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The immediacy and directness of our subjective visual experience belies the complexity of the neural mechanisms involved, which remain incompletely understood. This review focuses on how the subjective contents of human visual awareness are encoded in neural activity. Empirical evidence to date suggests that no single brain area is both necessary and sufficient for consciousness. Instead, necessary and sufficient conditions appear to involve both activation of a distributed representation of the visual scene in primary visual cortex and ventral visual areas, plus parietal and frontal activity. The key empirical focus is now on characterizing qualitative differences in the type of neural activity in these areas underlying conscious and unconscious processing. To this end, recent progress in developing novel approaches to accurately decoding the contents of consciousness from brief samples of neural activity show great promise.  相似文献   

Ethology, the evolutionary science of behaviour, assumes that natural selection shapes behaviour and its neural substrates in humans and other animals. In this view, the nervous system of any animal comprises a suite of morphological and behavioural adaptations for solving specific information processing problems posed by the physical or social environment. Since the allocation of behaviour often reflects economic optimization of evolutionary fitness subject to physical and cognitive constraints, neurobiological studies of reward, punishment, motivation and decision making will profit from an appreciation of the information processing problems confronted by animals in their natural physical and social environments.  相似文献   

'Anticipatory affect' refers to emotional states that people experience while anticipating significant outcomes. Historically, technical limitations have made it difficult to determine whether anticipatory affect influences subsequent choice. Recent advances in the spatio-temporal resolution of functional magnetic resonance imaging, however, now allow researchers to visualize changes in neural activity seconds before choice occurs. We review evidence that activation in specific brain circuits changes during anticipation of monetary incentives, that this activation correlates with affective experience and that activity in these circuits may influence subsequent choice. Specifically, an activation likelihood estimate meta-analysis of cued response studies indicates that nucleus accumbens (NAcc) activation increases during gain anticipation relative to loss anticipation, while anterior insula activation increases during both loss and gain anticipation. Additionally, anticipatory NAcc activation correlates with self-reported positive arousal, whereas anterior insula activation correlates with both self-reported negative and positive arousal. Finally, NAcc activation precedes the purchase of desirable products and choice of high-risk gambles, whereas anterior insula activation precedes the rejection of overpriced products and choice of low-risk gambles. Together, these findings support a neurally plausible framework for understanding how anticipatory affect can influence choice.  相似文献   

Detecting a looming object and its imminent collision is imperative to survival. For most humans, it is a fundamental aspect of daily activities such as driving, road crossing and participating in sport, yet little is known about how the brain both detects and responds to such stimuli. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess neural response to looming stimuli in comparison with receding stimuli and motion-controlled static stimuli. We demonstrate for the first time that, in the human, the superior colliculus and the pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus respond to looming in addition to cortical regions associated with motor preparation. We also implicate the anterior insula in making timing computations for collision events.  相似文献   

欺骗行为会导致欺骗结果的产生,欺骗结果又会直接影响欺骗行为的发生及其内在机制.虽然有研究表明,欺骗结果会对相应的欺骗过程产生调控作用,但对这一调控作用的机制并不清楚.本研究采用功能核磁共振技术,对两组被试分别使用有、无反馈(欺骗结果)的GKT范式并记录两组被试在进行诚实反应和欺骗反应时的大脑激活模式.结果发现,有反馈组与无反馈组相比,有反馈组的诚实反应和欺骗反应都导致了左侧顶叶皮层、左背部前扣带皮层、左侧脑岛、双侧视皮层和右侧小脑的更大激活;对两组而言,欺骗反应和诚实反应都导致了右腹外侧前额区域、双侧缘上回、左侧脑岛、右后内侧额叶、右侧颞中回和右侧纹状体的更大激活;此外,与无反馈组相比,有反馈组的欺骗反应与诚实反应在双侧纹状体和左侧脑岛上的激活差异更加明显.这些结果表明,有无欺骗结果对欺骗过程的神经机制具有调控作用,当需要面临欺骗结果时,欺骗过程将更大程度地涉及到奖赏预期和风险厌恶过程的参与.  相似文献   

利他性惩罚广泛存在于人类社会中,在群体合作与规范维护方面起着重要的积极作用.个体作为潜在的惩罚者,从知觉到不公平事件到做出惩罚行为,需要经过一系列的认知和情绪过程,包括公平判断、奖赏加工、自我控制以及心理化等过程,并且调用相应的神经生理机制.认知神经科学为理解人类的利他性惩罚行为提供了新的视角和方法.本文基于最新的研究发现,综述了利他性惩罚相关的神经生理基础.  相似文献   

