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Airborne pollen sampling in Toledo, Central Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toledo is one of the main tourist spots of Spain, attracting around two million visitors per year. Its geographical situation in the vast and scarcely monitored Region of Castilla La Mancha and the high number of tourists (especially in the spring) has resulted in the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA) making this city a major study objective. Air monitoring studies carried out using REA sampling procedures commenced in October 2002. Thirty-two pollen types were identified during the sampling period (October 2002 to October 2004). The annual Pollen Index (PI) was 44124 for the agricultural year October 2002–October 2003, and 29666 in the same period of 2003–2004. The most abundant taxa were, in decreasing order of dominance: Cupressaceae, Quercus, Poaceae, Populus, Olea, Urticaceae, Platanus, Pinus and Ulmus. Other, less well-represented pollen taxa included Salix, Alnus, Fraxinus and Tamarix, which were characteristic of riverside areas, and Morus, Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae. The presence of Castanea pollen grains originating from chestnut crops far away from the city was clearly an example of long-distance transport. The highest concentrations of airborne pollen were detected from March to May and also in January, due to the flowering of Cupressaceae species. In general, there was a correlation between pollen and meteorological parameters: a positive correlation with temperature and a negative correlation with rainfall and humidity during the pre-peak period. A negative correlation between temperature and some tree pollen taxa was detected in the principal pollen period correlation analysis due to their long pollination periods.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of aeropalynological observations in Kiev, carried out with a gravimetric method, during January–October, 1994. The six most abundant pollen types were: Betulaceae (21%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (10%), Ambrosia (10%), Artemisia (9%) Pinaceae (8%) and Poaceae (6%). Seasonal fluctuations of the atmospheric presence of tree/shurb and herb/grass pollen during the period March–September, 1993 and 1994, are also shown.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of aeropalynological observations in Kiev, carried out with a gravimetric method, during January–October, 1994. The six most abundant pollen types were: Betulaceae (21%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (10%), Ambrosia (10%), Artemisia (9%) Pinaceae (8%) and Poaceae (6%). Seasonal fluctuations of the atmospheric presence of tree/shrub and herb/grass pollen during the period March–September, 1993 and 1994, are also shown.  相似文献   

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a subtropic monsoon climate. Plants are various and their blossom period are long. To prevent and cure the respiratory allergic diseases, we made an investigation on the diffusion patterns of airborne allergic pollen grains and spores and their allergization as well in Nanning. Our work paves a way for further similar researches in the south of our country. The relationship between airborne pollen quantity and the climate, the diffution patterns of various pollen grains and the pollen quantity of higher level and lower level are discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

In this study, airborne pollen grains of Yalova province were investigated using VPSS 2000 from January to December 2004. During studying period, a total of 22409 pollen grains/m3 which belonged to 46 taxa and 74 unidentified pollen grains were recorded. From the identified taxa, 26 belong to arboreal and 20 to non-arboreal plants. Total pollen grains consist of 80.50% arboreal, 19.17% non-arboreal plants and 0.33% unidentified pollen grains. In the investigated region, from arboreal plant taxa Platanus spp. (29.08%), Cupressaceae/Taxaceae (21.22%), Pinus spp. (7.34%), Alnus spp. (4.75%), Castanea spp. (3.03%), Quercus spp. (3.07%), Olea spp. (2.50%), Acer spp. (2.21%), Corylus spp. (1.41%) and Fagus spp. (1.15%), and from non-arboreal plant taxa Poaceae (10.01%), Asteraceae (2.86%), Plantago spp. (1.47%) and Artemisia spp. (1.11%) were responsible for the greatest amounts of pollen.  相似文献   

