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Structural studies on integral membrane proteins are routinely performed on protein-detergent complexes (PDCs) consisting of purified protein solubilized in a particular detergent. Of all the membrane protein crystal structures solved to date, a subset of only four detergents has been used in more than half of these structures. Unfortunately, many membrane proteins are not well behaved in these four detergents and/or fail to yield well-diffracting crystals. Identification of detergents that maintain the solubility and stability of a membrane protein is a critical step and can be a lengthy and “protein-expensive” process. We have developed an assay that characterizes the stability and size of membrane proteins exchanged into a panel of 94 commercially available and chemically diverse detergents. This differential filtration assay (DFA), using a set of filtered microplates, requires sub-milligram quantities of purified protein and small quantities of detergents and other reagents and is performed in its entirety in several hours.  相似文献   

Structural and functional information of membrane proteins at ever-increasing resolution is being obtained by electron crystallography. While a large amount of work on the development of methods for electron microscopy and image processing has resulted in tremendous advances in terms of speed of data collection and resolution, general guidelines for crystallization are first starting to emerge. Yet two-dimensional crystallization itself will always remain the limiting factor of this powerful approach in structural biology. Two-dimensional crystallization through detergent removal by dialysis is the most widely used technique. Four main factors need to be considered for the dialysis method: the protein preparation, the detergent, the lipid added as well as any constituent lipid, and the buffer conditions. Equally important is proper and careful screening to identify two-dimensional crystals.  相似文献   

Electron crystallography of membrane proteins determines the structure of membrane-reconstituted and two-dimensionally (2D) crystallized membrane proteins by low-dose imaging with the transmission electron microscope, and computer image processing. We have previously presented the software system 2dx, for user-friendly image processing of 2D crystal images. Its central component 2dx_image is based on the MRC program suite, and allows the optionally fully automatic processing of one 2D crystal image. We present here the program 2dx_merge, which assists the user in the management of a 2D crystal image processing project, and facilitates the merging of the data from multiple images. The merged dataset can be used as a reference to re-process all images, which usually improves the resolution of the final reconstruction. Image processing and merging can be applied iteratively, until convergence is reached. 2dx is available under the GNU General Public License at http://2dx.org.  相似文献   

Contamination with the multidrug transporter AcrB represents a potential pitfall in the structural analysis of recombinant membrane proteins expressed in Escherichia coli, especially when high-throughput approaches are adopted. This can be a particular problem in two-dimensional (2-D) crystallization for electron cryomicroscopy since individual crystals are too small for compositional analysis. Using a broad ‘sparse matrix’ of buffer conditions typically used in 2-D crystallization, we have identified at least eight unique crystal forms of AcrB. Reference to images and projection maps of these different forms can greatly facilitate the early identification of false leads in 2-D crystallization trials of other membrane proteins of interest. We illustrate the usefulness of such data by highlighting two studies of membrane proteins in our laboratories. We show in one case (a bacterial sodium channel, NaChBac) how early crystallization ‘hits’ could be attributed to contaminating AcrB by comparison against our AcrB crystal image database. In a second case, involving a member of the monovalent cation/proton antiporter-1 family (MPSIL0171), a comparison with the observed AcrB crystal forms allowed easy identification of reconstituted AcrB particles, greatly facilitating the eventual purification and crystallization of the correct protein in pure form as ordered helical arrays. Our database of AcrB crystal images will be of general use in assisting future 2-D crystallization studies of other membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The formation of vesicle-like structures (termed surfactosomes) and lamellar sheets from solutions containing ammonium perfluoroocanoate (APFO) is illustrated using conventional and cryo-transmission electron microscopy. It is shown how this detergent can be used for the solubilisation, reconstitution, and 2-D crystallisation of membrane proteins as demonstrated for the major protein of the membrane sector of the V-type H+-ATPase (16-kDa protein). Electron microscopical analysis of 2-D crystals of the 16-kDa protein (a = b = 13.0 ± 0.2 nm with γ = 90° and p4 projection symmetry) revealed a unit cell comprising four dimeric complexes of the 16-kDa protein the significance of which is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Application of 1H 2D NMR methods to solubilized membrane proteins and peptides has up to now required the use of selectively deuterated detergents. The unavailability of any of the common biochemical detergents in deuterated form has therefore limited to some extent the scope of this approach. Here a 1H NMR method is described which allows structure determination of membrane peptides and small membrane proteins by 1H 2D NMR in any type of non-deuterated detergent. The approach is based on regioselective excitation of protein resonances with DANTE-Z or spin-pinging pulse trains. It is shown that regioselective excitation of the amide-aromatic region of solubilized membrane proteins and peptides leads to an almost complete suppression of the two orders of magnitude higher contribution of the protonated detergent to the 1H NMR spectrum. Consistently TOCSY, COSY and NOESY sequences incorporating such regioselective excitation in the F2 dimension yield protein 1H 2D NMR spectra of quality comparable to those obtained in deuterated detergents. Regioselective TOCSY and NOESY spectra display all through-bond and through-space correlations within amide-aromatic protons and between these protons and aliphatic and -protons. Regioselective COSY spectra provide scalar coupling constants between amide and -protons. Application of the method to the membrane-active peptide mastoparan X, solubilized in n-octylglucoside, yields complete sequence-specific assignments and extensive secondary structure-related spatial proximities and coupling constants. It is shown that mastoparan adopts an -helical conformation when bound to nonionic detergent micelles. The present method is expected to increase the applicability of 1H solution NMR methods to membrane proteins and peptides.Abbreviations 2D NMR two-dimensional NMR - COSY correlated spectroscopy - DANTE delays alternating nutations for tailored excitation - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy  相似文献   

