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Arabidopsis halleri is a well-known zinc (Zn) hyperaccumulator, but its status as a cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator is less certain. Here, we investigated whether A. halleri can hyperaccumulate Cd and whether Cd is transported via the Zn pathway. Growth and Cd and Zn uptake were determined in hydroponic experiments with different Cd and Zn concentrations. Short-term uptake and root-to-shoot transport were measured with radioactive 109Cd and 65Zn labelling. A. halleri accumulated > 1000 mg Cd kg(-1) in shoot dry weight at external Cd concentrations >or= 5 microm, but the short-term uptake rate of 109Cd was much lower than that of 65Zn. Zinc inhibited short-term 109Cd uptake kinetics and root-to-shoot translocation, as well as long-term Cd accumulation in shoots. Uptake of 109Cd and 65Zn were up-regulated, respectively, by low iron (Fe) or Zn status. A. halleri was much less tolerant to Cd than to Zn. We conclude that A. halleri is able to hyperaccumulate Cd partly, at least, through the Zn pathway, but the mechanisms responsible for cellular Zn tolerance cannot detoxify Cd effectively.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of metal hyperaccumulation are still not understood, so we conducted a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of zinc (Zn) hyperaccumulation in Arabidopsis halleri, in a cross between this and its sister species, A. petraea, in order to determine the number and approximate location of the genomic regions significantly contributing to this adaptation. An F2 cross between the two species was made, and the leaf Zn concentration of 92 individuals was measured at both low (10 microm) and high (100 microm) Zn concentrations. Twenty-five markers were established that were distributed on all of the eight chromosomes. Mapping of the markers established that they were essentially collinear with previous studies. QTLs exceeding a logarithm to the base 10 of the odds (LOD) value of 3 were found on chromosomes 4 (low Zn), 6 (high Zn) and 7 (both high and low Zn). Evidence for a QTL on chromosome 3 (low Zn) was also found. This analysis validates a previously used method of QTL analysis, based on microarray analysis of segregating families. Genes that have altered during the evolution of this character should also be QTL: this analysis calls into question a number of candidate genes from consideration as such primary genes because they do not appear to be associated with QTLs.  相似文献   

Polyamine content and enzyme activities in the biosynthetic and degradative pathways of polyamine metabolism were investigated in sieve-tube sap, xylem sap and tissues of seedlings and adult plants of Ricinus communis L. Polyamines were present in tissues and translocation fluids of both seedlings and adult plants in relatively high amounts. Only free polyamines were translocated through the plant, as indicated by the finding that only the free form was detected in the phloem and the xylem sap. Removal of the endosperm increased the polyamine content in the sieve-tube exudate of seedlings. The level and pattern of polyamines in tissue of adult leaves changed during leaf age, but not, however, in the sieve-tube sap. Xylem sap was relatively poor in polyamines. Polyamine loading in the phloem was demonstrated by incubating cotyledons with [14O]putrescine and several unlabelled polyamines. Feeding cotyledons with cadaverine and spermidine led to a decrease in the level of putrescine in sieve-tube sap, indicating a competitive effect. Comparison of polyamine content in the tissue and export rate showed that the export would deplete the leaves of polyamines within 1–3 d, if they were not replenished by biosynthesis. Polyamine biosynthesis in Ricinus proceeds mostly via arginine decarboxylase, which in vitro is 100-fold more active than ornithine decarboxylase. The highest arginine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities were detected in cotyledons, while in sieve-tube sap only a slight arginine decarboxylase activity was found. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 20 August 1997  相似文献   

Zinc tolerance was investigated in five populations of Arabidopsis halleri (syn.: Cardaminopsis halleri ) raised from seeds collected from contaminated and uncontaminated sites. Tolerance was measured by determining the concentration which inhibited root growth (EC100). A. halleri populations from contaminated and uncontaminated sites were found to be Zn-tolerant compared with the Zn-nontolerant species Arabidopsis thaliana and A. lyrata subsp. petraea . At very high Zn concentrations, populations of A. halleri from uncontaminated sites were slightly less Zn-tolerant than those from contaminated sites. These observations support the hypothesis that in A. halleri , Zn tolerance is largely a constitutive property. One population from an uncontaminated site and one population from a contaminated site were studied for Zn uptake. Zinc content was measured in shoots and roots using a colorimetric test under laboratory conditions. The results showed that whatever their origin, individuals from both populations are Zn accumulators compared with the nonaccumulator species A. thaliana . Moreover, the population from the uncontaminated area accumulated Zn in its shoots and roots more quickly than the population from the contaminated site. These results suggest that, in A. halleri , Zn accumulation to very high concentration is a constitutive property.  相似文献   