A study was made of the link between climatic factors and the daily content of certain fungal spores in the atmosphere of the city of Granada in 1994. Sampling was carried out with a Burkard 7-day-recording spore trap. The spores analysed corresponded to the taxa Alternaria, Ustilago and Cladosporium, with two morphologically different spore types in the latter genus, cladosporioides and herbarum. These spores were selected both for their allergenic capacity and for the high level of their presence in the atmosphere, particularly during the spring and autumn. The spores of Cladosporium were the most abundant (93.82% of the total spores identified). The Spearman correlation coefficients between the spore concentrations studied and the meteorological parameters show different indices depending on the taxon being analysed. Alternaria and Cladosporium are significantly correlated with temperature and hours of sunlight, while Ustilago shows positive correlation indices with relative humidity and negative indices with wind speed. Received: 16 April 1998 / Revised: 27 September 1999 / Accepted: 27 October 1999  相似文献   

This is the first data from a pollen survey in Vigo, an Atlantic city in northwest Spain. The pollen calendar for Vigo is presented, as well as the pollination period for the nine most important allergenic plants. Through 1995, 30 083 pollen grains belonging to 52 taxa, were recorded using the Lanzoni VPPS 2000 volumetric spore-trap. The most relevant taxa found were: Urticaceae,Pinus, Poaceae andQuercus (75% of the total pollen),Betula, Castanea, Cupressaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Ericaceae, Myrtaceae,Olea, Plantago, Platanus andRumex (21%), and the final 4% was distributed mainly among pollen types, such as:Corylus, Alnus, Fabaceae, Compositae,Artemisia andCedrus. Of the total annual pollen count, 56% was found in March and April. Another, secondary peak was recorded in June corresponding to the flowering period of herbaceous species. The high pollen total of Urticaceae (7625 grains, 25% of the total) should be highlighted. The percentages ofOlea europaea (565 grains) should be noted as well, taking into account its geographical distribution.  相似文献   

This work aims to investigate the presence of airborne grass pollen and to identify antigenic and allergenic profiles from eight different grass species collected in the Porto region (Portugal). Poaceae airborne pollen, sampled using a Hirst-type volumetric trap during 2003–2007, was the second most abundant type, and high concentrations were found from April to August. Pollen proteins extracted from the eight grass species collected were separated by SDS-PAGE, being the allergenic profile investigated by immunoblotting using sera from atopic patients and maize profilin polyclonal antibody (ZmPRO3). Pollen extract profiles showed several bands ranging from 10 to 97 kDa. In immunoblotting studies, a low molecular weight protein (12–13 kDa) was recognized by profilin antibody. Also, in all pollen extracts except Zea mays, the IgE binding proteins of 12–13 kDa were detected in sera from the 25 patients with different sensitization profiles presenting high IgE values (>80 kU/l). This protein can be considered as a potential causal agent of the allergic respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

With the aim to know the importance of theCastanea pollen in the Galician honey(N. W. Spain), the interannual oscillations withinthe areas of production and the most activephenological period for bees, we have madethe melissopalynological analysis of: 599samples of honey collected during the period1990–1999 in Galicia, the production of 40beehives during three consecutive years(1990, 1991, 1992), the partial production during1990 of two beehives situated at distant pointsin our geography.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to characterise theairborne behaviour of an allergenic andabundant pollen type, Platanus, in sevensites of the Aerobiological Network ofCatalonia (Xarxa Aerobiològica deCatalunya, XAC). In Catalonia, the mostextended Platanus species is Platanus × hybrida Brot., widely planted inforestry and as ornamental tree in streets andgardens. Naturalised specimens can also befound along river banks.The pollen records analysed are from differentperiods comprised between 1994 and 2000 inBarcelona, Bellaterra, Cambrils, Girona,Lleida, Manresa and Tarragona. All data wereobtained using seven-day volumetric spore Hirsttraps.Platanus pollination is concentrated in afew weeks, between March and April. Platanus pollen is present in all theatmospheric pollen spectra for the sitesmentioned above. In Barcelona, Platanuspollen attained the highest concentrations,with an extreme annual index (sum of the meandaily concentrations) of 25790 in 1997, and amaximum daily concentration of 2567 P/m3on 15th March 2000. The lowest annual index(647) corresponds to Cambrils, 2000, and thelowest maximum daily concentration (74P/m3) was registered on 7th April1996, in Manresa.The interannual variation of Platanuspollen values can be explained not only bymeteorological parameters and the endogenousfactors of the tree, but also by human activitysuch as elimination, pruning and watering.  相似文献   

