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The cells responsible for the long-term in vitro generation of murine mast cells have been examined. Sequential analysis of all colony types obtained from cultures of spleen or bone marrow cells showed that only colonies derived from multipotential cells (mixed-erythroid colonies) or mast cell progenitors, contained cells responsible for mast cell generation in liquid cultures. Primary colony growth and subsequent maintenance of mast cells in liquid cultures was dependent upon pokeweed mitogen-stimulated spleen cell-conditioned medium (SCM). Mixed-erythroid colonies from 14-day cultures of spleen cells had the greatest capacity for mast cell generation. Analysis by clone splitting and transfer to high (20%) and low (2.5%) concentrations of SCM showed that the concentration of SCM used in either the primary colony culture or subsequent liquid culture phase altered both the proliferative capacity of the mast cells generated and the frequency of mast cell progenitors within individual mixed-erythroid colonies. Thus, mixed-erythroid colonies stimulated with 2.5% SCM contained the highest proportion of mast cell progenitors (34% of colonies) and when stimulated with 20% SCM, approximately fourfold higher numbers of mast cells were produced at weekly intervals from liquid cultures maintained in 2.5% SCM compared to parallel liquid cultures containing 20% SCM. These studies confirm the hemopoietic origin of mast cells and demonstrate that a factor(s) in SCM is able to modulate their proliferative potential.  相似文献   

The role of mast cells in asthma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
While the role of mast cells in allergic reactions is unequivocal, their precise functions in asthma remain controversial. Mast cells uniquely populate all vascularized organs and tissues, including the upper and lower respiratory tree, even in healthy individuals. Histologic evidence suggests that asthma is accompanied by a mast cell hyperplasia in the inflamed mucosal epithelium and the adjacent smooth muscle. The mechanisms responsible for constitutive mast cell development have been partly elucidated. Moreover, both in vitro studies and in vivo disease models indicate that mast cells have a remarkably flexible program of gene expression, and this program can be drastically altered by the T-cell-derived Th2 cytokines relevant to asthma. Moreover, the role of mast cells in innate immunity is now firmly established, and the capacity for numerous microbial pathogens to initiate their activation in vitro and in vivo suggest mechanisms by which microbes could initiate disease exacerbations.  相似文献   

Key role for mast cells in nonatopic asthma   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The mechanisms involved in nonatopic asthma are poorly defined. In particular, the importance of mast cells in the development of nonatopic asthma is not clear. In the mouse, pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions induced by skin sensitization with the low-m.w. compound dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) followed by an intra-airway application of the hapten have been featured as a model for nonatopic asthma. In present study, we used this model to examine the role of mast cells in the pathogenesis of nonatopic asthma. First, the effect of DNFB sensitization and intra-airway challenge with dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNS) on mast cell activation was monitored during the early phase of the response in BALB/c mice. Second, mast cell-deficient W/W(v) and Sl/Sl(d) mice and their respective normal (+/+) littermate mice and mast cell-reconstituted W/W(v) mice (bone marrow-derived mast cells-->W/W(v)) were used. Early phase mast cell activation was found, which was maximal 30 min after DNS challenge in DNFB-sensitized BALB/c, +/+ mice but not in mast cell-deficient mice. An acute bronchoconstriction and increase in vascular permeability accompanied the early phase mast cell activation. BALB/c, +/+ and bone marrow-derived mast cell-->W/W(v) mice sensitized with DNFB and DNS-challenged exhibited tracheal hyperreactivity 24 and 48 h after the challenge when compared with vehicle-treated mice. Mucosal exudation and infiltration of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid associated the late phase response. Both mast cell-deficient strains failed to show any features of this hypersensitivity response. Our findings show that mast cells play a key role in the regulation of pulmonary hypersensitivity responses in this murine model for nonatopic asthma.  相似文献   

Human airway smooth muscle cells (HASMC) secrete fractalkine (FKN), a chemokine the concentration of which is increased in asthmatic patients. HASMC also induce mast cell chemotaxis, as a component of asthma inflammation. We therefore evaluated the role of smooth muscle-derived FKN in mast cell migration. We assessed the capacity of recombinant FKN to induce human mast cell chemotaxis. This effect implicates a calcium-independent pathway involving actin reorganization and protein kinase C-delta. We found that HASMC constitutively produce FKN, the synthesis of which is reinforced upon proinflammatory stimulation. Under basal experimental conditions, FKN production by HASMC is not sufficient to induce mast cell chemotaxis. However, pretreatment of mast cells with the neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) increases FKN potency to attract mast cells. Since we observed, in asthmatic patients, an increase in both FKN and VIP expression by airway smooth muscle and a positive correlation between VIP staining and mast cell infiltration of the smooth muscle layer, we conclude that HASMC-derived FKN may contribute to mast cell recruitment in asthma.  相似文献   

