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Most Arabidopsis ecotypes display tolerance to the Tobacco ringspot virus (TRSV), but a subset of Arabidopsis ecotypes, including Estland (Est), develop lethal systemic necrosis (LSN), which differs from the localized hypersensitive responses (HRs) or systemic acquired resistance (SAR) characteristic of incompatible reactions. Neither viral replication nor the systemic movement of TRSV was restricted in tolerant or sensitive Arabidopsis ecotypes; therefore, the LSN phenotype shown in the sensitive ecotypes might not be due to viral accumulation. In the present study, we identified the Est TTR1 gene (tolerance to Tobacco ringspot virus 1) encoding a TIR-NBS-LRR protein that controls the ecotype-dependent tolerant/sensitive phenotypes by a map-based cloning method. The tolerant Col-0 ecotype Arabidopsis transformed with the sensitive Est TTR1 allele developed an LSN phenotype upon TRSV infection, suggesting that the Est TTR1 allele is dominant over the tolerant ttr1 allele of Col-0. Multiple sequence alignments of 10 tolerant ecotypes from those of eight sensitive ecotypes showed that 10 LRR amino acid polymorphisms were consistently distributed across the TTR1/ttr1 alleles. Site-directed mutagenesis of these amino acids in the LRR region revealed that two sites, L956S and K1124Q, completely abolished the LSN phenotype. VIGS study revealed that TTR1 is dependent on SGT1, rather than EDS1. The LSN phenotype by TTR1 was shown to be transferred to Nicotiana benthamiana, demonstrating functional conservation of TTR1 across plant families, which are involved in SGT-dependent defense responses, rather than EDS1-dependent signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Nutrients such as phosphorus may exert a major control over plant response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2), which is projected to double by the end of the 21st century. Elevated CO2 may overcome the diffusional limitations to photosynthesis posed by stomata and mesophyll and alter the photo-biochemical limitations resulting from phosphorus deficiency. To evaluate these ideas, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.2, 0.05 and 0.01 mM) and two levels of CO2 concentration (ambient 400 and elevated 800 μmol mol−1) under optimum temperature and irrigation. Phosphate deficiency drastically inhibited photosynthetic characteristics and decreased cotton growth for both CO2 treatments. Under Pi stress, an apparent limitation to the photosynthetic potential was evident by CO2 diffusion through stomata and mesophyll, impairment of photosystem functioning and inhibition of biochemical process including the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyganase and the rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. The diffusional limitation posed by mesophyll was up to 58% greater than the limitation due to stomatal conductance (gs) under Pi stress. As expected, elevated CO2 reduced these diffusional limitations to photosynthesis across Pi levels; however, it failed to reduce the photo-biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in phosphorus deficient plants. Acclimation/down regulation of photosynthetic capacity was evident under elevated CO2 across Pi treatments. Despite a decrease in phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations in leaf tissue and reduced stomatal conductance at elevated CO2, the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area when measured at the growth CO2 concentration tended to be higher for all except the lowest Pi treatment. Nevertheless, plant biomass increased at elevated CO2 across Pi nutrition with taller plants, increased leaf number and larger leaf area.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. In plant tissues, approximately 80% of Fe is found in photosynthetic cells. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different iron concentrations on the photosynthetic characteristics of sweet potato plants. The fluorescence transient of chlorophyll a (OJIP), chlorophyll index and gas exchange were measured in plants grown for seven days in Hoagland solution containing an iron concentration of 0.45, 0.90, 4.50 or 9.00 mM Fe (as Fe-EDTA). The initial and maximum fluorescence increased in the plants receiving 9.00 mM Fe. In the analysis of the fluorescence kinetic difference, L- and K-bands appeared in all of the treatments, but the amplitude was higher in plants receiving 4.50 or 9.00 mM Fe. In plants grown in 9.00 mM Fe, the parameters of the JIP-Test indicated a better efficiency in the capture, absorption and use of light energy, and although the chlorophyll index was higher, the net photosynthesis was lower. The overall data showed that sweet potato plants subjected to high iron concentrations may not exhibit the toxicity symptoms, but the light reactions of photosynthesis can be affect, which may result in a declining net assimilation rate.  相似文献   

