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The enzyme arylsulfatase B (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase; ASB; ARSB), which removes 4-sulfate groups from the nonreducing end of chondroitin-4-sulfate (C4S;CSA) and dermatan sulfate, has cellular effects, beyond those associated with the lysosomal storage disease mucopolysaccharidosis VI. Previously, reduced ASB activity was reported in cystic fibrosis patients and in malignant human mammary epithelial cell lines in tissue culture compared to normal cells. ASB silencing and overexpression were associated with alterations in syndecan-1 and decorin expression in MCF-7 cells and in IL-8 secretion in human bronchial epithelial cells. In this report, we present the role of ASB in the regulation of the kininogen–bradykinin axis owing to its effect on chondroitin-4-sulfation and the interaction of C4S with kininogen. Silencing or overexpression of ASB in normal rat kidney epithelial cells in tissue culture modified the content of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAGs), C4S, kininogen, and bradykinin in spent media and cell lysates. Treatment of the cultured cells with chondroitinase ABC also increased the secretion of bradykinin into the spent media and reduced the C4S-associated kininogen. When ASB was overexpressed, the cellular kininogen that associated with C4S declined, suggesting a vital role for chondroitin-4-sulfation in regulating the kininogen–C4S interaction. These findings suggest that ASB, owing to its effect on chondroitin-4-sulfation, may impact on the kininogen–bradykinin axis and, thereby, may influence blood pressure.Because ASB activity is influenced by several ions, including chloride and phosphate, ASB activity may provide a link between salt responsiveness and the bradykinin-associated mechanism of blood pressure regulation.  相似文献   

R A Gelman  J Blackwell 《Biopolymers》1973,12(9):1959-1974
Circular dichroism spectroscopy has been used to study the interactions of both dermatan sulfate and chondroitin 4-sulfate with the cationic polypeptides; poly(L -arginine), poly(L -lysine), and poly(L -ornithine). The results indicate that the mucopolysaccharides have a conformation directing effect on both poly(L -arginine) and poly-(L -lysine) such that these polypeptides adopt the α-helical conformation. The extent of interaction in each polypeptide-polysaccharide system can be judged by the degree of induced helicity and the “melting temperature” at which the interaction is disrupted On comparison of these results with those previously obtained for chondroitin 6-sulfate-polypeptide mixtures, the extent of interaction can be seen to depend on the length of the amino acid side chain and the positions of the anionic groups on the mucopolysaccharide chain. Such considerations place the three mucopolysaccharides in order of increasing interaction: chondroitin 4-sulfate < chondroitin 6-sulfate < dermatan sulfate. These results are correlated with observations that dermatan sulfate is bound more tightly to collagen in connective tissues than are the other two polysaccharides.  相似文献   

UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate (UDP-GalNAc-4-S) was isolated from hen oviduct (isthmus) with a yield of 31 μmol per 100 g of wet tissue and used for arylsulfatase B (ASB) activity determination. Two HPLC methods of separation and quantitation of the reaction product were described: (1) an original gradient elution method which makes it possible to determine the reaction product when only partially purified ASB was used and additional uridine derivatives were formed during incubation: (2) an improved, fast isocratic elution method which may be used in the case of purified ASB preparations, devoid of other nucleotide hydrolysing enzymes. For both methods the detection limit was 0.1 nmol of product with standard error of determination ?3%. Using the gradient elution method we have found that UDP-GalNAc-4-S was hydrolysed by bovine arylsulfatase B1 most efficiently at pH 5.0 and concentration 0.5 mM with Km=85 μM.  相似文献   

The conformation of the chondroitin-4-sulfate calcium salt was investigated by X-ray analysis. The following results were obtained. 1, The repeat length per disaccharide was 0.913 nm: 2, The molecular chain had three-fold screw symmetry: 3, The shape of the unit cell was a trigonal prism with dimensions a=b=1.28 nm, c=2.74 nm, and gamma=120 degrees: 4, The number of disaccharide residues in the unit cell was six. Two molecular chains were packed in the unit cell.  相似文献   

