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The regulation of ketogenesis by the hepatic nerves was investigated in the rat liver perfused in situ. Electrical stimulation of the hepatic nerves around the portal vein and the hepatic artery caused a reduction of basal ketogenesis owing to a decrease in acetoacetate release to 30% with essentially no change in 3-hydroxybutyrate release. At the same time, as observed before [Hartmann et al. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem. 123, 521-526], nerve stimulation increased glucose output, shifted lactate uptake to output and decreased perfusion flow. Ketogenesis from oleate, which enters the mitochondria via the carnitine system, was also lowered after nerve stimulation owing to a decrease of acetoacetate release to 30% with no alteration in 3-hydroxybutyrate release. Ketogenesis from octanoate, which enters the mitochondria independently of the carnitine system, was decreased after nerve stimulation as a result of a drastic decrease of acetoacetate output to 15% and a less pronounced decrease of 3-hydroxybutyrate release to 65%. Noradrenaline mimicked the metabolic nerve effects on ketogenesis only at the highly unphysiological concentration of 0.1 microM under basal conditions and in the presence of oleate as well as partly in the presence of octanoate. It was essentially not effective at a concentration of 0.01 microM, which might be reached in the sinusoids owing to overflow from the hepatic vasculature. Sodium nitroprusside prevented the hemodynamic changes after nerve stimulation; it did not affect the nerve-dependent reduction of ketogenesis under basal conditions and in the presence of oleate, yet it diminished the nerve effect on octanoate-dependent ketogenesis. Phentolamine clearly reduced the metabolic and hemodynamic nerve effects, while propranolol was without effect. The present data suggest that hepatic ketogenesis was inhibited by stimulation of alpha-sympathetic liver nerves directly rather than indirectly via hemodynamic changes or noradrenaline overflow from the vessels and that the site of regulation should be mainly intramitochondrial.  相似文献   

The mode of action of hepatic nerves on the metabolism of carbohydrates was studied in the rat liver perfused in situ. 1. Electrical stimulation of the nerve bundles around the hepatic artery and the portal vein resulted in an increase of glucose and lactate output, an enhancement of phosphorylase a activity and a decrease of portal flow. 2. Sodium nitroprusside prevented the hemodynamic changes after nerve stimulation without affecting the metabolic alterations. 3. Phentolamine or an extracellular calcium level below 300 mumol x 1(-1) abolished both hemodynamic and metabolic changes after nerve stimulation, while propranolol or atropine were without effect. 4. Norepinephrine infusion mimicked nerve stimulation only at the highly unphysiological concentration of 0.1 microM; it was not effective at a concentration of 0.01 microM, which might be reached in the sinusoidal blood due to an overflow from intrahepatic synapses. The present results suggest that, in rat liver, glycogen breakdown is regulated by alpha-sympathetic nerves directly rather than indirectly via hemodynamic changes or via norepinephrine overflow.  相似文献   

The ability of noradrenaline (1 microM), phenylephrine (10 microM), and isoproterenol (1 microM) to stimulate glycogenolysis in euthyroid and hypothyroid perfused rat livers was investigated. It was found that hypothyroidism severely impaired alpha-receptor-mediated (noradrenaline, phenylephrine) glucose release. The initial Ca2+ efflux and K+ influx induced by these agonists in the euthyroid control group were almost totally absent in the hypothyroid group, while glycogen phosphorylase a activity in the hypothyroid rat livers was markedly lower than in the controls after infusing noradrenaline for 1 min. Diminished CA2+ efflux (and possibly diminished K+ influx) is likely to play a role in the large impairment in the action of noradrenaline or phenylephrine on glycogenolysis in the perfused hypothyroid rat liver. After prolonged stimulation (15 min) with noradrenaline, however, the phosphorylase a activity in the hypothyroid and euthyroid groups did not differ significantly. This was accompanied by Ca2+ influx in the hypothyroid livers, probably facilitated by a beta-adrenergic effect of noradrenaline in this group. Hypothyroidism potentiated the effect of isoproterenol on glycogenolysis. The glucose 6-phosphate content in the hypothyroid rat livers was markedly higher than in the euthyroid group after stimulation by noradrenaline or isoproterenol.  相似文献   