Sugar regulates a variety of genes and controls plant growth and development similarly to phytohormones. As part of a screen for Arabidopsis mutants with defects in sugar-responsive gene expression, we identified a loss-of-function mutation in the HOOKLESS1 (HLS1) gene. HLS1 was originally identified to regulate apical hook formation of dark-grown seedlings (Lehman et al., 1996, Cell 85: 183-194). In hls1, sugar-induced gene expression in excised leaf petioles was more sensitive to exogenous sucrose than that in the wild type. Exogenous IAA partially repressed sugar-induced gene expression and concomitantly activated some auxin response genes such as AUR3 encoding GH3-like protein. The repression and the induction of gene expression by auxin were attenuated and enhanced, respectively, by the hls1 mutation. These results suggest that HLS1 plays a negative role in sugar and auxin signaling. Because AUR3 GH3-like protein conjugates free IAA to amino acids (Staswick et al., 2002, Plant Cell 14: 1405-1415; Staswick et al., 2005, Plant Cell 17: 616-627), enhanced expression of GH3-like genes would result in a decrease in the free IAA level. Indeed, hls1 leaves accumulated a reduced level of free IAA, suggesting that HLS1 may be involved in negative feedback regulation of IAA homeostasis through the control of GH3-like genes. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which HLS1 is involved in auxin signaling for sugar- and auxin-responsive gene expression and in IAA homeostasis.  相似文献   

Methionine gamma-lyase (MGL) catalyzes the degradation of L-methionine to alpha-ketobutyrate, methanethiol and ammonia. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome includes a single gene (At1g64660) encoding a protein (AtMGL) with approximately 35% identity to bacterial and protozoan MGLs. When overexpressed in Escherichia coli, AtMGL allowed growth on L-methionine as sole nitrogen source and conferred a high rate of methanethiol emission. The purified recombinant protein exhibited a spectrum typical of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate enzymes, and had high activity toward l-methionine, L-ethionine, L-homocysteine and seleno-L-methionine, but not L-cysteine. Quantitation of mRNA showed that the AtMGL gene is expressed in aerial organs and roots, and that its expression in leaves was increased 2.5-fold by growth on low sulfate medium. Emission of methanethiol from Arabidopsis plants supplied with 10 mM L-methionine was undetectable (<0.5 nmol min(-1) g(-1) FW), suggesting that AtMGL is not an important source of volatile methanethiol. Knocking out the AtMGL gene significantly increased leaf methionine content (9.2-fold) and leaf and root S-methylmethionine content (4.7- and 7-fold, respectively) under conditions of sulfate starvation, indicating that AtMGL carries a significant flux in vivo. In Arabidopsis plantlets fed L-[(35)S]methionine on a low sulfate medium, label was incorporated into protein-bound cysteine as well as methionine, but incorporation into cysteine was significantly (30%) less in the knockout mutant. These data indicate that plants possess an alternative to the reverse trans-sulfuration pathway (methionine-->homocysteine-->cystathionine-->cysteine) in which methanethiol is an intermediate.  相似文献   

Xylem sap and foliar compositions (P, Cu, Zn, Mn) were examined over 4 months in control and P-fertilized maritime pine in a 7-year-old plantation. The absorption of copper, zinc, and boron appears to be reduced by phosphate fertilization. Manganese concentrations are positively related to P-supply increase. Foliar analysis and sap provides the same type of information in terms of antagonism or synergism between elements but the response to treatment is more often significant with sap throughout the seasons and is completely non-existent on a single classical autumn diagnosis with foliar concentration (i.e. Zn and Cu). In consequence foliar analysis is not sensitive enough for copper or zinc deficiency diagnoses in young plantations where nutritional growth disorders appear in a short period of spring, and xylem chemistry appears to be a convenient tool in monitoring micronutrient disorders in pine plantations.  相似文献   

DNA variations in two PgiC loci were investigated in 15 strains of Arabidopsis halleri ssp. gemmifera. In a 5.5-kb region of the PgiC1 locus, 127 nucleotide substitutions and 33 length variations were observed. In a 6.0-kb region of the PgiC2 locus, 138 nucleotide substitutions and 33 length variations were observed. Frame shift, novel stop codons, and large length variations were observed in the PgiC2 coding region. These findings suggested that PgiC2 may be a pseudogene. The nucleotide diversities (pi) for the entire regions of both PgiC loci were approximately 0.0033. Tajima's test of both PgiC loci yielded significantly negative results. In the coding regions, the high proportions of replacement substitutions caused significant deviations from neutrality in McDonald and Kreitman's test. An excess of singletons and a high proportion of replacement polymorphic sites have been observed in the Adh and ChiA regions of A. halleri ssp. gemmifera. Thus, the A. halleri ssp. gemmifera population may not have reached equilibrium, and thus nonneutral patterns of DNA polymorphism were observed.  相似文献   

