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Rabring7, a novel Rab7 target protein with a RING finger motif   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Rab7, a member of the Rab family small G proteins, has been shown to regulate intracellular vesicle traffic to late endosome/lysosome and lysosome biogenesis, but the exact roles of Rab7 are still undetermined. Accumulating evidence suggests that each Rab protein has multiple target proteins that function in the exocytic/endocytic pathway. We have isolated a new Rab7 target protein, Rabring7 (Rab7-interacting RING finger protein), using a CytoTrap system. It contains an H2 type RING finger motif at the C termini. Rabring7 shows no homology with RILP, which has been reported as another Rab7 target protein. GST pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation assays demonstrate that Rabring7 specifically binds the GTP-bound form of Rab7 at the N-terminal portion. Rabring7 is found mainly in the cytosol and is recruited efficiently to late endosomes/lysosomes by the GTP-bound form of Rab7 in BHK cells. Overexpression of Rabring7 not only affects epidermal growth factor degradation but also causes the perinuclear aggregation of lysosomes, in which the accumulation of the acidotropic probe LysoTracker is remarkably enhanced. These results suggest that Rabring7 plays crucial roles as a Rab7 target protein in vesicle traffic to late endosome/lysosome and lysosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

In vitro assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag protein.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Retroviral Gag protein is sufficient to produce Gag virus-like particles when expressed in higher eukaryotic cells. Here we describe the in vitro assembly reaction of human immunodeficiency virus Gag protein, which consists of two sequential steps showing the optimal conditions for each reaction. Following expression and purification, Gag protein lacking only the C-terminal p6 domain was present as a monomer (50 kDa) by velocity sedimentation analysis. Initial assembly of the Gag protein to 60 S intermediates occurred by dialysis at 4 degrees C in low salt at neutral to alkaline pH. However, higher order of assembly required incubation at 37 degrees C and was facilitated by the addition of Mg(2+). Prolonged incubation under these conditions produced complete assembly (600 S), equivalent to Gag virus-like particles obtained from Gag-expressing cells. Neither form disassembled by treatment with nonionic detergent, suggesting that correct assembly might occur in vitro. Electron microscopic observation confirmed that the 600 S assembly products were spherical particles similar to authentic immature human immunodeficiency virus particles. The latter assembly stage but not the former was accelerated by the addition of RNA although not inhibited by RNaseA treatment. These results suggest that Gag protein alone assembles in vitro, but that additional RNA facilitates the assembly reaction.  相似文献   

Regulation of CDK7 substrate specificity by MAT1 and TFIIH.   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文

The synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) interacts with syntaxin 1 and vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2) to form a ternary soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex that is essential for synaptic vesicle exocytosis. We report a novel RING finger protein, Spring, that specifically interacts with SNAP-25. Spring is exclusively expressed in brain and is concentrated at synapses. The association of Spring with SNAP-25 abolishes the ability of SNAP-25 to interact with syntaxin 1 and VAMP2 and prevents the assembly of the SNARE complex. Overexpression of Spring or its SNAP-25-interacting domain reduces Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis from PC12 cells. These results indicate that Spring may act as a regulator of synaptic vesicle exocytosis by controlling the availability of SNAP-25 for the SNARE complex formation.  相似文献   

