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Of 54 species of Gnathostomulida known to date, only six have been reported from the Pacific Ocean. This paper describes 18 species of Gnathostomulida from the Pacific islands of Fiji. Tonga and northern New Zealand. Of these, three are species previously described from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean: Haplognathia ruberrima (Sterrer 1966), or the northwestern Atlantic: Haplognathia rosacea (Sterrer 1970) and Pterognathia ctenifera (Sterrer 1970). Fifteen species are new to science, including three that represent two new genera: Cosmognathia arcus gen. et sp.n., Cosmognathia bastillae sp.n., Pterognathia crocodilus sp.n., Pterognathia vilii sp.n., Agnathiella sp., Tenuignathia vitiensis sp.n., Ratugnathia mukuluvae gen . et sp.n., Gnathostomula salotae sp.n., Gnathostomula raji sp.n., Gnathostomula maorica sp.n., Austrognathia singatokae sp.n., Austrognathia nannulifera sp.n., Austrognathia novaezelandiae sp.n., Austrognatharia homunculus sp.n., and Austrognatharia pecten sp.n.  相似文献   


Oribotritia contortula n. sp., O. contraria n. sp., O. teretis n. sp., Rhysotritia bifurcata n. sp., Microtritia contraria n. sp., M. glabrata n. sp., Hoplophthiracarus bisulcus n. sp., Austrophthiracarus pulchellus n. sp., and Notophthiracarus claviger n. sp. are described from New Zealand.

The genera of Oribotritia Jacot, Rhysotritia Märkel & Meyer, Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, and Austrophthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka are new records for New Zealand.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. In a survey of 52 rodents of 25 species from Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona and its vicinity, the following species of Eimeria are described: E. tamiasciuri n. sp. from the red or spruce squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus; E. lateralis n. sp. and Eimeria sp. from the mantled ground squirrel, Citellus lateralis; E. eutamiae n. sp. from the cliff chipmunk, Eutamias dorsalis; E. thomomysis n. sp. from the pocket gopher, Thomomys bottae; E. perognathi n. sp. from the rock pocket mouse, Perognathus intermedius; E. albigulae n. sp. from the white-throated woodrat, Neotoma albigula; E. operculata n. sp. from Stephens' woodrat, Neotoma stephensi; E. peromysci n. sp. and E. arizonensis n. sp. from the piñon mouse, Peromyscus truei; E. eremici n. sp. from the cactus mouse, Peromyscus eremicus ; and E. onychomysis n. sp. from the northern grasshopper mouse, Onychomys leucogaster.  相似文献   


Seven new species of nematode are described from the hind-gut of several different millipedes indigenous to New Zealand: Heth hamatus n. sp. from Spirobollelus antipodarus and Icosidemus hochstetteri from Auckland, Erythrodemus echinopogon from Seddonville, and Eumasligonus sp. from Aickens, and Avenue Scenic Reserve; Thelastoma moko n. sp. from coastal specimens of Eumastigonus sp.; Thelastoma rigo n. sp. from montane specimens of Eumastigonus sp.; Dudekemia prolifica n. sp. from Spirobellelus antipodarus; Dudekemia alpinensis n. sp. from the montane Eumastigonus sp.; Dudekemia kaorinus n. sp. from Eumastigonus kaorinus from Hardys Creek; and Dudekemia hirsutus n. sp. from Erythrodemus echinopogon from Seddonville.

The family Rhigonematidae is reviewed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A unique group of entodiniomorph protozoa was found in forestomach contents from quokka ( Setonix brachyurus ), western grey kangaroo ( Macropus fuliginosus ), red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus ) and euro ( Macropus robustus erubescens ). A new genus, Macropodinium n.g., containing five new species, is described. Three species are described from forestomach contents of the quokka: Macropodinium baldense n. sp., Macropodinium moiri n. sp. and Macropodinium setonixum n. sp. A single species, Macropodinium ennuensis n. sp., is described from the red kangaroo and euro. The last species, Macropodinium yalanbense n. sp., is described in forestomach contents from the western grey kangaroo. At least three distinct features in the new genus are incompatible with any of the described families in the order Entodiniomorphida. On this basis, the new family Macropodiniidae has been created.  相似文献   

The New World genus Bezzimyia Townsend, 1919 is revised and the following 15 new species are described: B. barbarista sp. n., B. bisecta sp. n., B. bulbosa sp. n., B. floridensis sp. n., B. hansoni sp. n., B. jamaica sp. n., B. lapidicina sp. n., B. orestes sp. n., B. pittieri sp. n., B. platina sp. n., B. ramicornis sp. n., B. setifax sp. n., B. sternothrix sp. n., B. thompsonorum sp. n. and B. yepezi sp. n. The oviposition, egg and first instar larva are described for Bezzimyia yepezi from Venezuela. It is argued that Bezzimyia is a member of the family Rhinophoridae, which was previously considered to be represented in the New World only through two immigrant Palaearctic species.  相似文献   