Infusion of adenine nucleotides and adenosine into perfused rat livers resulted in stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis, transient increases in the effluent perfusate [3-hydroxybutyrate]/[acetoacetate] ratio, and increased portal vein pressure. In livers perfused with buffer containing 50 microM-Ca2+, transient efflux of Ca2+ was seen on stimulation of the liver with adenine nucleotides or adenosine. ADP was the most potent of the nucleotides, stimulating glucose output at concentrations as low as 0.15 microM, with half-maximal stimulation at approx. 1 microM, and ATP was slightly less potent, half-maximal stimulation requiring 4 microM-ATP. AMP and adenosine were much less effective, doses giving half-maximal stimulation being 40 and 20 microM respectively. Non-hydrolysed ATP analogues were much less effective than ATP in promoting changes in hepatic metabolism. ITP, GTP and GDP caused similar changes in hepatic metabolism to ATP, but were 10-20 times less potent than ATP. In livers perfused at low (7 microM) Ca2+, infusion of phenylephrine before ATP desensitized hepatic responses to ATP. Repeated infusions of ATP in such low-Ca2+-perfused livers caused homologous desensitization of ATP responses, and also desensitized subsequent Ca2+-dependent responses to phenylephrine. A short infusion of Ca2+ (1.25 mM) after phenylephrine infusion restored subsequent responses to ATP, indicating that, during perfusion with buffer containing 7 microM-Ca2+, ATP and phenylephrine deplete the same pool of intracellular Ca2+, which can be rapidly replenished in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Measurement of cyclic AMP in freeze-clamped liver tissue demonstrated that adenosine (150 microM) significantly increased hepatic cyclic AMP, whereas ATP (15 microM) was without effect. It is concluded that ATP and ADP stimulate hepatic glycogenolysis via P2-purinergic receptors, through a Ca2+-dependent mechanism similar to that in alpha-adrenergic stimulation of hepatic tissue. However, adenosine stimulates glycogenolysis via P1-purinoreceptors and/or uptake into the cell, at least partially through a mechanism involving increase in cyclic AMP. Further, the hepatic response to adenine nucleotides may be significant in regulating hepatic glucose output in physiological and pathophysiological states.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the nerve bundles around the hepatic artery and the portal vein activates both the sympathetic and parasympathetic liver nerves; the sympathetic effects clearly predominate. Parasympathetic effects were therefore studied in the rat liver perfused in situ by perivascular nerve stimulation in the presence of both an alpha- and a beta-blocker. In the presence of the alpha-blocker phentolamine and the beta-blocker propranolol all sympathetic nerve effects were prevented; the remaining parasympathetic stimulation had no influence on the basal glucose and lactate metabolism nor on the hemodynamics. Insulin alone, with both alpha- and beta-blockade, provoked a small, parasympathetic nerve stimulation in the presence of insulin a more pronounced enhancement of glucose utilization. In the presence of an alpha- and beta-blocker perivascular nerve stimulation antagonized the glucagon stimulated glucose release, but did not affect lactate exchange. The nerve effect was abolished by the parasympathetic antagonist atropine. Acetylcholine or insulin, with both an alpha- and beta-blocker present, mimicked the effects of nerve stimulation antagonizing the glucagon-stimulated glucose release. Nerve stimulation in the presence of insulin was more effective than either stimulus alone. The present results show that in rat liver stimulation of the parasympathetic hepatic nerves has direct effects on glucose metabolism synergistic with insulin and antagonistic to glucagon.  相似文献   