Objective: Prader‐Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder associated with developmental delay, obesity, and obsessive behavior related to food consumption. The most striking symptom of PWS is hyperphagia; as such, PWS may provide important insights into factors leading to overeating and obesity in the general population. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the neural mechanisms underlying responses to visual food stimuli, before and after eating, in individuals with PWS and a healthy weight control (HWC) group. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were scanned once before (pre‐meal) and once after (post‐meal) eating a standardized meal. Pictures of food, animals, and blurred control images were presented in a block design format during acquisition of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Results: Statistical contrasts in the HWC group showed greater activation to food pictures in the pre‐meal condition compared with the post‐meal condition in the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex (medial PFC), and frontal operculum. In comparison, the PWS group exhibited greater activation to food pictures in the post‐meal condition compared with the pre‐meal condition in the orbitofrontal cortex, medial PFC, insula, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus. Between‐group contrasts in the pre‐ and post‐meal conditions confirmed group differences, with the PWS group showing greater activation than the HWC group after the meal in food motivation networks. Discussion: Results point to distinct neural mechanisms associated with hyperphagia in PWS. After eating a meal, the PWS group showed hyperfunction in limbic and paralimbic regions that drive eating behavior (e.g., the amygdala) and in regions that suppress food intake (e.g., the medial PFC).  相似文献   

Humans and animals use landmarks during wayfinding to determine where they are in the world and to guide their way to their destination. To implement this strategy, known as landmark-based piloting, a navigator must be able to: (i) identify individual landmarks, (ii) use these landmarks to determine their current position and heading, (iii) access long-term knowledge about the spatial relationships between locations and (iv) use this knowledge to plan a route to their navigational goal. Here, we review neuroimaging, neuropsychological and neurophysiological data that link the first three of these abilities to specific neural systems in the human brain. This evidence suggests that the parahippocampal place area is critical for landmark recognition, the retrosplenial/medial parietal region is centrally involved in localization and orientation, and both medial temporal lobe and retrosplenial/medial parietal lobe regions support long-term spatial knowledge.  相似文献   

The snowdrift (or chicken) game emerges as a new paradigm inthe study of nonkin cooperation in animals. Many situations,for example, cooperative hunting, group foraging, territorialdefense, predator watching, or parental care, can be adequatelydescribed as a snowdrift game. In this paper, we investigatethe asynchronous version of the game in which, contrary to therather unrealistic assumption of simultaneous moves, one ofthe players acts first and the other responds by knowing itsdecision. Players are assigned to be first or second moversrandomly and with the same probability. We found that both asynergistic effect of cooperation (i.e., cooperative effortis better than the sum of the individual efforts) and populationstructure (low dispersal, spatial confinement, or group formation)are crucial for mutual cooperation to emerge. Otherwise, onlyone of the players will carry the burden of cooperation.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has suggested that video game playing can induce functional and structural plasticity of the brain. The underlying mechanisms, however, remain poorly understood. In this study, functional near‐infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to record prefrontal activities in 24 experienced game players when they played a massively multiplayer online battle arena video game, League of Legends (LOL), under naturalistic conditions. It was observed that game onset was associated with significant activations in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and concomitant deactivations in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and frontal pole area (FPA). Game events, such as slaying an enemy and being slain by an enemy evoked region‐specific time‐locked hemodynamic/oxygenation responses in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). It was proposed that the VLPFC activities during LOL playing are likely responses to visuo‐motor task load of the game, while the DLPFC/FPA activities may be involved in the constant shifts of attentional states and allocation of cognitive resources required by game playing. The present study demonstrated that it is feasible to use fNIRS to monitor real‐time prefrontal activity during online video game playing.   相似文献   

社会疼痛,指在生活中因为关系破裂、低社会评价和拒绝等负性事件引发的痛苦体验.本文从神经影像学、神经内分泌和神经免疫学等角度对社会疼痛发生的神经生理机制进行系统地阐述.未来的研究可以集中在进一步对社会疼痛和身体疼痛的关系进行阐明,对精神疾病患者(比如精神分裂症和自闭症)社会疼痛的特点和机制进行探索,以及对社会疼痛记忆加工的机制进行研究.  相似文献   

