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锐星珊瑚(Argutastrea)是泥盆纪地层中常见的一种块状群体珊瑚,它在生物地层对比、生物地理区系划分以及古生态与古地理重建等方面都具有重要的意义。通过近年来对华南独山和奥地利格拉茨两地采集的Argutastrea群体珊瑚标本进行比较深入的对比研究,确认两地存在着一些十分相似的属种,推断彼此之间当时可能海域相通,并同属于一个老世界生物地理大区(Old World Real m)。此外,还讨论了该属与其相关的六方珊瑚(Hexagonaria)、多角珊瑚(Prismatophyllum)等属之间的异同。  相似文献   

一、前言 1977年,云南会泽县铅锌矿勘探队在云南会泽县铅锌矿区的石炭纪地层剖面(A—A′和B—B′)采得一批珊瑚化石标本,有四射珊瑚和床板珊瑚共9属12种和1未定种,包括1新属和9新种,产化石层位为下石炭统上司段、上石炭统威宁组上部和马平组底部,珊瑚化石较为丰富的是在上司段。下石炭统在结山组和上石炭统威宁组中、下部是含铅锌矿的层位。据有关资料证实,铅锌矿的成因与一定的古地理条  相似文献   

和布克河珊瑚(Hebukophyllum Liao and Cai,1987)产于新疆北部和布克赛尔蒙古族自治县上泥盆统洪古勒楞组。该属的特征明显,描述清楚,个体发育各个阶段的图影齐全,而且在国际学术界已经得到不少珊瑚专家的认可(Weyer,1994),但目前仍有一学者主张将它视为Circellia Ye and Wang 1983的同义名(Yu,1998,Pory and Boland,1996;Boland,1997)。经最近对这2属模式标本的进一步深入研究表明,虽然Hebukophyllum成年期的特征与Circellia,Coniophyllum,Siphonophyllia等属有某些相似之处,但其幼年期的隔壁强烈加厚并在个体中央形成一个明显的轴管(aulos)明显不同于后3属,Hebukophyllum明显不属于caninoid型珊瑚;Circellia是一种隔壁成一个明显的轴管(aulos),明显不同于后3属。Hebukophyllum明显不属于caninoid型珊瑚;Circellia是一种隔壁构造十分不发育的小单体珊瑚,也不属于caninoid型珊瑚;Conilophyllum Poty and Boland,1996和Siphonophyllia Scouler MS in McCoy,1844则属于典型的caninoid型珊瑚,因此,上述几个属之间并无密切的亲缘关系,它们应分属于不同的科:Family(科)Amplexidae Chapman,1893Genus(属)Circellia Ye and Wang,1983Family(科)Laccophyllidae Grabau,1928,Genus(属)Hebukophyllum Liao and Cai,1987 Family(科)Caninidae Fomichev,1953,Genus(属)Conilophyllum Poty and Boland,1996Genus(属)Siphonophyllia Scouler MS in McCoy,1844本文曾在1999年9月在日本仙台市如开第8次国际化刺丝胞与多孔类大会上(8th International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria an Porifera)宣读,会上笔者曾与比利时珊瑚专家Poty博士进行了交流和讨论,会后我们又特地向中国地质大学(武汉)王治平、叶干教授借阅了Circellia的模式标本进行了比较深入的研究,我们在此表示衷心的感谢。  相似文献   

安徽省发现福建华珊瑚蛇   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2010年7月26日,在安徽省岭南省级自然保护区采集到蛇类标本1号,经鉴定为福建华珊瑚蛇(Sinomicrurus kelloggi),为安徽省爬行动物新纪录.标本现保存在黄山学院标本馆.  相似文献   

论小石柱珊瑚类(Lithostrotionelloid)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王志根 《古生物学报》1989,28(4):522-545
一、前言在石炭、二叠纪地层中含有一类由多角柱状或圆柱状个体所组成的块状或丛状复体珊瑚,它们具有郎士德型鳞板带和轴部构造,过去人们常将它们鉴定为Lithostrotionella Yabe et Hayasaka,1915。实际上,这类珊瑚包括Stelechophyllum,Aulostylus,Acrocyathus,Petalaxis,Huanglongophyllum,Thysanophyllum,Actinocyathus,Lonsdaleia,Kleopatrina(Porfirievella)。在广西南丹晚石炭世早期Profusulinella带下部地层中盛产lithostrotionelloid珊瑚,经鉴定共有5属24种(及亚种),它们是Acrocya-  相似文献   

