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The left eye was removed from Stage 56 Xenopus tadpoles. Two to 9 months after metamorphosis, electrophysiologic analysis showed that the surviving (right) eye mediated a normal visual field projection to the left (contralateral) optic tectum. In addition, a peripheral region of the same retina innervated the entire right (ipsilateral) tectum. Primary evidence that indicates this anomalous ipsilateral projection was due to direct retina-to-tectum innervation comes from singleunit analysis, latency measurements, and tectal lesion studies. Thus, the peripheral retina simultaneously connected in much different patterns to the two optic tecta, solely on the basis of the presence (in the left tectum) or absence (in the right tectum) of central retinal fibers. This documents a role for fiber-fiber interaction (such as repulsion or competition) acting in combination with fiber-tectum interactions in the formation of the retinotectal map.  相似文献   

To study the adaptative capabilities of the retinotectal system in birds, the primordium of one optic tectum from 12-somite embryos of Japanese quail was transplanted either homotopically, to replace the ablated same primordium, or heterotopically, to replace the ablated dorsal diencephalon in White Leghorn chick embryos of the same stage. The quail nucleolar marker was used to recognize the transplants. The cytoarchitecture of the tecta and the retinal projections from the eye contralateral to the graft were studied on the 17th or 18th day of incubation in the chimeric embryos by autoradiographic or horseradish peroxidase tracing methods. Morphometric analysis was applied to evaluate the percentage of the tectal surface receiving optic projections. It was observed that: (i) quail mesencephalic alar plate can develop a fully laminated optic tectum even when transplanted heterotopically; (ii) retinal ganglion cells from the chick not only recognize the tectal neurons of the quail as their specific targets in homotopic grafts, but the optic fibers deviate to innervate the heterotopically grafted tectum; (iii) in the presence of a graft, the chick retina is unable to innervate a tectal surface of similar or larger size than that of the control tectum; (iv) tectal regions devoid of optic projections, whether formed by donor or by host cells, always present an atrophic lamination; (v) the diencephalic supernumerary optic tectum competes with and prevails over the host tectum as a target for optic fiber terminals.  相似文献   

In the regenerating optic lobe of Bufo regularis larvae, secondary ependymas were formed in both the dorsal part (optic tectum) and ventral region (tegmentum) of the lobe concerned. These secondary ependymas were frequently observed in the rostral and caudal tectal regions after complete excision of the tectum. Most of the multiple ependymal structures were formed by self-organization of groups of undifferentiated cells migrating from the primary ependyma lining the optic tectum. Others split off from the primary ependyma, but remained in contact with it. The observations emphasize the wide range of possibilities of the cells produced by the larval tectal ependyma in response to partial or total excision of the tectum. The results suggest that cells of ependymal origin, in regenerating tectum, are capable of self-organization to complete ependymal tubes in the absence of direct with the primary ependyma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Although biochemical and electron microscopic evidence has shown that RNA molecules may be found within axons, the origin of this RNA is not known. In order to determine if the RNA found in axons is synthesized in the nerve cell body and axonally transported, we have studied the effect of the RNA inhibitor cordycepin (3′-deoxyadenosine) on the retinal synthesis and axonal migration of radioactive RNA. Ten μg of cordycepin was injected into the right eye of 11 fish and 3 h later [3H]uridine was injected into the same eye. Twelve control fish were injected with [3H]uridine only and all fish were sacrificed 6 days later. Results of RNA extraction of retina and tecta showed that cordycepin decreased retinal RNA synthesis by approx 24%, while inhibiting the amount of [3H]RNA appearing in the contralateral tectum by 74%. Since the transport of RNA precursors was depressed by only 50%, (significantly different from the effect on RNA, P < 0.01) it seems unlikely that the action of cordycepin in decreasing tectal [3H]RNA levels was due solely to a decrease in the availability of labeled precursors for tectal RNA synthesis. For the purpose of blocking tectal RNA synthesis, 200 μg of cordycepin was injected intracranially several days after the intraocular injection of [3H]uridine. This route of cordycepin administration failed to significantly block the appearance of [3H]RNA in the tectum, suggesting that at least some of the [3H]RNA in the tectum was synthesized before arrival in the tectum itself. To be sure that cordycepin itself was not being transported, we injected cordycepin into the right eye of fish and 5 days later, injected fish intracranially with [3H]uridine. Autoradiograms were prepared and grains were counted over the fiber layers of left (experimental) and right (control) tecta. No significant difference was observed in the number of grains of left vs right tecta indicating that cordycepin itself is not axonally transported. These experiments support earlier findings from our laboratory which suggest that RNA may be axonally transported in goldfish optic fibers.  相似文献   

