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Rectifier-like Activities of Roots of Two Desert Succulents   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Axial and radial water flows for roots in response to appliedhydrostatic pressure drops, water loss from roots after variousperiods of drying, and development of new roots after rewettingdroughted plants were examined for two sympatric desert succulents.Agave deserti Engelm. and Ferocactus acanthodes (Lemaire) Brittonand Rose. For a 40 kPa hydrostatic pressure drop applied to20 mm long root pieces, radial water flows from the epidermisto the root xylem were 2- to 5-fold greater at the tip thanat midlength and were much less than axial flows along the xylem.Upon drying detached roots in air at 20 °C and a water vapoursaturation deficit of 1.2 kPa (50% relative humidity), radialwater flow decreased more than 10-fold in 3–6 h, and couldrecover to the original level 6 h after rewetting. The rateof water loss from attached roots of plants dried in air at20 °C and a 1.2 kPa saturation deficit decreased about 200-foldin 72 h, which would greatly limit water loss from the plantto a drying soil. At 96 h after rewetting roots of A. desertithat had been exposed to air at 20 °C and a 1.2 kPa saturationdeficit for 120 h, rehydration of existing roots and developmentof new roots contributed about equally to water uptake by thewhole plant. In summary, roots of these desert succulents canreadily take up water from a wet soil but do not lose much waterto a dry soil, thus effectively acting like rectifiers withrespect to plant-soil water movement. Key words: Agave, Cactus, Drought, Root, Water flow, Xylem  相似文献   

Root morphology, shoot morphology, and water uptake for Agavedeserti and Ferocactus acanthodes of various sizes were studiedusing allometric relationships (y = axb) and a previously developedwater uptake model. Shoot surface area increased with shootvolume with an exponent b of 0.75 for both species. Root lengthand the ground area explored by the roots increased with shootsurface area with b's of 0.72 for A. deserti and 0.92 for F.acanthodes. Various sized individuals had about the same ratioof root length to explored ground area, with higher values occurringfor A. deserti. Predicted water uptake averaged over the exploredground area was approximately constant over a 104-fold rangein shoot surface area, suggesting that shoot size confers nointraspecific competitive advantage for water uptake. For theroot lengths per explored ground area observed in the field,water uptake was predicted to be 85 per cent of maximal; wateruptake could be increased by the production of more rain roots.When differences in shoot volume were accounted for by allometry,small plants had relatively less shoot surface area and relativelymore root length per shoot volume than did large plants, whichmay be important for the water relations of seedling establishment. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, allometry, desert succulents, root distribution, root length, seedling growth, seedling establishment, shoot surface area, shoot volume, water uptake  相似文献   

Roots of desert succulents occupy the upper layers of porous,well-aerated soils. However, roots of Agave deserti, Ferocactusacanthodes, and Opuntia ficus-indica all tolerated many daysof soil anoxia; 0% O2 in the soil gas phase for 30 d reducedthe fraction of cells taking up the vital stain neutral red,an average of only 18% for the cortex and 6% for parenchymacells within the stele of perennial established roots. Ephemeralrain roots, induced by watering as branches on the establishedroots, were more susceptible to 0% O2 in the soil gas phase;19 d abolished stain uptake for cortical cells and 32 d forstelar parenchyma cells. Soil CO2 levels above the 0.1% observedin the root zone in the field rapidly reduced uptake of neutralred; the fraction of cortical cells taking up the stain decreased30% in 10 h at 0.5% CO2 and was abolished in 9 h at 2% and 7h at 10% CO2 averaged for the three species. Rain roots weresomewhat more susceptible than established roots to elevatedsoil CO2 levels, and stelar parenchyma cells were much lesssusceptible than were cortical cells. When uptake of the vitalstain was abolished by elevated soil CO2, no anatomical evidenceof cellular damage was observed. For A. deserti exposed to 2%CO2, the pH of macerated root tissue decreased about 0.35 pHunit over 10 h; CO2 apparently entered the cells, lowered theintracellular and/or cell wall pH, and prevented the accumulationof neutral red. Elevated soil CO2 also inhibits root respirationfor the three desert succulents considered. Hence, the restrictionof such species to porous soils may reflect the relatively rapidinhibiting effects of elevated soil CO2 levels rather than arequirement for high soil O2 levels, consistent with the observationthat desert soils tend to have low gas-phase CO2 levels near0.1% compared with 1% or more in the root zone of non-desertspecies. Key words: Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, neutral red, Opuntia ficus-indica, pH  相似文献   

