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通过盆栽实验,研究了4种不同浓度(180 、900 、1800 和2700μg kg-1)的多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄幼苗的茎高、茎径、生物量、相对生长速率以及叶片的叶绿素含量、水势、丙二醛含量和游离脯氨酸含量等生理生态指标的影响,结果表明:(1)在所设PCBs浓度范围内,PCBs对秋茄幼苗的茎高、茎径、生物量和相对生长速率等生长指标的生长没有产生不利的影响,相反具有促进作用,红树植物秋茄在PCBs污染情况下能旺盛生长;(2)在所设PCBs浓度范围内,秋茄幼苗叶片能保持相对正常的叶绿素水平和相对稳定的叶绿素a/b值,叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素a+b的含量虽然有所降低,但均为对照的70%以上;叶绿素a/b值有所升高,但均未超过对照的15%。(3)随着PCBs浓度的升高,秋茄幼苗叶片水势呈上升趋势,而游离脯氨酸含量和膜质过氧化产物MDA含量均有一定的增加,说明PCBs对秋茄幼苗产生了一定的影响。总体来看,秋茄幼苗能在所设浓度的PCBs范围内正常生长,对PCBs有较强的耐受性和适应性,对PCBs污染的沉积物进行修复是可行的。 相似文献
小麦-蚕豆间作对根系分泌低分子量有机酸的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过盆栽试验收集了不同生育期单作和间作小麦、蚕豆的根系分泌物,用HPLC分析了根系分泌物中低分子量有机酸的含量和种类.结果表明: 小麦-蚕豆间作显著提高了有机酸的分泌量,在小麦分蘖期(57 d)、孕穗期(120 d)和灌浆期(142 d),间作使小麦根系有机酸分泌量分别提高155%、35.6%和92.6%;在蚕豆分枝期(57 d)和籽粒膨大期(142 d),间作使蚕豆根系有机酸分泌量提高87.4%和38.7%.小麦-蚕豆间作改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,与单作小麦相比,在分蘖期,间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了乳酸;在拔节期(98 d),间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了柠檬酸,但未检测到乙酸;在蚕豆分枝期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乙酸,但未检测到乳酸;在蚕豆籽粒膨大期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乳酸.小麦-蚕豆间作提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率,在小麦孕穗期,间作小麦分泌柠檬酸、富马酸的速率是单作小麦的179和184倍;在小麦灌浆期,间作小麦分泌乳酸的速率是单作的2.53倍.总之,小麦-蚕豆间作增加了有机酸的分泌量,改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率. 相似文献
低分子量有机酸对红壤无机态磷转化及酸度的影响 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
以鄂南、赣北两红壤样品为材料,加入不同有机酸并经室温培养后,测定不同P组分、pH及活性Al含量的变化。结果表明,供试有机酸均使土壤Ca2-P含量增高,增幅大小依次为柠檬酸>苹果酸>琥珀酸>乙酸;2种土壤的Ca8-P和Ca10-P含量无明显变化规律,Fe-P、Al-P和O-P含量有所下降,除乙酸处理的土壤pH值无显著变化外,其它有机酸的加入使pH下降0.65-1.96;有机酸引起活性Al量增多,除乙酸处理的变化较小外,其它有机酸或混合物的加入使土壤中0.02mol.L^-1CaCl2提取Al增加4.7-50.3倍,1mol.L^-1提取Al增加4.0-67.3倍。可见,有机酸具有双重作用,既增加P的有效性,又增加土壤酸度和Al毒。 相似文献
环境重金属污染物的生物有效性 总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23
利用生态系统研究了白银有色金属冶炼矿区周围环境中重金属的分布及生物有效性。结果表明 ,工厂在冶炼过程中已造成 Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn对周围环境不同程度的污染 ,其含量与距工厂的距离呈负相关 ;重金属在各种生物体内均有不同程度的吸收和累积 ,其吸收累积量随重金属和生物种类的不同而有差异 ;土壤的污染 ,使农作物和牧草中 Pb、Cd含量超过动物的最大耐受量和中毒的临界值 ;动物研究发现 ,肾脏、骨骼和肝脏是机体内重金属蓄积的主要器官。因此 ,放牧动物可作为环境重金属污染状况的标识 ,对评价重金属环境污染对当地人群的危害也有重要意义 相似文献
低分子量有机酸对大豆磷积累和土壤无机磷形态转化的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用土培试验方法研究了低分子量有机酸(柠檬酸、草酸、苹果酸及其混合酸)对大豆磷积累和土壤无机磷形态转化的影响。结果表明:低分子量有机酸促进了大豆植株磷的吸收积累,大豆不同生育时期,不同有机酸对大豆磷的吸收积累均有促进作用,但作用效果有差异;外加低分子量有机酸使无机磷总量、难溶态磷(Ca10-P、Al-P和O-P)含量均显著降低,而可溶态磷的Ca8-P含量显著增加,柠檬酸和草酸使Ca2-P含量显著增加,表明低分子量有机酸促进了土壤难溶态磷向可溶态磷转化,作用大小顺序为柠檬酸>草酸>混合酸>苹果酸;同时,大豆根系分泌物也促进部分难溶态磷向可溶态磷转化,使无机磷总量、除Ca2-P外的其他无机磷组分均有所降低,按磷释放比例的大小来看,对大豆吸磷的贡献大小顺序为O-P>Fe-P>Ca10-P>Al-P>Ca8-P>Ca2-P. 相似文献
施用污泥对土壤重金属形态分布和生物有效性的影响 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
采用盆栽技术和BCR连续浸提法研究了污泥的添加对土壤Cd、Pb、Cu和Zn形态分布的影响及重金属在黑麦草-施污泥土壤中迁移转化规律.结果表明:污泥的添加使土壤中生物有效态的Cd和Zn含量显著增加,生物有效态Pb含量显著降低,残渣态Pb的比例较CK增加了33.3%~74.5%,而可交换态和可还原态Cu含量在污泥与土壤添加比为1∶1时,仅占总量的0.7%和0.2%.污泥的添加能促进黑麦草对Cd、Cu和Zn的吸收,抑制对Pb的吸收.多元线性回归分析结果表明,黑麦草体内Cd、Zn和Cu含量分别与土壤中可还原态Cd、Zn和可氧化态Cu含量存在正相关,草体中Pb的含量则受土壤中可交换态和可氧化态Pb含量共同影响.种植黑麦草后根际土中可氧化态Cd和Cu分别向可交换态Cd和残渣态Cu转化,可交换态和可还原态Zn向可氧化态Zn转化,Pb的生物有效性基本未受影响. 相似文献
