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The development of prebiotic homochirality on early-Earth or another planetary platform may be viewed as a critical phenomenon. It is shown, in the context of spatio-temporal polymerization reaction networks, that environmental effects – be them temperature surges or other external disruptions – may destroy any net chirality previously produced. In order to understand the emergence of prebiotic homochirality it is important to model the coupling of polymerization reaction networks to different planetary environments. *Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

A generalized autocatalytic model for chiral polymerization is investigated in detail. Apart from enantiomeric cross-inhibition, the model allows for the autogenic (non-catalytic) formation of left and right-handed monomers from a substrate with reaction rates epsilon L and epsilon R, respectively. The spatiotemporal evolution of the net chiral asymmetry is studied for models with several values of the maximum polymer length, N. For N = 2, we study the validity of the adiabatic approximation often cited in the literature. We show that the approximation obtains the correct equilibrium values of the net chirality, but fails to reproduce the short time behavior. We show also that the autogenic term in the full N = 2 model behaves as a control parameter in a chiral symmetry-breaking phase transition leading to full homochirality from racemic initial conditions. We study the dynamics of the N--> infinity model with symmetric (epsilon L = epsilon R) autogenic formation, showing that it only achieves homochirality for epsilon > epsilon c, where epsilon c is an N-dependent critical value. For epsilon 相似文献   

We report the synthesis of purine bases and other heterocycles and the formation of amino acids, hydroxy acids and dihydroxy compounds by the spark activation of an atmosphere of methane, nitrogen and hydrogen, in the presence of an aqueous aerosol. With the aid of the interface air–water, the organic material obtained shows greater amounts and diversity of molecules with biological interest than the products obtained in the absence of an aerosol. Our results support the suggestion that aerosols may have played a significant role in the prebiotic origin of molecular diversity and evolution.  相似文献   

Life has evolved on Earth with electromagnetic radiation (light), fermentable organic molecules, and oxidizable chemicals as sources of energy. Biological use of thermal energy has not been observed although heat, and the thermal gradients required to convert it into free energy, are ubiquitous and were even more abundant at the time of the origin of life on Earth. Nevertheless, Earth-organisms sense thermal energy, and in suitable environments may have gained the capability to use it as energy source. It has been proposed that the first organisms obtained their energy by a first protein named pF1 that worked on a thermal variation of the binding change mechanism of today's ATP sythase enzyme. Organisms using thermosynthesis may still live where light or chemical energy sources are not available. Possible suitable examples are subsurface environments on Earth and in the outer Solar System, in particular the subsurface oceans of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

Mutual catalytic effects within the Salt-Induced Peptide Formation (SIPF) Reaction might be one little puzzle piece in the complicated process of the formation of complex peptidic systems and their chemical evolution on the prebiotic earth. The catalytic effects of glycine and diglycine on the formation of dipeptides from mixed amino acid systems in the SIPF Reaction was investigated for systems with leucine, proline, valine and aspartic acid and showed to result in a significant increase of the yield of the majority of the produced dipeptides. The results of the experiments strongly confirm previous theories on the catalytic mechanism and show the ability of the SIPF Reaction to produce a very diverse set of peptide products with relevance to the formation of a biosphere.  相似文献   

A variety of macromolecules and small molecules-(oligo)nucleotides, proteins, lipids and metabolites-are collectively considered essential to early life. However, previous schemes for the origin of life-e.g. the 'RNA world' hypothesis-have tended to assume the initial emergence of life based on one such molecular class followed by the sequential addition of the others, rather than the emergence of life based on a mixture of all the classes of molecules. This view is in part due to the perceived implausibility of multi-component reaction chemistry producing such a mixture. The concept of systems chemistry challenges such preconceptions by suggesting the possibility of molecular synergism in complex mixtures. If a systems chemistry method to make mixtures of all the classes of molecules considered essential for early life were to be discovered, the significant conceptual difficulties associated with pure RNA, protein, lipid or metabolism 'worlds' would be alleviated. Knowledge of the geochemical conditions conducive to the chemical origins of life is crucial, but cannot be inferred from a planetary sciences approach alone. Instead, insights from the organic reactivity of analytically accessible chemical subsystems can inform the search for the relevant geochemical conditions. If the common set of conditions under which these subsystems work productively, and compatibly, matches plausible geochemistry, an origins of life scenario can be inferred. Using chemical clues from multiple subsystems in this way is akin to triangulation, and constitutes a novel approach to discover the circumstances surrounding the transition from chemistry to biology. Here, we exemplify this strategy by finding common conditions under which chemical subsystems generate nucleotides and lipids in a compatible and potentially synergistic way. The conditions hint at a post-meteoritic impact origin of life scenario.  相似文献   

