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To study the microevolutionary processes shaping the evolution of the segmentation gene hunchback (hb) from Drosophila melanogaster, we cloned and sequenced the gene from 12 isofemale lines representing wild-type populations of D. melanogaster, as well as from the closely related species Drosophila sechellia, Drosophila orena, and Drosophila yakuba. We find a relatively low degree of sequence variation in D. melanogaster (theta = 0.0017), which is, however, consistent with its chromosomal location in a region of low recombination. Tests of neutrality do not reject a neutral-evolution model for the whole region. However, pairwise tests with different subregions indicate that there is a relative excess of polymorphic sites in the leader and the intron. Codon usage pattern analysis shows a particularly biased codon usage in the highly conserved regions, which is in line with the hypothesis that selection on translational accuracy is the driving force behind such a bias. A comparison of the expression pattern of hb in different sibling species of D. melanogaster reveals some regulatory changes in D. yakuba, which could be interpreted as changes in the timing of secondary expression domains.  相似文献   

We have sequenced a cDNA clone for the Drosophila melanogaster gene Dsrc28C, a homolog of the vertebrate gene c-src. The cDNA contains a single open reading frame encoding a protein of 66 kilodaltons which contains features highly conserved within the src family of tyrosine protein kinases. Novel structural features of the Dsrc28C protein include a basic pI and a polyglycine domain near the amino terminus. Cell-free translation of in vitro-transcribed RNA yielded a protein of the predicted size which could be immunoprecipitated by anti-v-src antisera. RNA blot hybridization revealed that the gene is expressed predominantly during embryogenesis, in imaginal disks of third-instar larvae, and in adult females. In situ hybridization showed that expression in adult females is largely confined to nurse cells and developing oocytes.  相似文献   

L M King 《Genetics》1998,148(1):305-315
Nucleotide sequences of eight Est-5A and Est-5C genes corresponding to previously sequenced Est-5B genes in Drosophila pseudoobscura were determined to compare patterns of polymorphism and divergence among members of this small gene family. The three esterase genes were also sequenced from D. persimilis and D. miranda for interspecific comparisons. The data provide evidence that gene conversion between loci contributes to polymorphism and to the homogenization of the Est5 genes. For Est-5B, which encodes one of the most highly polymorphic proteins in Drosophila, 12% of the segregating amino acid variants appear to have been introduced via gene conversion from other members of the gene family. Interlocus gene conversion can also explain high sequence similarity, especially at synonymous sites, between Est-5B and Est-5A. Tests of neutrality using interspecific comparisons show that levels of polymorphism conform to neutral expectations at each Est-5 locus. However, McDonald-Kreitman tests based on intraspecific gene comparisons indicate that positive selection on amino acids has accompanied Est-5 gene duplication and divergence in D. pseudoobscura.  相似文献   

MAGEST is a database for newly identified maternal cDNAs of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, which aims to examine the population of the mRNAs. We have collected 3' and 5' tag sequences of mRNAs and their expression data from whole-mount in situ hybridi-zation in early embryos. To date, we have determined more than 2000 tag-sequences of H.roretzi cDNAs and input them into public databases. The tag sequences and the expression data as well as additional information can be obtained through MAGEST via the WWW at http://www.genome.ad.jp/magest/  相似文献   

Two non-coding DNA classes, introns and intergenic regions, of Drosophila melanogaster exhibit contrasting evolutionary patterns. GC content is significantly higher in intergenic regions and affects their degree of nucleotide variability. Divergence is positively correlated with recombination rate in intergenic regions, but not in introns. We argue that these differences are due to different selective constraints rather than mutational or recombinational mechanisms.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of cRNA transcribed from cloned D. melanogaster heat shock sequences to D. hydei chromosomes has shown that the D. hydei locus 2–32 A corresponds to the D. melanogaster locus 87 A/C and the D. hydei locus 2–36 A to the D. melanogaster locus 95 D, while the D. hydei locus 4–81 B corresponds to the D. melanogaster locus 63 BC. No hybridization to D. hydei chromosomes was found with cRNA transcribed from a clone containing the sequences encoded by the D. melanogaster locus 87 C. Neither D. melanogaster heat shock RNA nor D. virilis heat shock RNA hybridized significantly to the D. hydei heat shock locus 2–48 B. Furthermore, D. hydei heat shock RNA did not hybridize to the cytological homologs of locus 2–48 B found in D. repleta or in D. virilis. D, hydei heat shock. RNA did hybridize to the cytological homologs of locus 2–48 B in D. neohydei and D. eohydei, both of which belong to the hydei subgroup.  相似文献   

