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Parasitism of fifth instar Manduca sexta larvae by the gregarious parasitoid Cotesia congregata prevented normal storage of tyrosine in the hemolymph, whereas total tyrosine levels increased over eight times in the hemolymph of unparasitized larvae by day 4. Tyrosine glucoside, the hemolymph storage form of tyrosine and the precursor for pupal cuticle sclerotizing agents, was found only in trace amounts in parasitized larvae at the time of parasitoid emergence, but had increased to over 6 mM in hemolymph of unparasitized larvae. Concentrations of dopamine and N-β-alanyldopamine (NBAD), precursors for melanization and sclerotization of cuticle, respectively, had approximately doubled in the hemolymph of parasitized larvae by the day of parasitoid emergence, but not in unparasitized larvae. Catecholamine biosynthesis may be transiently stimulated for wound-healing, as black melanic pigmentation appeared around the wasp emergence holes in the host integument. C. congregata larvae accumulate tyrosine, dopamine, and NBAD by the time of emergence and cocoon spinning, either by direct uptake or by synthesis from precursors obtained from the host. NBAD increased in parasitoid larvae close to pupation, suggesting it functions as the main precursor for pupal cuticle tanning. Both dopamine and NBAD increased dramatically in pharate adult wasps just before eclosion and N-acetyldopamine (NADA) appeared for the first time. Dopamine was highest in concentration and total amount, and it can serve both as a precursor for black melanic pigmentation of adult wasp cuticle and for synthesis of NADA and NBAD, the precursors for cuticle sclerotization. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:193–201, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined how light availability influenced the defensive chemistry of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum: Solanaceae). Tomato plants were grown either in full sunlight or under shade cloth rated at 73%. Leaves from plants grown in full sunlight were tougher, had higher concentrations of allelochemicals (chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine), and had less protein than leaves from plants grown in shade. We determined how these differences in host plant quality due to light availability affected the behavior and growth of a Solanaceae specialist, Manduca sexta. Both in the greenhouse and in the field, caterpillars on shade-grown plants grew heavier in a shorter amount of time than those on plants that had previously been grown in full sunlight. In contrast, the effects of previous light availability to plants on caterpillar behavior appeared to be minor.To further investigate how light availability to plants influenced herbivore growth, we examined the effects of leaf-powder diets made from tomato leaves of different ages (new, intermediate, or mature) grown in full sunlight or shade on caterpillar performance. Caterpillars fed diets made from plants grown in shade consumed less but grew faster than larvae fed diets made from tomato plants grown in full sunlight. Caterpillars fed diets made from new leaves grew larger in less time than caterpillars fed diets made from intermediate aged leaves. Caterpillars did not survive on the mature leaf powder diets. There were plant-light treatment by larval thermal regime interactions. For example, at 26:15 °C , plant-light treatment had no effect on stadium duration, but at 21:10 °C, stadium duration was prolonged with the full sunlight-new leaf diet compared with the shaded-new leaf diet. In a second diet experiment, we examined the interactive effects of protein and some tomato allelochemicals (rutin, chlorogenic acid and tomatine) on the performance of caterpillars. There were food quality by thermal regime interactions. For instance, at 26:15 °C , neither protein nor allelochemical concentration influenced stadium duration, whereas at 21:10 °C, stadium duration was prolonged with the low protein-high allelochemical diet, which simulated full sunlight leaves. In sum, light availability to plants affected defensive chemistry and protein concentration. The difference in food quality was great enough to influence the growth of a specialist insect herbivore, but the effects were temperature-dependent.  相似文献   

