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Levels of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) were monitored in various parts of leafy cuttings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Marma) during the course of adventitious root formation. IAA and IAAsp were identified by combined gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, and the quantitations were performed by means of high performance liquid chromatography with spectrofluorometric detection. IAA levels in the root forming tissue of the stem base, the upper part of the stem base (where no roots were formed), and the shoot apex remained constant during the period studied and were similar to levels occurring in the intact seedling. A reduction of the IAA level in the root regenerating zone, achieved by removing the shoot apex, resulted in almost complete inhibition of root formation. The IAAsp level in the shoot apex also remained constant, whereas in the stem base it increased 6-fold during the first 3 days. These results show that root initiation may occur without increased IAA levels in the root regenerating zone. It is concluded that the steady-state concentration is maintained by basipetal IAA transport from the shoot apex and by conjugation of excessive IAA with aspartic acid, thereby preventing accumulation of IAA in the tissue.  相似文献   

Mutants in the indole-3-acetic acid metabolism derived fromcultured crown gall cells were tested to see whether they couldutilize any one of eight indolic compounds in place of indole-3-aceticacid. Two auxin-heterotrophic mutant cell lines could not utilizeindolepyruvic acid, but growth recovered when there was a supplementof indole-3-acetic acid. Indoleacetonitril and indoleacetaldoximeinhibited the growth of mutant cell lines and their parentalcrown gall cells. Cultured crown gall cells may have synthesizedindole-3-acetic acid from tryptophan via indolepyruvic acidand indole-acetaldehyde, and also may be able to produce indole-3-aceticacid from tryptophan via tryptamine (Received May 6, 1980; )  相似文献   

Mutants in the indole-3-acetic acid metabolism derived fromcultured crown gall cells were tested to see whether they couldutilize any one of eight indolic compounds in place of indole-3-aceticacid. Two auxin-heterotrophic mutant cell lines could not utilizeindolepyruvic acid, but growth recovered when there was a supplementof indole-3-acetic acid. Indoleacetonitril and indoleacetaldoximeinhibited the growth of mutant cell lines and their parentalcrown gall cells. Cultured crown gall cells may have synthesizedindole-3-acetic acid from tryptophan via indolepyruvic acidand indole-acetaldehyde, and also may be able to produce indole-3-aceticacid from tryptophan via tryptamine (Received May 6, 1980; )  相似文献   

The role of auxins in induction of roots byAgrobacterium rhizogenes was studied in carrot root disks. Transformed roots were produced on root disks by inoculation withA. rhizogenes, A4. Measurement of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) indicated that there was a significant increase in the concentration of IAA in transformed callus and induced roots compared with initial IAA concentrations in carrot disks. Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was found to occur naturally in carrot roots. The presence of IBA, a potent root inducer, must be taken into account when assessing the role of auxin during transformation and induction of roots byA. rhizogenes.  相似文献   

无土栽培番红花的LC/MS分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用高效液相色谱质谱联用(LC/MS)法,分析比较了有土栽培和无土栽培番红花(Crocus sativusL.)药材的高效液相色谱指纹图谱,发现两者有一致的指纹图谱,并利用质谱作检测器(MSD)从无土栽培番红花药材中检测到了西红花苷-Ⅰ[crocin-Ⅰ,C44H64O24,分子质量(M.M.)976]、西红花苷-Ⅱ(crocin-Ⅱ,C38H54O19,M.M.814)、西红花苷-Ⅲ(crocin-Ⅲ,C32H44O14,M.M.652)、苦藏花素(picrocrocin,C16H26O7,M.M.330)、苦藏红花酸(picrocro-cinic acid,C16H26O8,M.M.346)、双葡萄糖基莰非醇(di-glucosyl-kaempferol,C27H30O16,M.M.610)以及1个西红花苷-Ⅱ的异构体(crocin-Ⅱs isomer,C38H54O19,M.M.814)。从化学成分角度,说明无土栽培技术可以用于无公害番红花药材的生产,在缺乏对照品的情况下,LC/MS法可作为检测番红花药材质量的有效方法。  相似文献   

The role of auxins in induction of roots byAgrobacterium rhizogenes was studied in carrot root disks. Transformed roots were produced on root disks by inoculation withA. rhizogenes, A4. Measurement of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) indicated that there was a significant increase in the concentration of IAA in transformed callus and induced roots compared with initial IAA concentrations in carrot disks. Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was found to occur naturally in carrot roots. The presence of IBA, a potent root inducer, must be taken into account when assessing the role of auxin during transformation and induction of roots byA. rhizogenes.  相似文献   

Phytohormone-like acting compounds previously have been suggested to be involved in the phytostimulatory action exerted by the plant-beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Analyses by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry performed with culture filtrates of FZB42 demonstrated the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), corroborating it as one of the pivotal plant-growth-promoting substances produced by this bacterium. In the presence of 5 mM tryptophan, a fivefold increase in IAA secretion was registered. In addition, in the trp auxotrophic strains E101 (deltatrpBA) and E102 (deltatrpED), and in two other strains bearing knockout mutations in genes probably involved in IAA metabolism, E103 (deltaysnE, putative IAA transacetylase) and E105 (deltayhcX, putative nitrilase), the concentration of IAA in the culture filtrates was diminished. Three of these mutant strains were less efficient in promoting plant growth, indicating that the Trp-dependent synthesis of auxins and plant growth promotion are functionally related in B. amyloliquefaciens.  相似文献   

