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The Wnt signaling pathway is highly conserved across metazoa and has pleiotropic functions in the development of many animals. Binding of a secreted Wnt ligand to its Frizzled (Fz) receptor activates Dishevelled, which then drives one of three major signaling cascades, canonical (β-catenin), calcium, or planar cell polarity signaling. These pathways have distinct developmental effects and function in different processes in different organisms. Here we report the expression of six wnt and three fz genes during embryogenesis of the sea star, Patiria miniata, as a first step in uncovering the roles of Wnt signaling in the development of this organism. wnt3, wnt4, wnt8, and wnt16 are expressed in nested domains in the endoderm and lateral ectoderm from blastula through late gastrula stages; wnt2 and wnt5 are expressed in the mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Expression of different fz paralogs is detected in the mesoderm; posterior endoderm and ectoderm; and anterior ectoderm. Taken together, this suggests that Wnt signaling can occur throughout most of the embryo and may therefore play multiple roles during sea star development.  相似文献   

The Wnt signaling pathway is highly conserved across metazoa and has pleiotropic functions in the development of many animals. Binding of a secreted Wnt ligand to its Frizzled (Fz) receptor activates Dishevelled, which then drives one of three major signaling cascades, canonical (β-catenin), calcium, or planar cell polarity signaling. These pathways have distinct developmental effects and function in different processes in different organisms. Here we report the expression of six wnt and three fz genes during embryogenesis of the sea star, Patiria miniata, as a first step in uncovering the roles of Wnt signaling in the development of this organism. wnt3, wnt4, wnt8, and wnt16 are expressed in nested domains in the endoderm and lateral ectoderm from blastula through late gastrula stages; wnt2 and wnt5 are expressed in the mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Expression of different fz paralogs is detected in the mesoderm; posterior endoderm and ectoderm; and anterior ectoderm. Taken together, this suggests that Wnt signaling can occur throughout most of the embryo and may therefore play multiple roles during sea star development.  相似文献   

Expression of multiple proliferin genes in mouse cells.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Several copies of the prolactin-related proliferin gene were detected in the mouse genome, encoding at least two distinct forms of proliferin. These forms correspond to proliferin cDNA clones derived from BALB/c 3T3 tissue culture and BALB/c placental RNA. Tissue culture and placental cells were each found to express both forms of proliferin.  相似文献   

A family of genes related to the Drosophila wingless receptor frizzled have been found in vertebrates. We have cloned full length cDNAs of two novel frizzled genes from embryonic Xenopus tissue. We are calling them Xfz7 and Xfz9 (for Xenopus frizzled) because their deduced peptide sequences show extensive similarity to other vertebrate frizzled molecules. Xfz7 is closely related to human, chick and mouse frz-7 and Xfz9 is most related to human FZD9 and mouse fzd9. Xfz7 is expressed in a broad, complex and dynamic pattern beginning at gastrulation. At later stages Xfz7 expression is found in neural crest, neural tube, eye, pronephric duct and the heart. Xfz9 expression in contrast is more restricted to the neuroectoderm and, at later stages of development, to the dorsal regions of the mid- and hindbrain.  相似文献   

The Herpes simplex virus (HSV) thymidine kinase (TK) gene was introduced into mouse L cells by cotransformation with the G418 resistance gene on plasmid pSV2neo.d5 and selection for antibiotic resistance. Fifty nanograms each of the TK gene and pSV2neo.d5 were mixed with 10 μg of carrier DNA and precipitated onto cells. Of 18 antibiotic-resistant colonies analyzed, 15 contained 1–5 copies of the TK gene and 13 of the 15 were phenotypically TK positive. These data demonstrate that it is possible to introduce small numbers of copies of cotransferred genes into cultured cells and that in most cases the genes are integrated in a manner compatible with expression.  相似文献   

