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The EGF receptor is an actin-binding protein   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
In a number of recent studies it has been shown that in vivo part of the EGF receptor (EGFR) population is associated to the actin filament system. In this paper we demonstrate that the purified EGFR can be cosedimented with purified filamentous actin (F-actin) indicating a direct association between EGFR and actin. A truncated EGFR, previously shown not to be associated to the cytoskeleton, was used as a control and this receptor did not cosediment with actin filaments. Determination of the actin-binding domain of the EGFR was done by measuring competition of either a polyclonal antibody or synthetic peptides on EGFR cosedimentation with F-actin. A synthetic peptide was made homologous to amino acid residues 984-996 (HL-33) of the EGFR which shows high homology with the actin-binding domain of Acanthamoeba profilin. A polyclonal antibody raised against HL-33 was found to prevent cosedimentation of EGFR with F-actin. This peptide HL-33 was shown to bind directly to actin in contrast with a synthetic peptide homologous to residues 1001-1013 (HL-34). During cosedimentation, HL-33 competed for actin binding of the EGFR and HL-34 did not, indicating that the EGFR contains one actin-binding site. These results demonstrate that the EGFR is an actin-binding protein which binds to actin via a domain containing amino acids residues 984-996.  相似文献   

A 17 kDa polypeptide found in association with actin in cellular extracts of Dictyostelium discoideum was identified as a proteolytic fragment of eEF1beta. Antibody elicited against the 17 kDa protein reacted with a single 29 kDa polypeptide in Dictyostelium, indicating that the 17 kDa peptide arises from degradation of a larger precursor. The cDNA isolated from a Dictyostelium library using this antibody as a probe encodes Dictyostelium elongation factor 1beta. Amino acid degradation of the 17 kDa protein fragment confirmed the identity of the protein as eEF1beta. Direct interaction of eEF1beta with actin in vitro was further demonstrated in mixtures of actin with the 17 kDa protein fragment of Dictyostelium eEF1beta, recombinant preparations of Dictyostelium eEF1beta expressed in Escherichia coli, and the intact eEF1betagamma complex purified from wheat germ. Localization of eEF1beta in Dictyostelium by immunofluorescence microscopy reveals both diffuse cytoplasmic staining, and some concentration in the cortical and hyaline cytoplasm. The results support the existence of physical and functional interactions of the translation apparatus with the cytoskeleton, and suggest that eEF1beta may function in a dual role both to promote the elongation phase of protein synthesis, and to interact with cytoplasmic actin.  相似文献   

Filamin-A (filamin-1) is an actin-binding protein involved in the organization of actin networks. Our previous study shows that filamin-A interacts with BRCA2, and lack of filamin-A expression results in increased cellular sensitivity to several DNA damaging agents in melanoma cells (Yuan, Y., and Shen, Z. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 48318-48324), suggesting a role of filamin-A in DNA damage response. In this report, we demonstrated that deficiency of filamin-A results in an 8-h delay in the recovery from G2 arrest in response to ionizing radiation. However, filamin-A deficiency does not affect the initial activation of the G2/M checkpoint. We also found that filamin-A deficiency results in sustained activation of Chk1 and Chk2 after irradiation. This in turn causes a delay in the dephosphorylation of phospho-Cdc2, which is inhibitory to the G2/M transition. In addition, filamin-A-deficient M2 cells undergo mitotic catastrophe-related nuclear fragmentation after they are released from the G2 arrest. Together, these data suggest a functional role of filamin-A in the recovery from G2 arrest and subsequent mitotic cell death after DNA damage.  相似文献   

p116Rip is a ubiquitously expressed protein that was originally identified as a putative binding partner of RhoA in a yeast two-hybrid screen. Overexpression of p116Rip in neuroblastoma cells inhibits RhoA-mediated cell contraction induced by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA); so far, however, the function of p116Rip is unknown. Here we report that p116Rip localizes to filamentous actin (F-actin)-rich structures, including stress fibers and cortical microfilaments, in both serum-deprived and LPA-stimulated cells, with the N terminus (residues 1-382) dictating cytoskeletal localization. In addition, p116Rip is found in the nucleus. Direct interaction or colocalization with RhoA was not detected. We find that p116Rip binds tightly to F-actin (Kd approximately 0.5 microm) via its N-terminal region, while immunoprecipitation assays show that p116Rip is complexed to both F-actin and myosin-II. Purified p116Rip and the F-actin-binding region can bundle F-actin in vitro, as shown by electron microscopy. When overexpressed in NIH3T3 cells, p116Rip disrupts stress fibers and promotes formation of dendrite-like extensions through its N-terminal actin-binding domain; furthermore, overexpressed p116Rip inhibits growth factor-induced lamellipodia formation. Our results indicate that p116Rip is an F-actin-binding protein with in vitro bundling activity and in vivo capability of disassembling the actomyosin-based cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence indicate that sucrose synthase (SuSy) binds both G- and F-actin: (i) presence of SuSy in the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction of microsomal membranes (i.e. crude cytoskeleton fraction); (ii) co-immunoprecipitation of actin with anti-SuSy monoclonal antibodies; (iii) association of SuSy with in situ phalloidin-stabilized F-actin filaments; and (iv) direct binding to F-actin, polymerized in vitro. Aldolase, well known to interact with F-actin, interfered with binding of SuSy, suggesting that a common or overlapping binding site may be involved. We postulate that some of the soluble SuSy in the cytosol may be associated with the actin cytoskeleton in vivo.  相似文献   

