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During the second decade of the 19th century, eight authors described 24 recent and 26 fossil species of Conus , bringing to 486 the number of proposed species-group names in the genus through 1820. This study analyses these nominal species, as well as three described by Perry in 1810, and evaluates the status of each. Most of the European Tertiary species described by Brocchi in 1814 and some of those described by Borson and Schlotheim in 1820 are valid. Megerle von Mühlfeld in 1816 and Dillwyn in 1817 each described a valid recent species. All other Conus species names introduced during the period are synonyms of previously or contemporaneously described species or nomina dubia. Type specimens of 23 species, including one neotype, are known to exist today. At the present time 148 valid species of Conus are recognized from the species-group names introduced between 1758 and 1820. Of these, 131 are extant and 17 are known only as Tertiary fossils. In addition, six otherwise valid species, three recent and three fossil, were described but were given preoccupied names.  相似文献   

The 339 species-group names in the gastropod genus Conus proposed between 1758 and 1800 have been analyzed in chronological order, in order to (1) identify each nominal species, and (2) determine the correct name of each valid species. Additions and corrections are given to the author's series of papers on type specimens and identity of the described species of Conus. A table listing the 339 species-group names alphabetically indicates the present locations of the 124 known type specimens and the status of each name. At present, 123 valid species are recognized (118 Recent, 5 Tertiary), 159 names are synonyms of previously or simultaneously described species, 35 are nomina dubia, 19 are assigned to infrasubspecific rank, and 3 have been trandferred to genera in other families. Problems involving homonymy of 44 names have been resolved. The proportion of valid species to described species remained quite constant (about 80%) between 1758 and 1786, but then declined sharply to 40%. By 1800, although only 13% of all known species-group names in Conus had been introduced, they probably account for 25% of the known valid Recent species. Extension of the chronological study to species described through 1840 may establish the correct names of half the valid Recent species of Conus.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of Conus were described by authors other than Linnaeus between 1766 and 1786. Of these, 3 are Eocene species from England described by Solander in Brander (1766), and the remainder are Recent. Chemnitz (1777) described one valid species. Of the 10 species described by Born (1778), 7 are valid, 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species, and 1 is a nomen dubium. Solander in [Lightfoot] (1786) described 5 species, of which 3 are valid and 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species. Lightfoot (1786) described 4 species, of which 1 is valid and 3 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species.
Holotypes of 7 species and lectotypes of 3 species exist, and representatives of lecto-types of 10 species have been selected. All of these types are illustrated photographically.
Between 1758 and 1786, 60 species of Conus were described, of which 45 are now considered valid. Of these, 42 are Recent.  相似文献   

Phrygionis and Pityeja belong to the Palyadini, a tribe of neotropical Ennominae. The moths of both genera bear striking wing markings and mere variants were frequently described as species with the consequence that species diversity was overestimated. Numerous taxonomic changes are made in this work based on the study of primary types and much other material. Variation and distribution is recorded for each species and subspecies. Phylogenetic relationships within Phrygionis are examined, and comments are made on the evolution of wing pattern within this genus.
Fifteen full species are recognized in this study (13 in Phrygionis and two in Pityeja ), of which four (all in Phrygionis ) are described as new; 19 species-group (specific and subspecific) names refer to valid taxa. Twenty-four species-group names are synonymized (19 in Phrygionis and five in Pityeja ) and five are recombined with different genera (four with Phrygionis and one with Pityeja ). Three generic names are synonymized (one in Phrygionis and two in Pityeja ).  相似文献   

阳蝇属是蝇科中第二大属,迄今全世界已知400余种,中国已知近200种。本文综述了该属分亚属、种团研究简史,首次提出了古阳蝇种团Helina annosaspecies-group的概念及其区别特征,报告了中国产该种团19种名录和分布,编制了该种团分亚种团、分种检索表,对其中一个新种鬃胫阳蝇Helina setipostitibia sp.nov.予以描述。新种与分布于我国四川省的羽胫阳蝇Helina plumipostitibia Feng et Xue,2002近缘,但新种额宽为前单眼横径2倍宽,间额在最狭处约为一侧额宽的1.5倍,下眶鬃几乎达于单眼三角处;侧颜约为触角第三节宽的2倍,颊高约为眼高的1/2;翅前鬃体毛状;前胫无中位后鬃,中胫具7-9根发达的后鬃,长短不一,略呈2列,后胫不弯曲等即可区别。模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

Abstract The genus Helina R.-D., 1830 is the second largest genus in Muscidae. By now, more than 400 species are known in the world and about 200 species have been described in China. This paper outlines earlier studies on the subgenus and species-group of Helina. Helina annosa species-group is erected. A key to the known Chinese subgroups and species is given. The 19 known Chinese species is listed, including one new species, i.e. Helina setipostitibia sp. nov. Type specimen of the holotype of the new species is deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Shenyang Normal University.  相似文献   

