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This study examines the effect of female presence on the amount of ‘strippable’ sperm, and the relationship between male sexual activity and the amount of ‘ready’ sperm in the male guppy Poecilia reticulata. The amount of strippable sperm was greater in males paired for one week with females than in isolated males. We separated these ‘paired’ males from females by a clear partition and thus exposed males to visual and possibly olfactory stimuli. In the second experiment, control males spent more time attending females and performed more sexual acts during a 15-min test period than males previously stripped of spermatophores. These results indicate that females play an important role in stimulating sperm availability in males and that the amount of ready sperm influences male sexual behaviour. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Female grasshoppers of acoustically communicating species assume series of reproductive states that are associated with particular behaviours. Studies on laboratory populations of Chorthippus biguttulus (L.) revealed that females of this species lack the period of ‘passive copulatory readiness’, increase their attractiveness to males by sound production and mate multiple times before their first oviposition. In particular, female Ch. biguttulus display a period of ‘primary rejection’ after their imaginal moult during which they reject male mating attempts followed by a period of ‘active copulatory readiness’ in which they produce acoustic signals and may copulate with courting males. Female stridulation generally stimulated male mating activity and stridulating females attracted more male mating attempts than mute females in the same cage, indicating that males preferentially court females that signal ‘active copulatory readiness’. After receipt of a spermatophore, Ch. biguttulus females displayed periods of ‘secondary rejection’ followed by re-establishment of ‘active copulatory readiness’. Acoustic responses of females to male songs, an indicator of reproductive readiness, were significantly reduced until 2 days after mating and remained slightly reduced in comparison to pre-mating levels. Some females mated multiple times before their first oviposition and cycled between ‘secondary rejection’ and ‘active copulatory readiness’.  相似文献   

The behavioural determinants of male mating success play a pivotal role in sexual selection, but remain poorly known for most kinds of organisms, including most reptiles. In Manitoba, Canada, large numbers of red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, court and mate in early spring near communal overwintering dens. To understand how a male's morphology and behaviour might influence his mating success, we videotaped 21 groups of snakes each comprising four males of varying body sizes plus a female. All males engaged in courtship, and mating occurred in all groups. Males with better body condition courted more vigorously and successfully than their smaller rivals did. The males that obtained matings were those that maintained their own cloaca closest to that of the female, aligned most of their body with the female, showed high rates of caudocephalic waving, chin pressing and tail searching, and did not allow other males to insert their body beside the female's. These behavioural differences between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ were apparent from the beginning of each trial. Thus, male mating success in this ‘scramble’ system is determined not by chaotic, stochastic struggle (as has often been inferred) but instead is strongly linked to male courtship tactics. Energy stores (as evidenced by good body condition) may be critical determinants of mating success in these vigorous courtship episodes.  相似文献   

Parasites can affect mate choice, with females preferentially selecting parasite-free males. Prior exposure to, or experience with, males has also been suggested to influence mate responses. Here, we examined the effects of an immediate, brief (1 or 15 min) pre-exposure to the urinary and associated odours of either an uninfected male house mouse,Mus domesticus , or a male infected with the natural murine nematode parasite, Heligomosomoides polygyrus, on the subsequent responses of female mice to the odours of infected and uninfected males. Using an odour preference test we found that females displayed a marked overall preference for the odours of uninfected males. Pre-exposure to the odours of a parasitized male decreased female preference for nonparasitized males and increased female preference for parasitized males. This ‘prior male’ effect was evident for both the total odour preference and initial odour choice. Females pre-exposed to the odour of a parasitized male displayed decreased choosiness and made no particular initial choice of a male, while still maintaining an overall preference for the odours of uninfected males. These shifts in initial choice and odour preference were not directly associated with either female stress responses or stress-related odour cues of the males. Our findings show that female mice can distinguish between parasitized and nonparasitized males on the basis of odour and suggest that a brief exposure to the odours of infected males influences females' immediate odour preferences, and their subsequent preference for and choice of males. This rapid, infection-associated ‘prior male’ effect may contribute to the reported variations in female mate preference and choice. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour   相似文献   