镣珊瑚类是奥陶纪-志留纪地层中常见的以链状珊瑚复体为特征的一类床板珊瑚,地理分布广泛,研究历史较长。但不同学者对其骨骼构造特征的分类学意义认识不一,使得类群中许多属的定义和范围长期存有争议。本文结合我国的已发表材料,对镣珊瑚的分类进行简要讨论,依据隔壁刺的有无将镣珊瑚分为Catenipora和Quepora两属,认为Procatenipora和Eocatenipora分别是前者和后者的同义名。运用聚类分析的方法对我国镣珊瑚类的种进行修订。  相似文献   

植物分类学在化石珊瑚藻(珊瑚藻目,红藻门)中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
最近有人认为将化石藻类的分类归入现生藻类分类单元有利于珊瑚藻作为古环境的标志,便于理解该类群的演化。然而,这样分类可能很难,因为并不是所有现生藻类分类特征都能在化石种中保存下来。Sporolithacea科的钙化部分(独立或者聚集的孢子囊群)的出现,可以把它们与这个类群的另一个现生科Corallinaceae区别开,这个科在生殖窠中产生孢子囊。节片的有无,丝间细胞的联系类型,生殖窠中孢子囊释放的数目都是用来划分Coral1inaceae科的亚科的标准,在化石样品中也可以用合适的条件进行观察。在大多数情况下,对现生珊瑚藻类属的划分特征可以在化石藻类中鉴别出来,但在几种现生珊瑚藻没有钙化的生殖结构或发育特征。因此,它们生殖结构无法与相应的化石藻类进行对比,也不能进行化石藻类的分类。近年来的趋势认为生殖结构和发育特征是对现生珊瑚藻进行分类的优先鉴定标准,然而,某些特征的稳定性在属的划分上仍然存在争论。在许多情况下,现生藻类的分类标准特征都不能在化石中保存,对古生物化石的分类标准的最佳选择是在化石藻类中选择辅助的,并且可以识别的其它鉴定特征,或者应用非正式的比现生藻类代表定义更宽的属名。  相似文献   

福建宁化泉下黄龙组的四射珊瑚动物群*   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
福建宁化泉下出露的晚石炭世碳酸盐地层以黄龙组最为发育,富含珊瑚、(竹蜓)类等化石。1983年秋,笔者等详细测制了该剖面,并逐层采集化石。经室内系统研究,共获四射珊瑚27属59种,包括2新属6新种。根据它们在地层中的分布规律,笔者建立了2个珊瑚组合,即下部Yinophyllum组合和上部Protoivanovia-Arachnastraea组合,后者可进一步划分为2个亚组合。如此丰富的四射珊瑚动物群在我国同期地层中尚不多见,这一四射珊瑚动物群的发现,对全面了解我国这一时期四射珊瑚动物群的总体面貌,对黄龙组的划分、对比都有较大的意义。本文描述的珊瑚化石均采自福建宁化泉上镇泉下石灰窑边,化石鉴定得到赵嘉明副研究员的帮助,化石照片由胡尚卿及解小健摄制,谨此一并致谢。  相似文献   

本文描述了产自北秦岭中泥盆统西汉水群上部的10属12种四射珊瑚化石,包括3新种。由于其中出现了Temnophyllum waltheri, Grypophyllum tenue, Tabulophyllum annulatum和Disphyllum hsianghsienense等德国、苏联和我国南方Givetian阶的常见分子,因此,甘肃宕昌产上述珊瑚化石的地层时代应属于中泥盆世晚期。本文还根据笔者对保存在加拿大和德国等地自然博物馆中某些珊瑚属模式标本的观察和重新研究,讨论了一些珊瑚属种之间的亲缘关系并厘订了某些属征。  相似文献   

