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条件价值评估法(CVM)是评估资源、环境物品及服务价值最广泛的方法.支付意愿(WTP)的引导技术是CVM研究的重要手段.对WTP引导技术的研究是提高CVM评价可靠性和有效性的重要途径.本文以三江平原生态旅游水资源的非使用价值为评价对象,分别运用支付卡式、单边界二分式和双边界二分式3种WTP引导技术对其进行综合评价,并对3种引导方式进行对比分析.结果表明: 支付卡式、单边界二分式及双边界二分式中的社会经济属性对支付意愿的影响关系一致,其中,变量投标值、年龄、受教育程度、年收入以及关心程度对支付意愿的影响显著,变量性别和职业对支付意愿的影响不显著.支付卡式的WTP为每人112.46元,其次是单边界二分式(136.15元),双边界二分式问卷的WTP为每人168.74元.综合考虑调查对象的性质、调查成本以及统计技术等,双边界二分式的结果(47.86×108元·a-1)最符合实际,可作为三江平原生态旅游水资源的非使用经济价值.不同WTP引导方式对支付意愿的影响很大,为提高问卷有效性,合理选择调查问卷类型至关重要.

高琴  敖长林  陈红光  佟锐 《生态学报》2014,34(7):1851-1859
在WTP距离衰减性研究基础上,将菲什拜因理论与条件价值法相结合,假设个人对于物品的认知在空间上并不是均衡分布的,不同空间内的受访者的支付意愿存在差异,以三江平原湿地生态系统为应用对象,将样本分为核心区、辐射区、外围区,采用双边界二分式CVM,探讨受访者对三江平原湿地生态环境保护的支付意愿水平及支付意愿的影响因素,建立基于居民生态认知的支付意愿空间分异模型。计算得到核心区、辐射区、外围区居民平均支付意愿分别为142.23元人-1a-1、105.01元人-1a-1、77.62元/人,总体呈递减趋势,验证了距离、认知和WTP之间相关性。研究结果表明,通过空间视角将居民的认知程度纳入支付意愿的计算,能提高CVM在环境价值评估应用中的有效性及可靠性。研究结论将为政府相关政策的制定和决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

北京市湿地生态系统非使用价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非使用价值是生态系统的内在属性,科学合理地评价该价值对生态资源管理和合理配置具有重要意义.本文运用条件价值法(CVM法),通过调查北京市居民的支付意愿,定量评估北京市湿地生态系统的非使用价值.采用分区方式,根据分区的人口数确定发放调查问卷的数量,于2008年10月分别在城区和郊区随机发放600份和300份调查问卷.采用修正的单纯随机抽样统计分析模型,提出以家庭作为抽样统计单位的思想,分别对两分区反馈回的调查问卷进行统计分析,得到北京市湿地生态系统非使用价值的评估总值为每年2.65亿元,其中城区为每年1.99亿元,郊区为每年0.66亿元.分析社会特征与支付意愿和WTP值的相关性得出:教育程度和年龄是影响支付意愿和WTP值的主要因素;月收入在城区样本中对支付意愿和WTP值的影响很小,而在郊区样本中的影响则相当显著;性别对支付意愿和WTP值的影响不大.  相似文献   

野生物种资源的价值评估是保护生物学研究的核心内容,也是物种保护、生态补偿以及TEEB行动计划的理论基础和依据。运用条件价值法(CVM)对珍稀濒危鸟类褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)进行非使用价值评估。研究共回收有效样本503份,其中70.97%有支付意愿,通过平均值法和中位值法估算得出我国城镇人口对褐马鸡的人均支付意愿为28.39—36.88元/a,由此得到褐马鸡的非使用价值在21.89×10~9—28.44×10~9元/a之间。通过建立Logit计量经济模型对支付意愿的影响因素进行分析,进而得到受访者对褐马鸡的了解程度、见过褐马鸡次数、受教育程度及收入水平等因素对支付意愿具有正的影响,其中了解程度的影响最大,而年龄对支付意愿具有负的影响。除此以外,评估的范围、支付意愿的单位以及总样本的设定也会直接影响物种价值评估的结果。  相似文献   

