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We have probed by 1H NMR spectroscopy the molecular basis of the interaction between Hoechst 33258 conjugated to a des-metalloporphyrin and a non self-complementary duplex DNA sequence, designed on the known chemical nuclease selectivity of this system. The imino NMR spectra are consistent with two distinct families of structure, that is, PORHOE binding either way along the duplex. 2D spectral, T2, and linewidth data suggest multiple species within the two conformational families.  相似文献   

Multiple binding modes for Hoechst 33258 to DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two binding modes for the bisbenzimidazole Hoechst 33258 to native DNA at physiological conditions have been distinguished. Type 1 binding, which dominated at low dye/phosphate ratios (D/P less than 0.05) or low dye concentrations, had a high quantum yield of fluorescence with maximum emission at 460 nm. Binding of the dye at type 2 sites (0.05 less than D/P less than 0.4) lead to quenching of fluorescence from type 1 bound dye, presumably by nonradiative energy transfer. Fluorescence quantum yield of type 2 bound dye was low (phi = 0.05-0.1) and it peaked around 490 nm. At D/P greater than 0.4, the dye/DNA complex precipitated. This was caused by an additional dye-DNA interaction that was strongly cooperative. The anomalous dispersion of the refractive index of the complex changed abruptly around D/P = 0.4, indicating that the precipitating dye-DNA interaction involved strong electronic interaction between dye molecules. Hoechst 33258 precipitated polynucleotides irrespective of strandedness and base composition when dye concentration was raised above 1 X 10(-5) M. In the presence of 25% ethanol, type 2 binding to DNA did not occur, whereas the binding constant for type 1 binding (kappa = 2 X 10(3) M-1) was about two orders of magnitude smaller than in physiological buffer. DNA was not precipitated by high concentrations of Hoechst 33258 in 25% ethanol.  相似文献   

The binding of the conjugate of Hoechst 33258 with 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (1-methyl-4-pyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin (PORHOE) to single-strand DNA has been detected by UV-vis spectrophotometry and 1H-NMR. The red-shift of porphyrin Soret band with strong hypochromicity indicates that the porphyrin moiety dominates in the interaction of the PORHOE with ssDNA. The affinity constants of PORHOE for d(GCATACAATTCG) or d(CGAATTGTATGC) were determined to be >10(5) M(-1), with strong cooperativity.  相似文献   


In the present work, we employed UV-VIS spectroscopy, fluorescence methods, and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) to study the interaction of dye Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, and their derivatives to poly[d(AT)]·poly[d(AT)], poly(dA)·poly(dT), and DNA dodecamer with the sequence 5′-CGTATATATACG-3′. We identified three types of complexes formed by Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, and methylproamine with DNA, corresponding to the binding of each drug in monomer, dimer, and tetramer forms. In a dimer complex, two dye molecules are sandwiched in the same place of the minor DNA groove. Our data show that Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, and methylproamine also form complexes of the third type that reflects binding of dye associates (probably tetramers) to DNA. Substitution of a hydrogen atom in the ortho position of the phenyl ring by a methyl group has a little effect on binding of monomers to DNA. However it reduces strength of binding of tetramers to DNA. In contrast, a Hoechst derivative containing the ortho-isopropyl group in the phenyl ring exhibits a low affinity to poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly[d(AT)]·poly[d(AT)] and binds to DNA only in the monomer form. This can be attributed to a sterical hindrance caused by the ortho-isopropyl group for side-by-side accommodation of two dye molecules in the minor groove. Our experiments show that mode of binding of Hoechst 33258 derivatives and their affinity for DNA depend on substituents in the ortho position of the phenyl ring of the dye molecule. A statistical mechanical treatment of binding of Hoechst 33258 and its derivatives to a polynucleotide lattice is described and used for determination of binding parameters of Hoechst 33258 and its derivatives to poly[d(AT)]·poly[d(AT)] and poly(dA)·poly(dT).  相似文献   

