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The Cyt toxins are able to lyse a wide range of cell types in vitro, unlike the Cry delta-endotoxins. It exerts its activity by the formation of pores within target cell membranes. The structural information available for Cyt2Aa (PDB id: 1CBY) consists of a single domain in which two outer layers of alpha-helix wrap around a mixed beta-sheet. Beta-barrel was suggested as a possible structure of the pores. Hence, this study seeks to investigate the structural properties of other Cytolytic proteins by predicting the three-dimensional (3D) model using Cyt2Aa as template. The predicted models are expected to be significantly more accurate as all the Cyt proteins showed significant similarity with the template (PDB id: 1CBY). The refined homology models revealed similar secondary structures (alpha-helices and beta-sheets) and tertiary features as Cyt2Aa. The variation in the loop regions of the tertiary structure accounts for the differential toxicity.  相似文献   

Abstract Two cryptic plasmids of 8.6 and 15 kb, originating from Bacillus thuringiensis , have been cloned in Escherichia coli . The determination of their physical map shows that the 8.6-kb plasmid harbors the transposon Tn 4430 and that the 15-kb plasmid carries Tn 4430 plus one copy of the IS 231 element. The replication regions were identified on the restriction maps and the segregational stability of derived plasmids containing these regions was analyzed in B. subtillis . The results indicate that the stability of these plasmids is negatively correlated to the temperature. After 30 generations, without selective pressure at 51°C, the two types of plasmids are lost.  相似文献   

A three dimensional model was developed for Cry10Aa protein sequence of B. thuringiensis LDC-9 and B. thuringiensis israelensis that has not been solved empirically by X-ray crystallography or NMR. Homology modeling was employed for the structure prediction using Cry2Aa as template protein, a high-resolution X-ray crystallography structure. The model predicted for the B. thuringiensis LDC-9 Cry10Aa protein reveals a partial N-terminal domain only due to its partial sequence of 104 amino acids. B. thuringiensis israelensis Cry10Aa model contains three domains such as domain I, a bundle of eight alpha helices with the central relatively hydrophobic helix surrounded by amphipathic helices while domain II and III contain mostly beta-sheets. Significant structural differences within domain II in this model among all Cry protein structures indicates that it is involved in recognition and binding to cell surfaces. Comparison of B. thuringiensis israelensis predicted structure with available experimentally determined Cry structures reveals identical folds. The distribution of electrostatic potential on the surface of the molecules in the model is non-uniform and identifies one side of the alpha-helical domain as negatively charged indicating orientation of toxic molecules toward the cell membrane during the initial binding with a cell surface receptor. The collective knowledge of Cry toxin structures will lead to a more critical understanding of the structural basis for receptor binding and pore formation, as well as allowing the scope of diversity to be better appreciated. This model will serve as a starting point for the design of mutagenesis experiments aimed to improve the toxicity and to provide a new tool for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of these mosquitocidal proteins.  相似文献   

