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Infection of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) with Aeromonas hydrophila results in an acute septicemic disease. The disease can be experimentally induced by intramuscular injection, skin or gill scarification or by the oral route using pellets purposely seeded with bacteria. The organism was isolated from the blood 1–2 days after infection and from all organs 24 hr or longer after infection. The disease is characterized by early inflammatory and proliferative changes and later necrotic changes. Enteritis and hepatic necrosis are constant findings in aeromonad disease of M. cephalus but surface lesions are not pathognomic for these infections in mullet. Death of infected fish may be attributed to bacterial toxins which cause necrosis of parenchymal organs and soft tissue structure.  相似文献   

H. Michaelis 《Hydrobiologia》1993,258(1-3):175-183
The stomach and gut content of 22 Mugil cephalus from the Banc d'Arguin shallows (Mauritanian coast, West Africa) is examined. Quartz grains are the predominant material found in the stomach together with small portions of benthic diatoms and flakes, aggregates of fine-grained inorganic and organic particles. As the composition of this material is modified by a sorting procedure during feeding it is difficult to conclude, whether seagrass stands (muddy and mixed sediments with sand fraction) or sandy flats are preferred as feeding habitats. The animals studied did not or not relevantly utilize the non-diatom microphytes, though the environment of the Banc d'Arguin is rich in microbial mats (cyanobacteria), Vaucheria beds and epiphytic vegetation of seagrass leaves.  相似文献   

Senaratne LS  Mendis E  Kim SK 《Life sciences》2006,79(18):1756-1763
From a brain extract of the catadromous fish, striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), two visceral excitatory neuropeptides (Mvp-1 and Mvp-2) were isolated by means of reversed phase chromatography together with bioassay on fish hindgut. The primary structure of Mvp-1 was elucidated to be SGPAGVLamide by ESI-Q-TOF mass spectrometry. The threshold concentration of Mvp-1 that changes spontaneous contraction of mullet hindgut was between 10(-9) and 10(-8) M. In addition, Mvp-1 was found to exert excitatory activities on some other smooth muscle segments (oviduct and esophagus) of mullet but it did not show any effect on body wall muscle strips. Therefore, the present study suggests that Mvp-1 and Mvp-2 peptides act as factors that control visceral contractions of mullet gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure and historical demography of the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus were investigated using the mtDNA control region (CR) sequences (909–1015 bp) of 126 individuals collected from seven locations in the north-west Pacific between 2005 and 2007. Haplotype diversity ( h = 0·9333–1·000) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0·0046–0·1467) varied greatly among the sampling locations. Phylogenetic analysis of the CR sequences indicated that M. cephalus in the north-west Pacific belongs to two highly divergent lineages (lineages 1 and 2), with the inferred population structure being closely associated with the distribution of both lineages. Two populations were identified, one from the East China Sea and the other from the South China Sea. The former samples were obtained from Taiwan and Qingdao of north China and associated with lineage 1 haplotypes. The latter samples were collected from the Philippines, Pearl River of South China and two samples from Japan, all of which were associated with lineage 2. Japanese samples from Okinawa and Yokosuka had different degrees of mixing between lineages 1 and 2. Historical demographic variables in both populations indicated that Pleistocene glaciations had a strong impact on M. cephalus in the north-west Pacific, resulting in a recent demographic decline of the East China Sea population but in demographic equilibrium for the South China Sea population. Japan appears to be a contact zone between lineages 1 and 2, but it may also be indicative of coexistence between resident and migratory populations. Further global studies are required to clarify the taxonomic status of this cosmopolitan species.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the sex‐determination mechanism in flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is required to exploit its economic potential by production of genetically determined monosex populations and application of hormonal treatment to parents rather than to the marketed progeny. Our objective was to construct a first‐generation linkage map of the M. cephalus in order to identify the sex‐determining region and sex‐determination system. Deep‐sequencing data of a single male was assembled and aligned to the genome of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). A total 245 M. cephalus microsatellite markers were designed, spanning the syntenic tilapia genome assembly at intervals of 10 Mb. In the mapping family of full‐sib progeny, 156 segregating markers were used to construct a first‐generation linkage map of 24 linkage groups (LGs), corresponding to the number of chromosomes. The linkage map spanned approximately 1200 cM with an average inter‐marker distance of 10.6 cM. Markers segregating on LG9 in two independent mapping families showed nearly complete concordance with gender (R2 = 0.95). The sex determining locus was fine mapped within an interval of 8.6 cM on LG9. The sex of offspring was determined only by the alleles transmitted from the father, thus indicating an XY sex‐determination system.  相似文献   

