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Research in avian blood parasites has seen a remarkable increase since the introduction of polymerase chain reaction-based methods for parasite identification. New data are revealing complex multihost-multiparasite systems which are difficult to understand without good knowledge of the host range and geographical distribution of the parasite lineages. However, such information is currently difficult to obtain from the literature, or from general repositories such as GenBank, mainly because (i) different research groups use different parasite lineage names, (ii) GenBank entries frequently refer only to the first host and locality at which each parasite was sampled, and (iii) different researchers use different gene fragments to identify parasite lineages. We propose a unified database of avian blood parasites of the genera Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon identified by a partial region of their cytochrome b sequences. The database uses a standardized nomenclature to remove synonymy, and concentrates all available information about each parasite in a public reference site, thereby facilitating access to all researchers. Initial data include a list of host species and localities, as well as genetic markers that can be used for phylogenetical analyses. The database is free to download and will be regularly updated by the authors. Prior to publication of new lineages, we encourage researchers to assign names to match the existing database. We anticipate that the value of the database as a source for determining host range and geographical distribution of the parasites will grow with its size and substantially enhance the understanding of this remarkably diverse group of parasites.  相似文献   

Climate change will strongly impact aquatic ecosystems particularly in arid and semi‐arid regions. Fish–parasite interactions will also be affected by predicted altered flow and temperature regimes, and other environmental stressors. Hence, identifying environmental and genetic factors associated with maintaining diversity at immune genes is critical for understanding species’ adaptive capacity. Here, we combine genetic (MHC class IIβ and microsatellites), parasitological and ecological data to explore the relationship between these factors in the remnant wild Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) population, an endangered species found in the southwestern United States. Infections with multiple parasites on the gills were observed and there was spatio‐temporal variation in parasite communities and patterns of infection among individuals. Despite its highly endangered status and chronically low genetic effective size, Rio Grande silvery minnow had high allelic diversity at MHC class IIβ with more alleles recognized at the presumptive DAB1 locus compared to the DAB3 locus. We identified significant associations between specific parasites and MHC alleles against a backdrop of generalist parasite prevalence. We also found that individuals with higher individual neutral heterozygosity and higher amino acid divergence between MHC alleles had lower parasite abundance and diversity. Taken together, these results suggest a role for fluctuating selection imposed by spatio‐temporal variation in pathogen communities and divergent allele advantage in maintenance of high MHC polymorphism. Understanding the complex interaction of habitat, pathogens and immunity in protected species will require integrated experimental, genetic and field studies.  相似文献   

Parasites frequently share their host populations with other parasites. However, little is known about how different parasites respond to competition with diverse competitor species in the within‐host and between‐host environments. We explored the repeatability of competition by simultaneously exposing microcosm populations of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum to pairs of parasites from the Holospora species complex (H. undulata, H. caryophila and H. obtusa). We measured how competition affected the persistence and prevalence of each compared to single infections, across three host genotypes. Three weeks post‐inoculation we identified the presence of each parasite using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Competitive exclusion (62/72) was more common than co‐existence (10/72) in populations inoculated with two parasites. There was a clear pattern of competitive superiority, with H. caryophila persisting in all doubly inoculated populations (with either H. undulata or H. obtusa), and H. undulata tending to exclude H. obtusa. This mirrored infection success in single infections, with H. caryophila having a higher infection prevalence in single inoculations, followed by H. undulata then H. obtusa. The probability of persistence in co‐inoculations did not change across the different host genotypes, and prevalence was the same as in single infections. Our results are consistent with superinfection models, which assume the competitive exclusion of parasites upon contact within the same host. Furthermore, such non‐random competitive epidemiological dynamics, where one parasite always wins, may be of interest for public health management, especially if the winning parasite is avirulent, as is seemingly the case here.  相似文献   

In principle, the solution to stopping the spread of any vectorborne pathogen is a simple one – just stop infected vectors from biting new hosts and the pathogen cannot spread. Importantly, this does not necessarily require killing all vectors, or protecting all hosts. Transmission only occurs when an infected vector moves to a new host, and so knowing how vectors move between hosts in nature and how they choose hosts is crucial to understanding transmission. For example, the infection status of a potential vector or that of a potential host would have a huge influence on pathogen transmission if it affected vector movement or host choice. Remarkably little is known about how vectors move between and choose hosts in nature, in part because of the logistical difficulties of tracking vector movement. This is why the article by Levin and Parker ( 2014 ) in this issue of Molecular Ecology is so exciting.  相似文献   