Two diet experiments addressed the effects of allelochemical-fed prey (Manduca sexta caterpillars), temperature, and gender on performance of the insect predator, Podisus maculiventris. Two of the major allelochemicals in tomato were used: chlorogenic acid and tomatine. Predator performance was negatively affected by both chlorogenic acid-fed and tomatine fed-prey, and there were allelochemical by thermal regime interactions for both. Relative consumption rate and growth rate decreased at the higher levels of tomatine at the warmer thermal regime (summer conditions) but were unaffected at the cooler thermal regime (spring conditions). At the cooler thermal regime, stadium duration was prolonged when the predators were given chlorogenic acid-fed prey, but at the warmer thermal regime there was no such effect. There were several effects of gender: biomass gained, food consumed, relative growth rate and efficiency of conversion of ingested food to biomass were higher for females than males. Furthermore, the effects of thermal regime and tomatine on food consumption and biomass gained differed for females and males. In general, the hypothesis that generalist insect predators may be a selective pressure shaping host plant range of insect herbivores was supported by these results. But the occurrence of allelochemical by thermal regime interactions means that it will be difficult to determine the relative importance of plant chemistry versus predators on patterns of feeding specialization by herbivores without taking into account a third factor, temperature. Received: 20 March 1995 /Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

Larval tobacco hornworms,Manduca sexta (L.), of 2 different colonies were exposed to parasitism by the gregarious endoparasitoid,Cotesia congregata (Say). A comparison was made of parasitoid larval, pre-pupal, and pupal mortality, female and male dry weight and larval development time. In general, “Maryland” hornworms were more suitable hosts than “North Carolina” hornworms. Although the presence of dietary nicotine increased parasitoid mortality in individuals reared from hornworms of both colonies, the effect was more severe among individuals parasitizing the North Carolina hornworms. Scientific contribution No. 8125, article No. A-5066 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Entomology.  相似文献   

Third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta L.: Sphingidae) on low dietary potassium had a lower relative growth rate than individuals on diets with potassium concentrations reflecting those in host-plants, due to decreased consumption rate, lower efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food (ECI and ECD), and a prolonged growth/feeding phase. Furthermore, these larvae, when placed on a diet with a moderate potassium concentration through the fourth stadium, ended up being smaller due to lower ECI and less biomass gained, and had a prolonged growth phase, which suggest an irreversible cost of the previous low potassium diet. Third instar hornworms on high potassium diets had lower ECI and ECD, and they had a prolonged growth phase. These individuals, when placed on a moderate potassium diet in the fourth stadium, gained less biomass, than those previously offered hostplant-like-potassium diets. Body potassium concentrations (% dw) at the end of the third stadium were similar among treatment groups. With increasing potassium concentrations in the diet, utilization efficiencies of potassium decreased and potassium concentrations in the frass increased. Correspondingly, water content (% fw) of the newly-molted fourth instar larvae declined with increasing potassium, indicating a passive loss of water during potassium excretion. Low and high dietary potassium reduced survivorship of third instar larvae; fourth instar caterpillars previously fed the low potassium diet also had poor survivorship. We conclude that, within the normal range of potassium concentrations in the hostplants, caterpillar performance is largely unaffected by potassium concentration, but that potassium-poor and potassium-rich diets, such as those hornworms may sometimes experience, can reduce growth and survivorship.  相似文献   

1. Host plant switching by dispersing early instar lepidopterans could have implications for parasitoid performance, but this possibility has not been evaluated thoroughly. 2. The relative growth rates of Lymantria dispar parasitized by Cotesia melanoscela, and the weight of larvae at the time of parasitoid emergence, were affected most by the second larval food plant consumed. 3. The relative growth rates, pupal weights, weight of larva at the time of parasitoid emergence, and development times of L. dispar were affected significantly by the second larval food plant consumed. 4. Development time and size of Cotesia melanoscela were affected most by the second larval food plant consumed. 5. Parasitoid performance was affected most by the larval host’s relative growth rate and the final weight of the host larva at the time of parasitoid emergence. 6. Host plant switching affected the weight of L. dispar larvae at the time of parasitoid emergence, but the effect of switching per se was not a significant factor in C. melanoscela size or development. 7. Lymantria dispar larvae that fed on Populus as their second host outperformed larvae that fed ultimately on Acer. 8. Parasitoids yielded from L. dispar larvae that fed ultimately on Populus outperformed parasitoids yielded from larvae that fed ultimately on Acer. 9. Per cent mortality of L. dispar due to parasitism and percentage adult C. melanoscela emergence were highest in parasitized larvae fed Populus, poor in hosts fed Acer, and intermediate in switching larvae.  相似文献   

