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Trigoniide clams were conspicuous components of bivalve faunas in shallow seas during most of the Mesozoic. Morphological trends in different features of shell shape and ornamentation of three related species of myophorelloids from the Agrio Formation (Early Cretaceous of Neuquén Basin, Argentina) that inhabited environments of different hydrodynamic energy conditions are explored in this study by means of a detailed morphometric analysis. Four hydrodynamic energy categories were established for depositional environments, from most (1), to least (4), energetic. General shell shape was characterized by measurements of height, length and width. New quantitative methods were developed to evaluate the distribution of costae along the marginal carina and the divergence of costae along the flank. Morphometric variables were detrended with respect to size, to avoid ontogenetic variability in further analyses. Relative width of the shell increases as environments become higher in hydrodynamic energy; this unusual trend may be interpreted as an anchoring/stabilizing strategy developed by the lineage in shallow marine environments. Trends in ornamentation correspond to more densely distributed costae in environments of higher hydrodynamic energy, a pattern that improves substrate penetration.  相似文献   

We report the first evidence for a nesting colony of Mesozoic birds on Gondwana: a fossil accumulation in Late Cretaceous rocks mapped and collected from within the campus of the National University of Comahue, Neuquén City, Patagonia (Argentina). Here, Cretaceous ornithothoracine birds, almost certainly Enanthiornithes, nested in an arid, shallow basinal environment among sand dunes close to an ephemeral water-course. We mapped and collected 65 complete, near-complete, and broken eggs across an area of more than 55 m2. These eggs were laid either singly, or occasionally in pairs, onto a sandy substrate. All eggs were found apparently in, or close to, their original nest site; they all occur within the same bedding plane and may represent the product of a single nesting season or a short series of nesting attempts. Although there is no evidence for nesting structures, all but one of the Comahue eggs were half-buried upright in the sand with their pointed end downwards, a position that would have exposed the pole containing the air cell and precluded egg turning. This egg position is not seen in living birds, with the exception of the basal galliform megapodes who place their eggs within mounds of vegetation or burrows. This accumulation reveals a novel nesting behaviour in Mesozoic Aves that was perhaps shared with the non-avian and phylogenetically more basal troodontid theropods.  相似文献   

Two inclusions in a piece of Upper Cretaceous (Albian) Burmese amber from Myanmar are described as a harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones), Halitherses grimaldii new genus and species. The first Mesozoic harvestman to be named can be referred to the suborder Dyspnoi for the following reasons: prosoma divided into two regions, the posterior formed by the fusion of the meso- and metapeltidium; palp lacking a terminal claw, with clavate setae, and tarsus considerably shorter than the tibia. The bilobed, anteriorly projecting ocular tubercle is reminiscent of that of ortholasmatine nemastomatids. The status of other Mesozoic fossils referred to Opiliones is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

A new baurusuchid, Wargosuchus australis gen. et sp. nov., coming from the Bajo de La Carpa Formation, Neuquén Province (Argentina), is described. This new taxon is based on a fragment of snout and a portion of the cranial roof. Wargosuchus differs from other crocodyliforms by possessing a deep median groove on the frontals, a contact between nasals and frontals extremely reduced, a large depression for the olfactory bulbs, three large foramina surrounding the large, smooth perinarial depression, and a hypertrophied, conical last premaxillary tooth followed by a large paracanine fossa. The finding of Wargosuchus in Patagonia (Argentina), a taxon with a strong resemblance to Brazilian baurusuchids, reinforces the hypothesis of a similar biota between both regions by the Late Cretaceous. Wargosuchus and Cynodontosuchus represent the only Argentinian mesoeucrocodylians to be included within Baurusuchidae. This finding extends the number of crocodyliforms from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, which, in turn, corresponds to the most taxonomically diverse one in Argentina.  相似文献   

Serpulids and other related tube-dwelling polychaetes are often ignored when found as fossil remains. They are, however, a widespread and important group today, and abundant literature has been published on them. Knowledge of fossil serpulids is centered on European material, and little has already been done on South American fossil calcareous tubes. In this paper, seven serpulid and sabellid morphotypes are described from the Early Cretaceous marine Agrio Formation of Argentina, revealing a diversity of worms recorded as encrusters on bivalves, ammonites and corals. Sabellids are represented by Glomerula cf. serpentina. Serpulids are represented by two subfamilies: “Serpulinae” includes Mucroserpula mucroserpula, Parsimonia antiquata, Placostegus cf. conchophilus, Propomatoceros semicostatus and P. sulcicarinatus; Spirorbinae is represented by heavily worn tiny coiled tubes assigned to ?Neomicrorbis. Serpulids and sabellids are one of the main components of the mollusk-encrusting fauna recorded in the Agrio Formation, along with small oysters but much more diverse. They are most commonly found as post-mortem encrusters, but some cases of unquestionable living interaction are also found, such as serpulid tubes embedded on coral branches. They are often overgrown by bryozoans, and sometimes by oysters; they frequently occur aggregated.  相似文献   