We constructed a human soluble thrombomodulin (sTM) expression vector using the RSV promoter. Recombinant sTM (rsTM) was expressed in CHO cells and was recovered from culture medium by ion exchange chromatography. Two active fractions, designated as rsTM alpha (low salt elution) and rsTM beta (high salt elution), were detected and further purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. Purified rsTM beta contained bound chondroitin-4-sulfate as judged by HPLC detection of the chondroitinase ABC and AC I digestion product, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(beta-D-gluco-4-enepyranosyluronic acid)-4-O-sulfo-D-galactose. The apparent Kd values for thrombin of alpha and beta were 7.4 and 1.4 nM respectively. RsTM beta was more effective at inhibition of thrombin clotting activity and had antithrombin III-dependent anticoagulant activity which was not possessed by rsTM alpha. Both anticoagulant activities were lost after chondroitinase treatment of rsTM beta.  相似文献   

Abuja PM 《FEBS letters》2002,512(1-3):245-248
The content of plasma and arterial interstitial fluid in water-soluble antioxidants makes it unlikely for low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to oxidize by the oxidation mechanisms most frequently discussed. By aggregation of LDL in the presence of chondroitin-4-sulfate (C-4-S), but not with chondroitin-6-sulfate or sphingomyelinase, a complex arises which can oxidize in the presence of 20 microM ascorbate and 300 microM urate. This oxidation sensitivity even persists after the gel-filtration of an LDL/C-4-S/Cu(2+) complex, indicating entrapment of Cu(2+) within. This corresponds well to the known ability of C-4-S to bind copper ions and is a potential mechanism by which LDL oxidation in the arterial intima is facilitated after prolonged retention by the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate by human arylsulfatase B has been demonstrated with an enzyme preparation purified 200-fold from placenta. No hydrolysis was observed with arylsulfatase A. UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate is the first fully characterized physiological compound shown to be a substrate for arylsulfatase B, confirming that arylsulfatase B is an N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate sulfohydrolase. Cultured fibroblasts derived from patients with Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome were deficient in UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate sulfohydrolase to the same extent that they were deficient in arylsulfatase B.  相似文献   

Chondroitin 6-sulfate (sodium salt), dermatan sulfate (sodium salt), and their methyl esters were depolymerized into mixtures of methylated, even-numbered oligosaccharides having a 4,5-unsaturated uronic acid, nonreducing end-group, respectively, with excess diazomethane in the presence of a small proportion of water. The methyl ester of chondroitin 6-sulfate was more effectively cleaved than the sodium salt, whereas the methyl ester of dermatan sulfate was depolymerized at a rate slightly higher than the sodium salt. About half of the acetamido group in the depolymerized product of the methyl ester of these polysaccharides was N-methylated.  相似文献   

Synthetic methodology was developed for the preparation of chondrotin-4-sulfate reagents that could be specifically attached to the surface of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb), a chemically stabilized human hemoglobin. The surface-modified hemoglobin solutions had a significantly higher colloidal osmotic pressures (COP) than DCLHb. The P(50) of the modified DCLHb was dependent upon the reactive end group of the chondrotin-4-sulfate reagents that was used for the protein modification. Modification of DCLHb with the chondroitin-4-sulfate derivatives containing the maleimide end group 23 provided a hemoglobin with a P(50) value of 23 mmHg, while the P(50) of hemoglobins prepared from chondroitin-4-sulfate derivatives containing the aldehyde end group 13 and 18 remained unchanged from that of DCLHb.  相似文献   