Geographic variation for wing shape in Drosophila serrata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographic variation in wing shape in female Drosophila serrata was examined by characterizing isofemale strains from 19 localities collected along a transect on the eastern coast of Australia. Shape variation was analyzed by Procrustes superimposition of landmark data followed by canonical variate analysis. The first extracted canonical variate showed a nonlinear association with latitude and accounted for 43% of the variance. There was a sharp increase in this variate at low latitudes as well as a gradual increase at high latitudes. These shape changes were associated with two landmarks at the edge of the wing. There was also a linear change in wing aspect. The isofemale heritability for two measures of shape was around 30%. Allometric relationships were weak both between localities and among isofemale strains within localities. The possibility that wing shape parameters are under selection independent of wing size is discussed.  相似文献   

To identify putatively swept regions of the Drosophila melanogaster genome, we performed a microsatellite screen spanning a 260-kb region of the X chromosome in populations from Zimbabwe, Ecuador, the United States, and China. Among the regions identified by this screen as showing a complex pattern of reduced heterozygosity and a skewed frequency spectrum was the gene diminutive (dm). To investigate the microsatellite findings, nucleotide sequence polymorphism data were generated in populations from both China and Zimbabwe spanning a 25-kb region and encompassing dm. Analysis of the sequence data reveals strongly reduced nucleotide variation across the entire gene region in both the non-African and the African populations, an extended haplotype pattern, and structured linkage disequilibrium, as well as a rejection of neutrality in favor of selection using a composite likelihood-ratio test. Additionally, unusual patterns of synonymous site evolution were observed at the second exon of this locus. On the basis of simulation studies as well as recently proposed methods for distinguishing between selection and nonequilibrium demography, we find that this "footprint" is best explained by a selective sweep in the ancestral population, the signal of which has been somewhat blurred via founder effects in the non-African samples.  相似文献   

Invertebrate gap junctions are composed of proteins called innexins and eight innexin encoding loci have been identified in the now complete genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster. The intercellular channels formed by these proteins are multimeric and previous studies have shown that, in a heterologous expression system, homo- and hetero-oligomeric channels can form, each combination possessing different gating characteristics. Here we demonstrate that the innexins exhibit complex overlapping expression patterns during oogenesis, embryogenesis, imaginal wing disc development and central nervous system development and show that only certain combinations of innexin oligomerization are possible in vivo. This work forms an essential basis for future studies of innexin interactions in Drosophila and outlines the potential extent of gap-junction involvement in development.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Regulation of gene expression in space and time directs its localization to a specific subset of cells during development. Systematic determination of the spatiotemporal dynamics of gene expression plays an important role in understanding the regulatory networks driving development. An atlas for the gene expression patterns of fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been created by whole-mount in situ hybridization, and it documents the dynamic changes of gene expression pattern during Drosophila embryogenesis. The spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression are integrated by anatomical terms from a controlled vocabulary linking together intermediate tissues developed from one another. Currently, the terms are assigned to patterns manually. However, the number of patterns generated by high-throughput in situ hybridization is rapidly increasing. It is, therefore, tempting to approach this problem by employing computational methods. RESULTS: In this article, we present a novel computational framework for annotating gene expression patterns using a controlled vocabulary. In the currently available high-throughput data, annotation terms are assigned to groups of patterns rather than to individual images. We propose to extract invariant features from images, and construct pyramid match kernels to measure the similarity between sets of patterns. To exploit the complementary information conveyed by different features and incorporate the correlation among patterns sharing common structures, we propose efficient convex formulations to integrate the kernels derived from various features. The proposed framework is evaluated by comparing its annotation with that of human curators, and promising performance in terms of F1 score has been reported.  相似文献   