Most studies of phenotypic selection do not estimate selection or fitness surfaces for multiple components of fitness within a unified statistical framework. This makes it difficult or impossible to assess how selection operates on traits through variation in multiple components of fitness. We describe a new generation of aster models that can evaluate phenotypic selection by accounting for timing of life‐history transitions and their effect on population growth rate, in addition to survival and reproductive output. We use this approach to estimate selection on body size and development time for a field population of the herbivorous insect, Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Estimated fitness surfaces revealed strong and significant directional selection favoring both larger adult size (via effects on egg counts) and more rapid rates of early larval development (via effects on larval survival). Incorporating the timing of reproduction and its influence on population growth rate into the analysis resulted in larger values for size in early larval development at which fitness is maximized, and weaker selection on size in early larval development. These results illustrate how the interplay of different components of fitness can influence selection on size and development time. This integrated modeling framework can be readily applied to studies of phenotypic selection via multiple fitness components in other systems.  相似文献   

Polydnaviruses (PDV) are obligate mutualistic symbionts found in association with some groups of parasitic Hymenoptera. In these groups, they suppress the immune response of the parasitoid’s host and are required for successful parasitoid reproduction. Several PDV effects have been described in different experimental systems, but no clear picture of PDV mode of immunosuppression has emerged. No study to date has directly tested if PDV modes of action are evolutionarily conserved or divergent among parasitoid taxa within the Ichneumonoidea. We hypothesize the divergence in PDV mode of immunosuppression can be detected by identifying points of divergence in the immune response of different host species to PDV from one parasitoid species. This study tests the effects of purified PDV from Cotesia congregata on the immune response of three larval lepidopteran species that naturally are hosts of parasitoid species that differ in taxonomic relatedness to C. congregata. Here we demonstrate that despite associations with distantly related parasitoids (Ichneumonidae and Braconidae), Manduca sexta and Heliothis virescens showed similar patterns of increased glucose dehydrogenase (GLD) activity, suppressed cellular encapsulation in vitro, and increased time to pupation. In contrast, Lymantria dispar showed no response to C. congregata PDV across any of the parameters measured, even though it has an evolutionary association with several parasitoids closely related to C. congregata and within the Microgastrinae. The PDV immunosuppression in H. virescens and M. sexta does not correlate with host molecular phylogeny either. The suborganismal effects shown in M. sexta and H. virescens translated into significantly reduced pupation success in M. sexta only. Results demonstrate that while some PDV modes of immunosuppression in hosts may be divergent, others may be conserved across broad host groups.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the influence of nicotine (at a range of concentrations) in the food of an herbivorous host on the development, size and survival of its parasitoid. Fall armyworms, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were reared on diets of 0, 0.025, 0.050 and 0.075% nicotine and exposed to parasitism by Hyposoter annulipes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). As nicotine concentration increased parasitoid mortality and development time increased and adult weight decreased. Development time, pupal weight and survival were recorded for unparasitized armyworms. Unparasitized fall armyworms showed lengthened development and higher mortality but pupal weights were greatest at intermediate nicotine concentrations.
Résumé Des quantités croissantes de nicotine dans l'alimentation ont prolongé la durée du développement des chenilles saines, bien que l'effet ait chuté aux concentrations les plus élevées. Le sexe de la noctuelle n'a pas eu d'effet sur la durée du développement ou l'action de la nicotine. L'influence de la nicotine sur le poids des chrysalides est inhabituel, en ce sens que les chrysalides les plus lourdes ont été obtenues aux concentrations moyennes. Des hypothèses sont proposés sur l'origine de ce phénomène. La mortalité et la durée de développement de H. annulipes ont augmenté et le poids des adultes a diminué quand la concentration de l'aliment de l'hôte en nicotine s'est élevée. L'effet différente de la nicotine sur des générations successives a pu provenir de modifications de la toxicité de la nicotine en fonction de changements dans la qualité de l'aliment. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'augmentation de la concentration de la nicotine dans l'alimentation de l'hôte a eu un effet négatif cohérent sur la valeur adaptative de H. annulipes.