Association of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) with arterial chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) appears to contribute to their deposition in the extracellular intimal compartment and to its internalization by macrophages. CSPG and LDL interact by ionic bridges with formation of soluble and insoluble complexes. We studied the alterations on LDL structure induced by its association with arterial CSPG and other glycosaminoglycans (GAG). In soluble complexes, at low and physiological ionic strength, arterial CSPG and sulfated GAG modify the kinetics of apoB-100 proteolysis by trypsin. However, less marked alterations in the peptide patterns were observed with proteinase V8 and almost none with thermolysin. This is indirect evidence that the presence of CSPG and GAG modified the exposure of polar regions of apoB-100 in LDL. Competitive binding experiments with agarose-bound heparin and soluble GAG also suggest that after formation of insoluble complexes with arterial CSPG and resolubilization the exposure of Lys, Arg-rich segments of apoB-100 is increased. Results from differential scanning calorimetry and differential thermal spectrophotometry showed that the CSPG and GAG-induced modifications reduced the thermal stability of the surface and core in LDL. If present in vivo, the structural alterations of polar segments of the LDL protein moiety may influence the outcome of its alteration with the arterial mesenchyma.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of chondroitin-4-sulfate (C4S) on the immediate (non-inflammatory conditions) and the delayed (inflammatory conditions) prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release from rat calvarial osteoblasts. An immediate low release of PGE2 was induced by PAF, phorbol ester and arachidonic acid but not by IL1β, TNF-α and LPS whereas a delayed high release of PGE2 was induced by the inflammatory agents IL1β, TNF-α and LPS but not by PAF, phorbol ester and arachidonic acid. C4S had no effect on the immediate PGE2 release but inhibited the delayed release of PGE2. IL1β, TNF-α and LPS enhanced the expression of COX-2 and mPGES1 whereas phorbol ester enhanced COX-2 expression only. PAF and arachidonic acid had no effect on the expression of COX-2 and mPGES1. C4S inhibited the enhanced expression of COX-2 and mPGES1 but had no effect on the IL1β-induced decrease of I-κBα and nuclear translocation of NF-κB. These results indicate that the beneficial effects of C4S in bone inflammatory diseases might be due to a specific inhibition of the delayed high PGE2 release from osteoblasts.  相似文献   

Heparin cofactor II (HCII) inhibits thrombin rapidly in human plasma in the presence of heparin or dermatan sulfate. To determine the minimum structure of dermatan sulfate required to activate HCII, the glycosaminoglycan was partially degraded by sequential treatment with periodate, [3H]borohydride, and sulfuric acid. Labeled oligosaccharide fragments were separated by gel filtration chromatography. Purified fragments were then applied to a column of HCII bound to concanavalin A-Sepharose, and bound oligosaccharides were eluted with a gradient of sodium chloride. Di-, tetra-, and hexasaccharide fragments did not bind to HCII, while 15% of the octasaccharides and up to 45% of larger fragments bound. Octasaccharides that bound to the HCII column had a greater negative charge than the run-through material based on anion-exchange chromatography, suggesting that they contained a greater number of sulfate groups per molecule. Fragments of dermatan sulfate containing a minimum of 12-14 sugar residues accelerated inhibition of thrombin by HCII. Fragments of this length that bound to the column of immobilized HCII had molar specific activities greater than those of the fragments that did not bind. These studies suggest that HCII is activated by dermatan sulfate fragments greater than or equal to 12 residues in length that contain a specific octasaccharide sequence required for binding to the inhibitor.  相似文献   

4-O-Sulfation of GalNAc is a high frequency modification of chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate (DS), and three major GalNAc 4-O-sulfotransferases including dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase-1 (D4ST-1) and chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferases-1 and -2 (C4ST-1 and -2) have been identified. 4-O-Sulfation of GalNAc during DS biosynthesis had long been postulated to be a prerequisite for iduronic acid (IdoUA) formation by C5-epimerization of GlcUA. This hypothesis has recently been argued based on enzymological studies using microsomes that C5-epimerization precedes 4-O-sulfation, which was further supported by the specificity of the cloned D4ST-1 with predominant preference for IdoUA-GalNAc flanked by GlcUA-GalNAc over IdoUA-GalNAc flanked by IdoUA-GalNAc in exhaustively desulfated dermatan. Whereas the counterproposal explains the initial reactions, apparently it cannot rationalize the synthetic mechanism of IdoUA-GalNAc(4-O-sulfate)-rich clusters typical of mature DS chains. In this study, we examined detailed specificities of the three recombinant human 4-O-sulfotransferases using partially desulfated DS as an acceptor. Enzymatic analysis of the transferase reaction products showed that D4ST-1 far more efficiently transferred sulfate to GalNAc residues in -IdoUA-Gal-NAc-IdoUA-than in -GlcUA-GalNAc-GlcUA-sequences. In contrast, C4ST-1 showed the opposite preference, and C4ST-2 used GalNAc residues in both sequences to comparable degrees, being consistent with its phylogenetic relations to D4ST-1 and C4ST-1. Structural analysis of the oligosaccharides, which were isolated after chondroitinase AC-I digestion of the 35S-labeled transferase reaction products, revealed for the first time that D4ST-1, as compared with C4ST-1 and C4ST-2, most efficiently utilized GalNAc residues located not only in the sequence -IdoUA-GalNAc-IdoUA- but also in -GlcUA-Gal-NAc-IdoUA- and -IdoUA-GalNAc-GlcUA-. The isolated oligosaccharide structures also suggest that 4-O-sulfation promotes subsequent 4-O-sulfation of GalNAc in the neighboring disaccharide unit.  相似文献   

