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Carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide were used as fluorescent stains to assess membrane integrity in sperm populations from ram and boar. The living spermatozoa were immobilized with low concentrations of formaldehyde so that individual stained cells could be observed in a suspension with the aid of a fluorescence microscope. Intracellular esterases liberated impermeant-free carboxyfluorescein from the permeant carboxyfluorescein diacetate and caused the product to accumulate and fluoresce green within the acrosome and the mitochondria as well as within the cytoplasm. Most of the spermatozoa (the intact ones) accumulated carboxyfluorescein in all compartments; however, a few cells (those with damaged plasma membranes) accumulated the stain only in the acrosome and/or the mitochondria, while others (all of whose membranes were damaged) remained entirely unstained. The impermeant propidium iodide did not stain any of the (intact) spermatozoa that accumulated carboxyfluorescein throughout their length, but stained all the others (the heads fluoresced red). The technique appeared to provide more reliable estimations of the percentage of functional cells than did motility estimations or assessments of acrosomal integrity (presence of normal apical ridge). The technique also demonstrated the sensitivity of the sperm plasma membrane to cold shock: virtually all cells rapidly became permeable to the stains after such stress. Assessments of boar sperm samples during preparative incubation for in-vitro fertilization indicated a considerable increase in the percentage of cells with damaged plasma membranes as incubation proceeded, in advance of the increase in the percentage of cells with discharged acrosomes.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the characterization of bacterial and yeast species through their autofluorescence spectra. Lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus sp.), and yeast (Saccharomyces sp.) were cultured under controlled conditions and studied for variations in their autofluorescence, particularly in the area representative of tryptophan residues of proteins. The emission and excitation spectra clearly reveal that bacterial and yeast species can be differentiated by their intrinsic fluorescence with UV excitation. The possibility of differentiation between different strains of Saccharomyces yeast was also studied, with clear differences observed for selected strains. The study shows that fluorescence can be successfully used to differentiate between yeast and bacteria and between different yeast species, through the identification of spectroscopic fingerprints, without the need for fluorescent staining.  相似文献   

The uptake of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium (Ph4P+) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was measured using yeast grown on glucose and harvested either at the logarithmic or at the stationary phase of growth. When yeast was collected at the stationary phase, Ph4P+ uptake proceeded steadily during several hours until an equilibrium was reached. When yeast was collected in the logarithmic phase of growth, a biphasic uptake was observed. The second phase of uptake began when the glucose of the incubation medium had been exhausted. From experiments in the presence of cycloheximide or chloramphenicol it is concluded that the second phase of Ph4P+ uptake is dependent on the synthesis of some protein(s) repressed by glucose but unrelated with the existence of functional mitochondria. The addition of compounds which collapse the membrane potential provokes an efflux from the yeast cells of the Ph4P+ accumulated both during the first phase and the second phase of uptake. It is concluded that accumulation of Ph4P+ in yeast cells is a complex process and that Ph4P+ cannot be used to give a quantitative measure of the yeast plasma membrane potential.  相似文献   

Potential-sensitive fluorescent probes oxonol V and oxonol VI were employed for monitoring membrane potential (Δψ) generated by the Schizosaccharomyces pombe plasma membrane H+-ATPase reconstituted into vesicles. Oxonol VI was used for quantitative measurements of the Δψ because its response to membrane potential changes can be easily calibrated, which is not possible with oxonol V. However, oxonol V has a superior sensitivity to Δψ at very low concentration of reconstituted vesicles, and thus it is useful for testing quality of the reconstitution. Oxonol VI was found to be a good emission-ratiometric probe. We have shown that the reconstituted H+-ATPase generates Δψ of about 160 mV on the vesicle membrane. The generated Δψ was stable at least over tens of minutes. An influence of the H+ membrane permeability on the Δψ buildup was demonstrated by manipulating the H+ permeability with the protonophore CCCP. Ratiometric measurements with oxonol VI thus offer a promising tool for studying processes accompanying the yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase-mediated Δψ buildup.  相似文献   

Summary Manganese accumulation was studied by room-temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy inSaccharomyces cerevisiae grown in the presence of increasing amounts of MnSO4. Mn2+ retention was nearly linear in intact cells for fractions related to both low-molecular-mass and macromolecular complexes (free and bound Mn2+, respectively). A deviation from linearity was observed in cell extracts between the control value and 0.1 mM Mn2+, indicating more efficient accumulation at low Mn2+ concentrations. The difference in slopes between the two straight lines describing Mn2+ retention at concentrations lower and higher than 0.1 mM, respectively, was quite large for the free Mn2+ fraction. Furthermore it was unaffected by subsequent dialyses of the extracts, showing stable retention in the form of low-molecular-mass complexes. In contrast, the slope of the line describing retention of bound Mn2+ at concentrations higher than 0.1 mM became less steep after subsequent dialyses of the cell extracts. This result indicates that the macromolecule-bound Mn2+ was essentially associated with particulate structures. In contrast to Cu2+, Mn2+ had no effect on the major enzyme activities involved in oxygen metabolism except for a slight increase of cyanide-resistant Mn-superoxide dismutase activity, due to dialyzable Mn2+ complexes.  相似文献   