L. Cardona  P. Royo  X. Torras 《Hydrobiologia》2001,462(1-3):233-240
Some mugilid fish are known to enhance small phytoplankton in freshwater macrophyte-free environments due to zooplankton depletion. This suggests that they may have negative effects on natural macrophyte beds of freshwater and oligohaline lagoons due to phytoplantkon enhancement. To test this hypothesis, we compared the ecosystems of control enclosures that contained no fish with those of enclosures stocked with Liza saliens at two different densities. The occurrence of L. saliens at a density of 321±92.42 kg ha–1 reduced cladoceran density, depleted epiphytic chironomid larvae, enhanced mayfly nymphs and cyclopoid copepods and reduced the organic matter content of sediment, all in comparison with control enclosures. At a density of 673±42.04 kg ha–1, L. saliens reduced total zooplankton density, depleted epiphytic and sediment dwelling chironomid larvae and enhanced mayfly nymphs. The organic matter contents of sediment was not affected. These results showed that L. saliens was very effective in reducing zooplankton density even when macrophyte biomass was high. However, these effects do not affect phytoplankton density, probably because zooplankton was dominated by species with low filter-feeding rates and macrophytes depleted nutrients.  相似文献   

鲻鱼甲状腺免疫组织化学与超微结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用组织学、免疫组织化学和电镜技术对鲻鱼甲状腺的分布与形态结构进行研究。结果表明,鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡分散地分布在第1对至第3对鲻弓的入鳃动脉之间;构成同一滤泡的单层上皮细胞呈扁平形和立方形两种形态,反映出同一滤泡中上皮细胞生理活动的不同步,且发现不同发育时期的鲻鱼这两种形态细胞的比例有显著差异。用特异性甲状腺球蛋白(TG)抗体对甲状腺滤泡的免疫染色反应显示,阳性物质分布在滤泡上皮细胞的脑膜及围绕滤泡腔的周边与中央胶质,幼年与成年鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡的免疫阳性反应部位有所不同。两种不同活动状态的细胞,扁平形细胞和立方形细胞,在核与胞质的超微结构上有显著不同。扁平形细胞的核为扁平形或椭圆形,核内常染色质十分丰富,核膜光滑,核周腔和核孔没有扩张,胞质中各种细胞器发育较差;立方形细胞的核膜高度凹陷,将核分为2叶至3叶,核周腔和核孔扩张,胞质中各种细胞器发育良好,出现长棒形和哑铃形线粒体,且数量明显多于扁平形细胞,多层粗面内质网呈板层状排列,还有发育好的高尔基复合体。另外,我们还观察到一种介于扁平形细胞和立方形细胞之间的中间型细胞,其胞质和核的发育明显好于扁平形细胞,但比立方形细胞差。上述结果可为了解鲻鱼甲状腺滤泡细胞分泌活动的机制提供基础资料[动物学报49(2):230—237,2003]。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of storage time at +4 °C on red blood cell count (RBC), haematocrit (Hct), haemoglobin (Hb), white blood cell count (WBC), thrombocyte count (TC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) in mullet (Mugil cephalus) using an automatic method. After blood collection (T0), all samples were analyzed using both the manual and automatic method. To test the validation of the automatic method, a paired t‐test was applied, and no statistical difference was observed. The samples were successively divided into four different aliquots and stored at +4 °C to assess the haematological parameters using the automatic method. The first aliquot was refrigerated for 6 h, the second one for 24 h, the third one for 48 h and the last one at for 72 h. One‐way repeated‐measures ANOVA showed a significant effect of storage time (P < 0.05) on Hb, WBC, TC, MCH and MCHC. These results suggest that haematological parameters can be assessed within 6 h from blood collection when samples are stored at +4 °C because long‐term storage modifies the results of the analyses. Further studies on these parameters could be still needed in various fish species to validate an appropriate method for haematological analysis useful not only for the evaluation of the health status of animal living in captivity and in aquaculture but also to have reliability environmental haematological biomarkers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, is an economically important species for both aquaculture and commercial fisheries in China. In this study, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was employed to analyze population genetic diversity and genetic distance between different populations with the aim of elucidating the population structure and gene flow of M. cephalus along the coast of China. A total of 230 fragments with 150–500 bp were identified from 118 individuals by five AFLP primer combinations. The polymorphic loci within populations varied from 46.52% to 64.78%, with an average of 53.91%, and the average heterozygosity from 0.1829 to 0.2282, with an average of 0.2074. The UPGMA phenograms of 118 individuals were constructed based on Dice similarity coefficients and four clusters were recognized. AMOVA analysis revealed that 60.7% of genetic variations were within populations and 39.3% between populations. The estimated genetic distance (φST) value over all polymorphic loci across the six populations was 0.393 (p < 0.0010), indicating a strong population structuring. The pairwise φST value ranged from 0.1112 to 0.5358, with an average of 0.3693. The population pairwise gene flows (average Nm = 0.73) are low. In addition, the result of the Mantel test showed that there was a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances (r = 0.5434, p = 0.0050). It was speculated that there exist at least four distinct geographic populational subdivisions of M. cephalus along the Chinese coast. This research has provided new molecular data which will aid our understanding of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by aquatic organisms in response to stressful factor is a common feature in aquatic environment. Thus, the evaluation of parameters related to oxidative stress in fish, in first instance those showing the redox potential, is notable to characterize the environmental conditions.Short-term storage of samples is essential when blood must be transported from collection sites to laboratories. Therefore, excessive delays in processing might compromise the reliability of results. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of short-term storage time at +4 °C on total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and oxidative stress index (OSI) in flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) serum. After blood collection, all sample were analyzed and the assays were repeated after 24, 48 and 72 h from sampling. results showed a significant effect of short-term storage on TOS and TAC (P  0.0001), while the statistical significance of the linear regression study for these parameters was reduced as consequence of storage. These results highlight that the activities of oxidants and antioxidants in flathead mullet serum change during short-term storage at 4 °C and should be assesses as soon as possible from collection.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure and historical demography of grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, along the coast of China were examined with a 389-bp segment of mtDNA control region. In total, 117 samples were collected from seven locations and 77 haplotypes were obtained. No haplotype was concurrently presented in all the samples, and samples in Southern and Northern regions had distinctly different haplotypes. Sorting of the data cladistically into phylogenetic trees indicated that these haplotypes can be divided into two main clades. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among subpopulations in different regions (φCT = 0.9505, p < 0.01). The average pairwise differences and φST values (0.8943–0.9464) between regional populations were significant. The net Tumura and Nei genetic distance (0.5577 ± 0.1421) between the two groups was large. The deep and unique divergence between the two groups suggested that each group is likely to represent a distinct species. In contrast to the great genetic divergence on a broad scale, small but significant population subdivisions at a less spatial scale were also detected both in Southern and Northern regions, which support the conclusion that M. cephalus has limited dispersal potential. High haplotype diversity (h = 0.8716 ± 0.1462) and low nucleotide diversity (π = 0.0046 ± 0.0030) were found among the three Northern samples. Among the four Southern samples, however, extraordinarily high levels of both haplotype diversity (h = 0.9886 ± 0.0057) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0.0425 ± 0.0212) were detected. The different polymorphisms suggest an apparent distinguishing demographic history between regionally Southern and Northern populations, though mismatch distribution analyses and neutrality tests implied a late Pleistocene population expansion of both Northern and Southern populations.  相似文献   