The isthmic nucleus (IN) is a visual relay centre of the frog brain. It receives afferent projection from the optic tectum of the same side and projects bilaterally to both tecta. In young postmetamorphic Xenopus frogs, the survival of neurones in the IN on both sides was studied following the complete removal of the right tectum. In 6- to 8-week-old frogs, the right tectum was surgically removed and the operated animals allowed to survive for 1 to 13 weeks after operation. In selected animals, 3 days before the intended sacrifice, the postoptic commissure was transected and the cut isthmotectal fibres filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In serial paraffin sections of the midbrain, the numbers of surviving and dying (pyknotic) neurones in the left and right IN were counted. The soma size of viable isthmic neurones and the volume of both IN were measured. Pyknotic neurones were seen between 1 and 6 weeks after operation in both the left and right IN, although the rate of cell loss was much greater in the latter. Virtually all the neurones of the right IN degenerated by 6 weeks after tectal ablation. In contrast, approximately 60% of neurones of the left IN survived. HRP histochemistry showed labelled isthmic neurones both in the left and right IN up to 3 weeks after operation. Thereafter, HRP-labelled neurones appeared only in the left IN. These observations indicate that the removal of the natural target of isthmic neurones brings about severe neurone death.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The distribution of radioactive RNA and RNA precursors in the goldfish optic tecta following intraocular injection of 3H-uridine has been studied during various stages of optic nerve regeneration. 3H-uridine was injected into the posterior chamber of the right eye 17, 30, or 60 days after both optic nerves were crushed. Five were sacrificed at time intervals ranging from 0.5 to 21 days after injection. One day prior to sacrificing, 14C-proline was also injected into the right eye as a marked of fast axonal protein transport. Seventeen to 23 days after crushing, the approximate time of nerve reconnection, the amount of radioactive RNA appearing in the left optic tectum was increased by more than ten times control values. Approximately 30 days after crushing the nerve, when the reconnected nerve is maturing, RNA values were still elevated, but significantly decreased from the earlier stage. By 60 days after crushing the optic nerve, the amounts of RNA in the left tectum was close to normal. Evidence suggesting that, at least, some of the radioactive RNA in the tectum originated from RNA transported along optic axons rather than from RNA synthesized locally in the tectum was provided by autoradiographic experiments. Autoradiograms of paraffin sections taken from the goldfish optic tecta after the intraocular injection of 3H-uridine showed a distribution of grains in a linear pattern, suggesting a distribution over the incoming fibers during the reconnection stage of regeneration. Electron microsocpic autoradiography of glutaraldehyde fixed epoxy sections confirmed that a significant number of grains (shown to be 3H-RNA) were, in fact, over regenerating optic axons. Intracranial injection of 3H-uridine, during the same stage of regeneration, on the other hand, resulted in a distribution of grains, specifically over cell perikaprya. These experiments suggest that during the reconnection phase of nerve regeneration, large amounts of RNA may be carried within regenerating optic axons as they enter the optic tectum.  相似文献   