A taxonomic and nomenclatural Catalogue of the adelgids (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) is presented. Six family-group names are listed, five being synonyms of Adelgidae. Twenty-two genus-group names, of which nine are subjectively valid and in use, are presented with their type species, etymology, and grammatical gender. One hundred and six species-group names are listed, of which 70 are considered subjectively valid.  相似文献   

A synopsis of the P. amatista species-group in Colombia is provided. Five taxa are considered valid at species level, male and female phenotypes are associated, diagnosed and data on their distribution are given. The geographic variability of the species is discussed, and Penaincisalia celosia new species is described from specimens collected in an isolated branch of the central range in Colombian Andes. We present evidence to consider P. galeraensis (Salazar, Schmidt-Mumm, & Johnson) as a junior synonym of P. albalineata (Johnson). DNA barcodes provided additional information, which was in perfect agreement with the external characters in two of the five species. Interspecific distances were found to range from 0.6% to 6.6% (average 4.3), whilst their mean intraspecific variation ranges from 0.0% to 3.3% (average 0.7%).  相似文献   

Common names for Australian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Most insects do not have common names, and this is a significant barrier to public interest in them, and to their study by non-specialists. This holds for even highly familiar insect groups such as ants. Here, I propose common names for all major native Australian ant genera and species-groups, as well as for many of the most abundant and distinctive species. Sixty-two genera, 142 species-groups and 50 species are given names. The naming system closely follows taxonomic structure; typically a genus is given a general common name, under which species-group and species names are nested.  相似文献   

To date (1 November 2023), the online database AlgaeBase has documented 50,589 species of living algae and 10,556 fossil species here referred to four kingdoms (Eubacteria, Chromista, Plantae, and Protozoa), 14 phyla, and 63 classes. The algae are the third most speciose grouping of plant-like organisms after the flowering plants (≈382,000 species) and fungi (≈170,000 species, including lichens) but are the least well defined of all the botanical groupings. Priority is given to phyla and class names that are familiar to phycologists and that are nomenclaturally valid. The most species-rich phylum is the Heterokontophyta to which 18 classes are referred with 21,052 living species and which is dominated by the diatoms in three classes with 18,673 species (16,427 living; 2239 fossil). The next most species-rich phyla are the red algae (7276 living), the green algae (6851 living), the blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria, 5723 living), the charophytes (4950 living, including the Charophyceae, 511 species living, and the Zygnematophyceae, 4335 living species), Dinoflagellata (2956 living, including the Dinophyceae, 2828 extant), and haptophytes (Haptophyta 1722 species, 517 living).  相似文献   

The names of all the species of butterflies described by Linnaeus under "Papilio" are researched. Of the 305 names treated, 243 (c. 80%) are currently valid as specific (241) or subspecific (2), 29 are junior synonyms, 14 are invalid (one of these applying to a fake), and for 13 the identity is unknown or uncertain. Six species of moths misidentified by Linnaeus as butterflies are cited in the study, but details are not included. One hundred and fifty-two lectotypes have been designated, representing about 56% of the sum of the valid names and junior synonyms. Of these, 99 were selected from specimens in the Linnean Society of London, 52 from Queen Ludovica Ulrica's collection, Uppsala, and one lectotype is a Petiver specimen from the collection of Sir Hans Sloane. Linnaeus described at least five species, possibly eight, from the literature alone. All Linnaean material examined is documented, as are 'subsequent' specimens that are associated with Linnaean material. Synonymy and homonymy are discussed and presented, as are the identities of type localities. Care has been taken to achieve a practical balance between Linnaean and current species identities. Linnaean material studied included specimens from The Linnean Society of London, Museum Ludovicae Ulricae (Uppsala University), the Clerck and De Geer collections in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, and the collection of James Petiver, now part of the collection of Sir Hans Sloane housed in The Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

Following the recent discovery that the generic name Nuttallia for species of Babesiidae is preoccupied, the revised nomenclature of the avian piroplasms is considered. All those species considered valid are transferred to the genus Babesia. A host/parasite check-list is given together with the synonyms of the respective parasites.  相似文献   

Acrodipsas aurata sp.n. from the Blue Mountains, the southern highlands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory is described, figured and contrasted with the polymorphic A. cuprea (Sands) with which it has been previously considered to be con-specific. A. aurata is assigned to the myrmecophila species-group, based on leg morphology. Nine species are now recognised in the genus Acrodipsas Sands.  相似文献   

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