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This study aimed to generate a probe for perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs) to investigate the emerging role of these synapse-associated glial cells in the formation and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). We have obtained a novel monoclonal antibody, 2A12, which labels the external surface of PSC membranes at the frog NMJ. The antibody reveals PSC fine processes or “fingers” that are interposed between nerve terminal and muscle membrane, interdigitating with bands of acetylcholine receptors. This antibody also labels PSCs at the avian neuromuscular junction and recognizes a 200 kDa protein in Torpedo electric organs. In frog muscles, axotomy induces sprouting of PSC processes beyond clusters of acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholinesterase at denervated junctional branches. PSC branches often extend across several muscle fibers. At some junctions, PSC sprouts join the tips of neighboring branches. The average length of PSC sprouts is approximately 156 µ at 3-week denervated NMJs. PSC sprouting is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of Schwann cell bodies per NMJ. Following nerve regeneration, nerve terminals reinnervate the junction along the PSC processes. In vivo observations of normal frog muscles also show PSC processes longer than nerve terminals at some junctional branches. The results suggest that nerve injury induces profuse PSC sprouting that may play a role in guiding nerve terminal regeneration at frog NMJs. In addition, antibody 2A12 reveals the fine morphology of PSCs in relation to other synaptic elements and is a useful probe in elucidating the function of these synapse-associated glial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Basal bodies from laying quail oviduct were semipurified and used as immunogen to produce monoclonal antibodies. On 38 clones obtained and among those staining the apical pole of the ciliated cell, CC-310 was chosen because it labeled the apical region with a punctuated aspect, suggesting a staining of basal bodies or of basal body-associated structures; the basal pole was also labeled. The ultrastructural localization performed by the immunogold technique showed that the labeling was mainly associated with the striated rootlets. The basal feet, the side of the basal bodies, and the basal poles of the demembranated cells were also decorated. The identification of the antigen performed by immunoblots of deciliated cortices revealed two proteins of 175,000 and 40,000, whereas immunoblots of basal bodies showed only the 175,000-mw protein. The possibility of these two proteins sharing the same epitope, located at both poles of the cell, is discussed. Immunofluorescence ascertained that CC-310 decorated the striated rootlets in ciliated epithelia from other species: mussel, frog, and human tissue. Finally, when tested on cultured cell lines, CC-310 labeled the centrosome and its associated rootlets on PtK2 during interphase. During mitosis the poles of the mitotic spindle were stained without any apparent rootlet-like structure.  相似文献   

In thyroid cells (rat or hog), actin has been detected by immunofluorescence with an antiactin antibody and, in electron microscopy by decoration “in situ” with heavy meromyosin. The antibody as the heavy meromyosin method have shown that actin microfilaments are especially localized at the apical pole of the cells, in a region where thin filaments are usually observed by conventional methods of electron microscopy. These microfilaments are attached to the apical membrane at the ends of the microvilli and form dense bundles at their cores. They are polarized towards the interior of the cell. Decorated filaments are also organized in a clear network, parallel to the apical membrane; they are associated with microvillar bundles, but also with small apical vesicles and lateral membranes, in tight or gap junctions.  相似文献   

Orientia tsutsugamushi , the causative agent of scrub typhus, is an obligate intracellular bacterium that replicates in the cytosol of host cells. Although several protein antigens have been characterized and cloned, little information exists regarding the polysaccharide antigen of this bacterium. In this study, we identified and characterized a novel antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody (MAb), NT19, against O. tsutsugamushi . Immunofluorescence microscopic studies showed that the NT19 antigen is released from the bacteria in the cytosol of host cells forming aggregates with bacteria. Immunoblot analysis showed that MAb NT19 recognized a strong band with a molecular mass of 20 kDa that was resistant to proteinase K digestion and sensitive to periodate oxidation, suggesting that the NT19 antigen is a polysaccharide. The function of this polysaccharide is not known, but considering its distribution within a bacterial microcolony, it is suspected to be involved in forming a biofilm-like structure within host cells.  相似文献   