The relative suitability of four host plants was determined both for unparasitized Pieris brassicae L. caterpillars and for Cotesia glomerata (L.) developing in P. brassicae. For unparasitized P. brassicae, growth rate and pupal weight were highest on Brussels sprouts and Swedish turnip, intermediate on rape, and lowest on nasturtium. In contrast, C. glomerata larval developmental rate and adult longevity were greatest for wasps from P. brassicae reared on nasturtium.On all four plants, the host-parasitoid complex attained a lower final weight than unparasitized P. brassicae, and it is argued that this difference is due primarily to reduced consumption by parasitized P. brassicae. Among parasitized caterpillars, however, complex weight was positively correlated with clutch size, suggesting that C. glomerata larvae are able to partially counteract the effect of parasitization per se on host consumption.The host plants of P. brassicae appear to face an evolutionary dilemma: in order to increase the total mass of parasitoids produced, they must suffer greater loss of foliage. This trade-off, if common in nature, may represent a formidable constraint on coevolution between host plants and parasitoids.  相似文献   

Abstract Larvae of the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta starved for the first 3 days of the last (fifth) stadium undergo a supernumerary moult. If they are provided with sucrose during the starvation period, they develop into normal pupae although pupation is delayed. The activities of the corpora allata (CA) from normal, starved, and sucrose fed larvae were followed through the fifth stadium with a radiochemical assay for Juvenile Hormone (JH) biosynthesis. An attempt was made to correlate CA-activity with CA cell number, size, and protein content.
In CA of normally fed larvae the rate of JH synthesis declined to undetectable levels by day 4 which was also the time of exposure of the dorsal vessel. In CA of starved larvae, the rate of JH synthesis at first decreased but began to increase on day 3 and reached a peak value by day 7 , at which time head capsule slippage occurred. In CA of sucrose fed larvae, the rate of biosynthesis declined as in normal larvae but the decline was extended over a longer period. Exposure of the dorsal vessel was delayed in the same manner and occurred on days 7–9. The major JH in all cases was JH-II.
The CA comprise c. 150 cells in the early fifth stadium, and this number remained constant during the fifth stadium in all three feeding regimens. In normal larvae, CA size and protein content increased several-fold during the stadium whereas in starved and sucrose-fed larvae they increased slowly and in agreement with the altered timing of developmental events. In none of the groups was the CA activity pattern correlated with morphometric changes of the CA. The rates of JH biosynthesis were not closely correlated with published JH titre curves. The in vivo mechanisms for regulation of JH production remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Previous studies have demonstrated that phenotypic traits of plants have the potential to affect interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies. Consequently, the impact of natural enemies on herbivore vital rates and population dynamics may vary among plant species. This study was designed to investigate the potential for density-dependent parasitism of an aphid herbivore feeding on six different host plant species.
2. Population densities of the aphid Aphis nerii B de F (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were recorded within a single growing season on six different species of milkweed in the genus Asclepias L. (Asclepiadaceae). Asclepias species are known to vary in their quality as food for herbivores. Although data on plant quality were not available in this study, population data were analysed to determine the effects of different Asclepias species on rates of parasitism and aphid population growth.
3. Parasitism rates of A. nerii varied among Asclepias species but were temporally density dependent over at least some range of aphid density on all plant species. Aphid population growth rates also varied among Asclepias species, and declined with an increase in the maximum parasitism rates among plant species; however, in no case was density-dependent parasitism sufficient to prevent exponential population growth of aphids within the growing season. The results serve to emphasise that, if natural enemies are to regulate herbivore populations, density-dependent mortality is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for regulation.  相似文献   

