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Folding and refolding of proteins in chromatographic beds   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The correct folding of solubilized recombinant proteins is of key importance for their production in industry. On-column refolding of proteins is mainly achieved by three methods: size-exclusion chromatography, ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography using immobilized metal chelates. The principles of these methods were first laid down in the 1990s, but many recent improvements have been made to these processes including sophisticated changes to the mobile phase composition and the recycling of aggregates to improve yield. Advances have also been made in the use of immobilized metal affinity chromatography and by mimicking the natural folding process with artificial chaperones.  相似文献   

Diverse mechanisms and machineries for import of mitochondrial proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondria are ubiquitous organelles that play an essential role in energy conversion and biosynthetic pathways in eukaryotic cells. Most mitochondrial proteins must be imported from the cytosol and sorted into one of the four mitochondrial subcompartments, the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner membrane and the matrix. Studies in recent years revealed a remarkable diversity of mechanisms and machineries that are required for the import of proteins into mitochondria. At least four different pathways for the sorting and assembly of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins have been identified.  相似文献   

Many antibiotic peptides function by binding and inserting into membranes. Understanding this process provides an insight into the fundamentals of both membrane protein folding and antibiotic peptide function. For the first time, in this work, flow-aligned linear dichroism (LD) is used to study the folding of the antibiotic peptide gramicidin. LD provides insight into the combined processes of peptide folding and insertion and has the advantage over other similar techniques of being insensitive to off-membrane aggregation events. By combining LD data with conventional measurements of protein fluorescence and circular dichroism, the mechanism of gramicidin insertion is elucidated. The mechanism consists of five separately assignable steps that include formation of a water-insoluble gramicidin aggregate, dissociation from the aggregate, partitioning of peptide to the membrane surface, oligomerisation on the surface and concerted insertion and folding of the peptide to the double-helical form of gramicidin. Measurement of the rates of each step shows that although changes in the fluorescence signal cease 10 s after the initiation of the process, the insertion of the peptide into the membrane is actually not complete for a further 60 min. This last membrane insertion phase is only apparent by measurement of LD and circular dichroism signal changes. In summary, this study demonstrates the importance of multi-technique approaches, including LD, in studies of membrane protein folding.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to identify differentially displayed proteins expressed during the symbiotic interaction between the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021 and the legume Melilotus alba (white sweetclover). Our aim was to characterize novel symbiosis proteins and to determine how the two symbiotic partners alter their respective metabolisms as part of the interaction, by identifying gene products that are differentially present between the symbiotic and non-symbiotic states. Proteome maps from control M. alba roots, wild-type nodules, cultured S. meliloti, and S. meliloti bacteroids were generated and compared. Over 250 proteins were induced or up-regulated in the nodule, compared with the root, and over 350 proteins were down-regulated in the bacteroid form of the rhizobia, compared with cultured cells. N-terminal amino acid sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprint analysis, in conjunction with data base searching, were used to assign putative identity to nearly 100 nodule, bacterial, and bacteroid proteins. These included the previously identified nodule proteins leghemoglobin and NifH as well as proteins involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in S. meliloti. Bacteroid cells showed down-regulation of several proteins involved in nitrogen acquisition, including glutamine synthetase, urease, a urea-amide binding protein, and a PII isoform, indicating that the bacteroids were nitrogen proficient. The down-regulation of several enzymes involved in polyhydroxybutyrate synthesis and a cell division protein was also observed. This work shows that proteome analysis will be a useful strategy to link sequence information and functional genomics.  相似文献   

Recent advances in generating active proteins through refolding of bacterial inclusion body proteins are summarized in conjunction with a short overview on inclusion body isolation and solubilization procedures. In particular, the pros and cons of well-established robust refolding techniques such as direct dilution as well as less common ones such as diafiltration or chromatographic processes including size exclusion chromatography, matrix- or affinity-based techniques and hydrophobic interaction chromatography are discussed. Moreover, the effect of physical variables (temperature and pressure) as well as the presence of buffer additives on the refolding process is elucidated. In particular, the impact of protein stabilizing or destabilizing low- and high-molecular weight additives as well as micellar and liposomal systems on protein refolding is illustrated. Also, techniques mimicking the principles encountered during in vivo folding such as processes based on natural and artificial chaperones and propeptide-assisted protein refolding are presented. Moreover, the special requirements for the generation of disulfide bonded proteins and the specific problems and solutions, which arise during process integration are discussed. Finally, the different strategies are examined regarding their applicability for large-scale production processes or high-throughput screening procedures.  相似文献   

