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Easy identification of cDNA clones   总被引:117,自引:30,他引:117       下载免费PDF全文
A set of six cloning vectors, pUR 278, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292 is presented. These vectors have the cloning sites, BamHI, SalI, PstI, XbaI and HindIII, in all frames at the 3' end of the lacZ gene. Insertion of cDNA in the proper cloning sites leads to a fusion protein of active beta-galactosidase and the peptide encoded by the cDNA. A simple immunoenzymatic assay can be used to identify clones in such a cDNA library.  相似文献   

Chung JY  Kim TK  Lee GM 《BioTechniques》2000,29(4):768-7O, 762, 74
To facilitate the establishment of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cell lines with dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr)-mediated gene amplification, a primary selection method based on morphology of parental CHO clones has been developed. Morphology of parental clones that were made by transfecting various plasmids encoding thrombopoietin (TPO) and its analogs and humanized antibodies into dhfr-deficient (dhfr-) CHO cells was not uniform. Morphology of many parental clones exhibiting high-level expression of the introduced gene was similar to that of nontransfected dhfr- CHO cells. On the other hand, most parental clones with low-level expression experienced noticeable morphological changes such as bipolar fibroblast-like morphology. In case of selection of parental clones with TPO expression level higher than 200 ng/mL, morphological selection improved selection efficiency by 3.5-fold compared with random selection. Furthermore, when subjected to methotrexate for gene amplification, parental clones that were selected based on morphology elevated the expression level as much as those that were selected randomly. Taken together, morphological selection of parental clones can facilitate the establishment of rCHO cell lines expressing recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

We report a simple in vivo technique for introducing an antibiotic resistance marker into phage lambda. This technique could be used for direct selection of lysogens harboring recombinant phages from the Kohara lambda bank (a collection of ordered lambda clones carrying Escherichia coli DNA segments). The two-step method uses homologous recombination and lambda DNA packaging to replace the nonessential lambda DNA lying between the lysis genes and the right cohesive (cos) end with the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt) gene from Tn903. This occurs during lytic growth of the phage on a plasmid-containing host strain. Neomycin-resistant (npt+) recombinant phages are then selected from the lysates containing the progeny phage by transduction of a polA1 lambda lysogenic host strain to neomycin resistance. We have tested this method with two different Kohara lambda phage clones; in both cases, neomycin resistance cotransduced with the auxotrophic marker carried by the lambda clone, indicating complete genetic linkage. Linkage was verified by restriction mapping of purified DNA from a recombinant phage clone. We also demonstrate that insertion of the npt+ recombinant phages into the lambda prophage can be readily distinguished from insertion into bacterial chromosomal sequences.  相似文献   

Direct sequencing of lambda-gt11 recombinant clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B S Kim  C Jue 《BioTechniques》1990,8(2):156-160

Use of DHPLC for rapid screening of recombinant clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Complementary DNA clones specific for phospholamban have been isolated from a canine cardiac cDNA library. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA sequence showed that phospholamban consisted of 52 amino acid residues and was synthesized without an amino-terminal signal sequence. The RNA blot analysis revealed that phospholamban mRNAs were represented by two main species of approximately 1.2kb and approximately 2.8kb. These mRNAs appeared to differ primarily in the length of the 3' untranslated region.  相似文献   