Resistance of greenhouse-selected strains of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni, to Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki was countered by a hybrid strain of B. thuringiensis and genetically modified toxins Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod, which lack helix α-1. Resistance to Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod was >100-fold less than resistance to native toxins Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac.Insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis are used widely for pest control, but evolution of resistance by pests can reduce their efficacy (3, 4, 6, 14). Resistance to B. thuringiensis toxins has been reported in field populations of four species of Lepidoptera, one species in response to sprays (3, 14) and three species in response to transgenic crops (10, 15, 16). Here, we focus on understanding and countering resistance to sprays of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki that evolved in commercial greenhouse populations of the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (7, 17).We compared responses to single toxins and formulations of B. thuringiensis by two resistant strains (GipBtR and GlenBtR) and two related susceptible strains (GipS and GlenS) of T. ni. All four strains were started by the collection of larvae in 2001 from commercial greenhouses near Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada (7). Resistance evolved in the greenhouses in response to repeated sprays of DiPel (7), a formulation of B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain HD1 containing Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, and Cry2Aa (9). Previously reported concentrations required to kill 50% of larvae (LC50s) indicated that, relative to a susceptible laboratory strain, initial resistance to DiPel was 113-fold in the Gip population (labeled T2c in reference 7) and 24-fold in the Glen population (labeled P5 in reference 7).We reared larvae on a wheat germ diet (5) at 26°C on a light-to-dark schedule of 16 h:8 h. GipS and GlenS were reared on diet without B. thuringiensis toxins, which allowed resistance to decline (7). To maintain resistance, GipBtR and GlenBtR were reared each generation on a diet treated with 5 or 10 mg of DiPel WP (Abbott Laboratories, Ontario, Canada) per milliliter of diet (7). In bioassays, groups of five third-instar larvae were put in 60-ml plastic cups containing diet, and mortality was assessed after 3 days by gently probing larvae for movement.We used diet overlay bioassays to evaluate the toxicity to GipBtR and GipS of the protoxin forms of Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1AbMod, and Cry1AcMod produced in B. thuringiensis strains (12). Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod are genetically engineered variants of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac, respectively, each lacking 56 amino acids from the amino-terminal region, including helix α-1 (12). An 80-μl aliquot containing distilled water and toxin was dispensed evenly over the surfaces of 2 ml of diet (a mean surface area of 7.1 cm2) and allowed to dry. Fifty to 200 larvae from each strain were tested at five to eight concentrations of each toxin.We used diet incorporation bioassays (7) to evaluate the toxicities of DiPel and Agree WG (Certis, Columbia, MD) to GipS, GipBtR, GlenS, and GlenBtR. Agree is a formulation of hybrid strain GC91, which was created from the conjugation-like transfer of a plasmid from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain HD191 into B. thuringiensis subsp. aizawai strain HD135, and it contains Cry1Ac, Cry1C, and Cry1D (1, 8). DiPel and Agree were diluted in distilled water and mixed into diet (7). Twenty-five to 50 larvae from each strain were tested at six to seven concentrations of DiPel and Agree.We used probit analysis (13) to estimate the LC50s and their 95% fiducial limits (FL), as well as the slopes of concentration-mortality lines and their standard errors. The mortality of larvae fed treated diet was not adjusted for the mortality of control larvae on untreated diet, because the control mortality was low (mean, 3.6%; range, 0 to 16%). LC50s with nonoverlapping 95% FL are significantly different. Resistance ratios were calculated as the LC50 of a resistant strain (GipBtR or GlenBtR) divided by the LC50 of its susceptible counterpart (GipS or GlenS).The genetically modified toxins Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod were much more effective than the native toxins Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac against larvae of T. ni from the resistant GipBtR strain (Table (Table1).1). Resistance ratios of GipBtR were 580 for Cry1Ab and 1,400 for Cry1Ac but only 5.5 for Cry1AbMod and 9.3 for Cry1AcMod (Table (Table1).1). Against GipBtR, the LC50 was 53-fold higher for Cry1Ab than for Cry1AbMod and 11-fold higher for Cry1Ac than for Cry1AcMod (Table (Table1).1). Against GipS, however, the LC50 was 2-fold higher for Cry1AbMod than for Cry1Ab and 14-fold higher for Cry1AcMod than for Cry1Ac (Table (Table11).