海南东寨港红树林沉积物中重金属的分布及其生物有效性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对东寨港红树林湿地沉积物中7种典型重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd 和Pb)的有效态含量和全量进行测定,并讨论了红树林湿地沉积物中重金属元素的分布特征及其生物有效性.结果表明: 7种重金属在东寨港红树林湿地的含量大于亚龙湾和三亚湾的红树林湿地,但与中国南方和世界各地的典型红树林湿地相比仍处于中等偏低水平.东寨港红树林湿地光滩、林缘、林内表层沉积物的重金属含量存在差异;在柱状沉积物中重金属伴随沉积明显,表现出较强的同源性.经EDTA萃取出的有效态金属在表层沉积物中含量依次为Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>As>Pb>Cd;垂直梯度重金属有效态含量占总量的比例的最大值(除Ni外)均出现在表层或中上层;目标重金属元素有效态和总量在空间分布上具有明显正相关性,元素总量指标能较好地评估该元素的生物有效性 相似文献
土壤中水溶性有机质及其对重金属化学与生物行为的影响 总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35
土壤水溶性有机质是陆地生态系统和水生生态系统中一种重要的、很活跃的化学组分,已成为环境科学、土壤学和生态学等学科的研究热点.土壤DOM对重金属化学与生物行为有重要影响。但其机理尚不清楚.文中从土壤性质、环境条件、人为因素等方面阐述了土壤DOM产生及影响因素,总结评述了DOM对重金属化学行为和生物有效性的影响,将DOM对重金属的影响机制归纳为络合机制、竞争吸附机制、酸碱缓冲机制.在此基础上,提出了DOM研究存在的问题及其展望. 相似文献
低磷胁迫下AM真菌对枳实生苗吸磷效应及根系分泌有机酸的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在温室沙培灭菌条件下,以Al-P为磷源、枳为试材、Glomus mosseae (G.m)和G.versiforme (G.v)为菌剂,研究低磷胁迫下AM真菌对枳实生苗干物重、吸磷效应及根系分泌有机酸的影响。结果表明,接种AM真菌显著增加枳地上部、地下部干物重,增幅16.79%~135.25%;同时显著增加其吸磷量,菌丝对植株的吸磷贡献率为17.04%~71.95%(G.m>G.v),施Al-P显著提高菌丝吸磷贡献率。接种AM真菌的根系分泌的有机酸种类与对照有所不同,未接种处理枳分泌的有机酸有草酸、苹果酸、乳酸、乙酸、顺丁烯二酸和柠檬酸等6种,而接种G.m的则检测到草酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、乳酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、丁二酸等7种,G.v处理的检测到酒石酸,接种处理均未检测到顺丁烯二酸;接种丛枝菌根真菌增加了枳根系分泌有机酸的量(比未接种处理增加19.80~56.87 mg/kg,且施用AlPO4后有机酸含量显著增加(增加20.06~21.84 mg/kg);未接种植株根系仅分泌少量有机酸;接种植株根系分泌的有机酸以苹果酸(42.87%)、柠檬酸(39.22%)和草酸(12.06%)为主。 相似文献
海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物的生物有效性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海洋沉积物是重金属的重要贮库,而海洋底栖无脊椎动物主要从沉积物中摄取重金属,这些被摄取的重金属能够通过食物链进行传递,进而影响到人类健康。本文总结了近些年来在海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物生物有效性方面的研究进展,包括海洋底栖无脊椎动物对重金属的吸收途径、沉积物地球化学性质和底栖无脊椎动物生理等生物因素对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响。在此基础上,展望了未来研究重点,主要包括近海富营养化对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物消化道中的物理消化过程对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物整个生活史过程中沉积物中重金属生物有效性的变化等。 相似文献
M. S. ISLAM J. M. TAO Q. F. GENG C. L. LIAN T. HOGETSU 《Molecular ecology resources》2006,6(4):1111-1113
Kandelia candel is an important mangrove tree species of family Rhizophoraceae. Here we isolated eight codominant compound microsatellite simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci from K. candel. Our isolated loci provided compound SSR markers with polymorphism of three to 11 alleles per locus. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.230 to 0.887 and from 0.083 to 1.00, respectively. These markers would be the useful tools for analysing questions concerning population genetic structure and mating system of K. candel. 相似文献
Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in a simulated mangrove system treated with sewage 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Constructed tide tanks were used to examine the accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in various components of a simulated
mangrove ecosystem. Young Kandelia candel plants grown in mangrove soils were irrigated with wastewater of various strengths