The majority of studies exploring interactions between above- and below-ground biota have been focused on the effects of root-associated organisms on foliar herbivorous insects. This study examined the effects of foliar herbivory by Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) on the performance of the root herbivore Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) and its parasitoid Trybliographa rapae (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), mediated through a shared host plant Brassica nigra L. (Brassicaceae). In the presence of foliar herbivory, the survival of D. radicum and T. rapae decreased significantly by more than 50%. In addition, newly emerged adults of both root herbivores and parasitoids were significantly smaller on plants that had been exposed to foliar herbivory than on control plants. To determine what factor(s) may have accounted for the observed results, we examined the effects of foliar herbivory on root quantity and quality. No significant differences in root biomass were found between plants with and without shoot herbivore damage. Moreover, concentrations of nitrogen in root tissues were also unaffected by shoot damage by P. brassicae larvae. However, higher levels of indole glucosinolates were measured in roots of plants exposed to foliar herbivory, suggesting that the development of the root herbivore and its parasitoid may be, at least partly, negatively affected by increased levels of these allelochemicals in root tissues. Our results show that foliar herbivores can affect the development not only of root-feeding insects but also their natural enemies. We argue that such indirect interactions between above- and below-ground biota may play an important role in the structuring and functioning of communities.  相似文献   

Abstract A rapid and simple method has been developed for the simultaneous measurement of juvenile hormone (JH) and JH acid synthesized in vitro by larval corpora allata (CA) of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. An organic solvent partition of incubation medium efficiently separates JH acid from JH, and a radioimmunoassay which recognizes the two moieties equivalently is then employed to quantify each. The change in the biosynthetic product of the CA from JH to JH acid appears to begin slowly at the time of ecdysis to the last (fifth) larval stadium and is not complete until just prior to wandering (day 4). The inclusion of the JH esterase inhibitor S-benzoyl-O-ethyl phosphoramidothiolate in incubations of corpora allata revealed that the activity of JH esterases from the gland parallels gland activity and that significant hydrolysis of newly synthesized JH by these esterases occurs in incubations of glands taken at the beginnings of the fourth and fifth larval stadia. An allatostatin, which is proposed to inhibit the corpus allatum during the time of the change in its product, inhibits both JH I and JH I acid synthesis.  相似文献   

周艳琼  钱为  郝德君  王焱  马凤林 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1150-1156
在实验室条件下,通过人工饲养研究了虫害处理的69杨和895杨对分月扇舟蛾Clostera anastomosis幼虫、蛹及成虫的生长发育的影响。结果表明:虫害处理的叶片对分月扇舟蛾幼虫表现为驱避作用;取食虫害处理的叶片,使得幼虫的发育历期延长,死亡率增加,对食物的利用和转化效率下降;蛹重减轻,蛹期延长;成虫的羽化率降低,产卵量减少。说明昆虫取食危害能够诱导杨树对分月扇舟蛾产生抗虫性。  相似文献   

Neotyphodium coenophialum (Glenn, Bacon, Price & Hanlin) (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae) is an endophytic fungus that lives symbiotically within grasses and produces alkaloids that can help protect its hosts from some insect pests. We used laboratory‐based experiments to investigate whether fungal genotype influences an herbivore and its parasitoid. We tested whether variation in novel isolates, plus a control lacking fungal infection, affected preference by fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Amphipyrini), and growth and survival of Euplectrus comstockii Howard (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae: Euplectrini), a parasitoid of fall armyworm. Caterpillars preferred leaf blades in choice experiments from uninfected tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh., cultivar Jesup (Poaceae)] and tended to avoid blades from plants containing fungal isolates AR502, AR542, or the most common strain from pastures in Georgia, USA, in tall fescue. However, caterpillars fed as much on leaf blades from plants containing isolate AR502 as from those lacking infection. Parasitoid pupal mass was not influenced by fungal isolate, yet fungal isolate did influence parasitoid survival. Survival was higher than expected for parasitoids reared from hosts fed plants lacking fungal infection, but was lower than expected for those reared from hosts fed plants infected with the common strain or AR542 isolates. In contrast, parasitoids reared from hosts fed plants infected with isolate AR502 did not experience higher mortality than expected by chance. Our results show that N. coenophialum can modify bottom‐up trophic cascades through direct effects on herbivores, as well as indirect effects on a natural enemy of the herbivores and that the fungus may influence the tritrophic interaction in ways that counterbalance herbivore protection provided by the symbiont. Our work also shows that these effects are influenced by fungal genotype. As attempts are made to produce forage cultivars with strains of fungal endophyte that lack negative influences on livestock, it will be prudent for investigators to assess the multi‐trophic effects of these novel associations within agroecosystems.  相似文献   

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