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Fisheries‐induced evolution can change the trajectory of wild fish populations by selectively targeting certain phenotypes. For important fish species like Atlantic salmon, this could have large implications for their conservation and management. Most salmon rivers are managed by specifying an angling season of predetermined length based on population demography, which is typically established from catch statistics. Given the circularity of using catch statistics to estimate demographic parameters, it may be difficult to quantify the selective nature of angling and its evolutionary impact. In the River Etne in Norway, a recently installed trap permits daily sampling of fish entering the river, some of which are subsequently captured by anglers upstream. Here, we used 31 microsatellites to establish an individual DNA profile for salmon entering the trap, and for many of those subsequently captured by anglers. These data permitted us to investigate time of rod capture relative to river entry, potential body size‐selective harvest, and environmental variables associated with river entry. Larger, older fish entered the river earlier than smaller, younger fish of both sexes, and larger, older females were more abundant than males and vice versa. There was good agreement between the sizes of fish harvested by angling, and the size distribution of the population sampled on the trap. These results demonstrate that at least in this river, and with the current timing of the season, the angling catch reflects the population's demographics and there is no evidence of size‐selective harvest. We also demonstrated that the probability of being caught by angling declines quickly after river entry. Collectively, these data indicate that that the timing of the fishing season, in relation to the upstream migration patterns of the different demographics of the population, likely represents the most significant directional evolutionary force imposed by angling.  相似文献   

We report the first study with the aim to estimate heritability in a wild population, a nest box breeding population of blue tits. We estimated heritability as well as genetic and phenotypic correlations of resting metabolic rate (RMR), body mass and tarsus length with an animal model based on data from a split cross‐fostering experiment with brood size manipulations. RMR and body mass, but not tarsus length, showed significant levels of explained variation but for different underlying reasons. In body mass, the contribution to the explained variation is mainly because of a strong brood effect, while in RMR it is mainly because of a high heritability. The additive variance in RMR was significant and the heritability was estimated to 0.59. The estimates of heritability of body mass (0.08) and tarsus length (0.00) were both low and based on nonsignificant additive variances. Thus, given the low heritability (and additive variances) in body mass and tarsus length the potential for direct selection on RMR independent of the two traits is high in this population. However, the strong phenotypic correlation between RMR and mass (0.643 ± 0.079) was partly accounted for by a potentially strong, although highly uncertain, genetic correlation (1.178 ± 0.456) between the two traits. This indicates that the additive variance of body mass, although low, might still somewhat constrain the independent evolvability of RMR.  相似文献   

Farmed fish are typically genetically different from wild conspecifics. Escapees from fish farms may contribute one-way gene flow from farm to wild gene pools, which can depress population productivity, dilute local adaptations and disrupt coadapted gene complexes. Here, we reanalyse data from two experiments (McGinnity et al., 1997, 2003) where performance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) progeny originating from experimental crosses between farm and wild parents (in three different cohorts) were measured in a natural stream under common garden conditions. Previous published analyses focussed on group-level differences but did not account for pedigree structure, as we do here using modern mixed-effect models. Offspring with one or two farm parents exhibited poorer survival in their first and second year of life compared with those with two wild parents and these group-level inferences were robust to excluding outlier families. Variation in performance among farm, hybrid and wild families was generally similar in magnitude. Farm offspring were generally larger at all life stages examined than wild offspring, but the differences were moderate (5–20%) and similar in magnitude in the wild versus hatchery environments. Quantitative genetic analyses conducted using a Bayesian framework revealed moderate heritability in juvenile fork length and mass and positive genetic correlations (>0.85) between these morphological traits. Our study confirms (using more rigorous statistical techniques) previous studies showing that offspring of wild fish invariably have higher fitness and contributes fresh insights into family-level variation in performance of farm, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families in the wild. It also adds to a small, but growing, number of studies that estimate key evolutionary parameters in wild salmonid populations. Such information is vital in modelling the impacts of introgression by escaped farm salmon.  相似文献   