The formation of fine retinotopic order by growing optic fibers in the goldfish is thought to be mediated by the correlated firing of optic fibers from neighboring retinal ganglion cells. Although the activity of the tectal cells must also be important for this activity-dependent refinement, few studies have analyzed the pattern and local correlation of the intrinsic activity of tectal neurons and the effect of denervation on this activity. To address this issue, spontaneous (nonoptic driven) activity was analyzed and cross-correlograms were computed between individual tectal neurons using single and double electrode extracellular recordings. Recordings were made in normally innervated tectum in which the contribution of optic activity was eliminated by short-term intraocular blockade with tetrodotoxin and in denervated tecta in which the optic nerve had been severed several weeks prior. Several observations were relevant to activitydependent refinement: First, coupling between neighboring tectal cells is weak. Second, the time duration for local correlation is relatively long, as long as 200 ms. Third, tectal neurons exhibit spontaneous bursting. Fourth, denervation increased the level of spontaneous activity in the tectum. The increased spontaneous activity and bursting following denervation implies that tectal neurons are more excitable when optic fibers are beginning to reinnervate the tectum. This could make it possible for optic fibers to drive tectal neurons at a time when their input to individual neurons is severely weakened by a lack of spatial convergence. The weak coupling between tectal cells and the consequent long-time constant for correlated activity implies a constraint on the duration of correlated retinal activity that is used for activitydependent refinement. Since optic fibers likely need to detect the postsynaptic activity of a local group of tectal neurons, rather than that of a single neuron, the long tectal time constant means that retinal activity need not be correlated with precision much better than 200 ms because the postsynaptic circuitry cannot generate shorter correlations. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Acetylcholinesterase localization has been studied by electron microscopic histochemistry in the quail optic tectum. Ultrastructural analysis reveals that the different neuronal types in the tectum possess the metabolic pathways for AChE synthesis to different degrees. From the site of synthesis in cell bodies the enzyme spreads towards areas of neuropil. In the neuropil of AChE-rich areas a balance seems to exist between enzyme stored in dendrites (and sometimes axon terminals) and enzyme released into the extracellular spaces. Precise identification of cholinergic synapses by means of AChE localization is in most cases impossible, due to extensive spread of the enzyme through the extracellular compartments of the neuropil.Unilateral ocular ablation causes disappearance of the stratum opticum and decrease in thickness of the superficial tectal layers in the contralateral optic tectum, but only minor modifications in AChE localization. This finding is in agreement with biochemical results which show equivalence of the relative concentration of AChE in the right and left optic tectum 1 or 2 months after ablation of the right eye. The experimental evidence suggests that cholinergic mechanisms are not related to the discharge of retinal afferents on receptive tectal neurons, but more likely to intrinsic neural circuits which might be involved in the modulation of tectal activity.  相似文献   

The distribution of radioactive RNA and RNA precursors in the goldfish optic tecta following intraocular injection of 3H-uridine has been studied during various stages of optic nerve regeneration. 3H-uridine was injected into the posterior chamber of the right eye 17, 30, or 60 days after both optic nerves were crushed. Fish were sacrificed at time intervals ranging from 0.5 to 21 days after injection. One day prior to sacrificing, 14C-proline was also injected into the right eye as a marker of fast axonal protein transport. Seventeen to 23 days after crushing, the approximate time of nerve reconnection, the amount of radioactive RNA appearing in the left optic tectum was increased by more than ten times control values. Approximately 30 days after crushing the nerve, when the reconnected nerve is maturing, RNA values were still elevated, but significantly decreased from the earlier stage. By 60 days after crushing the optic nerve, the amounts of RNA in the left tectum was close to normal. Evidence suggesting that, at least, some of the radioactive RNA in the tectum originated from RNA transported along optic axons rather than from RNA synthesized locally in the tectum was provided by autoradiographic experiments. Autoradiograms of paraffin sections taken from the goldfish optic tecta after the intraocular injection of 3H-uridine showed a distribution of grains in a linear pattern, suggesting a distribution over the incoming fibers during the reconnection stage of regeneration. Electron microscopic autoradiography of glutaraldehyde fixed epoxy sections confirmed that a significant number of grains (shown to be 3H-RNA) were, in fact, over regenerating optic axons. Intracranial injection of 3H-uridine, during the same stage of regeneration, on the other hand, resulted in a distribution of grains, specifically over cell perikarya. These experiments suggest that during the reconnection phase of nerve regeneration, large amounts of RNA may be carried within regenerating optic axons as they enter the optic tectum.  相似文献   