In perfused rat liver perivascular nerve stimulation (7.5 Hz, 20 V, 2 ms, 5 min) at the liver hilus caused an increase in glucose and lactate output and a decrease in flow. The influence of the alpha 1-receptor blocker prazosine and the beta-blocker propranolol on these nerve effects was studied in the isolated rat liver perfused classically via the portal vein only and, as developed recently, via both the hepatic artery and the portal vein. 1) In livers perfused via the portal vein only the nerve stimulation-dependent metabolic alterations were nearly completely inhibited by prazosine (5 microM), but not influenced by propranolol (10 microM). The hemodynamic changes were lowered to only 33% by prazosine and not altered by propranolol either. 2) In livers perfused via the hepatic artery (100 mm Hg, 20-40% of flow) and the portal vein (10 mm Hg, 80-60% of flow)--similar to portal perfusions--the nerve stimulation--dependent metabolic alterations were almost completely blocked by arterial, portal or simultaneously applied arterial and portal prazosine. However--in contrast to portal perfusions--the metabolic alterations were reduced to about 20% (glucose) and 50% (lactate) also by propranolol independently of its site of application. The decrease in flow was reduced by prazosine to about 60%, 50% and 30% when applied via the artery, the portal vein or via both vessels, respectively. The hemodynamic alterations were not influenced by propranolol. These results allow the following conclusions: A subpopulation of beta-receptors can play a permissive role in the alpha 1-receptor-mediated sympathetic nerve action on glucose and lactate metabolism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Infusion of platelet-activating factor (alkyl acetylglycerophosphocholine (AGEPC] into isolated perfused rat livers caused a dose-dependent, transient increase in portal vein pressure, indicative of constriction of the hepatic vasculature. A close correlation was observed between the changes in portal pressure and concomitant transient increases in hepatic glucose output. The two processes displayed similar dose dependence and were attenuated to a similar extent by reducing the perfusate calcium concentration. Reducing the perfusate free calcium concentration to 1 nM by co-infusion of EGTA did not abolish completely the hepatic responses to AGEPC. Verapamil inhibited both the hemodynamic and glycogenolytic responses to AGEPC in a dose-dependent fashion; the IC50 was approximately 10 microM at an AGEPC concentration of 6.6 X 10(-11) M. Also, both responses displayed similar degrees of tachyphylaxis in response to repeated short infusions of AGEPC. Measurement of glycogen phosphorylase a in extracts from freeze-clamped livers demonstrated a rapid increase in phosphorylase a in response to infusion of AGEPC. A small but significant increase in whole tissue ADP was found in response to AGEPC (2 X 10(-8) M); cAMP levels were not changed by AGEPC infusion. It is concluded that glycogenolysis in the perfused liver in response to AGEPC may be a result of the hemodynamic effects of AGEPC, rather than a direct effect of the phospholipid mediator on the hepatocyte.  相似文献   

In perfused livers from fed rats, rates of glucose production (glycogenolysis) were 133 +/- 12 mumol/g/hr. Infusion of 2 microM verapamil into these livers decreased the rates of glucose production significantly to 97 +/- 15 mumol/g/hr within 10 min. Conversely, rates of production of lactate plus pyruvate (glycolysis) of 64 +/- 6 mumol/g/hr were not significantly altered by verapamil (60 +/- 3 mumol/g/hr). When 50 microM verapamil was infused, however, rates of both glycogenolysis and glycolysis were diminished to 56 +/- 11 and 43 +/- 5 mumol/g/hr, respectively. In perfused livers from fasted rats, infusion of 20 mM fructose increased the rates of production of glucose (gluconeogenesis) significantly from 11 +/- 7 to 121 +/- 17 mumol/g/hr. These rates reached 138 +/- 7 mumol/g/hr upon the simultaneous infusion of verapamil (2 microM). In these livers, fructose also increased rates of production of lactate from 6 +/- 2 to 132 +/- 11 mumol/g/hr, which were further increased to 143 +/- 8 mumol/g/hr when 2 microM verapamil was infused. The results show that calcium-dependent processes involved in hepatic carbohydrate metabolism respond differently to the calcium channel blocker verapamil. Low concentrations of verapamil inhibited glycogenolysis significantly while having no effect on either glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. These data suggest that these two processes have different sensitivities to changes in intracellular calcium concentrations and/or different sources of regulatory calcium.  相似文献   