This paper investigates patterns of phenotypic variation in the striped ground cricket (Allonemobious fasciatus) along a cline in season length and tests the hypothesis that variation in body size and diapause propensity is the result of diversifying selection due to different local conditions. We examined 83 populations and found that A. fasciatus produced a single generation per year (univoltine) north of 37°N latitude and was bivoltine south of 35°30′N. Body size generally increased with increasing season length, with a sudden drop in the region corresponding to the transition from univoltine to bivoltine life cycles, reflecting the division of total season length in two within-bivoltine populations. We reared ten populations in our laboratory and found that much of the interpopulation variance in body size observed in the field could be attributed to genetic differences. Diapause expression also varied significantly among populations and was strongly correlated with season length. The heritability of body size did not differ between populations, but full-sib estimates greatly exceeded parent–offspring estimates suggesting that there are important nonadditive genetic effects. The heritability of diapause expression, determined from analysis of full sibs, varied significantly between populations (0.33 ± 0.10 to 1.31 ± 0.21) with an average of 0.74 ± 0.16. Body size and diapause expression were genetically correlated in transition-zone populations, but not in univoltine or bivoltine populations. Our findings support the suggestion that clinal variation in body size and diapause expression in the striped ground cricket reflect adaptation to season length.  相似文献   

The only carotenoid detected in newly fertilized eggs of wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, from western Scotland was astaxanthin at a concentration [μg carotenoid g?1 wet wt of eggs, mean ±S.D. (number of parental females)] of 6.2±1.2(7) in 1982, 6.4±1.8(20) in 1983, and 7.6 ± 13(6) in 1984. In eggs of farmed Atlantic salmon the only carotenoid detected was canthaxanthin at concentrations which varied significantly between farms depending on the level of synthetic canthaxanthin in the broodstock diet. Thus on two farms using feed with 50 μgg?1, the levels were 11.8 ± 3.4(7) and 12.3 ± 2.9(6), while on two farms using 75μgg?1 the levels were 18.7 ± 5.0(9) and 21.2 ± 2.7(21). The levels in eggs of one-seawinter fish (grilse) did not differ from those of two-seawinter fish reared on the same farm and diet. During development from newly fertilized egg to fry at the end of yolk-sac absorption, the quantity of carotenoid present per individual decreased, presumably as a result of metabolism. Despite large differences in quantity present, the quantity so metabolized was fairly constant at 2–4 μg carotenoid g?1 original egg weight for eggs from two-seawinter farmed and wild salmon, except that in eggs from farmed grilse it was 7 μg g?1. In fry from wild eggs, 99.14% of the remaining carotenoid was present in the integument (skin and fins) as astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoester and astaxanthin diester. In fry from farmed salmon eggs, 47 ± 8% of the carotenoid present was found in the unused yolk oil droplets and in the liver, and 37 ± 6% was found in the integument as canthaxanthin and an unidentified metabolite of canthaxanthin. These findings explain visible colour differences between fry from wild parents and fry from canthaxanthin-fed farmed parents, particularly in the fins, liver and residual oil droplets. The canthaxanthin metabolite was also found, together with canthaxanthin, in the skin of farmed adults fed canthaxanthin. Preliminary tests showed it to be unchanged by saponification but reduced by sodium borohydride. For eggs from the three farms incubated under the same conditions in the same season, percentage mortality both to the eyed stage and between hatching and first feeding varied significantly between farms, but percentage mortality between the eyed stage and hatching did not do so. Results combined from two seasons for eggs from three farms and one wild source showed that egg mortality between fertilization and the eyed stage was not significantly different between wild and farmed salmon, but mortality between the eyed stage and hatching, and between hatching and first feeding, were both significantly higher in farmed salmon than in wild salmon. Such differences could not be explained simply by the large differences in egg carotenoid content, but were almost certainly due to factors such as broodstock nutrition, broodstock management, and stripping and fertilization procedures.  相似文献   

