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The advent of recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized the strategies for protein production. Due to the well-characterized genome and a variety of mature tools available for genetic manipulation, Escherichia coli is still the most common workhorse for recombinant protein production. However, the culture for industrial applications often presents E. coli cells with a growth condition that is significantly different from their natural inhabiting environment in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in deterioration in cell physiology and limitation in cell’s productivity. It has been recognized that innovative design of genetically engineered strains can highly increase the bioprocess yield with minimum investment on the capital and operating costs. Nevertheless, most of these genetic manipulations, by which traits are implanted into the workhorse through recombinant DNA technology, for enhancing recombinant protein productivity often translate into the challenges that deteriorate cell physiology or even jeopardize cell survival. An in-depth understanding of these challenges and their corresponding cellular response at the molecular level becomes crucial for developing superior strains that are more physiologically adaptive to the production environment to improve culture productivity. With the accumulated knowledge in cell physiology, whose importance to gene overexpression was to some extent undervalued previously, this review is intended to focus on the recent biotechnological advancement in engineering cell physiology to enhance recombinant protein production in E. coli.  相似文献   

A novel microbial transglutaminase (TGase) from the cultural filtrate of Streptomyces netropsis BCRC 12429 (Sn) was purified. The specific activity of the purified TGase was 18.2 U/mg protein with an estimated molecular mass of 38 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. The TGase gene of S. netropsis was cloned and an open reading frame of 1,242 bp encoding a protein of 413 amino acids was identified. The Sn TGase was synthesized as a precursor protein with a preproregion of 82 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of the mature S. netropsis TGase shares 78.9–89.6% identities with TGases from Streptomyces spp. A high level of soluble Sn TGase with its N-terminal propeptide fused with thioredoxin was expressed in E. coli. A simple and efficient process was applied to convert the purified recombinant protein into an active enzyme and showed activity equivalent to the authentic mature TGase. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Different hosts have been used for recombinant protein production, ranging from simple bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, to more advanced eukaryotes as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris, to very complex insect and animal cells. All have their advantages and drawbacks and not one seems to be the perfect host for all purposes. In this review we compare the characteristics of all hosts used in commercial applications of recombinant protein production, both in the area of biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. Although the bacterium E. coli remains a very often used organism, several drawbacks limit its possibility to be the first-choice host. Furthermore, we show what E. coli strains are typically used in high cell density cultivations and compare their genetic and physiological differences. In addition, we summarize the research efforts that have been done to improve yields of heterologous protein in E. coli, to reduce acetate formation, to secrete the recombinant protein into the periplasm or extracellular milieu, and to perform post-translational modifications. We conclude that great progress has been made in the incorporation of eukaryotic features into E. coli, which might allow the bacterium to regain its first-choice status, on the condition that these research efforts continue to gain momentum.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd from Escherichia coli is able to oxidize such substrates as guaiacol, ferrocene, benzohydroquinone, and potassium ferrocyanide through the peroxidase mechanism, while none of these donors is oxidized in the oxidase reaction (i.e. in the reaction that involves molecular oxygen as the electron acceptor). Peroxidation of guaiacol has been studied in detail. The dependence of the rate of the reaction on the concentration of the enzyme and substrates as well as the effect of various inhibitors of the oxidase reaction on the peroxidase activity have been tested. The dependence of the guaiacol-peroxidase activity on the H2O2 concentration is linear up to the concentration of 8 mM. At higher concentrations of H2O2, inactivation of the enzyme is observed. Guaiacol markedly protects the enzyme from inactivation induced by peroxide. The peroxidase activity of cytochrome bd increases with increasing guaiacol concentration, reaching saturation in the range from 0.5 to 2.5 mM, but then starts falling. Such inhibitors of the ubiquinol-oxidase activity of cytochrome bd as cyanide, pentachlorophenol, and 2-n-heptyl 4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide also suppress its guaiacol-peroxidase activity; in contrast, zinc ions have no influence on the enzyme-catalyzed peroxidation of guaiacol. These data suggest that guaiacol interacts with the enzyme in the center of ubiquinol binding and donates electrons into the di-heme center of oxygen reduction via heme b 558, and H2O2 is reduced by heme d. Although the peroxidase activity of cytochrome bd from E. coli is low compared to peroxidases, it might be of physiological significance for the bacterium itself and plays a pathophysiological role for humans and animals.  相似文献   