Transgelin is a shape change sensitive 22 kDa actin-binding protein of the calponin family. It contains a C-terminal calponin-like module (CLIK(23)) and an upstream positively charged amino acid region required for actin binding. Transgelin is ubiquitous to vascular and visceral smooth muscle and is an early marker of smooth muscle differentiation, where its expression is driven by CArG box, smooth muscle gene promoter. It is also present in fibroblasts, and some epithelium where expression is likely driven by TGF-beta1. Transgelin null mice reveal that, whilst it is not required for smooth muscle development, transgelin may be involved in calcium-independent smooth muscle contraction. Recent evidence suggests that transgelin acts as a tumour suppressor. Its expression is lost in prostate, breast and colon cancers. This is consistent with suppression of the metallo matrix protease-9 (MMP-9) by transgelin, where MMP-9 is upregulated in these common cancers.  相似文献   

Familial amyloidosis, Finnish type, is clinically characterized by cranial neuropathy and lattice corneal dystrophy. It is an autosomal dominant form of systemic amyloidosis with small deposits of congophilic material occurring in most tissues, particularly in association with blood vessel walls and basement membranes. Amyloid fibrils were extracted from the kidney of patient VUO, and rabbit antiserum raised against the 12 kDa purified amyloid subunit displayed strong immunohistochemical reactivity with the amyloid deposits. The amino terminal sequence of this 12 kDa amyloid protein (ATEVPVSWESFNNGD) showed homology with gelsolin (or actin depolymerizing factor), a 93 kDa plasma protein. The amyloid peptide is a degradation product, starting at position 173, of the gelsolin molecule.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of monoclonal antibodies to Acanthamoeba myosin I showed a cross-reactive protein in nuclei (Hagen, S. J., D. P. Kiehart, D. A. Kaiser, and T. D. Pollard. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 103:2121-2128). This protein is antigenically related to myosin I in that nine monoclonal antibodies and three polyclonal antibodies are cross-reactive. However, studies with affinity-purified antibodies and two-dimensional peptide maps show that the protein is not a proteolytic product of myosin I. We have used cell fractionation and column chromatography to purify this protein. It is a dimer of 34-kD polypeptides with a Stokes' radius of 4 nm. A polyclonal antisera generated against the purified protein confirms the nuclear localization seen with the cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies. The 34-kD protein binds actin filaments in an ATP-insensitive manner with a Kd of approximately 0.25 microM without cross-linking, severing, or capping. No ATPase activity was detected in the presence or absence of actin. It also binds to DNA. These unique properties suggest we have discovered a new class of actin-binding protein. We have given this protein the name NAB for "nuclear actin-binding" protein.  相似文献   

The 100-kDa heat shock protein, HSP100, was purified from mouse lymphoma cells. Amino acid sequences of three peptide fragments which were obtained from the purified protein by lysylendopeptidase digestion were completely or nearly identical with those of a mouse endoplasmic reticulum protein, ERp99, of a hamster glucose-regulated protein, GRP94, and of a chicken heat shock protein, HSP108, all of which have been known to have strong homology with the 90-kDa heat shock protein, HSP90. HSP100 bound to actin filaments and an apparent Kd for the binding was determined to be 8 x 10(-7) M in 2 mM MgCl2 + 100 mM KCl. Calmodulin inhibited the binding in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Equilibrium gel filtration demonstrated that HSP100 has an ability to bind to calmodulin only in the presence of Ca2+. Moreover, HSP100 competed with HSP90 for binding to actin filaments. These results together with our previous findings that HSP90 and HSP100 have similar physicochemical properties (Koyasu, S., Nishida, E., Kadowaki, T., Matsuzaki, F., Iida, K., Harada, F., Kasuga, M., Sakai, H., and Yahara, I. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 8054-8058) and HSP90 is a calmodulin-regulated actin-binding protein (Nishida, E., Koyasu, S., Sakai, H., and Yahara, I. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16033-16036), strongly suggest that HSP100 is structurally and functionally related to HSP90.  相似文献   

