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We have constructed isotype-specific subclones from the 3' untranslated regions of alpha-skeletal, alpha-cardiac, beta-cytoskeletal, and gamma-cytoskeletal actin cDNAs. These clones have been used as hybridization probes to assay the number and organization of these actin isotypes in the human genome. Hybridization of these probes to human genomic actin clones (Engel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:4674-4678, 1981; Engel et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 2:674-684, 1982) has allowed the unambiguous assignment of the genomic clones to isotypically defined actin subfamilies. In addition, only one isotype-specific probe hybridizes to each actin-containing gene, with a single exception. This result suggests that the multiple actin genes in the human genome are not closely linked. Genomic DNA blots probed with these subclones under stringent conditions demonstrate that the alpha-skeletal and alpha-cardiac muscle actin genes are single copy, whereas the cytoskeletal actins, beta and gamma, are present in multiple copies in the human genome. Most of the actin genes of other mammals are cytoplasmic as well. These observations have important implications for the evolution of multigene families.  相似文献   

Fluorescent derivatives of phosphatidyl inositol (PtdIns)-(4,5)-P2 were synthesized and used to test the effects of the PtdIns-(4, 5)-P2-regulated proteins gelsolin, tau, cofilin, and profilin on labeled PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 that was either in micellar form or mixed with phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) in bilayer vesicles. Gelsolin increased the fluorescence of 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD)- or pyrene-labeled PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 and NBD-PtdIns-(3,4,5)-P3. Cofilin and profilin produced no detectable change at equimolar ratios to PtdIns-(4,5)-P2, while tau decreased NBD-PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 fluorescence. Fluorescence enhancement by gelsolin of NBD-PtdIns-(4, 5)-P2 in mixed lipid vesicles depended on the mole fraction of PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 in the bilayer. Specific enhancement of 3% NBD-PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 : 97% PtdCho was much lower than that of 10% PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 : 90% PtdCho, but the enhancement of 3% NBD-PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 could be increased by addition of 7% unlabeled PtdIns-(4,5)-P2. The gelsolin-dependent increase in NBD-PtdIns-(4, 5)-P2 fluorescence was reversed by addition of Ca2+ or G-actin. Significant, but weaker, fluorescence enhancement was observed with the gelsolin N-terminal domain (residues 1-160) and a peptide comprised of gelsolin residues 150-169. Fluorescence energy transfer from gelsolin to pyrene-PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 was much stronger with intact gelsolin than the N-terminal region of gelsolin containing the PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 binding sites, suggesting that PtdIns-(4,5)-P2 may bind near a site formed by the juxtaposition of the N- and C-terminal domains of gelsolin.  相似文献   

Much of the functional specificity of Drosophila homeotic selector proteins, in their ability to regulate specific genes and to assign specific segmental identities, appears to map within their different, but closely related homeodomains. For example, the Drosophila Dfd and human HOX4B (Hox 4.2) proteins, which have extensive structural similarity only in their respective homeodomains, both specifically activate the Dfd promoter. In contrast, a chimeric Dfd protein containing the Ubx homeodomain (Dfd/Ubx) specifically activates the Antp P1 promoter, which is normally targeted by Ubx. Using a variety of DNA binding assays, we find significant differences in DNA binding preferences between the Dfd, Dfd/Ubx and Ubx proteins when Dfd and Antp upstream regulatory sequences are used as binding substrates. No significant differences in DNA binding specificity were detected between the human HOX4B (Hox 4.2) and Drosophila Dfd proteins. All of these full-length proteins bound as monomers to high affinity DNA binding sites, and interference assays indicate that they interact with DNA in a way that is very similar to homeodomain polypeptides. These experiments indicate that the ninth amino acid of the recognition helix of the homeodomain, which is glutamine in all four of these Antp-type homeodomain proteins, is not sufficient to determine their DNA binding specificities. The good correlation between the in vitro DNA binding preferences of these four Antp-type homeodomain proteins and their ability to specifically regulate a Dfd enhancer element in the embryo, suggests that the modest binding differences that distinguish them make an important contribution to their unique regulatory specificities.  相似文献   