Higashi  N; Tsujii  K; Sunamoto  J 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):709-716
We established a hybridoma clone 1N1 that produced a monoclonal antibody to stain the apical portion of frog taste cells, by directly immunizing taste discs of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) without any dispersion procedure of the taste organ. The antibody stained discrete regions on the surface of the taste discs, but did not stain the epithelium sheet of the tongue devoid of taste discs. The antibody stained approximately 93% of the taste discs tested (172/184) derived from nine frogs, showing that distribution of the antigen was common to most of the taste discs. The following observations strongly suggested that the antibody recognized a certain antigen on the apical membrane of the taste cells. (i) The antibody selectively stained cross points of intermucus areas on the surface of the taste disc. Neither the mucus cells nor the wing cells that mainly cover the surface were stained with the antibody. (ii) Dispersed taste cells were prepared by calcium ion chelating and subsequently by collagenase treatment to avoid digestion of the antigen. The antibody stained the apical end of the taste cells.   相似文献   

Summary An aminopeptidase N has been detected by immunofluorescence in the apical plasma membrane of porcine thyroid cells, facing the follicular lumen. Freshly isolated cells obtained by tissue trypsinization, lose their polarity and exhibit a homogeneous enzyme distribution over the whole plasma membrane. In thyrotropin-stimulated cultured cells organized into follicles, the enzyme is localized in the apical cell pole. In monolayer cells, on the other hand, the enzyme is distributed over the whole surface facing the medium. In both types of cultures fluorescence is also observed in intracytoplasmic organelles. In vivo, aminopeptidase is a marker of the apical part of the thyroid plasma membrane, but its in vitro localization depends upon cell differentiation related to the culture conditions.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody derived from a mouse immunized with bovine epidermal prekeratin has been characterized by its binding to cytoskeletal polypeptides separated by one- or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and by immunofluorescence microscopy. This antibody (KG 8.13) binds to a determinant present in a large number of human cytokeratin polypeptides, notably some polypeptides (Nos. 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8) of the 'basic cytokeratin subfamily' defined by peptide mapping, as well as a few acidic cytokeratins such as the epidermis-specific cytokeratins Nos. 10 and 11 and the more widespread cytokeratin No. 18. This antibody reacts specifically with a wide variety of epithelial tissues and cultured epithelial cells, in agreement with previous findings that at least one polypeptide of the basic cytokeratin subfamily is present in all normal and neoplastic epithelial cells so far examined. The antibody also reacts with corresponding cytokeratin polypeptides in a broad range of species including man, cow, chick, and amphibia but shows only limited reactivity with only a few rodent cytokeratins. The value of this broad-range monoclonal antibody, which apparently recognizes a stable cytokeratin determinant ubiquitous in human epithelia, for the immunohistochemical identification of epithelia and carcinomas is discussed.  相似文献   

MDCK (Madin-Darby canine kidney) cells represent a good model of polarized epithelium to investigate the signals involved in the apical targeting of proteins. As reported previously, GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) anchors mediate the apical sorting of proteins in polarized epithelial cells through their interaction with lipid rafts. However, using a naturally N-glycosylated and GPI-anchored protein, we found that the GPI anchor does not influence the targeting of the protein. It is, in fact, the N-glycans that signal the protein to the apical surface. In the present review, the role of N-glycans and GPI anchors as apical signals is discussed along with the putative mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies and derived fragments are used extensively both experimentally and therapeutically. Thorough characterization of such antibodies is necessary and includes assessment of their thermal and storage stabilities. Thus, assessment of the underlying conformational stabilities of the antibodies is also important. We recently documented that non-reducing SDS-PAGE can be used to assess both monoclonal and polyclonal IgG domain thermal unfolding in SDS. Utilizing this same h2E2 anti-cocaine mAb, in this study we generated and analyzed various mAb antibody fragments to delineate the structural domains of the antibody responsible for the observed discrete bands following various heating protocols and analysis by non-reducing SDS-PAGE. Previously, these domain unfolding transitions and gel bands were hypothesized to stem from known mAb structural domains based on the relative thermal stability of those CH2, CH3, and Fab domains in the absence of SDS, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry. In this study, we generated and analyzed F(ab’)2, Fab, and Fc fragments, as well as a mAb consisting of only heavy chains, and examined the thermally induced domain unfolding in each of these fragments by non-reducing SDS-PAGE. The results were interpreted and integrated to generate an improved model of thermal unfolding for the mAb IgG in SDS. These results and the model presented should be generally applicable to many monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and allow novel comparisons of conformational stabilities between chemically or genetically modified versions of a given antibody. Such modified antibodies and antibody drug conjugates are commonly utilized and important for experimental and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells from the margin and tentacles of the hydromedusa Polyorchis penicillatus were centrifuged in a Percoll gradient to remove cnidocytes. The resulting formaldehyde-fixed cells were used to inoculate mice to produce monoclonal antibodies. One of the hybridomas, which secreted antibodies against all neurons, was cloned and designated as mAb 5C6. Immunohistochemical labelling with mAb 5C6 of whole-mount preparations and paraffin sections provided a far more complete picture of the organisation of the hydromedusan nervous system than was previously available when using neuronal labelling techniques that restrict labelling to certain neuronal types. Besides confirming anatomical features described in earlier studies these techniques allowed us to discover a number of new structures and to determine connections that were only suspected. Such findings included: 1.The discovery of an arch-like connection between the swimming motor neuron network at the apices of the subumbrellar muscle sheets 2.An orthogonal network connecting each pair of radial nerves in each radius 3.Continuity of a central branch of the radial nerve with the radial innervation of the manubrium 4.Details of the sensory neuronal contribution to the microanatomy of the ocelli and cnidocyte batteries 5.Presence of specialised receptor cells in the margin at the bases of tentacles 6.Neurons apparently innervating the radial muscles of the velum 7.Isolated neurons in the peduncle and gonads Electronic Publication  相似文献   

