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全球气候变化对陆地生态系统过程和功能产生重要影响,土壤微生物群落在陆地生态系统几乎所有的生物地球化学循环过程起到关键作用。本文针对气候变化对土壤微生物的影响研究结果,主要从土壤微生物活性(土壤呼吸与酶活性)和微生物群落结构对大气CO2升高、增温、降水变化、氮沉降等全球变化单因子和多因子的直接或间接响应进行综述,并进一步阐述参与土壤碳氮循环过程的功能微生物对气候变化的响应机制与适应规律。全球变化因子改变了土壤微生物的群落组成,呈现降低、增加和无影响3种效应,且不同功能微生物也呈现不同的敏感性。多个全球变化因子对土壤微生物群落结构的交互效应可能存在加性、协同、拮抗作用,产生加和的、相互促进或抵消的整体效果。然而,目前对多种全球变化因子如三因子或四因子的组合作用,以及多因子的高阶交互作用研究较少;已有的研究地理分布不均匀,且时间和空间大尺度的研究不足;缺乏综合生态系统模型对全球变化的影响进行模拟和预测。最后指出今后的研究发展方向:进行多种全球变化因子、长时间、多生态系统点位、大空间尺度的土壤微生物群落动态研究;探究多种全球变化因子的高阶交互作用;建立综合响应的生态系统模...  相似文献   

European phenological response to climate change matches the warming pattern   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Global climate change impacts can already be tracked in many physical and biological systems; in particular, terrestrial ecosystems provide a consistent picture of observed changes. One of the preferred indicators is phenology, the science of natural recurring events, as their recorded dates provide a high-temporal resolution of ongoing changes. Thus, numerous analyses have demonstrated an earlier onset of spring events for mid and higher latitudes and a lengthening of the growing season. However, published single-site or single-species studies are particularly open to suspicion of being biased towards predominantly reporting climate change-induced impacts. No comprehensive study or meta-analysis has so far examined the possible lack of evidence for changes or shifts at sites where no temperature change is observed. We used an enormous systematic phenological network data set of more than 125 000 observational series of 542 plant and 19 animal species in 21 European countries (1971–2000). Our results showed that 78% of all leafing, flowering and fruiting records advanced (30% significantly) and only 3% were significantly delayed, whereas the signal of leaf colouring/fall is ambiguous. We conclude that previously published results of phenological changes were not biased by reporting or publication predisposition: the average advance of spring/summer was 2.5 days decade−1 in Europe. Our analysis of 254 mean national time series undoubtedly demonstrates that species' phenology is responsive to temperature of the preceding months (mean advance of spring/summer by 2.5 days°C−1, delay of leaf colouring and fall by 1.0 day°C−1). The pattern of observed change in spring efficiently matches measured national warming across 19 European countries (correlation coefficient r =−0.69, P <0.001).  相似文献   

Climate change has resulted in major changes in the phenology—i.e. the timing of seasonal activities, such as flowering and bird migration—of some species but not others. These differential responses have been shown to result in ecological mismatches that can have negative fitness consequences. However, the ways in which climate change has shaped changes in biodiversity within and across communities are not well understood. Here, we build on our previous results that established a link between plant species'' phenological response to climate change and a phylogenetic bias in species'' decline in the eastern United States. We extend a similar approach to plant and bird communities in the United States and the UK that further demonstrates that climate change has differentially impacted species based on their phylogenetic relatedness and shared phenological responses. In plants, phenological responses to climate change are often shared among closely related species (i.e. clades), even between geographically disjunct communities. And in some cases, this has resulted in a phylogenetically biased pattern of non-native species success. In birds, the pattern of decline is phylogenetically biased but is not solely explained by phenological response, which suggests that other traits may better explain this pattern. These results illustrate the ways in which phylogenetic thinking can aid in making generalizations of practical importance and enhance efforts to predict species'' responses to future climate change.  相似文献   