Infusion of adenosine into perfused rat livers resulted in transient increases in glucose output, portal-vein pressure, the effluent perfusate [lactate]/[pyruvate] ratio, and O2 consumption. 8-Phenyltheophylline (10 microM) inhibited adenosine responses, whereas dipyridamole (50 microM) potentiated the vasoconstrictive effect of adenosine. The order of potency for adenosine analogues was: 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) greater than L-phenylisopropyladenosine greater than cyclohexyladenosine greater than D-phenylisopropyladenosine greater than 2-chloroadenosine greater than adenosine, consistent with adenosine actions modulated through P1-purine receptors of the A2-subtype. Hepatic responses exhibited homologous desensitization in response to repeated infusion of adenosine. Adenosine effects on the liver were attenuated at lower perfusate Ca2+ concentrations. Indomethacin decreased hepatic responses to both adenosine and NECA. Whereas adenosine stimulated glycogen phosphorylase activity in isolated hepatocytes, NECA caused no effect in hepatocytes. The response to adenosine in hepatocytes was inhibited by dipyridamole (50 microM), but not 8-phenyltheophylline (10 microM). The present study indicates that, although adenosine has direct effects on parenchymal cells, indirect effects of adenosine, mediated through the A2-purinergic receptors on another hepatic cell type, appear to play a role in the perfused liver.  相似文献   

Perivascular nerve stimulation of rat livers perfused in situ with erythrocyte-free Krebs-Henseleit buffer at constant pressure in a non-recirculating system resulted in an increase of glucose and lactate production and in a decrease of portal flow. Infusion of somatostatin in different concentrations (2 × 10−7, 10−8, 10−9 mol·l−1) reduced the nerve-mediated activation of glucose release maximally to 66%. There was only a slight effect on the lactate output, the nerve-mediated reduction of portal flow was unaltered. In controls, somatostatin alone had no effect on the metabolic and hemodynamic parameters. In order to differentiate between a presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanism, the noradrenaline overflow was calculated. The unaltered release of the neurotransmitter in the presence or absence of somatostatin excluded a presynaptic mechanism. To mimic the nerve effects on the carbohydrate metabolism and on the hemodynamics, noradrenaline (2 × 10−7 mol·l−1) was infused instead of the nerve stimulation over a period of 5 min. Somatostatin did not change the endocrine effects of the catecholamine under these conditions. The nerve-dependent effect of somatostatin suggests that other neurotransmitters (e.g. VIP) or mediators (e.g. prostanoids) may be influenced by somatostatin.  相似文献   

The beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol inhibited the glycogenolytic response of platelet-activating factor (AGEPC, 1-O-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) in perfused livers derived from fed rats. AGEPC-stimulated hepatic vasoconstriction, measured by increases in portal vein pressure, also was inhibited by prior isoproterenol infusion. Isoproterenol-mediated inhibition of these hepatic responses to AGEPC was not apparent when isoproterenol (10 microM) was coinfused with the beta-receptor antagonist propranolol (75 microM) or when isoproterenol was replaced with the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (10 microM). alpha-Agonist-induced glycogenolysis and vasoconstriction in the perfused liver was unaffected by isoproterenol infusion. Glucagon (2.3 nM) had no effect on the glycogenolytic or vasoconstrictive responses of the liver to AGEPC despite the fact that glucagon increased hepatic cAMP levels to a far greater extent than isoproterenol. Additionally, inhibition of the hepatic responses to AGEPC by isoproterenol occurred in perfused livers from mature rats (i.e. greater than 300 g) in which liver parenchymal cells lack functional beta-adrenergic receptors. The data presented in this study illustrate a specific inhibition of AGEPC-induced hepatic glycogenolysis and vasoconstriction by beta-adrenergic stimulation of the perfused liver. This inhibition appears to be mediated by interaction of isoproterenol with nonparenchymal cells within the liver. These findings are consistent with the concept that AGEPC stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis by an indirect mechanism involving hepatic vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