Functionally rearranged immunoglobulin heavy-chain (gamma 2b) and light-chain (lambda 1 and kappa) genes were introduced into mouse L tk- cells by co-transformation with the Herpes virus tk gene. Cloned cell lines were selected in HAT medium and tested for the presence of transfected immunoglobulin gene sequences by Southern blotting analysis. It was found that the gamma 2b gene was accurately transcribed at a low level in transfected mouse L cells and cytoplasmic gamma 2b, heavy-chain protein was detected by immunoprecipitation of cell extracts. Light-chain genes, on the other hand, were not accurately transcribed. Instead, lambda 1 or kappa RNA species were detected which were approximately 200 to 300 bases longer than the authentic mRNAs. These results suggest that the expression of rearranged heavy-chain and light-chain genes are controlled differently and that these differences can be seen in transfected, non-lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of aphakia (ak) gene expression in ak/ak C/C in equilibrium +/+ c/c experimental chimaeras has shown that the ak gene acts in the lens rudiment cells blocking it differentiation. In the lens of 12 day old ak/ak C/C in equilibrium +/+ c/c chimaeric embryos undifferentiated ak/ak cells were present among the normally differentiating fibres. In 14 and 18 day old chimaeric embryos and 20 day old chimaeric mice ak/ak cells are located under the lens epithelium and the capsule of posterior lens half. In the locations of ak/ak cells on the posterior lens surface capsule breaks resulted in the extrusion of lens material into the secondary eye cavity. In all studied chimaeric embryos the lens structure is more similar to that in the normal embryos, than in ak/ak embryos. This suggests that in the developing chimaeric lens ak/ak cells are sorted out as the development proceeds. The proliferation rate of +/+ cells appears to be higher than that of ak/ak cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the cellular site of eyeless-I (ey-I) and eyeless-2 (ey-2) gene action, causing anophthalmia or microphthalmia. Eye primordia from 10-day-old embryos of ZRDCT-AN and CC57BR (control) mice were cultured in vitro for 3 or 6 days. In 59 out of 77 cultured mutant eye primordia neural retina was disturbed. In 9 mutant eye primordia the disturbed neural retina was 4-6 times thinner than in the control. However, lens differentiation was similar to that in the control, epithelial and fibrous components were observed. Thus, mutant genes eyeless inhibit the growth of primordial retina, causing secondary developmental defects of the lens and other eye structures.  相似文献   

An expression profile of active genes in the human liver was obtained by collecting sequences with a 3′-directed cDNA library that faithfully represents composition of the mRNA population. The results show the relative activity of ca. 600 genes in maintaining the hepatocytes and sustaining their liver-specific phenotypes. The most active group of genes are those for the production of plasma proteins, followed by the genes for the synthesis of lipoproteins, protease inhibitors, coagulation factors, and complements. This balance of gene activity was maintained for four independently obtained expression profiles from human livers, including those of adult and fetus. The expression profiling was extended to the liver of adult mouse, used as a model for the molecular etiology of hepatocytes and for examining the effects of drugs. Subtle biological differences between the human and mouse livers are reflected in the global expression profiles of active genes, especially with regard to the synthesis of plasma proteins, lipoproteins and complements. This comparative analysis using expression profiling should find a wide application in comparative biology.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling has been shown to be important for axis formation in vertebrates. However, no Wnt ligand or receptor has been shown to be specifically expressed in all the organizer tissues in the mouse embryo. Here we report that the mouse frizzled 8 (mfz8) gene, a Wnt receptor, is expressed in the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and the anterior primitive streak, which have been shown to possess organizer activity. mFz8 is also expressed in the descendents of the anterior streak that comprise the anterior mesendoderm (AME) at midgastrulation, with subsequent expression in the anterior neurectoderm, which is specified and patterned by the AVE and AME. Thus, mfz8 is specifically expressed in the organizer tissues that establish the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that Sprouty genes 1, 2 and 4 are expressed in several developing organs of the craniofacial area and trunk, including the brain, cochlea, nasal organs, teeth, salivary gland, lungs, digestive tract, kidneys and limb buds. In organs such as the semicircular canal, Rathke's pouch, nasal organs, the follicle of vibrissae and teeth, Sprouty1 and Sprouty2 are expressed in the epithelium and Sprouty4 in the mesenchyme or neuronal tissue, while in the lung Sprouties1, 2 and 4 are all expressed mainly in the epithelial tissue. In the kidney, Sprouty1 is prominent in the ureteric bud whereas Sprouty2 and 4 are expressed in both the ureteric bud and the kidney mesenchyme and glomeruli deriving from it. The expression profiles suggest roles for these Sprouties in the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that govern organogenesis.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of nm23 genes during mouse organogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nucleoside di-phosphate kinase enzyme (NDPK) isoforms, encoded by the nm23 family of genes, may be involved in various cellular differentiation and proliferation processes. We have therefore analyzed the expression of nm23-M1, -M2, -M3, and -M4 during embryonic mouse development. In situ hybridization data has revealed the differential expression of nm23 mRNA during organogenesis. Whereas nm23-M1 and -M3 are preferentially expressed in the nervous and sensory systems, nm23-M2 mRNA is found ubiquitously. Irrespective of the developmental state studied, nm23-M4 mRNA is only expressed at low levels in a few embryonic organs. In the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, nm23-M1, -M2, and -M3 are present in the neuronal differentiation layer, whereas nm23-M4 mRNA is distributed in the proliferating layer. Thus, nm23 mRNA is differentially expressed, and the diverse NDPK isoforms are sequentially involved in various developmental processes.  相似文献   

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