Plant biomass in the form of cheap wastes, such as straw, corn stalks, wood chips, sawdust, bagasse, pomace, etc., is abundant throughout the world. To convert these wastes into the useful value-added compounds microbial enzymes are the preferred choice. In this paper, we identify enzymes involved in the degradation of starch and polygalacturonic acid using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry based analysis. We analysed total protein from soil and compost samples. Extracellular proteins from enrichment cultures were analysed in parallel and used as controls in the sample preparation and identification of proteins. In general, both protein sequence coverage and the number of identified peptides were higher in the samples obtained from the enrichment cultures than from the total protein from soil and compost. The influence of the nature of gel (zymography vs. SDS/polyacrylamide) was negligible. Thus, starch and polygalacturonic acid degradation associated proteins can be directly excised from the zymograms without the need to align zymograms with the SDS/polyacrylamide gels. A range of starch and polygalacturonic acid degradation associated enzymes were identified in both total protein samples and extracellular proteins from the enrichment cultures. Our results show that proteins involved in starch and polygalacturonic acid degradation can be identified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry from the complex protein mixtures both with and without cultivation of microorganism  相似文献   

An LC/ESI/MS/MS method for cyclic phosphatidic acid (cPA) quantification in serum is established in the present report. The limit of quantitation of the assay reaches low nanomolar level in human serum and the CV% are within 10%. Using this method, we successfully quantify the levels of two cPA species, 16:0 and 18:1, in human serum. We find that the concentrations of 16:0 cPA in the serum of normal subjects and post-surgery ovarian cancer patients are significantly higher than its corresponding concentration in pre-surgery ovarian cancer patients, supporting the observation that cPA has anti-cancer activity. Another discovery is that the addition of strong acids (such as hydrochloric acid) in human serum may lead to the production of artificial cPA. Therefore, strong acids should be avoided in the extraction of cPA present in a complex matrix. Based on this observation, a new lipid extraction method was developed and used to extract cPA. The extraction recovery is close to 80%, guaranteeing an accurate quantification of cPA by LC/ESI/MS/MS can be performed.  相似文献   

With the combined techniques of on-line liquid chromatography/electron spin resonance (LC/ESR) and on-line liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), we have previously characterized all classes of lipid-derived carbon-centered radicals (*Ld) formed from omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs: linoleic acid and arachidonic acid). In the present study, the carbon-centered radicals formed from two omega-3 PUFAs (linolenic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) resulting from their reactions with soybean lipoxygenase in the presence of alpha-[4-pyridyl 1-oxide]-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN) were investigated using the combination of LC/ESR and LC/MS techniques. A total of 16 POBN trapped carbon-centered radicals formed from the peroxidation of linolenic acid and 11 formed from the peroxidation of docosahexaenoic acid were detected by LC/ESR, identified by LC/MS, and structurally confirmed by tandem mass analysis (MS/MS). The on-line ESR chromatograms and MS chromatograms obtained from two omega-3 PUFAs closely resembled each other not only because the four major beta-scission products, including an ethyl radical and three isomeric pentenyl radicals, were formed from each PUFA, but also because isomeric POBN adducts of lipid dihydroxyallylic radicals from both PUFAs had almost identical chromatographic retention times.  相似文献   

[2',2'-(2)H(2)]-indole-3-acetic acid ([2',2'-(2)H(2)]IAA) was prepared in an easy and efficient manner involving base-catalyzed hydrogen/deuterium exchange. 1-O-([2',2'-(2)H(2)]-indole-3-acetyl)-beta-D-glucopyranose, [2',2'-(2)H(2)]-2-oxoindole-3-acetic acid, and 1-O-([2',2'-(2)H(2)]-2-oxoindole-3-acetyl)-beta-D-glucopyranose were also successfully synthesized from deuterated IAA, and effectively utilized as internal standards in the quantitative analysis of IAA and its metabolites in Arabidopsis thaliana by using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). The use of this technique shows that these metabolites were accumulated in the roots of Arabidopsis seedlings. Dynamic changes in the metabolites of IAA were observed in response to exogenous IAA, revealing that each metabolic action was regulated differently to contribute to the IAA homeostasis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Leaf senescence is an important developmental process for the plant life cycle. It is controlled by endogenous and environmental factors and can be positively or negatively affected by plant growth regulators. It is characterised by major and significant changes in the patterns of gene expression. Auxin, especially indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is a plant growth hormone that affects plant growth and development. The effect of IAA on leaf senescence is still unclear. In this study, we performed microarray analysis to investigate the role of IAA on gene expression during senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. We sprayed IAA on plants at 3 different time points (27, 31 or 35 days after sowing). Following spraying, PSII activity of the eighth leaf was evaluated daily by measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Our results show that PSII activity decreased following IAA application and the IAA treatment triggered different gene expression responses in leaves of different ages.