Baboon sexual swellings are among the largest and most colorful signals displayed by any mammal, and many baboon studies have shown an association between sexual swellings and both female and male sexual behavior. However, the extent to which female behavior and sexual swellings combine to signal the timing of ovulation and the fertile period to males, and the extent to which males use these and other signals when determining patterns of mating behavior, remain key topics of research. Here we assess the social and sexual behavior of both female and male olive baboons with respect to detailed measures of swelling size made from digital photographs, measures of fecal progestogen and estrogen levels, and estimates of the timing of ovulation and the fertile period based on those levels. Female aggression and grooming behavior were unrelated to fecal progestogen and estrogen levels, but there were some significant relationships between these hormonal measures and presenting behaviors. Measures of female behavior collected during the study did not appear to reveal the timing of ovulation or the fertile period. Male consortship behavior was closely tied to fine-scale changes in sexual swelling size, but copulation behavior was not. Copulation behavior of consorting males was, however, linked to the timing of both ovulation and the fertile period, suggesting that males did have knowledge about these timings. Together these results suggest that males used fine-scale swelling size changes when deciding when to consort, but that consorting males did not use fine-scale swelling size changes in deciding when to copulate. We propose that swelling size may advertise the period during which males should consort with females, with other signals available only from closer inspection then used by consorting males to assess the timing of the fertile period more accurately. An important implication of this interpretation is that different males may have access to different signals of ovulation at any one time. Such a system would allow females to offer different males different information simultaneously, perhaps offering a solution to the ‘female dilemma’ of how females can simultaneously assure and confuse paternity in multi-male societies.  相似文献   

There is currently a gap in sexual selection theory about how much the environment drives female mating decisions. We present field data that suggest that female sexual behaviour in the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis is influenced by parasite burden. Male wing pigmentation in Calopteryx is a sexually selected trait that signals a male's ability to cope with eugregarine parasites (an intestinal parasite that feeds on the adult's ingested food). Because adult C. haemorrhoidalis females also show wing pigmentation, we examined whether this trait is similarly influenced by parasite burden and whether it may signal the female's reproductive value. MaleC. haemorrhoidalis defend riverine substrates that females use for oviposition. After copulation and during oviposition, females are guarded by the copulating male against intruder males. Alternatively, females may avoid mating and ‘steal’ an oviposition site within a male's territory. In the present study, we found that the amount of female wing pigmentation was negatively correlated with the number of eugregarines present. Females with more parasites produced fewer eggs, survived fewer days, spent less time during courtship, ‘inspected’ fewer males before mating, had a lower mating success, were guarded for less time during oviposition and engaged in fewer ‘stealing’ events during oviposition. The reduced egg production and survival of heavily infected females may result from eugregarine depletion of the females' consumed food reserves. Thus, to offset reduced longevity, heavily infected females may accept a mating more rapidly and mate with fewer males. ‘Stealing’ behaviour may be related to the female's differential use of sperm from some males, particularly high-quality males. Interestingly, males that mated with low-pigmented females showed greater variance in wing pigmentation than did males that mated with high-pigmented females. Possibly, female wing pigmentation may signal a female's reproductive value, which provides females with longer mate-guarding episodes and reduced interference from intruder males. This study points out one possible constraint, intestine parasites, that females may face during mating decisions. Because females in bad condition mate with males in both good and bad condition, this constraint may be pervasive enough to weaken the intensity of selection for a male sexually selected trait, wing pigmentation, and help to maintain its variation in phenotypic expression. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The amplifier hypothesis states that selection could favour the evolution of traits in signallers that improve the ability of receivers to extract honest information from other signals or cues. We provide a formal definition of amplifiers based on the receiver's mechanisms of signal perception and we present a game-theoretical model in which males advertise their quality and females use sequential-sampling tactics to choose among prospective mates. The main effect of an amplifier on the female mating strategy is to increase her mating threshold, making the female more selective as the effectiveness of the amplifier increases. The effects of the amplifier on male advertising strategy depends both on the context and on the types of the amplifier involved. We consider two different contexts for the evolution of amplifiers (when the effect of amplifiers is on signals and when it is on cues) and two types of amplifiers (the ‘neutral amplifier’, when it improves quality assessment without altering male attractiveness, and the ‘attractive amplifier’, when it improves both quality assessment and male attractiveness). The game-theoretical model provides two main results. First, neutral and attractive amplifiers represent, respectively, a conditional and an unconditional signalling strategy. In fact, at the equilibrium, neutral amplifiers are displayed only by males whose advertising level lays above the female acceptance threshold, whereas attractive amplifiers are displayed by all signalling males, independent of their quality. Second, amplifiers of signals increase the differences in advertising levels between amplifying and not-amplifying males, but they decrease the differences within each group, so that the system converges towards an ‘all-or-nothing’ signalling strategy. By applying concepts from information theory, we show that the increase in information transfer at the perception level due to the amplifier of signals is contrasted by a decrease in information transfer at the emitter level due to the increased stereotypy of male advertising strategy.  相似文献   