A fluorometric assay for mitochondrial membrane potential in permeabilized yeast cells has been developed. This method involves permeabilizing the plasma membrane and measuring the distribution of a mitochondrial membrane potential sensitive probe 3,3'-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (DiSC(3)(5); DiSC(3)). In permeabilized cells, DiSC(3) fluorescence decreased when introduced into energized mitochondria and increased three- to sixfold when the mitochondrial membrane potential was dissipated by the chemical uncoupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. Plasma membrane potential was abolished by permeabilization, as shown by a lack of polarization of the plasma membrane induced by K(+) and glucose. Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), a mitochondrial H(+) transporter, was used as a model for method validation. The fluorescence intensity responded vigorously to specific modulators in UCP1-expressing cells. This method has been adapted as a high-throughput assay to screen for modulators of mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

When oxylipin and mitochondrion probes, i.e., fluorescing antibodies specific for 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH oxylipins) and rhodamine 123 (Rh123), were added to yeast cells, these probes accumulated mainly in the sexual cells (i.e., both associated with ascospores) and not in the vegetative cells. This suggests increased mitochondrial activity in asci, since 3-OH oxylipins are mitochondrially produced and it is known that Rh123 accumulates selectively in functional mitochondria that maintain a high transmembrane potential (Delta Psi m). This increased activity may be necessary for the production and effective release of the many spores found in single-celled asci. These results may be useful in the rapid identification of asci and in yeast sexual spore mechanics, which may find application in yeast systematics as well as hydro-, aero-, and nano-technologies.  相似文献   

Potential-sensitive fluorescent probes oxonol V and oxonol VI were employed for monitoring membrane potential (Delta(psi)) generated by the Schizosaccharomyces pombe plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase reconstituted into vesicles. Oxonol VI was used for quantitative measurements of the Delta(psi) because its response to membrane potential changes can be easily calibrated, which is not possible with oxonol V. However, oxonol V has a superior sensitivity to Delta(psi) at very low concentration of reconstituted vesicles, and thus it is useful for testing quality of the reconstitution. Oxonol VI was found to be a good emission-ratiometric probe. We have shown that the reconstituted H(+)-ATPase generates Delta(psi) of about 160 mV on the vesicle membrane. The generated Delta(psi) was stable at least over tens of minutes. An influence of the H(+) membrane permeability on the Delta(psi) buildup was demonstrated by manipulating the H(+) permeability with the protonophore CCCP. Ratiometric measurements with oxonol VI thus offer a promising tool for studying processes accompanying the yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase-mediated Delta(psi) buildup.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of fluorescent probes is currently available to assess the physiological state of microorganisms. The recent development of techniques such as solid-phase cytometry, the increasing sensitivity of fluorescence tools and multiparametric approaches combining taxonomic and physiological probes have improved the effectiveness of direct methods in environmental and industrial microbiology.  相似文献   

Permeant cationic fluorescent probes are shown to be selectively accumulated by the mitochondria of living cells. Mitochondria-specific interaction of such molecules is apparently dependent on the high trans- membrane potential (inside negative) maintained by functional mitochondria. Dissipation of the mitochondrial trans-membrane and potential by ionophores or inhibitors of electron transport eliminates the selective mitochondrial association of these compounds. The application of such potential-dependent probes in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy allows the monitoring of mitochondrial membrane potential in individual living cells. Marked elevations in mitochondria- associated probe fluorescence have been observed in cells engaged in active movement. This approach to the analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential should be of value in future investigations of the control of energy metabolism and energy requirements of specific biological functions at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The time-course of 45Ca2+ influx into yeast cells was measured under non-steady-state conditions obtained by preincubating the cells in a Ca2+-free medium containing glucose and buffer. Two components were distinguished: a saturable component which reached a steady-state after about 40 s of 45Ca2+ uptake and a linear increase in cellular 45Ca2+ starting after 60-90 s. Using differential extraction methods it was determined that after 20 s of uptake, 45Ca2+ was localized in the cytoplasmic pool and in bound form with no 45Ca2+ in the vacuole. After 3 min most of the cellular 45Ca2+ was concentrated in the vacuole and in bound form. The initial rate of 45Ca2+ uptake under non-steady-state conditions thus measured 45Ca2+ transport across the plasma membrane without interference by vacuolar uptake. The effect of membrane potential (delta psi) on this transport was investigated in cells depleted of ATP. A high delta psi was produced by preincubating the cells with trifluoperazine (TFP) and subsequently washing the cells free from TFP. Substantial 45Ca2+ influx was measured in the absence of metabolic energy in cells with a high delta psi. Below a threshold value of -69.5 mV the logarithms of the initial rate of 45Ca2+ influx and of the steady-state level of the first component were linear with respect to delta psi. It is suggested that 45Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane is mediated by channels which open when delta psi is below a threshold value. The results indicated that Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane was driven electrophoretically by delta psi.  相似文献   