重组蛋白复性技术研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本对近年来重组蛋白复性技术的研究进行了评述。比较分析了液相和固相复性的各种方法,提出了复性优化的方案,介绍了在化学复性基础上发展物理复性如高压复性法的新思路。  相似文献   

The gradual removal of the denaturing reagent guanidine HCl (GdnHCl) using stepwise dialysis with the introduction of an oxidizing reagent and l-arginine resulted in the highly efficient refolding of various denatured single-chain Fv fragments (scFvs) from inclusion bodies expressed in Escherichia coli. In this study, the influence of the additives on the intermediates in scFv refolding was carefully analyzed on the basis of the stepwise dialysis, and it was revealed that the additive effect critically changes the pathway of scFv refolding. Circular dichroism and tryptophan fluorescence emission spectroscopies demonstrated that distinct secondary and tertiary structures were formed upon dialysis from 2 m GdnHCl to 1 m GdnHCl, and 4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid dipotassium salt binding analysis indicated that the addition of l-arginine to the stepwise dialysis system effectively stabilized the exposed hydrophobic area on the scFv. Quantification of the free thiol groups in the scFv by means of Ellman's assay revealed that there was a particular stage in which most of the free thiol groups were oxidized and that adding an oxidizing reagent (the oxidized form of glutathione, GSSG) at that stage was important for complete refolding of the scFv. The particular stage depended on the nature of the refolding solution, especially on whether l-arginine was present. Spontaneous folding at the 1 m GdnHCl stage resulted in a structure in which a free thiol group accessed to the proper one for correct disulfide linkage; however, the addition of l-arginine resulted in the formation of a partially folded intermediate without disulfide linkages. Mass spectrometry experiments on alkylated scFv were carried out at each stage to determine the effects of l-arginine. The spectroscopic studies revealed two different pathways for scFv refolding in the stepwise dialysis system, pathways that depended on whether l-arginine was present. Controlled coupling of the effects of GSSG and l-arginine led to the complete refolding of scFv in the stepwise dialysis.  相似文献   

Insoluble expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli is a major bottleneck of many structural genomics and high-throughput protein biochemistry projects. Many of these proteins may be amenable to refolding, but their identification is hampered by a lack of high-throughput methods. We have developed a matrix-assisted refolding approach in which correctly folded proteins are distinguished from misfolded proteins by their elution from affinity resin under non-denaturing conditions. Misfolded proteins remain adhered to the resin, presumably via hydrophobic interactions. The assay can be applied to insoluble proteins on an individual basis but is particularly well suited for high-throughput applications because it is rapid, automatable and has no rigorous sample preparation requirements. The efficacy of the screen is demonstrated on small-scale expression samples for 15 proteins. Refolding is then validated by large-scale expressions using SEC and circular dichroism.  相似文献   

Human salivary acidic proline-rich proteins were analyzed by electrospray-ion trap mass spectrometry and by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. All acidic-PRP isoforms share a common N-terminal region, which contains a pyroglutamic acid residue at the N-terminus, and two phosphorylation sites on Ser 8 and 22. At the same time, HPLC-MS spectra revealed isoforms of PRP-1 and PRP-3 having a different number of phosphoserine residues, namely, a mono-phosphorylated form of PRP-1 and PRP-3 and a tri-phosphorylated form of PRP-1. The analysis of the masses of tryptic digests suggested that the third phosphate residue should be located on Ser 17. Another protein with a mass of 30,923 amu was detected along the HPLC pattern and MS data of its tryptic digest suggested that it corresponds to the dimer of Pa, the isoform of PRP-1 with a substitution Arg-Cys at 103 position. Finally, structural identification is pending for another post-translational modification of acidic-PRP that provides an increase of 111-114 amu.  相似文献   