Optic nerve activity helps determine the placement of retinal ganglion cell terminals in the optic tectum of the frog. We investigated whether the presence of this nerve might also influence a characteristic of its target structure, neurotransmitter biosynthesis. We performed unilateral optic nerve transections on adult animals and assayed the percent and intensity of substance P- and serotoninlike immunoreactive (SP-ir and 5-HT-ir, respectively) cells in the deafferented and afferented tectal lobes. Regeneration of the optic nerve was prevented. The percent of SP-ir cells in the afferented tectal lobes was significantly less than that in the deafferented ones either 6 weeks or 5 months following optic nerve lesion. Comparison to normal animals indicated that the change in SP-ir expression was due to a decrease in the percent of immunoreactive cells in the afferented tecta ipsilateral to the optic nerve lesion. The serotoninlike immunoreactivity of tectal cells was also significantly different in the two lobes following optic nerve lesions. This difference resulted from an increase in the percent of 5-HT-ir cells in the deafferented tectum. In addition, the intensity of 5-HT-ir cells in the deafferented lobe was significantly greater than in the afferented one. The staining intensity of SP-ir cells underwent only a transient, relative decrease in the deafferented tectum. We conclude that the optic nerve does regulate substance P and serotonin expression in the tectum, but that this regulation likely occurs through different pathways. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the E4 (embryonic day 4) chick tectal primordium, engrailed expression is strong at the caudal end and gradually weakens toward the rostral end. We used quail-chick chimeric tecta to investigate how the caudorostral gradient of engrailed expression is established and whether it is correlated with the subsequent rostrocaudal polarity of tectal development. To examine the positional value of the tectal primordium, we produced ectopic tecta in the diencephalon by transplanting a part of the mesencephalic alar plate heterotopically. In the ectopic tectum, the gradient of the engrailed expression reversed and the strength of the expression was dependent on the distance from the mes-diencephalon junction; the nearer the ectopic tectum was to the junction, the weaker the expression was. Consequently, the pattern of the engrailed expression in the host and ectopic tecta was nearly a mirror image, suggesting the existence of a repressive influence around the mes-diencephalon junction on the engrailed expression. We examined cytoarchitectonic development in the ectopic tecta, which normally proceeds in a gradient along the rostrocaudal axis; the rostral shows more advanced lamination than the caudal. In contrast, the caudal part of the ectopic tecta (near to the mes-diencephalon junction) showed more advanced lamination than the rostral. In both the host and ectopic tecta, advanced lamination was observed where the engrailed expression was repressed, and vice versa. Next we studied the correlation between engrailed expression and retinotectal projection from a view of plasticity and rigidity of rostrocaudal polarity in the tectum. We produced ectopic tecta by anisochronal transplantations between E3 host and E2 donor, and showed that there is little repressive influence at E3 around the mes-diencephalon junction. We then made chimeric double-rostral tectum (caudal half of it was replaced by rostral half of the donor tectum) or double-caudal tectum at E3. The transplants kept their original staining pattern in hosts. Consequently, the chimeric tecta showed wholly negative or positive staining of engrailed protein on the grafted side. In such tecta retinotectal projection pattern was disturbed as if the transplants retained their original position-specific characters. We propose from these heterotopic and anisochronal experiments that the engrailed expression can be a marker for subsequent rostrocaudal polarity in the tectum, both as regards cytoarchitectonic development and retinotectal projection.  相似文献   

Silver-stained whole mounts of the tectal surface were used to study the developing retinotectal fiber pathway in the chick embryo. The growing front of optic fibers appeared more disordered than fiber bundles to the rear. The fiber pattern as a whole appeared more orderly with age. Some fibers projected sparsely ahead of the growing front in a pattern suggesting the existence of preneural guidance channels. Fiber branching was rarely seen. An orthogonal gridwork of two layers of fibers, running roughly anteroposteriorly and dorsoventrally, was found on the developing tectal surface after removal of both optic vesicles. In unoperated specimens, fibers in the optic fiber layer followed these grid lines.Retinal quadrants from embryos 4–5 days old were transplanted to the optic tecta of embryos 6–7 days old. The graft fibers subsequently did not show specific orientation toward their appropriate tectal quadrant. Rather, the fibers followed the same straight courses taken by carbon particles implanted in comparable positions in controls.After the production of quadrantal retinal lesions in 4–5 day-old embryos, no evidence was found for specific tectal innervation defects at 12–13 days. Lesions, irrespective of retinal quadrant, resulted in a relative lack of innervation in the posterodorsal aspect of the 12–13 day-old tectum. This was probably due to a delay in the advancement of the growing front of fibers across the tectal surface. The results weaken previous support for specificity in the guidance of developing optic axons.  相似文献   