NIRF,a novel RING finger protein,is involved in cell-cycle regulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Through database mining, we found a novel PEST-containing nuclear protein (PCNP). To characterize PCNP, we carried out yeast two-hybrid screening for PCNP-interacting factors. A novel Np95/ICBP90-like RING finger protein (NIRF), which possessed a ubiquitin-like domain, a PHD finger, a YDG/SRA domain and a RING finger, was identified. Interaction between PCNP and NIRF was clarified by mammalian two-hybrid system, GST pull-down assay, and nuclear co-localization. RT-PCR showed that NIRF expression is high in proliferating phase but significantly low in G0/G1 phase in normal TIG-7 and WI-38 cells, while consistently high in tumoral HT-1080 and HepG2 cells, suggesting that NIRF is involved in cell-cycle regulation. The NIRF gene resides in 9p23-24.1 that is altered in numerous types of tumors at the top of frequency. Furthermore, the NIRF gene is just within small amplicons in some tumors, suggesting that PCNP and NIRF might be involved in some aspects of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Post-embryonic plant growth is dependent on a functional shoot apical meristem (SAM) that provides cells for continuous development of new aerial organs. However, how the SAM is dynamically maintained during vegetative development remains largely unclear. We report here the characterization of a new SAM maintenance mutant, sha1-1 (shoot apical meristem arrest 1-1), that shows a primary SAM-deficient phenotype at the adult stage. The SHA1 gene encodes a novel RING finger protein, and is expressed most intensely in the shoot apex. We show that, in the sha1-1 mutant, the primary SAM develops normally during the juvenile vegetative stage, but cell layer structure becomes disorganized after entering the adult vegetative stage, resulting in a dysfunctional SAM that cannot initiate floral primordia. The sha1-1 SAM terminates completely at the stage when the wild-type begins to bolt, producing adult plants with a primary inflorescence-deficient phenotype. These observations indicate that SHA1, a putative E3 ligase, is required for post-embryonic SAM maintenance by controlling proper cellular organization.  相似文献   

The RING domain is a conserved zinc finger motif, which serves as a protein-protein interaction interface. Searches of a human heart expressed sequence tag data base for genes encoding the RING domain identified a novel cDNA, named striated muscle RING zinc finger protein (SMRZ). The SMRZ cDNA is 1.9 kilobase pairs in length and encodes a polypeptide of 288 amino acid residues; analysis of the peptide sequence demonstrated an N-terminal RING domain. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized SMRZ to chromosome 1p33-34. Northern blots demonstrated that SMRZ is expressed exclusively in striated muscle. In the cardiovascular system, SMRZ is more highly expressed in the fetal heart than in the adult heart (slightly higher expression in the ventricle than in the atrium), suggesting that SMRZ is developmentally regulated. SMRZ was found to interact with SMT3b, a ubiquitin-like protein, through the SMRZ-RING domain. This interaction was abolished by mutagenesis of conserved RING domain residues. Transient transfection of SMRZ into C2C12 myoblasts showed localization of SMRZ to the nucleus. These data suggest that SMRZ may play an important role in striated muscle cell embryonic development and perhaps in cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

In a yeast two-hybrid screen, RING finger protein 1 (RFP-1) and UBR1 were identified as potential binding partners of C. elegans UBC-1, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme with a high degree of identity to S. cerevisiae UBC2/RAD6. The interaction of RFP-1 and UBC-1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Yeast interaction trap experiments mapped the region of interaction to the basic N-terminal 313 residues of RFP-1. The acidic carboxy-terminal extension of UBC-1 was not required for the interaction with RFP-1. Western blot analysis and indirect immunohistochemical staining show that RFP-1 is present in embryos, larvae, and adults, where it is found in intestinal, nerve ring, pharyngeal, gonadal, and oocyte cell nuclei. Double-stranded RNA interference experiments against rfp-1 indicate that this gene is required for L1 development, vulval development, and for egg laying. By contrast, RNA interference against ubc-1 gave no obvious phenotype, suggesting that ubc-1 is nonessential or is functionally redundant.  相似文献   

Outer mitochondrial membrane was purified from rat liver. Its constituent proteins were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by electrophoretic immunoblotting employing antibodies raised against total outer mitochondrial membrane. Anti-outer mitochondrial membrane antiserum reacted with only one polypeptide (15 kDa) in rough microsomes, whereas no immunological cross-reactivity was observed with other mitochondrial compartments (intermembrane space, inner membrane, or matrix) or with lysosomes or total cytosol. The antiserum was employed to characterize precursors of outer mitochondrial membrane proteins synthesized in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. One product (a 68 kDa polypeptide designated OMM-68) bound efficiently to mitochondria in vitro but did not interact with either dog pancreas or rat liver microsomes, either co-translationally or post-translationally. OMM-68 was synthesized exclusively by the membrane-free class of polyribosomes. Attachment of precursor OMM-68 to mitochondria was not accompanied by processing of the polypeptide to a different size.  相似文献   

