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Integrated electromyography (iEMG) of the m. vastus lateralis was analysed during cycle ergometry in male subjects (n = 8). Two work trials were conducted, one under normoxia (N), the other under environmental normobaric hypoxia (EH in which the oxygen fraction in inspired gas = 0.116), each trial lasting 10 min. The absolute power output (180 W) was the same for both trials and was equivalent to 77 (4)% of maximum heart rate in trial N. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions were performed after each trial to assess changes in force, muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV), electromechanical delay (EMD), median frequency of EMG (MF) and maximal iEMG (iEMGmax). Biopy samples of muscle were obtained from the m. vastus medialis before testing. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) differences were determined through sodium dodecyl-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by densitometric analysis. No differences in submaximal iEMG were observed between EH and N trials during the first minute of work. At the end of both work trials iEMG was significantly elevated compared with starting values, however the iEMG recorded in EH exceeded N values by 15%. At the end of the EH trials the following were observed: a decrease in isometric force, MFCV and MF with an increase in EMD and the iEMGmax/force ratio. The iEMGmax was unchanged. No differences in any of these variables were observed after the N trial. Mean (SD) lactate concentrations following EH and N trials were 9.2 (4.4) mmol · 1−1 and 3.5 (1.1) mmol · 1−1, respectively. Results indicate that an increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding was needed in EH to maintain the required power output. The increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding were associated with myoelectric evidence of “peripheral” muscle fatigue. Subjects with higher compositions of type II MHC accumulated more lactate and displayed greater reductions in MF and MFCV during fatigue. Accepted: 16 June 1996  相似文献   

This study examined correlations between type I percent myosin heavy chain isoform content (%MHC) and mechanomyographic amplitude (MMGRMS) during isometric muscle actions. Fifteen (age = 21.63 ± 2.39) participants performed 40% and 70% maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) of the leg extensors that included increasing, steady force, and decreasing segments. Muscle biopsies were collected and MMG was recorded from the vastus lateralis. Linear regressions were fit to the natural-log transformed MMGRMS–force relationships (increasing and decreasing segments) and MMGRMS was selected at the targeted force level during the steady force segment. Correlations were calculated among type I%MHC and the b (slopes) terms from the MMGRMS–force relationships and MMGRMS at the targeted force. For the 40% MVC, correlations were significant (P < 0.02) between type I%MHC and the b terms from the increasing (r = −0.804) and decreasing (r = −0.568) segments, and MMGRMS from the steady force segment (r = −0.606). Type I%MHC was only correlated with MMGRMS during the steady force segment (P = 0.044, r = −0.525) during the 70% MVC. Higher type I%MHC reduced acceleration in MMGRMS (b terms) during the 40% MVC and the amplitude during the steady force segments. The surface MMG signal recorded during a moderate intensity contraction provided insight on the contractile properties of the VL in vivo.  相似文献   



Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to assess muscle oxygenation (MO) within skeletal muscle at rest and during aerobic exercise. Previous investigations have used a single probe placement to measure MO during various forms of exercise. However, regional MO differences have been shown to exist within the same muscle which suggests that different areas of the same muscle may have divergent MO. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine whether regional differences in MO exist within the same muscle during different types of incremental (rest, 25, 50, 75, 100 % of maximum) exercise (1 leg knee extension (KE), 2 leg KE, or cycling).


Nineteen healthy active males (Mean ± SD: Age 27 ± 4 yrs; VO2max: 55 ± 11 mL/kg/min) performed incremental exercise to fatigue using each mode of exercise. NIRS probes were placed on the distal and proximal portion of right leg vastus lateralis (VL). Results were analyzed with a 3-way mixed model ANOVA (probe × intensity × mode).


