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Lesions in the rat soleus muscle following eccentrically biased exercise   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Morphological changes in skeletal muscle related to lengthening (eccentric) contractions have been noted by several laboratories. However, a systematic examination of skeletal muscle following repetitive eccentric contractions is lacking. This study was undertaken to study lesions and determine their relative densities in rat soleus muscle 30 min following level or downhill treadmill exercise. Following fixation in situ by vascular perfusion, toluidine-blue-stained 1-micron sections of the muscle samples selected at 73-micron intervals were scanned with a light microscope. Three types of lesions were noted: focal disruptions in the A-band, localized dissolution of Z-lines, and clotting of muscle fibers. Soleus muscle from the caged controls and the tibialis anterior muscle from downhill-exercised rats were essentially free of lesions. Eighty-nine percent of the soleus m. lesions in the downhill runner group and 97% of those in the level runner group were A-band disruptions. A-band lesion density was significantly higher in the soleus muscle of the downhill runners compared to level runners with the highest incidence in the distal half. A-band lesion density was lower in soleus muscles from level runners; however, the highest intramuscular incidence was in the proximal rather than the distal end. The results indicate that a disruption of the A-band is a principal change within some skeletal muscle fibers 30 min following repetitive eccentric contractions.  相似文献   

1. Changes in miniature end-plate potential (m.e.p.p.) frequency by repetitive nerve stimulation were examined in the rat soleus muscle. 2. The increase of m.e.p.p. frequency was induced by repetitive stimulation and persisted for several minutes after the tetanus. That is, post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) of neuromuscular transmission was first demonstrated here in the rat soleus muscle. 3. The time course of the decay of m.e.p.p. frequency after the tetanus showed a double exponential curve which consisted of a fast decaying component (augmentation) and a slow decaying component (potentiation). 4. The magnitude of PTP depended on the stimulation frequency and its duration. It increased with the increase of duration and was at its maximum at a frequency of 100 Hz. 5. No PTP was elicited by repetitive stimulation under conditions in which end-plate potential (e.p.p.) was completely suppressed, and, moreover, m.e.p.p. frequency tended to decrease after the tetanus.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a form of cellular stress that is experienced by cells both under normal physiological conditions such as in professional...  相似文献   

Neuromuscular transmission was studied in diaphragms from rats of three ages, 4-7 days old, 11-12 days old, and adults with the use of an in vitro phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparation. Each hemidiaphragm was stimulated via either muscle or nerve with 1-s stimulus trains at frequencies from 10 to 100 Hz. The patterns of force development obtained in response to the two routes of stimulation were compared for each group. Diaphragms from adults developed maximum force in response to stimulation of approximately 40 Hz with no significant decrease in force at higher frequencies. Within each stimulus train, once peak force was achieved, it was maintained for the remainder of the stimulus and responses to nerve and muscle stimulation were almost identical. In contrast, diaphragms from 4- to 7-day-old rats developed maximum force at approximately 20 Hz; stimulation at greater than or equal to 60 Hz induced significantly less peak force. This decrease in peak force at higher frequencies was significantly larger for nerve than for muscle stimulation. In addition, during each nerve stimulus train diaphragms from 4- to 7-day-old rats were unable to maintain peak force, which decreased at frequencies greater than 20 Hz. The decrease in force reached approximately 50% of peak at stimulation frequencies greater than or equal to 60 Hz. Diaphragms from 11- to 12-day-old rats showed intermediate responses. Based on the responses to phrenic nerve stimulation, we conclude that the neonatal rat diaphragm shows marked neuromuscular transmission failure that is not seen in the adult.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Intrafusal fibres from the rat soleus were investigated for representative histochemical profiles in sedentary animals and animals chronically exercised for 17 weeks on a treadmill. The pattern of myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity in the polar region revealed three intrafusal fibre types: (1) myosin ATPase-dark (MD) fibres, alkali- and acid-stabile; (2) myosin ATPase-light (ML) fibres, alkali- and acid-labile; and (3) myosin ATPase-reversible (MR) fibres, alkali-stabile and acid-labile. The three fibre types were correlated with the level of reduced NADH diaphorase activity, with MR, ML and MD fibres staining dark, moderate and light, respectively. In the equatorial region the morphological features of representative ML and MD fibres revealed that they were nuclear bag fibres, while representative MR fibres were identified as nuclear chain fibres. The MR fibres in the exercised animals had higher levels of myosin ATPase alkaline stability and acid lability than MR fibres in the sedentary animals, suggesting the MR fibre profiles are selectively influenced by chronic exercise. The mean cross-sectional area of MR fibres from the exercised animals was significantly less than the MR fibres from the sedentary animals. In contrast to the effect of endurance training on NADH diaphorase activity in extrafusal muscle fibres, there was evidence of less activity in the MD fibres of the exercised animals.  相似文献   

