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A region of about 435 bases from the 5' noncoding region of foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA directs internal initiation of protein synthesis. This region, termed the internal ribosome entry site (IRES), is predicted to contain extensive secondary structure. Precise deletion of five predicted secondary structure features has been performed. The mutant IRES elements have been constructed into vectors which express bicistronic mRNAs and assayed within cells. Each of the modified IRES elements was defective in directing internal initiation when assayed alone. However, coexpression of an intact foot-and-mouth disease virus IRES complemented four of these defective elements to an efficiency of up to 80% of wild-type activity. No complementation was observed with the structurally analogous element from encephalomyocarditis virus. The role of RNA-RNA interactions in the function of the picornavirus IRES is discussed.  相似文献   

M Niepmann  A Petersen  K Meyer    E Beck 《Journal of virology》1997,71(11):8330-8339
The synthesis of picornavirus polyproteins is initiated cap independently far downstream from the 5' end of the viral RNA at the internal ribosome entry site (IRES). The cellular polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) binds to the IRES of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). In this study, we demonstrate that PTB is a component of 48S and 80S ribosomal initiation complexes formed with FMDV IRES RNA. The incorporation of PTB into these initiation complexes is dependent on the entry of the IRES RNA, since PTB and IRES RNA can be enriched in parallel either in 48S or 80S ribosomal complexes by stage-specific inhibitors of translation initiation. The formation of the ribosomal initiation complexes with the IRES occurs slowly, is temperature dependent, and correlates with the incorporation of PTB into these complexes. In a first step, PTB binds to the IRES, and then the small ribosomal subunit encounters this PTB-IRES complex. Mutations in the major PTB-binding site interfere simultaneously with the formation of initiation complexes, translation efficiency, and PTB cross-linking. PTB stimulates translation directed by the FMDV IRES in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate depleted of internal PTB, and the efficiency of translation can be restored to the original level by the addition of PTB. These results indicate that PTB plays an important role in the formation of initiation complexes with FMDV IRES RNA and in stimulation of internal translation initiation with this picornavirus.  相似文献   

Mutants of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) with altered biological properties can be selected during the course of persistent infection of BHK-21 cells with FMDV C-S8c1 (J. C. de la Torre, E. Martínez-Salas, J. Díez, A. Villaverde, F. Gebauer, E. Rocha, M. Dávila, and E. Domingo, J. Virol. 62:2050-2058, 1988). Two nucleotide substitutions, U to C at position -376 and A to G at position -15, (counting as +1 the A of the first functional AUG), were fixed within the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) of R100, the virus rescued after 100 passages of the carrier BHK-21 cells. IRES-directed cap-independent protein synthesis was quantitated by using bicistronic constructs of the form chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene-IRES-luciferase gene. The IRES from R100 was 1.5- to 5-fold more active than that of C-S8c1 in directing cap-independent luciferase synthesis. This enhanced translational activity was observed when the RNAs were transcribed either in the nucleus or in the cytoplasm by a weak or a strong promoter, respectively. C-S8c1 and R100 IRES elements were functional in both FMDV-sensitive and FMDV-resistant cells (including persistently infected R cells), indicating that factors mediating cap-independent protein synthesis are not limited in any of the analyzed cell lines. Constructs in which each of the two mutations in the R100 IRES were analyzed separately indicate that the transition at position -376 is responsible for the enhanced activity of the R100 IRES. By estimating the effect that an increase in the initial translation efficiency may have on subsequent RNA replication steps, we suggest that the modifications in the IRES elements can account for the previously described hypervirulence of FMDV R100 for BHK-21 cells. The results show that a single point mutation in an IRES element of a picornavirus can cause an increase in translation efficiency.  相似文献   

Translation initiation on foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) RNA occurs by a cap-independent mechanism directed by a highly structured element (approximately 435 nt) termed an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). A functional assay to identify proteins that bind to the FMDV IRES and are necessary for FMDV IRES-mediated translation initiation has been developed. In vitro-transcribed polyadenylated RNAs corresponding to the whole or part of the FMDV IRES were immobilized on oligo-dT Dynabeads and used to deplete rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) of IRES-binding proteins. Translation initiation factors eIF4G, eIF4A, and eIF4B bound to the 3' domain of the FMDV IRES. Depletion of eIF4G from RRL by this region of the FMDV IRES correlated with the loss of translational capacity of the RRL for capped, uncapped, and FMDV IRES-dependent mRNAs. However, this depleted RRL still supported hepatitis C virus IRES-directed translation. Poly (rC) binding protein-2 bound to the central domain of the FMDV IRES, but depletion of RRL with this IRES domain had no effect on FMDV IRES-directed translation initiation.  相似文献   