Differences in MO exist within the VL for each mode of exercise, however these differences were not consistent for each level of intensity. Comparison of MO revealed that the distal region of VL was significantly lower throughout KE exercise (1 leg KE proximal MO – distal MO = 9.9 %; 2 leg KE proximal MO – distal MO = 13 %). In contrast, the difference in MO between proximal and distal regions of VL was smaller in cycling and was not significantly different at heavy workloads (75 and 100 % of maximum).


MO is different within the same muscle and the pattern of the difference will change depending on the mode and intensity of exercise. Future investigations should limit conclusions on MO to the area under assessment as well as the type and intensity of exercise employed.

We examined the distribution of the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms (I, IIa, IIx) of the leg muscles of three groups of men and women (40 +/- 8y) that completed unilateral lower limb suspension only (ULLS), ULLS plus resistance exercise (ULLS+RE), or RE only (RE) for 5 weeks. Muscle biopsies were obtained pre and post from the vastus lateralis of all three groups and the soleus of the ULLS group. Distributions of all three MHC isoforms in the vastus lateralis were unchanged (p<0.05) from pre to post with ULLS. The soleus muscle, which contained no measurable IIx isoform, was also unchanged (p< 0.05) from pre to post ULLS. These results suggest that the percent distribution of the MHC isoforms per unit muscle protein in both the vastus lateralis and soleus does not change during the first five weeks of simulated microgravity. Further, resistance exercise during five weeks of ULLS or ambulation does not appear to alter the MHC distribution per unit muscle protein of the vastus lateralis.  相似文献   

Muscle fascicle lengths of vastus lateralis (VL) muscle were measured in five healthy men during slow pedaling to investigate the interaction between muscle fibers and tendon. Subjects cycled at a pedaling rate of 40 rpm (98 W). During exercise, fascicle lengths changed from 91 +/- 7 (SE) to 127 +/- 5 mm. It was suggested that fascicles were on the descending limb of their force-length relationship. The average shortening velocity of fascicle was greater than that of muscle-tendon complex in the first half of the knee extension phase and was less in the second half. The maximum shortening velocity of fascicle in the knee extension phase was less than that of muscle-tendon complex by 22 +/- 9%. These discrepancies in velocities were mainly caused by the elongation of the tendinous tissue. It was suggested that the elasticity of VL tendinous tissue enabled VL fascicles to develop force at closer length to their optimal length and kept the maximum shortening velocity of VL fascicles low during slow pedaling.  相似文献   

We investigated the firing rate of motor units in the vastus lateralis muscle in five healthy young men (mean = 21.4 yr, SD = 0.9) during a sequence of isometric constant-torque contractions repeated to exhaustion. The contractions were sustained at 20% of the maximal voluntary level, measured at the beginning of the test sequence. Electromyographic (EMG) signals were recorded via quadrifilar fine-wire electrodes and subsequently decomposed into their constituent motor unit action potentials to obtain the motor unit firing times. In addition, we measured the whole muscle mechanical properties during the fatigue task using electrical stimulation. The firing rate of motor units first decreased within the first 10-20% of the endurance time of the contractions and then increased. The firing rate increase was accompanied by recruitment of additional motor units as the force output remained constant. The elicited twitch and tetanic torque responses first increased and then decreased. The two processes modulated in a complementary fashion at the same time. Our data suggest that, when the vastus lateralis muscle is activated to maintain a constant torque output, its motoneuron pool receives a net excitatory drive that first decreases to compensate for the short-lived potentiation of the muscle force twitch and then increases to compensate for the diminution of the force twitch. The underlying inverse relationship between the firing rate and the recruitment threshold that has been reported for nonfatigued contractions is maintained. We, therefore, conclude that the central nervous system control of vastus lateralis motor units remains invariant during fatigue in submaximal isometric isotonic contractions.  相似文献   