Szilvia Z. Tóth 《BBA》2005,1708(2):275-282
The effects of DCMU (3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) on the fluorescence induction transient (OJIP) in higher plants were re-investigated. We found that the initial (F0) and maximum (FM) fluorescence levels of DCMU-treated leaves do not change relative to controls when the treatment is done in complete darkness and DCMU is allowed to diffuse slowly into the leaves either by submersion or by application via the stem. Simultaneous 820 nm transmission measurements (a measure of electron flow through Photosystem I) showed that in the DCMU-treated samples, the plastoquinone pool remained oxidized during the light pulses whereas in uninhibited leaves, the FM level coincided with a fully reduced electron transport chain. The identical FM values with and without DCMU indicate that in intact leaves, the FM value is independent of the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. We also show that (i) the generally observed F0 increase is probably due to the presence of (even very weak) light during the DCMU treatment, (ii) vacuum infiltration of leaf discs leads to a drastic decrease of the fluorescence yield, and in DCMU-treated samples, the FM decreases to the I-level of their control (leaves vacuum infiltrated with 1% ethanol), (iii) and in thylakoid membranes, the addition of DCMU lowers the FM relative to that of a control sample.  相似文献   

The effect of external inorganic nitrogen and K+ content on K+ uptake from low-K+ solutions and plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase activity of sorghum roots was studied. Plants were grown for 15 days in full-nutrient solutions containing 0.2 or 1.4 mM K+ and inorganic nitrogen as NO3-, NO3-/NH4+ or NH4+ and then starved of K+ for 24, 48 and 72 h. NH4+ in full nutrient solution significantly affected the uptake efficiency and accumulation of K+, and this effect was less pronounced at the high K+ concentration. In contrast, the translocation rate of K+ to the shoot was not altered. Depletion assays showed that plants grown with NH4+ more efficiently depleted the external K+ and reached higher initial rates of low-K+ uptake than plants grown with NO3-. One possible influence of K+ content of shoot, but not of roots, on K+ uptake was evidenced. Enhanced K+-uptake capacity was correlated with the induction of H+ extrusion by PM H+-ATPase. In plants grown in high K+ solutions, the increase in the active H+ gradient was associated with an increase of the PM H+-ATPase protein concentration. In contrast, in plants grown in solutions containing 0.2 mM K+, only the initial rate of H+-pumping and ATP hydrolysis were affected. Under these conditions, two specific isoforms of PM H+-ATPase were detected, independent of the nitrogen source and deficiency period. No change in enzyme activity was observed in NO3--grown plants. The results suggest that K+ homeostasis in NH4+-grown sorghum plants may be regulated by a high capacity for K+ uptake, which is dependent upon the H+-pumping activity of PM H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Vladimir A. Shuvalov 《BBA》2007,1767(6):422-433
It has been shown [V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in many-electron atoms of biologically important compounds, Biochemistry (Mosc.) 68 (2003) 1333-1354; V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in atoms of biologically important molecules, Uspekhi biologicheskoi khimii, (Pushchino) 44 (2004) 79-108] that the orbit angular momentum L of each electron in many-electron atoms is L = mVr = n? and similar to L for one-electron atom suggested by N. Bohr. It has been found that for an atom with N electrons the total electron energy equation E = (Zeff)2e4m/(2n2?2N) is more appropriate for energy calculation than standard quantum mechanical expressions. It means that the value of L of each electron is independent of the presence of other electrons in an atom and correlates well to the properties of virtual photons emitted by the nucleus and creating a trap for electrons. The energies for elements of the 1st up to the 5th rows and their ions (total amount 240) of Mendeleev' Periodical table were calculated consistent with the experimental data (deviations in average were 5 × 10− 3). The obtained equations can be used for electron dynamics calculations in molecules. For H2 and H2+ the interference of electron-photon orbits between the atoms determines the distances between the nuclei which are in agreement with the experimental values. The formation of resonance electron-photon orbit in molecules with the conjugated bonds, including chlorophyll-like molecules, appears to form a resonance trap for an electron with E values close to experimental data. Two mechanisms were suggested for non-barrier primary charge separation in reaction centers (RCs) of photosynthetic bacteria and green plants by using the idea of electron-photon orbit interference between the two molecules. Both mechanisms are connected to formation of the exciplexes of chlorophyll-like molecules. The first one includes some nuclear motion before exciplex formation, the second one is related to the optical transition to a charge transfer state.  相似文献   

