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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative bacterium that uses polar type IV pili for adherence to various materials and for rapid colonization of surfaces via twitching motility. Within the P. aeruginosa species, five distinct alleles encoding variants of the structural subunit PilA varying in amino acid sequence, length, and presence of posttranslational modifications have been identified. In this work, a combination of mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to identify a novel glycan modification on the pilins of the group IV strain Pa5196. Group IV pilins continued to be modified in a lipopolysaccharide (wbpM) mutant of Pa5196, showing that, unlike group I strains, the pilins of group IV are not modified with the O-antigen unit of the background strain. Instead, the pilin glycan was determined to be an unusual homo-oligomer of alpha-1,5-linked d-arabinofuranose (d-Araf). This sugar is uncommon in prokaryotes, occurring mainly in the cell wall arabinogalactan and lipoarabinomannan (LAM) polymers of mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae. Antibodies raised against M. tuberculosis LAM specifically identified the glycosylated pilins from Pa5196, confirming that the glycan is antigenically, as well as chemically, identical to those of Mycobacterium. P. aeruginosa Pa5196, a rapidly growing strain of low virulence that expresses large amounts of glycosylated type IV pilins on its surface, represents a genetically tractable model system for elucidation of alternate pathways for biosynthesis of d-Araf and its polymerization into mycobacterium-like alpha-1,5-linked oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces multifunctional, polar, filamentous appendages termed type IV pili. Type IV pili are involved in colonization during infection, twitching motility, biofilm formation, bacteriophage infection, and natural transformation. Electrostatic surface analysis of modeled pilus fibers generated from P. aeruginosa strain PAK, K122-4, and KB-7 pilin monomers suggested that a solvent-exposed band of positive charge may be a common feature of all type IV pili. Several functions of type IV pili, including natural transformation and biofilm formation, involve DNA. We investigated the ability of P. aeruginosa type IV pili to bind DNA. Purified PAK, K122-4, and KB-7 pili were observed to bind both bacterial plasmid and salmon sperm DNA in a concentration-dependent and saturable manner. PAK pili had the highest affinity for DNA, followed by K122-4 and KB-7 pili. DNA binding involved backbone interactions and preferential binding to pyrimidine residues even though there was no evidence of sequence-specific binding. Pilus-mediated DNA binding was a function of the intact pilus and thus required elements present in the quaternary structure. However, binding also involved the pilus tip as tip-specific, but not base-specific, antibodies inhibited DNA binding. The conservation of a Thr residue in all type IV pilin monomers examined to date, along with the electrostatic data, implies that DNA binding is a conserved function of type IV pili. Pilus-mediated DNA binding could be important for biofilm formation both in vivo during an infection and ex vivo on abiotic surfaces.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by Gfp-tagged Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 wild type, flagella and type IV pili mutants in flow chambers irrigated with citrate minimal medium was characterized by the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and comstat image analysis. Flagella and type IV pili were not necessary for P. aeruginosa initial attachment or biofilm formation, but the cell appendages had roles in biofilm development, as wild type, flagella and type IV pili mutants formed biofilms with different structures. Dynamics and selection during biofilm formation were investigated by tagging the wild type and flagella/type IV mutants with Yfp and Cfp and performing time-lapse confocal laser scanning microscopy in mixed colour biofilms. The initial microcolony formation occurred by clonal growth, after which wild-type P. aeruginosa bacteria spread over the substratum by means of twitching motility. The wild-type biofilms were dynamic compositions with extensive motility, competition and selection occurring during development. Bacterial migration prevented the formation of larger microcolonial structures in the wild-type biofilms. The results are discussed in relation to the current model for P. aeruginosa biofilm development.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of the structural gene for azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been used to prepare azurins in which amino acid residues in two separate electron-transfer sites have been changed: His-35-Lys and Glu-91-Gln at one site and Phe-114-Ala at the other. The charge-transfer band and the EPR spectrum are the same as in the wild-type protein in the first two mutants, whereas in the Phe-114-Ala azurin, the optical band is shifted downwards by 7 nm and the copper hyperfine splitting is decreased by 4.10(-4)/cm. This protein also shows an increase of 20-40 mV in the reduction potential compared to the other azurins. The potentials of all four azurins decrease with increasing pH in phosphate but not in zwitterionic buffers with high ionic strength. The rate constant for electron exchange with cytochrome c551 is unchanged compared to the wild-type protein in the Phe-114-Ala azurin, but is increased in the other two mutant proteins. The results suggest that Glu-91 is not important for the interaction with cytochrome c551 and that His-35 plays no critical role in the electron transfer to the copper site.  相似文献   