The relationship between intramuscular pH and the frequency components of the surface electromyographic (EMG) power spectrum from the vastus lateralis muscle was studied in eight healthy male subjects during brief dynamic exercise. The studies were carried out in placebo control and metabolic alkalosis induced by oral administration of NaHCO3. At the onset of exercise, blood pH was 0.08 units higher in alkalosis compared with placebo. Muscle lactate accumulation during exercise was higher in alkalosis (32 +/- 5 mmol/kg wet wt) than in placebo (17 +/- 4 mmol/kg wet wt), but no difference in intramuscular pH was found between the two conditions. The EMG power spectrum was shifted toward lower frequencies during fatigue in the control condition (10.1 +/- 0.9%), and these spectral shifts, evaluated from changes in the mean power frequency (MPF) of the EMG power spectrum, were further accentuated in alkalosis (19 +/- 2%). Although the changes in frequency components of EMG correlated with muscle lactate accumulation (r = 0.68, P less than 0.01), no direct relationship with muscle pH was observed. We conclude that alkalosis results in a greater reduction in MPF associated with a higher muscle lactate accumulation. However, the good correlation observed between the two variables is not likely causative, and a dissociation between intramuscular pH and the increase in the low-frequency content of EMG power spectrum appears during muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Twenty-four male volunteers (mean +/- SD: age 25.4+/-5.8 years, height 178.6+/-5.5 cm, body mass 72.1+/-7.7 kg) of different training background were investigated and classified into three groups according to their physical activity and sport discipline: untrained students (group A), national and sub-national level endurance athletes (group B, 7.8+/-2.9 years of specialised training) and sprint-power athletes (group C, 12.8+/-8.7 years of specialised training). Muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis were analysed histochemically for mATPase and SDH activities, immunohistochemically for fast and slow myosin, and electrophoretically followed by Western immunoblotting for myosin heavy chain (MyHC) composition. Significant differences (P<0.05) regarding composition of muscle fibre types and myosin heavy chains were found only between groups A (41.7+/-1.6% of MyHCI, 40.8+/-4.0% of MyHCIIA and 17.5+/-4.0% of MyHCIIX) and B (64.3+/-0.8% of MyHCI, 34.0+/-1.4% of MyHCIIA and 1.7+/-1.4% of MyHCIIX) and groups A and C (59.6+/-1.6% of MyHCI, 37.2+/-1.3% of MyHCIIA and 3.2+/-1.3% of MyHCIIX). Unexpectedly, endurance athletes (group B) such as long-distance runners, cyclists and cross country skiers, did not differ from the athletes representing short term, high power output sports (group C) such as ice hockey, karate, ski-jumping, volleyball, soccer and modern dance. Furthermore, the relative amount of the fastest MyHCIIX isoform in vastus lateralis muscle was significantly lower in the athletes from group C than in students (group A). We conclude that the myosin profile in the athletes belonging to group C was unfavourable for their sport disciplines. This could be the reason why those athletes did not reach international level despite of several years of training.  相似文献   

Electromechanical delay (EMD) values were obtained using a cross-correlation technique for a series of 14 repetitive submaximal dynamic isometric contractions of the vastus lateralis performed by five subjects. To avoid a phase lag, which is introduced with one-way filtering, the EMG was processed with a bi-directional application of a second-order Butterworth filter. A mean EMD value of 86 ms (SD = 5.1 ms) was found. Moreover, contraction and relaxation delays were computed and compared. There was a significant difference between the contraction and relaxation delays (P less than 0.005). The mean contraction delay was 81.9 ms and the mean relaxation delay was 88.8 ms. Despite this significant difference, the computed contraction and relaxation delay values lie in the same range as the total phase lag, calculated with the cross-correlation technique. The magnitude of EMD values found supports the need to account for this delay when interpreting temporal aspects of patterns of intermuscular coordination.  相似文献   