The pharmacological properties of unfractionated dermatan sulfate (U-DS, mean MW 25 kd, range 12-45 kd) of a low molecular weight fraction (LMW-DS, mean MW 4 kd range 1.6-8 kd), and of 2 oversulfated derivatives (S-DS1 and S-DS2, 2 and 3.8 sulfate groups per disaccharide units) were investigated. In a purified system, LMW-DS, S-DS1 and S-DS2 were respectively 0.5, 10 and 17 times more potent than U-DS to catalyse thrombin inhibition by heparin cofactor II. Identical differences were observed for the respective anticoagulant activities (activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin clotting time). After bolus IV injection of increasing doses the pharmacokinetic parameters of U-DS were slightly dose dependent, and the total clearance of LMW-DS was, on the average, 2 times higher. The patterns of disappearance of S-DS1 and S-DS2 were strongly dose dependent and became concave-convex, suggesting different mechanisms of clearance. After SC injection, the bioavailability was less than 50% for U-DS and at least 100% for LMW-DS. The antithrombotic activity (Wessler-thromboplastin model) of LMW-DS was 2 timer lower than that of U-DS. In contrast to their in vitro (and ex vivo) enhanced anticoagulant activities, the antithrombotic potency of S-DS1 was identical to that of U-DS, while, at the same doses S-DS2 was devoid of any activity.  相似文献   

The determination of molecular weight (M) and molecular weight distribution (MD) of heparins by a novel approach, consisting of a high performance size exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) combined with a triple detector array (TDA) is described. HP-SEC/TDA permits the evaluation of MD of polymeric samples through a combined and simultaneous action of three on-line detectors, right-angle laser light scattering (RALLS), refractometer (RI), and viscometer. The method does not require any chromatographic column calibration, thus overcoming also the difficulty to obtain adequate reference standards. It permits the size determination also of small molecules, even when scattering dissimmetry is not observable. Unfractionated heparins, eight fractions of a size fractionated heparin, and dermatan sulfates were analyzed by HP-SEC/TDA. The M values found for the heparin fractions were used to build up a calibration curve of a conventional HP-SEC system: the results obtained analyzing unfractionated heparin samples with both HP-SEC/TDA and HP-SEC were in excellent agreement, suggesting the possibility to use the TDA data to generate standard samples with known MD and intrinsic viscosity [eta]. Moreover, HP-SEC/TDA can successfully be employed also for the determination of the Mark-Houwink a and k parameters.  相似文献   

The interactions between glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), important components of the extracellular matrix, and proteins such as growth factors and chemokines play critical roles in cellular regulation processes. Therefore, the design of GAG derivatives for the development of innovative materials with bio-like properties in terms of their interaction with regulatory proteins is of great interest for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Previous work on the chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8) has focused on its interaction with heparin and heparan sulfate, which regulate chemokine function. However, the extracellular matrix contains other GAGs, such as hyaluronic acid (HA), dermatan sulfate (DS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS), which have so far not been characterized in terms of their distinct molecular recognition properties towards IL-8 in relation to their length and sulfation patterns. NMR and molecular modeling have been in great part the methods of choice to study the structural and recognition properties of GAGs and their protein complexes. However, separately these methods have challenges to cope with the high degree of similarity and flexibility that GAGs exhibit. In this work, we combine fluorescence spectroscopy, NMR experiments, docking and molecular dynamics simulations to study the configurational and recognition properties of IL-8 towards a series of HA and CS derivatives and DS. We analyze the effects of GAG length and sulfation patterns in binding strength and specificity, and the influence of GAG binding on IL-8 dimer formation. Our results highlight the importance of combining experimental and theoretical approaches to obtain a better understanding of the molecular recognition properties of GAG-protein systems.  相似文献   

The non-reducing ends of the preponderant dermatan sulfates of adult human skin (DS18 and DS28) can have D-GalNAc, D-GlcA and L-1doA. D-GlcA of DS18 and D-GalNAc of both DS18 and DS28 are sulfated.  相似文献   

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