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记述采自中国云南卷叶象甲科狭额卷象属 Euops1新种:福贡狭额象(Euops fugongensis Liang et Wang,sp.nov.)。它与近缘种九寨狭额象E.jiuzhaiensis的区别在于九寨狭额象的体色黑褐,有金属光泽,前胸背部无皱纹。正模:♂,云南福贡,1300m,1990-Ⅵ-18,梁醒财采。模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文对直腹长蝽族(半翅目:长蝽科:地长蝽亚科)的3个种的若虫进行了首次描述,即东方完缝长蝽Bryanellocoris orientalis Hidaka,长刺棘胸长蝽Primierus longispinus Zheng和短头细颈长蝽Vertomannus brevicollum Zheng,其中前二者为该属若虫的首次记述;本文还通过扫描电镜观察对东方完缝长蝽Bryanellocoris orientalis Hidaka身体背面分布的浅色圆点的细微结构进行了揭示。  相似文献   

  • 1 The female weevil of Apoderus balteatus Roelofs cuts the leaf near its base in order to make a leaf-roll‘cradle', in which one, two or three eggs are laid. Cuts are always located about 5 mm from the leaf base, independent of leaf size.
  • 2 Larger leaves are made into larger cradles.
  • 3 Weevils tend to lay more eggs in large cradles.
  • 4 Eggs are laid through different holes and separated by leaf layers in the cradle. Cannibalism by larvae will be prevented by this isolated oviposition.
  • 5 Multiple oviposition of this weevil allows larger leaves to be used by multiple larvae. It facilitates more efficient use of larger leaves and economizes on female effort in cradle formation.

榆树隐毡蚧 Cryptococcus ulmi Tang et Hao是近年来在北京和山西中部发现的一种榆树新害虫。本文首次详细记述和图示了该虫幼期各虫态和雄成虫的形态特征 ;简要报道了其生物学特性 :一年发生 1代 ,以受精雌成虫在树干裂缝内越冬 ,卵胎生 ,每雌产仔 2 3~ 2 5头 ,平均值 35.2头。  相似文献   

The nymphs of Antillotolania Ramos and Deiroderes Ramos are described for the first time, along with the first host record for the genus Antillotolania, represented by Antillotolania myricae, sp. n. Nymphal features of both genera, such as a ventrally fused, cylindrical tergum IX (anal tube), the presence of abdominal lamellae, and heads with foliaceous ventrolateral lobes confirm their placement in Membracidae and are consistent with phylogenetic analyses placing them in Stegaspidinae but in conflict with a cladistic analysis showing a closer relationship to Nicomiinae. Head processes and emarginate forewing pads in the last instars of both genera support an earlier estimate, based on nuclear genes, that the two genera form a monophyletic group in Stegaspidinae. Distinguishing features of the four species of Antillotolania are tabulated.  相似文献   

In this study,both long PCR and conserved primers walking sequencing methods were used to determine the complete sequence of the of Pyrgilauda ruficollis mitochondrial genome(KC836121).The results showed that the complete mitochondrial genome of P.ruficollis is 16909 bp in length with 55.0%A+T content,harboring the typical 37 genes.The mitogenome had the same gene order with that of Podoces hendersoni.All protein coding genes started with ATG codon,except ND3 with GTG.For the stop codon usage,most genes terminate with codons TAA or TAG,but ND5 terminated with AGA,while ND1 and COI genes with AGG,and both the genes COIII and ND4 have an incomplete termination codon(T).The secondary structures of 22 tRNA genes were also predicted,showing that all tRNAs can form typical clover-leaf secondary structures,except for the tRNASer(AGN)which loses the DHU arm,while tRNAPhe harbor an extra nucleotide inserted in the TψC arm.The predicted secondary structures of 12S rRNA and16S rRNA exhibit 47 helices in 4 domains and 60 helices in 6 domains respectively.The control region of P.ruficollis with the length of 1 305 bp was located between tRNAGlu and tRNAPhe,and typical domains of which could be found as other bird groups.Using the data from 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes,results of a final phylogenetic analysis strongly supports the traditional view that P.ruficollis is closely related with Passeridae and Fringillidae.  相似文献   

黄曲条跳甲卵分离器的设计和应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张茂新  梁广文 《昆虫知识》2000,37(3):173-174
根据比重的原理和双层过滤的方法 ,设计和制作了黄曲条跳甲卵的分离装置。该装置结构简单 ,易于操作。使用这种分离器 ,黄曲条跳甲卵的田间检出率可达 82 %以上。  相似文献   


The mature larva and puparium of Polytocus costatus Harrison are described, illustrated, and compared with immature stages of other cyclorrhaphous Diptera.  相似文献   