本文报道1985年4月1日起至1986年3月31日止天津市和平区观察空气甲孢粉飘散的结果。该市全年均有花粉飘散,其中11月起至翌年2月止花粉数量很少,其它月份数量较多。一年中共出现二次高峰,即春季4月和秋季8—9月。春季花粉为木本植物的,如,白蜡树(Fraxinus L.)榆属(Ulmus L.)和杨属(Populus L.)。秋季花粉以草本植物为主,如,藜科(chenopodlaceae)、蒿属(Artemisia L.)、葎草属(Humulus L.)和禾本科(Gramineae)。经结合临床观察,花粉症患者发病日期与植物的开花期基本上是一致的。  相似文献   

广西南宁空气中孢粉及其致敏性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过空气中的孢粉调查,选用32种花粉对呼吸道过敏患者进行皮肤敏感试验,既阐明了南宁市空气中孢粉散布的基本规律,讨论空气中花粉含量与气候的关系,也明确了该市主要致敏花粉是蒿属、禾本科、藜科及桑科植物的花粉,为呼吸道过敏性疾病的预防、诊断及治疗提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

The influence of meteorological factors on daily Urticaceae pollen counts were studied in Córdoba (southwest Spain) in 1996 and 1997. The daily Urticaceae pollen concentrations were obtained by using a Hirst-type volumetric sampler, and meteorological data were obtained from the Córdoba airport, located near the sampling site. The highest correlation between pollen concentration and meteorological parameters was obtained during non-rainy seasons. Temperature was found to be the most important meteorological parameter influencing pollen counts in spring, as temperature is the main reason for the increase of pollen concentration in the atmosphere. In autumn, humidity was another important parameter influencing pollen counts. Rain, however, did not appear to be significant. The influence of the pollen concentration of the 2 previous days and the pollen concentration of the previous day has been studied. During periods with low precipitation, the pollen concentration of the previous day was a useful predictor of Urticaceae pollen concentrations for the following day. Received: 4 January 1999 / Revised: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 6 September 1999  相似文献   

An aeropalynological study was carried out in the atmosphere of the city of Nerja (southern Spain) during a period of 4 years (2000–2003), using a Hirst type volumetric pollen trap. An annual pollen index of 59,750 grains, on average, was obtained with 80–85% of the total pollen recorded from February to May, with Pinus, Olea, Urticaceae, Cupressaceae, Quercus and Poaceae being the principal pollen producers in abundance order. A total of 29 pollen types that reached a 10-day mean equal to or greater than 1 grain of pollen per m3 of air is reflected in a pollen calendar. The results were compared with those obtained for nearby localities and a correlation analysis was made between the daily fluctuations of the main pollen types and total pollen, and meteorological parameters (temperature, rainfall and hours of sun). The daily, monthly and annual values reached by the most important pollen types from an allergenic point of view (Olea, Urticaceae and Poaceae) confirms Nerja as a high-risk locality for the residents and the numerous tourists who visit the area.  相似文献   

Several new fossiliferous Pliocene localities have been identified in the continental deposits of the area of Tollo de Chiclana (Guadix Basin, SE Spain), that have yielded a rich rodent and insectivore fauna. In this paper, we study the Arvicolidae from these localities. Remains adscribed to the genera Dolomys, Mimomys and Kislangia have been found, which are very interesting from a biostratigraphical point of view.  相似文献   