The heritability estimate (±SE) for tarsus length in the pied flycatcher is 0.53 ± 0.10, based on mother-offspring regressions. The heritability is almost the same (0.50 ± 0.22) for offspring transferred to other nests and reared by foster parents, whereas there is no resemblance (0.04 ± 0.23) between the offspring and their foster mothers. Hence, the nest environment does not affect parent-offspring resemblance. However, a full-sib correlation yields an estimate of the heritability twice as high as the parent-offspring regression did, indicating that shared environment effects, which are not correlated with the tarsus length of parents, must be important. An environmental deviation due to food factors affecting tarsus length is demonstrated. The most important food factors are probably associated with 1) polygyny, which leads to reduced paternal feeding at secondary nests, 2) high breeding density, and 3) progress of the breeding season. All three are associated with reductions in offspring mean tarsus length. We estimate selection on tarsus length for the major components of lifetime reproductive success. Offspring with the shortest tarsi have reduced survival from fledging until breeding, and males with tarsus length close to the mean are most successful in attracting mates. Clutch size increases with female tarsus length, except for individuals with very long tarsi. In general, directional selection is weak, but stabilizing selection is rather strong for survival and male mating success.  相似文献   

During the period 1968–1991, certain morphological traits of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and sea trout S. trutta have been recorded regularly at the hatchery at Älvkarleby, central Sweden. Total body length, weight (for females both before and after stripping), number of eggs, egg size and date of ovulation. A smaller data set for fish marked and released as smolts, providing information about total body length of released smolts, time spent at sea and body size of the recovered adults, was also available for analysis. According to theory and empirical data, the process of artificial breeding results in an evolutionary divergence of the cultured strain from the wild phenotypic norm. The reason for such a divergence is that both natural and sexual selection pressures are altered or relaxed during the process of artificial breeding, as well as random genetic processes, such as founder effects and in- and outbreeding. A path analysis of both species and sexes revealed that the size of the released smolts had increased during the study period. Time spent in sea has decreased for both female and male sea trout, but not for Atlantic salmon. Adult body size for female and male trout have increased as well as female trout condition factor. The increase found in egg size of both species was greater for the salmon than for the trout, indicating that female salmon invest more in egg size with increasing body size. These results support the view that domestication probably has a significant and selective impact on the life history traits of the two salmonid species studied.  相似文献   

Feral animals represent an important problem in many ecosystems due to interbreeding with wild conspecifics. Hybrid offspring from wild and domestic parents are often less adapted to local environment and ultimately, can reduce the fitness of the native population. This problem is an important concern in Norway, where each year, hundreds of thousands of farm Atlantic salmon escape from fish farms. Feral fish outnumber wild populations, leading to a possible loss of local adaptive genetic variation and erosion of genetic structure in wild populations. Studying the genetic factors underlying relative performance between wild and domesticated conspecific can help to better understand how domestication modifies the genetic background of populations, and how it may alter their ability to adapt to the natural environment. Here, based upon a large-scale release of wild, farm and wild x farm salmon crosses into a natural river system, a genome-wide quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan was performed on the offspring of 50 full-sib families, for traits related to fitness (length, weight, condition factor and survival). Six QTLs were detected as significant contributors to the phenotypic variation of the first three traits, explaining collectively between 9.8 and 14.8% of the phenotypic variation. The seventh QTL had a significant contribution to the variation in survival, and is regarded as a key factor to understand the fitness variability observed among salmon in the river. Interestingly, strong allelic correlation within one of the QTL regions in farmed salmon might reflect a recent selective sweep due to artificial selection.  相似文献   