Dabrowski S  Brillowska-Dabrowska A  Kur J 《BioTechniques》2000,29(4):800, 802, 804, 806 passim
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a convenient and versatile tool as a reporter protein in many aspects of science. Here, we show that the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) variant may be used advantageously as a reporter system for directional cloning of blunt-ended PCR products. We have constructed a pUC18-derived plasmid containing a reporter gene coding EYFP cloned into the BamHI/HindIII sites. The blunt-ended PCR product is cloned into the SmaI site of that plasmid. A reverse PCR primer must be designed with extra bases on the 5' end that are required to introduce a ribosome binding site (rbs) for EYFP expression. The reporter gene coding EYFP is not expressed unless an rbs is introduced in the proper orientation at the 3' end of the cloned PCR insert. The results of this cloning procedure may be analyzed by simple visual inspection using a transilluminator. In most cases, successful directional cloning results in white fluorescent colonies. The proposed procedure is a convenient method that can reduce the time- and labor-intensive analysis of the clones obtained during blunt-ended PCR product cloning.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA techniques allow any parasite gene to be isolated, propagated and analysed in great detail. The techniques are now well known and widely used in research on parasite diagnosis, vaccine development and identification of chemotherapeutic targets. There are difficulties, for example in analysing carbohydrate antigens, and in selecting which genes merit the intensive investigation required. In this article john Kelly and Mark Blaxter discuss two simple procedures that allow recombinant clones to be characterized rapidly on the basis of both the parasite DNA sequences that they carry and the parasite antigens that they produce. They take examples from work on antigens of Leishmania donovani.  相似文献   

Summary A genetic procedure for selection of specific clones, by homologous recombination between clones from a gene clonotheque and sequences cloned into a plasmid, was developed. Resulting clones are isolated in transduction experiments by plating infected Escherichia coli cells under conditions selecting for the antibiotic resistance marker carried by the plasmid. The feasibility of the method was demonstrated in a model test system as well as by isolation of -interferon-specific sequences from the human gene clonotheque.  相似文献   

We have used polymerase chain reaction to accelerate our analysis of recombinant lambda-cDNA clones. We have amplified the inserts of lambda gt10 or lambda gt11 recombinants starting with bacteriophage in cored plaques or isolated DNA. The amplifications made with simple or complex oligonucleotide primers have allowed convenient sizing, subcloning and translation of the phage inserts into protein.  相似文献   

Brugia malayi: recombinant antigens expressed by genomic DNA clones   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Brugia malayi genomic DNA expression library was screened with rabbit antiserum generated against live infective larvae and 33 clones were identified. Five randomly selected clones were characterized in detail by Western blot, DNA and RNA analyses. The fusion proteins produced by each of these recombinant DNA clones are expressed by different genomic sequences. A profile of antigenic cross-reactivities of all 33 recombinant clones was compiled using a battery of antisera, including sera from humans infected with B. malayi. A high percentage of clones were cross-reactive with antisera against the filarial parasites B. pahangi, Dirofilaria immitis, and Onchocerca volvulus. We have made a preliminary identification of three categories of recombinant clones encoding (1) antigens that were cross-reactive with some or all antisera tested, (2) antigens that were specific to the Brugia genus, and (3) antigens that appeared to be specific to B. malayi. These recombinant antigens are candidates for further studies in filarial immunoprophylaxis and diagnosis.  相似文献   

Antibodies are essential for the identification and characterization of proteins. In the current postgenomic era the need for highly specific antibodies has further increased not only for research applications but also because they represent one of the most promising therapeutic options, especially in the field of cancer treatment. One appealing approach for rapid and inexpensive antibody generation is the use of phage display. This technique allows for a fast and animal-free selection of highly functional alternatives to classical antibodies. However, one strong limitation of this recombinant approach has been the difficulty in producing and purifying antigens. These steps have to be adjusted for each new target, are time consuming and sometimes present an insurmountable obstacle. Here we report the development of new antibody selection approach where antigens are produced through in vitro translation and are used directly and without the need for purification. With this approach we were able to rapidly select recombinant antibodies directed against GFP and the mammalian protein tsg101, respectively. We believe that our method greatly facilitates antigen preparation and thus may broaden the use of the recombinant approach for antibody generation, especially since the technique could in the future be adapted to a high-throughput technology, thus further accelerating antibody selection.  相似文献   