Au JK  Olivares AO  Henn A  Cao W  Safer D  De La Cruz EM 《Biochemistry》2008,47(13):4181-4188
We have investigated the contributions of hydrophobic residues, the conserved and variable proline residues, and the conserved lysine residues to the affinity and kinetics of thymosin beta4 (Tbeta4) binding to MgATP-actin monomers. Pro4, Lys18, Lys19, Pro27, Leu28, Pro29, and Ile34 were substituted with alanine residues. Mutagenesis of Pro4 or Pro27 has little effect (or=10-fold, but the kinetic basis of the lower stability varies among the mutants. Substitution of the conserved lysine residues weakens the affinity by slowing association and accelerating dissociation. Substitution of hydrophobic residue Leu28 or Ile34 weakens the affinity by accelerating dissociation. These results favor a reaction mechanism in which Tbeta4 binds actin monomers following a two-step mechanism in which the formation of a bimolecular complex is followed by isomerization to a strong binding state that is coupled to the formation of widely distributed hydrophobic contacts. The isomerization equilibrium is slowed by mutagenesis of Pro29, as revealed by the double-exponential time course of association. Mutagenesis of Pro4 or Pro27 accelerates binding and dissociation but minimally affects the binding affinity (相似文献   

Actin capping protein (CP) binds barbed ends of actin filaments to regulate actin assembly. CP is an alpha/beta heterodimer. Vertebrates have conserved isoforms of each subunit. Muscle cells contain two beta isoforms. beta1 is at the Z-line; beta2 is at the intercalated disc and cell periphery in general. To investigate the functions of the isoforms, we replaced one isoform with another using expression in hearts of transgenic mice.Mice expressing beta2 had a severe phenotype with juvenile lethality. Myofibril architecture was severely disrupted. The beta2 did not localize to the Z-line. Therefore, beta1 has a distinct function that includes interactions at the Z-line. Mice expressing beta1 showed altered morphology of the intercalated disc, without the lethality or myofibril disruption of the beta2-expressing mice.The in vivo function of CP is presumed to involve binding barbed ends of actin filaments. To test this hypothesis, we expressed a beta1 mutant that poorly binds actin. These mice showed both myofibril disruption and intercalated disc remodeling, as predicted.Therefore, CPbeta1 and CPbeta2 each have a distinct function that cannot be provided by the other isoform. CPbeta1 attaches actin filaments to the Z-line, and CPbeta2 organizes the actin at the intercalated discs.  相似文献   

Cofilin/ADF is a ubiquitous actin-binding protein that is important for rapid actin dynamics in vivo. The long alpha-helix (helix 3 in yeast cofilin) forms the most highly conserved region in cofilin/ADF proteins, and residues in the NH2-terminal half of this alpha-helix have been shown to be essential for actin binding in cofilin/ADF. Recent studies also suggested that the basic residues in the COOH-terminal half of this alpha-helix would play an important role in F-actin binding. In contrast to these studies, we show here that the charged residues in the COOH-terminal half of helix 3 are not important for actin filament binding in yeast cofilin. Mutations in these residues, however, result in a small defect in actin monomer interactions. We also show that yeast cofilin can differentiate between various phosphatidylinositides, and mapped the PI(4,5)P2 binding site by using a collection of cofilin mutants. The PI(4,5)P2 binding site of yeast cofilin is a large positively charged surface that consists of residues in helix 3 as well as residues in other parts of the cofilin molecule. This suggests that cofilin/ADF proteins probably interact simultaneously with more than one PI(4,5)P2 molecule. The PI(4,5)P2-binding site overlaps with areas that are important for F-actin binding, explaining why the actin-related activities of cofilin/ADF are inhibited by PI(4,5)P2. The biological roles of actin and PI(4,5)P2 interactions of cofilin are discussed in light of phenotypes of specific yeast strains carrying mutations in residues that are important for actin and PI(4,5)P2 binding.  相似文献   