twice a week for a period of one year. The amounts of heavy metals released via tidal water and leaf litter were monitored
at regular time intervals. The quantities of heavy metals retained in mangrove soil and various plant parts were also determined.
Results show that most heavy metals from wastewater were retained in soils with little being uptake by plants or released
into tidal seawater. However, the amounts of metals retained in plants on a per unit dry weight base were higher than those
in soils as the biomass production from the young mangrove plants was much smaller when compared to the vast quantity of soils
used in this study. A significantly higher heavy metal content was found in roots than in the aerial parts of the mangrove
plant,indicating that the roots act as a barrier for metal translocation and protect the sensitive parts of the plant from
metal contamination. In both soil and plant, concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni increased with the strengths of wastewater,
although the bioaccumulation factors for these metals decreased when wastewater strengths increased. These results suggest
that the mangrove soil component has a large capacity to retain heavy metals, and the role of mangrove plants in retaining
metals will depend on plant age and their biomass production.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The bioavailability of heavy metals in sediment to freshwater tubificid worms was compared with measures of chemical extractability using a sequential extraction procedure. In order to provide a range of test sediments of different quality, various mineral phases were prepared, in which the metals were spiked by adsorption or coprecipitation and these were then mixed with a bulk base sediment in known proportions. Results indicated good correlation between worm metal burden and metal mobilised from the sediments in the first (exchangeable) sequential extraction step for Cd, Cu and Pb. Of the other metals tested, Zn levels in the worms were found to be constant, suggesting regulation, and Ni uptake was too small for accurate measurement. In general, metals spiked to the sediment directly, or adsorbed on the clay mineral phase were found to be much more available than those bound to sewage sludge, carbonate or hydrous ferric oxide phases. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯地区公路沿线土壤重金属形态与生物有效性 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
采用TessierA连续提取法对鄂尔多斯地区公路沿线土壤重金属(Pb、Zn、Cu、Ni、Cr)化学形态进行了测定。同时对土壤pH值、重金属含量和公路绿化植物重金属(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr、As和Se)含量进行了分析,对该区域重金属的生物有效性与潜在生态风险进行预测。结果表明:土壤重金属有效态占总量百分比的大小序列为Zn〉Pb〉Ni、Cr〉Cu,与重金属元素在绿化植物中含量大小序列Zn〉Cu〉Ni、Cr、As、Pb〉Cd〉Hg并非完全趋于一致。不同公路段土壤重金属与其不同形态存在较大的变幅。公路沿线表层土壤中重金属的有效态占其总量为G109(东胜-准格尔段)15.7%~46.1%,G210(达拉特-东胜段)8.0%-40.9%,G109(东胜-鄂托克段)9.1%~33.9%,而且以有机态和Fe—Mn氧化结合态的比例较大,为各元素有效态的主要形态特征。Cu在不同植物不同器官中的含量较高,可能在鄂尔多斯地区特定环境条件下随植物的蒸腾拉力、水分和营养盐运移的生理生态作用下使其在植物体中富集。土壤重金属Zn的有效态含量较高,而残渣态含量低,须特别注意其对区域生态系统的潜在影响。 相似文献
《Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability》2013,25(4):205-215