A pair of small plasmid vectors have been constructed, which complement chlorate-resistant chlB mutants of Escherichia coli to chlorate reduction under anaerobic conditions. This potentially lethal function can be inactivated by the insertion of DNA fragments into a multiple cloning site. After transformation of competent mutant cells with a ligation mixture, simultaneous selection for the plasmid-coded drug resistance and for the inactivation of the complementing gene directly yields colonies, which harbor recombinant plasmids. It is demonstrated that this cloning system can be used with an efficiency beyond 90%. Vector sequences are provided.  相似文献   

Supernatants collected after primary or secondary stimulation of spleen cells contain different arrays of lymphokines. Primary supernatants from spleen cells stimulated with Con A or allogeneic spleen cells (MLC-SF) contain IL-2 but little IL-4 or IGN-gamma; in contrast, secondary MLC-SF contains IL-2 as well as substantial IL-4 and IFN-gamma. Our laboratory previously had always used secondary MLC-SF for cloning T cells, and had routinely obtained TH1 helper T lymphocyte clones. In the present study, when primary Con A-SF was used as source of growth factors, TH2 and not TH1 clones were preferentially derived. Considering the possibility that IFN-gamma may be one important factor in determining whether TH1 or TH2 clones are preferentially obtained, clone derivation was then performed either in the presence of rIL-2 or rIL-2 plus rIFN-gamma. The majority of clones derived using rIL-2 alone were TH2 cells, whereas the majority of clones derived using rIL-2 plus rIFN-gamma were TH1 cells. Using either procedure, some clones were obtained that produced IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. These data are consistent with our previous observations that IFN-gamma inhibits the proliferation of TH2 but not TH1 clones, and suggest that the presence of IFN-gamma during an immune response would result in the preferential expansion of helper T lymphocytes of the TH1 phenotype. Our procedure for the differential selection of TH1 and TH2 clones reactive with the same Ag should be useful for designing in vitro systems for studying the function of these cell subsets in specific immune responses.  相似文献   

A scale-flexible and cost-efective protocol for plasmid preparation is described to cover miniprep and midiprep scale work in a microcentriguge format for analysis of recombinant clones. this protocol relies on a modified alkaline lysis of Escherichia coli cells and subsequent purification of plasmid DNA with no organic extraction and alcohol precipitation. It can process up to 20 mL of E. coli cells carrying 3–10 kbp plasmid vectors in <10 min. Flexprep delivers sufficient yield and purity of plasmid DNA for routine applications including restriction enzyme digestion and fluorescent automated sequencing.  相似文献   

Construction of synthetic genes is today the most elegant way to optimize the heterologous expression of a recombinant protein. However, the selection of positive clones that incorporate the correct synthetic DNA fragments is a bottleneck as current methods of gene synthesis introduce 3.5 nucleotide deletions per kb. Furthermore, even when all predictable optimizations for protein production have been introduced into the synthetic gene, production of the protein is often disappointing: protein is produced in too low amounts or end up in inclusion bodies. We propose a strategy to overcome these two problems simultaneously by cloning the synthetic gene upstream of a reporter gene. This permits the selection of clones devoid of frame-shift mutations. In addition, beside nucleotide deletion, an average of three non-neutral mutations per kb are introduced during gene synthesis. Using a reporter protein downstream of the synthetic gene, allows the selection of clones with random mutations improving the expression or the folding of the protein of interest. The problem of errors found in synthetic genes is then turned into an advantage since it provides polymorphism useful for molecular evolution. The use of synthetic genes appears as an alternative to the error-prone PCR strategy to generate the variations necessary in protein engineering experiments.  相似文献   

Transient dominant selection of recombinant vaccinia viruses.   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A general method for constructing and selecting recombinant vaccinia viruses with insertions, deletions, or mutations in any gene that is similar in principle to one originally devised for Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. Scherer and R. W. Davis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76:4951-4955, 1979) is described. The selectable marker used, Escherichia coli guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, is not retained within the final recombinant virus, and hence, this procedure may be used serially to introduce several foreign genes or to make multiple site-directed mutations.  相似文献   

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