Several subclasses of type IV pili have been described according to the characteristics of the structural prepilin subunit. Whereas molecular mechanisms of type IVa pilus assembly have been well documented for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and involve the PilD prepilin peptidase, no type IVb pili have been described in this microorganism. One subclass of type IVb prepilins has been identified as the Flp prepilin subfamily. Long and bundled Flp pili involved in tight adherence have been identified in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, for which assembly was due to a dedicated machinery encoded by the tad-rcp locus. A similar flp-tad-rcp locus containing flp, tad, and rcp gene homologues was identified in the P. aeruginosa genome. The function of these genes has been investigated, which revealed their involvement in the formation of extracellular Flp appendages. We also identified a gene (designated by open reading frame PA4295) outside the flp-tad-rcp locus, that we named fppA, encoding a novel prepilin peptidase. This is the second enzyme of this kind found in P. aeruginosa; however, it appears to be truncated and is similar to the C-terminal domain of the previously characterized PilD peptidase. In this study, we show that FppA is responsible for the maturation of the Flp prepilin and belongs to the aspartic acid protease family. We also demonstrate that FppA is required for the assembly of cell surface appendages that we called Flp pili. Finally, we observed an Flp-dependent bacterial aggregation process on the epithelial cell surface and an increased biofilm phenotype linked to Flp pilus assembly.  相似文献   

The opportunistic human pathogen bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes various exoproteins in its surrounding environment. Protein secretion involves different secretory systems, including the type II secretion system, or T2SS, that is one of the most efficient secretory pathways of P. aeruginosa. There are two T2SS in this bacterium, the quorum-sensing-regulated Xcp system and the Hxc system, which is only present under phosphate-limiting conditions. Like T2SS of other bacteria, the Xcp T2SS is species specific, and this specificity mainly involves two proteins, XcpP (GspC family) and the secretin XcpQ (GspD family), which are the gatekeepers of the system. Interestingly, an orphan secretin, XqhA, was previously reported as being able to functionally replace the XcpQ secretin. In this study, we identified another gene, which we named xphA (xcpP homologue A), which is located next to xqhA. We showed that deletion of the xphA gene in an xcpP mutant caused the disappearance of the residual secretion observed in this mutant strain, indicating that the protein XphA plays a role in the secretion process. Our results also revealed that complementation of an xcpP/xcpQ mutant can be obtained with the gene couple xphA/xqhA. The XphA and XqhA proteins (the P(A)Q(A) subunit) could thus form, together with XcpR-Z, a functional hybrid T2SS. A two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that except for the aminopeptidase PaAP, for which secretion is not restored by the P(A)Q(A) subunit in the xcpP/xcpQ deletion mutant, each major Xcp-dependent exoprotein is secreted by the new hybrid machinery. Our work supports the idea that components of the GspC/GspD families, such as XphA/XqhA or XcpP/XcpQ, are assembled as a specific tandem within the T2SS. Each of these pairs may thus confer a different level of secretion specificity, as is the case with respect to PaAP. Finally, using a chromosomal xphA-lacZ fusion, we showed that the xphA-xqhA genes are transcribed from an early stage of bacterial growth. We thus suggest that the P(A)Q(A) subunit might be involved in the secretion process at a different growth stage than XcpP/XcpQ.  相似文献   

N Frankenberg  D Jahn  E K Jaffe 《Biochemistry》1999,38(42):13976-13982
Porphobilinogen synthases (PBGS) are metalloenzymes that catalyze the first common step in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. The PBGS enzymes have previously been categorized into four types (I-IV) by the number of Zn(2+) and/or Mg(2+) utilized at three different metal binding sites termed A, B, and C. In this study Pseudomonas aeruginosa PBGS is found to bind only four Mg(2+) per octamer as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy, in the presence or absence of substrate/product. This is the lowest number of bound metal ions yet found for PBGS where other enzymes bind 8-16 divalent ions. These four Mg(2+) allosterically stimulate a metal ion independent catalytic activity, in a fashion dependent upon both pH and K(+). The allosteric Mg(2+) of PBGS is located in metal binding site C, which is outside the active site. No evidence is found for metal binding to the potential high-affinity active site metal binding sites A and/or B. P. aeruginosa PBGS was investigated using Mn(2+) as an EPR probe for Mg(2+), and the active site was investigated using [3,5-(13)C]porphobilinogen as an NMR probe. The magnetic resonance data exclude the direct involvement of Mg(2+) in substrate binding and product formation. The combined data suggest that P. aeruginosa PBGS represents a new type V enzyme. Type V PBGS has the remarkable ability to synthesize porphobilinogen in a metal ion independent fashion. The total metal ion stoichiometry of only 4 per octamer suggests half-sites reactivity.  相似文献   