Parasites present a threat for free‐living species and affect several ecological and evolutionary processes. Immune defence is the main physiological barrier against infections, and understanding its evolution is central for predicting disease dynamics. I review theoretical predictions and empirical data on natural selection on quantitative immune defence traits in the wild. Evolutionary theory predicts immune traits to be under stabilizing selection owing to trade‐offs between immune function and life‐history traits. Empirical data, however, support mainly positive directional selection, but also show variation in the form of selection among study systems, immune traits and fitness components. I argue that the differences between theory and empirical data may at least partly arise from methodological difficulties in testing stabilizing selection as well as measuring fitness. I also argue that the commonness of positive directional selection and the variation in selection may be caused by several biological factors. First, selection on immune function may show spatial and temporal variation as epidemics are often local/seasonal. Second, factors affecting the range of phenotypic variation in immune traits could alter potential for selection. Third, different parasites may impose different selective pressures depending on their characteristics. Fourth, condition dependence of immune defence can obscure trade‐offs related to it, thus possibly modifying observed selection gradients. Fifth, nonimmunological defences could affect the form of selection by reducing the benefits of strong immune function. To comprehensively understand the evolution of immune defence, the role of above factors should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

While the host immune system is often considered the most important physiological mechanism against parasites, precontact mechanisms determining exposure to parasites may also affect infection dynamics. For instance, chemical cues released by hosts can attract parasite transmission stages. We used the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis and its trematode parasite Echinoparyphium aconiatum to examine the role of host chemical attractiveness, physiological condition, and immune function in determining its susceptibility to infection. We assessed host attractiveness through parasite chemo‐orientation behavior; physiological condition through host body size, food consumption, and respiration rate; and immune function through two immune parameters (phenoloxidase‐like and antibacterial activity of hemolymph) at an individual level. We found that, although snails showed high variation in chemical attractiveness to E. aconiatum cercariae, this did not determine their overall susceptibility to infection. This was because large body size increased attractiveness, but also increased metabolic activity that reduced overall susceptibility. High metabolic rate indicates fast physiological processes, including immune activity. The examined immune traits, however, showed no association with susceptibility to infection. Our results indicate that postcontact mechanisms were more likely to determine snail susceptibility to infection than variation in attractiveness to parasites. These may include localized immune responses in the target tissue of the parasite. The lack of a relationship between food consumption and attractiveness to parasites contradicts earlier findings that show food deprivation reducing snail attractiveness. This suggests that, although variation in resource level over space and time can alter infection dynamics, variation in chemical attractiveness may not contribute to parasite‐induced fitness variation within populations when individuals experience similar environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Geographical isolation, habitat variation and trophic specialization have contributed to a large extent to the astonishing diversity of cichlid fishes in the Great East African lakes. Because parasite communities often vary across space and environments, parasites can accompany and potentially enhance cichlid species diversification. However, host dispersal may reduce opportunities for parasite‐driven evolution by homogenizing parasite communities and allele frequencies of immunity genes. To test for the relationships between parasite community variation, host dispersal and parasite‐induced host evolution, we studied two sympatric cichlid species with contrasting dispersal capacities along the shores of southern Lake Tanganyika. Whereas the philopatric Tropheus moorii evolved into several genetically differentiated colour morphs, Simochromis diagramma is phenotypically rather uniform across its distribution range and shows only weak population structure. Populations of both species were infected with divergent parasite communities and harbour differentiated variant pools of an important set of immune genes, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The overall extent of geographical variation of parasites and MHC genes was similar between host species. This indicates that immunogenetic divergence among populations of Lake Tanganyika cichlids can occur even in species that are strongly dispersing. However, because this also includes species that are phenotypically uniform, parasite‐induced evolution may not represent a key factor underlying species diversification in this system.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have become the target of choice for studies wishing to examine adaptively important genetic diversity in natural populations. Within Molecular Ecology alone, there have been 71 papers on aspects of MHC evolution over the past few years, with an increasing year on year trend. This focus on the MHC is partly driven by the hypothesized links between MHC gene dynamics and ecologically interesting and relevant traits, such as mate choice and host–parasite interactions. However, an ability to pin down the evolutionary causes and ecological consequences of MHC variation in natural populations has proven challenging and has been hampered by the very issue that is attractive about MHC genes – their high levels of diversity. Linking high levels of MHC diversity to ecological factors in inherently complex natural populations requires a level of experimental design and analytical rigour that is extremely difficult to achieve owing to a plethora of potentially confounding and interacting variables. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Smith et al. (2010) elegantly overcome the challenge of detecting complex interactions in complex systems by using an intricate analytical approach to demonstrate a role for MHC in the reproductive ability of a natural population of the European hare Lepus europaeus ( Fig. 1 ). Also in this issue, Oppelt et al. (2010) demonstrate a role for MHC variation in determining levels of hepatic coccidian infection in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus ( Fig. 2 ).
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The European hare (Lepus europaeus).  相似文献   