Plant heterotrimeric G-proteins are involved in a variety of signaling pathways, though only one alpha and a few betagamma isoforms of their subunits exist. In isolated plasma membranes of California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), the plant-specific Galpha subunit was isolated and identified immunologically and by homology of the cloned gene with that of several plants. In the same membrane, phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) was activated by yeast elicitor only if GTPgammaS (an activator of Galpha) was present. From the cholate-solubilized membrane proteins, PLA(2) was co-precipitated together with Galpha by a polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant Galpha. In this immunoprecipitate and in the plasma membrane (but not in the Galpha-free supernatant) PLA(2) was stimulated by GTPgammaS. Plasma membranes and immunoprecipitates obtained from antisense transformants with a low Galpha content allowed no such stimulation. An antiserum raised against the C-terminus (which in animal Galphas is located near the target coupling site) precipitated Galpha without any PLA(2) activity. Using non-denaturing PAGE, complexes of solubilized plasma membrane proteins were visualized that contained Galpha plus PLA(2) activity and dissociated at pH 9.5. At this pH, PLA(2) was no longer stimulated by GTPgammaS. It is concluded that a distinct fraction of the plasma membrane-bound PLA(2) exists in a detergent-resistant complex with Galpha that can be dissociated at pH 9.5. This complex allows the Galpha-mediated activation of PLA(2).  相似文献   

Abstract: Portions of the cDNA encoding the third intracellular loop (i3 loop) of the long and short isoforms of the rat D2 dopamine receptor were subcloned into the vector pNMHUBpoly and expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins. The fusion proteins were gel-purified and used to immunize rabbits for the production of polyclonal anti-receptor antisera. The anti-fusion protein antisera recognized synthetic peptides corresponding to segments of the i3 loops of D2 dopamine receptors in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Antisera were tested in an immunoprecipitation assay using the reversible D2 antagonist [125I]NCQ 298 and digitonin-solubilized extracts of canine and rat caudate. [125I]-NCQ 298 bound reversibly and with high affinity (KD= 0.14 n M ) to receptors in solubilized extracts enriched by chromatography on heparin-agarose. The anti-UBI-D2i3L and anti-UBI-D2i3s antisera were able to immunoprecipitate quantitatively D2 dopamine receptors labeled with [125I]NCQ 298 from solubilized rat caudate. The antibodies were tested for their ability to affect the coupling of D2 dopamine receptors to GTP-binding proteins in digitonin-solubilized rat caudate. Both anti-UBI-D2i3L and anti-UBI-D2i3s antisera were able to inhibit the high-affinity binding of the agonist N -propylnorapomorphine to digitonin-solubilized rat caudate. These findings indicate that the i3 loop of the D2 dopamine receptor is an important determinant for coupling of the G protein.  相似文献   

It may be easier to renature SDS-denatured hydrophobic proteins than to renature SDS-denatured water-soluble proteins. This paper presents some support for this hypothesis in the form of literature reports and an experiment of our own with an intrinsic membrane protein (a phosphatase from Acholeplasma laidlawii), that could be completely renatured, to judge from the restored activity, which was equal to (or higher than) that of the untreated enzyme. If this hypothesis is correct it might be possible to devise general methods to reverse the SDS denaturation of hydrophobic membrane proteins. This would be a breakthrough in the purification of at least some membrane proteins, because the high-resolving polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS could then be used to prepare membrane proteins in a native state. The method used for the renaturation of the SDS-denatured, entirely inactive, phosphatase comprised removal of SDS with the aid of conventional dialysis against a buffer containing the neutral, very efficient and non ultraviolet light-absorbing detergent G3707. For renaturation of the enzyme following an SDS-electrophoresis in polyacrylamide the gel was immersed in the same buffer for several hours; by staining for phosphatase the enzyme could easily be localized in the gel in the form of a yellow band, coinciding with a protein zone.  相似文献   