When fluid-phase markers are internalized from opposite poles of polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, they accumulate in distinct apical and basolateral early endosomes before meeting in late endosomes. Recent evidence suggests that significant mixing of apically and basolaterally internalized membrane proteins occurs in specialized apical endosomal compartments, including the common recycling endosome and the apical recycling endosome (ARE). The relationship between these latter compartments and the fluid-labeled apical early endosome is unknown at present. We report that when the apical recycling marker, membrane-bound immunoglobulin A (a ligand for the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor), and fluid-phase dextran are cointernalized from the apical poles of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, they enter a shared apical early endosome (相似文献   

Actin microfilaments were localized in quail oviduct ciliated cells using decoration with myosin subfragment S1 and immunogold labeling. These polarized epithelial cells show a well developed cytoskeleton due to the presence of numerous cilia and microvilli at their apical pole. Most S1-decorated microfilaments extend from the microvilli downward towards the upper part of the ciliary striated rootlets with which they are connected. From the microvillous roots, a few microfilaments connect the proximal part of the basal body or the basal foot associated with the basal body. Microfilament polarity is shown by S1 arrowheads pointing away from the microvillous tip to the cell body. Furthermore, short microfilaments are attached to the plasma membrane at the anchoring sites of basal bodies and run along the basal body. The polarity of these short microfilaments is directed from the basal body anchoring fibers downward to the cytoplasm. At the cell periphery, microfilaments from microvillous roots and ciliary apparatus are connected with those of the circumferential actin belt which is associated with the apical zonula adhaerens. Together with the other cytoskeletal elements, the microfilaments increase ciliary anchorage and could be involved in the coordination of ciliary beating. Moreover, microvilli surrounding the cilia probably modify ciliary beating by offering resistance to cilium bending. The presence of microvilli could explain the fact that mainly the upper part of the cilia appanars to be involved in the axonemal bending in metazoan ciliated cells.  相似文献   

An antigen from meconium was revealed by monoclonal antibody D 12 (IgM). This antigen was heat liable substance with relative m. m. about 400-600 kD. Reactions on histological slides with MAb D 12 were blocked up after processing tissues by neuraminidase and become stronger after processing tissues by NaIO4. Antigen D 12 was found in goblet cells of fetal and definitive colon and in analogous cells of trachea and bronchi.  相似文献   

N-Methylpurine-DNA glycosylase (MPG), a ubiquitous DNA repair enzyme, initiates excision repair of several N-alkylpurine adducts, induced by alkylating chemotherapeutics, and deaminated and lipid peroxidation-induced purine adducts. We have generated monoclonal antibodies (moAbs) against human MPG. Twelve independent hybridoma clones were characterized, which, except 520-16A, are identical based on epitope exclusion assay. Four moAbs, including 520-2A, 520-3A, 520-16A, and 520-26A, have high affinity (K(D) approximately 0.3-1.6nM), and their subtypes were IgG(2a), IgG(1), IgG(2a), and IgG(2b), respectively. moAb 520-3A recognizes the sequence (52)AQAPCPRERCLGPP(66)T, an epitope exclusively present in the N-terminal extension of human MPG. We found that moAb 520-3A significantly inhibited MPG's enzymatic activity towards different substrates, such as hypoxanthine, 1,N(6)ethenoadenine and methylated bases, which represent different classes of DNA damage, however, with different efficiencies. Real-time binding experiments using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy showed that the pronounced inhibition of activity was not in the substrate-binding step. Single turnover kinetics (STO) revealed that the inhibition was at the catalytic step. Since we found that this antibody has an epitope in the N-terminal tail, the latter appears to have an important role in substrate discrimination, however, with a differential effect on different substrates.  相似文献   