Sexual selection for divergent female preferences has been proposed to stimulate speciation. We tested this basic model by selecting for divergence in the courtship repertoire of the house fly Musca domestica L. Specifically, we subjected replicate strains to artificial selection for differentiation along the first two principal components of the phenotypic intercorrelation structure of five courtship traits. Highly significant differentiation in courtship repertoire resulted, and the magnitude of the selection response was highest along the first principal component (representing the ‘size’, or general intensity, of courtship). Videotaped matings of the crosses between divergent lines (i.e. males of one strain mating with females from a different line) showed that the selection responses in the intensities of male performances were due to shifts in female preferences. In particular, the males were able to accommodate the demands of ‘foreign’ females (as well as their own) in the no-choice situation (i.e. only one male and one female per mating chamber). In contrast to this plasticity of the males, the females were consistent in their differential resistance responses, regardless of the type of male involved in the courtship. Multiple-choice mate choice tests revealed significant reproductive isolation among some lines, although the effect was asymmetrical. The patterns of nonrandom mating were largely due to females from more genetically healthy lines (i.e. with overall high mating propensity) discriminating against males from populations with more inbreeding depression. We suggest that the inability to achieve true (symmetrical) reproductive isolation could have been due to low evolutionary potential in the ‘shape’ of courtship, as defined by the second principal component. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

The maturation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a key-component of the changes that occur during adolescence. In guinea pigs, HPA responsiveness during late adolescence depends strongly on the quantity and quality of social interactions: Males that lived in a large mixed-sex colony over the course of adolescence exhibit a lower stress response than males that were kept in pairs (one male/one female). Since colony-housed males have higher testosterone (T) levels than pair-housed males, and inhibiting effects of T on HPA function are well known, we tested the hypothesis that the decrease in stress responsiveness found in colony-housed males is due to their high T concentrations. We manipulated T levels in two experiments: 1) gonadectomy/sham-gonadectomy of colony-housed males (which usually have high T levels), 2) application of T undecanoate/vehicle to pair-housed males (which usually have low T levels). As expected, gonadectomized males showed a significantly increased stress response in comparison with sham-gonadectomized males, and T-injected males had a significantly lower stress response than vehicle-injected males. Both experiments thus confirm an inhibiting effect of T on HPA responsiveness during adolescence, which can mediate the influence of social interactions. The reduction in stress responsiveness is hypothesized to have a biologically adaptive value: A sudden increase in glucocorticoid concentrations can enhance aggressive behavior. Thus, pair-housed males might be adapted to aggressively defend their female (‘resource defense strategy’), whereas colony-housed males display little aggressive behavior and are capable of integrating themselves into a colony (‘queuing strategy’).  相似文献   

Virgin females of the tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans orientalis, retain their first egg within the right ovary whereas mated females ovulate. The component of the mating act which causes ovulation and thereby initiates the ovarian cycles which follow, is not insemination, the construction of a spermatophore in the uterus, or a humoral factor associated with the testes, accessory glands or ejaculatory ducts of donor males, or ‘full’ spermathecae of donor females. The ovulation rate increases with copulation time and females are shown to ‘add up’ their ‘sexual experience’ independently of that of the males. Inter-specific matings between G. morsitans and G. austeni also result in ovulation, but an unidentified factor associated with the completion of the mating act was also apparent. It is suggested that a ‘mechanical’ factor probably with nervous and endocrine components is responsible for the release of the egg from the ovary. Observations on the construction of empty spermatophores by aspermic males of G. morsitans are included.  相似文献   