Genetic structure in host species is often used to predict disease spread. However, host and pathogen genetic variation may be incongruent. Understanding landscape factors that have either concordant or divergent influence on host and pathogen genetic structure is crucial for wildlife disease management. Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) was first observed in 1996 and has spread throughout almost the entire Tasmanian devil geographic range, causing dramatic population declines. Whereas DFTD is predominantly spread via biting among adults, devils typically disperse as juveniles, which experience low DFTD prevalence. Thus, we predicted little association between devil and tumour population structure and that environmental factors influencing gene flow differ between devils and tumours. We employed a comparative landscape genetics framework to test the influence of environmental factors on patterns of isolation by resistance (IBR) and isolation by environment (IBE) in devils and DFTD. Although we found evidence for broad‐scale costructuring between devils and tumours, we found no relationship between host and tumour individual genetic distances. Further, the factors driving the spatial distribution of genetic variation differed for each. Devils exhibited a strong IBR pattern driven by major roads, with no evidence of IBE. By contrast, tumours showed little evidence for IBR and a weak IBE pattern with respect to elevation in one of two tumour clusters we identify herein. Our results warrant caution when inferring pathogen spread using host population genetic structure and suggest that reliance on environmental barriers to host connectivity may be ineffective for managing the spread of wildlife diseases. Our findings demonstrate the utility of comparative landscape genetics for identifying differential factors driving host dispersal and pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is problematic to explain due to its costs, most notably the twofold cost of sex. Yet, sex has been suggested to be favourable in the presence of proliferating intragenomic parasites given that sexual recombination provides a mechanism to confine the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Kraaijeveld et al. compared recently the accumulation of transposons in sexually and asexually reproducing lines of the same species, the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina clavipes. They discovered that within asexually reproducing wasps, the number of gypsy‐like retrotransposons was increased fourfold, whereas other retrotransposons were not. Interestingly, gypsy‐like retrotransposons are closely related to retroviruses. Endogenous retroviruses are retroviruses that have integrated to the germ line cells and are inherited thereafter vertically. They can also replicate within the genome similarly to retrotransposons as well as form virus particles and infect previously uninfected cells. This highlights the possibility that endogenous retroviruses could play a role in the evolution of sexual reproduction. Here, we show with an individual‐based computational model that a virus epidemic within a previously parasite‐free asexual population may establish a new intragenomic parasite to the population. Moreover and in contrast to other transposons, the possibility of endogenous viruses to maintain a virus epidemic and simultaneously provide resistance to individuals carrying active endogenous viruses selects for the presence of active intragenomic parasites in the population despite their deleterious effects. Our results suggest that the viral nature of certain intragenomic parasites should be taken into account when sex and its benefits are being considered.  相似文献   

Host specificity has a major influence on a parasite's ability to shift between human and animal host species. Yet there is a dearth of quantitative approaches to explore variation in host specificity across biogeographical scales, particularly in response to the varying community compositions of potential hosts. We built a global dataset of intermediate host associations for nine of the world's most widespread helminth parasites (all of which infect humans). Using hierarchical models, we asked if realised parasite host specificity varied in response to regional variation in the phylogenetic and functional diversities of potential host species. Parasites were recorded in 4–10 zoogeographical regions, with some showing considerable geographical variation in observed versus expected host specificity. Parasites generally exhibited the lowest phylogenetic host specificity in regions with the greatest variation in prospective host phylogenetic diversity, namely the Neotropical, Saharo‐Arabian and Australian regions. Globally, we uncovered notable variation in parasite host shifting potential. Observed host assemblages for Hydatigera taeniaeformis and Hymenolepis diminuta were less phylogenetically diverse than expected, suggesting limited potential to spillover into unrelated hosts. Host assemblages for Echinococcus granulosus, Mesocestoides lineatus and Trichinella spiralis were less functionally diverse than expected, suggesting limited potential to shift across host ecological niches. By contrast, Hyd. taeniaeformis infected a higher functional diversity of hosts than expected, indicating strong potential to shift across hosts with different ecological niches. We show that the realised phylogenetic and functional diversities of infected hosts are determined by biogeographical gradients in prospective host species pools. These findings emphasise the need to account for underlying species diversity when assessing parasite host specificity. Our framework to identify variation in realised host specificity is broadly applicable to other host–parasite systems and will provide key insights into parasite invasion potential at regional and global scales.  相似文献   