A morphologically explicit numerical model for analysing wateruptake by individual roots was developed based on a conductornetwork, with specific conductors representing axial or radialconductivities for discrete root segments. Hydraulic conductivity(Lp; m s–1 MPa–1) was measured for roots of Agavedeserti Engelm. and Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller by applyinga partial vacuum to the proximal ends of excised roots in solution.Lp was also measured for 40- to 80-mm segments along a root,followed by measurements of axial conductivity and calculationof radial conductivity. Predicted values of Lp for entire rootsbased on two to ten segments per root averaged 1.04±0.07(mean±s.e. mean for n = 3) of the measured Lp for A.deserti and 1.06±0.10 for O. ficus-indica. The modelalso closely predicted the drop in water potential along theroot xylem (xylem); when a tension of 50 kPa was applied tothe proximal ends of 0.2 m-long roots of A. deserti and O. ficus-indica,the measured xylem to midroot averaged 30 kPa compared witha predicted decrease of 36 kPa. Such steep gradients in xylemsuggest that the driving force for water movement from the soilto young distal roots may be relatively small. The model, whichagreed with an analytical solution for a simple hypotheticalsituation, can quantify situations without analytical solutions,such as when root and soil properties vary arbitrarily alonga root. Agave deserti, electrical circuit analog, hydraulic conductivity, Opuntia ficus-indica, water potential  相似文献   

Water uptake by Agave deserti and Ferocatus acanthodes was predictedusing a two-dimensional simulation model in which the soil arounda plant was divided into a series of layers and concentric cylindricalshells. Root lengths in 0.05 m thick soil layers were determinedfor both species in the field, where mean root depths were only0.11 m for A. deserti and 0.10 m for F. acanthodes. For a yearwith average precipitation (159 mm), 42 per cent of the annualprecipitation could be taken up by A. deserti and 25 per centby F. acanthodes. Predicted water uptake by both species wasgreater from the upper soil layers (above 0.15 m) for averageand dry years, but was greater from the deeper layers for awet year. The actual root distribution for both species ledto more water uptake than when all of the roots were in a singlelayer. The large number of days per year when the soil temperaturesexceeded 57 °C (the temperature for 50 per cent inhibitionof uptake of a vital stain by root cells) may exclude rootsfrom the 0.00–0.05 m soil layer, even though water uptakewhen all roots were located there was predicted to be maximal.Therefore, the observed root distribution of A. deserti andF. acanthodes may be limited near the soil surface by high temperaturesand at maximum depths by water availability for all but wetyears. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, desert succulents, root system, root distribution, soil temperature, water uptake  相似文献   

Variations in hydraulic conductivity (LP) and the underlying anatomical and morphological changes were investigated for main root-lateral root junctions of Agave deserti and Ferocactus acanthodes under wet, dry, and rewetted soil conditions. During 21 d of drying, LP and radial conductivity (LR) increased threefold to fivefold at junctions of both species. The increase in LR was accompanied by the formation of an apoplastic pathway for radial water movement from the surface of the junction to the stele for A. deserti and by the rupture of periderm by emerging primordia of secondary lateral roots for F. acanthodes. During 7 d of rewetting, LR decreased for junctions of A. deserti, as apoplastic water movement was not apparent, but LR was unchanged for F. acanthodes. Axial conductance (Kh) decreased during drying for both species, largely because of embolism related to the degradation of unlignified cell wall areas in tracheary elements at the root junction. The resulting apertures in the cell walls of such elements would admit air bubbles at pressure differences of only 0.12-0.19 MPa. Rewetting restored Kh for both species, but not completely, due to blockage of xylem elements by tyloses. About 40% of the primary lateral roots of the monocotyledon A. deserti abscised during 21 d of drying. For the dicotyledon F. acanthodes, which can form new conduits in its secondary xylem, only 10% of the primary lateral roots abscised during 21 d of drying, consistent with the much greater frequency of lateral roots that persist during drought in the field compared with the case for the sympatric A. deserti.  相似文献   