Dibenzothiophene monooxygenase is the first enzyme involved in the degradation of dibenzothiophene. This gene was expressed via the pET28a vector in E. coli and was purified in a single step using affinity chromatography. The protein was purified 39-fold with a specific activity of 38 U/mg.  相似文献   

The ribosome-binding GTPase HflX is required for manganese homeostasis in E. coli. While under normal conditions ?hflX cells behave like wild type E. coli with respect to growth pattern and morphology, deletion of hflX makes E. coli cells extremely sensitive to manganese, characterized by arrested cell growth and filamentation. Here we demonstrate that upon complementation by hflX, manganese stress is relieved. In phenotypic studies done in a manganese-rich environment, ?hflX cells were highly sensitive to antibiotics that bind the penicillin binding protein 3 (PBP3), suggesting that the manganese stress led to impaired peptidoglycan biosynthesis. An irregular distribution of dark bands of constriction along filaments, delocalization of the dark bands from midcell towards poles and subpoles, lack of septum formation and arrested cell division were observed in ?hflX cells under manganese stress. However, chromosome replication and segregation of nucleoids were unaffected under these conditions, as observed from confocal microscopy imaging and FACS studies. We conclude that absence of HflX leads to manganese accumulation in E. coli cells, affecting cell septum formation, probably by modulating the activity of the cell division protein PBP3 (FtsI), a major component of the divisome apparatus. We propose that HflX acts as a gatekeeper, regulating the influx of manganese into the cell.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) degradation exists in the enzymatic synthesis of GSH by Escherichia coli, however, its degradation pathway is not very clear. This paper examines the key enzymes responding to GSH degradation in E. coli with the purpose of improving GSH production. The enzymes that are probably associated with GSH degradation were investigated by disrupting their genes. The results suggested that γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) and tripeptidase (PepT) were the key enzymes of GSH degradation, and GGT contributed more to GSH degradation than PepT. Furthermore, GGT activity was affected greatly by culture temperature, and the effect of GGT on GSH degradation could be eliminated by shortening the culture time at 30°C and extending the induction time at 42°C. However, the effect of PepT on GSH degradation could be eliminated only by disrupting the PepT gene. Finally, GSH degradation was not observed in GSH biosynthesis by E. coli JW1113 (pepT , pBV03), which was cultured at 30°C for 3 h and 42°C for 5 h. GSH concentration reached 15.60 mM, which was 2.19-fold of the control. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of prohibiting GSH degradation with PepT-deficient recombinant E. coli. The results are helpful to investigate the GSH metabolism pathway and construct a GSH biosynthesis system.  相似文献   



Use of lactose-rich concentrates from dairy processes for the induction of recombinant gene's expression has not received much attention although they are interesting low cost substrates for production of recombinant enzymes. Applicability of dairy waste for induction of recombinant genes in Escherichia coli was studied. Clones expressing Lactobacillus phage muramidase and Lactobacillus alcohol dehydrogenase were used for the experiments.  相似文献   

Indigoidine is a bacterial natural product with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Its bright blue color resembles the industrial dye indigo, thus representing a new natural blue dye that may find uses in industry. In our previous study, an indigoidine synthetase Sc-IndC and an associated helper protein Sc-IndB were identified from Streptomyces chromofuscus ATCC 49982 and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli BAP1 to produce the blue pigment at 3.93 g/l. To further improve the production of indigoidine, in this work, the direct biosynthetic precursor l-glutamine was fed into the fermentation broth of the engineered E. coli strain harboring Sc-IndC and Sc-IndB. The highest titer of indigoidine reached 8.81 ± 0.21 g/l at 1.46 g/l l-glutamine. Given the relatively high price of l-glutamine, a metabolic engineering technique was used to directly enhance the in situ supply of this precursor. A glutamine synthetase gene (glnA) was amplified from E. coli and co-expressed with Sc-indC and Sc-indB in E. coli BAP1, leading to the production of indigoidine at 5.75 ± 0.09 g/l. Because a nitrogen source is required for amino acid biosynthesis, we then tested the effect of different nitrogen-containing salts on the supply of l-glutamine and subsequent indigoidine production. Among the four tested salts including (NH4)2SO4, NH4Cl, (NH4)2HPO4 and KNO3, (NH4)2HPO4 showed the best effect on improving the titer of indigoidine. Different concentrations of (NH4)2HPO4 were added to the fermentation broths of E. coli BAP1/Sc-IndC+Sc-IndB+GlnA, and the titer reached the highest (7.08 ± 0.11 g/l) at 2.5 mM (NH4)2HPO4. This work provides two efficient methods for the production of this promising blue pigment in E. coli.  相似文献   