于文金  谢剑  邹欣庆 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7271-7278
采用意愿调查价值评估法(CVM)法定量评估湿地生态功能修复保护非使用价值,力图探讨支付能力与支付意愿的相关机理.研究结果显示:(1)支付意愿调研综合置信度为2.652,处于可信程度较高的范畴,3个调研区的集中度均呈现不规则偏正态分布,WTP中位数与平均数重现性良好,中支付区域集中度达86%,符合经济学原理,说明WTP结果可信度较高.(2)公务员、教师、律师、高薪企业工人、部分高收入农民、军人支付意愿较高,两者的相关性高达0.937以上.(3)按CVM法计算,当地居民对世行工程的平均支付意愿为户均支付19.19元/月,产生区域支付差异的原因主要在于不同区域随机被访者职业构成和收入构成存在差异.(4)在估算湿地生态功能恢复项目支付意愿时CVM法是可靠的基本方法,支付能力是支付意愿的重要制约因素,中等支付能力者支付金额最高,支付能力与支付意愿之间存在不仅仅是正相关而是复杂的关联性.  相似文献   

李秀梅  赵强  邱兴晨  郭健 《生态科学》2015,34(1):168-171
以济南市泉城公园为例, 探讨旅行费用法和条件价值法在评估免收门票旅游资源游憩价值中的适用性。泉城公园客源集中、游客重游率高, 具有采用个人旅行费用法的条件, 但研究表明游客的旅游次数和旅游成本不相关, 个人旅行费用法不适合评价泉城公园的游憩价值。条件价值法既可用于评估资源的使用价值, 也可用于评估非使用价值,适用范围广。采用条件价值法获得了泉城公园合理的旅游支付意愿值, 2009 年的人均支付意愿是82.6 元, 2012 的人均支付意愿是90.3 元。泉城公园2009 年的游憩价值为1.9 亿元, 2012 年的游憩价值为2.3 亿元。  相似文献   

郝林华  陈尚  王二涛  夏飞  夏涛 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6432-6441
基于条件价值法(CVM)开展了三亚海域海洋保护区生态系统多样性和重要海洋物种多样性的维持服务价值评估。于2014年12月通过面对面调研的形式对三亚当地城镇居民进行问卷调查,建立了支付意愿(WTP)多元线性回归方程,再将此回归模型推广到海南全省城镇居民,从而评估了三亚海域海洋保护区生态系统多样性和重要海洋物种多样性的维持服务价值;同时也对CVM研究中的相关问题如问卷设计、偏差分析和CVM的可靠性与有效性等进行了验证和探讨。研究结果表明:(1)2014年三亚海域海洋保护区生态系统多样性及重要海洋物种多样性的维持服务总价值分别为3.734亿元和4.442亿元。(2)受教育程度和家庭人均年收入等社会经济信息变量对支付意愿具有显著的影响水平,符合经济学理论。(3) CVM作为陈述偏好性价值评估方法,评估结果受偏差的影响较大。为了尽可能减小偏差,需要从问卷的设计、调查员筛选培训、调查方式和被调查者等诸多方面严格把关。(4) CVM问卷支付数额的设计较好地界定了支付意愿的范围和分布形态,支付意愿具有较高的统计效率,CVM的可靠性得到较好的验证,显示了CVM评估法在估算生态系统服务非使用价值的有效性。鉴于居民的学历和收入在短时间内很难得到提升,建议相关海洋管理部门加强对三亚海域海洋保护区和海洋生物多样性的宣传教育,增强居民对三亚海洋保护区和海洋珍稀濒危生物的认知及保护意识。  相似文献   