The binding mode of the bisbenzimidazole derivative Hoechst 33258 to a series of DNAs and polynucleotides has been investigated by electric linear dichroism. Positive reduced dichroisms were measured for the poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT)- and poly(dA).poly(dT)-Hoechst complexes in agreement with a deep penetration of the drug into the minor groove. Similarly, the drug displays positive reduced dichroism in the presence of the DNAs from calf thymus, Clostridium perfringens and Coliphage T4. Conversely, negative reduced dichroisms were obtained when Hoechst 33258 was bound to poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC), poly(dA-dC).poly(dG-dT) and poly(dG).poly(dC) as well as with the GC-rich DNA from Micrococcus lysodeikticus indicating that in this case minor groove binding cannot occur. Substitution of guanosines for inosines induces a reversal of the reduced dichroism from negative to positive. Therefore, as anticipated it is the 2-amino group of guanines protruding in this groove which prevents Hoechst 33258 from getting access to the minor groove of GC sequences. The ELD data obtained with the GC-rich biopolymers are consistent with an intercalative binding. Competition experiments performed with the intercalating drug proflavine lend credence to the involvement of an intercalative binding rather than to an external or major groove binding of Hoechst 33258 at GC sequences.  相似文献   


The ability of polyamines to displace the minor groove-binding dye Hoechst 33258 from calf thymus DNA was investigated. Polyamines displace non-specific DNA phosphate bound Hoechst in a charge-dependent fashion, but show very little ability to displace the high affinity binding of Hoechst in the minor groove of DNA. This high affinity binding is, however, sensitive to ethidium bromide and the minor groove binding drug berenil. These studies suggest that polyamines probably bind DNA in the minor groove very weakly, if at all, relative to known minor groove binding agents.  相似文献   

We have used DNase I footprinting and fluorescence melting studies to study the interaction of the hairpin polyamide Im-Py-Py-Py-(R)H2Ngamma-Im-Py-Py-Py-beta-Dp with its preferred binding sites (5'-WGWWCW; W=A or T) and other sequences. DNase I footprinting confirmed that the ligand binds to the sequence AGAACA at nanomolar concentrations and that changing the terminal A to G causes a dramatic decrease in affinity, while there was no interaction with the reverse sequence WCWWGW. Fluorescence melting studies with 11-mer duplexes showed that the polyamide had very different effects on the forward (TGWWCT) and reverse (TCTAGT) sequences. At low concentrations, the polyamide produced biphasic melting curves with TGATCT, TGTACT and TGAACT, suggesting a strong interaction. In contrast, the melting profiles with TCTAGT were always monophasic and showed much smaller concentration dependent changes in Tm. The polyamide also showed weak binding to the sequence TGATCT when one of the central AT pairs was replaced with an AC mismatch. These melting profiles were compared with those produced by the AT-selective minor groove binding agents distamycin and Hoechst 33258 at the same sites and at similar sequences containing A5 and (AT)3, which are expected to bind distamycin in the 1:1 and 2:1 modes, respectively. These ligands produced simple monophasic melting curves in which the Tm steadily increased as the ligand concentration was raised.  相似文献   

Ensemble and single-molecule fluorescence measurements of 2′-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-[5-(4-methylpiperazine-1-yl) benzimidazo-2-yl]-benzimidazole (H-258)– calf thymus (CT) DNA complexes at various [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios were performed to elucidate the binding of H-258 with DNA. Upon binding to double-stranded CT DNA (CT ds DNA) at a [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratio of 0.05 the relative fluorescence quantum yield, Φf, of H-258 increases from 0.02 to 0.58. The fluorescence decay can be fitted almost by a mono-exponential model with a lifetime of ~3.6 ns. This indicates that H-258 binds almost quantitatively in the minor groove of DNA at low [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios. With increasing [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios, e.g. 0.15 and 0.20, the fluorescence quantum yield of H-258 decreases to 0.28 and 0.19, respectively. Fitting of the fluorescence decays measured for higher [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios reveals the presence of additional shorter fluorescence lifetime components in the range of 0.5–2.0 ns. Our results suggest that H-258 partially intercalates in G:C sequences at higher [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios reflected by a lifetime component of 1.5–2 ns. In addition, stacking or adsorption of H-258 molecules on DNA occurs at higher [H-258]/[DNA bp] ratios. These molecules exhibit a short fluorescence lifetime of ~500 ps and are more exposed to the aqueous environment. Fluorescence transients of the intensity and lifetime of single H-258 CT ds DNA demonstrate that weakly (unspecific) bound H-258 molecules exhibit a shorter fluorescence lifetime and a strongly reduced photostability.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex of Hoechst 33258 and the DNA dodecamer C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G has been solved from X-ray data collected at three different low temperatures (0, -25, and -100 degrees C). Such temperatures have permitted collection of higher resolution data (2.0, 1.9, and 2.0 A, respectively) than with previous X-ray studies of the same complex. In all three cases, the drug is located in the narrow central A-A-T-T region of the minor groove. Data analyses at -25 and -100 degrees C (each with a 1:1 drug/DNA ratio in the crystallizing solution) suggest a unique orientation for the drug. In contrast, two orientations of the drug were found equally possible at 0 degrees C with a 2:1 drug/DNA ratio in solution. Dihedral angles between the rings of Hoechst 33258 appear to change in a temperature-dependent manner. The drug/DNA complex is stabilized by single or bifurcated hydrogen bonds between the two N-H hydrogen-bond donors in the benzimidazole rings of Hoechst and adenine N3 and thymine O2 acceptors in the minor groove. A general preference for AT regions is conferred by electrostatic potential and by narrowing of the walls of the groove. Local point-by-point AT specificity follows from close van der Waals contacts between ring hydrogen atoms in Hoechst 33258 and the C2 hydrogens of adenines. Replacement of one benzimidazole ring by purine in a longer chain analogue of Hoechst 33258 could make that particular site GC tolerant in the manner observed at imidazole substitution for pyrrole in lexitropsins.  相似文献   