AbstractTaihu Lake is one of the most important water sources in the economically developed central-eastern part of China, and metal pollution is a major concern for the lake. The distribution and bioavailability of Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn were analysed in undifferentiated bottom sediments and in various particle-size fractions of the sediment from different parts of the lake. The average concentration of total metals in undifferentiated sediments ranged from 0.86 mg kg-1 (Cd) to 95.45 mg kg-1 (Zn) for the entire lake, with the highest concentrations in Zhushan Bay. The concentration of heavy metals was higher in extremely fine sands (0.064–0.125 mm) and fine sands (0.125–0.25 mm) than in other fractions. Sequential extractions showed that Cu, Zn and Cd were the most bioavailable accounting for 55.6%, 38.7% and 30.0% of their total concentration, respectively. However, the bioavailable proportion of many metals was not significantly different between grain grades except for Cu and Zn, which were higher in silts (<0.064 mm) than in other grades. Compared with the background values of local soils, the concentration of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb and Sb was higher, indicating enrichment in the sediment. From ecological safety concerns, Zn, Cd and Cu should be examined closely because of their higher bioavailabilty in the sediment. 相似文献
To investigate the effects of the simultaneous occurrence of salt stress and tidal sea-level rise on mangroves, potted Kandelia candel seedlings were treated under deep flooding (flooded 40 cm above the soil surface for 16 h per day, inundating the entire
plant) and shallow flooding (flooded just above the soil surface for 8 h per day) at salinity levels of 5, 15, and 25 ppt
over 14 months. Deep flooding enhanced stem elongations at all salinity levels but increased stem biomass only at 5 ppt. Deep
flooding increased both leaf production and leaf fall; leaf biomass increased at 5 ppt, but decreased at 15 and 25 ppt. Biomass
ratios of root/shoot (R/S) of deep flooding treatments were significantly lower than those of shallow flooding treatments.
Under deep flooding, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities did not show significant change between 5 and 15 ppt, but increased
at 25 ppt. With increasing salinity level, peroxidase (POD) activities increased, and the difference between shallow and deep
flooding was enhanced. Malonaldehyde (MDA) content significantly decreased at 25 ppt with 40 cm flooding, but was not affected
by other treatments. These results demonstrated that the growth and physiological responses of K. candel seedlings under deep flooding conditions varied with salinity level; growth was enhanced at low salinity level but inhibited
at high salinity level. It is therefore probable that K. candel will shift from downstream to upstream, where the influence of fresher river water resources will ameliorate the effects
of increased salinities that accompany deeper tidal flooding in these mangrove ecosystems. 相似文献