城市河流生态系统服务的CVM估值及其偏差分析   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
杨凯  赵军 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1391-1396
城市河流具有特殊的景观生态学意义,并能提供重要的生态系统服务,其价值逐渐受到社会各界的广泛关注。以全国河道治理的样板工程——上海浦东张家浜综合整治为例,采用条件价值评估法(CVM),共回收507份有效二分式CVM调查问卷,研究了城市河流生态系统服务改善的支付意愿及其总经济价值,同时也重点对二分式CVM研究中的相关问题如问卷设计、偏差分析和CVM可靠性与有效性的计量经济学验证过程等进行了适量探讨。二分式CVM研究表明(1)张家浜生态系统服务改善的平均支付意愿为1289.08元/(a·户),张家浜作为一条城市河流在未来3a内每年为浦东新区提供的生态系统服务价值为RMB6.34亿元。这与国际上的研究结论在数量级上是接近的,但与国内研究结果相比明显较高,应与研究区域的经济水平差异有关。(2)二分式CVM问卷投标数额的设计较好地界定了支付意愿的范围和分布形态,支付意愿平均值具有较高的统计效率,问卷的设计调查过程较好地控制了CVM研究中一些常见的偏差。(3)收入、学历、捐款经历、环境态度等社会经济信息变量对支付意愿具有显著的影响水平,符合经济学理论,CVM的可靠性得到较好的验证。(4)58.10%的非张家浜沿线居民对张家浜生态系统服务的改善和保护具有正支付意愿,城市河流的非使用价值(存在价值)得到了良好体现,显示了条件价值评估法在估算生态系统服务非使用价值的有效性。  相似文献   

对野生动物资源进行价值评估是保护生物学研究的核心, 也是管理决策制定与生态补偿的重要依据。利用条件价值法(CVM), 通过简单随机抽样的方式对景东城镇居民的支付意愿(WTP)进行调查, 评估西黑冠长臂猿的非使用价值。结果表明: 85.52%的受访者认为应该对该物种进行保护, 86.43%的受访者愿意支付一定的费用来保护该物种。利用中位值法和平均值法得出城镇居民的支付意愿为51.86—54.04元·a-1, 推测得西黑冠长臂猿的非使用价值为421.87—439.60亿元·a-1。Logit和Probit模型实证分析结果表明, 支付意愿与受访者学历、个人收入以及对西黑冠长臂猿的了解程度呈显著正相关(P<0.05), 与年龄呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 与性别、民族等相关性不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

武夷山自然保护区生态旅游资源非使用性价值评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用条件价值法对武夷山自然保护区生态旅游资源非使用价值进行评估,针对该方法在应用过程中容易出现的问题进行了分析。问卷中设计4部分内容:描述被评估物品以及背景资料;被调查者的社会经济特征;被调查者的环境态度与保护意识;被调查者对所评估物品的支付意愿。分析了被调查者的支付方式和不支付的理由。结果表明:武夷山自然保护区旅游资源非使用价值为6.52×108元·年-1,其中存在价值3.38×108元·年-1、遗产价值1.42×108元·年-1、选择价值1.72×108元·年-1。通过与以往研究的比较,验证了评估结果的可靠性。武夷山自然保护区生态旅游资源非使用价值研究的意义在于促进人们对生态旅游资源认识的转变,使其得到更科学的维护和可持续的发展。  相似文献   

The vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is marked by molecular specializations that include postsynaptic clusters of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Whereas AChRs are aggregated in the postsynaptic muscle membrane to a density of 10,000/mum(2), AChE is concentrated, also to a high density, in the synaptic basement membrane (BM). In recent years considerable progress has been made in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of AChR clustering. It is known that during the early stages of motoneuron-muscle interaction, the nerve-secreted proteoglycan agrin activates the muscle-specific kinase MuSK, which leads to the formation of a postsynaptic cytoskeletal scaffold that immobilizes and concentrates AChRs through a process generally accepted to involve diffusion-mediated trapping of the receptors. We have recently tested this diffusion-trap model at the single molecule level for the first time by using quantum-dot labeling to track individual AChRs during NMJ development. Our results showed that single AChRs exhibit Brownian-type movement, with diffusion coefficients of 10(-11) to 10(-9)cm(2)/s, until they become immobilized at "traps" assembled in response to synaptogenic stimuli. Thus, free diffusion of AChRs is an integral part of their clustering mechanism. What is the mechanism for AChE clustering? We previously showed that the A(12) asymmetric form of AChE binds to perlecan, a heparan-sulfate proteoglycan which in turn interacts with the transmembrane dystroglycan complex. Through this linkage AChE becomes bound to the muscle membrane and, like AChRs, may exhibit lateral mobility along the membrane. Consistent with this idea, pre-existent AChE at the cell surface becomes clustered together with AChRs following synaptogenic stimulation. Future studies testing diffusion-mediated trapping of AChE should provide insights into the synaptic localization of BM-bound molecules at the NMJ.  相似文献   

Summary The fetal porcine pituitary was investigated by means of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry (1) to identify the first cells synthesizing the adenohypophyseal hormones, (2) to follow their differentiation during fetal development, and (3) to compare their ultrastructural characteristics with those of mature adult cells.The first ACTH-cells, which produced and stored ACTH, -LPH, -MSH, and - and -endorphin in the same granules, were very numerous at day 34 and displayed a uniform morphology. At day 50 and thereafter, until the end of gestation, the ACTH-cells differed in their appearance probably reflecting various stages of differentiation of one cell type. The GH-cells gained rapidly ultrastructural features comparable to those of mature GH-cells. In contrast, in the case of PRL-cells, which appeared only at the end of the gestation period as immature elements containing very small secretory granules, the morphological maturation seemed to take place only after birth. The first cells synthesizing the glycoprotein hormones (LH, LH, FSH and TSH) displayed ultrastructural features of immature cells. At day 50, their ultrastructural organization started to show a different pattern. At the end of gestation, the TSH-cells and the gonadotropic cells displayed the ultrastructural features of mature cells.  相似文献   

目的:研究HLA-DRB1基因多态性与新疆哈萨克族人群结核病(TB)的相关性。方法:采用病例-对照的研究方法,应用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物(PCR-SSP)技术对231例新疆哈萨克族肺结核患者和230例新疆哈萨克族健康对照者的13个HLA-DRB1等位基因进行分型,比较其等位基因频率(GF)并计算其比值比(OR)。结果:与新疆哈萨克族人群对照组相比,新疆哈萨克族人群结核病例组中HLA-DRB1*04显著增高(11.72%比6.75%,p0.05,OR=1.889),HLA-DRB1*10也增高(2.86%比1.09%),但统计学上无显著性差异(Pc0.05)。结论:HLA-DRB1*04可能是新疆哈萨克族人群结核病的易感基因。  相似文献   

Auxin-mediated elongation growth of isolated subapical coleoptile segments of maize (Zea mays L.) is controlled by the extensibility of the outer cell wall of the outer epidermis (Kutschera et al., 1987). Here we investigate the hypothesis that auxin controls the extensibility of this wall by changing the orientation of newly deposited microfibrils through a corresponding change in the orientation of cortical microtubules. On the basis of electron micrographs it is shown that cessation of growth after removal of the endogenous source of auxin is correlated with a relative increase of longitudinally orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. Conversely, reinduction of growth by exogenous auxin is correlated with a relative increase of transversely orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. These changes can be detected 30–60 min after the removal and addition of auxin, respectively. The functional significance of directional changes of newly desposited wall microfibrils for the control of elongation growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-six species of coccidia, all members of the genus Eimeria, have been described from 3 of the 9 genera and 11 of the more than 48 species in the lagomorph family Leporidae. All these are described briefly in the present paper and their synonymies are given. Coccidia have been described from the single species of Oryctolagus, from 4 of the 13 species of Sylvilagus and from 6 of the 26 species of Lepus. These genera have 12, 12, and 14 known species of Eimeria, of which only 2 are shared by Oryctolagus and Sylvilagus. Lepus has none of the coccidia of these genera. One species is known to occur in the bile ducts of the liver, 13 in the intestine, and the location of 22 is unknown. Life cycles have been determined for 9 of the species, of which 8 have been worked out in the domestic rabbit Oryctolagus and 1 in the cottontail Sylvilagus.  相似文献   