We have characterized the interaction of syntrophin with F-actin. Subcellular fractionation of cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues showed that alpha-, beta1- and beta2-syntrophins were present in the soluble and the membrane fraction. Syntrophins are known to bind to the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), but since the DGC is not present in the soluble fraction, it was concluded that some syntrophin did not associate with the DGC. Native syntrophins purified from the soluble fraction and recombinant syntrophins were both able to bind to F-actin, and binding occurred through several sites on syntrophin, including the second pleckstrin homology domain and the unique carboxyl-terminal domain. Syntrophin was also able to inhibit actin-activated myosin ATPase activity and actomyosin super-precipitation. alpha-Syntrophin co-localized with cortical F-actin fibers when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and deletion of the actin-binding region abolished co-localization. Most of exogenous or endogenous syntrophin also co-localized with stress fibers in endothelial and smooth muscle (A7r5) cells. However, syntrophins were mostly localized in the cytosol of serum-starved C2C12 or primary cultured skeletal muscle myotubes, and translocated to the membrane upon treatment with lysophosphatidic acid or the actin-stabilizing agent jasplakinolide. The actin-depolymerizing agent latrunculin-B abolished this syntrophin translocation. These findings suggest that syntrophin is an actin-binding protein the subcellular localization of which is regulated through cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor enriched membrane fragments were obtained from the electric organs of Torpedo marmorata. The purified membrane fragments contained several proteins in addition to the acetylcholine receptor subunits. One of these was shown to be actin by means of immune blotting with a monoclonal antibody. Brief treatment of the membranes with pH 11.0 buffer removed actin and the other non-receptor proteins including the receptor-associated 43 000 mol. wt. polypeptide. This polypeptide was shown to bind actin after transferring the proteins from one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose paper and incubating the nitrocellulose blots with actin. Specifically bound actin was demonstrated using the monoclonal antibodies to actin. No calcium or calmodulin dependency of binding was observed. The findings suggest that the 43 000 mol. wt. polypeptide is a link between the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

We prepared a probe of radiolabeled, glutaraldehyde cross-linked filamentous actin (F-actin) to study binding of actin to membranes of Dictyostelium discoideum. The probe bound to membranes or detergent extracts of membranes with a high affinity and in a saturable manner. The binding could be reduced by boiling of either the actin probe or the membranes, or by addition of excess native F-actin, but not by addition of an equivalent amount of bovine serum albumin, to the assay. The probe labeled several proteins when used to overlay sodium dodecyl sulfate gels of Dictyostelium membranes. One of these labeled proteins was a 24,000-mol-wt protein (p24), which was soluble only in the presence of a high concentration of sodium deoxycholate (5%, wt/vol) at room temperature or above. The p24 was purified by selective detergent extraction and column chromatography. When tested in a novel two-phase binding assay, p24 bound both native monomeric actin (G-actin) and F-actin in a specific manner. In this assay, G-actin bound p24 with a submicromolar affinity.  相似文献   

Breast cancer has been the first death cause of cancer in women all over the world. Metastasis is believed to be the most important process for treating breast cancer. There is evidence that lncRNA MEG3 functions as a tumor suppressor in breast cancer metastasis. However, upstream regulation of MEG3 in breast cancer remain elusive. Therefore, it is critical to elucidate the underlying mechanism upstream MEG3 to regulate breast cancer metastasis. We employed RT-qPCR and Western blot to examine expression level of miR-506, DNMT1, SP1, SP3 and MEG3. Besides, methylation-specific PCR was used to determine the methylation level of MEG3 promoter. Wound healing assay and transwell invasion assay were utilized to measure migration and invasion ability of breast cancer cells, respectively. SP was upregulated while miR-506 and MEG3 were downregulated in breast tumor tissue compared to adjacent normal breast tissues. In addition, we found that miR-506 regulated DNMT1 expression in an SP1/SP3-dependent manner, which reduced methylation level of MEG3 promoter and upregulated MEG3 expression. SP3 knockdown or miR-506 mimic suppressed migration and invasion of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells whereas overexpression of SP3 compromised miR-506-inhibited migration and invasion. Our data reveal a novel axis of miR-506/SP3/SP1/DNMT1/MEG3 in regulating migration and invasion of breast cancer cell lines, which provide rationales for developing effective therapies to treating metastatic breast cancers.  相似文献   