A novel aryl-bis-benzimidazole amino acid analogue of the DNA-binding compound Hoechst 33258 has recently been designed for incorporation in peptide combinatorial libraries by replacing the N-methylpiperazine group with a carboxyl group and the hydroxy group with an amino-methyl group. The DNA-binding properties of the aryl-bis-benzimidazole monomer with the C-terminus derivatized with 3-(dimethylamino)-propylamine has been investigated in this paper by (1)H NMR studies of two different complexes with two different DNA sequences: A(5) d(5'-GCCA(5)CG-3'):d(5'-CGT(5)GGC-3') and A(3)T(3) d(5'-CGA(3)T(3)CG-3')(2). Chemical shift footprinting shows that the ligand binds at the center of the A(3)T(3) sequence but at the 3'-end of A(5). A large number of NOEs show a well-defined complex with the ligand situated at the center of the palindromic A(3)T(3) but with the asymmetric A(5) the ligand binds with an orientational preference with the bis-benzimidazole moiety displaced toward the 3'-end from the center of the duplex. Two families of models of the complexes with A(5) and A(3)T(3) were derived with restrained molecular dynamics based on a large set of 70 and 61, respectively, intermolecular ligand NOEs. Both models give a picture of a tightly fitting ligand with close van der Waals contacts with the walls of the minor groove and with the two benzimidazole and the amide hydrogens involved in bifurcated cross-strand hydrogen bonds to adenine N3 and thymine O2. The minor groove width of the models correlate well with the binding site of the ligand, and the orientational preference is argued to be a consequence of the minor groove width and hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Leslie KD  Fox KR 《Biochemistry》2002,41(10):3484-3497
We have examined the interaction of Hoechst 33258 and echinomycin with nucleosomal DNA fragments which contain isolated ligand binding sites. A 145 base pair fragment was prepared on the basis of the sequence of tyrT DNA, which contained no CpG or (A/T)(4) binding sites for these ligands. Isolated binding sites were introduced into this fragment at discrete locations where the minor groove is known to face toward or away from the protein core when reconstituted onto nucleosome core particles. The interaction of ligands with target sites on these nucleosomal DNA fragments was assessed by DNase I footprinting. We find that Hoechst 33258 can bind to single nucleosomal sites which face both toward and away from the protein core, without affecting the nucleosome structure. Hoechst binding is also observed on nucleosomal fragments which contain two or more drug binding sites, though in these cases the footprints are accompanied by the presence of new cleavage products in positions which suggest that the ligand has caused a proportion of the DNA molecules to adopt a new rotational positioning on the protein surface. Hoechst 33258 does not affect nucleosome reconstitution with any of these fragments. In contrast, the bifunctional intercalating antibiotic echinomycin is not able to bind to single nucleosomal CpG sites. Echinomycin footprints are observed on nucleosomal fragments containing two or more CpG sites, but there are no changes in the cleavage patterns in the remainder of the fragment. Echinomycin abolishes nucleosome reconstitution when included in the reconstitution mixture.  相似文献   