The facies development and onlap pattern of the lower Danubian Cretaceous Group (Bavaria, southern Germany) have been evaluated based on detailed logging, subdivision, and correlation of four key sections using an integrated stratigraphic approach as well as litho-, bio-, and microfacies analyses. Contrary to statements in the literature, the transgressive onlap of the Regensburg Formation started in the Regensburg–Kelheim area already in the early Early Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli ammonite Zone and not in the Late Cenomanian. In the Early Cenomanian, nearshore glauconitic-bioclastic sandstones prevailed (Saal Member), followed by Middle to lower Upper Cenomanian mid-shelf siliceous carbonates intercalated with fine-sandy to silty marls (Bad Abbach Member). Starting in the mid-Late Cenomanian (Metoicoceras geslinianum ammonite Zone), a considerable deepening pulse during the Cenomanian–Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) initiated the deposition of the deeper shelf silty marls of the Eibrunn Formation, which range into the early Early Turonian. During the CTBE transgression, also the proximal Bodenwöhrer Senke (ca. 40 km NE of Regensburg) was flooded, indicated by the onlap of the Regensburg Formation onto Variscan granites of the Bohemian Massif, overlain by a thin tongue of lowermost Turonian Eibrunn Formation. A detailed record of the positive δ13C excursion of the global Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 2 has been retrieved from this shallow-water setting. An integrated approach of bio-, event-, carbon stable isotope and sequence stratigraphy was applied to correlate the sections and to decipher the dynamics of this overall transgressive depositional system. The Cenomanian successions show five prominent unconformities, which correlate with those being known from basins in Europe and elsewhere, indicating their eustatic origin. The rate of sea-level rise during the CTBE suggests glacio-eustasy as a driving mechanism for Late Cenomanian sea-level changes. The Regensburg and Eibrunn formations of the lower Danubian Cretaceous Group are highly diachronous lithostratigraphic units. Their regional distribution and northeast-directed onlap pattern onto the southwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif can readily be explained by the lateral movements of roughly coast-parallel (i.e., NW/SE-trending) facies belts of a graded shelf system transgressing on a northeastward-rising substrate. It took the Cenomanian coastline ca. 6 Ma to transgress from southwest of Regensburg to the topographically elevated granite cliffs southeast of Roding in the Bodenwöhrer Senke (=60 km distance).  相似文献   

A new enantiornithine bird, Intiornis inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov, is described here. It is based on a partial hind limb found in beds of the Upper Cretaceous Las Curtiembres Formation (Campanian), North-West Argentina. The new taxon is referred to the family Avisauridae on the basis of its cranially convex third metatarsal. Several features suggest close relationships between Intiornis and the avisaurid Soroavisaurus, from the Lecho Formation (Maastrichtian; North-West Argentina). Intiornis was the size of a sparrow, thus representing the smallest Enantiornithes known from South America. The new species shows adaptations for a perching mode of life. Moreover, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic diversity due to competitive interaction with birds is discussed. The new species shows adaptations for a perching mode of life. Moreover, the hypothesis suggesting that the flying pterosaur reptiles decrease in taxonomic diversity due to competitive interaction with birds is discussed.  相似文献   

A fragmentary cervico-pectoral lateral spine and partial humerus of an ankylosaur from the Early Cretaceous (early Valanginian) of Gronau in Westfalen, northwestern Germany, are described. The spine shows closest morphological similarities to the characteristic cervical and pectoral spines of Hylaeosaurus armatus from the late Valanginian of England. An extensive comparison of distal humeri among thyreophoran dinosaurs supports systematic differences in the morphology of the distal condyli between Ankylosauria and Stegosauria and a referral of the Gronau specimen to the former. The humerus fragment indicates a rather small individual, probably in the size range of H. armatus, and both specimens are determined herein as ?Hylaeosaurus sp.. A short overview of other purported ankylosaur material from the Berriasian-Valanginian of northwest Germany shows that, aside from the material described herein, only tracks can be attributed to this clade with confidence at present.  相似文献   