The ability of the sycamore aphid to produce sexuales (males and females) is regulated by a timing mechanism (‘interval timer’) which restrains the appearance of these morphs in the spring under short day conditions. In this species there are two ‘interval timers’: one, sensitive to day-length and controlling the production of sexual females, and another insensitive to day-length and controlling the production of males. In the production of sexual females day-length acts directly on the aphid and not through the host plant.  相似文献   

Estradiol withdrawal after pregnancy is hypothesized to precipitate depressive symptoms in vulnerable women. A hormone-simulated pregnancy was induced in female rats and the effects of a ‘postpartum’ drop in estradiol on hippocampal cell proliferation were examined. All groups were ovariectomized or given sham surgery prior to treatment. Rats were randomly assigned to ‘postpartum’, ‘postpartum’ + EB (estradiol benzoate), ‘postpartum’ + DPN (diarylpropionitrile; an ERβ agonist), ‘postpartum’ + IMI (imipramine; a tricyclic antidepressant), sham, ovariectomized (OVX), sham + IMI or OVX + IMI groups. All ‘postpartum’ groups received hormone injections (estradiol and progesterone) over 23 days to simulate pregnancy, while IMI groups also received daily imipramine injections. After day 23, ‘postpartum’ rats were withdrawn from the hormone-simulated pregnancy (mimicking the postpartum drop in gonadal hormones), while other ‘postpartum’ treatment groups received daily injections of DPN, EB or IMI. On day 3 ‘postpartum’ all rats were injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; a DNA synthesis marker) and perfused 24 h later to assess cell proliferation and cell death in the dentate gyrus. ‘Postpartum’ hormone withdrawal decreased hippocampal cell proliferation in the ‘postpartum’ and ‘postpartum’ + EB groups only. Chronic imipramine significantly increased hippocampal cell proliferation in sham + IMI, but not OVX + IMI rats suggesting that imipramine's effects to increase hippocampal cell proliferation in female rats is related to reproductive status. Cell death (pyknotic cells) was decreased only in the ‘postpartum’ group. Together, these results suggest an important, though complex, role for gonadal hormones in the cellular changes accompanying this model of postpartum depression.  相似文献   

Colour pattern variation is a striking and widespread phenomenon. Differential predation risk between individuals is often invoked to explain colour variation, but empirical support for this hypothesis is equivocal. We investigated differential conspicuousness and predation risk in two species of Australian rock dragons, Ctenophorus decresii andC. vadnappa . To humans, the coloration of males of these species varies between ‘bright’ and ‘dull’. Visual modelling based on objective colour measurements and the spectral sensitivities of avian visual pigments showed that dragon colour variants are differentially conspicuous to the visual system of avian predators when viewed against the natural background. We conducted field experiments to test for differential predation risk, using plaster models of ‘bright’ and ‘dull’ males. ‘Bright’ models were attacked significantly more often than ‘dull’ models suggesting that differential conspicuousness translates to differential predation risk in the wild. We also examined the influence of natural geographical range on predation risk. Results from 22 localities suggest that predation rates vary according to whether predators are familiar with the prey species. This study is among the first to demonstrate both differential conspicuousness and differential predation risk in the wild using an experimental protocol. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Using a laboratory experiment, we tested the hypothesis that faecal inspection and squashing behaviours by female red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus, function in a context other than mate assessment, in this case foraging. Because only female P. cinereus squash faecal pellets, other studies have hypothesized that the faecal squashing is a mate assessment behaviour. During the courtship season, we exposed gravid female P. cinereus maintained on a ‘high-quality’ or ‘low-quality’ diet, to the faecal pellets of male and female conspecifics fed ‘high-quality’ diets. Female diet had no effect on activity level, and, overall, P. cinereus showed greater interest in male-marked substrates than female-marked substrates. However, female diet had a large effect on faecal inspection and squashing behaviours, and females showed similar inspection and squashing rates towards both male and female faecal pellets. These results suggest that faecal squashing does not function primarily in mate assessment, but rather as a means for female P. cinereus to gain information about prey availability. We propose that male P. cinereus have evolved to exploit female faecal inspection and squashing behaviours (sensory exploitation) to attract foraging females into areas to increase male encounter rates with females.  相似文献   