The distinctive feature of leaf‐rolling weevils is their special care for their progeny. In many species among the family Attelabidae, the female recognizes the size and shape of the leaf of the host‐plant and does the leaf cutting by a definite method. The location of cutting line, length and shape becomes the basic information in understanding the most fundamental structure of female's recognition process and cradle formation strategy. Leaf cutting is not only the process of withering the leaf by blocking the water flow along the main vein but also the process of making reversal easy at the leaf‐blade part. The difference in forms of cutting line, leaf blade, interval or dispersion of nibble marks on the stem and pitch of leaf rolling has effects on the shape of the completed cradle. In the present paper we provide leaf‐cutting patterns and the cradle formation process for 13 species of subfamily Apoderinae. We also provide a pictorial key of the cradle for the first time in Korea.  相似文献   

The preimaginal stages of the Neotropical species Hydrobiomorpha spinosa (Orchymont) are described and figured for the first time. They are compared to the larvae of the New World species Hydrobiomorpha casta (Say) and to unidentified African and Australian larvae. Bionomical notes on this species are included.  相似文献   

Female Cycnotrachelus roelofsi (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) construct two types of leaf roll, i.e., cut-off cradles (CCs) and suspended cradles (SCs), in which to lay eggs; these cradles are generally constructed using older and younger leaves, respectively. We conducted two experiments to determine whether the quality of cradle leaves affects egg and larval survival. In the first experiment, we severed all SCs from a tree and placed them on the ground with unmanipulated CCs in the early breeding season. In the second experiment, we resuspended all CCs in a tree with unmanipulated SCs in the late breeding season. We also compared leaf mass per area (LMA), polyphenol content, and nitrogen content between the two cradle types to determine whether there were any differences in leaf quality. Larval mortality, probably caused by cradle herbivory, was significantly greater in severed SCs than in intact CCs in the early season, suggesting that leaf quality had a profound effect on larval mortality in the terrestrial microhabitat. In contrast, larval mortality did not differ between resuspended CCs and intact SCs in the late season, suggesting that leaf quality had little effect on larval mortality in the arboreal microhabitat. LMA was higher in CCs than in SCs, but there were no differences in the nitrogen and polyphenol contents. These results suggest that cradles constructed using mature, tough leaves were more effective against terrestrial cradle herbivores than those constructed using new, soft leaves.  相似文献   

The egg and the five instars of Ectemnostega are described based on examined material and published information. The characters most useful in identifying nymphs of Ectemnostega are body and head lengths and widths; number of transverse sulcations of the rostrum; chaetotaxy of mesofemur, meso- and metatibiae, metatarsus, and pterothorax; and grade of development of wing pads. A key to the five nymphal instars of Ectemnostega is provided. The egg of E. quadrata is figured and described for the first time; and the five instars are redescribed in detail and illustrated, with emphasis on the morphometry and chaetotaxy of selected structures.

Se describe el huevo y los cinco estadios de Ectemnostega a partir de material examinado e información publicada. Los caracteres mas útiles para identificar las ninfas de Ectemnostega son: longitudes y anchos de cuerpo y cabeza; número de: crestas transversales del rostro, quetotaxia del mesofemur, meso- y metatibias, metatarso, y pterotórax; y grado de desarrollo de pterotecas. Se provee una clave para identificar los cinco estadios de Ectemnostega. Por primera vez se ilustra y describe el huevo de E. quadrata; y se redescriben en detalle e ilustran los cinco estadios, con énfasis en la morfometría y quetotaxia de ciertas estructuras.  相似文献   

采用田间观察和室内观察相结合的方法,使用Leica MZ 16A研究型体视解剖镜,对柑桔爆皮虫Agrilus auriventris Saunders幼期各虫态的形态进行了系统的观察。结果发现:卵初产时为乳白色,后变为浅褐色并开始皱缩,末期变为黄褐色,孵化前部分卵壳分离为白色蜡质外层和黄褐色内层两层;幼虫孵化的同时直接从卵壳贴近树皮的一侧蛀入韧皮部,同时将大量虫粪排入卵壳;幼虫随着虫龄的增加钳状突的阶数和口上片的宽度发生有规律的变化,末龄幼虫在木质部作一椭圆形蛹室化蛹,身体的头部和尾部以3∶7的比例对折; 化蛹前的幼虫经历一个身体缩短的预蛹状态;刚化的蛹为乳白色,复眼颜色与身体相似,化蛹后蛹的颜色逐渐变为淡黄色,复眼颜色变为浅红褐色,后期复眼变为红褐色,口器变黑,羽化前蛹的复眼、口器和体表全部变黑;羽化过程中,成虫体表的膨胀导致蛹表皮脱裂,前翅变黑和腹部背面变成碧蓝色后羽化成完整的成虫。本结果进一步支持将柑桔爆皮虫幼虫期分为5龄。  相似文献   

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