Permeabilized rat soleus muscle fibers were subjected to repeated triangular length changes (paired ramp stretches/releases, 0.03 l(0), +/- 0.1 l(0) s(-1) imposed under sarcomere length control) to investigate whether the rate of stiffness recovery after movement increased with the level of Ca(2+) activation. Actively contracting fibers exhibited a characteristic tension response to stretch: tension rose sharply during the initial phase of the movement before dropping slightly to a plateau, which was maintained during the remainder of the stretch. When the fibers were stretched twice, the initial phase of the response was reduced by an amount that depended on both the level of Ca(2+) activation and the elapsed time since the first movement. Detailed analysis revealed three new and important findings. 1) The rates of stiffness and tension recovery and 2) the relative height of the tension plateau each increased with the level of Ca(2+) activation. 3) The tension plateau developed more quickly during the second stretch at high free Ca(2+) concentrations than at low. These findings are consistent with a cross-bridge mechanism but suggest that the rate of the force-generating power-stroke increases with the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and cross-bridge strain.  相似文献   

In female Wistar rats (n = 316) under pentobarbital sodium anesthesia, the soleus muscle was autografted with its nerve reimplanted. One purpose was to characterize the chronological development of graft innervation and recruitment during locomotion. Furthermore, we tested hypotheses regarding the efficacy of run conditioning of different intensities, durations, and postgrafting initiation times to alter mass and pyruvate-malate oxidation capacity of grafts. Choline acetyltransferase activity of grafts increased from 10% of control value at 7 days postgrafting to 55 and 100% at days 28 and 56, respectively. Running-induced glycogen depletion occurred in grafts; this is consistent with graft recruitment during locomotion. There was a threshold of conditioning intensity below which no improvements occurred and above which there were improvements. Spring (50 m/min) and endurance (30 m/min) conditioning of a duration of at least 28 days that was initiated at 28 or 56 days postgrafting increased mass of grafts by 30% compared with grafts from nonconditioned rats. Easy conditioning (15 m/min) had no effect on graft mass. Changes in graft total protein content paralleled those of mass. Oxidation capacity of grafts increased significantly with some conditioning protocols, but not to the same extent as mass. The exercise-induced adaptations should improve graft function in the host organism.  相似文献   

Abstract: The rate of fatty acid uptake, oxidation, and deposition in skeletal muscles in relation to total and unbound to albumin fatty acids concentration in the medium were investigated in the incubated rat soleus muscle. An immunohistochemical technique was applied to demonstrate whether the albumin-bound fatty acid complex from the medium penetrates well within all areas of the muscle strips. It was found that the percentage of incorporation of palmitic acid into intramuscular lipids was fairly constant, independently of the fatty acid concentration in the medium, and amounted to 63-72% for triacylglycerols, 7-12% for diacylglycerols-monoacylglycerols, and 19-26% for phospholipids. Both palmitic acid incorporation into the muscle triacylglycerol stores and its oxidation to CO2 closely correlated with an increase in both total and unbound to albumin fatty acid concentrations in the incubation medium. Under conditions of increased total but constant unbound to albumin palmitic acid concentrations, the incorporation of palmitic acid into triacylglycerols and its oxidation to CO2 were also increased, but to a lower extent. This supports the hypothesis that the cellular fatty acid metabolism depends not only on the availability of fatty acids unbound to albumin, but also on the availability of fatty acids complexed to albumin.  相似文献   

Although various exercise paradigms have been tested, none has completely prevented muscle atrophy during non-weight bearing. Because loaded eccentric contractions occur during normal daily activity but are absent during non-weight bearing, this investigation tested whether eccentric resistance training could prevent soleus muscle atrophy during non-weight bearing. Adult female rats were randomly assigned to either weight bearing +/- intramuscular electrodes or non-weight bearing +/- intramuscular electrodes groups. Electrically stimulated maximal eccentric contractions (4 sets of 6 repetitions at approximately 0.2 fiber lengths/s, 128 degrees range of motion) were performed on anesthetized animals at 48-h intervals during the 10-day experiment. Non-weight bearing significantly reduced soleus muscle wet weight (28-31%) and noncollagenous protein content (30-31%) compared with controls. Eccentric exercise training during non-weight bearing attenuated but did not prevent the loss of soleus muscle wet weight and noncollagenous protein by 77 and 44%, respectively. The potential of eccentric exercise training as an effective and highly efficient counter-measure to non-weight-bearing atrophy is demonstrated in the 44% attenuation of soleus muscle noncollagenous protein loss by eccentric exercise during only 0.035% of the total non-weight-bearing time period.  相似文献   