The experiments described were designed to test the hypothesis that the (A+T)-specific DNA binding ligands Hoechst 33258 and distamycin A affect the condensation of mouse centromeric heterochromatin by competing for binding to satellite DNA with one or more chromosomal proteins. The studies focused on the nonhistone chromosomal protein HMG-I since its binding properties predict it would be a target for competition. Gel mobility shift assays show that HMG-I forms specific complexes with satellite DNA and that the formation of these complexes is competed for by both Hoechst and distamycin. In addition, methidium propyl EDTA Fe(II) [MPE Fe(II)] footprints of ligand-satellite DNA complexes showed essentially the same protection pattern for both drugs and a similar, but not identical, HMG-I footprint. If these in vitro results reflect the in vivo situation then the incomplete condensation of centromeric heterochromatin observed when mouse cells are grown in the presence of either chemical ligand could be a consequence of competition for binding of HMG-I (and possibly other proteins) to satellite DNA.by E.R. Schmidt  相似文献   

The binding of Hoechst 33258 and DAPI to five different (A/T)4 sequences in a stable DNA hairpin was studied exploiting the substantial increase in dye fluorescence upon binding. The two dyes have comparable affinities for the AATT site (e.g. association constant K(a)=5.5 x 10(8) M(-1) for DAPI), and their affinities decrease in the series AATT > TAAT approximately equal to ATAT > TATA approximately equal to TTAA. The extreme values of K(a) differ by a factor of 200 for Hoechst 33258 but only 30 for DAPI. The binding kinetics of Hoechst 33258 were measured by stopped-flow under pseudo-first order conditions with an (A/T)4 site in excess. The lower-resolution experiments can be well represented by single exponential processes, corresponding to a single-step binding mechanism. The calculated association-rate parameters for the five (A/T)4 sites are similar (2.46 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) to 0.86 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1)) and nearly diffusion-controlled, while the dissociation-rate parameters vary from 0.42 s(-1) to 96 s(-1). Thus the association constants are kinetically controlled and are close to their equilibrium-determined values. However, when obtained with increased signal-to-noise ratio, the kinetic traces for Hoechst 33258 binding at the AATT site reveal two components. The concentration dependencies of the two time constants and amplitudes are consistent with two different kinetically equivalent two-step models. In the first model, fast bimolecular binding is followed by an isomerization of the initial complex. In the second model, two single-step associations form two complexes that mutually exclude each other. For both models the four reaction-rate parameters are calculated. Finally, specific dissociation kinetics, using poly[d(A-5BrU)], show that the kinetics are even more complex than either two-step model. We correlate our results with the different binding orientations and locations of Hoechst 33258 in the DNA minor groove found in several structural studies in the literature.  相似文献   

The paper deals with development of a procedure for quantitative determination of the share of anthracycline antibiotics bound in cells directly to DNA. A DNA-specific Hoechst fluorescence dye 33258 was used for the purpose. The level of its quenching on DNA correlated with the quantity of the antibiotic bound to it. It was shown that the quenching of the Hoechst fluorescence dye bound to DNA was not due to the dye competition with the antibiotic for the site of bounding on DNA, as was suggested earlier. It was likely to be defined by reabsorption of the radiation by antibiotic molecules.  相似文献   

The interaction of the bisbenzimidazole dye 33258 Hoechst with DNA and chromatin is characterized by changes in absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism measurements. At low dye/phosphate ratios, dye binding is accompanied by intense fluorescence and circular dichroism and exhibits little sensitivity to ionic strength. At higher dye/phosphate ratios, additional dye binding can be detected by further changes in absorptivity. This secondary binding is suppressed by increasing the ionic strength. A-T rich DNA sequences enhance both dye binding and fluorescence quantum yield, while chromosomal proteins apparently exclude the dye from approximately half of the sites available with DNA. Fluorescence of the free dye is sensitive to pH and, below pH 8, to quenching by iodide ion. Substitution of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for thymidine in synthetic polynucleotides, DNA, or unfixed chromatin quenches the fluorescence of bound dye. This suppression of dye fluorescence permits optical detection of BrdU incorporation associated with DNA synthesis in cytological chromosome preparations. Quenching of 33258 Hoechst fluorescence by BrdU can be abolished by appropriate alterations in solvent conditions, thereby revealing changes in dye fluorescence of microscopic specimens specifically due to BrdU incorporation.  相似文献   

Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase binds duplex DNA and forms a covalent adduct at sites containing a conserved sequence element 5'(C/T)CCTT decreases in the scissile strand. Distinctive aspects of noncovalent versus covalent interaction emerge from analysis of the binding properties of Topo(Phe-274), a mutated protein which is unable to cleave DNA, but which binds DNA noncovalently. Whereas DNA cleavage by wild type enzyme is most efficient with 'suicide' substrates containing fewer than 10 base pairs distal to the scissile bond, optimal noncovalent binding by Topo(Phe-274) requires at least 10-bp of DNA 3' of the cleavage site. Thus, the region of DNA flanking the pentamer motif serves to stabilize the noncovalent topoisomerase-DNA complex. This result is consistent with the downstream dimensions of the DNA binding site deduced from nuclease footprinting. Topo(Phe-274) binds to duplex DNA lacking the consensus pentamer with 7-10-fold lower affinity than to CCCTT-containing DNA.  相似文献   