Biochemical investigations of retinotectal adhesive specificity   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The preferential adhesion of chick neural retina cells to surfaces of intact optic tecta has been investigated biochemically. The study uses a collection assay in which single cells from either dorsal or ventral halves of neural retain adhere preferentially to ventral or dorsal halves of optic tecta respectively. The data presented support the following conclusions: (a) The adhesion of ventral retina to dorsal tecta seems to depend on proteins located on ventral retina and on terminal β-N-acetylgalactosamine residues on dorsal tecta. (b) The adhesion of dorsal retina to ventral tecta seems to depend on proteins located on ventral tecta and on terminal β- N-acetylgalactosamine residues on dorsal retina. (c) A double gradient model for retinotectal adhesion along the dorsoventral axis is consistent with the data presented. The model utilizes only two complementary molecules. The molecule suggested to be concentrated dorsally in both retina and tectum seems to require terminal β-N-acetylgalactosamine residues for adhesion. Its activity is not affected by protease. A molecule fitting these qualifications, the ganglioside GM(2), could not be detected in a gradient, but lecithin vesicles containing GM(2) adhered preferentially to ventral tectal surfaces. The second molecule, concentrated ventrally in both retina and tectum, is a protein and seems capable of binding terminal β-N- acetylgalactosamine residues. One enzyme, UDP-galactose:GM(2) galactosyltransferase, has been found to be more concentrated in ventral retina than dorsal, but only by 30 percent.  相似文献   

The mes-metencephalic boundary (isthmus) works as an organizer for the tectum, and the organizing molecule may be Fgf8. The region where Otx2, En1, and Pax2 are expressed overlappingly may differentiate into the mesencephalon. The di-mesencephalic and mes-metencephalic boundaries are determined by repressive interaction of Pax6 and En1/Pax2 and of Otx2 and Gbx2, respectively. The optic tectum is a visual center in lower vertebrates. The tectum and the retina should be regionalized and be positionally specialized for the proper retinotopic projection. Gradient of En2 plays a crucial role in rostrocaudal polarity formation of the tectum. En2 confers caudal characteristics of the retina by inducing ephrinA2 and A5, which are the repellant molecules for the growth cones of temporal retinal ganglion cells. Grg4 antagonizes the isthmus-related genes, and is involved in the formation of di-mesencephalic boundary and tectal polarity formation at an early phase of development. Then, Grg4 plays a role in tectal laminar formation by controlling the migration pathway. Migration pathway of tectal postmitotic cells changes after E5. The late migratory cells split the early migratory neurons to form laminae h-j of SGFS. Grg4 is expressed in the ventricular layer after E5, and forces postmitotic cells to follow the late migratory pathway, though retinal fibers terminate at laminae a-f of SGFS. Misexpression of Grg4 disrupts the lamina g, and in such tecta retinal arbors invade deep into the tectal layer, indicating that lamina g is a nonpermissive lamina for the retinal arbors.  相似文献   

Astrocytes have been considered to be transformed from radial glial cells that appear at early stage of development and play a scaffold-role for neuronal cell migration. Recent studies indicate that neuroepithelial cells in the spinal cord also give rise to astrocytes. However, the mode of astroglial generation and migration in the ventricular neuroepithelium remains poorly understood. In this study, we have utilized immunohistochemical and retroviral lineage tracing methods to characterize the developmental profiles of astrocytes in the chick optic tectum, which develops from both the neural tube and invasion of optic tract. Chick vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were found as single bands at molecular weights consistent with those reported for mammalian species. Differential developmental trends were observed for both proteins with relative vimentin levels decreasing and GFAP levels increasing with embryonic age. We observed two streams of tectal GFAP-labeled astrocytes originated from the tectal ventricle (intrinsic origin) and the optic tract (extrinsic origin). The extrinsic astrocytes arose from the ventral neuroepithelium of the third ventricle, dispersed bilaterally to the optic tract, and subsequently to the outer layer of optic tectum, indicating migration of astrocytes along retinal ganglion cell axons. On the other hand, the intrinsic astrocytes from the tectal ventricular neuroepithelium appeared first in the ventral part of the optic tectum, and then in the lateral and dorsal tectum. The intrinsic tectal astrocytes closely associated with fascicles of vimentin-labeled radial glial cells, indicating a presumptive radial migration of astrocytes. These results demonstrated that the optic tectum contains heterogeneous populations of astrocytes developed from the different origins and routes of migration.  相似文献   

Axonal growth cones originating from explants of embryonic chick retina were simultaneously exposed to two different cell monolayers and their preference for particular monolayers as a substrate for growth was determined. These experiments show that: (1) nasal retinal axons can distinguish between retinal and tectal cells; (2) temporal retinal axons can distinguish between tectal cells that originated from different positions within the tectum along the antero-posterior axis; (3) axons originating from nasal parts of the retina have different recognizing capabilities from temporal axons; (4) the property of the tectal cells, which is attractive for temporal axons, has a graded distribution along the antero-posterior axis of the tectum; and (5) this gradient also exists in non-innervated tecta.  相似文献   