Synopsis An estimate of the arithmetic mean number of larvalAnisakis simplex per salmon,Salmo salar, in the north Atlantic was obtained from data collected off west Greenland where salmon from both sides of the Atlantic intermingle. An average of 5.34 larvae was found in the body cavity or associated viscera of 771 age 1 salmon representing some 60.8% of the total number of larvae present. LarvalA. simplex were found at all sampling stations throughout the north Atlantic. In most samples prevalence varied only slightly from area to area.The mean numbers of larvae in the body cavity and on associated organs of salmon in samples from North America were significantly different between samples. Comparisons of the mean numbers of larvae with several known variables in the data were, therefore, considered: host's sex, host's sea-age, geographic locality, year and season of capture.There was evidence that the mean number of larvae per host was greater in salmon from Europe than in those from North America, but the data could not be used to providereliable estimates of the mean numbers of larvae from each area because of heterogeneity within areas. Thus the data from west Greenland and from continental home waters could net be used in calculations to determine the percentage composition of North American and European salmon in the Greenland fishery although they supported earlier findings of mixing of salmon stocks off west Greenland.The use of parasitological data in the identification of different Atlantic salmon stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus salaris is a freshwater, monogenean ectoparasite of Baltic strains of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar on which it generally causes no clinical disease. Infection of other strains of Atlantic salmon in Norway has resulted in high levels of juvenile salmon mortality and highly significant reductions in the population. The parasite is a major exotic disease threat to wild Atlantic salmon in the UK. This paper qualitatively assesses the risk of introduction and establishment of G. salaris into the UK. The current UK fish health regime prevents the importation of live salmonids from freshwater in territories that have not substantiated freedom from G. salaris. The importation of other species, e.g. eels Anguilla anguilla and non-salmonid fish, represents a low risk because the likelihood of infection is very low and the parasite can only survive on these hosts for less than 50 d. Importation of salmon carcasses presents a negligible risk because harvested fish originate from seawater sites and the parasite cannot survive full strength salinity. The importation of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss carcasses from G. salaris infected freshwater sites might introduce the parasite, but establishment is only likely if carcasses are processed on a salmonid farm in the UK. A number of mechanical transmission routes were considered (e.g. angling equipment, canoes, ballast water) and the most important was judged to be the movement of live fish transporters from farms on mainland Europe direct to UK fish farms. In the future, territories may have to substantiate freedom from G. salaris and economic drivers for live salmonid imports may strengthen. Under these circumstances, legal or illegal live salmonid imports would become the most significant risk of introduction.  相似文献   

The onset of exogenous feeding, when juveniles emerge from the gravel, is a critical event for salmonids where early emergence and large size provide a competitive advantage in the wild. Studying 131 farmed, hybrid and wild Norwegian Atlantic salmon families, originating from four wild populations and two commercial strains, we investigated whether approximately 10 generations of selection for faster growth has also resulted in increased somatic growth prior to the onset of exogenous feeding. In addition, we tested whether relaxed selection in farms has allowed for alterations in hatching time between farmed and wild salmon. Across three cohorts, wild salmon families hatched earlier than farmed salmon families, while hybrid families displayed intermediate hatching times. While the observed differences were small, i.e., 1–15 degree-days (0–3 days, as water temperatures were c. 5–6°C), these data suggest additive genetic variation for hatching time. Alevin length prior to exogenous feeding was positively related to egg size. After removal of egg size effects, no systematic differences in alevin length were observed between the wild and farmed salmon families. While these results indicate additive genetic variation for egg development timing, and wild salmon families consistently hatched earlier than farmed salmon families, these differences were so small they are unlikely to significantly influence early life history competition of farmed and wild salmon in the natural environment. This is especially the case given that the timing of spawning among females can vary by several weeks in some rivers. The general lack of difference in size between farmed and wild alevins, strongly suggest that the documented differences in somatic growth rate between wild and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon under hatchery conditions are first detectable after the onset of exogenous feeding.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory predicts that evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) will be a slow process if the genetic correlation in size between the sexes is close to unity, and the heritability of size is similar in both sexes. However, there are very few reliable estimates of genetic correlations and sex-specific heritabilities from natural populations, the reasons for this being that (1) offspring have often been sexed retrospectively, and hence, selection acting differently with respect to body size in the two sexes between measuring and sex identification can bias estimates of SSD; and (2) in many taxa, parents may be incorrectly assigned to offspring either because of assignment errors or because of extrapair paternity. We used molecular sex and paternity identification to overcome these problems and estimated sex-specific heritabilities and the genetic correlation in body size between the two sexes in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis. After exclusion of the illegitimate offspring, the genetic correlation in body size between the sexes was 1.00 (SE = 0.22), implying a severe constraint on the evolution of SSD in this species. Furthermore, sex-specific heritability estimates were very similar, indicating that neither sex will be able to evolve faster than the other. By using estimated genetic parameters, together with empirically derived estimates of sex-specific selection gradients, we further demonstrated that the predicted selection response in female tarsus length is displaced about 200% in the opposite direction from that to be expected if there were no genetic correlation between the sexes. The correspondence between the biochemically estimated rate of extrapair paternity (about 15 % of the young) and that estimated from the “heritability method” (11%) was good. However, the estimated rate of extrapair paternity with the heritability method after exclusion of the illegitimate young was 22%, adding to increasing evidence that factors other than extrapair paternity (e.g., maternal effects) may be resposible for the commonly observed higher mother-offspring than father-offspring resemblance.  相似文献   