The present experiments show that cortisol when applied in vitro, exerted two different effects on the electrical excitability of the diaphragm muscle fibre membrane and on the neuromuscular transmission depending on the concentration used. At low concentrations (2.5X10(-6) mol.l-1) it potentiated action potentials, increased resting membrane polarization by 3--4 mV and did not affect neuromuscular transmission. Higher concentrations (10(-2) mol.l-1) suppressed the action potential to a certain extent, depolarized the muscle fibre membrane by 6 mV and reduced the amplitudes of m.e.p.p.s and e.p.p.s as well as those of iontophoretically evoked acetylcholine potentials. It was concluded that the effect of low concentrations of cortisol is primary and is probably due to the enhancement of resting membrane permeability for K+ ions and to the changes in ion channels. Cortisol in high doses increased muscle oxygen consumption, so that its suppressing effect might be due to inhibition of energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Myocyte-specific necrosis in the heart and soleus muscle of adult male Wistar rats was investigated in response to a single subcutaneous injection of the anabolic beta(2)-adrenergic receptor agonist clenbuterol. Necrosis was immunohistochemically detected by administration of a myosin antibody 1 h before the clenbuterol challenge and quantified by using image analysis. Clenbuterol-induced myocyte necrosis occurred against a background of zero damage in control muscles. In the heart, the clenbuterol-induced necrosis was not uniform, being more abundant in the left subendocardium and peaking 2.4 mm from the apex. After position (2.4 mm from the apex), dose (5 mg clenbuterol/kg), and sampling time (12 h) were optimized, maximum cardiomyocyte necrosis was found to be 1.0 +/- 0.2%. In response to the same parameters (i.e., 5 mg of clenbuterol and sampled at 12 h), skeletal myocyte necrosis was 4.4 +/- 0.8% in the soleus. These data show significant myocyte-specific necrosis in the heart and skeletal muscle of the rat. Such irreversible damage in the heart suggests that clenbuterol may be damaging to long-term health.  相似文献   

The influence of spaceflight on the distribution of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity throughout the cross section of fibers in the soleus was studied in five male rats and in five rats maintained under ground-based simulated flight conditions (control). The flight (COSMOS 1887) was 12.5 days in duration, and the animals were killed approximately 2 days after return to 1 G. Fibers were classified as slow-twitch oxidative or fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic in histochemically prepared tissue sections. The distribution of SDH activity throughout the cross section of 20-30 fibers (each type) was determined using quantitative histochemical and computer-assisted image analysis techniques. In all the fibers, the distribution of SDH activity was significantly higher in the subsarcolemmal than in intermyofibrillar region. After spaceflight the entire regional distribution of SDH activity was significantly altered in the slow-twitch oxidative fibers. The fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic fibers of the spaceflight muscles exhibited a significantly lower SDH activity only in their subsarcolemmal region. These data suggest that when determining the influence of spaceflight on muscle fiber oxidative metabolism enzymes, it is important to consider the location of the enzyme throughout the cross section of a fiber. Furthermore the functional properties of the soleus that depend on the metabolic support of mitochondria in the subsarcolemmal region may be primarily affected by exposure to microgravity.  相似文献   

Animal experiments suggest that an increase in sympathetic outflow can depress muscle spindle sensitivity and thus modulate the stretch reflex response. The results are, however, controversial, and human studies have failed to demonstrate a direct influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the sensitivity of muscle spindles. We studied the effect of increased sympathetic outflow on the short-latency stretch reflex in the soleus muscle evoked by tapping the Achilles tendon. Nine subjects performed three maneuvers causing a sustained activation of sympathetic outflow to the leg: 3 min of static handgrip exercise at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction, followed by 3 min of posthandgrip ischemia, and finally during a 3-min mental arithmetic task. Electromyography was measured from the soleus muscle with bipolar surface electrodes during the Achilles tendon tapping, and beat-to-beat changes in heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure were monitored continuously. Mean arterial pressure was significantly elevated during all three maneuvers, whereas heart rate was significantly elevated during static handgrip exercise and mental arithmetic but not during posthandgrip ischemia. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the short-latency stretch reflex was significantly increased during mental arithmetic (P < 0.05), static handgrip exercise (P < 0.001), and posthandgrip ischemia (P < 0.005). When expressed in percent change from rest, the mean peak-to-peak amplitude increased by 111 (SD 100)% during mental arithmetic, by 160 (SD 103)% during static handgrip exercise, and by 90 (SD 67)% during posthandgrip ischemia. The study clearly indicates a facilitation of the short-latency stretch reflex during increased sympathetic outflow. We note that the enhanced stretch reflex responses observed in relaxed muscles in the absence of skeletomotor activity support the idea that the sympathetic nervous system can exert a direct influence on the human muscle spindles.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to see whether changes in rat soleus characteristics due to 3 wk of hindlimb suspension could be modified by ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) treatment. Throughout the tail suspension period, the cytokine was delivered by means of an osmotic pump (flow rate 16 microg. kg(-1). h(-1)) implanted under the hindlimb skin. In contrast to extensor digitorum longus, CNTF treatment was able to reduce unweighting-induced atrophy in the soleus. Twitch and 146 mM potassium (K) tensions, measured in small bundles of unloaded soleus, decreased by 48 and 40%, respectively. Moreover, the time to peak tension and the time constant of relaxation of the twitch were 48 and 54% faster, respectively, in unloaded soleus than in normal muscle. On the contrary, twitch and 146 mM K contracture generated in CNTF-treated unloaded and normal soleus were not different. CNTF receptor-alpha mRNA expression increased in extensor digitorum longus and soleus unloaded nontreated muscles but was similar in CNTF-treated unloaded muscles. The present results demonstrate that exogenously provided CNTF could prevent functional changes occurring in soleus innervated muscle subject to unweighting.  相似文献   

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