The elemental content of rat peritoneal mast-cell secretory granules has been measured by X-ray micro-analysis. Two distinct categories of granules were analyzed: intact granules, seen in control samples, and spumous granules, corresponding to exocytosed granule matrices. The average Ca content of intact granules was found to be approximately equal to cytosolic concentration, and to increase up to 40-fold in spumous granules. A significant increase was also observed for Na and Cl. These changes were not observed (for Ca) or weaker (for Na and Cl) if the cells had been challenged in the absence of nominal extracellular Ca; in this case, there was also a significant decrease in the sulphur content, suggesting a partial dispersion of the organic matrix components. In exocytosed granule matrices, in the presence but not in the absence of extracellular Ca, a slow and long-lasting increase of intragranular free Ca was monitored by changes in the fluorescence of the Ca-sensitive probes Fluo-3 and Calcium Green-5N, accumulated within rat mast-cell secretory granules. These findings are discussed along two lines: It is proposed that the calcium uptake by the exocytosed mast-cell granule matrices can have a physiological relevance for the surrounding tissue. Mast-cell granules do not disperse after exocytosis. The major uptake of Ca which is seen after opening of the exocytotic pore could be responsible for the exceptional stability of the externalized matrices.  相似文献   

Mast cell-deficient mice are a key for investigating the function of mast cells in health and disease. Allergic airway disease induced as a Th2-type immune response in mice is employed as a model to unravel the mechanisms underlying inception and progression of human allergic asthma. Previous work done in mast cell-deficient mouse strains that otherwise typically mount Th1-dominated immune responses revealed contradictory results as to whether mast cells contribute to the development of airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. However, a major contribution of mast cells was shown using adjuvant-free protocols to achieve sensitization. The identification of a traceable genetic polymorphism closely linked to the Kit(W-sh) allele allowed us to generate congenic mast cell-deficient mice on a Th2-prone BALB/c background, termed C.B6-Kit(W-sh). In accordance with the expectations, C.B6-Kit(W-sh) mice do not develop IgE- and mast cell-dependent passive cutaneous anaphylaxis. Yet, unexpectedly, C.B6-Kit(W-sh) mice develop full-blown airway inflammation, airway hyperresponsiveness, and mucus production despite the absence of mast cells. Thus, our findings demonstrate a major influence of genetic background on the contribution of mast cells in an important disease model and introduce a novel strain of mast cell-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Immunization of BALB/c mice with alum-adsorbed OVA, followed by three bronchoprovocations with aerosolized OVA, resulted in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and allergic inflammation in the lung accompanied by severe infiltration of eosinophils into airways. In this murine asthma model, administration of monoclonal anti-IL-5 Ab before each Ag challenge markedly inhibited airway eosinophilia, but the treatment did not affect the development of AHR. Immunization and aerosol challenges with OVA following the same protocol failed to induce AHR in the mast cell-deficient W/Wv mice, but induced AHR in their congenic littermates, i.e., WBB6F1 (+/+) mice. No significant difference was found between the W/Wv mice and +/+ mice with respect to the IgE and IgG1 anti-OVA Ab responses and to the airway eosinophilia after Ag provocations. It was also found that reconstitution of W/Wv mice with bone marrow-derived mast cells cultured from normal littermates restored the capacity of developing Ag-induced AHR, indicating that lack of mast cells was responsible for the failure of W/Wv mice to develop Ag-induced AHR under the experimental conditions. However, the OVA-immunized W/Wv mice developed AHR by increasing the frequency and Ag dose of bronchoprovocations. The results suggested that AHR could be developed by two distinct cellular mechanisms. One would go through mast cell activation and the other is IgE/mast cell independent but an eosinophil/IL-5-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

In preliminary studies of antigen-induced airway inflammation, we noted an apparent increase in peribronchiolar mast cell number. Experiments were thus undertaken to investigate the nature of this migration of mast cells into the central and peripheral airway epithelium and to determine its time course. The tracheae and small airways of 10 anesthetized mongrel dogs were exposed via a bronchoscope to Ascaris suum antigen (Ag), fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLP), ovalbumin (OVA), and isotonic saline (SAL). In the central airways, all stimuli provoked a significant increase (P less than 0.05) in mast cell numbers at the base of the airway epithelium within 3 h. In the peripheral airways, only Ag aerosol stimulated a significant mast cell increase compared with unexposed tissue. In a second series of experiments, the trachea of seven dogs were exposed to 0.026, 0.26, and 2.6 micrograms of Ag. The tissue was collected at 1, 3, 6, and 10 h after exposure. In these experiments, there was a significant mast cell increase seen within 1 h but it was not dose dependent. By 6-10 h after exposure, mast cell counts were not significantly different from the unexposed condition, which is consistent with the idea that some of the cells either degranulated or migrated into the airway lumen. We conclude that mast cell migration is an acute response that can be demonstrated within 1 h of stimulation with Ag. The observation that nonimmunological stimuli may, in some cases, also stimulate mast cell movement affords the possibility that this process represents a generalized response to airway irritation.  相似文献   