The type II secretion system enables gram-negative bacteria to secrete exoproteins into the extracellular milieu. We performed biophysical and biochemical experiments to identify systematic interactions between Pseudomonas aeruginosa Xcp type II secretion system components and their substrates. We observed that three Xcp components, XcpP(C), the secretin XcpQ(D), and the pseudopilus tip, directly and specifically interact with secreted exoproteins. We established that XcpP(C), in addition to its interaction with the substrate, likely shields the entire periplasmic portion of the secreton. It can therefore be considered as the recruiter of the machinery. Moreover, the direct interaction observed between the substrate and the pseudopilus tip validates the piston model hypothesis, in which the pseudopilus pushes the substrate through the secretin pore during the secretion process. All together, our results allowed us to propose a model of the different consecutive steps followed by the substrate during the type II secretion process.  相似文献   

PilD, originally isolated as an essential component for the biogenesis of the type IV pili of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is a unique endopeptidase responsible for processing the precursors of the P. aeruginosa pilin subunits. It is also required for the cleavage of the leader peptides from the Pdd proteins, which are essential components of an extracellular secretion pathway specific for the export of a number of P. aeruginosa hydrolytic enzymes and toxins. Substrates for PilD are initially synthesized with short, i.e., 6- to 8-amino-acid-long, leader peptides with a net basic charge and share a high degree of amino acid homology through the first 16 to 30 residues at the amino terminus. In addition, they all have a phenylalanine residue at the +1 site relative to the cleavage site, which is N methylated prior to assembly into the oligomeric structures. In this study, the kinetics of leader peptide cleavage from the precursor of the P. aeruginosa pilin subunit by PilD was determined in vitro. The rates of cleavage were compared for purified enzyme and substrate as well as for enzyme and substrate contained within total membranes extracted from P. aeruginosa strains overexpressing the cloned pilD or pilA genes. Optimal conditions were obtained only when both PilD and substrate were contained within total membranes. PilD catalysis of P. aeruginosa prepilin followed normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with a measured apparent Km of approximately 650 microM, and a kcat of 180 min-1. The kinetics of PilD processing of another type IV pilin precursor, that from Neisseria gonorrhoeae with a 7-amino-acid-long leader peptide, were essentially the same as that measured for wild-type P. aeruginosa prepilin. Quite different results were obtained for a number of prepilin substrates containing substitutions at the conserved phenylalanine at the +1 position relative to the cleavage site, which were previously shown to be well tolerated in vivo. Substitutions of methionine, serine, and cysteine for phenylalanine show that Km values remain close to that measured for wild-type substrate, while kcat and kcat/Km values were significantly decreased. This indicates that while the affinity of enzyme for substrate is relatively unaffected by the substitutions, the maximum rate of catalysis favors a phenylalanine at this position. Interesting, PilD cleavage of one mutated pillin (asparagine) resulted in a lower Km value of 52.5 microM, which indicates a higher affinity for the enzyme, as well as a lower kcat value of 6.1 min m(-1). This suggests that it may be feasible to design peptide inhibitors of PilD.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa inner membrane protein FimV is among several proteins of unknown function required for type IV pilus-mediated twitching motility, arising from extension and retraction of pili from their site of assembly in the inner membrane. The pili transit the periplasm and peptidoglycan (PG) layer, ultimately exiting the cell through the PilQ secretin. Although fimV mutants are nonmotile, they are susceptible to killing by pilus-specific bacteriophage, a hallmark of retractable surface pili. Here we show that levels of recoverable surface pili were markedly decreased in fimV pilT retraction-deficient mutants compared with levels in the pilT control, demonstrating that FimV acts at the level of pilus assembly. Levels of inner membrane assembly subcomplex proteins PilM/N/O/P were decreased in fimV mutants, but supplementation of these components in trans did not restore pilus assembly or motility. Loss of FimV dramatically reduced the levels of the PilQ secretin multimer through which pili exit the cell, in part due to decreased levels of PilQ monomers, while PilF pilotin levels were unchanged. Expression of pilQ in trans in the wild type or fimV mutants increased total PilQ monomer levels but did not alter secretin multimer levels or motility. PG pulldown assays showed that the N terminus of FimV bound PG in a LysM motif-dependent manner, and a mutant with an in-frame chromosomal deletion of the LysM motif had reduced motility, secretin levels, and surface piliation. Together, our data show that FimV's role in pilus assembly is to promote secretin formation and that this function depends upon its PG-binding domain.