Matric bound water was measured as water retained by frozen and thawed tissue after desorption on a pressure membrane filter under 20 bars nitrogen gas pressure. Central water-storage tissue and peripheral chlorenchyma from leaves or stems of 15 taxonomically diverse non-halophytic succulent species were investigated. Matric bound water as a per cent of the dry weight averaged higher in water storage than in chlorenchyma tissue but lower than values reported for many mesophytic leaves. Matric bound water as a proportion of the total water held, however, was lower in water tissues. Osmotic potentials were generally high (solute contents low). It is concluded that matric or osmotic forces cannot account, in any unique way, for the high water content of water tissues. This appears to depend, instead, on the enormous ability of the thin-walled cells to take up available water and expand.  相似文献   

Nobel PS 《Plant physiology》1976,58(4):576-582
The water relations and photosynthesis of Agave deserti Engelm., a plant exhibiting Crassulacean acid metabolism, were measured in the Colorado desert. Although no natural stomatal opening of A. deserti occurred in the summer of 1975, it could be induced by watering. The resistance for water vapor diffusion from a leaf (RWV) became less than 20 sec cm−1 when the soil water potential at 10 cm became greater than −3 bars, as would occur after a 7-mm rainfall. As a consequence of its shallow root system (mean depth of 8 cm), A. deserti responded rapidly to the infrequent rains, and the succulent nature of its leaves allowed stomatal opening to continue for up to 8 days after the soil became drier than the plant. When the leaf temperature at night was increased from 5 to 20 C, RWV increased 5-fold, emphasizing the importance of cool nighttime temperatures for gas exchange by this plant. Although most CO2 uptake occurred at night, a secondary light-dependent rise in CO2 influx generally occurred after dawn. The transpiration ratio (mass of water transpired/mass of CO2 fixed) had extremely low values of 18 for a winter day, and approximately 25 for an entire year.  相似文献   

塔干南缘骆驼刺植被水分关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对塔克拉玛干沙漠———绿洲过渡带骆驼刺 (AlhagisparsifoliaShap .)水分关系的研究表明 :骆驼刺在夏季保持了正的膨压 ,一直较高较稳定的清晨水势说明植物水分恢复状况良好 ,植物得到了较好的水分供应 ;在 7月 ,干旱胁迫造成的水分亏缺并未影响植株正常的蒸腾作用 ,因而干旱引起的水分胁迫并未威胁到植被的存在。骆驼刺对干旱胁迫的水分生理适应主要体现在叶水平上 ,表现为饱和枝条的渗透势 (Πo)和膨压消失点的渗透势 (Πp)的差值 (ΔΠ)和相对含水量 (RWC)在膨压消失点间更大的变化、渗透调节的产生、较高较稳定的饱和枝条水分与干物质之比 (WCsat)和膨压消失点的相对含水量 (RWCp) ,以及较低的共质体水在总水分中的相对含量 (RWCsym)。但形态学上的特征 ,主要表现为深而发达的根系和蒸腾面积的减少 ,才是骆驼刺适应极端干旱环境的主要途径。非定期的夏季一次性灌溉对地下水位很低地区的骆驼刺植被水分状况的恢复没有帮助。  相似文献   

对塔克拉玛干沙漠--绿洲过渡带骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.)水分关系的研究表明:骆驼刺在夏季保持了正的膨压,一直较高较稳定的清晨水势说明植物水分恢复状况良好,植物得到了较好的水分供应;在7月,干旱胁迫造成的水分亏缺并未影响植株正常的蒸腾作用,因而干旱引起的水分胁迫并未威胁到植被的存在.骆驼刺对干旱胁迫的水分生理适应主要体现在叶水平上,表现为饱和枝条的渗透势(Πo)和膨压消失点的渗透势(Πp)的差值(ΔΠ)和相对含水量(RWC)在膨压消失点间更大的变化、渗透调节的产生、较高较稳定的饱和枝条水分与干物质之比(WCsat)和膨压消失点的相对含水量(RWCp),以及较低的共质体水在总水分中的相对含量(RWCsym).但形态学上的特征,主要表现为深而发达的根系和蒸腾面积的减少,才是骆驼刺适应极端干旱环境的主要途径.非定期的夏季一次性灌溉对地下水位很低地区的骆驼刺植被水分状况的恢复没有帮助.  相似文献   

