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Slow currents through single sodium channels of the adult rat heart   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The currents through single Na+ channels from the sarcolemma of ventricular cells dissociated from adult rat hearts were studied using the patch-clamp technique. All patches had several Na+ channels; most had 5-10, while some had up to 50 channels. At 10 degrees C, the conductance of the channel was 9.8 pS. The mean current for sets of many identical pulses inactivated exponentially with a time constant of 1.7 +/- 0.6 ms at -40 mV. Careful examination of the mean currents revealed a small, slow component of inactivation at pulse potentials ranging from -60 to -30 mV. The time constant of the slow component was between 8 and 14 ms. The channels that caused the slow component had the same conductance and reversal potential as the fast Na+ currents and were blocked by tetrodotoxin. The slow currents appear to have been caused by repeated openings of one or more channels. The holding potential influenced the frequency with which such channel reopening occurred. The slow component was prominent during pulses from a holding potential of -100 mV, while it was very small during pulses from -140 mV. Ultraslow currents through the Na+ channel were observed occasionally in patches that had large numbers of channels. They consisted of bursts of 10 or more sequential openings of a single channel and lasted for up to 150 ms. We conclude that the single channel data cannot be explained by standard models, even those that have two inactivated states or two open states of the channel. Our results suggest that Na+ channels can function in several different "modes," each with a different inactivation rate.  相似文献   

Statistical properties of single sodium channels   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Single channel currents were obtained from voltage-activated sodium channels in outside-out patches of tissue-cultured GH3 cells, a clonal line from rat pituitary gland. In membrane patches where the probability of overlapping openings was low, the open time histograms were well fit by a single exponential. Most analysis was done on a patch with exactly one channel. We found no evidence for multiple open states at -25 and -40 mV, since open times, burst durations, and autocorrelation functions were time independent. Amplitude histograms showed no evidence of multiple conductance levels. We fit the gating with 25 different time-homogeneous Markov chain models having up to five states, using a maximum likelihood procedure to estimate the rate constants. For selected models, this procedure yielded excellent predictions for open time, closed time, and first latency density functions, as well as the probability of the channel being open after a step depolarization, the burst duration distribution, autocorrelation, and the distribution of number of openings per record. The models were compared statistically using likelihood ratio tests and Akaike's information criterion. Acceptable models allowed inactivation from closed states, as well as from the open state. Among the models eliminated as unacceptable by this survey were the Hodgkin-Huxley model and any model requiring a channel to open before inactivating.  相似文献   

Single sodium channel events were recorded from cell-attached patches on single canine cardiac Purkinje cells at 10-13 degrees C. Data from four patches containing two to four channels and one patch with one channel were selected for quantitative analysis. The channels showed prominent reopening behavior at voltages near threshold, and the number of reopenings declined steeply with depolarization. Mean channel open time was a biphasic function of voltage with the maximum value (1-1.5 ms) occurring between -50 and -40 mV and lower values at more and at less hyperpolarized levels. Inactivation without opening was also prominent near threshold, and this occurrence also declined with depolarization. The waiting time distributions and the probability of being open showed voltage and time dependence as expected from whole-cell current studies. The results were analyzed in terms of a five-state Markovian kinetic model using both histogram analysis and a maximum likelihood method to estimate kinetic parameters. The kinetic parameters of the model fits were similar to those of GH3 pituitary cells (Horn, R., and C. A. Vandenberg. 1984. Journal of General Physiology. 84:505-534) and N1E115 neuroblastoma cells (Aldrich, R. W., and C. F. Stevens. Journal of Neuroscience. 7:418-431). Both histogram and maximum likelihood analysis implied that much of the voltage dependence of cardiac Na current is in its activation behavior, with inactivation showing modest voltage dependence.  相似文献   

Ion selectivity of voltage-activated sodium channels is determined by amino-acid residues in the pore regions of all four homologous repeats. The major determinants are the residues DEKA (for repeats I-IV) which form a putative ring structure in the pore; the homologous structure in Ca-channels consists of EEEE. By combining site-directed mutagenesis of a non-inactivating form of the rat brain sodium channel II with electrophysiological methods, we attempted to quantify the importance of charge, size, and side-chain position of the amino-acid residues within this ring structure on channel properties such as monovalent cation selectivity, single-channel conductance, permeation and selectivity of divalent cations, and channel block by extracellular Ca2+ and tetrodotoxin (TTX). In all mutant channels tested, even those with the same net charge in the ring structure as the wild type, the selectivity for Na+ and Li+ over K+, Rb+, Cs+, and NH4 + was significantly reduced. The changes in charge did not correlate in a simple fashion with the single-channel conductances. Permeation of divalent ions (Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, Mn2+) was introduced by some of the mutations. The IC50 values for the Ca2+ block of Na+ currents decreased exponentially with increasing net negative charge of the selectivity ring. The sensitivity towards channel block by TTX was reduced in all investigated mutants. Mutations in repeat IV are an exception as they caused smaller effects on all investigated channel properties compared with the other repeats. Received: 24 July 1996 / Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   