The production of l-phenylalanine is conventionally carried out by fermentations that use glucose or sucrose as the carbon source. This work reports on the use of glycerol as an inexpensive and abundant sole carbon source for producing l-phenylalanine using the genetically modified bacterium Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). Fermentations were carried out at 37°C, pH 7.4, using a defined medium in a stirred tank bioreactor at various intensities of impeller agitation speeds (300–500 rpm corresponding to 0.97–1.62 m s−1 impeller tip speed) and aeration rates (2–8 L min−1, or 1–4 vvm). This highly aerobic fermentation required a good supply of oxygen, but intense agitation (impeller tip speed ~1.62 m s−1) reduced the biomass and l-phenylalanine productivity, possibly because of shear sensitivity of the recombinant bacterium. Production of l-phenylalanine was apparently strongly associated with growth. Under the best operating conditions (1.30 m s−1 impeller tip speed, 4 vvm aeration rate), the yield of l-phenylalanine on glycerol was 0.58 g g−1, or more than twice the best yield attainable on sucrose (0.25 g g−1). In the best case, the peak concentration of l-phenylalanine was 5.6 g L−1, or comparable to values attained in batch fermentations that use glucose or sucrose. The use of glycerol for the commercial production of l-phenylalanine with E. coli BL21(DE3) has the potential to substantially reduce the cost of production compared to sucrose- and glucose-based fermentations.  相似文献   

The effect of fusing the PelB signal sequence to lysine/cadaverine antiporter (CadB) on the bioconversion of l-lysine to cadaverine was investigated. To construct a whole-cell biocatalyst for cadaverine production, four expression plasmids were constructed for the co-expression of lysine decarboxylase (CadA) and lysine/cadaverine antiporter (CadB) in Escherichia coli. Expressing CadB with the PelB signal sequence increased cadaverine production by 12 %, and the optimal expression plasmid, pETDuet-pelB-CadB-CadA, contained two T7 promoter-controlled genes, CadA and the PelB-CadB fusion protein. Based on pETDuet-pelB-CadB-CadA, a whole-cell system for the bioconversion of l-lysine to cadaverine was constructed, and three strategies for l-lysine feeding were evaluated to eliminate the substrate inhibition problem. A cadaverine titer of 221 g l?1 with a molar yield of 92 % from lysine was obtained.  相似文献   

Rice husk is one of the most abundant types of lignocellulosic biomass. Because of its significant amount of sugars, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, it can be used for the production of biofuels such as bioethanol. However, the complex structure of lignocellulosic biomass, consisting of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, is resistant to degradation, which limits biomass utilization for ethanol production. The protection of cellulose by lignin contributes to the recalcitrance of lignocelluloses to hydrolysis. Therefore, we conducted steam-explosion treatment as pretreatment of rice husk. However, recombinant Escherichia coli KO11 did not ferment the reducing sugar solution obtained by enzymatic saccharification of steam-exploded rice husk. When the steam-exploded rice husk was washed with hot water to remove inhibitory substances and M9 medium (without glucose) was used as a fermentation medium, E. coli KO11 completely fermented the reducing sugar solution obtained by enzymatic saccharification of hot water washing-treated steam-exploded rice husk to ethanol. We report here the efficient production of bioethanol using steam-exploded rice husk.  相似文献   

The gene gaoA encoding the copper-dependent enzyme galactose oxidase (GAO) from Fusarium graminearum PH-1 was cloned and successfully overexpressed in E. coli. Culture conditions for cultivations in shaken flasks were optimized, and optimal conditions were found to be double-strength LB medium, 0.5% lactose as inducer, and induction at the reduced temperature of 25°C. When using these cultivation conditions ~24 mg of active GAO could be produced in shaken flasks per litre medium. Addition of copper to the fermentation medium decreased the enzyme production significantly. The His-tagged recombinant enzyme could be purified conveniently with a single affinity chromatography step. The purified enzyme showed a single band on SDS–PAGE with an apparent molecular mass of 66 kDa and had kinetic properties similar to those of the fungal wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