The cricket paralysis virus (CrPV), a member of the CrPV-like virus family, contains a single positive-stranded RNA genome that encodes two non-overlapping open reading frames separated by a short intergenic region (IGR). The CrPV IGR contains an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) that directs the expression of structural proteins. Unlike previously described IRESs, the IGR IRES initiates translation by recruiting 80S ribosomes in the absence of initiator Met-tRNA(i) or any canonical initiation factors, from a GCU alanine codon located in the A-site of the ribosome. Here, we have shown that a variety of mutations, designed to disrupt individually three pseudoknot (PK) structures and alter highly conserved nucleotides among the CrPV-like viruses, inhibit IGR IRES-mediated translation. By separating the steps of translational initiation into ribosomal recruitment, ribosomal positioning and ribosomal translocation, we found that the mutated IRES elements could be grouped into two classes. One class, represented by mutations in PKII and PKIII, bound 40S subunits with significantly reduced affinity, suggesting that PKIII and PKII are involved in the initial recruitment of the ribosome. A second class of mutations, exemplified by alterations in PKI, did not affect 40S binding but altered the positioning of the ribosome on the IRES, indicating that PKI is involved in the correct positioning of IRES-associated ribosomes. These results suggest that the IGR IRES has distinct pseudoknot-like structures that make multiple contacts with the ribosome resulting in initiation factor-independent recruitment and correct positioning of the ribosome on the mRNA.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, an essential RNA structure known as the cis-acting replicative element (cre) has been identified within the protein-coding region of several picornaviruses. The cre, a stem-loop structure containing a conserved AAACA motif, functions as a template for addition of U residues to the protein primer 3B. By surveying the genomes of representatives of several serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), we discovered a putative cre in the 5' untranslated region of the genome (contiguous with the internal ribosome entry site [IRES]). To confirm the role of this putative cre in replication, we tested the importance of the AAACA motif and base pairing in the stem in FMDV genome replication. To this end, cre mutations were cloned into an FMDV replicon and into synthetic viral genomes. Analyses of the properties of these replicons and genomes revealed the following. (i) Mutations in the AAACA motif severely reduced replication, and all viruses recovered from genomes containing mutated AAACA sequences had reverted to the wild-type sequence. (ii) Mutations in the stem region showed that the ability to form this base-paired structure was important for replication. Although the cre was contiguous with the IRES, the mutations we created did not significantly reduce IRES-mediated translation in vivo. Finally, the position of the cre at the 5' end of the genome was shown not to be critical for replication, since functional replicons and viruses lacking the 5' cre could be obtained if a wild-type cre was added to the genome following the 3D(pol) coding region. Taken together, these results support the importance of the cre in replication and demonstrate that the activity of this essential element does not require localization within the polyprotein-encoding region of the genome.  相似文献   

Rhopalosiphum padi virus (RhPV) is an insect virus of the Dicistroviridae family. Recently, the 579-nucleotide-long 5' untranslated region (UTR) of RhPV has been shown to contain an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that functions efficiently in mammalian, plant, and insect in vitro translation systems. Here, the mechanism of action of the RhPV IRES has been characterized by reconstitution of mammalian 48S initiation complexes on the IRES from purified components combined with the toeprint assay. There is an absolute requirement for the initiation factors eIF2 and eIF3 and the scanning factor eIF1 to form 48S complexes on the IRES. In addition, eIF1A, eIF4F (or the C-terminal fragment of eIF4G), and eIF4A strongly stimulated the assembly of this complex, whereas eIF4B had no effect. Although the eIF4-dependent pathway is dominant in the RhPV IRES-directed cell-free translation, omission of either eIF4G or eIF4A or both still allowed the assembly of 48S complexes from purified components with approximately 23% of maximum efficiency. Deletions of up to 100 nucleotides throughout the 5'-UTR sequence produced at most a marginal effect on the IRES activity, suggesting the absence of specific binding sites for initiation factors. Only deletion of the U-rich unstructured 380-nucleotide region proximal to the initiation codon resulted in a complete loss of the IRES activity. We suggest that the single-stranded nature of the RhPV IRES accounts for its strong but less selective potential to bind key mRNA recruiting components of the translation initiation apparatus from diverse origins.  相似文献   

