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Many parasites evolve to become virulent rather than benign mutualists. One of the major theoretical models of parasite virulence postulates that this is because rapid within-host replication rates are necessary for successful transmission (parasite fitness) and that virulence (damage to the host) is an unavoidable consequence of this rapid replication. Two fundamental assumptions underlying this so-called evolutionary trade-off model have rarely been tested empirically: (1) that higher replication rates lead to higher levels of virulence; and (2) that higher replication rates lead to higher transmission. Both of these relationships must have a genetic basis for this evolutionary hypothesis to be relevant. These assumptions were tested in the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi, by examining genetic relationships between virulence and transmission traits across a population of eight parasite clones isolated from the wild. Each clone was injected into groups of inbred mice in a controlled laboratory environment, and replication rate (measured by maximum asexual parasitemia), virulence (measured by live-weight loss and degree of anemia in the mouse), and transmission (measured by density of sexual forms, gametocytes, in the blood and proportion of mosquitoes infected after taking a blood-meal from the mouse) were assessed. It was found that clones differed widely in these traits and these clone differences were repeatable over successive blood passages. Virulence traits were strongly phenotypically and genetically (i.e., across clones) correlated to maximum parasitemia thus supporting the first assumption that rapid replication causes higher virulence. Transmission traits were also positively phenotypically and genetically correlated to parasitemia, which supports the second assumption that rapid replication leads to higher transmission. Thus, two assumptions of the parasite-centered trade-off model of the evolution of virulence were shown to be justified in malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Most evolutionary models treat virulence as an unavoidable consequence of microparasite replication and have predicted that in mixed-genotype infections, natural selection should favor higher levels of virulence than is optimal in genetically uniform infections. Increased virulence may evolve as a genetically fixed strategy, appropriate for the frequency of mixed infections in the population, or may occur as a conditional response to mixed infection, that is, a facultative strategy. Here we test whether facultative alterations in replication rates in the presence of competing genotypes occur and generate greater virulence. An important alternative, not currently incorporated in models of the evolution of virulence, is that host responses mounted against genetically diverse parasites may be more costly or less effective than those against genetically uniform parasites. If so, mixed clone infections will be more virulent for a given parasite replication rate. Two groups of mice were infected with one of two clones of Plasmodium chabaudi parasites, and three groups of mice were infected with 1:9, 5:5, or 9:1 mixtures of the same two clones. Virulence was assessed by monitoring mouse body weight and red blood cell density. Transmission stage densities were significantly higher in mixed- than in single-clone infections. Within treatment groups, transmission stage production increased with the virulence of the infection, a phenotypic correlation consistent with the genetic correlation assumed by much of the theoretical work on the evolution of virulence. Consistent with theoretical predictions of facultative alterations in virulence, we found that mice infected with both parasite clones lost more weight and had on average lower blood counts than those infected with single-clone infections. However, there was no consistent evidence of the mechanism invoked by evolutionary models that predict this effect. Replication rates and parasite densities were not always higher in ???mixed-clone infections, and for a given replication rate or parasite density, mixed-clone infections were still more virulent. Instead, prolonged anemia and increased transmission may have occured because genetically diverse infections are less rapidly cleared by hosts. Differences in maximum weight loss occured even when there were comparable parasite densities in mixed- and single-clone infections. We suggest that mounting an immune response against more that one parasite genotype is more costly for hosts, which therefore suffer higher virulence.  相似文献   

Parasites that are molecular mimics express proteins which resemble host proteins. This resemblance facilitates immune evasion because the immune molecules with the specificity to react with the parasite also cross‐react with the host's own proteins, and these lymphocytes are rare. Given this advantage, why are not most parasites molecular mimics? Here we explore potential factors that can select against molecular mimicry in parasites and thereby limit its occurrence. We consider two hypotheses: (1) molecular mimics are more likely to induce autoimmunity in their hosts, and hosts with autoimmunity generate fewer new infections (the “costly autoimmunity hypothesis”); and (2) molecular mimicry compromises protein functioning, lowering the within‐host replication rate and leading to fewer new infections (the “mimicry trade‐off hypothesis”). Our analysis shows that although both hypotheses may select against molecular mimicry in parasites, unique hallmarks of protein expression identify whether selection is due to the costly autoimmunity hypothesis or the mimicry trade‐off hypothesis. We show that understanding the relevant selective forces is necessary to predict how different medical interventions will affect the proportion of hosts that experience the different infection types, and that if parasite evolution is ignored, interventions aimed at reducing infection‐induced autoimmunity may ultimately fail.  相似文献   