The effects of acetylcholine on glucose and lactate balance and on perfusion flow were studied in isolated rat livers perfused simultaneously via the hepatic artery (100 mmHg, 25-35% of flow) and the portal vein (10 mmHg, 75-65% of flow) with a Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer containing 5 mM-glucose, 2 mM-lactate and 0.2 mM-pyruvate. Arterial acetylcholine (10 microM sinusoidal concentration) caused an increase in glucose and lactate output and a slight decrease in arterial and portal flow. These effects were accompanied by an output of noradrenaline and adrenaline into the hepatic vein. Portal acetylcholine elicited only minor increases in glucose and lactate output, a slight decrease in portal flow and a small increase in arterial flow, and no noradrenaline and adrenaline release. The metabolic and haemodynamic effects of arterial acetylcholine and the output of noradrenaline and adrenaline were strongly inhibited by the muscarinic antagonist atropine (10 microM). The acetylcholine-dependent alterations of metabolism and the output of noradrenaline were not influenced by the alpha 1-blocker prazosin (5 microM), whereas the output of adrenaline was increased. The acetylcholine-dependent metabolic alterations were not inhibited by the beta 2-antagonist butoxamine (10 microM), although the overflow of noradrenaline was nearly completely blocked and the output of adrenaline was slightly decreased. These results allow the conclusion that arterial, but not portal, acetylcholine caused sympathomimetic metabolic effects, without noradrenaline or adrenaline being involved in signal transduction.  相似文献   

M Iwai  K Jungermann 《FEBS letters》1987,221(1):155-160
In isolated rat liver perfused at constant pressure with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 5 mM glucose, 2 mM lactate, 0.2 mM pyruvate and 0.1% bovine serum albumin, perivascular nerve stimulation (20 V, 20 Hz, 2 ms) and infusion of ATP (100 microM), noradrenaline (1 microM) or arachidonic acid (100 microM) caused an increase in glucose and lactate output and a reduction of perfusion flow. The metabolic effects of nerve stimulation but not those of ATP and noradrenaline were inhibited strongly by the phospholipase A2 inhibitor bromophenacyl bromide (BPB, 20 microM) and the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (Indo, 20 microM) and only slightly by the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, 20 microM). In contrast, the hemodynamic effects not only of nerve stimulation but also of ATP and noradrenaline were inhibited strongly by BPB and Indo and slightly by NDGA. The metabolic and hemodynamic actions of arachidonate were inhibited specifically by Indo. These results suggest that the effects of nerve stimulation were at least partially mediated or modulated by eicosanoids, especially by prostanoids.  相似文献   

Effects of nitric oxide (NO) on hemodynamic and glycogenolytic responses to platelet-activating factor (PAF) and phenylephrine were investigated in perfused livers derived from fed rats. Infusion of NO (34 microM) into perfused livers inhibited PAF (0.22 nM)-induced increases in hepatic glucose output and portal pressure approximately 90 and 85%, respectively, and abolished effects of PAF on hepatic oxygen consumption. NO attenuated PAF-stimulated increases in glucose output and portal pressure, the latter indicative of hepatic vasoconstriction, with a similar dose dependence with an IC50 of approximately 8 microM. In contrast to its effects on PAF-induced responses in the perfused liver, NO inhibited increases in hepatic portal pressure in response to phenylephrine (10 microM) approximately 75% without altering phenylephrine-stimulated glucose output and oxygen consumption. Similarly, infusion of NO into perfused livers significantly inhibited increases in hepatic portal pressure but not in glucose output in response to a submaximal concentration of phenylephrine (0.4 microM). Like NO, sodium nitroprusside (83 microM) significantly inhibited hemodynamic but not glycogenolytic responses to phenylephrine in perfused livers. However, PAF (0.22 nM)-stimulated alterations in hepatic portal pressure, glucose output, and oxygen consumption were unaffected by infusion of sodium nitroprusside (83 microM) into perfused livers. These results provide the first evidence for regulatory effects of NO in the perfused liver and support the contention that PAF, unlike phenylephrine, stimulates glycogenolysis by mechanisms secondary to hepatic vasoconstriction. These observations raise the intriguing possibility that NO may act in liver to regulate hemodynamic responses to vasoactive mediators.  相似文献   