Electron transport processes were investigated in barley leaves in which the oxygen-evolution was fully inhibited by a heat pulse (48 °C, 40 s). Under these circumstances, the K peak (∼ F400 μs) appears in the chl a fluorescence (OJIP) transient reflecting partial QA reduction, which is due to a stable charge separation resulting from the donation of one electron by tyrozine Z. Following the K peak additional fluorescence increase (indicating QA accumulation) occurs in the 0.2-2 s time range. Using simultaneous chl a fluorescence and 820 nm transmission measurements it is demonstrated that this QA accumulation is due to naturally occurring alternative electron sources that donate electrons to the donor side of photosystem II. Chl a fluorescence data obtained with 5-ms light pulses (double flashes spaced 2.3-500 ms apart, and trains of several hundred flashes spaced by 100 or 200 ms) show that the electron donation occurs from a large pool with t1/2 ∼ 30 ms. This alternative electron donor is most probably ascorbate.  相似文献   

To study the role of the mobile C-terminal extension present in bacterial class of plant type NADP(H):ferredoxin reductases during catalysis, we generated a series of mutants of the Rhodobacter capsulatus enzyme (RcFPR). Deletion of the six C-terminal amino acids beyond alanine 266 was combined with the replacement A266Y, emulating the structure present in plastidic versions of this flavoenzyme. Analysis of absorbance and fluorescence spectra suggests that deletion does not modify the general geometry of FAD itself, but increases exposure of the flavin to the solvent, prevents a productive geometry of FAD:NADP(H) complex and decreases the protein thermal stability. Although the replacement A266Y partially coats the isoalloxazine from solvent and slightly restores protein stability, this single change does not allow formation of active charge-transfer complexes commonly present in the wild-type FPR, probably due to restraints of C-terminus pliability. A proton exchange process is deduced from ITC measurements during coenzyme binding. All studied RcFPR variants display higher affinity for NADP+ than wild-type, evidencing the contribution of the C-terminus in tempering a non-productive strong (rigid) interaction with the coenzyme. The decreased catalytic rate parameters confirm that the hydride transfer from NADPH to the flavin ring is considerably hampered in the mutants. Although the involvement of the C-terminal extension from bacterial FPRs in stabilizing overall folding and bent-FAD geometry has been stated, the most relevant contributions to catalysis are modulation of coenzyme entrance and affinity, promotion of the optimal geometry of an active complex and supply of a proton acceptor acting during coenzyme binding.  相似文献   

José Ramón Peregrina 《BBA》2010,1797(9):1638-1264
Two transient charge-transfer complexes (CTC) form prior and upon hydride transfer (HT) in the reversible reaction of the FAD-dependent ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) with NADP+/H, FNRox-NADPH (CTC-1), and FNRrd-NADP+ (CTC-2). Spectral properties of both CTCs, as well as the corresponding interconversion HT rates, are here reported for several Anabaena FNR site-directed mutants. The need for an adequate initial interaction between the 2′P-AMP portion of NADP+/H and FNR that provides subsequent conformational changes leading to CTC formation is further confirmed. Stronger interactions between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings might relate with faster HT processes, but exceptions are found upon distortion of the active centre. Thus, within the analyzed FNR variants, there is no strict correlation between the stability of the transient CTCs formation and the rate of the subsequent HT. Kinetic isotope effects suggest that, while in the WT, vibrational enhanced modulation of the active site contributes to the tunnel probability of HT; complexes of some of the active site mutants with the coenzyme hardly allow the relative movement of isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings along the HT reaction. The architecture of the WT FNR active site precisely contributes to reduce the stacking probability between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings in the catalytically competent complex, modulating the angle and distance between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine and the C4 of the coenzyme nicotinamide to values that ensure efficient HT processes.  相似文献   

Mackerels of the genus Scomber are commercially important species, but their taxonomic status is still controversial. Although previous phylogenetic data support the recognition of Atlantic Scomber colias and Pacific Scomber japonicus as separate species, it is only based on the analysis of partial mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. In an attempt to shed light on this relevant issue, we have determined the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of S. colias, S. japonicus, and Scomber australasicus. The total length of the mitogenomes was 16,568 bp for S. colias and 16,570 bp for both S. japonicus and S. australasicus. All mitogenomes had a gene content (13 protein-coding, 2 rRNAs, and 22 tRNAs) and organization similar to that observed in Scomber scombrus and most other vertebrates. The major noncoding region (control region) ranged between 865 and 866 bp in length and showed the typical conserved blocks. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a monophyletic origin of Scomber species with regard to other scombrid fish. The major finding of this study is that S. colias and S. japonicus were significantly grouped in distinct lineages within Scomber cluster, which phylogenetically constitutes evidence that they may be considered as separate species. Additionally, molecular data here presented provide a useful tool for evolutionary as well as population genetic studies.  相似文献   



Extracellular matrix (ECM) components and intracellular pH (pHi) may serve as regulators of cell migration in various cell types.