Titin is a giant molecule that spans half a sarcomere, establishing several specific bindings with both structural and contractile myofibrillar elements. It has been demonstrated that this giant protein plays a major role in striated muscle cell passive tension and contractile filament alignment. The in vitro interaction of titin with a new partner (tropomyosin) reported here is reinforced by our recent in vitro motility study using reconstituted Ca-regulated thin filaments, myosin and a native 800-kDa titin fragment. In the presence of the tropomyosin-troponin complex, the actin filament movement onto coated S1 is improved by the titin fragment. Here, we found that two purified native titin fragments of 150 and 800 kDa, covering respectively the N1-line and the N2-line/PEVK region in the I-band and known to contain actin-binding sites, directly bind tropomyosin in the absence of actin. We have also shown that binding of the 800-kDa fragment with filamentous actin inhibited the subsequent interaction of tropomyosin with actin, as judged by cosedimentation. However, this was not the case if the complex of actin and tropomyosin was formed before the addition of the 800-kDa fragment. We thus conclude that a sequential arrangement of contacts exists between parts of the titin I-band region, tropomyosin and actin in the thin filament.  相似文献   

Assemblies of actin and its regulators underlie the dynamic morphology of all eukaryotic cells. To understand how actin regulatory proteins work together to generate actin-rich structures such as filopodia, we analyzed the localization of diverse actin regulators within filopodia in Drosophila embryos and in a complementary in vitro system of filopodia-like structures (FLSs). We found that the composition of the regulatory protein complex where actin is incorporated (the filopodial tip complex) is remarkably heterogeneous both in vivo and in vitro. Our data reveal that different pairs of proteins correlate with each other and with actin bundle length, suggesting the presence of functional subcomplexes. This is consistent with a theoretical framework where three or more redundant subcomplexes join the tip complex stochastically, with any two being sufficient to drive filopodia formation. We provide an explanation for the observed heterogeneity and suggest that a mechanism based on multiple components allows stereotypical filopodial dynamics to arise from diverse upstream signaling pathways.  相似文献   

A possible code is suggested that describes a correspondence between amino acid sequences in stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins and nucleotide sequences at the control sites on DNA. Stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins are assumed to contain pairs of antiparallel polypeptide chain segments which form a right-hand twisted antiparallel -sheet with single-stranded regions at the ends of the -structure. The binding reaction between regulatory protein and double-helical DNA is accompanied by significant structural alterations at stereospecific sites of the protein and DNA. Half of the hydrogen bonds normally existing in -structure are broken upon complex formation with DNA and a new set of hydrogen bonds is formed between polypeptide amide groups and DNA base pairs. The code states a correspondence between four amino acid residues at a stereospecific site of the regulatory protein and an AT (GC) base pair at the control site. It predicts that there are six fundamental amino acid residues (serine, threonine, histidine, asparagine, glutamine and cysteine) whose arrangement in the stereospecific site determines the base pair sequence to which a given regulatory protein would bind preferentially.  相似文献   