The 180 kDa component of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM-180), total NCAM (NCAM-total) and the polysialic acid modification of NCAM (PSA) show similar temporal and spatial regulation in the developing tecta of Pleurodeles waltl (salamander) and Discoglossus pictus (frog). Whereas NCAM-total is found throughout the tectal tissue on neurons and glia, NCAM-180 is only found on nonproliferating neurons and in fiber layers. PSA is expressed by a subset of NCAM-180-positive cells. Western blots show that there is little polysialylated NCAM-140 in the developing amphibian tectum. Regions unstained for PSA and NCAM-180 correspond precisely to the growth zones of the tectum. NCAM-180 and PSA are not present in tecta of early larvae. Staining intensity is strongest at midlarval stages for both antigens. At metamorphosis, PSA is strongly downregulated, whereas NCAM-180 is downregulated in juvenile animals. Both antigens are still present in fiber layers of adult animals. In dissociated tissue culture of the frog tectum, NCAM-180 is not present on astrocytes, but on neuronal cells. Expression is enhanced at cell contact sites, suggesting that NCAM-180 is involved in cell contact stabilization. This study shows that general features of temporal and spatial regulation of NCAM isoforms and PSA are highly conserved in frog and salamander tecta, despite large differences in the rate of cell migration and the degree of lamination in these homologous brain regions.  相似文献   

A developmental program is established in the stage 28–32 optic cup of Xenopus embryos, which specifies the permanent AP and DV reference axes for positional information in the retina, and thereby determines the pattern of spatial deployment of ganglion cell locus specificities subserving assembly of retinotopically organized connections in the tectum. This developmental program has previously proved unmodifiable in intact eye primordia submitted to a variety of rotation, transplantation, and tissue culture conditions. Here we report that the program can be modified by surgical transection of stage 32 eye primordia (with subsequent fusion of the disconnected halves to reconstitute a whole eye) and by fusion of whole stage 38 eyes, although most of the transected eyes did develop normal visuotectal projections. The remaining vertically transected eyes, and all eyes formed when a left and right stage 38 eye fused along apposed temporal edges, developed “double-nasal compound” projections to the tectum: the nasal and temporal halves of the adult retina each projected to the entire tectum, and each tectal locus was driven from two stimulus positions symmetrically disposed about the vertical meridian. The remaining horizontally transected eyes, and all eyes formed when a left and right stage 38 eye fused along apposed dorsal edges, developed “double-ventral compound” projections to the tectum: the dorsal and ventral halves of the adult retina each projected to the entire tectum, and each tectal locus was driven from two stimulus positions symmetrically disposed about the horizontal meridian. The results are considered in terms of (1) the kinds of cellular processes that could mediate the observed modifications in the original developmental program; (2) the nature and stability of the program; and (3) the general suitability of eye fragment-fusion experiments for analysis of the assembly of retinotectal connections.  相似文献   

D S Galileo  J Majors  A F Horwitz  J R Sanes 《Neuron》1992,9(6):1117-1131
We used retrovirus-mediated gene transfer to ask whether integrins are involved in the development of neuroblasts in the chicken optic tectum. Vectors were constructed with the E. coli lacZ gene in the sense orientation and beta 1 integrin sequences in the antisense orientation. Tests in culture showed that the progeny of cells infected by these vectors were identifiable by expression of LacZ and had reduced levels of beta 1 integrins on their surfaces. We then injected these vectors into optic tecta on E3, at the height of neuronal production. Clones of LacZ-positive cells were analyzed 3-9 days later, as they migrated along radial glia to form the tectal plate. Antisense sequences had little effect on the proliferation of progenitors, or on the radial stacking of their progeny in the ventricular zone (E6). However, many antisense-bearing cells accumulated in the ventricular zone and failed to migrate into the tectal plate (E7.5 and E9). At later stages (E12), few antisense-bearing cells could be found. Thus, integrin appears to be required in the migratory process, and cells that fail to engage in integrin-mediated interactions may die.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of AChE has been studied in the optic tectum of the goldfish after unilateral eye ablation. 1 or 4 months after the operation the patterns of enzyme localization were essentially the same in the normal and affected optic tectum, despite structural modifications caused by the degeneration of retinal terminals and dendritic atrophy of some tectal neurons. The results are discussed in relation to the different hypotheses put forward concerning possible cholinergic mechanisms in the optic tectum of teleosts.  相似文献   

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