The Oris migration assay was used to assess the effect of fibronectin (FN) on cell motility. The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE)-1 activity was evaluated by measuring pHi and [22Na+] uptake. To examine activated signaling molecules, western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation was performed.


ECM components (FN, laminin, fibrinogen, and collagen type I) increased [22Na+] uptake, pHi, and cell migration. In addition, FN-induced increase of cell migration was inhibited by NHE-1 inhibitor amiloride or NHE-1-specific siRNA. FN selectively increased the mRNA and protein expression of NHE-1, but not that of NHE-2 or NHE-3. FN binds integrin β1 and subsequently stimulates caveolin-1 phosphorylation and Ca2 + influx. Then, NHE-1 is phosphorylated by RhoA and Rho kinases, and Ca2 +/calmodulin (CaM) signaling elicits complex formation with NHE-1, which is enriched in lipid raft/caveolae microdomains of the plasma membrane. Activation of NHE-1 continuously induces an increase of [22Na+] uptake and pHi. Finally, NHE-1-dependent extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation enhanced matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and filamentous-actin (F-actin) expression, partially contributing to the regulation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) migration.


FN stimulated mESCs migration and proliferation through NHE-1 activation, which were mediated by lipid raft-associated caveolin-1, RhoA/ROCK, and Ca2 +/CaM signaling pathways.

General significance

The precise role of NHE in the modulation of ECM-related physiological functions such as proliferation and migration remains poorly understood. Thus, this study analyzed the relationship between FN and NHE in regulating the migration of mouse ESCs and their related signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Shiguo Chen 《BBA》2007,1767(4):306-318
Tenuazonic acid (TeA) is a natural phytotoxin produced by Alternaria alternata, the causal agent of brown leaf spot disease of Eupatorium adenophorum. Results from chlorophyll fluorescence revealed TeA can block electron flow from QA to QB at photosystem II acceptor side. Based on studies with D1-mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the No. 256 amino acid plays a key role in TeA binding to the QB-niche. The results of competitive replacement with [14C]atrazine combined with JIP-test and D1-mutant showed that TeA should be considered as a new type of photosystem II inhibitor because it has a different binding behavior within QB-niche from other known photosystem II inhibitors. Bioassay of TeA and its analogues indicated 3-acyl-5-alkyltetramic and even tetramic acid compounds may represent a new structural framework for photosynthetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

For decades, studies have been focusing on the neuronal abnormalities that accompany neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, glial cells are emerging as important players in numerous neurological diseases. Astrocytes, the main type of glia in the central nervous system , form extensive networks that physically and functionally connect neuronal synapses with cerebral blood vessels. Normal brain functioning strictly depends on highly specialized cellular cross-talk between these different partners to which Ca2 +, as a signaling ion, largely contributes. Altered intracellular Ca2 + levels are associated with neurodegenerative disorders and play a crucial role in the glial responses to injury. Intracellular Ca2 + increases in single astrocytes can be propagated toward neighboring cells as intercellular Ca2 + waves, thereby recruiting a larger group of cells. Intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation depends on two, parallel, connexin (Cx) channel-based mechanisms: i) the diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate through gap junction channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells, and ii) the release of paracrine messengers such as glutamate and ATP through hemichannels (‘half of a gap junction channel’). This review gives an overview of the current knowledge on Cx-mediated Ca2 + communication among astrocytes as well as between astrocytes and other brain cell types in physiology and pathology, with a focus on the processes of neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis. Research on Cx-mediated astroglial Ca2 + communication may ultimately shed light on the development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in which astrocytes participate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