Swimming ability of wild brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis , brown trout Salmo trutta , anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , and landlocked Atlantic salmon was examined using fixed and increasing velocity tests. Although brook trout and salmon parr were collected from the same site, brook trout were found generally in slow-moving pools whereas salmon were more common in faster riffle areas. Salmon parr could hold station indefinitely in currents in which brook trout could only maintain themselves briefly. Therefore, selection of fast-water areas by salmon parr may impose a velocity barrier to sympatric juvenile brook trout, reducing competition between the species. Performance comparisons also indicate that anadromous Atlantic salmon possess slightly greater sustained ability than landlocked salmon, possibly due to altered selective pressure associated with their different life histories. Finally, fishways and culverts in Newfoundland can now be designed using models generated from performance data collected from native salmonid species.  相似文献   

Comparing observed versus theoretically expected evolutionary responses is important for our understanding of the evolutionary process, and for assessing how species may cope with anthropogenic change. Here, we document directional selection for larger female size in Atlantic salmon, using pedigree‐derived estimates of lifetime reproductive success as a fitness measure. We show the trait is heritable and, thus, capable of responding to selection. The Breeder's Equation, which predicts microevolution as the product of phenotypic selection and heritability, predicted evolution of larger size. This was at odds, however, with the observed lack of either phenotypic or genetic temporal trends in body size, a so‐called “paradox of stasis.” To investigate this paradox, we estimated the additive genetic covariance between trait and fitness, which provides a prediction of evolutionary change according to Robertson's secondary theorem of selection (STS) that is unbiased by missing variables. The STS prediction was consistent with the observed stasis. Decomposition of phenotypic selection gradients into genetic and environmental components revealed a potential upward bias, implying unmeasured factors that covary with trait and fitness. These results showcase the power of pedigreed, wild population studies—which have largely been limited to birds and mammals—to study evolutionary processes on contemporary timescales.  相似文献   

The definition and measurement of body condition are central to many ecological and evolutionary studies, yet the fundamental issue of whether variation in condition is inherited genetically remains unresolved. Furthermore, confusion has been caused through diverse uses of the word 'condition' itself. In this paper, we introduce the terms 'broad-sense condition' and 'narrow-sense condition' in an attempt to reduce this confusion. Because of the difficulty of measuring condition, field biologists use the mass relative to body size as a convenient index of condition. Such indices have also been used to estimate die heritability of condition. Using data from a wild great tit Parus major population, we demonstrate that a condition index may still contain residual variance that is due to body size. Hence, using a condition index to study the heritability of condition can give misleading results because that residual variance may itself be heritable. To avoid this problem, direct measures of condition, such as reserve tissues, should be used. We provide the first heritability estimates of direct measures of condition of full-grown birds in a wild population by the regression of mean offspring (both in winter, and when breeding) on mean parent (when breeding) values of two reserve tissues, fat and pectoral muscle, which are independent of body-size. A great tit's fat and muscle reserves in winter were significandy correlated with their respective values when the birds bred. However there was no evidence that the level of fat reserves in winter resembled those of the parents (when breeding), more than expected by chance. Slight resemblances between parents and offspring were detected for muscle in winter and for fat reserves when breeding. Muscle size in the breeding season provided stronger evidence for the inheritance of condition.  相似文献   