Conditional gene targeting depends on tissue and time specificity of recombination events. Endogenous promoters are often used to drive various transgenic constructs. To avoid the problems associated with reconstituting a specific expression pattern in transgenic animals by this method, we tested the internal ribosome entry site of the encephalomyocarditis virus, to enable linkage of the Cre recombinase or rtTA trans-activator to 3' untranslated ends of endogenous genes. Here we report that these constructs function effectively in COS cells. The data suggest that these cassettes will be appropriate for 3' targeting of mouse genes.  相似文献   

We describe the exploration of N1-aryl-substituted benzimidazoles as ligands for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA. The design of the compounds was guided by the co-crystal structure of a benzimidazole viral translation inhibitor in complex with the RNA target. Structure-binding activity relationships of aryl-substituted benzimidazole ligands were established that were consistent with the crystal structure of the translation inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

A cell cycle-dependent internal ribosome entry site   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The eukaryotic mRNA 5' cap structure facilitates translation. However, cap-dependent translation is impaired at mitosis, suggesting a cap-independent mechanism for mRNAs translated during mitosis. Translation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines, peaks twice during the cell cycle, at the G1/S transition and at G2/M. Here, we describe a cap-independent internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in the ODC mRNA that functions exclusively at G2/M. This ensures elevated levels of polyamines, which are implicated in mitotic spindle formation and chromatin condensation. c-myc mRNA also contains an IRES that functions during mitosis. Thus, IRES-dependent translation is likely to be a general mechanism to synthesize short-lived proteins even at mitosis, when cap-dependent translation is interdicted.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located in the 5' untranslated region of the genomic RNA that drives cap-independent initiation of translation of the viral message. The approximate secondary structure and minimum functional length of the HCV IRES are known, and extensive mutagenesis has established that nearly all secondary structural domains are critical for activity. However, the presence of an IRES RNA tertiary fold and its functional relevance have not been established. Using chemical and enzymatic probes of the HCV IRES RNA in solution, we show that the IRES adopts a unique three-dimensional structure at physiological salt concentrations in the absence of additional cofactors or the translation apparatus. Folding of the IRES involves cooperative uptake of magnesium and is driven primarily by charge neutralization. This tertiary structure contains at least two independently folded regions which closely correspond to putative binding sites for the 40 S ribosomal subunit and initiation factor 3 (eIF3). Point mutations that inhibit IRES folding also inhibit its function, suggesting that the IRES tertiary structure is essential for translation initiation activity. Chemical and enzymatic probing data and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments in solution show that upon folding, the IRES forms an extended structure in which functionally important loops are exposed. These results suggest that the 40 S ribosomal subunit and eIF3 bind an HCV IRES that is prefolded to spatially organize recognition domains.  相似文献   

The characterization of internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) in virtually all lentiviruses prompted us to investigate the mechanism used by the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) to produce viral proteins. Various in vitro translation assays with mono- and bicistronic constructs revealed that translation of the FIV genomic RNA occurred both by a cap-dependent mechanism and by weak internal entry of the ribosomes. This weak IRES activity was confirmed in feline cells expressing bicistronic RNAs containing the FIV 5' untranslated region (UTR). Surprisingly, infection of feline cells with FIV, but not human immunodeficiency virus type 1, resulted in a great increase in FIV translation. Moreover, a change in the cellular physiological condition provoked by heat stress resulted in the specific stimulation of expression driven by the FIV 5' UTR while cap-dependent initiation was severely repressed. These results reveal the presence of a "dormant" IRES that becomes activated by viral infection and cellular stress.  相似文献   

2-Aminobenzoxazoles have been synthesized as ligands for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA. The compounds were designed to explore the less basic benzoxazole system as a replacement for the core scaffold in previously discovered benzimidazole viral translation inhibitors. Structure–activity relationships in the target binding of substituted benzoxazole ligands were investigated.  相似文献   