The single-channel blocking kinetics of tetrodotoxin (TTX), saxitoxin (STX), and several STX derivatives were measured for various Na-channel subtypes incorporated into planar lipid bilayers in the presence of batrachotoxin. The subtypes studied include Na channels from rat skeletal muscle and rat brain, which have high affinity for TTX/STX, and Na channels from denervated rat skeletal muscle and canine heart, which have about 20-60-fold lower affinity for these toxins at 22 degrees C. The equilibrium dissociation constant of toxin binding is an exponential function of voltage (e-fold per 40 mV) in the range of -60 to +60 mV. This voltage dependence is similar for all channel subtypes and toxins, indicating that this property is a conserved feature of channel function for batrachotoxin-activated channels. The decrease in binding affinity for TTX and STX in low-affinity subtypes is due to a 3-9-fold decrease in the association rate constant and a 4-8-fold increase in the dissociation rate constant. For a series of STX derivatives, the association rate constant for toxin binding is approximately an exponential function of net toxin charge in membranes of neutral lipids, implying that there is a negative surface potential due to fixed negative charges in the vicinity of the toxin receptor. The magnitude of this surface potential (-35 to -43 mV at 0.2 M NaCl) is similar for both high- and low-affinity subtypes, suggesting that the lower association rate of toxin binding to toxin-insensitive subtypes is not due to decreased surface charge but rather to a slower protein conformational step. The increased rates of toxin dissociation from insensitive subtypes can be attributed to the loss of a few specific bonding interactions in the binding site such as loss of a hydrogen bond with the N-1 hydroxyl group of neosaxitoxin, which contributes about 1 kcal/mol of intrinsic binding energy.  相似文献   

The sodium channel purified from rat brain is a heterotrimeric complex of alpha (Mr 260,000), beta 1 (Mr 36,000), and beta 2 (Mr 33,000) subunits. alpha and beta 2 are attached by disulfide bonds. Removal of beta 1 subunits by incubation in 1.0 M MgCl2 followed by reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles yielded a preparation of alpha beta 2 which did not bind [3H]saxitoxin, mediate veratridine-activated 22Na+ influx, or bind the 125I-labeled alpha-scorpion toxin from Leiurus quinquestriatus (LqTx). In contrast, removal of beta 2 subunits by reduction of disulfide bonds with 1.5 mM dithiothreitol followed by reconstitution into phospholipid vesicles yielded a preparation of alpha beta 1 that retained full sodium channel function. Alpha beta 1 bound [3H]saxitoxin with a KD of 4.1 nM at 36 degrees C. It mediated veratridine-activated 22Na+ influx at a comparable initial rate as intact sodium channels with a K0.5 for veratridine of 46 microM. Tetracaine and tetrodotoxin blocked 22Na+ influx. Like intact sodium channels, alpha beta 1 bound 125I-LqTx in a voltage-dependent manner with a KD of approximately 6 nM at a membrane potential of -60 mV and was specifically covalently labeled by azidonitrobenzoyl 125I-LqTx. When incorporated into planar phospholipid bilayers, alpha beta 1 formed batrachotoxin-activated sodium channels of 24 pS whose voltage-dependent activation was characterized by V50 = -110 mV and an apparent gating charge of 3.3 +/- 0.3. These results indicate that beta 2 subunits are not required for the function of purified and reconstituted sodium channels while a complex of alpha and beta 1 subunits is both necessary and sufficient for channel function in the purified state.  相似文献   

Associated with the opening and closing of the sodium channels of nerve membrane is a small component of capacitative current, the gating current. After termination of a depolarizing step the gating current and sodium current decay with similar time courses. Both currents decay more rapidly at relatively negative membrane voltages than at positive ones. The gating current that flows during a depolarizing step is diminished by a pre-pulse that inactivates the sodium permeability. A pre-pulse has no effect after inactivation has been destroyed by internal perfusion with the proteolytic enzyme pronase. Gating charge (considered as positive charge) moves outward during a positive voltage step, with voltage dependent kinetics. The time constant of the outward gating current is a maximum at about minus 10 mV, and has a smaller value at voltages either more positive or negative than this value.  相似文献   