The relative competitive ability of juvenile farm and wild salmonids was investigated to provide insight into the potential effects of introduction of cultured salmon on wild Pacific salmonid ( Oncorhynchus ) species. Aquarium experiments involving equal contests ( i.e. size matched, simultaneously introduced individuals) indicated that two wild coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch populations were competitively equal to a farm coho salmon population. In equal contests between farm Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Mowi strain) and these wild coho salmon populations or coastal cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki , Atlantic salmon were subordinate in all cases. When Atlantic salmon were given a residence advantage, however, they were competitively equal to both wild coho salmon populations, but remained subordinate to coastal cutthroat trout. When Atlantic salmon were given a 10–30% length advantage, they were competitively equal to one wild coho salmon population but remained subordinate to the other. In equal contests in semi-natural stream channels, both wild coho and farm Atlantic salmon grew significantly more in the presence of the other species than when alone. It appears that coho salmon obtain additional food ration by out competing Atlantic salmon, whereas Atlantic salmon were stimulated to feed more in the presence of coho salmon competitors. These results suggest that wild coho salmon and cutthroat trout should out compete farm Atlantic salmon of a similar size in nature. As the relative competitive ability of Atlantic salmon improves when they have a size and residence advantage, should feral populations become established, they may exist on a more equal competitive footing owing to the long freshwater residence of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Pathogen-driven balancing selection is thought to maintain polymorphism in major histocompatibility (MH) genes. However, there have been few empirical demonstrations of selection acting on MH loci in natural populations. To determine whether natural selection on MH genes has fitness consequences for wild Atlantic salmon in natural conditions, we compared observed genotype frequencies of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) surviving in a river six months after their introduction as eggs with frequencies expected from parental crosses. We found significant differences between expected and observed genotype frequencies at the MH class II alpha locus, but not at a MH class I-linked microsatellite or at seven non-MH-linked microsatellite loci. We therefore conclude that selection at the MH class II alpha locus was a result of disease-mediated natural selection, rather than any demographic event. We also show that survival was associated with additive allelic effects at the MH class II alpha locus. Our results have implications for both the conservation of wild salmon stocks and the management of disease in hatchery fish. We conclude that natural or hatchery populations have the best chance of dealing with episodic and variable disease challenges if MH genetic variation is preserved both within and among populations.  相似文献   

The strategy of releasing captive reared adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar into the Magaguadavic River, New Brunswick, Canada, to spawn, was not an effective tool for rebuilding a seriously depressed wild population. The fish were first generation progeny from wild parents, and had spent their entire lives in captivity in either sea or fresh water. No differences in movement or behaviour patterns were observed between freshwater and seawater reared groups. Fish released in the lower river early (35 to 80 days prior to the natural spawning period) moved into a lake low in the system, and most stayed there near the commercial hatchery where they had been reared from egg to smolt. During the spawning season, none moved to the upper river reaches where most spawning habitat exists. Most broodstock released in the upper river reaches near the time of spawning stayed there during the spawning period. The following year few to no Atlantic salmon fry were found, and most appeared not to be offspring of released adults.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using genetic stock identification to analyse seasonal changes in stock compositions of Atlantic salmon catches in the Baltic Sea was examined. The analysis employed seven variable allozyme loci from most of the potentially contributing stocks (16) from Finland and Sweden. Catch samples were collected from Finnish salmon fisheries in the eastern Bothnian Sea during the 1992 fishing season. Simulation studies were used to evaluate the feasibility of identifying Baltic salmon stocks with allozyme data. Special attention was paid to analysing the wild production of salmon stocks. Clear seasonal differences in stock composition were found. The estimates were compared with smolt production and Carlin-tag data. The proportions of the Neva and Oulujoki river stocks could be estimated as individual stocks, whereas the contributions of the remaining stocks were estimated as four composite stock groups. One of the groups consisted of wild stocks from the rivers Kalixälven and Simojoki. Identification of this group, which could be used as an index of wild production in the catches, requires catch sample sizes >300 salmon if <15% error is required.  相似文献   

Factors affecting sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) juveniles in fresh water were analysed under wild conditions in Little Codroy River (southwest Newfoundland). Large size after the first year of life and short winters favoured maturation of age 1 + male parr. Incidence of maturing 1+ males was greater where high densities of parr (>0.2 individuals m 2; fish >6cm fork length) were recorded in the second season of growth. These results were discussed according to current knowledge on early maturation in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

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