Responses of resistant (GipBtR and GlenBtR) and susceptible (GipS and GlenS) strains of T. ni to native toxins (Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac), modified toxins (Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod), and formulations (DiPel and Agree)
Toxin or formulationStrainNo. of larvaeLC50 (95% FL)aSlope ± SEResistance ratiob
Cry1AbGipBtR400180 (59-2,900)c0.41 ± 0.09580
GipS3760.30 (0.21-0.41)0.56 ± 0.06
Cry1AbModGipBtR4003.4 (2.6-4.6)0.52 ± 0.055.5
GipS3750.62 (0.51-0.75)0.99 ± 0.09
Cry1AcGipBtR60054 (35-110)d0.50 ± 0.071,400
GipS1,4500.038 (0.031-0.046)0.44 ± 0.02
Cry1AcModGipBtR6005.1 (4.4-5.8)0.85 ± 0.069.3
GipS1,1450.55 (0.47-0.64)0.60 ± 0.03
DiPelGipBtR12566 (21-420,000)e0.43 ± 0.17370
GipS1250.18 (0.08-0.27)0.73 ± 0.16
AgreeGipBtR3004.9 (3.6-7.7)0.81 ± 0.129.9
GipS3000.49 (0.42-0.57)1.4 ± 0.14
DiPelGlenBtR1503.2 (2.7-3.9)1.9 ± 0.2726
GlenS1250.13 (0.05-0.17)1.5 ± 0.44
AgreeGlenBtR3002.0 (1.7-2.4)1.2 ± 0.125.9
GlenS2950.34 (0.29-0.39)1.4 ± 0.17
Open in a separate windowaConcentration that killed 50% and its 95% FL in mg protoxin per cm2 diet for toxins and mg formulation per ml of diet for DiPel and Agree.bLC50 of the resistant strain divided by the LC50 of the related susceptible strain for each toxin or formulation.cTotal of 17% mortality at the highest toxin concentration tested (17 mg protoxin/cm2 diet).dTotal of 35% mortality at the highest toxin concentration tested (23 mg protoxin/cm2 diet).eTotal of 24% mortality at the highest toxin concentration tested (15 mg DiPel/ml diet).Agree was more effective than DiPel against the two resistant strains GipBtR and GlenBtR (Table (Table1).1). Resistance ratios for DiPel were 370 for GipBtR and 26 for GlenBtR compared to resistance ratios for Agree, which were 9.9 for GipBtR and 5.9 for GlenBtR (Table (Table1).1). For the two resistant strains, LC50s were higher for DiPel than for Agree (13-fold higher against GipBtR and 1.6-fold higher against GlenBtR) (Table (Table1).1). Conversely, against the two susceptible strains, the LC50s were higher for Agree than for DiPel (2.7-fold higher against GipBtR and 2.6-fold higher against GlenBtR).The resistant GipBtR strain examined here (Table (Table1)1) and the resistant GLEN-Cry1Ac-BCS strain of T. ni studied by Wang et al. (17) had >500-fold resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac. Both GipBtR and GLEN-Cry1Ac-BCS were derived from greenhouse populations of T. ni that had been sprayed repeatedly with DiPel (7, 17), which contains Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac but not Cry1C or Cry1D (9). The GLEN-Cry1Ac-BCS strain had cross-resistance of only 2.5-fold to Cry1C and 2.4-fold to Cry1D (17). Agree contains Cry1C and Cry1D (8), which probably boosted its efficacy against GipBtR and GlenBtR (Table (Table11).The results here with Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod extend those of previous work indicating that modified toxins killed larvae of Manduca sexta in which susceptibility to Cry1Ab was decreased via RNA interference and also killed larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella that had laboratory-selected, genetically based resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac (12). The efficacy of Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod against greenhouse-selected T. ni suggests that the modified toxins may be useful against resistance that evolves in commercial agricultural settings. The results here also increase the number of lepidopteran species against which the modified toxins were effective to three, with each species representing a different family (Sphingidae, Gelechiidae, and Noctuidae). In the two other species, decreased susceptibility to native Cry1A toxins was mediated by alterations in a cadherin protein that binds Cry1Ac (2, 11, 12), whereas the role of cadherin in T. ni resistance has not been demonstrated or excluded.Similar to patterns observed with P. gossypiella (12), modified toxins were more effective than native toxins against resistant T. ni larvae, but native toxins were more effective than modified toxins against susceptible T. ni larvae (Table (Table1).1). This raises the intriguing possibility that combinations of native and modified toxins might be especially effective against populations with a mixture of susceptible and resistant individuals. In any case, the Cry1AMod toxins and hybrid B. thuringiensis products applied either jointly or separately may be useful for countering or delaying evolution of resistance in T. ni. However, further work is needed to determine how native and modified toxins interact when used in combination and how modified toxins perform in the greenhouse and field.  相似文献   