Cav2.3 containing voltage-activated Ca2 + channels are expressed in excitable cells and trigger neurotransmitter and peptide-hormone release. Their expression remote from the fast release sites leads to the accumulation of presynaptic Ca2 + which can both, facilitate and inhibit the influx of Ca2 + ions through Cav2.3. The facilitated Ca2 + influx was recently related to hippocampal postsynaptic facilitation and long term potentiation. To analyze Ca2 + mediated modulation of cellular processes more in detail, protein partners of the carboxy terminal tail of Cav2.3 were identified by yeast-2-hybrid screening, leading in two human cell lines to the detection of a novel, extended and rarely occurring splice variant of calmodulin-2 (CaM-2), called CaM-2-extended (CaM-2-ext). CaM-2-ext interacts biochemically with the C-terminus of Cav2.3 similar to the classical CaM-2 as shown by co-immunoprecipitation. Functionally, only CaM-2-ext reduces whole cell inward currents significantly. The insertion of the novel 46 nts long exon and the consecutive expression of CaM-2-ext must be dependent on a new upstream translation initiation site which is only rarely used in the tested human cell lines. The structure of the N-terminal extension is predicted to be more hydrophobic than the remaining CaM-2-ext protein, suggesting that it may help to dock it to the lipophilic membrane surrounding.  相似文献   

The antioxidative response of grapevine leaves (Vitis vinifera cv. Trebbiano) affected by the presence of grapevine fanleaf virus was studied during the summer of 2010 at three different harvest times (July 1st and 26th, and August 30th). At the first and second harvest, infected leaves showed increases in the concentration of superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide, the latter increasing for enhanced activity of superoxide dismutase. In contrast, at the last harvest time, increases in the ascorbate pool and ascorbate peroxidase activity maintained hydrogen peroxide to control levels. The glutathione pool was negatively affected as summer progressed, showing a decrease in its total and reduced form amounts. At the same time, increases in the ascorbate pool were observed, making antioxidant defenses of grapevine effective also at the last harvest time. Increases in phenolic acids, and in particular in p-hydroxybenzoic acid, at the first and second harvest might have enhanced the efficiency of the antioxidant system through an interrelation between a peroxidase/phenol/ascorbate system and the NADPH/glutathione/ascorbate cycle. The lack of increase in p-hydroxybenzoic acid at the third harvest could be due instead to the enhanced utilization of this acid for hydrogen peroxide detoxification. With time, grapevine plants lost their capacity to contrast the spread of grapevine fanleaf virus, but acquired a greater ability to counteract pathogen-induced oxidative stress, being endowed with more reduced antioxidant pools.  相似文献   

Anomalies in photosynthetic activity of the soybean cell line STR7, carrying a single mutation (S268P) in the chloroplastic gene psbA that codes for the D1 protein of the photosystem II, have been examined using different spectroscopic techniques. Thermoluminescence emission experiments have shown important differences between STR7 mutant and wild type cells. The afterglow band induced by both white light flashes and far-red continuous illumination was downshifted by about 4 °C and the Q band was upshifted by 5 °C. High temperature thermoluminescence measurements suggested a higher level of lipid peroxidation in mutant thylakoid membranes. In addition, the reduction rate of P700+ was significantly accelerated in STR7 suggesting that the mutation led to an activation of the photosystem I cyclic electron flow. Modulated fluorescence measurements performed at room temperature as well as fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K revealed that the STR7 mutant is defective in state transitions. Here, we discuss the hypothesis that activation of the cyclic electron flow in STR7 cells may be a mechanism to compensate the reduced activity of photosystem II caused by the mutation. We also propose that the impaired state transitions in the STR7 cells may be due to alterations in thylakoid membrane properties induced by a low content of unsaturated lipids.  相似文献   

The effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B: 280-320 nm) radiation on the photosynthetic pigments, primary photochemical reactions of thylakoids and the rate of carbon assimilation (Pn) in the cotyledons of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) seedlings have been examined. The radiation induces an imbalance between the energy absorbed through the photophysical process of photosystem (PS) II and the energy consumed for carbon assimilation. Decline in the primary photochemistry of PS II induced by UV-B in the background of relatively stable Pn, has been implicated in the creation of the energy imbalance. The radiation induced damage of PS II hinders the flow of electron from QA to QB resulting in a loss in the redox homeostasis between the QA to QB leading to an accumulation of QA. The accumulation of QA generates an excitation pressure that diminishes the PS II-mediated O2 evolution, maximal photochemical potential (Fv/Fm) and PS II quantum yield (ΦPS II). While UV-B radiation inactivates the carotenoid-mediated protective mechanisms, the accumulation of flavonoids seems to have a small role in protecting the photosynthetic apparatus from UV-B onslaught. The failure of protective mechanisms makes PS II further vulnerable to the radiation and facilitates the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) indicating the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism in UV-B-induced damage of photosynthetic apparatus of clusterbean cotyledons.  相似文献   

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