Climate warming is causing unidirectional changes to annual patterns of sea ice distribution, structure, and freeze‐up. We summarize evidence that documents how loss of sea ice, the primary habitat of polar bears (Ursus maritimus), negatively affects their long‐term survival. To maintain viable subpopulations, polar bears depend on sea ice as a platform from which to hunt seals for long enough each year to accumulate sufficient energy (fat) to survive periods when seals are unavailable. Less time to access to prey, because of progressively earlier breakup in spring, when newly weaned ringed seal (Pusa hispida) young are available, results in longer periods of fasting, lower body condition, decreased access to denning areas, fewer and smaller cubs, lower survival of cubs as well as bears of other age classes and, finally, subpopulation decline toward eventual extirpation. The chronology of climate‐driven changes will vary between subpopulations, with quantifiable negative effects being documented first in the more southerly subpopulations, such as those in Hudson Bay or the southern Beaufort Sea. As the bears' body condition declines, more seek alternate food resources so the frequency of conflicts between bears and humans increases. In the most northerly areas, thick multiyear ice, through which little light penetrates to stimulate biological growth on the underside, will be replaced by annual ice, which facilitates greater productivity and may create habitat more favorable to polar bears over continental shelf areas in the short term. If the climate continues to warm and eliminate sea ice as predicted, polar bears will largely disappear from the southern portions of their range by mid‐century. They may persist in the northern Canadian Arctic Islands and northern Greenland for the foreseeable future, but their long‐term viability, with a much reduced global population size in a remnant of their former range, is uncertain.  相似文献   

Peatlands hold a large portion of the Earth’s terrestrial organic carbon and serve as important pools in the global carbon cycle. Due to their strong feedbacks, peatlands are one of the most important ecosystems with respect to climate warming. This paper reviews the effects of climate warming on peatland ecosystems. Climate warming will shift the point in time when vascular peatland plants flower and reach maximum biomass to an earlier date. Flower production for some plants will increase, but how the phenology of peatland bryophytes will react is still unknown. Climate warming may increase productivity of peatlands, especially ombrotrophic Sphagnum bogs, but in the long run the negative effects from decreased water availability may prevail. Climate warming will change the basic characteristics of peatlands: their wetness and the related cold environment and nutrient shortage. By increased mineralization and nitrogen and phosphorus availability, climate warming will facilitate the growth of vascular plants. This will suppress endangered plant species (which usually grow in low-productive, phosphorus-limited habitats) and lead to a change in vegetation composition and a decrease in peatland biodiversity. Climate warming will change the competitive balance between bryophytes and between Sphagnum and vascular plants. Climate warming in the Late Pleistocene facilitated the initiation of peatland formation, but most current experiments show an obvious tendency for climate warming to drive many peatlands to regressive succession with a shift in dominance from Sphagnum to vascular plants. This change in vegetation will increase the flux of CH4 and possibly also CO2. The effect of accelerated peat decay as a result of climate warming will vary between types of peatlands. Since climate warming will generally enhance peat respiration more than net primary production, more and more peatlands will become carbon sources rather than carbon sinks, which will aggravate climate warming by positive feedback. Finally, this paper addresses some problems with current manipulative experimental studies on peatland response to climate warming and makes suggestions for further studies.  相似文献   

Peatlands hold a large portion of the Earth’s terrestrial organic carbon and serve as important pools in the global carbon cycle. Due to their strong feedbacks, peatlands are one of the most important ecosystems with respect to climate warming. This paper reviews the effects of climate warming on peatland ecosystems. Climate warming will shift the point in time when vascular peatland plants flower and reach maximum biomass to an earlier date. Flower production for some plants will increase, but how the phenology of peatland bryophytes will react is still unknown. Climate warming may increase productivity of peatlands, especially ombrotrophic Sphagnum bogs, but in the long run the negative effects from decreased water availability may prevail. Climate warming will change the basic characteristics of peatlands: their wetness and the related cold environment and nutrient shortage. By increased mineralization and nitrogen and phosphorus availability, climate warming will facilitate the growth of vascular plants. This will suppress endangered plant species (which usually grow in low-productive, phosphorus-limited habitats) and lead to a change in vegetation composition and a decrease in peatland biodiversity. Climate warming will change the competitive balance between bryophytes and between Sphagnum and vascular plants. Climate warming in the Late Pleistocene facilitated the initiation of peatland formation, but most current experiments show an obvious tendency for climate warming to drive many peatlands to regressive succession with a shift in dominance from Sphagnum to vascular plants. This change in vegetation will increase the flux of CH4 and possibly also CO2. The effect of accelerated peat decay as a result of climate warming will vary between types of peatlands. Since climate warming will generally enhance peat respiration more than net primary production, more and more peatlands will become carbon sources rather than carbon sinks, which will aggravate climate warming by positive feedback. Finally, this paper addresses some problems with current manipulative experimental studies on peatland response to climate warming and makes suggestions for further studies.  相似文献   