In cases where ultra-flat cryo-preparations of well-ordered two-dimensional (2D) crystals are available, electron crystallography is a powerful method for the determination of the high-resolution structures of membrane and soluble proteins. However, crystal unbending and Fourier-filtering methods in electron crystallography three-dimensional (3D) image processing are generally limited in their performance for 2D crystals that are badly ordered or non-flat. Here we present a single particle image processing approach, which is implemented as an extension of the 2D crystallographic pipeline realized in the 2dx software package, for the determination of high-resolution 3D structures of membrane proteins. The algorithm presented, addresses the low single-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 2D crystal images by exploiting neighborhood correlation between adjacent proteins in the 2D crystal. Compared with conventional single particle processing for randomly oriented particles, the computational costs are greatly reduced due to the crystal-induced limited search space, which allows a much finer search space compared to classical single particle processing. To reduce the considerable computational costs, our software features a hybrid parallelization scheme for multi-CPU clusters and computer with high-end graphic processing units (GPUs). We successfully apply the new refinement method to the structure of the potassium channel MloK1. The calculated 3D reconstruction shows more structural details and contains less noise than the map obtained by conventional Fourier-filtering based processing of the same 2D crystal images.  相似文献   

Inhibition of animal cell phospholipid biosynthesis has been proposed for anticancer and antiviral therapies. Using CHOK1 derived cell lines, we have developed and used a cell-based high-throughput procedure to screen a 1280 compound, small molecule library for inhibitors of phospholipid biosynthesis. We identified tyrphostin AG 879 (AG879), which inhibited phospholipid biosynthesis by 85–90% at a concentration of 10 μM, displaying an IC50 of 1–3 μM. The synthesis of all phospholipid head group classes was heavily affected. Fatty acid biosynthesis was also dramatically inhibited (90%). AG879 inhibited phospholipid biosynthesis in all additional cell lines tested, including MDCK, HUH7, Vero, and HeLa cell lines. In CHO cells, AG879 was cytostatic; cells survived for at least four days during exposure and were able to divide following its removal. AG879 is an inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) and inhibitors of signaling pathways known to be activated by RTK's also inhibited phospholipid biosynthesis. We speculate that inhibition of RTK by AG879 results in an inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis with a resulting decrease in phospholipid biosynthesis and that AG879's effect on fatty acid synthesis and/or phospholipid biosynthesis may contribute to its known capacity as an effective antiviral/anticancer agent.  相似文献   

An acidic phospholipase A2 enzyme (NnPLA2-I) interacts with three finger toxins (cytotoxin and neurotoxin) from Naja naja venom to form cognate complexes to enhance its cytotoxicity towards rat L6 myogenic cells. The cytotoxicity was further enhanced in presence of trace quantity of venom nerve growth factor. The purified rat myoblast cell membrane protein showing interaction with NnPLA2-I was identified as vimentin by LC-MS/MS analysis. The ELISA, immunoblot and spectrofluorometric analyses showed greater binding of NnPLA2-I cognate complex to vimentin as compared to the binding of individual NnPLA2-I. The immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy studies evidenced the internalization of NnPLA2-I to partially differentiated myoblasts post binding with vimentin in a time-dependent manner. Pre-incubation of polyvalent antivenom with NnPLA2-I cognate complex demonstrated better neutralization of cytotoxicity towards L6 cells as compared to exogenous addition of polyvalent antivenom 60–240 min post treatment of L6 cells with cognate complex suggesting clinical advantage of early antivenom treatment to prevent cobra venom-induced cytotoxicity. The in silico analysis showed that 19–22 residues, inclusive of Asp48 residue, of NnPLA2-I preferentially binds with the rod domain (99–189 and 261–335 regions) of vimentin with a predicted free binding energy (ΔG) and dissociation constant (KD) values of ?12.86 kcal/mol and 3.67 × 10?10 M, respectively; however, NnPLA2-I cognate complex showed greater binding with the same regions of vimentin indicating the pathophysiological significance of cognate complex in cobra venom-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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