By infecting multiple host species and acting as a food resource, parasites can affect food web topography and contribute to ecosystem energy transfer. Owing to the remarkable secondary production of some taxa, parasite biomass – although cryptic – can be comparable to other invertebrate and vertebrate groups. More resolved estimates of parasite biomass are therefore needed to understand parasite interactions, their consequences for host fitness, and potential influences on ecosystem energetics. We developed an approach to quantify the masses of helminth parasites and compared our results with those of biovolume‐based approaches. Specifically, we massed larval and adult parasites representing 13 species and five life stages of trematodes and cestodes from snail and amphibian hosts. We used a replicated regression approach to quantify dry mass and compared these values with indirect biovolume estimates to test the validity of density assumptions. Our technique provided precise estimates (R2 from 0.69 to 0.98) of biomass across a wide range of parasite morphotypes and sizes. Individual parasites ranged in mass from 0.368 ± 0.041 to 320 ± 98.1 μg. Among trematodes, adult parasites tended to be the largest followed by rediae, with nonclonal larval stages (metacercariae and cercariae) as the smallest. Among similar morphotypes, direct estimates of dry mass and the traditional biovolume technique provided generally comparable estimates (although important exceptions also emerged). Finally, we present generalized length‐mass regression equations to calculate trematode mass from length measurements, and discuss the most efficient use of limited numbers of parasites. By providing a novel method of directly estimating parasite biomass while also helping to validate more traditional methods involving length‐mass conversion, our findings aim to facilitate future investigations into the ecological significance of parasites, particularly with respect to ecosystem energetics. In addition, this novel technique can be applied to a wide range of difficult‐to‐mass organisms.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation appears to contribute to the diversification of insect herbivores and other parasites, which together comprise a major component of Earth's biodiversity. Host shifts are likely an important step in ecological speciation, and understanding how such shifts occur is critical to forming and testing hypotheses explaining parasite diversity. In this article, I argue that phenotypic variation in hosts arising from environmental variation (phenotypic plasticity) can promote shifts in parasites by bridging both spatiotemporal and phenotypic gaps between ancestral and novel hosts. This hypothesis, which I call the ‘plastic‐bridge hypothesis’, is conceptually distinct from those invoking genetic variation in bridging these gaps. I describe the mechanistic basis of plastic bridges, review circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis and suggest strategies for testing it. I use herbivorous insects and their host plants as a model, but the proposed ideas apply to any system fitting a broad definition of a host‐parasite relationship. The plastic‐bridge perspective suggests that parasite diversity is not only due to divergent selection provided by hosts, but also to the intraspecific variation that facilitates shifts between them. This view is timely, as biological invasion and range shifts associated with climate change foster novel interactions between parasites and hosts.  相似文献   

The transfer of immunity from mother to offspring is a central way to endow the offspring with increased protection against pathogens. This phenomenon is not only found within the vertebrate domain: in some circumstances, invertebrate mothers can also give their offspring an immune kick‐start, which is termed trans‐generational immune priming (TGIP). TGIP has been uncovered for a number of invertebrate species, but it is not ubiquitously evident. The reasons for which are not known. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Tate, Andolfatto, Demuth, and Graham ( 2017 ) probe the molecular underpinnings of TGIP in concert with the temporal dynamics of the response in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, infected with the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Figure  1 ). They provide previously lacking evidence for the repeatability of TGIP, meaning that when averaged across several experiments, the offspring of mothers infected with heat‐killed bacteria had better survival when they themselves were infected with live bacteria than offspring from mothers that had not encountered the bacterium. In a detailed temporal examination of the offspring's acute infection phase (zero to 24 hr after infection), Tate et al. ( 2017 ) follow T. castaneum's gene regulation responses to infection while simultaneously documenting bacterial load. Such an approach gives considerable insight into the physiological processes that occur in primed offspring, and a first glance at a potential role for tolerance and effects on host metabolism that might even resemble trained immunity, which is a form of innate immune memory in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Host movements, including migrations or range expansions, are known to influence parasite communities. Transitions to captivity—a rarely studied yet widespread human‐driven host movement—can also change parasite communities, in some cases leading to pathogen spillover among wildlife species, or between wildlife and human hosts. We compared parasite species richness between wild and captive populations of 22 primate species, including macro‐ (helminths and arthropods) and micro‐parasites (viruses, protozoa, bacteria, and fungi). We predicted that captive primates would have only a subset of their native parasite community, and would possess fewer parasites with complex life cycles requiring intermediate hosts or vectors. We further predicted that captive primates would have parasites transmitted by close contact and environmentally—including those shared with humans and other animals, such as commensals and pests. We found that the composition of primate parasite communities shifted in captive populations, especially because of turnover (parasites detected in captivity but not reported in the wild), but with some evidence of nestedness (holdovers from the wild). Because of the high degree of turnover, we found no significant difference in overall parasite richness between captive and wild primates. Vector‐borne parasites were less likely to be found in captivity, whereas parasites transmitted through either close or non‐close contact, including through fecal‐oral transmission, were more likely to be newly detected in captivity. These findings identify parasites that require monitoring in captivity and raise concerns about the introduction of novel parasites to potentially susceptible wildlife populations during reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

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