Most biomolecules occur in mirror, or chiral, images of each other. However, life is homochiral: proteins contain almost exclusively L-amino acids, while only D-sugars appear in RNA and DNA. The mechanism behind this fundamental asymmetry of life remains an open problem. Coupling the spatiotemporal evolution of a general autocatalytic polymerization reaction network to external environmental effects, we show through a detailed statistical analysis that high intensity and long duration events may drive achiral initial conditions towards chirality. We argue that life's homochirality resulted from sequential chiral symmetry breaking triggered by environmental events, thus extending the theory of punctuated equilibrium to the prebiotic realm. Applying our arguments to other potentially life-bearing planetary platforms, we predict that a statistically representative sampling will be racemic on average.  相似文献   

The article explores the possibility that the ordering of bio-organic molecules into a homochiral assembly at the origin of life was performed not in aqueous solutions of amino acids or related materials but in racemic glyceraldehyde in the “formose” reaction at high concentration and temperature. Based on physical chemical evidence and computer simulations of condensed fluids, it is argued that the isomerization kinetics of glyceraldehyde is responszible of the symmetry break and the ordering of molecules into homochiral domains.  相似文献   

An hypothesis is presented for theprebiotic origin of methyl groups and the evolution ofmethyl transfer reactions in living cells. This hypothesis,described in terms of prebiotic and early biotic chemicalevolution, is based on experimental observations in our laband in those of others, and on the mechanisms of enzymaticmethyl transfer reactions that occur in living cells. Ofparticular interest is our demonstration of the reductivemethylation of ethanolamine and glycine in aqueous solutionby excess formaldehyde. These reactions, involving prebioticcompounds and conditions, are mechanistically analogous tothe de novo origin of methyl groups in modern cellsby reduction of methylene tetrahydrofolate. Furthermore,modern cellular methyl transfers from S-adenosylmethionineto amine nitrogen may involve formaldehyde as anintermediate and subsequent reductive methylation, analogousto the prebiotic chemistry observed herein.  相似文献   

“Mutual” amino acid catalysis of glycine on the formation of ditryptophan, dilysine, and diserine in the prebiotically relevant Salt-Induced Peptide Formation (SIPF) Reaction was investigated varying the starting concentration and chirality of the educt amino acid, and analyzing the increase of yield resulting from this catalytic effect. Our results show the possibility of an amplified diverse pool of peptides being available for chemical evolution of larger peptides and proteins using also these more complicated amino acids for the evolution of more complex functions in future biochemical cycles and thus for the emergence of life. Catalytic effects are especially high in the case of serine, the most basic amino acid of the three, but are also significant for the other two examples investigated in the present work. Besides that, especially for serine, but also in the case of tryptophan, differences in catalytic yield increase according to the chiral form of the amino acid used could be observed.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the content of the author's lecture given at the 9th ISSOL Conference on the 'Origin of Life' in Oaxaca on 2 July 2002*. The report consists of introductory remarks followed by a reproduction of the authentic sequence of slides shown during the lecture. Each slide figure is accompanied with a short commentary on the figure's content. The lecture dealt with the structure and the properties of TNA (alpha-threofuranosyl nucleic acid) and included results of some more recent chemical investigations that had been inspired by the simplicity of TNA's molecular architecture.  相似文献   

Reduction and Activation of Phosphate on the Primitive Earth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrical discharges in water-saturated N2 containing 1–10% CH4 were shown earlier toreduce phosphate to phosphite. This mechanism was suggestedas a possible source of water-soluble phosphorus-containing compounds in volcanic environments on the prebiotic Earth.We have now extended our investigations to gas mixtures inwhich CO2 and N2 are the main components, and studied the effect of introducing smallamounts of H2 and CO.We show that surprisingly high conversions to phosphite occurin reducing mixtures and thatseveral percent reduction of apatite occurs even in thepresence of as little as 1% each of H2 and CO. We were also able to confirm a previous report ofpolyphosphate production as a result of heating the mineral apatite in the presence of other minerals.  相似文献   