Fishborne zoonotic metacercariae have not been reported from brackish water and marine fish from Vietnam waters although these parasites are common in the country's freshwater fish. Both wild-caught and cultured grouper (Epinephelus coioides and Epinephelus bleekeri), and mullet (Mugil cephalus) from brackish and marine waters located in Khanh Hoa province in central coastal Vietnam were examined, and found positive for zoonotic trematode metacercariae. From grouper, Heterophyopsis continua and Procerovum varium were recovered. The prevalence of H. continua ranged from 2.0 to 6.0% and that for P. varium ranged from 11.6 to 15.8%. Mullet were infected with Pygidiopsis summa and H. continua both of these species are new records for Vietnam. The prevalence of P. summa in mullet was generally high, ranging from 17.6 to 75.5%, and was significantly higher than the prevalence of H. continua (2.5 to 32.4%). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of metacercariae between grouper from natural or cultured habitats, indicating that the highest risk of infection occurs in the wild-caught state prior to their placement in culture. Further, there was no difference in metacercarial prevalence between the 2 species of grouper. Infected wild-caught seed were only observed from January to October. Monthly variation in prevalence suggests seasonal variation in mullet infections occurs in this region with the highest transmission taking place from October to December. Basic investigations on the ecology and epidemiology of these intestinal flukes need to be carried out to determine their significance as a public health problem and the aspects of their biology that may be vulnerable to control interventions.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the biological effects of high stocking density on mullet (Mugil cephalus). Fifty fish, caught from Faro lake, were divided into two groups, a low-density control group (n = 15), stocked at 3.4 kg/m3 in an 800 l tank and a high-density experimental group (n = 35), stocked at 8.4 kg/m3 an 800 l tank. The ammonia concentration in the control group tank reached 0.3 mg/l after 2 days while that in the experimental tank reached 5 mg/l. Haematological parameters and serum protein profiles were determined following blood sampling. An Unpaired T-test showed significant differences between the two groups on Red Blood Cell Count, Haematocrit, Haemoglobin, White Blood Cell Count, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration, total proteins, albumin and α-globulins. In the experimental group, the disappearance of prealbumin and the γ-globulin fraction was particularly evident. Histopathological changes indicated that mucosal electrolytic failure was the main function compromised. This could eventually lead to death. The findings suggest that mullet is sensitive to stocking density linked to ammonia toxicosis.  相似文献   