Combining a climatic envelope modelling technique with more than two centuries (1800–2009) of distribution records has revealed the effects of a changing climate on the egg‐laying monotreme, the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. We show that the main factor associated with platypus occurrence switched from aquatic habitat availability (estimated by rainfall) to thermal tolerances (estimated by annual maximum temperature) in the 1960s. This correlates directly with the change in the annual maximum temperature anomaly from cooler to warmer conditions in southeastern Australia. Modelling of platypus habitat under emission scenarios (A1B, A2, B1 and B2) revealed large decreases (>30%) in thermally suitable habitat by 2070. This reduction, compounded by increasing demands for water for agriculture and potable use, suggests that there is real cause for concern over the future status of this species, and highlights the need for restoration of thermal refugia within the platypus’ modelled range.  相似文献   

Abstract. Questions: What is the relationship between alpine vegetation patterns and climate? And how do alpine vegetation patterns respond to climate changes? Location: Tibetan Plateau, southwestern China. The total area is 2500000 km2 with an average altitude over 4000 m. Methods: The geographic distribution of vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau was simulated based on climatology using a small set of plant functional types (PFTs) embedded in the biogeochemistry‐biography model BIOME4. The paleoclimate for the early Holocene was used to explore the possibility of simulating past vegetation patterns. Changes in vegetation patterns were simulated assuming continuous exponential increase in atmospheric CO concentration, based on a transient ocean‐atmosphere simulation including sulfate aerosol effects during the 21st century. Results: Forest, shrub steppe, alpine steppe and alpine meadow extended while no desert vegetation developed under the warmer and humid climate of the early Holocene. In the future climate scenario, the simulated tree line is farther north in most sectors than at present. There are also major northward shifts of alpine meadows and a reduction in shrub‐dominated montane steppe. The boundary between montane desert and alpine desert will be farther to the south than today. The area of alpine desert would decrease, that of montane desert would increase. Conclusions: The outline of changes in vegetation distribution was captured with the simulation. Increased CO2 concentration would potentially lead to big changes in alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   

New studies on chromosome inversion polymorphisms in Drosophila species show that the genetic constitution of populations is responding to recent climate change and that widespread species may have the potential to undergo adaptive shifts. Genetic markers in widespread species can act as indicators of climate change on natural populations.  相似文献   

Significant changes in plant phenology have been observed in response to increases in mean global temperatures. There are concerns that accelerated phenologies can negatively impact plant populations. However, the fitness consequence of changes in phenology in response to elevated temperature is not well understood, particularly under field conditions. We address this issue by exposing a set of recombinant inbred lines of Arabidopsis thaliana to a simulated global warming treatment in the field. We find that plants exposed to elevated temperatures flower earlier, as predicted by photothermal models. However, contrary to life‐history trade‐off expectations, they also flower at a larger vegetative size, suggesting that warming probably causes acceleration in vegetative development. Although warming increases mean fitness (fruit production) by ca. 25%, there is a significant genotype‐by‐environment interaction. Changes in fitness rank indicate that imminent climate change can cause populations to be maladapted in their new environment, if adaptive evolution is limited. Thus, changes in the genetic composition of populations are likely, depending on the species’ generation time and the speed of temperature change. Interestingly, genotypes that show stronger phenological responses have higher fitness under elevated temperatures, suggesting that phenological sensitivity might be a good indicator of success under elevated temperature at the genotypic level as well as at the species level.  相似文献   

The effect of patch size on the tolerance of the soil microarthropod population to an experimentally induced environmental catastrophe, a thick surface ice layer, was studied at a High Arctic site (78°55 'N, 11°53' E). Such an ice layer currently occurs infrequently; however, climate change models suggest that the occurrence of such an ice layer is likely to increase in frequency. The experimental approach was a factorial design with two patch sizes, an icing treatment and controls. A thin layer of natural ice was present even in the controls and this was treated as a covariate in the analysis. The soil microarthropod fauna at the experimental site consisted of five species of Collembola and seven species of oribatid mite. The experimental surface ice layer reduced the total number of the soil microarthropods studied by 50%; however, mortality differed between mites and Collembola and species within the two taxo-nomic groups. Mites were very resistant and showed no significant change, Collembola more sensitive (the populations of Hypogastrura tullbergi declined by 56% and Folsomia quadrioculata by 54'% in the iced treatment plots). The thin annual surface ice layer seemed to have an additional effect on H. tullbergi and the mite Lauroppia translamcllata. That such a thin ice layer could reduce survival was unexpected and could play an important role in determining the extreme patchy distribution of arctic soil animals.  相似文献   