Flaviviruses have a positive-stranded RNA genome, which simultaneously serves as an mRNA for translation of the viral proteins. All of the structural and nonstructural proteins are translated from a cap-dependent cistron as a single polyprotein precursor. In an earlier study (K. K. Orlinger, V. M. Hoenninger, R. M. Kofler, and C. W. Mandl, J. Virol. 80:12197-12208, 2006), it was demonstrated that an artificial bicistronic flavivirus genome, TBEV-bc, in which the region coding for the viral surface glycoproteins prM and E from tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) had been removed from its natural context and inserted into the 3' noncoding region under the control of an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) produces viable, infectious virus when cells are transfected with this RNA. The rates of RNA replication and infectious particle formation were significantly lower with TBEV-bc, however, than with wild-type TBEV. In this study, we have identified two types of mutations, selected by passage in BHK-21 cells, that enhance the growth properties of TBEV-bc. The first type occurred in the E protein, and these most likely increase the affinity of the virus for heparan sulfate on the cell surface. The second type occurred in the inserted EMCV IRES, in the oligo(A) loop of the J-K stem-loop structure, a binding site for the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G. These included single-nucleotide substitutions as well as insertions of additional adenines in this loop. An A-to-C substitution in the oligo(A) loop decreased the efficiency of the IRES itself but nevertheless resulted in improved rates of virus particle formation and overall replication efficiency. These results demonstrate the need for proper balance in the competition for free template RNA between the viral RNA replication machinery and the cellular translation machinery at the two different start sites and also identify specific target sites for the improvement of bicistronic flavivirus expression vectors.  相似文献   

Translation initiation by internal ribosome binding is a recently discovered mechanism of eukaryotic viral and cellular protein synthesis in which ribosome subunits interact with the mRNAs at internal sites in the 5' untranslated RNA sequences and not with the 5' methylguanosine cap structure present at the extreme 5' ends of mRNA molecules. Uncapped poliovirus mRNAs harbor internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) in their long and highly structured 5' noncoding regions. Such IRES sequences are required for viral protein synthesis. In this study, a novel poliovirus was isolated whose genomic RNA contains two gross deletions removing approximately 100 nucleotides from the predicted IRES sequences within the 5' noncoding region. The deletions originated from previously in vivo-selected viral revertants displaying non-temperature-sensitive phenotypes. Each revertant had a different predicted stem-loop structure within the 5' noncoding region of their genomic RNAs deleted. The mutant poliovirus (Se1-5NC-delta DG) described in this study contains both stem-loop deletions in a single RNA genome, thereby creating a minimum IRES. Se1-5NC-delta DG exhibited slow growth and a pinpoint plaque phenotype following infection of HeLa cells, delayed onset of protein synthesis in vivo, and defective initiation during in vitro translation of the mutated poliovirus mRNAs. Interestingly, the peak levels of viral RNA synthesis in cells infected with Se1-5NC-delta DG occurred at slightly later times in infection than those achieved by wild-type poliovirus, but these mutant virus RNAs accumulated in the host cells during the late phases of virus infection. UV cross-linking assays with the 5' noncoding regions of wild-type and mutated RNAs were carried out in cytoplasmic extracts from HeLa cells and neuronal cells and in reticulocyte lysates to identify the cellular factors that interact with the putative IRES elements. The cellular proteins that were cross-linked to the minimum IRES may represent factors playing an essential role in internal translation initiation of poliovirus mRNAs.  相似文献   

Q vectors, bicistronic retroviral vectors for gene transfer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have developed a retroviral vector that incorporates unique features of some previously described vectors. This vector includes: 3' long terminal repeats (LTRs) of the self-inactivating class; a 5' LTR that is a hybrid of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancer and the mouse sarcoma virus promoter; an internal CMV immediate early region promoter to drive expression of the transduced gene and the neomycin phosphotransferase selectable marker; an expanded multiple cloning site and an internal ribosome entry site. An SV40 ori was introduced into the vector backbone to promote high copy number replication in packaging cell lines that express the SV40 large T antigen. We demonstrate that these retroviral constructs, designated Q vectors, can be used in applications where high viral titers and high level stable or transient gene expression are desirable.  相似文献   

Internal ribosome entry site biology and its use in expression vectors.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) are cis-acting elements that recruit the small ribosomal subunits to an internal initiator codon in the mRNA with the help of cellular trans-acting factors. The recent discovery of the IRES recognition site of the eIF4G initiation factor is beginning to shed some light into how IRES elements are recognized by the translational machinery. Additionally, the progress made in the understanding of the parameters that influence start codon selection will be instrumental in establishing the rational design of bicistronic expression vectors.  相似文献   

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