The transmission–virulence trade‐off hypothesis is one of the few adaptive explanations of virulence evolution, and assumes that there is an overall positive correlation between parasite transmission and virulence. The shape of the transmission–virulence relationship predicts whether virulence should evolve toward either a maximum or to an intermediate optimum. A positive correlation between each of these traits and within‐host growth is often suggested to underlie the relationship between virulence and transmission. There are few experimental tests of this hypothesis; this study reports on the first empirical test on a plant pathogen. We infected Brassica rapa plants with nine natural isolates of Cauliflower mosaic virus and then estimated three traits: transmission, virulence, and within‐host viral accumulation. As predicted by the trade‐off hypothesis, we observed a positive correlation between transmission and virulence, suggestive of the existence of an intermediate optimum. We discovered the unexpected existence of two groups of within‐host accumulation, differing by at least an order of magnitude. When accumulation groups were not accounted for, within‐host accumulation was correlated neither to virulence nor transmission, although our results suggest that within each group these correlations exist.  相似文献   

Malaria infections normally consist of more than one clonally replicating lineage. Within-host interactions between sensitive and resistant parasites can have profound effects on the evolution of drug resistance. Here, using the Plasmodium chabaudi mouse malaria model, we ask whether the costs and benefits of resistance are affected by the number of co-infecting strains competing with a resistant clone. We found strong competitive suppression of resistant parasites in untreated infections and marked competitive release following treatment. The magnitude of competitive suppression depended on competitor identity. However, there was no overall effect of the diversity of susceptible parasites on the extent of competitive suppression or release. If these findings generalize, then transmission intensity will impact on resistance evolution because of its effect on the frequency of mixed infections, not because of its effect on the distribution of clones per host. This would greatly simplify the computational problems of adequately capturing within-host ecology in models of drug resistance evolution in malaria.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding is a system in which certain individuals facilitate the production of offspring by others. The ecological constraints hypothesis states that ecological conditions deter individuals from breeding independently, and so individuals breed cooperatively to make the best of a bad situation. Current theoretical support for the ecological constraints hypothesis is lacking. We formulate a mathematical model that emphasizes the underlying ecology of cooperative breeders. Our goal is to derive theoretical support for the ecological constraints hypothesis using an ecological model of population dynamics. We consider a population composed of two kinds of individuals, nonbreeders (auxiliaries) and breeders. We suppose that help provided by an auxiliary increases breeder fecundity, but reduces the probability with which the auxiliary becomes a breeder. Our main result is a condition that guarantees success of auxiliary help. We predict that increasing the cost of dispersal promotes helping, in agreement with verbal theory. We also predict that increasing breeder mortality can either hinder helping (at high population densities), or promote it (at low population densities). We conclude that ecological constraints can exert influence over the evolution of auxiliary help when population dynamics are considered; moreover, that influence need not coincide with direct fitness benefits as previously found.  相似文献   

1986年—1988年对昆明按蚊(Anopheles kunmingensis Dong et Wang.)在云南的地理分布、生态习性、传疟作用等进行了研究。从地理分布、种群数量、嗜血习性、栖息习性、季节消长、自然感染率以及防治试验证实,昆明按蚊是云南省北纬24°以北,海拔1600米以上地区的重要传疟媒介。用常规的化学杀虫剂滞留喷洒,可有效地控制该蚊的密度及有关疟疾流行病学指数。  相似文献   

Four allopatric populations of the widely distributed western anise swallowtail butterfly, Papilio zelicaon, use different plant genera as hosts, but simultaneous choice experiments showed that these populations have diverged only slightly in oviposition preference. Of the four populations—two from southeastern Washington State, one from coastal southwestern Washington State, and one from central California—three use hosts that are not available to any of the others. Although variation for the degree of preference for particular plant species occurred within and among populations, all four populations ranked hosts in the same overall order. Monophagy on a local, low-ranking host outside the range of high-ranking hosts did not necessarily lead to the loss of preference for those high-ranking hosts, thereby indicating that the high-ranking hosts would still be accepted, and in some cases even preferred, if a population encountered them again. Hence, the overall preference hierarchy among P. zelicaon populations appears to be evolutionarily conservative. Analyses of differences among families within the California population indicated that increased preference for some hosts is inversely correlated, whereas preference for other hosts may be uncorrelated. Positive correlations may also occur but were not observed among the plant species tested. Overall, the results indicate local monophagy on different plant species in P. zelicaon has not involved major reorganizations in the preference hierarchy of ovipositing females, even in populations that may have fed on a low-ranking host for many generations. Instead, small increases in preference for local hosts have occurred within an evolutionarily conservative preference hierarchy.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in the fitness effects of individual mutations has been found across different environmental and genetic contexts. Going beyond effects on individual mutations, how is the distribution of selective effects, f(s), altered by changes in genetic and environmental context? In this study, we examined changes in the major features of f(s) by estimating viability selection on 36 individual mutations in Drosophila melanogaster across two different environments in two different genetic backgrounds that were either adapted or nonadapted to the two test environments. Both environment and genetic background affected selection on individual mutations. However, the overall distribution f(s) appeared robust to changes in genetic background but both the mean, E(s), and the variance, V(s) were dependent on the environment. Between these two properties, V(s) was more sensitive to environmental change. Contrary to predictions of fitness landscape theory, the match between genetic background and assay environment (i.e., adaptedness) had little effect on f(s).  相似文献   