Understanding recent biogeographic responses to climate change is fundamental for improving our predictions of likely future responses and guiding conservation planning at both local and global scales. Studies of observed biogeographic responses to 20th century climate change have principally examined effects related to ubiquitous increases in temperature – collectively termed a warming fingerprint. Although the importance of changes in other aspects of climate – particularly precipitation and water availability – is widely acknowledged from a theoretical standpoint and supported by paleontological evidence, we lack a practical understanding of how these changes interact with temperature to drive biogeographic responses. Further complicating matters, differences in life history and ecological attributes may lead species to respond differently to the same changes in climate. Here, we examine whether recent biogeographic patterns across California are consistent with a warming fingerprint. We describe how various components of climate have changed regionally in California during the 20th century and review empirical evidence of biogeographic responses to these changes, particularly elevational range shifts. Many responses to climate change do not appear to be consistent with a warming fingerprint, with downslope shifts in elevation being as common as upslope shifts across a number of taxa and many demographic and community responses being inconsistent with upslope shifts. We identify a number of potential direct and indirect mechanisms for these responses, including the influence of aspects of climate change other than temperature (e.g., the shifting seasonal balance of energy and water availability), differences in each taxon's sensitivity to climate change, trophic interactions, and land‐use change. Finally, we highlight the need to move beyond a warming fingerprint in studies of biogeographic responses by considering a more multifaceted view of climate, emphasizing local‐scale effects, and including a priori knowledge of relevant natural history for the taxa and regions under study.  相似文献   

董兆克  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1141-1148
全世界地表平均温度在上个世纪增加了0.74℃,并且在未来还会持续增加。在过去的20年,气候变暖对生物系统的影响吸引了大量的研究。本文综述了由温度升高为主要驱动因子的气候变化对昆虫适合度的影响,主要从昆虫越冬存活率、化性(世代数)、扩散迁移、发生分布、物候关系5个方面阐述气候变暖对昆虫发生发展的作用,认为未来应长期进行昆虫种群动态监测预警,更关注气候变暖下植物-害虫-天敌互作关系的研究。  相似文献   

吴刚  戈峰  万方浩  肖能文  李俊生 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1170-1176
生物入侵已成为一个影响深远的全球性问题,其对我国的生态系统、环境和社会经济的负面影响日益明显。全球气候变化对入侵昆虫有着深刻的影响,它正改变着一些昆虫本地种与入侵昆虫的组成、分布、种群动态和种间关系。本文分析了气候变化与生物入侵之间的互作关系,综述了全球气候变化因子(如温度、湿度及其它气候因子)对入侵昆虫生物学及生态学的影响,探讨了气候变化导致入侵昆虫定殖和传播的原因,并提出了气候变化下入侵昆虫的防治对策。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the dependence of the first spring arrival dates of short/medium- and long-distance migrant bird species on climate warming in eastern Europe. The timing of arrival of the selected species at the observation site correlates with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation and wind characteristics. A positive correlation of fluctuations in winter and spring air temperatures with variations in the NAO index has been established in eastern Europe. Positive winter NAO index values are related to earlier spring arrival of birds in the eastern Baltic region and vice versa—arrival is late when the NAO index is negative. The impact of climate warming on the bird’s life cycle depends on local or regional climate characteristics. We tested the hypothesis that differences in climate indices between North Africa and Europe can influence the timing of spring arrival. Our results support the hypothesis that differences in first spring arrival dates between European populations occur after individuals cross the Sahara. We assume that the endogenous programme of migration control in short/medium-distance migrants synchronises with the changing environment on their wintering grounds and along their migration routes, whereas in long-distance migrants it is rather with environmental changes in the second part of their migratory route in Europe. Our results strongly indicate that the mechanism of dynamic balance in the interaction between the endogenous regulatory programme and environmental factors determines the pattern of spring arrival, as well as migration timing.  相似文献   

生物土壤结皮对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物土壤结皮在干旱、半干旱区和极地、亚极地区等脆弱生态区广泛存在,生物土壤结皮对脆弱生态系统的稳定、碳氮循环和生态平衡等具有重要的生态意义.概述了脆弱生态区生物结皮的碳氮循环与气候变化关系,综合分析了脆弱生态区生物结皮对气候变暖、降水变化和UV-B增加的响应.分析认为应该加强区域尺度下干旱与半旱区生物结皮对气候变化响应研究.  相似文献   

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