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibits swarming motility on 0.5 to 1% agar plates in the presence of specific carbon and nitrogen sources. We have found that PAO1 double mutants expressing neither flagella nor type IV pili (fliC pilA) display sliding motility under the same conditions. Sliding motility was inhibited when type IV pilus expression was restored; like swarming motility, it also decreased in the absence of rhamnolipid surfactant production. Transposon insertions in gacA and gacS increased sliding motility and restored tendril formation to spreading colonies, while transposon insertions in retS abolished motility. These changes in motility were not accompanied by detectable changes in rhamnolipid surfactant production or by the appearance of bacterial surface structures that might power sliding motility. We propose that P. aeruginosa requires flagella during swarming to overcome adhesive interactions mediated by type IV pili. The apparent dependence of sliding motility on environmental cues and regulatory pathways that also affect swarming motility suggests that both forms of motility are influenced by similar cohesive factors that restrict translocation, as well as by dispersive factors that facilitate spreading. Studies of sliding motility may be particularly well-suited for identifying factors other than pili and flagella that affect community behaviors of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Exoenzyme S of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is secreted by a type III pathway   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
Exoenzyme S is an extracellular ADP-ribosyltransferase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Transposon mutagenesis of P. aeruginosa 388 was used to identify genes required for exoenzyme S production. Five Tn 5  Tc insertion mutants were isolated which exhibited an exoenzyme S-deficient phenotype (388::Tn 5  Tc 469, 550, 3453, 4885, and 5590). Mapping experiments demonstrated that 388::Tn 5  Tc 3453, 4885, and 5590 possessed insertions within a 5.0 kb Eco RI fragment that is not contiguous with the exoenzyme S trans -regulatory operon. 388::Tn 5  Tc 469 and 550 mapped to a region downstream of the trans -regulatory operon which has been previously shown to contain a promoter region that is co-ordinately regulated with exoenzyme S synthesis. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 7.2 kb region flanking the 388::Tn 5  Tc 469 and 550 insertions, identified 12 contiguous open reading frames (ORFs). Database searches indicated that the first ORF, ExsD, is unique. The other 11 ORFs demonstrated high homology to the YscB–L proteins of the yersiniae Yop type III export apparatus. RNase-protection analysis of wild-type and mutant strains indicated that exsD and pscB–L form an operon. To determine whether ExoS was exported by a type III mechanism, derivatives consisting of internal deletions or lacking amino- or carboxy-terminal residues were expressed in P. aeruginosa . Deletion analyses indicated that the amino-terminal nine residues are required for ExoS export. Combined data from mutagenesis, regulatory, expression, and sequence analyses provide strong evidence that P. aeruginosa possesses a type III secretion apparatus which is required for the export of exoenzyme S and potentially other co-ordinately regulated proteins.  相似文献   

A Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant strain M122 was isolated from a Mu transposon insertion mutant library. In our prophase research, we have found that PA0058, a novel gene encodes a 234-residue conserved protein, was disrupted in the M122 mutant. In this study, the bacteriostatic experiment in vitro indicates that M122 has abnormally high aminoglycoside resistance. We expressed PA0058 in E. coli and found that PA0058 oxidizes and reduces disulfide. This biochemical characterization suggests that PA0058 is a novel disulfide oxidoreductase. Hence, the protein was designated as DsbM. Microarray analysis of the M122 mutant showed its unusual phenotype might be related to the bacterial antioxidant defense system mediated by the oxyR regulon. Meanwhile, we detected -SH content in the periplasm of M122 and wild strain and found a lower -SH/S-S ratio in M122. Therefore, we consider that the loss of dsbM function decreased the -SH/S-S ratio, which then prolongs the OxyR-regulated response, thereby conferring high aminoglycoside resistance to the M122 mutant strain. Our findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying aminoglycoside resistance in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