Instantaneous contractile characteristics of skeletal muscle, during movement tasks, can be determined and related to steady state mechanical properties such as the force–length relationship with the use of ultrasound imaging. A previous investigation into the contractile characteristics of the vastus lateralis (VL) during cycling has shown that fascicles operate on the “weak” descending limb of the force–length relationship, thus not taking advantage of the “strong” plateau region. The purpose of this study was to investigate if VL fascicle lengths change from sub-maximal to maximal cycling conditions, and if maximal cycling results in VL fascicle lengths which operate across the plateau of the force–length relationship. Fifteen healthy male subjects (age 20.9±1.8 yr, wt. 67.0±6.3 kg, ht. 176.7±7.2 cm) were tested to establish the maximal force–length relationship for the VL through ten maximal isometric contractions at various knee angles. Subjects then cycled on an SRM cycle ergometer at cadences of 50 and 80 revolutions per minute at 100 W, 250 W, and maximal effort. Fascicle lengths were determined at crank angles of 0, 90, and 180°. Fascicles operated at or near the plateau of the maximal force–length relationship for maximal cycling, while operating on the descending limb during sub-maximal conditions for both cadences. However, when comparing the fascicle operating range for the sub-maximal cycling conditions to the corresponding sub-maximal force–length relationships, the VL now also operated across the plateau region. We concluded from these results that regardless of cycling effort, the VL operated through the ideal plateau region of the corresponding force–length relationship, hence always working optimally. We hypothesize that this phenomenon is due to the coupling of series elastic compliance and length dependent calcium sensitivity in the VL.  相似文献   

Fiber type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle of young men and women.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study presents data collected over the past 10 years on the muscle fiber type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle of young men and women. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle of 55 women (21.2+/-2.2 yr) and 95 men (21.5+/-2.4 yr) who had volunteered to participate in various research projects. Six fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA, IIAB, and IIB) were classified using mATPase histochemistry, and cross-sectional area was measured for the major fiber types (I, IIA, and IIB). Myosin heavy chain (MHC) content was determined electrophoretically on all of the samples from the men and on 26 samples from the women. With the exception of fiber Type IC, no significant differences were found between men and women for muscle fiber type distribution. The vastus lateralis muscle of both the men and women contained approximately 41% I, 1% IC, 1% IIC, 31% IIA, 6% IIAB, and 20% IIB. However, the cross-sectional area of all three major fiber types was larger for the men compared to the women. In addition, the Type IIA fibers were the largest for the men, whereas the Type I fibers tended to be the largest for the women. Therefore, gender differences were found with regard to the area occupied by each specific fiber type: IIA>I>IIB for the men and I>IIA>IIB for the women. These data establish normative values for the mATPase-based fiber type distribution and sizes in untrained young men and women.  相似文献   

Combined histochemical and biochemical analyses were performed on single fibers of rabbit soleus muscle. Histochemically, four fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA) were defined. Of these, types I and IIA were separate, histochemically homogeneous groups. A heterogeneous C fiber population exhibited a continuum of staining intensities between types I and IIA. Microelectrophoretic analyses of specific, histochemically defined fibers revealed that type I fibers contained exclusively HCI, whereas type IIA fibers contained only HCIIa. The C fibers were characterized by the coexistence of both heavy chains in varying ratios, type IC with a predominance of HCI and type IIC with a predominance of HCIIa. A direct correlation existed between the myosin heavy chain composition and the histochemical mATPase staining and was especially evident in the C fiber population with its variable HCI/HCIIa ratio. This correlation did not apply to the myosin light chain complement.  相似文献   