The A6 cell line is a model for tight epithelia and studies of epithelial polarity. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were produced by immunization of mice with intact A6 cells and fusion of spleen cells to generate hybridomas. Hybridoma supernatants were screened by ELISA to select MAbs binding to the apical membrane of confluent A6 cells. Localization of MAb binding was examined by indirect immunofluorescence using cross sections of A6 monolayers grown on collagen coated filters. One MAb, designated 13F12, was positive by apical surface ELISA but localized specifically to the basolateral membrane of cross sections of A6 monolayers on filters. Immunofluorescence labeling of confluent A6 cells grown on glass cover slips revealed that MAb 13F12 does not bind to the apical membrane, but binds to basolateral determinants in the regions of domes, where it appears able to penetrate cellular junctions. Subconfluent A6 cells express the antigen all over the cell surface. Cells approaching confluency express the antigen on the apical membrane of some cells but not others, and as the cells reach confluency, the antigen disappears from the apical surface, and the cells become fully polarized. A6 cells at confluency on glass cover slips are equally polarized as cells grown on filters with respect to this antigen. The antigen has been identified by immunoprecipitation as a 22 kDa protein. High concentrations of MAb 13F12 did not inhibit cell plating, indicating that the antigenic site is not directly involved in cell adhesion to the substrate. MAb 13F12 should prove to be a useful tool to study many aspects of epithelial polarity, including the signals involved in sorting of proteins to specific membrane domains.  相似文献   

The rat monoclonal antibody (ab) 7/4 produced against neutrophil-rich cultured bone-marrow populations defines a polymorphic neutrophil differentiation antigen (ag). Ag 7/4 expression was characterized on cells from C57PL/6 and Swiss PO outbred mice using fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis and radioimmune binding assays. All neutrophils in bone marrow; blood, and inflammatory exudates were labeled by ab 7/4 and appeared to express similar amounts of ag 7/4 quantitated by saturation radioimmune binding assays. However, discrete populations of dimly (8–12% of nucleated cells) and brightly (30–40%) 7/4 labeled cells could be resolved by FACS analysis of bone marrow only. No binding was detected to resident or inflammatory macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, mast cells and mature erythroid cells in hemopoietic or lymphoid tissues.Nine inbred mouse strains tested expressed high levels of ag 7/4, while six other strains expressed insignificant levels. The expression of ag 7,/4 on bone-marrow cells from F1, F2, and backcross generation mice was consistent with control by a single, autosomal dominant gene.Abbreviations used in this paper ab antibody - ag antigen - FACS fluorescence-activated cell sorter - FBS fetal bovine serum - FITC fluorescein-isothiocyanate - IBA indirect radioimmune binding assay - i. p. intraperitoneal - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - RAR rabbit (F(ab)2 anti-rat F(ab)2  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial (RS) virus infects the epithelium of the respiratory tract. We examined the replication and maturation of RS virus in two polarized epithelial cell lines, Vero C1008 and MDCK. Electron microscopy of RS virus-infected Vero C1008 cells revealed the presence of pleomorphic viral particles budding exclusively from the apical surface, often in clusters. The predominant type of particle was filamentous, 80 to 100 nm in diameter, and 4 to 8 microns in length, and evidence from filtration studies indicated that the filamentous particles were infectious. Cytopathology produced by RS virus infection of polarized Vero C1008 cells was minimal, and syncytia were not observed, consistent with the maintenance of tight junctions and the exclusively apical maturation of the virus. Infectivity assays with MDCK cells confirmed that in this cell line, RS virus was released into the apical medium but not into the basolateral medium. In addition, the majority of the RS virus transmembrane fusion glycoprotein on the cell surface was localized to the apical surface of the Vero C1008 cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that RS virus matures at the apical surface of polarized epithelial cell lines.  相似文献   

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