Regulation of the inflammatory response in asthma by mast cell products   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In airways, mast cells lie adjacent to nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics, which highlights their pivotal importance in regulating allergic inflammatory processes. In asthma, mast cells are predominantly activated by IgE receptor cross linking. In response to activation, preformed mediators that are stored bound to proteoglycans, for example, TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-13, histamine, tryptase and chymase, are released. New synthesis of arachidonic acid metabolites (leukotriene C4 (LTC4), leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and prostaglandin D2 (PGD2)) and further cytokines is stimulated. Mediators from degranulating mast cells are critical to the pathology of the asthmatic lung. Mast cell proteases stimulate tissue remodelling, neuropeptide inactivation and enhanced mucus secretion. Histamine stimulates smooth muscle cell contraction, vasodilatation and increased venular permeability and further mucus secretion. Histamine induces IL-16 production by CD8+ cells and airway epithelial cells; IL-16 is an important early chemotactic factor for CD4+ lymphocytes. LTC4, LTB4 and PGD2 affect venular permeability and can regulate the activation of immune cells. The best characterized mast cell cytokine in asthmatic inflammation is TNF-alpha, which induces adhesion molecules on endothelial cells and subsequent transmigration of inflammatory leucocytes. IL-13 is critical to development of allergic asthma, although its mode of action is less clear.  相似文献   

We have studied murine models of asthma using FcepsilonRIalpha-chain-deficient (FcepsilonRIalpha(-/-)) mice to investigate the role of IgE-dependent mast cell activation in these models. When mice were either 1) immunized once with OVA in alum i.p. and then challenged with OVA intranasally, or 2) repeatedly immunized with OVA in the absence of adjuvant and subsequently challenged with nebulized OVA, FcepsilonRalpha(-/-) mice had significantly fewer eosinophils and lower IL-4 levels in their bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared with wild-type mice. When mice were given anti-IL-5 antibody before OVA challenge in protocol 1, eosinophilic infiltration into the airways was significantly suppressed in both genotypes, but only FcepsilonRIalpha(-/-) mice showed significantly reduced airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). In addition, when mice immunized and challenged with OVA also received a late OVA provocation at a higher concentration and were then exposed to methacholine, only wild-type mice developed a substantial increase in AHR. Since FcepsilonRI is expressed mainly on mast cells in mouse airways, we conclude that IgE-dependent activation of this cell type plays an important role in the development of allergic airway inflammation and AHR in mice. The models used may be of value for testing inhibitors of IgE or mast cells for development of therapeutic agents for human asthma.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MC) have been implicated in both normal and pathological angiogenesis, such as that in chronic inflammatory diseases and tumors. This assumption is partially supported by the close structural association between MC and blood vessels and the recruitment of these cells during tumor growth. MC release a number of angiogenic factors among which tryptase, a serine protease stored in MC granules, is one of the most active. In this study, we correlate the extent of angiogenesis with the number of tryptase-reactive MC in tissue fragments from pterygium and normal bulbar conjunctiva investigated by immunohistochemistry, using two murine monoclonal antibodies against the endothelial cell marker CD31 and the MC marker tryptase. Angiogenesis, measured as microvessel density, was highly correlated with MC tryptase-positive cell count in pterygium tissues. These results suggest that the characteristic neovascularization observed in pterygium may be sustained, at least in part, by MC angiogenic mediators, in particular tryptase.  相似文献   