In this paper, airborne dispersion of the pollen ofCecropia peltata L. (Moraceae) in a location close to the Equator is described. The Cecropias are fast-growing pioneer trees unique to the Neotropics, where they grow within a large altitude range, from Mexico to Brazil.Cecropia pollen was the most abundant grain throughout the year. The highest recovery occurred during April–May. As widely distributed members of the Moraceae family and because of their small pollen size, the Cecropias are prime suspects for being the source of inhalant allergens. The numbers ofCecropia airborne pollen grains that were recorded are well above those deemed necessary for human sensitization.  相似文献   

During recent years a gradual decrease inallergenic airborne pollen concentration hasbeen observed in the monitoring station ofPadua (Italy). Because technical checks of thesampler were not able to explain this trend,the results obtained from two twinpollen-samplers (Lanzoni VPPS 2000), placed twometres apart, were compared.An eight-week sampling was carried out duringthe year 2000 from July to September.Subsequent analysis revealed no statisticallysignificant difference between the dataobtained with the two instruments. On the otherhand, both samplers captured high levels offungal spores. We conclude that the observednegative trend in pollen count is real and notrelated to technical biases.  相似文献   

During six consecutive years (1993–1998), aBurkard volumetric pollen trap was continuouslyoperated to sample pollen from the air of thecity of Murcia. The aim of the study was toelucidate the spectra of airborne pollen andthe variations during the year, and toelaborate a pollen calendar. This time spanincludes the end of the period with severedrought from 1990–1995, which particularly affected the south-eastern region of Spain.The total sum of daily average pollenconcentrations amounted to 148,645 pollen grainsbelonging to 93 different taxa. A daily averageof 74 pollen grains/m3 and 11 taxa wererecorded, with maxima of 1157 and 27respectively. The total pollen amountregistered in a year correlated with yearlyrainfall, but there was no relation with meanannual temperature. As for annual fluctuations,there seemed to be no influence by totalrainfall or temperature. Spring and winter werethe seasons with the highest pollen counts andpollen diversity.From the 93 identified taxa, 36 are included inthe pollen calendar. Noteworthy findings are:(i) the presence of Thymelaeaceae,Robinia, Betula, Castanea,Zygophyllum, Caryophyllaceae andCannabis, (ii) a long pollen season ofChenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Urticaceae,Poaceae, Arecaceae and Plantago, (iii)the occurrence of summer, autumn and winterflowering of Artemisia, (iv) the lateappearance of Corylus pollen, and (v) theminor presence of Casuarina pollen duringthe mid winter and late spring.  相似文献   

Summary In order to find whether or not a pattern exist in both pollen concentration and viability along altitudinal transects, samples were collected volumetrically (VPPS) each 25 m, from 500 to 825 m, on Mount Sutton (45°04N; 72°32W) (970 m). Both minimum concentration and minimum viability were found at 725 m. Airborne pollen viability was species dependent, while airborne concentrations were not specific. Sampling height influence was also investigated volumetrically (BPS), by comparing paired samples at ground and 10 m levels. Again, pollen concentration pattern was found quite stable, while viability was found to be more height influenced, particularly at 725 m. The 725 m hinge altitude is located just above the June Mean Cloud Base altitude (657 m).  相似文献   

The pollen count of the Platanus genus in the atmosphere of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) was carried out from 1993 to 1998, with the pollen of this taxon representing 6% of total identified pollen. The principal pollination period (P.P.P.) was centred on the months of March and April, with an average duration of 23 days.During the study period we obtained negative correlations with precipitation and humidity and positive ones with temperature and hours of sunshine, with a confidence index of more than 90%. On the basis of the six-year study period, we also calculated the average accumulated temperature required to trigger the onset of flowering, which oscillated between 330 and 456 °C, with this result being confirmed for 1999 (437 °C). We also observed that the values of maximum pollen concentration of this taxon in the last 7 years (1993–1999), were obtained on days during the P.P.P. with maximum temperatures above 18 °C. The model of intradiurnal variation reflects, for the majority of years, a greater representation during the central hours of the day.  相似文献   

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