Commonly calculated zero probabilities for synthesis of a given protein sequence by chance are that small because the sizes of the proteins taken for the calculations are too large (over 100 residues). Same estimate for 20 - 30 residue chains makes the chance close to 1. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

The field of prebiotic chemistry effectively began with a publicationin Science 50 years ago by Stanley L. Miller on the spark discharge synthesis of amino acids and other compounds using a mixture of reduced gases that were thought to represent the components of the atmosphere on the primitive Earth. On the anniversary of this landmark publication, weprovide here an accounting of the events leading to the publication of the paper. We also discuss the historical aspects that lead up to the landmark Miller experiment.  相似文献   

Possible astronomical sources of ultraviolet circularly polarized light(UVCPL) which might be responsible for enantiomeric selection in interstellarorganic molecules are considered, Synchrotron radiation from magnetic neutronstars has been suggested as a possible source of UVCPL. However, synchrotronradiation in these situations is not predicted to be strongly circularlypolarized. Very few such sources show optical synchrotron radiation and in thefew that do circular polarization has not been observed. Magnetic white dwarfsand white dwarf binaries (Polars) can be highly circularly polarized but anyeffect on molecular clouds and star formation regions must rely on rare chance encounters. Recent observations show that substantial levels of circularpolarization are present in reflection nebulae in star formation regions. Thismechanism produces polarized light exactly when and where it is needed inregions where star formation is occurring and organic molecules are known to be present.  相似文献   

Reaction of small sugars of less than four carbons with ammonia in water yielded organic microspherules generally less than ten microns in size. The time course of microspherule growth was examined for the D-erythrose-ammonia reaction that yielded microspherules attached to the glass walls of containers. Measurements were made of the elemental composition and infrared spectrum of the microspherule material. These viscose semi-solid microspherules are viewed as possible containers for prebiotic catalytic processes relevant to the origin of life.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorite collection suggests that intact outcrops or boulder-scale fragments of the 4.5 Ga Martian crust exist within tens of meters of the present day surface of Mars. Mars may be the only planet where such primordial crust samples, representing the first 100 Ma of a planet’s environment, are available. The primordial crust has been destroyed on Earth by plate tectonics and other geological phenomena and is buried on the Moon under hundreds or thousands of meters of megaregoltih. Early Mars appears to have been remarkably similar to early Earth, and samples of rock from the first few Ma or first 100 Ma may reveal “missing link” proto-biological forms that could shed light on the transition from abiotic organic chemistry to living cells. Such organic snapshots of nascent life are unlikely to be found on Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

A fully self-contained model of homochirality is presented that contains the effects of both polymerization and dissociation. The dissociation fragments are assumed to replenish the substrate from which new monomers can grow and undergo new polymerization. The mean length of isotactic polymers is found to grow slowly with the normalized total number of corresponding building blocks. Alternatively, if one assumes that the dissociation fragments themselves can polymerize further, then this corresponds to a strong source of short polymers, and an unrealistically short average length of only 3. By contrast, without dissociation, isotactic polymers becomes infinitely long.  相似文献   

The complex salt named Prussian Blue, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3?15 H2O, can release cyanide at pH>10. From the point of view of the origin of life, this fact is of interest, since the oligomers of HCN, formed in the presence of ammonium or amines, leads to a variety of biomolecules. In this work, for the first time, the thermal wet decomposition of Prussian Blue was studied. To establish the influence of temperature and reaction time on the ability of Prussian Blue to release cyanide and to subsequently generate other compounds, suspensions of Prussian Blue were heated at temperatures from room temperature to 150° at pH 12 in NH3 environment for several days. The NH3 wet decomposition of Prussian Blue generated hematite, α‐Fe2O3, the soluble complex salt (NH4)4[Fe(CN6)]?1.5 H2O, and several organic compounds, the nature and yield of which depend on the experimental conditions. Urea, lactic acid, 5,5‐dimethylhydantoin, and several amino acids and carboxylic acids were identified by their trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives. HCN, cyanogen (C2N2), and formamide (HCONH2) were detected in the gas phase by GC/MS analysis.  相似文献   

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