Calendrical savants can name the weekdays for dates from different years with remarkable speed and accuracy. Whether calculation rather than just memory is involved is disputed. Grounds for doubting whether they can calculate are reviewed and criteria for attributing date calculation skills to them are discussed. At least some calendrical savants possess date calculation skills. A behavioural characteristic observed in many calendrical savants is increased response time for questions about more remote years. This may be because more remote years require more calculation or because closer years are more practised. An experiment is reported that used functional magnetic resonance imaging to attempt to discriminate between these explanations. Only two savants could be scanned and excessive head movement corrupted one savant''s mental arithmetic data. Nevertheless, there was increased parietal activation during both mental arithmetic and date questions and this region showed increased activity with more remote dates. These results suggest that the calendrical skills observed in savants result from intensive practice with calculations used in solving mental arithmetic problems. The mystery is not how they solve these problems, but why.  相似文献   

Compromised ability to exert control over drug urges and drug-seeking behaviour is a characteristic of addiction. One specific cognitive control function, impulse control, has been shown to be a risk factor for the development of substance problems and has been linked in animal models to increased drug administration and relapse. We present evidence of a direct effect of cocaine on the neurobiology underlying impulse control. In a laboratory test of motor response inhibition, an intravenous cocaine administration improved task performance in 13 cocaine users. This improvement was accompanied by increased activation in right dorsolateral and inferior frontal cortex, regions considered critical for this cognitive function. Similarly, for both inhibitory control and action monitoring processes, cocaine normalized activation levels in lateral and medial prefrontal regions previously reported to be hypoactive in users relative to drug-naive controls. The acute amelioration of neurocognitive dysfunction may reflect a chronic dysregulation of those brain regions and the cognitive processes they subserve. Furthermore, the effects of cocaine on midline function suggest a dopaminergically mediated intersection between cocaine's acute reinforcing effects and its effects on cognitive control.  相似文献   

本文研究了在保留最大化内在功能连接条件下抑郁症患者脑网络效率的改变,并探索了改变的拓扑效率和抑郁症病理学之间的关系.为此,我们收集了20例抑郁症患者和20例在年龄、性别和教育水平相匹配的健康被试的静息态功能磁共振图像数据.图论分析显示,与健康对照组比较,抑郁症患者的节点效率减少在左海马旁回、右杏仁核,左颞横回和左颞极(颞中回)减少.减少的节点效率表明,在抑郁症患者脑网络中这些区域传送信息到其他区域的能力减弱.此外,发现局部效率降低在左内侧额上回、左眶部额上回、右回直肌、左杏仁核、右顶上回、左丘脑和左颞极(颞中回).并且发现左内侧额上回、左杏仁核、左丘脑与PHQ-9得分呈负相关.降低的局部效率表明抑郁症患者脑网络中这些区域的局部网络信息传送能力受到抑制.这些结果进一步确认在抑郁症患者中涉及情感信息处理的前额-丘脑-边缘区域被破坏.我们的发现为抑郁症病人的辅助诊断提供了新的潜在生物学标记物.  相似文献   

人脑是自然界中最复杂的系统之一,不同的功能区域相互作用、互相协调,共同构成一个网络来发挥其功能。人脑是一个复杂的网络,具有高效的“小世界”拓扑属性。本文从脑结构到脑功能方面介绍了从不同模态影像学数据构造脑网络的主要进展,并探讨不同的脑疾病患者脑网络拓扑结构是否发生了异常,以及这些异常特征能否用来进行疾病分类,最后对本领域未来的研究做了简单的展望。  相似文献   

Evolutionarily stable stealing: game theory applied to kleptoparasitism   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
We present an individual-based model of a group of foraginganimals. Individuals can obtain food either by discovering itthemselves or by stealing it from others (kleptoparasitism).Given that challenging another individual for a discovered fooditem costs time (which could otherwise be spent searching foran undiscovered item), attempting to steal from another maynot always be efficient We show that there is generally a uniquestrategy that maximizes uptake rate—always or never challengingothers. For any combination of parameter values, we can identifywhich strategy is appropraite. As a corollary to this, we predictthat small changes in ecolgical conditions can, under some circumstances,cause a dramatic change in the aggressive behavior of individuals.Further, we investigate situations where searching for undiscoveredfood and searching for potential opportunities for stealingare mutually exclusive activities (i.e., success at one canonly be improved at the expense of the other). Using game theory,we are able to find the evolutionarily stable strategy for investmentin these two activities in terms of the ecological parametersof the model.  相似文献   

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