本研究使用6种不同培养基对深圳大鹏湾6种珊瑚上的共附生真菌进行平板涂布法分离培养,结合ITS-rDNA基因序列特征和形态学特征进行鉴定来研究深圳大鹏湾海域珊瑚共附生真菌的多样性。共分离培养出457株真菌菌株,分属于7个属,分别为红酵母属Rhodotorula(180株)、曲霉属Aspergillus(170株)、木霉属Trichoderma(50株)、青霉属Penicillium(34株)、枝孢属Cladosporium(21株)、透孢黑团壳属Massarina(1株)和弯颈霉属Tolypocladium(1株),其中优势属为红酵母属Rhodotorula和曲霉属Aspergillus,占菌株分离总数的76.59%。单独鹿角珊瑚上分离到的共附生真菌数量和种类最多,为160株9种;在该种珊瑚上还分离出弯颈霉属Tolypocladium sp.,该属真菌此前从未在珊瑚共附生真菌的研究中分离出来。本研究还发现SDA培养基分离出的共附生真菌数量最多,CDA培养基的真菌数量最少,表明不同培养基分离的共附生真菌多样性存在差异。  相似文献   

DNA sequences from orthologous loci can provide universal characters for taxonomic identification. Molecular taxonomy is of particular value for groups in which distinctive morphological features are difficult to observe or compare. To assist in species identification for the little known family Ziphiidae (beaked whales), we compiled a reference database of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (437 bp) and cytochrome b (384 bp) sequences for all 21 described species in this group. This mtDNA database is complemented by a nuclear database of actin intron sequences (925 bp) for 17 of the 21 species. All reference sequences were derived from specimens validated by diagnostic skeletal material or other documentation, and included four holotypes. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA sequences confirmed the genetic distinctiveness of all beaked whale species currently recognized. Both mitochondrial loci were well suited for species identification, with reference sequences for all known ziphiids forming robust species-specific clades in phylogenetic reconstructions. The majority of species were also distinguished by nuclear alleles. Phylogenetic comparison of sequence data from "test" specimens to these reference databases resulted in three major taxonomic discoveries involving animals previously misclassified from morphology. Based on our experience with this family and the order Cetacea as a whole, we suggest that a molecular taxonomy should consider the following components: comprehensiveness, validation, locus sensitivity, genetic distinctiveness and exclusivity, concordance, and universal accessibility and curation.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is based on the use of short DNA sequences to provide taxonomic tags for rapid, efficient identification of biological specimens. Currently, reference databases are being compiled. In the future, it will be important to facilitate access to these databases, especially for nonspecialist users. The method described here provides a rapid, web-based, user-friendly link between the DNA sequence from an unidentified biological specimen and various types of biological information, including the species name. Specifically, we use a customized, Google-type search algorithm to quickly match an unknown DNA sequence to a list of verified DNA barcodes in the reference database. In addition to retrieving the species name, our web tool also provides automatic links to a range of other information about that species. As the DNA barcode database becomes more populated, it will become increasingly important for the broader user community to be able to exploit it for the rapid identification of unknown specimens and to easily obtain relevant biological information about these species. The application presented here meets that need.  相似文献   

王向华 《菌物学报》2020,39(9):1617-1639
红菇科Russulaceae包含大量全球广泛采食的野生食用菌,同时也有一定数目的毒菌。该科特别是红菇属的分类是大型真菌分类的难点。近年来DNA数据大量应用于红菇科的分类,更新了属的界定和概念,发现了大量新物种,为食用菌和毒菌的识别和鉴定带来了可用的名称。然而,DNA证据并不总是与形态证据吻合,这又为食用菌和毒菌的识别和名称的使用带来了困扰和不便。本文针对乳菇属、多汁乳菇属和红菇属中的重要食用菌类群,回顾了近年来的分类研究进展,分析了研究背后的数据实情和存在的分类问题。认为:在食用菌和毒菌的确定上,依靠物种复合群共有的形态特征更具有可操作性;依据DNA序列进行的劈分式分类和依靠少数样品的特征及DNA序列上的少量差异发表新种的做法可能产生不便于使用的后果;在乳菇属和红菇属中,“BLAST相似度低的即为新种”的分类实践存在错误风险;充分结合历史资料和各个类群的特点,确定物种划分的阈值,才能有望解决红菇科真菌的分类问题。  相似文献   