The shell structure of five rhynchonellid species from the Lower Cretaceous of Dagestan was studied for the first time. The primary layer is rarely preserved in fossil rhynchonellids. Most of the species studied have a primary layer composed of prismatic calcite, one species has a finely granulated primary layer. The secondary fibrous layer consists of crossing bundles of fibers the (throughout shell thickness) and parallel bundles of fibers on the valve bottom.  相似文献   

本文记述了采集自我国辽宁省北票市中生界下白垩统义县组地层的草蛉科篱草蛉亚科原草蛉属一新种,短脉原草蛉。该属此前仅在丹麦和加拿大的新生界地层中发现2种,新种与该属的其它种具有显著差异,如前翅基部第一支r1-rs横脉位于Rs起始处与Rs第一支脉分出处之间,R1在翅端前结束。本文简要对比了原草蛉属与篱草蛉亚科其它属的特征差异,并对新种的归属及其与该属其它种的特征差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Two new genera and species, Protoxyporus grandis gen. et sp.n. and Cretoxyporus extraneus gen. et sp.n. , are described and figured on the basis of two well‐preserved impression fossils from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China. The two genera display a combination of traits that are diagnostic of the extant staphylinid subfamily Oxyporinae: large and prominent mandibles, distinctly separated mesocoxae, abdominal tergites III–VII each with a pair of basolateral ridges, and abdominal intersegmental membranes with ‘brick‐wall’ pattern. Protoxyporus differs from extant Oxyporus in retaining the following plesiomorphic features: an elongate intercoxal process (or longitudinal carina) between metacoxae, relatively narrowly separated mesocoxae, less developed metaventral anterior process, and long infraorbital ridges. Cretoxyporus is morphologically very similar to Oxyporus, but retains distinct elongate infraorbital ridges. The discovery of two new oxyporine genera suggests that the early oxyporines were more diverse and their evolutionary history more complicated than previously documented. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:11503976‐D577‐45D2‐ACCB‐8226782EF817 .  相似文献   

This paper reports the organic attachment of male and female cones to twigs previously described as Tomaxellia biforme Archangelsky. The male cones produce Classopollis pollen, while the scales of the female structures are comparable to the Rhaeto-Liassic northern genus Cheirolepidium. A new interpretation of the possible female cone of Cheirolepidium is presented, based on the new evidence now available with the knowledge of Tomaxellia cones. Other female cones found in Mesozoic formations may be comparable to some extent with Tomaxellia , such as Indostrobus (Cretaceous of India) or Pararaucaria (Jurassic of Argentina), and they may be grouped in the family Cheirolepidiaceae. Comparisons with older conifer genera with known female cones are also included (Voltziaceae). Some morphological changes of the female cones, which probably took place during the Mesozoic (in these particular groups) are also inferred.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Australapatemon magnacetabulum Dubois, 1988 was resolved experimentally. Planorbid snails Biomphalaria tenagophila (d'Orbigny, 1835) collected in a small pond at the confluence of the San Lorenzo and Arias Rivers, near Salta City, Province of Salta, Argentina, were found to be shedding furcocercous cercariae possessing 4 pairs of penetration glands, 1 pair of unpigmented eyespots, 6 pairs of flame cells in the body, and 1 pair in the tail stem. Metacercariae were found encysted in naturally, and experimentally, exposed leeches Helobdella adiastola Ringuelet, 1972, Helobdella triserialis (Blanchard, 1849), Haementeria eichhorniae Ringuelet 1978, and Haementeria sp., and within their sporocysts in naturally infected planorbid intermediate hosts. Sexually mature adults were recovered from domestic chicks and a duck 8-28 days postexposure by metacercariae from leeches. The identification of the species was based upon the characteristic large ventral sucker and a genital cone, crossed by a hermaphroditic duct with internal folds, occupying approximately a 1/4 to 1/5 of the hindbody.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two taxa belonging to the Trigonioidoidea (Order Unionoida) are described from the Early Cretaceous of Spain. Nippononaia (Paranippononaia) camerana subgen. et sp. nov. is described from the Aptian of the Cameros Basin of the north‐west Iberian Range. Subnippononaia fordi Barker et al., 1997 is described from new material from the Calizas de la Huérguina Formation (Late Barremian) from Las Hoyas and Buenache de la Sierra, Cuenca Province, and Subnippononaia is raised to generic status. The stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Cornago G exposure of the Enciso Group where Nippononaia (Paranippononaia) camerana originates is interpreted as a fresh to brackish water system.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(5):287-292
The ichnological assemblage of the Phra Wihan Formation (early Early Cretaceous of northeastern Thailand) includes the first sauropod tracks ever found in Thailand. It is reminiscent of the fauna of the underlying Jurassic Phu Kradung Formation with theropods, small ornithischians of uncertain affinities (possibly Hypsilophodon-like ornithopods) and sauropods. It suggests that, in southeastern Asia, an important faunal change occurred in the Early Cretaceous among continental vertebrates, whereas little happened at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary.  相似文献   