The newly established hyphenated instrumentation of LC/DAD/SPE/NMR and LC/UV/(ESI)MS techniques have been applied for separation and structure verification of the major known constituents present in Greek Hypericum perforatum extracts. The chromatographic separation was performed on a C18 column. Acetonitrile-water was used as a mobile phase. For the on-line NMR detection, the analytes eluted from column were trapped one by one onto separate SPE cartridges, and hereafter transported into the NMR flow-cell. LC/DAD/SPE/NMR and LC/UV/MS allowed the characterization of constituents of Greek H. perforatum, mainly naphtodianthrones (hypericin, pseudohypericin, protohypericin, protopseudohypericin), phloroglucinols (hyperforin, adhyperforin), flavonoids (quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, astilbin, miquelianin, I3,II8-biapigenin) and phenolic acids (chlorogenic acid, 3-O-coumaroylquinic acid). Two phloroglucinols (hyperfirin and adhyperfirin) were detected for the first time, which have been previously reported to be precursors in the biosynthesis of hyperforin and adhyperforin.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the flavonoid components of the leaves of two medicinal plants known in Brazil as "espinheira santa", namely, Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reiss. and M. aquifolium Mart. (Celastraceae), and a hybrid plant, M. aquifoliumxM. ilicifolia, has been carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array UV detection and mass spectrometry. One methoxyflavonoid glycoside and 18 flavonol-3-O-glycosides were identified in the extracts on the basis of their on-line UV spectra (measured in the absence and presence of shift reagents) and multiple stage mass spectral data. Fingerprint analysis of the flavonoid extracts revealed significant differences in the profiles of the two Maytenus species, while the hybrid plant contained flavonoids found in both parent species.  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) and the IAA synthetic cells in maize coleoptiles, we established immunohistochemistry of IAA using an anti-IAA-C-monoclonal antibody. We first confirmed the specificity of the antibody by comparing the amounts of endogenous free and conjugated IAA to the IAA signal obtained from the IAA antibody. Depletion of endogenous IAA showed a corresponding decrease in immuno-signal intensity and negligible cross-reactivity against IAA-related compounds, including tryptophan, indole-3-acetamide, and conjugated-IAA was observed. Immunolocalization showed that the IAA signal was intense in the approximately 1 mm region and the outer epidermis at the approximately 0.5 mm region from the top of coleoptiles treated with 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid. By contrast, the IAA immuno-signal in the outer epidermis almost disappeared after 5-methyl-tryptophan treatment. Immunogold labeling of IAA with an anti-IAA-N-polyclonal antibody in the outer-epidermal cells showed cytoplasmic localization of free-IAA, but none in cell walls or vacuoles. These findings indicated that IAA is synthesized in the 0–2.0 mm region of maize coleoptile tips from Trp, in which the outer-epidermal cells of the 0.5 mm tip are the most active IAA synthetic cells.  相似文献   

Strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with the ability to catabolize indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and strains of B. japonicum, Rhizobium loti, and Rhizobium galegae, unable to catabolize IAA, were analyzed for enzymes involved in the pathway for IAA degradation. Two enzymes having isatin as substrate were detected. An isatin amidohydrolase catalyzing the hydrolysis of isatin into isatinic acid was found in some B. japonicum strains and in two Rhizobium species, R loti and R. galegae. The enzyme was inducible (4–5-fold) by its substrate, isatin, and the partially purified enzyme from R. loti showed an apparent KM of 11 M for isatin. A NADPH-dependent isatin reductase was measured in extracts from a strain of B. japonicum lacking the isatin amidohydrolase. The structure of the reaction product, dioxindole was verified by NMR spectroscopy. Isatin reductase activity was also detected in extracts of dry pea seeds, and present in at least two isoforms. A low KM of 10 M for isatin was found with a partially purified preparation of the pea enzyme. The presence of such an enzyme activity in pea indicates dioxindole and isatin as possible intermediates in IAA degradation in pea.  相似文献   

Stem segments excised from light-grown Pisum sativum L. (cv. Little Marvel) plants elongated in the presence of indole-3-acetic acid and its precursors, except for L-tryptophan, which required the addition of gibberellin A, for induction of growth. Segment elongation was promoted by D-tryptophan without a requirement for gibberellin, and growth in the presence of both D-tryptophan and L-tryptophan with gibberellin A3, was inhibited by the D-aminotransferase inhibitor D-cycloserine. Tryp-tophan racemase activity was detected in apices and promoted conversion of L-tryptophan to the D isomer; this activity was enhanced by gibberellin A3. When applied to apices of intact untreated plants, radiolabeled D-tryptophan was converted to indole-3-acetic acid and indoleacetylaspartic acid much more readily than L-tryptophan. Treatment of plants with gibberellin A3, 3 days prior to application of labeled tryptophan increased conversion of L-tryptophan to the free auxin and its conjugate by more than 3-fold, and led to labeling of N-malonyl-D-tryptophan. It is proposed that gibberellin increases the biosynthesis of indole-3-acetic acid by regulating the conversion of L-tryptophan to D-tryptophan, which is then converted to the auxin.  相似文献   

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