Theory predicts that positive heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) arise as a consequence of inbreeding, which is often assumed to have a strong impact in small, fragmented populations. Yet according to empirical data, HFC in such populations seem highly variable and unpredictable. We here discuss two overlooked phenomena that may contribute to this variation. First, in a small population, each generation may consist of a few families. This generates random correlations between particular alleles and fitness (AFCs, allele‐fitness correlations) and results in too liberal tests for HFC. Second, in some contexts, small populations receiving immigrants may be more impacted by outbreeding depression than by inbreeding depression, resulting in negative rather than positive HFC. We investigated these processes through a case study in tadpole cohorts of Pelodytes punctatus living in small ponds. We provide evidence for a strong family structure and significant AFC in this system, as well as an example of negative HFC. By simulations, we show that this negative HFC cannot be a spurious effect of family structure, and therefore reflects outbreeding depression in the studied population. Our example suggests that a detailed examination of AFC and HFC patterns can provide valuable insights into the internal genetic structure and sources of fitness variation in small populations.  相似文献   

The variance in fitness across population members can influence major evolutionary processes. In socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous species, extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is widely hypothesized to increase the variance in male fitness compared to that arising given the socially monogamous mating system. This hypothesis has not been definitively tested because comprehensive data describing males’ apparent (social) and realized (genetic) fitness have been lacking. We used 16 years of comprehensive social and genetic paternity data for an entire free‐living song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population to quantify and compare variances in male apparent and realized fitness, and to quantify the contribution of the variances in within‐pair reproductive success (WPRS) and extra‐pair reproductive success (EPRS) and their covariance to the variance in realized fitness. Overall, EPP increased the variance in male fitness by only 0–27% across different fitness and variance measures. This relatively small effect reflected the presence of socially unpaired males with zero apparent and low realized fitness, small covariance between WPRS and EPRS, and large variance in WPRS that was relatively unaffected by EPP. Therefore, although EPP altered individual males’ contributions to future generations, its impact on population‐level parameters such as the opportunity for selection and effective population size was limited.  相似文献   

The assumption of hybrid inferiority is central to the two models most widely applied to the prediction of hybrid zone evolution. Both the tension zone and mosaic models assume that natural selection acts against hybrids regardless of the environment in which they occur. To test this assumption, we investigated components of fitness in Iris fulva, I. hexagona and their reciprocal F1 hybrids under greenhouse conditions. The four cross types were compared on the basis of seed germination, vegetative and clonal growth, and sexual reproduction. In all cases, the hybrids performed as well as, or significantly better than, both of their parents. These results suggest that F1 hybrids between I. fulva and I. hexagona are at least as fit as their parents. The results of this study are therefore inconsistent with the assumptions of both the tension zone and mosaic models of hybrid zone evolution.  相似文献   