A gene designated cyt1Ab1, encoding a 27,490-Da protein, was isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. medellin (H30 serotype) by using an oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the cyt1Aa1 gene. The sequence of the Cyt1Ab1 protein, as deduced from the sequence of the cyt1Ab1 gene, was 86% identical to that of the Cyt1Aa1 protein and 32% identical to that of the Cyt2Aa1 protein from B. thuringiensis subsp. kyushuensis. The cyt1Ab1 gene was flanked upstream by a p21 gene, in the same orientation, encoding a 21,370-Da protein that showed 84% similarity to the putative chaperone P20 protein from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and downstream, on the opposite strand, by a sequence showing 85% identity to the IS240A insertion sequence. The cyt1Ab1 gene was expressed at a high level in a nontoxic strain of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis in which large inclusions of the Cyt1Ab1 protein were produced. Purified Cyt1Ab1 crystals were as hemolytic as those of the Cyt1Aa1 protein and were twice as hemolytic as those from the wild-type strain. Mosquitocidal activity toward Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi, and Culex pipiens larvae was assayed. The toxicity of the Cyt1Ab1 protein was slightly lower than that of the Cyt1Aa1 protein for all three mosquito species, and Cyt1Ab1 was 150, 300, and 800 times less active toward Culex, Anopheles, and Aedes larvae, respectively, than were the native crystals from B. thuringiensis subsp. medellin.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a plus b content and absorption spectra of the homogenates from the cotyledonary leaves of 30-day-old seedlings of two larch species, Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. and L. sibirica Ldb. were studied. The seedlings were grown on Perlite containing aqueous solutions of entomocidal biopreparations isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis (bitoxybacillin) and B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (lepidocide) at various final concentrations (2, 6, and 12 g/l). Changes in the form of chlorophyll absorption spectra induced by biopreparations were established. A marked inhibition of pigment accumulation in the needles dependent on the biopreparation concentration was noted. At a low concentration (2 g/l), the biopreparations virtually did not affect the chlorophyll content; an increase in their concentrations resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll content in leaves by 20% (at 6 g/l) and 40% (at 12 g/l). It is concluded that bitoxybacillin and lepidocide inhibited the chlorophyll accumulation in larch needles to a similar extent.  相似文献   

Carcasses of mosquito larvae killed by Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis allow its complete growth cycle (germination, vegetative growth, and sporulation), thus becoming toxic themselves to scavenging larvae. In this study, we demonstrate that the bacterium is capable of inducing death of Aedes aegypti pupae and of recycling in the resulting carcasses. B. thuringiensis var. israelensis-killed pupae were obtained by treating 40-hr-old synchronized fourth instar larvae with a low dose of spores (8000/ml). The fraction of dead pupae was reduced by higher or lower spore concentrations as well as by treating younger or older larval populations (both fourth instar): Increased proportions of dead larvae were obtained at higher concentration or by earlier treatment, whereas lower concentrations or later treatment resulted in more living pupae. Multiplication of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis is shown to occur in the carcasses of dead pupae. The number of spores in each pupal carcass followed a similar kinetic as in larval carcasses, but the final yield was about 10-fold higher, apparently reflecting the difference in dry weight between the two mosquito developmental stages (426 micrograms vs 83 micrograms, respectively). The specific larvicidal activity in a homogenized dead pupa was similar to that of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis powder, LC50 of about 600 spores/ml.  相似文献   