To circumvent the permeability barrier of its outer membrane, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has evolved a series of specific porins. These channels have binding sites for related classes of molecules that facilitate uptake under nutrient-limited conditions. Here, we report on the identification of a 19-member family of porins similar to the basic-amino-acid-specific porin OprD. The members of this family fell into one of two phylogenetically distinct clusters, one bearing high similarity to OprD and the other bearing most similarity to the putative phenylacetic acid uptake porin PhaK of Pseudomonas putida. Analysis of the genome context, operon arrangement, and regulation of the PhaK-like porin OpdK indicated that it might be involved in vanillate uptake. This result was confirmed by demonstrating that an opdK mutant had a deficiency in the ability to grow on vanillate as a carbon source. To extrapolate these data to other paralogues within this family, the substrate specificities of 6 of the 17 remaining OprD homologues were inferred using an approach similar to that used with opdK. The specificities determined were as follows: OpdP, glycine-glutamate; OpdC, histidine; OpdB, proline; OpdT, tyrosine; OpdH, cis-aconitate; and OpdO, pyroglutamate. Thus, members of the OprD subfamily took up amino acids and related molecules, and those characterized members most similar to PhaK were responsible for the uptake of a diverse array of organic acids. These results imply that there is a functional basis for the phylogenetic clustering of these proteins and provide a framework for studying OprD homologues in other organisms.  相似文献   

Maresso AW  Riese MJ  Barbieri JT 《Biochemistry》2003,42(48):14249-14257
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoS is a bifunctional type III cytotoxin. The N-terminus (residues 1-232) is a Rho GTPase activating protein (GAP) domain, while the C-terminus (residues 233-453) is a FAS-dependent ADP-ribosyltransferase domain that targets Ras and Ras-like GTPases. A membrane localization domain (residues 51-72) localizes ExoS to a perinuclear region within eukaryotic cells. Recent studies observed that ExoS is auto-ADP-ribosylated upon delivery into eukaryotic cells. Auto-ADP-ribosylated ExoS analyzed from eukaryotic cells displayed pI heterogeneity and prompted an analysis of this heterogeneity. Bacterial-associated ExoS and ExoS that had been secreted by P. aeruginosa also showed pI heterogeneity with five charge forms ranging in pI from 5.1 to 5.9. The pI heterogeneity of ExoS was independent of a mass change and thus represented molecular charge conformers. Urea was not required to observe the pI conformers of ExoS; it enhanced the resolution and formation of pI conformers during the focusing component of the analysis. ExoS(E381D), a mutant deficient in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, isolated from cultured cells showed charge forms that migrated to a more acidic pI than type III secreted ExoS but more basic than auto-ADP-ribosylated ExoS. Incubation of cell lysates with Mn(2+) shifted the pI of ExoS(E381D) to a pI identical to secreted ExoS. This indicates that within the mammalian cells ExoS undergoes a negatively charged modification, in addition to auto-ADP-ribosylation observed for wild-type ExoS. ExoT, ExoU, and YopE also focus into multiple pI forms, suggesting that this is a common property of type III cytotoxins.  相似文献   

The dsz desulfurization gene cluster from Rhodococcus erythropolis KA2-5-1 was transferred into the chromosomes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIMB 9571 by using a transposon vector. Resting cells of the recombinant strain, PAR41, desulfurized 63 mg sulfur l–1 of light gas oil (LGO) containing 360 mg S l–1. The desulfurization activity for LGO by the resting cells of strain PAR41 grown with n-tetradecane (50% v/v) was much higher (1018-fold) than in glucose-grown cells. P. aeruginosa NCIMB 9571 is able to take up water-insoluble compounds from an oil phase which is enhanced by n-alkane.  相似文献   

Abstract All known pilin sequences in Pseudomonas aeruginosa were amplified by a set of consensus primers located in the 5"-conserved region of pilA and the threonine-specific t-RNA following pilA . This also enabled the discovery of a novel pilin gene in a strain pair of clonal variants, which differs from known pilin genes in its increased GC-content. The mature protein has 173 amino acids making it the longest pilin known to date in P. aeruginosa . Different inserted sequences detected between the 3"-end of the pilin gene and the t-RNA in this strain and in strains with group I pilin genes seemed to be specific for each pilin group indicating a horizontal cotransfer of sequences.  相似文献   

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