Plants of the desert succulent Agave deserti were grown in partitionedcontainers to determine whether heterogeneity in soil moistureleads to differences in cellular development and hydraulic conductivityalong individual roots. Roots from containers with a dry distalcompartment (furthest from the shoot), a wet middle compartment,and a dry proximal compartment had distal regions (includingthe root tips) that were more suberized and lignified in theendodermis and adjacent cell layers than were root regions fromthe wet middle compartment. Proximal root regions about 40 mmfrom the succulent shoot base were also relatively unsuberized,suggesting that both external and internal supplies of waterdelayed tissue maturation. Root segments from wet middle compartmentsand from dry proximal compartments had higher hydraulic conductivitythan did the more suberized root segments from dry distal compartments.Unlike distal root segments from wet compartments, segmentsfrom dry compartments suffered no decrease in hydraulic conductivityafter immersion in mercuric chloride, suggesting that aquaporinactivity diminished for roots during drought. The possible closureof water channels could help limit root water loss to a dryingsoil. The delayed development of suberized cell layers may allowroot regions to maximize water uptake from wet soil patches(such as under rocks), and the relatively immature, absorptiveroot region near the base of the shoot may help A. deserti capturewater from a briefly wetted surface soil. Copyright 2000 Annalsof Botany Company Agave deserti, root plasticity, water uptake, aquaporins, suberization, endodermis, divided pots.  相似文献   

Egbert  K.J.  Martin  C.E. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(1):35-39
Four fluorescence parameters [Fv/Fm = the intrinsic efficiency of energy conversion via photosystem 2 (PS2); Fv/Fm= the efficiency of energy conversion via PS2 in the light; P = fraction of absorbed radiant energy utilized for photosynthesis; and D = fraction of absorbed radiant energy dissipated as heat] were measured on leaves of seven species of succulents having epidermal windows. While the function of leaf windows has reportedly been to increase absorption of radiant energy and, hence, the rate of photosynthesis in these species, recent evidence indicates that this translucent portion of epidermal tissue, lacking chlorophyll, may also result in photoinhibition in these species, especially for those with growth habits aboveground. Species with aboveground and belowground growth habits were compared with their leaf windows covered with reflective tape and with windows unobstructed. Results showed no increase in photoinhibition for these species resulting from the radiant energy penetrating the window tissue. Although the efficiency of the photosynthetic mechanism was not significantly influenced by the additional radiant energy provided by the window for individual species, there were significant differences in the efficiencies of radiant energy capture (Fv/Fm) and utilization (P) between the two growth habits. Species with an aboveground growth habit were less efficient in radiant energy utilization compared with the species having a belowground growth habit.  相似文献   

The temperature and water relations of sun versus shade leavesof Hyptis emoryi Torr. were evaluated from field measurementsmade in late summer. Throughout most of the day sun leaves hadhigher temperatures and higher resistances to water vapour diffusion,but lower transpiration rates and lower stem water potentials,than did shade leaves. Leaf absorptivity to solar irradiationwas less for 1.5-cm-long sun leaves (0.44) than for 4.0-cm shadeleaves (0.56). For both leaf types the stomatal resistance increasedas the water vapour concentration drop from the leaf to theair increased. Energy balance equations were used together with the measuredtemperature dependence of photosynthesis to predict the effectof variations in leaf absorptivity, length, and resistance onnet photosynthesis. The influence of leaf dimorphism on wholeplants was determined by calculating daily photosynthesis andtranspiration for plants with various percentages of sun andshade leaves. A hypothetical plant with all sun leaves in thesun had about twice the photosynthesis and half the transpirationratio as did plants with sun leaves in the shade or shade leavesin the sun or shade. Plants with both sun and shade leaves hadthe highest predicted photosynthesis per unit ground area. Thepossible adaptive significance of the seasonal variation insun and shade leaf percentages observed for individual H. emoryibushes is discussed in terms of water economy and photosynthesi  相似文献   