The pistil of flowers is a specialized organ which contains the female gametophytes and provides the structures necessary for pollination and fertilization. Pollen deposited on the stigmatic surface of a compatible plant germinates a pollen tube which penetrates the stigmatic papillae and grows intercellularly through the style towards the ovules in the ovary. Pollen tube growth is largely restricted to the transmitting tissue in the style. Therefore the stylar transmitting tissue is extremely important for the migration of the pollen cell towards the ovary. We have isolated two related cDNAs, transmitting tissue-specific (TTS)-1 and TTS-2, derived from two proline-rich protein (PRP)-encoding mRNAs that accumulate specifically in the transmitting tissue of tobacco. The deduced PRP sequences share similarities with proline-rich cell wall glycoproteins found in a variety of plants. TTS-1 and TTS-2 mRNAs are induced in very young floral buds, accumulate most abundantly during the later stages of flower development when style elongation is the most rapid, and remain at relatively high levels at anthesis. These mRNAs become undetectable in maturing green fruits. In situ hybridization shows that TTS-1 and TTS-2 mRNA accumulation is restricted to the transmitting tissue of the style. The possible roles that these transmitting tissue-specific PRPs may play in maintaining the structural integrity of the style or in the function of this organ is discussed.  相似文献   

Arginine is one of the universal reagents that are effective in assisting refolding of recombinant proteins from inclusion bodies. The mechanism of the effects of arginine on refolding has remained, however, to be elucidated. Here we show that arginine does not stabilize proteins against heat treatment, as demonstrated by little change in melting temperature. It does increase reversibility of thermal melting and reduce aggregation under thermal stress. The observations suggest that arginine may not facilitate refolding, but may suppress aggregation of the proteins during refolding.  相似文献   

Several classes of hydroxyproline-rich proteins have been found in the cell walls of plants. Monomeric forms of the proteins can be solubilized from the walls, but the majority of the proteins are insolubilized by as yet unidentified crosslinks. The proteins have repeated sequences and are often rich in basic amino acids. The repeat proline-rich region may be serving to generate an elongated rod-like structure while the regularly spaced lysines probably interact with the acidic pectins. Several of the genes coding for these proteins have been isolated, and their expression has been found in some cases to be tissue specific and in others inducible by hormones and various types of stress.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition and electrophoretic mobility suggest that two polymorphic proteins in human parotid saliva, Pm and PmS, are basic proline-rich proteins. Comparison of two basic proline-rich proteins previously isolated by D. L. Kauffman and P. J. Keller (1979) [Arch. Oral. Biol. 24: 249], IB-6 and IB-9, with PmS and Pm demonstrated corresponding electrophoretic mobilities on cationic polyacrylamide slab gels. Further, the amino acid compositions of IB-9 and Pm were found to be similar. Although differences in amino acid composition and carbohydrate content were noted, such differences could be accounted for, suggesting that IB-9 and Pm are identical.  相似文献   

This article attempts to review recent developments in the rapidly developing field of phage display libraries. The current state of peptide, antibody, and cDNA libraries, as well as current and future applications of phage display libraries are discussed. The main focus of the article is on the methods for selecting binding ligands against targets in a variety of different formats. These include solid phase and in-solution selection methods, and the strategies used to select for higher affinity, and binding ligands ampure and cellular target proteins.  相似文献   

A new polymorphic acidic proline-rich protein (As) was found in human parotid saliva by SDS and basic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The phenotypic relationships and family studies support the hypothesis that the As protein is another allelic product of the PRH1 locus. The As protein could not be discriminated from the parotid isoelectric focusing (PIf) protein by isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis due to similar migration of the two proteins. In order to determine salivary PRH1 phenotypes it is necessary to use SDS or basic gel electrophoresis in addition to the isoelectric focusing gel electrophoresis. The As protein was not found in Caucasians. The allele frequencies of the PRH1 locus in Japanese were PRH1 (double-band protein) = 0.035, PRH1(2) (acidic protein) = 0.193, PRH1(4) (PIf) = 0.751, and PRH1(5) (As) = 0.021.  相似文献   

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