We expressed recombinant Arabidopsis myosin XI (MYA1), in which the motor domain of MYA1 was connected to an artificial lever arm composed of triple helical repeats of Dictyostelium alpha-actinin, in order to understand its motor activity and intracellular function. The V(max) and K(actin) of the actin-activated Mg(2+) ATPase activity of the recombinant MYA1 were 50.7 Pi head(-1) s(-1) and 30.2 microM, respectively, at 25 degrees C. The recombinant MYA1 could translocate actin filament at the maximum velocity of 1.8 microm s(-1) at 25 degrees C in the in vitro motility assay. The value corresponded to a motility of 3.2 microm s(-1) for native MYA1 if we consider the difference in the lever arm length, and this value was very close to the velocity of cytoplasmic streaming in Arabidopsis hypocotyl epidermal cells. The extent of inhibition by ADP of the motility of MYA1 was similar to that of the well-known processive motor, myosin V, suggesting that MYA1 is a processive motor. The dissociation rate of the actin-MYA1-ADP complex induced by ATP (73.5 s(-1)) and the V(max) value of the actin-activated Mg(2+) ATPase activity revealed that MYA1 stays in the actin-bound state for about 70% of its mechanochemical cycle time. This high ratio of actin-bound states is also a characteristic of processive motors. Our results strongly suggest that MYA1 is a processive motor and involved in vesicle transport and/or cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

The number of sires fertilizing a given dam is a key parameter of the mating system in species with spatially restricted offspring dispersal, since genetic relatedness among maternal sibs determines the intensity of sib competition. In flowering plants, the extent of multiple paternity is determined by factors such as floral biology, properties of the pollen vector, selfing rate, spatial organization of the population, and genetic compatibility between neighbours. To assess the extent of multiple paternity and identify ecological factors involved, we performed a detailed study of mating patterns in a small population of a self-incompatible clonal herb, Arabidopsis halleri . We mapped and genotyped 364 individuals and 256 of their offspring at 12 microsatellite loci and jointly analysed the level of multiple paternity, pollen and seed dispersal, and spatial genetic structure. We found very low levels of correlated paternity among sibs ( P full-sib = 3.8%) indicating high multiple paternity. Our estimate of the outcrossing rate was 98.7%, suggesting functional self-incompatibility. The pollen dispersal distribution was significantly restricted (mean effective pollen dispersal distance: 4.42 m) but long-distance successful pollination occurred and immigrating pollen was at most 10% of all pollination events. Patterns of genetic structure indicated little extent of clonal reproduction, and a low but significant spatial genetic structure typical for a self-incompatible species. Overall, in spite of restricted pollen dispersal, the multiple paternity in this self-incompatible species was very high, a result that we interpret as a consequence of high plant density and high pollinator service in this population.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) is a ubiquitous enzyme involved in purine metabolism which catalyzes the oxidation of hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid. Although the essential role of XDH is well documented in the nitrogen-fixing nodules of leguminous plants, the physiological importance of this enzyme remains uncertain in non-leguminous species such as Arabidopsis. To evaluate the impact of an XDH deficiency on whole-plant physiology and development in Arabidopsis, RNA interference (RNAi) was used to generate transgenic lines of this species in which AtXDH1 and AtXDH2, the two paralogous genes for XDH in this plant, were silenced simultaneously. The nearly complete reduction in the total XDH protein levels caused by this gene silencing resulted in the dramatic overaccumulation of xanthine and a retarded growth phenotype in which fruit development and seed fertility were also affected. A less severe silencing of XDH did not cause these growth abnormalities. The impaired growth phenotype was mimicked by treating wild-type plants with the XDH inhibitor allopurinol, and was reversed in the RNAi transgenic lines by exogenous supplementation of uric acid. Inactivation of XDH is also associated with precocious senescence in mature leaves displaying accelerated chlorophyll breakdown and by the early induction of senescence-related genes and enzyme markers. In contrast, the XDH protein levels increase with the aging of the wild-type leaves, supporting the physiological relevance of the function of this enzyme in leaf senescence. Our current results thus indicate that XDH functions in various aspects of plant growth and development.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis was carried out of the composition of seed coat mucilage from Arabidopsis thaliana using the Columbia-0 accession. Pectinaceous mucilage is released from myxospermous seeds upon imbibition, and in Arabidopsis consists of a water-soluble, outer layer and an adherent, inner layer. Analysis of monosaccharide composition in conjunction with digestion with pectolytic enzymes conclusively demonstrated that the principal pectic domain of both layers was rhamnogalacturonan I, and that in the outer layer this was unbranched. The macromolecular characteristics of the water-soluble mucilage indicated that the rhamnogalacturonan molecules in the outer layer were in a slightly expanded random-coil conformation. The inner, adherent layer remained attached to the seed, even after extraction with acid and alkali, suggesting that its integrity was maintained by covalent bonds. Confocal microscopy and monosaccharide composition analyses showed that the inner layer can be separated into two domains. The internal domain contained cellulose microfibrils, which could form a matrix with RGI and bind it to the seed. In effect, in the mum5-1 mutant where most of the inner and outer mucilage layers were water soluble, cellulose remained attached to the seed coat. Immunolabeling with anti-pectin antibodies indicated the presence of galactan and arabinan in the inner layer, with the latter only present in the non-cellulose-containing external domain. In addition, JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies labeled different domains of the inner layer, suggesting the presence of stretches of homogalacturonan with different levels of methyl esterification.  相似文献   

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