The spatial organization of cells within bacterial aggregates on leaf surfaces was determined for pair-wise mixtures of three different bacterial species commonly found on leaves, Pseudomonas syringae, Pantoea agglomerans, and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Cells were coinoculated onto bean plants and allowed to grow under moist conditions, and the resulting aggregates were examined in situ by epifluorescence microscopy. Each bacterial strain could be localized because it expressed either the green or the cyan fluorescent protein constitutively, and the viability of individual cells was assessed by propidium iodide staining. Each pair of bacterial strains that was coinoculated onto leaves formed mixed aggregates. The degree of segregation of cells in mixed aggregates differed between the different coinoculated pairs of strains and was higher in mixtures of P. fluorescens A506 and P. agglomerans 299R and mixtures of P. syringae B728a and P. agglomerans 299R than in mixtures of two isogenic strains of P. agglomerans 299R. The fractions of the total cell population that were dead in mixed and monospecific aggregates of a gfp-marked strain of P. agglomerans 299R and a cfp-marked strain of P. agglomerans 299R, or of P. fluorescens A506 and P. agglomerans 299R, were similar. However, the proportion of dead cells in mixed aggregates of P. syringae B728a and P. agglomerans 299R was significantly higher (13.2% ± 8.2%) than that in monospecific aggregates of these two strains (1.6% ± 0.7%), and it increased over time. While dead cells in such mixed aggregates were preferentially found at the interface between clusters of cells of these strains, cells of these two strains located at the interface did not exhibit equal probabilities of mortality. After 9 days of incubation, about 77% of the P. agglomerans 299R cells located at the interface were dead, while only about 24% of the P. syringae B728a cells were dead. The relevance of our results to understanding bacterial interactions on leaf surfaces and the implications for biological control of pathogenic and other deleterious microorganisms is discussed.  相似文献   

Total populations of epiphytic bacteria and selected components thereof were determined on sets of 24 to 36 individual leaves (corn, rye) or leaflets (snap bean, soybean, tomato) of field-grown plants by washing and dilution plating. In general, levels of component populations (e.g., bacteria that are ice nucleation active) were quantitatively more variable from leaf to leaf within a set than were total epiphytic bacterial populations. Populations of a given component frequently varied by a factor of 100 to 1,000 within a set of leaves. Total bacterial populations usually varied by a factor of about 10. For each set of leaves, total and component epiphytic bacterial populations were found to approximate a lognormal distribution by the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. Due to the lognormal distribution of epiphytic bacterial populations, estimates of population size based on the common practice of using bulked samples (wherein several leaves are washed together) will overestimate the population median by a factor of approximately 1.15σ2. From the known probability distribution of bacterial populations, the frequency with which a given bacterial population size is met or exceeded on individual leaves can be estimated. If the bacterial component is phytopathogenic, the frequency estimates could be used to relate quantitatively pathogen populations and disease incidence.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage CP-51, a generalized transducing phage for Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus, and B. thuringiensis, mediates transduction of plasmid DNA. B. cereus GP7 harbors the 2.8-megadalton multicopy tetracycline resistance plasmid, pBC16. B. thuringiensis 4D11A carries pC194, the 1.8-megadalton multicopy chloramphenicol resistance plasmid. When phage CP-51 was propagated on these strains, it transferred the plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistances to the nonvirulent Weybridge (Sterne) strain of B. anthracis, to B. cereus 569, and to strains of several B. thuringiensis subspecies. The frequency of transfer was as high as 10(-5) transductants per PFU. Tetracycline-resistant and chloramphenicol-resistant transductants contained newly acquired plasmid DNA having the same molecular weight as that contained in the donor strain. Antibiotic-resistant transductants derived from any of the three species were effective donors of plasmids to recipients from all three species.  相似文献   

The ability of bacteriophage to persist in the phyllosphere for extended periods is limited by many factors, including sunlight irradiation, especially in the UV zone, temperature, desiccation, and exposure to copper bactericides. The effects of these factors on persistence of phage and formulated phage (phage mixed with skim milk) were evaluated. In field studies, copper caused significant phage reduction if applied on the day of phage application but not if applied 4 or 7 days in advance. Sunlight UV was evaluated for detrimental effects on phage survival on tomato foliage in the field. Phage was applied in the early morning, midmorning, early afternoon, and late evening, while UVA plus UVB irradiation and phage populations were monitored. The intensity of UV irradiation positively correlated with phage population decline. The protective formulation reduced the UV effect. In order to demonstrate direct effects of UV, phage suspensions were exposed to UV irradiation and assayed for effectiveness against bacterial spot of tomato. UV significantly reduced phage ability to control bacterial spot. Ambient temperature had a pronounced effect on nonformulated phage but not on formulated phages. The effects of desiccation and fluorescent light illumination on phage were investigated. Desiccation caused a significant but only slight reduction in phage populations after 60 days, whereas fluorescent light eliminated phages within 2 weeks. The protective formulation eliminated the reduction caused by both of these factors. Phage persistence was dramatically affected by UV, while the other factors had less pronounced effects. Formulated phage reduced deleterious effects of the studied environmental factors.  相似文献   