Large multigene families of zinc finger proteins are expressed in vertebrates. One way of approaching their function is to characterize their structure, expression and biochemical properties. XFG 5-1 is a Xenopus zinc finger protein which is widely transcribed in oocytes, embryos and adult tissues. It carries a novel, non-finger repeat structure, which is common to a subfamily of Xenopus zinc finger proteins. The bacterially expressed protein exhibits specific RNA homopolymer binding activities with the zinc finger domain being sufficient for this ability. These findings suggest that XFG 5-1 serves a general biological function involving its RNA binding capacity.  相似文献   

The acrosome reaction (i.e. the exocytosis of the sperm vesicle) is a prerequisite for fertilization, but its molecular mechanism is largely unknown. We have identified a cDNA clone for a gene named haprin, which encodes a haploid germ cell-specific RING finger protein. This protein is a novel member of the RBCC (RING finger, B-box type zinc finger, and coiled-coil domain) motif family that has roles in several cellular processes, such as exocytosis. It is transcribed exclusively in testicular germ cells after meiotic division. Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses showed the molecular weight of Haprin protein to be Mr approximately 82,000. It was localized in the acrosomal region of elongated spermatids and mature sperm and was not present in acrosome-reacted sperm. The specific antibody against the RING finger domain of Haprin inhibited the acrosome reaction in permeabilized sperm. These results indicated that the novel RBCC protein Haprin plays a key role in the acrosome reaction and fertilization.  相似文献   

Potyviral helper-component proteinase (HCpro) is a multifunctional protein exerting its cellular functions in interaction with putative host proteins. In this study, cellular protein partners of the HCpro encoded by Potato virus A (PVA) (genus Potyvirus) were screened in a potato leaf cDNA library using a yeast two-hybrid system. Two cellular proteins were obtained that interact specifically with PVA HCpro in yeast and in the two in vitro binding assays used. Both proteins are encoded by single-copy genes in the potato genome. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that one (HIP1) of the two HCpro interactors is a novel RING finger protein. The sequence of the other protein (HIP2) showed no resemblance to the protein sequences available from databanks and has known biological functions.  相似文献   

A human cDNA, HFB30, encoding a novel protein that contains a RING finger (C3HC4-type zinc finger) motif was isolated. This cDNA clone consists of 3056 nucleotides and encodes an open reading frame of a 474 amino acid protein. From RT-PCR analysis, the messenger RNA was ubiquitously expressed in various human tissues. The gene was located to the chromosome 5q23.3-q31.1 region by PCR-based analyses with both a human/rodent monochromosomal hybrid cell panel and a radiation hybrid mapping panel. Furthermore, the gene consists of nine exons that span about 20 kb of genome DNA.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel protein (BERP) that is a specific partner for the tail domain of myosin V. Class V myosins are a family of molecular motors thought to interact via their unique C-terminal tails with specific proteins for the targeted transport of organelles. BERP is highly expressed in brain and contains an N-terminal RING finger, followed by a B-box zinc finger, a coiled-coil (RBCC domain), and a unique C-terminal beta-propeller domain. A yeast two-hybrid screening indicated that the C-terminal beta-propeller domain mediates binding to the tail of the class V myosin myr6 (myosin Vb). This interaction was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, which also demonstrated that BERP could associate with myosin Va, the product of the dilute gene. Like myosin Va, BERP is expressed in a punctate pattern in the cytoplasm as well as in the neurites and growth cones of PC12 cells. We also found that the RBCC domain of BERP is involved in protein dimerization. Stable expression of a mutant form of BERP lacking the myosin-binding domain but containing the dimerization domain resulted in defective PC12 cell spreading and prevented neurite outgrowth in response to nerve growth factor. Our studies present a novel interaction for the beta-propeller domain and provide evidence for a role for BERP in myosin V-mediated cargo transport.  相似文献   

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