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) is an unfolded protein that contains well characterized actin-binding sites within the phosphorylation site domain (PSD), yet paradoxically, we now find that intact MARCKS does not bind to actin. Intact MARCKS also does not bind as well to calmodulin as does the PSD alone. Myristoylation at the N terminus alters how calmodulin binds to MARCKS, implying that, despite its unfolded state, the distant N terminus influences binding events at the PSD. We show that the free PSD binds with site specificity to MARCKS, suggesting that long-range intramolecular interactions within MARCKS are also possible. Because of the unusual primary sequence of MARCKS with an overall isoelectric point of 4.2 yet a very basic PSD (overall charge of +13), we speculated that ionic interactions between oppositely charged domains of MARCKS were responsible for long-range interactions within MARCKS that sterically influence binding events at the PSD and that explain the observed differences between properties of the PSD and MARCKS. Consistent with this hypothesis, chemical modifications of MARCKS that neutralize negatively charged residues outside of the PSD allow the PSD to bind to actin and increase the affinity of MARCKS for calmodulin. Similarly, both myristoylation of MARCKS and cleavage of MARCKS by calpain are shown to increase the availability of the PSD so as to activate its actin-binding activity. Because abundant evidence supports the conclusion that MARCKS is an important protein in regulating actin dynamics, our data imply that post-translational modifications of MARCKS are necessary and sufficient to regulate actin-binding activity.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis involves two phases: 1) membrane ingression followed by 2) membrane abscission. The ingression phase generates a cleavage furrow and this requires co-operative function of the actin-myosin II contractile ring and septin filaments. We demonstrate that the actin-binding protein, EPLIN, locates to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis and this is possibly via association with the contractile ring components, myosin II, and the septin, Sept2. Depletion of EPLIN results in formation of multinucleated cells and this is associated with inefficient accumulation of active myosin II (MRLCS19) and Sept2 and their regulatory small GTPases, RhoA and Cdc42, respectively, to the cleavage furrow during the final stages of cytokinesis. We suggest that EPLIN may function during cytokinesis to maintain local accumulation of key cytokinesis proteins at the furrow.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of the cytoskeleton leading to the extension of cellular processes is essential for the myelination of axons by oligodendrocytes. We observed that the actin-binding protein, Mayven, is expressed during all stages of the oligodendrocyte lineage, and that its expression is up-regulated during oligodendrocyte differentiation. Mayven is localized in the cytoplasm and along the cell processes. Mayven also binds actin, and is involved in the cytoskeletal reorganization in oligodendrocyte precursor cells (O-2A cells) that leads to process elongation. Mayven overexpression resulted in an increase in the process outgrowth of O-2A cells and in the lengths of the processes, while microinjection of Mayven-specific antibodies inhibited process extension in these cells. Furthermore, O-2A cells transduced with recombinant retroviral sense Mayven (pMIG-W-Mayven) showed an increase in the number of oligodendrocyte processes with outgrowth, while recombinant retroviral antisense Mayven (pMIG-W-Mayven-AS) blocked O-2A process extension. Interestingly, co-localization and association of Mayven with Fyn kinase were found in O-2A cells, and these interactions were increased during the outgrowth of oligodendrocyte processes. This association was mediated via the SH3 domain ligand (a.a. 1-45) of Mayven and the SH3 domain of Fyn, suggesting that Mayven may act as a linker to bind Fyn, via its N-terminus. Thus, Mayven plays a role in the dynamics of cytoskeletal rearrangement leading to the process extension of oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Mitra K  Zhou D  Galán JE 《FEBS letters》2000,482(1-2):81-84
An essential step in the pathogenesis of Salmonella enterica infections is bacterial entry into non-phagocytic cells of the intestinal epithelium. Proteins injected by Salmonella into host cells stimulate cellular responses that lead to extensive actin cytoskeleton reorganization and subsequent bacterial uptake. One of these proteins, SipA, modulates actin dynamics by directly binding to F-actin. We have biophysically characterized a C-terminal fragment, SipA(446-684), which has previously been shown to retain activity. Our results show that SipA(446-684) exhibits an elongated shape with a predominantly helical conformation and predict the existence of a coiled-coil domain. We suggest that the protein is able to span two adjacent actin monomers in a filament and propose a model that is consistent with the observed effects of SipA(446-684) on actin dynamics and F-actin stability and morphology.  相似文献   

The presence of actin-binding proteins in the perinuclear theca of boar spermatozoa has been investigated, using stepwise extractions of proteins from sperm heads. Proteins extracted with the alkaline buffer 1M Na(2)CO(3), pH 11, were found to contain a 66kDa protein that binds F-actin in actin pelleting assays. Sequence studies and immunological characterization with antibodies specific for human cylicin II identified the 66kDa protein as the homologue of bovine and human cylicin II. Immunocytochemical studies showed the presence of porcine cylicin II in the acrosomal region of round spermatids and in the postacrosomal region of late spermatids and spermatozoa, in agreement with the previously described localization of cylicins. Taken together, the results suggest that cylicin II, a protein of the sperm perinuclear cytoskeleton, is a novel actin-binding protein, which probably plays a role in the actin-related events that occur during spermiogenesis and the early events of fertilization.  相似文献   

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