Larvicidal proteins encoded by cry genes from Bacillus thuringiensis were released in root exudates from transgenic B. thuringiensis corn, rice, and potato but not from B. thuringiensis canola, cotton, and tobacco. Nonsterile soil and sterile hydroponic solution in which B. thuringiensis corn, rice, or potato had been grown were immunologically positive for the presence of the Cry proteins; from B. thuringiensis corn and rice, the soil and solution were toxic to the larva of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta), and from potato, to the larva of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), representative lepidoptera and coleoptera, respectively. No toxin was detected immunologically or by larvicidal assay in soil or hydroponic solution in which B. thuringiensis canola, cotton, or tobacco, as well as all near-isogenic non-B. thuringiensis plant counterparts or no plants, had been grown. All plant species had the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, except rice, which had the ubiquitin promoter from maize. The reasons for the differences between species in the exudation from roots of the toxins are not known. The released toxins persisted in soil as the result of their binding on surface-active particles (e.g. clay minerals, humic substances), which reduced their biodegradation. The release of the toxins in root exudates could enhance the control of target insect pests, constitute a hazard to nontarget organisms, and/or increase the selection of toxin-resistant target insects.  相似文献   

Lactonases from Bacillus species hydrolyze the N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) signaling molecules used in quorum-sensing pathways of many Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Erwinia carotovora, both significant pathogens. Because of sequence similarity, these AHL lactonases have been assigned to the metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily of proteins, which includes metalloenzymes of diverse activity, mechanism, and metal content. However, a recent study claims that AHL lactonase from Bacillus sp. 240B1 is not a metalloprotein [Wang, L. H., et al. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 13645]. Here, the gene for an AHL lactonase from Bacillus thuringiensis is cloned, and the protein is expressed, purified, and found to bind 2 equiv of zinc. The metal-bound form of AHL lactonase catalyzes the hydrolysis of N-hexanoyl-(S)-homoserine lactone but not the (R) enantiomer. Removal of both zinc ions results in loss of activity, and reconstitution with zinc restores activity, indicating the importance of metal ions for catalytic activity. Metal content, sequence alignments, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the zinc-containing lactonase all support a proposed dinuclear zinc binding site similar to that found in glyoxalase II.  相似文献   

Forty-eight strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and 12 strains of B. cereus were treated with ultraviolet light and mitomycin C. The former agent was the more effective inducer. Bacillus thuringiensis produces at least seven different phage particles with long, non-contractile tails. The frequencies of lysogeny and polylysogeny are 83 and 25% respectively. Morphologically defective phages occur in 25% of strains, whereas five of them produce low molecular-weight bacteriocins. One strain of B. cereus harbors "killer-particles." There is no apparent correlation between the presence of phage-like particles, phage senstivity, and serotypes, biotypes, or the origin of B. thuringiensis strains.  相似文献   

云南烟叶中苏云金杆菌的分布及杀虫特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用4%NaCl培养基选择分离法,从云南7个生产烟区采集的450个复烤烟样中,分离出苏云金芽孢杆菌475株。分离出的Bt菌进行PCR毒素蛋白基因鉴定,其中含cryI毒素蛋白基因的Bt菌有7株,出菌率为1.47%;含cryV毒素蛋白基因的Bt菌11株,出菌率为2.32%;没有含cryⅢ毒素蛋白基因的Bt菌。对含毒蛋白基因cryⅠ及cryⅤ的18个Bt菌株用二龄烟草甲虫进行生物毒力测定,试验后9d有9个Bt菌件生物毒力测定校正死亡率均超过80%;试验后12d有5个Bt菌株生物毒力测定校正死亡率均超过95%。可见,用苏云金芽孢杆菌防治烟叶仓贮害虫是有潜力的。  相似文献   

叶片上下表面的光谱特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林植芳 《植物学报》1984,2(1):35-38

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