Free arachidonic acid is released rapidly in the brain at the onset of ischemia and during convulsions. The transient nature of this phenomenon indicates the existence of an active reacylation system for this fatty acid, likely an arachidonoyl-CoA synthetase-arachidonoyl transferase. The first of these enzymatic activities in brain microsomes was studied and it was found that [1-14C]arachidonic acid is rapidly activated and shows an absolute requirement for ATP and CoA. MgCl2 enhances this activity 10-fold. The optimum pH is 8.5, and the apparent Km values for the radiolabeled substrate, ATP, CoA, and MgCl2 are 36, 154, 8, and 182 microM, respectively. The apparent Vmax is 32.4 nmol/min/mg protein for arachidonic acid. The presence of Triton X-100 (0.1%) in the assay medium caused a significant reduction in apparent Km (9.4 microM) and Vmax (25.7 nmol/min/mg protein) values. The enzymatic activity is thermolabile with a T1/2 of less than 1 min at 45 degrees C and a maximal activity at 40 degrees C. The breaking point or transition temperature is 25 degrees C in an Arrhenius plot. The activation energies were 95 kJ/mol from 0 to 25 degrees C and 30 kJ/mol from 25 to 40 degrees C. Fatty acid competition studies showed inhibition by unlabeled docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids with a Ki of 31 and 37 microM, respectively, in the absence and 18 and 7.7 microM in the presence of Triton X-100. Palmitic acid and oleic acid slightly inhibited the reaction whereas linoleic acid inhibited it to a moderate extent. It is concluded that this very active enzyme can activate arachidonic acid as well as docosahexaenoic acid in brain microsomes. In addition, this reaction may be involved in regulating the pool size of these free fatty acids in brain by rapid removal through activation, thus limiting eicosanoid formation. Moreover, the rapid formation of polyenoic acyl-coenzyme A may participate in the retention of essential fatty acids in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We have studied cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of sodium channels in rat brain neurons maintained in primary culture. In back phosphorylation studies, cells were treated with drugs to increase intracellular cAMP and sodium channels were solubilized and isolated by immunoprecipitation. Surface and intracellular pools of sodium channels were isolated separately. Purified channels were then phosphorylated with [gamma-32P]ATP by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase to incorporate 32P into available cAMP-dependent phosphorylation sites. The amount of 32P incorporated in vitro is inversely proportional to the extent of endogenous phosphorylation. Incubation of cells with forskolin (0.1-100 microM), 8-Br-cAMP (0.1-10 mM), or isobutylmethylxanthine (0.01-1.0 mM) inhibited subsequent incorporation of 32P into isolated sodium channels by 70-80%, indicating that treatment of cells with these drugs had increased endogenous phosphorylation to nearly maximum levels. The phosphopeptides phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro were identical. To examine the magnitude of basal phosphorylation and the extent of stimulated phosphorylation, the amount of 32P incorporated into sodium channels from control and stimulated cells was compared to that from matched samples which had been dephosphorylated with calcineurin. Sodium channels from control cells incorporated approximately 2-fold more 32P after dephosphorylation, indicating that cAMP-dependent sites on the channel are at least 47% phosphorylated in the basal state. Sodium channels from forskolin-treated cells incorporated 7-8-fold more 32P after dephosphorylation, indicating that cAMP-dependent phosphorylation sites are 80-90% phosphorylated after stimulation. Cell surface and intracellular pools of sodium channels were phosphorylated similarly. In cells metabolically labeled with 32P, cell surface sodium channels incorporated 2.7 mol of phosphate/mol of channel. Forskolin stimulated 32P incorporation into sodium channels 1.3-fold, consistent with the results obtained by back phosphorylation. We conclude that the rat brain sodium channel is substantially phosphorylated in both the cell surface and intracellular pools in vivo in unstimulated rat brain neurons, and the extent of phosphorylation is increased to 80-90% of maximum phosphorylation by agents that elevate intracellular cAMP.  相似文献   