We present the complete nucleotide sequence of a Drosophila alpha-amylase gene and its flanking regions, as determined by cDNA and genomic sequence analysis. This gene, unlike its mammalian counterparts, contains no introns. Nevertheless the insect and mammalian genes share extensive nucleotide similarity and the insect protein contains the four amino acid sequence blocks common to all alpha-amylases. In Drosophila melanogaster, there are two closely-linked copies of the alpha-amylase gene and they are divergently transcribed. In the 5'-regions of the two gene-copies we find high sequence divergence, yet the typical eukaryotic gene expression motifs have been maintained. The 5'-terminus of the alpha-amylase mRNA, as determined by primer extension analysis, maps to a characteristic Drosophila sequence motif. Additional conserved elements upstream of both genes may also be involved in amylase gene expression which is known to be under complex controls that include glucose repression.  相似文献   

Stochastic effects from demographic processes and selection are expected to shape the distribution of genetic variation in spatially heterogeneous environments. As the amount of genetic variation is central for long‐term persistence of populations, understanding how these processes affect variation over large‐scale geographical gradients is pivotal. We investigated the distribution of neutral and putatively adaptive genetic variation, and reconstructed demographic history in the moor frog (Rana arvalis) using 136 individuals from 15 populations along a 1,700‐km latitudinal gradient from northern Germany to northern Sweden. Using double digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing we obtained 27,590 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and identified differentiation outliers and SNPs associated with growing season length. The populations grouped into a southern and a northern cluster, representing two phylogeographical lineages from different post‐glacial colonization routes. Hybrid index estimation and demographic model selection showed strong support for a southern and northern lineage and evidence of gene flow between regions located on each side of a contact zone. However, patterns of past gene flow over the contact zone differed between neutral and putatively adaptive SNPs. While neutral nucleotide diversity was higher along the southern than the northern part of the gradient, nucleotide diversity in differentiation outliers showed the opposite pattern, suggesting differences in the relative strength of selection and drift along the gradient. Variation associated with growing season length decreased with latitude along the southern part of the gradient, but not along the northern part where variation was lower, suggesting stronger climate‐mediated selection in the north. Outlier SNPs included loci involved in immunity and developmental processes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In this paper we address the problem of the determination of developmental age of an embryo from its segmentation gene expression patterns in Drosophila. RESULTS: By applying support vector regression we have developed a fast method for automated staging of an embryo on the basis of its gene expression pattern. Support vector regression is a statistical method for creating regression functions of arbitrary type from a set of training data. The training set is composed of embryos for which the precise developmental age was determined by measuring the degree of membrane invagination. Testing the quality of regression on the training set showed good prediction accuracy. The optimal regression function was then used for the prediction of the gene expression based age of embryos in which the precise age has not been measured by membrane morphology. Moreover, we show that the same accuracy of prediction can be achieved when the dimensionality of the feature vector was reduced by applying factor analysis. The data reduction allowed us to avoid over-fitting and to increase the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Sexual selection of high-quality mates can conflict with species recognition if traits that govern intraspecific mate preferences also influence interspecific recognition. This conflict might be resolved by developmental plasticity and learned mate preferences, which could drive preference divergence in populations that differ in local species composition. We integrate field and laboratory experiments on two calopterygid damselfly species with population genetic data to investigate how sex differences in developmental plasticity affect population divergence in the face of gene flow. Whereas male species recognition is fixed at emergence, females instead learn to recognize heterospecifics. Females are therefore more plastic in their mate preferences than males. We suggest that this results from sex differences in the balance between sexual selection for high-quality mates and selection for species recognition. As a result of these sex differences, females develop more pronounced population divergence in their mate preferences compared with males. Local ecological community context and presence of heterospecifics in combination with sex differences in plasticity and canalization therefore shape population divergence in mate preferences. As ongoing environmental change and habitat fragmentation bring formerly allopatric species into secondary contact, developmental plasticity of mate preferences in either or both sexes might facilitate coexistence and prevent local species extinction.  相似文献   

The Medaka Expression Pattern Database (MEPD) is a database for gene expression patterns determined by in situ hybridization in the small freshwater fish medaka (Oryzias latipes). Data have been collected from various research groups and MEPD is developing into a central expression pattern depository within the medaka community. Gene expression patterns are described by images and terms of a detailed medaka anatomy ontology of over 4000 terms, which we have developed for this purpose and submitted to Open Biological Ontologies. Sequences have been annotated via BLAST match results and using Gene Ontology terms. These new features will facilitate data analyses using bioinformatics approaches and allow cross-species comparisons of gene expression patterns. Presently, MEPD has 19,757 entries, for 1024 of them the expression pattern has been determined.  相似文献   

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