The excretion of the aromatic amino acid l-tyrosine was achieved by manipulating three gene targets in the wild-type Escherichia coli K12: The feedback-inhibition-resistant (fbr) derivatives of aroG and tyrA were expressed on a low-copy-number vector, and the TyrR-mediated regulation of the aromatic amino acid biosynthesis was eliminated by deleting the tyrR gene. The generation of this l-tyrosine producer, strain T1, was based only on the deregulation of the aromatic amino acid biosynthesis pathway, but no structural genes in the genome were affected. A second tyrosine over-producing strain, E. coli T2, was generated considering the possible limitation of precursor substrates. To enhance the availability of the two precursor substrates phosphoenolpyruvate and erythrose-4-phosphate, the ppsA and the tktA genes were over-expressed in the strain T1 background, increasing l-tyrosine production by 80% in 50-ml batch cultures. Fed-batch fermentations revealed that l-tyrosine production was tightly correlated with cell growth, exhibiting the maximum productivity at the end of the exponential growth phase. The final l-tyrosine concentrations were 3.8 g/l for E. coli T1 and 9.7 g/l for E. coli T2 with a yield of l-tyrosine per glucose of 0.037 g/g (T1) and 0.102 g/g (T2), respectively.  相似文献   

Plasmids pKS5 and pKSrec30 carrying normal and mutant alleles of the Deinococcus recA gene controlled by the lactose promoter slightly increase radioresistance of Escherichia coli cells with mutations in genes recA and ssb. The RecA protein of D. radiodurans is expressed in E. coli cells, and its synthesis can be supplementary induced. The radioprotective effect of the xenologic protein does not exceed 1.5 fold and yields essentially to the contribution of plasmid pUC19-recA1.1 harboring the E. coli recA + gene in the recovery of resistance of the ΔrecA deletion mutant. These data suggest that the expression of D. radiodurans recA gene in E. coli cells does not complement mutations at gene recA in the chromosome possibly due to structural and functional peculiarities of the D. radiodurans RecA protein.  相似文献   

A novel antifreeze protein cDNA was cloned by RT-PCR from the larva of the yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor. The coding fragment of 339 bp encodes a protein of 112 amino acid residues and was fused to the expression vectors pET32a and pTWIN1. The resulted expression plasmids were transformed into Escherischia coli strains BL21 (DE3), ER2566, and Origami B (DE3), respectively. Several strategies were used for expression of the highly disulfide-bonded β-helix-contained protein with the activity of antifreeze in different expression systems. A protocol for production of refolded and active T. molitor antifreeze protein in bacteria was obtained.  相似文献   

Ruan L  He W  He J  Sun M  Yu Z 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2005,87(4):283-288
Previous work from our laboratory has shown that most of Bacillus thuringiensis strains possess the ability to produce melanin in the presence of l-tyrosine at elevated temperatures (42 °C). Furthermore, it was shown that the melanin produced by B. thuringiensis was synthesized by the action of tyrosinase, which catalyzed the conversion of l-tyrosine, via l-DOPA, to melanin. In this study, the tyrosinase-encoding gene (mel) from B. thuringiensis 4D11 was cloned using PCR techniques and expressed in Escherichia coli DH5 . A DNA fragment with 1179 bp which contained the intact mel gene in the recombinant plasmid pGEM1179 imparted the ability to synthesize melanin to the E. coli recipient strain. The nucleotide sequence of this DNA fragment revealed an open reading frame of 744 bp, encoding a protein of 248 amino acids. The novel mel gene from B.thuringiensis expressed in E. coli DH5 conferred UV protection on the recipient strain.  相似文献   

A glucosyltransferase (GT) of Phytolacca americana (PaGT3) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified for the synthesis of two O-β-glucoside products of trans-resveratrol. The reaction was moderately regioselective with a ratio of 4′-O-β-glucoside: 3-O-β-glucoside at 10:3. We used not only the purified enzyme but also the E. coli cells containing the PaGT3 gene for the synthesis of glycoconjugates. E. coli cell cultures also have other advantages, such as a shorter incubation time compared with cultured plant cells, no need for the addition of exogenous glucosyl donor compounds such as UDP-glucose, and almost complete conversion of the aglycone to the glucoside products. Furthermore, a homology model of PaGT3 and mutagenesis studies suggested that His-20 would be a catalytically important residue.  相似文献   

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