Fluctuating and disruptive selection are important mechanisms for maintaining intrapopulation trait variation. Nonetheless, few field studies quantify selection pressures over long periods and identify what causes them to fluctuate. Diet specialists in oystercatchers differ in short‐term payoffs (intake), but their long‐term payoffs are hypothesized to be condition dependent. We test whether phenotypic selection on diet specialization fluctuates between years due to the frequency of specialists, competitor density, prey abundance, and environmental conditions. Short‐term payoffs proved to be poor predictors of long‐term fitness payoffs of specialization. Sex‐differences in diet specialization were maintained by opposing directional fecundity and viability selection between the sexes. Contrasting other studies, selection on individual diet specialization was neither negative frequency‐ or density‐dependent nor dependent on prey abundance. Notwithstanding, viability selection fluctuated strongly (stabilizing?disruptive) over the 26‐year study period: slightly favoring generalists in most years, but strongly disfavoring generalists in rare harsh winters, suggesting generalists cannot cope with extreme conditions. Although selection fluctuated, mean selection on specialists was weak, which can explain how individual specialization can persist over long periods. Because rare events can dramatically affect long‐term selective landscapes, more care should be taken to match the timescale of evolutionary studies to the temporal variability of critical environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Despite the potential for rapid evolution, stasis is commonly observed over geological timescales—the so‐called “paradox of stasis.” This paradox would be resolved if stabilizing selection were common, but stabilizing selection is infrequently detected in natural populations. We hypothesize a simple solution to this apparent disconnect: stabilizing selection is hard to detect empirically once populations have adapted to a fitness peak. To test this hypothesis, we developed an individual‐based model of a population evolving under an invariant stabilizing fitness function. Stabilizing selection on the population was infrequently detected in an “empirical” sampling protocol, because (1) trait variation was low relative to the fitness peak breadth; (2) nonselective deaths masked selection; (3) populations wandered around the fitness peak; and (4) sample sizes were typically too small. Moreover, the addition of negative frequency‐dependent selection further hindered detection by flattening or even dimpling the fitness peak, a phenomenon we term “squashed stabilizing selection.” Our model demonstrates that stabilizing selection provides a plausible resolution to the paradox of stasis despite its infrequent detection in nature. The key reason is that selection “erases its traces”: once populations have adapted to a fitness peak, they are no longer expected to exhibit detectable stabilizing selection.  相似文献   

Modernization has increased longevity and decreased fertility in many human populations, but it is not well understood how or to what extent these demographic transitions have altered patterns of natural selection. I integrate individual‐based multivariate phenotypic selection approaches with evolutionary demographic methods to demonstrate how a demographic transition in 19th century female populations of Utah altered relationships between fitness and age‐specific survival and fertility. Coincident with this demographic transition, natural selection for fitness, as measured by the opportunity for selection, increased by 13% to 20% over 65 years. Proportional contributions of age‐specific survival to total selection (the complement to age‐specific fertility) diminished from approximately one third to one seventh following a marked increase in infant survival. Despite dramatic reductions in age‐specific fertility variance at all ages, the absolute magnitude of selection for fitness explained by age‐specific fertility increased by approximately 45%. I show that increases in the adaptive potential of fertility traits followed directly from decreased population growth rates. These results suggest that this demographic transition has increased the adaptive potential of the Utah population, intensified selection for reproductive traits, and de‐emphasized selection for survival‐related traits.  相似文献   

The role of mutations in evolution depends upon the distribution of their effects on fitness. This distribution is likely to depend on the environment. Indeed genotype‐by‐environment interactions are key for the process of local adaptation and ecological specialization. An important trait in bacterial evolution is antibiotic resistance, which presents a clear case of change in the direction of selection between environments with and without antibiotics. Here, we study the distribution of fitness effects of mutations, conferring antibiotic resistance to Escherichia coli, in benign and stressful environments without drugs. We interpret the distributions in the light of a fitness landscape model that assumes a single fitness peak. We find that mutation effects (s) are well described by a shifted gamma distribution, with a shift parameter that reflects the distance to the fitness peak and varies across environments. Consistent with the theoretical predictions of Fisher's geometrical model, with a Gaussian relationship between phenotype and fitness, we find that the main effect of stress is to increase the variance in s. Our findings are in agreement with the results of a recent meta‐analysis, which suggest that a simple fitness landscape model may capture the variation of mutation effects across species and environments.  相似文献   

大豆蚜在寄主与非寄主植物上的口针刺吸行为   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
韩心丽  严福顺 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):278-283
用EPG记录法记录了大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsunra在寄主和非寄主植物上的口针刺吸行为。结果表明,大豆蚜在寄主大豆植物的韧皮部取食时间长,而在非寄主棉花、黄瓜和丝瓜植物韧皮部取食时间甚短或根本未取食;非寄主植物内部对大豆蚜的侵害存在抗性,影响取食的因素和其所在部位因非寄主植物种类的不同而不同。  相似文献   

Despite considerable research effort, it remains unclear whether extra‐pair fertilizations (EPF) drive the evolution of male secondary ornamentation in socially monogamous systems. In this study, we test the hypothesis that EPF contribute to the evolution or maintenance of male feather ornamentation in a sexually dichromatic passerine, the Scarlet Rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus. We show that the colouration of ornamental breast feathers is a good predictor of basic sources of variation in male annual reproductive output in rosefinches and that the annual realized reproductive success of males is positively associated with measures of ornamental colouration only when gains and losses because of EPF are considered. The results indicate that EPF in rosefinches may rely on absolute (good genes) rather than self referential (genetic complementarity) criteria of mate choice. Our study corroborates the potentially important role of EPF in the evolution and/or maintenance of elaborate male ornaments in socially monogamous taxa.  相似文献   

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