Summary Uptake, distribution and turnover of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was studied by cytofluorometric analysis of whole mast cells and individual granules. Injection of 5-HT as well as 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) intraperitoneally or subcutaneously resulted in a parallel uptake of 5-HT in cells and granules. Intraperitoneal injections of 5-HT in such small quantities that may be available under physiological conditions resulted in an increase in fluorescence intensity of the mast cells, indicating a very efficient uptake mechanism for 5-HT in vivo. Much larger doses of 5-HTP were required to obtain a corresponding uptake of 5-HT in the mast cells. The 5-HT was rather rapidly taken up in the granules and eliminated very slowly, at the same rate both from granules and mast cells. The low elimination rate confirms our previous findings that the turnover of 5-HT is much lower in mast cells than in other amine containing cell systems. The combination of an extremely efficient, rapid uptake of 5-HT with a slow elimination suggests a specific function for mast cells in the regulation of free amine concentrations in tissues.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council, Project no 2235  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin I (STG I) is a Ca(2+) sensor and one of the synaptic vesicle proteins that mediate exocytosis. To determine the mechanism of release of large granules from mast cells, we studied by immunohistochemistry the presence of STG I in mast cells in normal human tissues simultaneously with the mast cell markers mast cell tryptase (tryptase) and c-kit. The tumor cells of systemic mast cell disease (SMCD) and a human mast cell leukemia cell line (HMC-1) were also examined. Human mast cells in normal tissues and the tumor cells of SMCD expressed STG I as well as mast cell tryptase (tryptase) and c-kit. STG I mRNA and its products in HMC-1 were examined by RT-PCR analysis and immunocytochemistry, respectively. STG I expression in HMC-1 cells was compared with that in cells stimulated and non-stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and also with that in NB-1 and PC12 cells, known to express STG I. STG I mRNA was detected in both non-stimulated and stimulated HMC-1 cells and in NB-1 and PC12 cells. STG I immunoreactivity was weaker than NB-1 or PC12 immunoreactivity. However, it increased in the stimulated HMC-1 cells. Mast cells expressed STG I in various states. STG I may mediate exocytosis of large granules in mast cells.  相似文献   

Uptake, distribution and turnover of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was studied by cytofluorometric analysis of whole mast cells and individual granules. Injection of 5-HT as well as 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) intraperitoneally or subcutaneously resulted in a parallel uptake of 5-HT in cells and granules. Intraperitoneal injections of 5-HT in such small quantities that may be available under physiological conditions resulted in an increase in fluorescence intensity of the mast cells, indicating a very efficient uptake mechanism for 5-HT in vivo. Much larger doses of 5-HTP were required to obtain a corresponding uptake of 5-HT in the mast cells. The 5-HT was rather rapidly taken up in the granules and eliminated very slowly, at the same rate both from granules and mast cells. The low elimination rate confirms our previous findings that the turnover of 5-HT is much lower in mast cells than in other amine containing cell systems. The combination of an extremely efficient, rapid uptake of 5-HT with a slow elimination suggests a specific function for mast cells in the regulation of free amine concentrations in tissues.  相似文献   



Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is characterized by intravascular thrombus formation in the pulmonary arteries. Recently, it has been shown that a myofibroblast cell phenotype was predominant within endarterectomized tissues from CTEPH patients. Indeed, our recent study demonstrated the existence of not only myofibroblast-like cells (MFLCs), but also endothelial-like cells (ELCs). Under in vitro conditions, a few transitional cells (co-expressing both endothelial- and SM-cell markers) were observed in the ELC population. We hypothesized that MFLCs in the microenvironment created by the unresolved clot may promote the endothelial-mesenchymal transition and/or induce endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction.


We isolated cells from these tissues and identified them as MFLCs and ELCs. In order to test whether the MFLCs provide the microenvironment which causes EC alterations, ECs were incubated in serum-free medium conditioned by MFLCs, or were grown in co-culture with the MFLCs.


Our experiments demonstrated that MFLCs promoted the commercially available ECs to transit to other mesenchymal phenotypes and/or induced EC dysfunction through inactivation of autophagy, disruption of the mitochondrial reticulum, alteration of the SOD-2 localization, and decreased ROS production. Indeed, ELCs included a few transitional cells, lost the ability to form autophagosomes, and had defective mitochondrial structure/function. Moreover, rapamycin reversed the phenotypic alterations and the gene expression changes in ECs co-cultured with MFLCs, thus suggesting that this agent had beneficial therapeutic effects on ECs in CTEPH tissues.


It is possible that the microenvironment created by the stabilized clot stimulates MFLCs to induce EC alterations.  相似文献   

The relationship between binucleate cell formation and the loss of colony-forming ability was examined in several cultured mammalian cell lines irradiated with X rays. The maximum fraction of binucleate cells after X irradiation increased dose-dependently within the range in which reproductive cell death might predominate over interphase cell death. When the logarithm of percentage survival was plotted against the percentage binucleate cells, a similar correlation was found for all cell lines tested, with the exception of mouse leukemia L5178Y cells, the most radiosensitive cells used. These observations suggest that the fraction of binucleate cells in the cell population can serve as a measure of cellular radiation damage.  相似文献   

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