Decreases in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) have been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction that could lead to cell death. The MMP is generated by an electrochemical gradient via the mitochondrial electron transport chain coupled to a series of redox reactions. Measuring the MMP in living cells is commonly used to assess the effect of chemicals on mitochondrial function; decreases in MMP can be detected using lipophilic cationic fluorescent dyes. To identify an optimal dye for use in a high-throughput screening (HTS) format, we compared the ability of mitochondrial membrane potential sensor (Mito-MPS), 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3' tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide, rhodamine 123, and tetramethylrhodamine to quantify a decrease in MMP in chemically exposed HepG2 cells cultured in 1,536-well plates. Under the conditions used, the optimal dye for this purpose is Mito-MPS. Next, we developed and optimized a homogenous cell-based Mito-MPS assay for use in 1,536-well plate format and demonstrated the utility of this assay by screening 1,280 compounds in the library of pharmacologically active compounds in HepG2 cells using a quantitative high-throughput screening platform. From the screening, we identified 14 compounds that disrupted the MMP, with half-maximal potencies ranging from 0.15 to 18 μM; among these, compound clusters that contained tyrphostin and 3'-substituted indolone analogs exhibited a structure-activity relationship. Our results demonstrate that this homogenous cell-based Mito-MPS assay can be used to evaluate the ability of large numbers of chemicals to decrease mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

R J Wordinger 《Acta anatomica》1988,132(4):327-330
Small foci of diethylstilbestrol-induced extracellular hyaline material were visualized within the mouse uterus utilizing dark-field and fluorescence microscopy following conventional hematoxylin and eosin staining. Hyaline was observed throughout the connective tissue stroma as well as between smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. The use of these techniques permits the rapid examination of small aggregates of hyaline material which are not visible with conventional hematoxylin and eosin staining and eliminates the need for time-consuming and complicated histochemical techniques. The procedures are simple and may also facilitate the quantitative (morphometric) analysis of this material.  相似文献   

Two photosensitive hydrophobic probes, azido [3H]benzene and 1-azido-4-iodo[3H]-benzene, have been compared for their effectiveness in labelling, selectively, the intramembranous domains of lipid and proteins. Both partition preferentially into the lipid bilayer and, upon irradiation, covalently attach to both phospholipids and membrane proteins; the more extrinsic polypeptides have a significantly lower specific radioactivity than that of the intrinsic species. Proteolytic experiments also reveal higher labelling of intramembranous regions of the proteins. Consistently, the iodinated form of the probe showed the greater preference for the non-polar phase and a higher degree of selectivity for labelling hydrophobic regions. The results also suggest that penetration through the annulus of tightly bound lipid surrounding integral proteins occurs readily.  相似文献   

Effects of probes of membrane potential on metabolism in synaptosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of three probes for measuring membrane potential, tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), rhodamine 6G and 3,3'-dipropylthiocarbocyanine (diS-C3-(5)) on energy metabolism in synaptosomes were investigated. None of the three probes had any effect on lactate production in synaptosomes. TPP+ and rhodamine 6G did not inhibit the respiration of synaptosomes with pyruvate and succinate as exogenous substrate and were only weakly inhibitory with endogenous substrates. In contrast, diS-C3-(5) markedly inhibited the respiration of synaptosomes with glucose, pyruvate and endogenous substrates. All three probes reduced ATP content in synaptosomes and depolarized the membrane potential in synaptosomes with increasing concentrations of the probes. It is, therefore, preferable to estimate membrane potential with TPP+ or rhodamine 6G at their low concentrations where their effect on metabolism is negligible.  相似文献   

Adipogenesis of preadipocytes in culture has been frequently used to study the molecular basis and effect of drugs on fat cell conversion. However, after adipogenic induction, cells respond to the inducing agent with various speeds of conversion and fat accumulation, which complicates direct molecular and biochemical analyses. Here we present a simple and sensitive method to detect and quantify fat accumulation inside cells by flow cytometry. Using this method, we detected elevated levels of cytoplasmic granularity that correlated well with an increased level of fat accumulated inside cells after adipogenic conversion. We further demonstrated the ability of this method to monitor and quantify fat cell maturation within a complex population of cells and to identify and collect the fat cells with similar fat storage for further analysis. Flow cytometry offers distinct advantages over existing detection systems for cytoplasmic lipid staining and lipid extraction and could represent a powerful analytical tool to monitor the effect of chemicals and biological molecules on fat cell conversion and maturation. Moreover, in combination with a cell sorting facility, our method offers a simple and efficient means of collecting fat cells of specific status for further analysis.  相似文献   

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