We describe the following 8 new genera and 23 new species of Neotropical Exosternini. Conocassis gen. n. (Conocassis minor sp. n. [type species], Conocassis dromedaria sp. n., Conocassis trisulcata sp. n., and Conocassis invaginata sp. n.), Enkyosoma gen. n. (Enkyosoma rockwelli sp. n.), Pluricosta gen. n. (Pluricosta onthophiloides sp. n.), Pyxister gen. n. (Pyxister devorator sp. n. [type species] and Pyxister labralis sp. n.), Chapischema gen. n. (Chapischema doppelganger sp. n.), Scaptorus gen. n. (Scaptorus pyramus sp. n.), Lacrimorpha gen. n. (Lacrimorpha glabra sp. n. [type species], Lacrimorpha balbina sp. n., Lacrimorpha subdepressa sp. n., and Lacrimorpha acuminata sp. n.), Crenulister gen. n. (Crenulister grossus sp. n. [type species], Crenulister explanatus sp. n., Crenulister dentatus sp. n., Crenulister impar sp. n., Crenulister umbrosus sp. n., Crenulister simplex sp. n., Crenulister paucitans sp. n., Crenulister spinipes sp. n., and Crenulister seriatus sp. n.) These all represent highly distinctive and phylogenetically isolated forms, almost invariably known from very few specimens. All but one species have been collected only by passive flight intercept traps, and nothing significant is known about the biology of any of them.  相似文献   

Five new species of Neanurinac collemboles arc described from Doi Inthanon Mountain (Thailand): Paleonura dilatata sp.n., Paleonura lanna sp.n., Paleonura monochaeta sp.n., Pronura dorsolateralis sp.n. and Pronura ornata sp.n.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This report deals with a group of ciliated protozoa with short ciliary bands found mainly in the cecum of black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis (Linnaeus, 1758), and white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (Burchell, 1817) from southern Africa. A new genus, Rhinozeta , based on the sum total of the characteristics of seven new related species is described. The species described are R. rhinozeta n. sp., R. triciliata n. sp., R. caecalis n. sp., R. addoensis n. sp., R. cristata n. sp., R. multiplatus n. sp., and R. unilaminatus n. sp. The specific features of the new genus make it incompatible with any of the known families of the Order Entodiniomorphida containing the ciliates present in the digestive tract of herbivorous mammals. This merits the creation of a new family, the Rhinozetidae.  相似文献   

The gutless members of the subfamily Phallodrilinae are taxonomically revised and generically split off from their gut-bearing relatives. Inanidrilus Erséus, 1979, a much modified definition of which is presented, comprises the species leukodermatus (Giere, 1979) comb.n., speroi sp.n., fijiensis sp.n., bonomii sp.n., carterensis sp.n., gustavsoni sp.n., wasseri sp.n., scalprum sp.n., belizensis sp.n., aduncosetis sp.n., vacivus sp.n., triangulatus sp.n., ernesti sp.n., manae sp.n., falcifer Erséus & Baker, 1982, renaudae sp.n., extrmus (Erséus 1979) comb.n., mexicanus Erséus & Haker, 1982, and bulbosus Erséus, 1979. Olavius sp.n. is established to accommodate the species geniculatus (Erséus, 1981) comb.n., imperfectus sp.n., filithecatus (Erséus. 1981) comb.n. albidus (Jamieson, 1977) comb.n., propinquus sp.n., comorensis (Erséus. 1981) comb.n., cornuatus Davis, 1984, pellucidus sp.n., tenuissimus (Erséus, 1979) macer sp.n., caudatus (Erséus. 1979) comb.n., planus (Erséus, 1979) comb.n., clavatus (Erséus. 1981) comb.n., tantulus sp.n., longissimus (Giere, 1979) comb.n., alius sp.n., avisceralis (Erséus, 1981) comb.n., loisae sp.n., and hanssoni sp.n., Two subgenera are erected for tantulus—longissimus–alius (nominate subgenus Olavius) and avisceralis-loisae-hanssoni (Coralliodriloides subgen.n.), respectively. A tentative phylogeny of the gutless group, which appears monophyletic, is inferred on the basis of a partly computerized Wagner-tree analysis of all 38 species. According to this analysis. According to this analysis, Inanidrilus can be defined by one synapomorphy, more or less sickle-shaped penial setae, whereas Olavius can be discriminated by two such characters, (1) atrium comma-shaped/horizontal rather than erect and (2) copulatory sacs present.  相似文献   