Infusion of the thromboxane A2 analogue U-46619 into isolated perfused rat livers resulted in dose-dependent increases in glucose output and portal vein pressure, indicative of constriction of the hepatic vasculature. At low concentrations, e.g. less than or equal to 42 ng/ml, glucose output occurred only during agonist infusion; whereas at concentrations greater than or equal to 63 ng/ml, a peak of glucose output also was observed upon termination of agonist infusion coincident with relief of hepatic vasoconstriction. Effluent perfusate lactate/pyruvate and beta-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate ratios increased significantly in response to U-46619 infusion. Hepatic oxygen consumption increased at low U-46619 concentrations (less than or equal to 20 ng/ml) and became biphasic with a transient spike of increased consumption followed by a prolonged decrease in consumption at higher concentrations. Increased glucose output in response to 42 ng/ml U-46619 was associated with a rapid activation of glycogen phosphorylase, slight increases in tissue ADP levels, and no increase in cAMP. At 1000 ng/ml, U-46619 activation of glycogen phosphorylase was accompanied by significant increases in tissue levels of AMP and ADP, decreases in ATP, and slight increases in cAMP. In isolated hepatocytes, U-46619 did not stimulate glucose output or activate glycogen phosphorylase. Reducing the perfusate calcium concentration from 1.25 to 0.05 mM resulted in a marked reduction of the glycogenolytic response to U-46619 (42 ng/ml) with no efflux of calcium from the liver. U-46619-induced glucose output and vasoconstriction displayed a similar dose dependence upon the perfusate calcium concentration. Thus, U-46619 exerts a potent agonist effect on glycogenolysis and vasoconstriction in the perfused rat liver. The present findings support the concept that U-46619 stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis indirectly via vasoconstriction-induced hypoxia within the liver.  相似文献   

Interactions between phenylephrine-induced oxygen consumption, lactate and pyruvate output, and urea and glucose production were examined in perfused livers from fed or 48-h-fasted rats. Within 2 min of phenylephrine infusion, oxygen consumption in perfused livers was increased by approximately 40%. Increases in oxygen consumption induced by phenylephrine were essentially abolished in the presence of carboxyatractyloside, whereas those induced by dinitrophenol were still evident. Phenylephrine-induced increases in oxygen consumption were accompanied by enhanced rates of gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis in livers from fed or 48-h-fasted animals. These data indicate that phenylephrine-induced increases in respiration in perfused rat liver may result from an enhanced rate of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in response to an increased cellular energy requirement.  相似文献   

Effect of galactosamine on glycogenolysis was studied in isolated hepatocytes. It was found that addition of galactosamine strongly inhibited glycogenolysis in normal hepatocytes. Galactosamine-inhibited glycogenolysis was not stimulated by epinephrine or glucagon. This inhibition was specific as no such inhibition was observed with galactose, 2-deoxy-glucose or glucosamine. The glucagon-stimulated cyclic AMP formation in galactosamine-treated hepatocytes was the same as in normal cells; Glc-1-P and Glc-6-P did not accumulate nor was lactate formation enhanced. The glucose production by hepatocytes from regenerating liver was only slightly inhibited by galactosamine and glucagon addition stimulated glycogenolysis in the presence of the amino sugar.  相似文献   

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