The Palearctic species of the ant genus Myrmica are well studied. In contrast, the taxonomy of the Nearctic species is outdated, making identification impossible. We collected Myrmica samples in the Holarctic and investigated their diversity using mtDNA data. We analysed a barcode sequence of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene for 57 Palearctic and 293 Nearctic Myrmica samples. We used sequences of known Palearctic species to search for Myrmica barcode patterns. All but one Palearctic species groups were recovered. The Nearctic diversity was much higher than known. We retrieved the punctiventris, crassirugis and incompleta groups, and established nine additional tentative species groups. Genetic distance analysis revealed a large overlap of intra- and inter-specific distances in Palearctic species and species groups. We could not find a variation gap to separate Nearctic sequences into species with COI data only. Variation in scape morphology divided two genetic groups further. Scape morphology correlated with most molecular groups, except three specimens. Our results illustrate that barcoding, using only a limited amount of genetic information, cannot serve as a universal proxy for taxonomy and species demarcation. It should be considered a first step in understanding the taxonomic diversity of an unknown group of organisms.  相似文献   

 A survey of 23 species of scleractinians, belonging to seven families and 8 genera, collected from two different areas in French Polynesia, showed that all specimens possessed between four and seven UV-absorbing compounds, identified as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs). In all, 11 different MAAs molecules were found, of which two were previously unknown. Palythine and mycosporine-glycine were the most abundant MAAs in the corals. With few exceptions, most specimens of each species possessed the same pattern of MAAs. Similarly, species from the same genus also had very similar qualitative composition of MAAs, although quantities of individuals MAAs varied from specimen to specimen. This suggests that MAAs are ancient and evolutionarily well conserved. Accepted: 22 October 1996  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the South American genus Exomegas Gill 1883 has been unstable owing to the unknown status of the type specimen of its type species, Petromyzon macrostomus Burmeister 1868. Here the authors announce the finding of the holotype in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” ichthyology collection. Whereas Exomegas type species is recognized based on its holotype, Exomegas gallegensis (Smitt 1901) new status is proposed. These preliminary results resolve a century-long taxonomic uncertainty and foster a nomenclatural arrangement for a Southern Hemisphere lamprey genus.  相似文献   

The fossil cercopithecoid material from South Africa has been reviewed according to sites and species. The 722 specimens considered comprise 6 genera including 16 taxa and come from 16 sites. Aspects of taxonomic controversy and interest are discussed. In particular, the Parapapio material from Makapansgat has been re-evaluated and the taxonomy of the genus Simopithecus is reconsidered. A number of proposals are put forward. Four new specimens from Makapansgat and one from Sterkfontein are described; a previously partially described specimen from Taung is re-described in detail.  相似文献   

糖单孢菌16S rDNA的PCR-RFLP分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PCR-RFLP分析适用于种和种间水平的多相分类研究。文章对PCR-RFLP方法应用于糖单孢菌属分类有具体方法进行了探讨;报道了一组适于糖单孢菌属PCR-PFLP分析的限制性内切酶,并用这组酶对6株糖单孢菌属分离株进行了研究,进一步探讨了实验菌株在该属的分类地位。同时指出了PCR-RFLP方法应用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The genus Rineloricaria is a Neotropical freshwater fish group with a long and problematic taxonomic history, attributed to the large number of species and the pronounced similarity among them. In the present work, taxonomic information and different molecular approaches were used to identify species boundaries and characterize independent evolutionary units. We analyzed 228 samples assembled in 53 distinct morphospecies. A general mixed yule-coalescent (GMYC) analysis indicated the existence of 70 entities, while BOLD system analyses showed the existence of 56 distinct BINs. When we used a new proposed integrative taxonomy approach, mixing the results obtained by each analysis, we identified 73 OTUs. We suggest that Rineloricaria probably has some complexity in the known species and several species not formally described yet. Our data suggested that other hyperdiverse fish groups with wide distributions can be further split into many new evolutionary taxonomic units.  相似文献   

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