A taxonomic and morphological account of a collection of Phallodrilinae from coralline sands at Heron Island in Australia's Great Barrier Reef is given. Ten new forms are described: Jamiesoniella athecata gen. et sp.n. Phallodrilus rectisetosus heronensis subsp.n. P. geniculatus sp.n. P. filithecatus sp.n. P. clavatus sp.n. (latter three all devoid of an alimentary canal), Bathydrilus superiovasatus sp.n. Coralliodrilus atriobifidus sp.n. C. oviatriatus sp.n. C. parvigenitalis sp.n. and the gutless C. avisceralis sp.n. Morphological notes are given for Phallodrilus albidus Jamieson, 1977 and Bathydrilus rohdei (Jamieson, 1977). The new meiobenthic genus Jamiesoniella is characterized by having simple atria with only one pair of prostate glands, which are attached to ectal parts of atria, and by lacking spermathecae and penial setae, The genus is probably related to Aktedrilus Knöllner and Bacescuella Hrabě. A gutless species, Phallodrilus comorensis sp.n. is described from the Comoro Islands in the Mozambique Channel (W Indian Ocean).  相似文献   

Smaragdina schereri sp. n., Chrysolina jiangi sp. n., Ch. geae sp. n., Ch. gansuica sp. n., Sclerophaedon daccordii sp. n., Neophaedon sichuanicus sp. n., Oreomela inflata sp. n., Xingeina nigrolucens sp. n., Shaira hemipteroides sp. n. and Calomicrus atroviridis sp. n. from Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

Malmgrenia furcosetosa sp.n. Harmothoe viridis sp.n. , Bylgides acutisetis sp.n. Neopolynoe paradoxa (Storm) comb.n. and Diplaconotum paucidentatum (Eliason) comb.n. are described. Neopolynoe is a new name for the genus Eupolynoe Bidenkap, preoccupied by M c Intosh. The genus Diplaconotum is erected for Macellicephala paucidentata Eliason and is included in the subfamily Polaruschakovinae Pettibone.  相似文献   

The following ostracods from Australian inland waters are described: Limnocythere mowbrayensis Chapman, 1914, Limnocythere porphyretica sp.n. Zonocypretta kalimna gen. et sp.n. Diacypris spinosa sp.n. D. dictyote sp.n. D. phoxe sp.n. The taxonomic position of each of the genera mentioned above is discussed and all the Australian Diacypris species are reviewed. Ecological data for some of these species are also provided  相似文献   

Four new species of Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) from Anhui province, China, are described, namely Paragavialidium anhuiensis n. sp. of Scelimeninae, Bolivaritettix jinzhaiensis n. sp. of Metrodorinae, Bannatettix anhuiensis n. sp., and Formosatettix albomaculatus n. sp. of Tetriginae.  相似文献   

Seven new pipunculid species are described from Papua New Guinea: Cephalosphaera gymne sp.n., C. immodica sp.n. C. wauensis sp.n., Cephalops bifidus sp.n., C. multidenticulatus sp.n., C. papuaensis sp.n., and C. parmatus sp.n. Cephalops argutus (Hardy) is considered as a true Beckerias sp. and thus placed in a new combination: Beckerias argutus. The phylogenetic relationship of the new species is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Specimens of moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) were sampled in southwest Anatolia and the European part of Turkey between 2003 and 2009. Samples contained nine species new to science: Ulomyia asiaminorica sp. n., Pneumia pellucida sp. n., Berdeniella turcica sp. n., B. aktashi sp. n., Clytocerus thracicus sp. n., Jungiella afyonica sp. n., J. geniculatoides sp. n., J. barlasi sp. n., and Telmatoscopus remotus sp.n. The new species are described and illustrated. Distributional data for a total of 45 species are provided. 63 species of Psychodinae are now known to occur in Turkey.  相似文献   

New species of the subfamilies Megalopodinae (Temnaspis humerosa sp. n.), Chrysomelinae [Chrysolina furialis sp. n., Ch. oxanae sp. n., Ch. pingchuana sp. n., Oreomelina (Oreomelina) obtusa sp. n., O. (Oreomelina) splendens sp. n. from Sichuan], and Galerucinae (Liroëtis obliquevirgata sp. n. from Sichuan, Hyphaenia lutescens sp. n. from Chongqing, H. potanini sp. n. from Sichuan, and H. kabaki sp. n. from Shaangxi) are described.  相似文献   

Omelko  M. M.  Omelko  N. V. 《Entomological Review》2021,101(2):247-255
Entomological Review - A new genus, Anicula gen. n. (Gelechiidae) with the type species A. tristificula sp. n., and four new species of the genus Gelechia Hubner (G. festa sp. n., G. exigua sp. n.,...  相似文献   

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