The Ile-Phe-Met (IFM) motif located in the Ill-IV linker of voltage-gated sodium channels has been identified as a major component of the fast inactivation gate. If Gln was substituted for Phe, the role in the gate was disrupted completely. If Ile was replaced by Gln inactivation became slightly incomplete and if the Thr, which is adjacent to the IFM motif (-IFMT-), was replaced by Met, inactivation became much more incomplete than in the I/Q mutation, but not as vigorous as in the F/Q mutation. Previously, we studied the structures of the inactivation gate-related peptide (K1480-K1496 in rat brain type-IIA, MP-3A) and its F1489/Q substituted one (MP-4A) in SDS micelles and found that the conformational change of the IFM hydrophobic cluster due to the F/Q substitution may be a reason for disrupting the gate. In this study, in order to obtain supporting evidence for this view and also to further knowledge of the effect of I/Q and T/M mutations on the structure of the IFM cluster, we studied the structures of 11488Q [MP(rb)-3QFMT] and T1491M [MP(rb)-31FMM] substituted peptides. The fragment peptide K1477-K1493 [MP(hh)-3A] and its T1488M substituted peptide [MP(hh)-3IFMM] in the human heart sodium channel were also studied. It was found that the backbone structures around the IMF motif of MP-3A, MP(hh)-3A and MP(rb)-3QFMT resemble one another in such a manner that the residues Ile(Gln) and Thr are brought so close together that they form a unique type of lid to occlude the pore. In contrast, the residues between Ile and M1491 of MP(rb)-3IFMM or M1488 of MP(hh)-3IFMM were fairly far apart from each other. We conclude that Thr plays an important role in forming a structure of the IFM hydrophobic cluster for inactivation.  相似文献   

Inactivation viewed through single sodium channels   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Recordings of the sodium current in tissue-cultured GH3 cells show that the rate of inactivation in whole cell and averaged single channel records is voltage dependent: tau h varied e-fold/approximately 26 mV. The source of this voltage dependence was investigated by examining the voltage dependence of individual rate constants, estimated by maximum likelihood analysis of single channel records, in a five-state kinetic model. The rate constant for inactivating from the open state, rather than closing, increased with depolarization, as did the probability that an open channel inactivates. The rate constant for closing from the open state had the opposite voltage dependence. Both rate constants contributed to the mean open time, which was not very voltage dependent. Both open time and burst duration were less than tau h for voltages up to -20 mV. The slowest time constant of activation, tau m, was measured from whole cell records, by fitting a single exponential either to tail currents or to activating currents in trypsin-treated cells, in which the inactivation was abolished. tau m was a bell-shaped function of voltage and had a voltage dependence similar to tau h at voltages more positive than -35 mV, but was smaller than tau h. At potentials more negative than about -10 mV, individual channels may open and close several times before inactivating. Therefore, averaged single channel records, which correspond with macroscopic current elicited by a depolarization, are best described by a convolution of the first latency density with the autocorrelation function rather than with 1 - (channel open time distribution). The voltage dependence of inactivation from the open state, in addition to that of the activation process, is a significant factor in determining the voltage dependence of macroscopic inactivation. Although the rates of activation and inactivation overlapped greatly, independent and coupled inactivation could not be statistically distinguished for two models examined. Although rates of activation affect the observed rate of inactivation at intermediate voltages, extrapolation of our estimates of rate constants suggests that at very depolarized voltages the activation process is so fast that it is an insignificant factor in the time course of inactivation. Prediction of gating currents shows that an inherently voltage-dependent inactivation process need not produce a conspicuous component in the gating current.  相似文献   

Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are important for regulating sodium transport across epithelia. Functional studies indicate that neural mechanisms acting through mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and sodium channels (presumably ENaC) are crucial to the development of sympathoexcitation and hypertension in experimental models of salt-sensitive hypertension. However, expression and localization of the ENaC in cardiovascular regulatory centers of the brain have not yet been studied. RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were performed to study ENaC and MR expression at the mRNA and protein levels, respectively. Both mRNA and protein for alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits and MR were found to be expressed in the rat brain. All three ENaC subunits and MR were present in the supraoptic nucleus, magnocellular paraventricular nucleus, hippocampus, choroid plexus, ependyma, and brain blood vessels, suggesting the presence of multimeric channels and possible regulation by mineralocorticoids. In most cortical areas, thalamus, amygdala, and suprachiasmatic nucleus, notable expression of gamma-ENaC was undetectable, whereas alpha- and beta-ENaC were abundantly expressed pointing to the possibility of a heterogeneous population of channels. The findings suggest that stoichiometrically different populations of ENaC may be present in both epithelial and neural components in the brain, which may contribute to regulation of cerebrospinal fluid and interstitial Na+ concentration as well as neuronal excitation.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial glutamate-aspartate exchange carrier catalyzes the electrogenic exchange of intramitochondrial aspartate for extramitochondrial glutamate. Protons are cotransported with glutamate in a 1:1 ratio. In the present study, the effects of pH and glutamate concentration on glutamate entry into intact mitochondria were determined. Hydrogen ions were found to decrease the Km for glutamate entry. In addition, using glutamate-loaded submitochondrial particles, aspartate transport into the particles was measured as a function of internal and external glutamate concentrations, pH, and electrical potential across the membrane. Glutamate, was a competitive inhibitor of aspartate transport when both amino acids were present on the same side of the membrane, while H+ was a noncompetitive inhibitor of aspartate entry into the particles. A decrease in glutamate concentration on the inside of the particles brought about a parallel decrease in V and Km for aspartate outside of the particles, thus suggesting a ping-pong mechanism for the carrier. The uncoupling agent, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (FCCP), lowered both the Km and V of aspartate transport, while the effect on V was somewhat larger. Data obtained in the presence of KSCN was similar to that obtained with FCCP, and therefore it is concluded that both Km and V changes are dependent on a change of electrical potential across the membrane. A model for the carrier is proposed, which is consistent with the data presented. The model includes a single binding site specific for either glutamate or aspartate, and a separate binding site for the cotransported proton. The affinity of the binding site for protons is increased by simultaneous glutamate binding, but decreased by aspartate binding. The data suggest that an increase in the membrane potential increases the mobility of the charged carrier-aspartate complex, but also facilitates some additional step in the exchange cycle involving subsequent return of the carrier to the matrix side of the membrane. The additional membrane-potential-dependent step could be proton binding on the cytosolic side of the carrier.  相似文献   