Water and solute relations of young roots of Phaseolus coccineus have been measured using the root pressure probe. Biphasic root pressure relaxations were obtained when roots were treated with solutions containing different osmotic test solutes. From the relaxations, the hydraulic conductivity (Lpr), the permeability coefficient (Psr), and the reflection coefficient (σsr) of the roots could be evaluated. Lpr was 1.8 to 8.4 . 10?8 m . s?1 . MPa?1 and Psr (in 10?10 m . s?1): methanol, 27–62; ethanol, 44–73; urea, 5–11; mannitol, 1.5; KCl, 7.1–9.2; NaCl, 2.1; NaNO3, 3.7. The hydraulic conductivity was similar when using osmotic and hydrostatic pressure gradients as driving forces. The hydraulic conductivity of individual root cortex cells (Lp) was by two orders of magnitude larger than Lpr (Lp = 0.3 to 4.7 . 10?6 m . s?1 . MPa?1) which indicated a predominant cell-to-cell rather than an apoplasmic transport of water in the Phaseolus root. Except for distances shorter than 20 mm from the root apex, the hydraulic resistance of the roots was limited by the radial movement of water across the root cylinder and not by the hydraulic resistance within the xylem. Reflection coefficients were low: methanol: 0.16–0.34; ethanol: 0.15–0.47; urea: 0.41–0.51; mannitol: 0.68; KCl: 0.43–0.54; NaCl: 0.59; NaNO3: 0.54. The transport coefficients (Lpr, Psr, σsr) have been critically examined for influences of unstirred layers and active transport. The low σsr suggests that the common treatment of the root as a rather perfect osmometer (σsr = 1) analogous to plant cells should be treated cautiously. The reasons for the low σsr and the possible implications of the absolute values of the transport parameters for the absorption of water and nutrients are discussed.  相似文献   

GINZBURG  CHEN 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):413-418
The primary body of the root of 30 perennial dicotyledonousspecies growing in various habitats in the Israeli Negev wasexamined. Significant quantitative differences which were foundbetween them could be related to their natural environmentalconditions. Extreme hydro- and xerohalophytes develop wide casparianstrips in their endodermis. A gradient in the ratio width of casparian strips/width of the radial wall of the endodermis was established. The ratio is high in halophytes, and low inless extreme habitats such as river beds, sandy dunes, and loesssteppes. Plants populating the extremely dry hammadas, and alsohydrohalophytes, have a small number of cell layers in the cortexof their roots. In less extreme habitats the cortex is moredeveloped. The area of the primary tracheae in transverse section of theroot was found not to be correlated to the habitat. However,it shows a good correlation with the depth of the root system,being larger in deep-rooting plants. The percentage of species having ring porous arrangement ofthe tracheae in the secondary xylem of the root is relativelyhigh. The periderm is highly developed in perennial roots.  相似文献   

The water fluxes and the CO2 exchange of three leaf succulents, Othonna opima, Cotyledon orbiculata and Senecio medley-woodii, with different leaf anatomy, growth form and CO2 fixation pathways (C3, CAM) were monitored with a gas exchange cuvette which was combined with a potometric system to quantify water uptake. Measurements, which are primarily valid for plants with a sufficient water supply, were made during 6 to 10 consecutive days under constant experimental conditions. Water uptake for 24 h exceeded water loss by transpiration only for a S, medley-woodii plant with 10 expanding but only 7 mature leaves. In this case the gained water evidently is put into leaf expansion. All other plants showed balanced transpiration and water uptake rates. O. opima and C. orbiculata have a similar life form, similar water storage volumes and the same natural habitat but their diurnal water uptake patterns differ significantly. In the C3 plant O. opima water uptake increased when the transpiration increased or transpiration rates were higher than uptake rates and vice versa. On the contrary the CAM plant C. orbiculata transpired during the dark period at constant or decreasing rates but showed steadily increasing uptake rates. Senecio medley-woodii- and C. orbiculata are CAM plants with similar diurnal water uptake patterns with its maximum in uptake during or towards the end of the CO2 dark fixation period. Water uptake of C. orbiculata was at its minimum at the end of the light period despite transpiration being maximal. The results were discussed considering the different CO2 fixation pathways. In the investigated CAM succulents, C. orbiculata and S. medley-woodii, the CAM influenced water uptake throughout the whole day and not only during the CO2 dark fixation period.  相似文献   

The fine lateral roots ofLysinema ciliatum R. Br., an epacridfrom habitats subject to periodic drought in Western Australia,are hair roots resembling those of Ericaceae. The finest (ultimate)hair roots have a cortex consisting only of an endodermis andan exodermis. Both layers have Casparian strips on the radialwalls. The exodermis develops to state III very close to theroot tip, showing wall thickening and a suberized lamella encirclingeach cell. In many roots collected after tip-growth had ceasedand the tip had fully differentiated this suberized exodermiscompletely encircled the apex. In older hair roots the epidermiscollapses or is sloughed off leaving the suberized exodermisas the outermost layer. The very fine hair roots have a verysmall stele containing only one xylem tracheid, and phloem consistingof a single sieve element with companion cell. The very smalldiameter of the single tracheid indicates a high resistanceto water flow along the hair roots. This may tend to conservesoil moisture in the region of the hair roots, leading to improvedsurvival and prolonged function of mycorrhizas in the field. Lysinema ciliatum R. Br.; hair root; endodermis; exodermis; water; xylem  相似文献   