Proteins in general consist not only of globular structural domains (SDs), but also of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs), i.e. those that do not assume unique three-dimensional structures by themselves. Although IDRs are especially prevalent in eukaryotic proteins, the functions are mostly unknown. To elucidate the functions of IDRs, we first divided eukaryotic proteins into subcellular localizations, identified IDRs by the DICHOT system that accurately divides entire proteins into SDs and IDRs, and examined charge and hydropathy characteristics. On average, mitochondrial proteins have IDRs more positively charged than SDs. Comparison of mitochondrial proteins with orthologous prokaryotic proteins showed that mitochondrial proteins tend to have segments attached at both N and C termini, high fractions of which are IDRs. Segments added to the N-terminus of mitochondrial proteins contain not only signal sequences but also mature proteins and exhibit a positive charge gradient, with the magnitude increasing toward the N-terminus. This finding is consistent with the notion that positively charged residues are added to the N-terminus of proteobacterial proteins so that the extended proteins can be chromosomally encoded and efficiently transported to mitochondria after translation. By contrast, nuclear proteins generally have positively charged SDs and negatively charged IDRs. Among nuclear proteins, DNA-binding proteins have enhanced charge tendencies. We propose that SDs in nuclear proteins tend to be positively charged because of the need to bind to negatively charged nucleotides, while IDRs tend to be negatively charged to interact with other proteins or other regions of the same proteins to avoid premature proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Tropomyosin (Tm) binds along actin filaments, one molecule spanning four to seven actin monomers, depending on the isoform. Periodic repeats in the sequence have been proposed to correspond to actin binding sites. To learn the functional importance of length and the internal periods we made a series of progressively shorter Tms, deleting from two up to six of the internal periods from rat striated alpha-TM (dAc2--3, dAc2--4, dAc3--5, dAc2--5, dAc2--6, dAc1.5--6.5). Recombinant Tms (unacetylated) were expressed in Escherichia coli. Tropomyosins that are four or more periods long (dAc2--3, dAc2--4, and dAc3--5) bound well to F-actin with troponin (Tn). dAc2--5 bound weakly (with EGTA) and binding of shorter mutants was undetectable in any condition. Myosin S1-induced binding of Tm to actin in the tight Tm-binding "open" state did not correlate with actin binding. dAc3--5 and dAc2--5 did not bind to actin even when the filament was saturated with S1. In contrast, dAc2--3 and dAc2--4 did, like wild-type-Tm, requiring about 3 mol of S1/mol of Tm for half-maximal binding. The results show the critical importance of period 5 (residues 166--207) for myosin S1-induced binding. The Tms that bound to actin (dAc2--3, dAc2--4, and dAc3--5) all fully inhibited the actomyosin ATPase (+Tn) in EGTA. In the presence of Ca(2+), relief of inhibition by these Tms was incomplete. We conclude (1) four or more actin periods are required for Tm to bind to actin with reasonable affinity and (2) that the structural requirements of Tm for the transition of the regulated filament from the blocked-to-closed/open (relief of inhibition by Ca(2+)) and the closed-to-open states (strong Tm binding to actin-S1) are different.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the actin cytoskeleton are essential for immune cell function and a number of immune deficiencies have been linked to mutations, which disturb the actin cytoskeleton. In macrophages and dendritic cells, actin remodelling is critical for motility, phagocytosis and antigen presentation, however the actin binding proteins, which control antigen presentation have been poorly characterized. Here we dissect the specific roles of the family of ADF/cofilin F-actin depolymerizing factors in macrophages and in local immune responses. Macrophage migration, cell polarization and antigen presentation to T-cells require n-cofilin mediated F-actin remodelling. Using a conditional mouse model, we show that n-cofilin also controls MHC class II-dependent antigen presentation. Other cellular processes such as phagocytosis and antigen processing were found to be independent of n-cofilin. Our data identify n-cofilin as a novel regulator of antigen presentation, while ADF on the other hand is dispensable for macrophage motility and antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids act as signaling mediators that regulate a diverse range of cellular events. Although numerous sphingolipid functions have been studied, little is known about the effect of sphingolipids on monocyte differentiation into macrophages. Here, we report that two lysosphingolipids, sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) and lysosulfatide (LSF), inversely affect macrophagic differentiation of monocytic cell lines, U937 and THP-1. Molecular analyses revealed that SPC enhances, whereas LSF suppresses, phorbol ester-induced classical (M1-polarized) differentiation to macrophages. The expression of CD11b, a macrophage marker, was induced in accordance with the activation status of the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling pathway in which SPC and LSF had opposite effects. Pharmacological inhibition of this pathway aborted the differentiation, indicating that this signaling pathway is required. Consistently, SPC promoted, while LSF inhibited, monocyte adhesion to fibronectin, through the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling pathway. The effects of SPC on Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt signaling were dependent on Gi/o, whereas the SPC-induced calcium influx was dependent on Gq. Thus SPC utilizes G-protein coupled receptor. In contrast, the effects of LSF were independent of Gi/o and Gq. These results suggest that SPC enhances, whereas LSF suppresses, monocyte differentiation into macrophages through regulating the Raf/MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt signaling pathways via distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions are clusters of integrin transmembrane receptors that mechanically couple the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton during cell migration. Focal adhesions sense and respond to variations in force transmission along a chain of protein-protein interactions linking successively actin filaments, actin binding proteins, integrins and the extracellular matrix to adapt cell-matrix adhesion to the composition and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which actin binding proteins integrate actin dynamics, mechanotransduction and integrin activation to control force transmission in focal adhesions.  相似文献   

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