Kinetic and steady-state characteristics of sodium channels of the Ranvier node membrane, modified by aconitine, were investigated by the voltage clamp method. Channels modified by aconitine were shown to be only partially inactivated. Dependence of the fraction of uninactivated channels on voltage can be described by a model of a channel with three states: closed, open, and inactivated. It is suggested that aconitine does not significantly change the parameters of the inactivated state. Repolarization of the membrane to between –70 and –110 mV after a long (10 msec) test shift of potential induces initially a rapid decline of the current ("tail"), followed by a slow rise to the steady-state value. To explain the kinetics of this current it is necessary to postulate two or more open states of the channel.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 612–618, November–December, 1980.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels from a rat brain membrane preparation ("synaptosomes") were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The effects of calcium, barium, strontium, manganese, and cadmium ions on the amplitudes and kinetics of single channel currents were examined. The order of single channel conductances was gBa greater than gSr greater than gMn, which was the inverse of the order of the mean channel open times: TMn greater than TCa = TSr greater than TBa. In contrast, the identity of the charge carrier had little or no effect on the mean closed times of the channel. Manganese, in the absence of other permeant ions, can pass through single channels (gMn = 4 pS). However, when added to a solution that contained another type of permeant divalent cation, manganese reduced the single channel current in a voltage-dependent manner. Cadmium, a potent blocker of macroscopic "ensemble" calcium currents in many preparations, reduced the current through an open channel in a manner consistent with Cd ions both not being measurably permeant and interacting with a single site. The permeant ions competed with cadmium for this site with the following order: Mn greater than Sr = Ca greater than Ba. These results are consistent with the existence of no less than one divalent cation binding site in the channel that regulates ion permeation.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels are responsible for inward movement of sodium and calcium during electrical signals in cell membranes. Their principal subunits are members of a gene family and can function as voltage-gated ion channels by themselves. They are expressed in association with one or more auxiliary subunits which increase functional expression and modify the functional properties of the principal subunits. Structural elements which are required for voltage-dependent activation, selective ion conductance, and inactivation have been identified, and their mechanisms of action are being explored through mutagenesis, expression in heterologous cells, and functional analysis. These experiments reveal that these two channels are built on a common structural theme with variations appropriate for functional specialization of each channel type.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanisms involved in some brain disorders at the membrane level, we studied the kinetics and biochemical properties of brain CTP:choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (EC, the rate-limiting enzyme of the two-step biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine. This enzyme catalyzes the biosynthesis of CDPcholine from choline phosphate and CTP. We found that its subcellular localization (mainly in microsomal and cytosolic fractions) was different from that of phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (EC, the enzyme of the alternative pathway for phosphatidylcholine synthesis. CTP:choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase showed a Km of 10 mM for CTP and 0.3 mM for choline phosphate and exhibited a random mechanism. CDPcholine, the reaction product, was a competitive inhibitor of choline phosphate and CTP utilization and had a Ki of 0.090 mM. Both particulate and soluble enzymes required Mg2+ and exhibited an optimal pH at about 7. Cytosolic activity was enhanced by addition of unsaturated fatty acids or phospholipids extracted from brain membranes. Such an enhancement was increased with the centrifugation time used for preparing the soluble enzyme.  相似文献   

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