Seedlings of maize (Zea mays L. cv Pioneer 3906), hydroponically grown in the dark, were exposed to NaCl either gradually (salt acclimation) or in one step (salt shock). In the salt-acclimation treatment, root extension was indistinguishable from that of unsalinized controls for at least 6 d at concentrations up to 100 mM NaCl. By contrast, salt shock rapidly inhibited extension, followed by a gradual recovery, so that by 24 h extension rates were the same as for controls, even at 150 mM NaCl. Salt shock caused a rapid decrease in root water and solute potentials for the apical zones, and the estimated turgor potential showed only a small decline; similar but more gradual changes occurred with salt acclimation. The 5-bar decrease in root solute potential with salt shock (150 mM NaCl) during the initial 10 min of exposure could not be accounted for by dehydration, indicating that substantial osmotic adjustment occurred rapidly. Changes in concentration of inorganic solutes (Na+, K+, and Cl-) and organic solutes (proline, sucrose, fructose, and glucose) were measured during salt shock. The contribution of these solutes to changes in root solute potential with salinization was estimated.  相似文献   

Little is known of the mechanisms employed by woody plants to acquire key resources such as water and nutrients in hyperarid environments. For phreatophytic plants, deep roots are necessary to access the water table, but given that most nutrients in many desert ecosystems are stored in the upper soil layers, viable shallow roots may be equally necessary for nutrient uptake. We sought to better understand the interaction between water and nutrient uptake from soil horizons differing in the relative abundance of these resources. To this end, we monitored plant water and nutrient status before and after applying flood irrigation to four phreatophytic perennial plant species in the remote hyperarid Taklamakan desert in western China. Sap flow in the roots of five plants of the perennial desert species Alhagi sparsifolia Shap., Karelina caspica (Pall.) Less., Calligonum caput medusea Schrenk, and Eleagnus angustifolia Hill. was monitored using the heat ratio method (HRM). Additionally we measured predawn and midday water potential, foliar nitrate reductase activity (NRA), xylem sap nutrient concentration and the concentration of total solutes in the leaves before, 12 and 96 h after flooding to investigate possible short-term physiological effects on water and nutrient status. Rates of sap flow measured during the day and at night in the absence of transpiration did not change after flooding. Moderately high rates of sap flow (HRM heat pulse velocity, 5–25 cm h−1) detected during the day in soils that had a near zero water content at the surface indicated that all species had contact to groundwater. There was no evidence from sap flow data that plants had utilised flood water to increase maximum rates of transpiration under similar climatic conditions, and there was no evidence of a process to improve the efficiency of water or nutrient uptake, such as hydraulic redistribution (i.e. the passive movement of water from moist soil to very dry soil via roots). Measurements of plant water status, xylem sap nutrient status, foliar NRA and the concentration of osmotically active substances were also unaffected by flood irrigation. Our results clearly show that groundwater acts as the major source of water and nutrients for these plants. The inability of plants to utilise abundant surface soil–water or newly available nutrients following irrigation was attributed to the absence of fine roots in the topsoil layer.  相似文献   

Water Movement Through Plant Roots   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Mathematical analysis of the hydraulics of water movement throughplant roots, in terms of radial and axial resistances, has ledto equations which provide new insights into the effects ofthe component resistan ces on water uptake by and movement throughindividual roots and root systems. The ratio of axial to radialresistance determines the optimum length of a root and its totalresistance to water movement. The equations permit direct calculationsof the plant water potentials necessary, at the base of theplant, to sustain given flow rates through root systems withgiven characteristics. Lateral spacing and the resistance ofindividual laterals are the dominant factors determining totalflux per unit area into a root. When soil water potential increases with depth (surface layersdrier) root resistance tends to decrease with increasing flowrate; the reverse occurs when the surface is wetter than thelower layers. Calculated patterns of water movement into andthrough roots, in relation to soil water potential and flowrate through the root, indicate efflux from root to soil undercertain conditions. This is considered to reflect reality, althoughthe fluxes are probably transient or intermittent. The equations presented should be combined with equations describingwater movement through soil to define the behaviour of the wholeroot-soil system adequately.  相似文献   

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