This paper describes tumorlike formations in the olfactory organ of the striped mullet Mugil cephalusinhabiting polluted waters of Zapadnaya Bay (Sovetskaya Gavan' Bay, western coast of Tatar Strait). The structure of these tumorlike formations is characteristic of fibroma. The appearance of the tumors is apparently associated with carcinogenic industrial wastes and radioactive contamination of the bay.  相似文献   

The first set of polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed from so-iuy mullet (Mugil soiuy Basilewsky 1855). From a (GT)n-enriched genomic library, 53 microsatellites were selected for designing microsatellite primers, of which 36 gave working primer pairs. Ten of these loci were polymorphic in a test population of 24 individuals with alleles ranging from 3 to 9, and observed and expected heterozygosities from 0.2083 to 0.9167 and from 0.2651 to 0.8812, respectively. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found, but two loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to investigate the fine-scale population structure and evaluate the breeding strategy in Mullet. Genbo Xu and Changwei Shao Contributed equally.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to trace the decisive evidence for mixed infection of 2 Myxobolus species, M. episquamalis and Myxobolus sp., in the gray mullet, Mugil cephalus, from Korean waters. Mullets with whitish cyst-like plasmodia on their scales were collected near a sewage plant in Yeosu, southern part of Korea, in 2009. The cysts were mainly located on scales and also found in the intestine. The spores from scales were oval in a frontal view, tapering anteriorly to a blunt apex, and measured 7.2 µm (5.8-8.0) in length and 5.3 µm (4.7-6.1) in width. Two polar capsules were pyriform and extended over the anterior half of the spore, measuring 3.5 µm (2.3-4.8) in length and 2.0 µm (1.5-2.2) in width. In contrast, the spores from the intestine were ellipsoidal, 10.4 µm (9.0-11.9) in length and 8.4 µm (7.3-10.1) in width. The polar capsules were pyriform but did not extend over the anterior half of the spore, 3.7 µm (2.5-4.5) in length and 2.2 µm (1.8-2.9) in width. The nucleotide sequences of the 18S rDNA gene of the 2 myxosporean spores from scales and intestine showed 88.1% identity to each other and 100% identity with M. episquamalis and 94.5% identity with M. spinacurvatura from mullet, respectively. By the above findings, it is first confirmed that mullets from the Korean water are infected with 2 myxosporean species, M. episquamalis and Myxobolus sp.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular regulation of pubertal development in the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus, a relatively late-maturing teleost fish. We have isolated and characterized the cDNAs of key reproductive genes along the brain-pituitary-gonadal (BPG) axis as well as the promoters of genes that modulate the axis at multiple levels. Together with relevant findings from other model species, we propose a conceptual model of the neuroendocrine regulation of puberty in the female grey mullet. Research areas that warrant further investigation are identified in the model.  相似文献   

The cDNA of a marine fish microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) gene from Mugil cephalus was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) techniques. The homology model for the mEH of M. cephalus showed a characteristic structure of α/β-hydrolase-fold main domain with a lid domain over the active site. The characteristic catalytic triad, consisting of Asp(238), His(444), and Glu(417), was highly conserved. The cloned mEH gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant mEH exhibited (R)-preferred hydrolysis activity toward racemic styrene oxide. We obtained enantiopure (S)-styrene oxide with a high enantiopurity of more than 99% enantiomeric excess and yield of 15.4% by batch kinetic resolution of 20 mM racemic styrene oxide.  相似文献   

The validity of using extruded intra-ovarian oocytes for in vivo assessment of ovarian maturity in the grey mullet was established. The diameter of sampled, unfixed oocytes was used as a reference point for comparative purposes. Analysis of variations in oocyte diameters among samples removed from seven different ovarian locations indicated that mullet oocytes develop in synchrony and that in vivo samples taken from any area in the ovary would be representative of the entire ovary. Statistical analyses of oocyte diameters and diameter-frequency distributions data from duplicate in vivo samples removed from the same ovarian site in each of 17 females showed no significant differences and validated the accuracy of the method. Similar comparisons of data from in vivo and in vitro samples revealed no statistically significant differences.  相似文献   

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