An important prediction from game theory is that the value of a resource influences the level to which conflict escalates. Here we use jumping spiders (Salticidae) to consider this prediction in the context of species adopting different mating systems (‘female mate-choice’ and ‘mutual mate-choice’). Our experiments are designed for determining whether the odour of conspecific females, more than the odour of heterospecific females, primes males to escalate conflict with a potential same-sex rival and also whether the odour of conspecific males, more than the odour of heterospecific males, primes females to escalate conflict with a potential same-sex rival. Four species were studied: Evarcha culicivora, a species in which mutual mate-choice is pronounced, and Portia fimbriata, Portia africana, and Jacksonoides queenslandicus, more conventional salticids in which female mate-choice and male–male competition appear to be dominant. Our hypothesis is that, for all four species, there is strong competition between males for access to females and that, for E. culicivora, but not for the other three species, there is also strong competition between females for access to males. Our findings are consistent with this hypothesis, as we show that, although the odour of conspecific females primes escalation of vision-based male–male conflict for all four species, E. culicivora is the only species for which there is evidence of odour from conspecific males priming the escalation of female–female conflict.  相似文献   

Successful development of Plasmodium sexual stages is essential for parasite survival, but the genes involved are poorly understood. We ‘knocked out’ the male development gene-1 (mdv-1) locus in Plasmodium berghei and found it to be important in female gametocyte activation. Indirect immunofluoresence assays show MDV-1 has a punctate cytoplasmic distribution in gametocytes. After activation of both females and males, MDV-1 is more peripherally located but in males exclusively it becomes concentrated in a few large foci. In vitro ookinete conversion assays that test the ability of activated female gametocytes to develop into retort stage ookinetes, suggests a complicit role for MDV-1, with the knock-out parasite producing 86% reduction in ookinetes. The retort stage ookinete develops from the zygote by increasing growth of an apical protrusion and MDV-1 locates at the ‘leading’ extracellular apical pole of this protrusion. In the fully developed ookinete MDV-1 is localised to the posterior pole. In vivo, the knock-out parasites demonstrate a phenotype in which there is a 90% reduction of parasite transmission to oocysts in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Magnetic orientation and magnetoreception in birds and other animals   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Animals use the geomagnetic field in many ways: the magnetic vector provides a compass; magnetic intensity and/or inclination play a role as a component of the navigational map, and magnetic conditions of certain regions act as sign posts or triggers, eliciting specific responses. A magnetic compass is widespread among animals, magnetic navigation is indicated e.g. in birds, marine turtles and spiny lobsters and the use of magnetic sign posts has been described for birds and marine turtles. For magnetoreception, two hypotheses are currently discussed, one proposing a chemical compass based on a radical pair mechanism, the other postulating processes involving magnetite particles. The available evidence suggests that birds use both mechanisms, with the radical pair mechanism in the right eye providing directional information and a magnetite-based mechanism in the upper beak providing information on position as component of the map. Behavioral data from other animals indicate a light-dependent compass probably based on a radical pair mechanism in amphibians and a possibly magnetite-based mechanism in mammals. Histological and electrophysiological data suggest a magnetite-based mechanism in the nasal cavities of salmonid fish. Little is known about the parts of the brain where the respective information is processed.  相似文献   

High temperature reduces the grain quality of rice, a situation likely to become more frequent because of global warming. We studied the effects of high-temperature stress on grain quality of heat-tolerant cultivar ‘Genkitsukushi’ and heat-sensitive cultivar ‘Tsukushiroman’. When day/night temperatures were 31/26 °C from heading until maturity, the grain quality of ‘Genkitsukushi’ was rated at the first inspection grade (high quality), whereas ‘Tsukushiroman’ showed a remarkable increase in the percentage of white immature kernels (low quality). Nonstructural carbohydrate content in the stem of ‘Genkitsukushi’ the early maturation was significantly higher than in ‘Tsukushiroman’ and greatly decreased under high temperature. From 14 to 21 days after heading, the expression of the sucrose transporter gene, OsSUT1, was higher in the stem of ‘Genkitsukushi’ grown under high temperature than in ‘Tsukushiroman’. In addition, the expression of OsSUT1 in the grains of ‘Genkitsukushi’ was significantly higher than in ‘Tsukushiroman’ during the ripening period. These results indicate that sugar transport functions more effectively in ‘Genkitsukushi’ than in ‘Tsukushiroman’, and that the effectiveness of sugar transport contributes to maintaining high grain quality in ‘Genkitsukushi’ under high-temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

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