Qin JF  Chen HG  Cai WG  Yang T  Jia XP 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1878-1884
实验室条件下,研究了不同浓度邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)长期胁迫(15 d)对翡翠贻贝内脏团和外套膜抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化氢酶CAT)及脂质过氧化(LPO)水平(以MDA含量表示)的影响,以及受胁迫翡翠贻贝在清洁海水中恢复阶段上述生化指标的变化特征.结果表明:胁迫阶段,0.5和2.5 mg.L-1DBP下翡翠贻贝内脏团SOD活性表现为先抑制后逐渐恢复,12.5和62.5 mg.L-1下则持续受到显著抑制;不同浓度组CAT活性均明显被抑制.LPO水平明显升高.外套膜中,2.5 mg.L-1下SOD活性受到持续诱导,其他浓度组则先被抑制,后随曝露时间延长逐渐被诱导;各浓度组CAT的变化波动较大,没有明显规律;而LPO水平明显升高.净化恢复阶段,12.5和62.5 mg.L-1DBP胁迫下的内脏团SOD和CAT活性恢复较慢,其LPO水平随时间延长逐渐恢复至对照组水平;外套膜中SOD活性呈持续升高趋势,CAT活性和LPO水平则随时间延长恢复到对照组水平.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the spontaneous initiation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated theoretically. The six minimum energy paths (MEP) of the possible reactions were calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with the B3LYP functional and 6-31G* basis set. The Diels-Alder initiation mechanism (path (I) and path (II)) with remarkably high energy barriers is not applicable to MMA. Four favorable paths were found (path (III), path (IV), path (V) and path (VI)), which are supporting the Flory mechanism. Path (V) has the lowest active energy. Therefore this path is considered as the main path for the spontaneous polymerization of MMA. Figure The mechanism of the spontaneous initiation of the polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated theoretically. The six minimum energy paths (MEP) of the possible reactions were calculated using the density functional theory (DFT) in conjunction with the B3LYP functional and 6-31G* basis set.  相似文献   

The mitogenic responses of separated rabbit lymphocyte populations functionally analogous to mouse T and B cells have been tested in vitro. Purified T cells were prepared by passage over nylon wool (NW) and purified B cells prepared by treatment with antithymocyte serum and complement (ATS + C). ATS + C kills 70% of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL's) and 50% of the spleen cells while passage over NW yields 40% of the applied PBL's and 5–23% of the applied spleen cells. NW-purified T cells from the spleen or PBL's respond fully to concanavalin A (Con A) but have a reduced response to phytohemaglutinin (PHA) and little or no response to goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (anti-Ig). PBL's that survive ATS + C (B cells) are stimulated by anti-Ig but not by Con A or PHA. B cells purified from spleen do not respond to Con A or PHA but will respond to anti-Ig under appropriate conditions. A full spleen B-cell response to anti-Ig required removal of Ig produced by the cultures that blocked anti-Ig stimulation. It is concluded that, for rabbit lymphocytes, Con A and PHA are primarily T-cell mitogens and that anti-Ig is primarily a B-cell mitogen. However, the mitogen response of unfractionated PBL or spleen cell populations indicates an overlap in reactivity. This could be due to cells sharing T and B properties, alteration of cell populations by the fractionation procedures used, or recruitment of one population in the presence of a mitogenic response of the other population.  相似文献   

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