Two chironomid flies, Ziadeus kamili n. gen., n. sp. and Paicheleria magnifica n. gen., n. sp., respectively attributed to the recent subfamilies Tanypodinae and Prodiamesinae, are described from the Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Although very old, this non-biting midge fauna was very diverse with no less than 11 genera and species. However, it was also strongly different from the recent faunas for the complete absence of the Chironominae, that is today the dominant subfamily. The development of the modern chironomid fauna occurred during the Late Cretaceous and/or the Early Paleogene, but when and how?  相似文献   

Coastal mixed carbonate-siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of Late Barremian to Early Aptian age from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) are compared with a deep-sea succession (ODP 641) off the coast of Portugal. The coastal deposits show an abrupt cessation of rudist-dominated carbonate deposition marked by an emersion horizon and followed by the deposition of orbitolinid-rich marls during the Early Aptian. The subsequent development of the carbonate platform during the Late Aptian is masked by a hiatus. For this time interval shallow-water debris deposits of the deep-sea succession ODP 641 indicate that carbonate production in shallow-water areas resume in the early Late Aptian. Carbon-isotope stratigraphy in combination with available biostratigraphic data is used for intrabasinal correlation and for the correlation of the Portuguese with shallow-water successions from Switzerland, France, Oman and the Pacific. The correlation reveals that during the Early Aptian similar changes in their sedimentary patterns occur at the beginning of a marked negative shift of carbon-isotope values associated with the global deposition of organic rich black shales in the deep sea (OAE 1a). In all compared sections rudist-dominated carbonate deposition is stopped and followed either by orbitolinid-rich deposits, the deposition of microbial carbonates or by the drowning of the carbonate platform. The comparison shows that the deterioration for carbonate platform growth conditions during the Early Aptian occurred essentially simultaneously at the various localities. During this episode the ocean waters were in a preconditioned state of acidification stressing biocalcifying organisms. Sea level change combined with local effects like elevated nutrient levels and higher temperatures, were probably determining the nature of sedimentary change in shallow-water environments during the carbonate crisis. In the sections studied in Portugal the high abundance of orbitolinids overlying rudist limestones indicates that increased nutrient input may have played an important local role among the factors that caused an overall deterioration for carbonate producers during the late Early Aptian.  相似文献   

Megaspore and microspore massulae of Paleoazolla patagonica gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Upper Cretaceous of La Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, Argentina. The new fern possesses megaspore complexes with three to four glochidiate floats attached directly to the megaspore; a columella-like structure appears to be absent. The megaspore wall consists of a two-layered exine that is smooth to irregularly perforate, a two-layered perine with a spongy, densely packed endoperine, and a loosely organized exoperine. Infrafilosum hairs cover the exoperine. Microspore massulae are irregular in size and shape and bear multibarbed glochidia that generally have anchor-shaped tips. A comparison with other azollaceous and salviniaceous genera, particularly Azolla, is provided, together with a discussion of some evolutionary trends within the family.  相似文献   

One of the diagnostic characters of dicraeosaurid sauropods is a reduction of pneumatization of dorsal and caudal vertebrae relative to their Flagellicaudata sister taxon, Diplodocidae. Here, we analyse pneumatic structures in the dicraeosaurid sauropod Pilmatueia faundezi, compare them to those of diplodocoids and report the first record of camerate chambers in a dicraeosaurid. The pneumatic structures are in a posterior cervical centrum (MLL-Pv-002) and consist of lateral pneumatic fossae on the centrum that communicate internally with large camerae. By contrast, Pilmatueia's dorsal and caudal vertebrae (MLL-Pv-005-016) lack pneumatic fossae on the centra, which is consistent with the previously reported reduced pneumaticity in dicraeosaurids. Nevertheless, the base of the neural arch and possibly the base of the bifid neural spines of a posterior dorsal vertebra (MLL-Pv-005) show pneumatic internal chambers. The pneumatic features of the Pilmatueia cervical centrum and dorsal neural arch we describe indicate that the degree of pneumatization is variable within dicraeosaurids.  相似文献   

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