The interaction between DNA and a benzothiazole-quinoline cyanine dye with a trimethine bridge (TO-PRO-3) results in the formation of three noncovalent complexes. Unbound TO-PRO-3 has an absorption maximum (λmax) of 632 nm, while the bound dyes (with calf thymus DNA) have electronic transitions with λmax = 514nm (complex I), 584nm (complex II) and 642 nm (complex III). The blue shifts in the electronic transitions and the bisignate shape of the circular dichroism bands indicate that TO-PRO-3 aggregates with DNA. Complex I has a high dye:base pair stoichiometry, which does not depend on base sequence or base modifications. The bound dyes exhibit strong interdye coupling, based on studies with a short oligonucleotide and on enhanced resonance scattering. From thermal dissociation studies, the complex is weakly associated with DNA. Studies with poly(dGdC)2 and poly(dIdC)2 and competitive binding with distamycin demonstrate that complex II is bound in the minor groove. This complex stabilizes the helix against dissociation. For complex III, the slightly red-shifted electronic transition and the stoichiometry are most consistent with intercalation. Using poly(dAdT)2, the complexes have the following dye mole fractions (Xdye): Xdye = 0.65 (complex I), 0.425 (complex II) and 0.34 (complex III).  相似文献   

We synthesized dimeric Hoechst dye molecules composed of two moieties of the Hoechst 33258 fluorescent dye phenolic hydroxy groups of which were tethered via pentamethylene, heptamethylene, or triethylene oxide linkers. A characteristic pattern of differential staining of chromosome preparations from human premonocytic leukemia HL60 cells was observed for all the three fluorescent dyes. The most contrast pattern was obtained for the bis-Hoechst analogue with the heptamethylene linker; its quality was comparable with the picture obtained in the case of chromosome staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. The ability to penetrate into the live human fibroblasts was studied for the three bis-Hoechst compounds. The fluorescence intensity of nuclei of live and fixed cells stained with the penta- and heptamethylene-linked bis-Hoechst analogues was found to differ only slightly, whereas the fluorescence of the nuclei of live cells stained with triethylene oxide-linked bis-Hoechst was considerably weaker than that of the fixed cells. The bis-Hoechst molecules are new promising fluorescent dyes that can both differentially stain chromosome preparations and penetrate through cell and nuclear membranes and effectively stain cell nuclei.  相似文献   

Shelton AH  Rodger A  McMillin DR 《Biochemistry》2007,46(31):9143-9154
Cationic porphyrins have an affinity for DNA and potential for applications in the fields of photodynamic therapy and cellular imaging. This report describes a new dicationic porphyrin, 5,15-dimethyl-10,20-di(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin, abbreviated H2tMe2D4. Although tetrasubstituted, H2tMe2D4 presents modest steric requirements and forms in reasonable yield by a "2+2" synthetic method. Accordingly, studies of the zinc(II)- and copper(II)-containing derivatives, Zn(tMe2D4) and Cu(tMe2D4), have also been possible. Methods used to characterize DNA-binding motifs include absorption, emission, linear, and circular dichroism spectroscopies, as well as viscometry. An unusually detailed picture of porphyrin uptake emerges. As the ratio of DNA to porphyrin increases during a typical titration, H2tMe2D4 or Cu(tMe2D4) initially aggregates on the host and then shifts to intercalative binding at close quarters before finally dispersing into non-interacting intercalation sites of the host. Emission studies of the copper(II) porphyrin have been very valuable. The existence of a measurable signal is diagnostic of intercalative binding, and the saturation behavior establishes that internalization typically monopolizes approximately three base pairs. In the moderate loading regime, emission data are most telling because dipole-dipole interactions between near-neighbor porphyrins tend to confuse other spectroscopic assays. The third ligand, Zn(tMe2D4), behaves differently in that the uptake is a strictly cooperative process. The mode of binding also varies with the base content of the DNA host. When the DNA is rich in A=T base pairs, the porphyrin remains five-coordinate and binds externally; however, Zn(tMe2D4) loses its axial ligand and binds by intercalation if the host contains only G[triple bond]C base pairs.  相似文献   

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