Summary Combined histochemical and biochemical analyses were performed on single fibers of rabbit soleus muscle. Histochemically, four fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA) were defined. Of these, types I and IIA were separate, histochemically homogeneous groups. A heterogeneous C fiber population exhibited a continuum of staining intensities between types I and IIA. Microelectrophoretic analyses of specific, histochemically defined fibers revealed that type I fibers contained exclusively HCI, whereas type IIA fibers contained only HCIIa. The C fibers were characterized by the coexistence of both heavy chains in varying ratios, type HC with a predominance of HCI and type IIC with a predominance of HCIIa. A direct correlation existed between the myosin heavy chain composition and the histochemical mATPase staining and was especially evident in the C fiber population with its variable HCI/HCIIa ratio. This correlation did not apply to the myosin light chain complement.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition, lactate threshold (LT), maximal oxygen uptake VO2max, and average muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) measured from surface electromyographic (EMG) signals during cycling exercise. Ten healthy male subjects participated in the study. MHC isoforms were identified from a sample of the vastus lateralis muscle and characterized as type I, IIA, and IIX. At least three days after a measure of LT and VO2max, the subjects performed a 2-min cycling exercise at 90 revolutions per minute and power output corresponding to LT, during which surface EMG signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle with an adhesive electrode array. MFCV and instantaneous mean power spectral frequency of the surface EMG were estimated at the maximal instantaneous knee angular speed. Output power corresponding to LT and VO2max were correlated with percentage of MHC I (R2=0.77; and 0.42, respectively; P<0.05). MFCV was positively correlated with percentage of MHC I, power corresponding to LT and to VO2max (R2=0.84; 0.74; 0.53, respectively; P<0.05). Instantaneous mean power spectral frequency was not correlated with any of these variables or with MFCV, thus questioning the use of surface EMG spectral analysis for indirect estimation of MFCV in dynamic contractions.  相似文献   

The effect of different muscle shortening velocity was studied during cycling at a pedalling rate of 60 and 120 rev.min(-1) on the [K+]v in humans. Twenty-one healthy young men aged 22.5+/-2.2 years, body mass 72.7+/-6.4 kg, VO2 max 3.720+/-0.426 l. min(-1), performed an incremental exercise test until exhaustion. The power output increased by 30 W every 3 min, using an electrically controlled ergometer Ergoline 800 S (see Zoladz et al. J. Physiol. 488: 211-217, 1995). The test was performed twice: once at a cycling frequency of 60 rev.min(-1) (test A) and a few days later at a frequency of 120 rev. min(-1) (test B). At rest and at the end of each step (i.e. the last 15 s) antecubital venous blood samples for [K+]p were taken. Gas exchange variables were measured continuously (breath-by-breath) using Oxycon Champion Jaeger. The pre-exercise [K+]v in both tests was not significantly different amounting to 4.24+/-0.36 mmol.l(-1) in test A, and 4.37+/-0.45 mmol.l(-1) in test B. However, the [K+]p during cycling at 120 rev. min(-1) was significantly higher (p<0.001, ANOVA for repeated measurements) at each power output when compared to cycling at 60 rev.min(-1). The maximal power output reached 293+/-31 W in test A which was significantly higher (p<0.001) than in test B, which amounted to 223+/-40 W. The VO2max values in both tests reached 3.720+/-0.426 l. min(-1) vs 3.777+/-0.514 l. min(-1). These values were not significantly different. When the [K+]v was measured during incremental cycling exercise, a linear increase in [K+]v was observed in both tests. However, a significant (p<0.05) upward shift in the [K+]v and a % VO2max relationship was detected during cycling at 120 rev.min(-1). The [K+]v measured at the VO2max level in tests A and B amounted to 6.00+/-0.47 mmol.l-1 vs 6.04+/-0.41 mmol.l-1, respectively. This difference was not significant. It may thus be concluded that: a) generation of the same external mechanical power output during cycling at a pedalling rate of 120 rev.min(-1) causes significantly higher [K+]v changes than when cycling at 60 rev.min(-1), b) the increase of venous plasma potassium concentration during dynamic incremental exercise is linearly related to the metabolic cost of work expressed by the percentage of VO2max (increase as reported previously by Vollestad et al. J. Physiol. 475: 359-368, 1994), c) there is a tendency towards upward up shift in the [K+]v and % VO2max relation during cycling at 120 rev.min(-1) when compared to cycling at 60 rev.min(-1).  相似文献   

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