primary vulval lineage only in vulE, which neighbors vulF. EGL-26 is localized at the apical edge of the vulE cell. It is thus possible that vulE acts to instruct morphological changes in the neighboring cell, vulF, in an interaction mediated by EGL-26.  相似文献   

The spindle plays a central role in chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. In particular, various kinesins are thought to play crucial roles in spindle structure and function in both mitosis and meiosis of fungi and animals. A group of putative kinesins has been previously identified in Arabidopsis, called ATK1-ATK4 (previously known as KATA-KATD), but their in vivo functions have not been tested with genetic studies. We report here the isolation and characterization of a mutant, atk1-1, which has a defective ATK1 gene. The atk1-1 mutant was identified in a collection of Ds transposon insertion lines by its reduced fertility. Reciprocal crosses between the atk1-1 mutant and wild type showed that only male fertility was reduced, not female fertility. Molecular analyses, including revertant studies, indicated that the Ds insertion in the ATK1 gene was responsible for the fertility defect. Light microscopy revealed that, in the atk1-1 mutant, male meiosis was defective, producing an abnormal number of microspores of variable sizes. Further cytological studies indicated that meiotic chromosome segregation and spindle organization were both abnormal in the mutant. Specifically, the atk1-1 mutant male meiotic cells had spindles that were broad, unfocused and multi-axial at the poles at metaphase I, unlike the typical fusiform bipolar spindle found in the wild-type metaphase I cells. Therefore, the ATK1 gene plays a crucial role in spindle morphogenesis in male Arabidopsis meiosis.  相似文献   

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